Showing Posts For mercury ranique.2170:

Mesmer: Need help finding an alt

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I’m no mesmer either, but first off all some general advice. Do not pick antoher caster as you main alt. You want a different feel imo and going to a medium or heavy armor class makes a good difference in your game play experience. My advice would be to pick up a medium armor profession.

Engineer is closest imo to a caster specially when you use a bomb kit or a flamethrower.
Thief is closest to the mesmer, using techniques like stealth and shadow attacks to decieve your enemy’s.
Ranger is a very strong class that I will try out later. The fun part imo is the animal companion. If you like pokemon, your going to like the ranger when you are hunting animal companions (gotta catch ’m all!!)

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Which class should I choose?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

First of all to add on Curuniel’s post. A mistake I made at start was that I thought that dagger/dagger means that you would be a melee range caster. all caster class weapons are ranged ones. Elementalist are traditionally the nukers. Keep in mind however that the holy trinity in this game doesn’t exist (there are no longer things like tanks, healers, midline, backline, etc).
You might also want to consider the engineer. Although it is nog tyipically a caster, it is a ranged profession with medium armor (instead of light with the true casters). You use a riffle, two pistols or a pistol and a shield as your main weapon. Besides that you can put up turrets (stationary machines that shoots or heals or stuns), wich are also used for dividing agro (mobs can and will pick on those instead of you). Last of all you can use powerfull kits like a flamethrower or a bombkit wich feels to me as real nuker. I played a caster all my life, but wanted to give the engineer a try and I’m now hooked. In the end, does it matter if your shooting firebolts from your wand or from your big gun??

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Forum subscription option?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I just clicked it in google chrome (not in a topic but in the Players helping players section and got a message from Chrome that I had no service installed and a few rec ommended plug-ins that could handle RSS. So it looks like its working as a RSS-feed.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Metrica Province problems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I do know what you mean and why you are saying it. On the other hand the area is the Asura! starter area. So in my opinion the amount of logic needed when going for 100% is in line with the lore.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Cant find the last POI.. Any ideas?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

If you never played GW1 the PoI in the Eye of North map might be easy to miss. To get there go to the karma merchant in Lion’s Arch in the undermarket to get a portal stone (it’s free) and travel there. In the second room called the scrying pool is a poI.

For those who have played GW1, never mind, hope you find that last point soon

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Just can't get into the game...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Hmmm, Like Fildy said you might want to tell us more what aspect you find boring and what you have been doing. I have never played Thief, but someone described it as ’ smash your head on your keyboard and win’. Though I think that’s a kinda cheesy description I understand that it is rather easy to play. I have played Ele myself and found it interesting but also a bit boring due to the damage/output compared to the survivability. My engineer does almost the same amount of damage, but is more durable..

So please gives us more info and I promise you we do our best to tell you if you better uninstall or how to improve your gaming experience

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Gaining Karma

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Keep doing dynamic events……..

Besides doing hearts (wich can not be repeated) doing dynamic events is a good and repeatable way to gain karma. It might be hard to find active DE’s so it might be a good idea to read several zone pages on the gw2wiki bout how to start certain DE’s like caravan’s. There is afaik no solid karma farming method that can be used one on one. DE is imo the best option, but as the name is saying, they are dynamic…

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Combat related question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I have never recognised this behaviour when I was doing things solo. I have seen this a lot when other people where around and the foe was attacking another player. Maybe they are going after your pet?

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Metrica Province problems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The skill point at the plant is not in the plant but north of it, in a small pool of water.
The skill point in Loch Jezt is stuck sometimes, but I think that issue was adressed in the last update, most off the time when one is bugged, you might want to try at peak time in overflow or wait till the zone is resetted by a game update.

For the Vista, I think it is at a location of the map you haven’t been visitied yet. You might want to look at this map: And specially the vista in Wildflame Caverns (bottom left corner near the starting point in the area). The caverns are a dead end with only the Vista in it and easily to be missed.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Disable auto-attack?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I think the behaviour described by Fildydarie is the same as the sutck direction key. For example you turn left, release left key and you keep turning circles. The only solution is to press the left button again and you stop. This is as far as I know a bug. The thing happening to you is that the ‘1’ key is stuck so the game didn’t see you stopped pressing it. Beside weapon swapping, it should be enough to press 1 again to stop this. Off course feel free to file a bug report cause imo it is a bug that should be fixed one day.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The frequency isn’t nerfed, but the events have different start-up triggers.
As an example I take the Hylek Patli DE chain. After the event ends and a certain amount has passed a mysterious chest appears south off her village. This set in motion the first DE, wich is followed with the second DE and then the third. When I just started doing things I was clicking things like the chest all the time. Now when I pass that location and see it’s up I leave it alone cause I’m not in the mood.

So that is one reason why you experience less DE, many off them needs to be started by a player and people do it less. The second reason might be that some events only trigger when there are enough players in the zone. I have not seen signs of that (have been playing on a EU server at 4 am in the morning and having as many events as at peak time, I think even the opposite, cause it is harder to do certain group events, they are longer around then at daytime.

The last reason is luck. Many off my guildmembers where telling me bout the Behemoth creature in Queensdale. But it took me 50 times of zoning there to have a message different then `The swamp lies dorment’

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Best class for support

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

To add on to what Echo is saying, The engineer offers some very nice support as well in the form of direct heals (dropping bandages to be picked up by others or yourself), healing turret that gives anyone near it a healing boost and the supply crate with the healing turret and several bandages dropping at once. Besides that there are things as the net’s to provide enemy freezes and several elixer tossings that provide a boost.

mesmer can offer also some nice support, though I never played one, the wall/dome thing they can put up but also the clones are a great way of defending and dividing the agro (even in PvP real players are complaining they can’t see the difference between a clone and a real mesmer).

The bottom line is that in GW2 there is no dedicated support class and although all classes can do some nice support the trick is to learn to change your role depending on how the fight is going. Besides dungeons, team composition isn’t important as well cause you often find yourself playing with other people and even in dungeons the composition of the team is less important in my opinion then the abbility to switch your role and adept to the situation.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!


in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

She is been handled equally in the architecture of Divinity’s reach. She also has a (racial) skill The fact that I agree with you the skill itself doesn’t challenge me to equip it in battle doesn’t say too much bout the quality of her worshipping. Please don’t mix mechanics with lore. And she did got more, there is also a plaza with her name.

From a lore point of view we are forgotten. our deeds are 250 years in the past. Some people think we should be remembered as the heroes of the past, and some npc’s in the ruins of the HoM does see us that way. But in the end the true heroes remain nameless where the wannabe tanking nitwit with the mustache (we all cheered when he was killed by an avalanche right?) has a full quarter named after him in divinity’s reach (for the non gw1 players; Rurik was a npc in gw1 that got not much love from the community but the area in divinity’s reach called Rurikton is named after him).

So if you compare the role of Rurik and Kormir in GW2 she is treated as a god and Rurik as a famous nitwit from the past.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

(edited by mercury ranique.2170)

Grenth is the son of Dwayna and Malchor?

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

@Konig, thanx for clearing up the source. I thought I heard somewhere it was mentioned in Orr, but I’m so engaged in sinking into all details I can find , I don’t have the time to level up to get there.

Like I said the text we where both refering too was most likely written by an intern (and if he/she was not I say sorry but imo you wrote lore that is below the normal standard I am used to with Arenanet’ s lore). Given the nature of this subforum I wanted to give an explaination how a lore text like this could exist in the universe of Tyria.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Evennia - GW1 related question

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Basicly unknown.
The things you are mentioning are from GW beyond (WiK, HotN, WoC). This was supposed to have some extra sequals. One of them is the founding of ebonhawk. The other is rise to power of Palawa Joko. Some people are hoping that these will visiulise in GW1 in future updates but personally, I doubt that. ‘The Founding’ in Ebonhawk has no mention of her and that is basicly telling the story bout one of the two ‘missing’ story’s in GW beyond.

My guess is that, they have hinted, like you said at some stage. but due to the limitation of time (and the need to get gw2 out soon) they have written her out of the story. My guess is that some stone elementals in old ascalon got the best of her cause she was lagging too much…….

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Who did you like more? Characters from the first games compared to GW2

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I might have stated this before, but the OP is refering to character development we know from GW1 after! 3 campaigns and an expansion and several extra contant known as gw beyond. GW2 has some intriging characters and unsolved plots that are promising for the future. See this as star wars episode 4 (the first movie). Though there are some possible intriges visiable, we don’t know bout the relation between Luke and Leia yet. And we see the tention between Luke and Han when they are around Leia but we don’t have a clue how it is going to develop. I feel there is a lot to be told in the future. Does Arenanet dare to continue to explain the homosexual relation of Caithe and her former lover? What is the origin of the tension between Rytlock and Eir? I think this game has a lot of ‘intriges’ and a lot of material to fill the Tryian’s sunday tabloids but like a good soap opera the real story needs time to develop….

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Grenth is the son of Dwayna and Malchor?

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The scrolls revealing the info never said that the human sculpturer was Malchor. on the other hand imo it is very likely it was him. The moment of his death and the sequence in wich he made the scultptures are unknown. So it is possible and imo even logically he made the sculpture of Dwayna and the other gods, and then got intimate with Dwayna (or however Gods make kids) and then made a sculpture of his own sun, who was elevated to godhood after he kicked Dhuum’s butt.

The problem with the origin of this info is is that it is not really in line with more commonly accepted lore. The same text is also saying that after the gods came to tyria, Malchor made statues of them, the list is however bout Grenth and kormir (besides the other 4). I says nothing bout Abadon and Dhuum. My guess is that this is not the original text, but a text made for future generations, following the main line of the original story, but keeping defeated gods like Dhuum and Abadon out of the historybooks AND elevating Grenth and Kormir to the same divine origin as the other Gods. Any comparisson with real life religion is dangerous. But a rather famous book said that the bible wasn’t sent to us by facsimile out of heaven but is a product of humans telling very good teaching bout Jesus.

In a non rp way I think it is important to understand that these scrolls are written by arenanet employees (very likely an intern, cause imo it is too sloppy to have made it into the game). If you want to follow a role playing explaination to this, then the scrolls are made to steer the human religion of the 6 gods to a certain direction that is more accepted by the population of Tyria. (stating that all gods are equal in origin)

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

The fate of our hero(s).

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

To me personally I have seen some of the sequal games who uses the ‘unknown hero’ thing when talking bout the player in an earlier game. Oblivion uses that a lot and it just don’t work for me. You get story’s like ‘the great Prine Rurik of Ascalon traveled over the shiverpeaks with an unnamed hero. While the good prince failed miserable, the person we don’t know the name of was the big hero and succeeded. In my opinion it is too much a made up story. The heroes of old are honoured in the Hall of Monuments by Kimme and there are several minor references to it for example Norgu’s book of Nightfall. You can’t open it or read it but you know that it is bout you.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Where did Shadowstepping come from?

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Beside the argument that Canthan refugee lives in Kryta (a full district in Divinity’s reach is, or was Catnhan, but the great collapse destroyed most of that part of the city). I would like to state that the mastery of shadowstepping skills wasn’t excluded to Cantha nor to only asassins. Besides that, the fact that the only asassin school was in Cantha, doesn’t mean that ascalonians could be asassins. First there is Anton who is an Asassin in service of the Ebon Vanguard. Second there where several skills in the far shiverpeaks that utilize shadowstepping. Last off all, The Ebon Vanguard has developped a special skill for there own kin (or allies that have been a great help) called Ebon escape. This skill as well utilize shadowstepping.

So being cut off from the Canthan continent and from the master skill-masters, the cut off Asassins have realised that they had to develop the profession in a separate part. Beside that, where the art of asassination of people was a highly rated art in Cantha, in Tyria it was more seen as a crime and just murder. So they developped to master the art of thievery. Some of them using those skills for criminal purpose, but others for e.g. intelligence gathering and espionage.

Even though shadowstepping was developped originally in Cantha, it is known that way before the cut off it was also known to migrate to Elona and Tyria. After the cut off, it is known that it has been utilised in the development of what we now know as the school of thievery.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Waypoints: How do they work in lore?

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

As being said, its primairly function is to be a game mechanics. In this case, any existing lore is made to back up the mechanic (I am pretty sure to say that they didn’t decide to write lore bout the magical device and then think, hey thats also a great mechanic).

Having said that the world is 250 years older and even then there where magical maps players carried with them, where you could click on certain dedicated places and magical appear there. This was only possible to certain rallying points in towns anbd outposts (for those who played GW1, they would know the spawning points are not all over town) see also for more info bout the lore behind that.

Besides that there is a second technology involved being ressurection shrines. those are visable places in the game where to you would magically teleport and be ressurected when you and the people around you die in battle.

Waypoints are basicly a combination of the two.

So to my surprise now Asura claims it to be their invention. Although the origin of the original inventions is unknown, I find it very unlikely that in GW1 it was an Asura invention. The best they did was combining two existing technologies into one device. What is more shckingly is that the population finds this invention so great they are willing to pay money for the use of this brand new (ahem) service.

It makes you wonder where all the money goes. There must be a very rich asuran somewhere around………

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Loot Dodging

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

huh?, wha?, hmmm, you are!, Are you?, Seriously?
So basicly you are very crypticly saying there is in your opinion something wrong with the loot and the reward. What I’m missing however in your very well made question is what in your opinion should be wrong with it?. There is a lot of loot for a lot of different things i nthe game. Are you getting not enough loot? are you getting the wrong loot? are you upset that fish give loot like shoes??. All might be valid (specially that it is simply wrong that a fish drops shoes), but I would advise you to state what you mean. Somehow I don’t think it is as fishy that fish are nipping peoples shoes (though I once got a shoe on my line when I was fishing, but im sure im getting out of context here).

Your second question then, I might be wrong but again I’m afraid your trying to make a statement that my limited mind can’t understand. Do you mean that the amount of rewards are too low againb? or do you want more skins? and what loot do you mean? you want different skins for broken lock picks??

Then you ask if loot is working as intended. Well, so far you didn’t really made a point bout telling there could be a problem with it, you might be hinting to that optinion, but its all very confusing on our part so I think the answer in this situation is really yes.

Then you claim that the community wants to hear things. I am starting to think that you need an answer from a shrink and not from a dev. MPS (multiple personality syndrome) is a very serious condition. So if you feel that you are more then one person I would advise you to get serious help. Maybe you play too much video games and then you should uninstall your entire pc and smash it into bits and pieces (specially the last thing is a very good start of therapy).

Last off all you claim the devs have been quit. To be honest. since the introduction of this forum I’m very happy to hear directly from the devs and not from a pr-employee (no offense to you lot, your doing a great job as well). I understand they don’t have time to answer every question cause now the game is live they are very busy to evaluate all the meta data comming in, b out e.g. how difficult is to get a certain item, and how many white dyes actually pop-up on the TP. And maybe the price is too high and they should drop more often. Those things cannot be predicted before release, so the devs are really busy. So, if you want my support I really need that tinfoil and a lot of chemtrails in my living room.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

.com filter?

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Only a few things really help against goldsellers. First off all a very good warning to never go to such a site. Even if your account doesn’t get hacked, your creditcard doesn’t get hacked and you get the gold. The price will be higher then the legal in game shop and you risk loosing your account for breaking the rules. Secondly over advertise them. Although the spams claim to have lower prices, they have not. So advertise the official gemstore for example a bar above all trade windows and in the Black lion window (all tabs) with the current gold-price in your local currency. I know it is annoying, but the goldspammers can’t advertise there and we will soon enough get used to it and learn to not see it.

Last off all is a dedicated gold seller report option in the report window. Besides it will report and auto block the spammer, it should also automaticly block access to map-chat when atleast 2% of the maps population clicked it (wich can only be overruled by a support specialist looking into the matter (and punishing people misusing the function to silence someone with false reports).

Same goes with the ability to sent mails to people. too much reports that its a gold spammer means you loose right to sent mails in the game.

I know all these measures are very hard, but imo the only way to get rid of gold spammers quickly.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

safe spots for going afk

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Problem description. You are reasonable new to an area but have to go afk. So you quickly go to a waypoint/fortress near you and leave your character there. It takes longer then expected and when you return your fully naked. The reason is that the waypoint is one of those that got contested or the fortress got udner attack. Some good people where nice enough to res you but somehow you feel mishandled.

Lemme stress out that Tyria is a beautifull vibrate place and you never know where the danger will lurk. But given the price of traveling to towns and the distance to walk it might be good to know what is safe.

Possible solution: post a recognisable warning sign at the entrance of a fortress or at a waypoint if the place isn’t always as safe as it looks.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Spirit weapons

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

First off all be carefull to not mix mechanics up with lore. The spirit weapon is more a game mchanic. But to asnwer you from a lore point of view and looking to gw1. In gw1 there where spirits you could summon wich where also bound to the floor with a chain. Those spirits where the spirits of dead people comming to aid you in your fights. There where also enchanted weapons wich where real (non spirit) entity’s. Like the spirit weapons they had no wielder but they where fighting on their own. So a possible lore answer could be that spirit weapons are the spirits of the nechanted weapons and therefor if they where a rudimentary entity, then so are these. If it fights for you on a free will or are forced to it by the summoning guardian is im afraid unknown.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

No rewards for party members: is this WAI?

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

True, Karma and XP for those helping out. And when it comes to Karma I think it should be rather generous as well cause it is fitting to recieve a lot of karma if someone helps out.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Race/Lore fitting names - HELP!

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Victoria Hellbane has nothing to do with Sylvari and very little with ele’s. So I would replace both parts of the name.

Bippie is ok for an asura, although I think Blipp would be more fitting. The name the unseen is I think wrong cause unseen is the name of another race called the mursaat (either extinct or again unseen).

Anton is a Slavian name, while norn should have scandanavian names like Beorn, Bjorn or Thorvald imo.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Kuunavang and "Bubbles" and Dragons

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

hmmm, your right. Must be that in gw1 they where so much considered a different race, I forgot they where once humans and was mixing them up with the forgotten.

point is however that the humans wheren’t important during the last awakening and therefor, considering any dragon the ancient enemy of the empire would be wrong in my opinion. Also if you compare the position of dragons in the Canthan culture and compare it to the position of a lesser thread like Shiro.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Deep Sea Dragon - Does Tyria know?

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I think things can go left and right with the 6th dragon and that the reason is that that part of the lore hasn’t been written yet. Perhaps (all speculation here) cause Arenanet has concrete plans for 4 gw2 expansions, each with an elder dragon to defeat. There might be rough plans for a 5th but they just don’t want to commit themselfs to that (Though also not have commited fully to the others). In other words, with the current lore they are more or less obligated to let us kill atleast 4 more dragons (after Zhaitan) So it might be they cancel the defeat of the 6th dragon by writing lore to say, yeah there was a 6th, but he was killed already during the last awakening. or well, the ancient dwarfs wheren’t good at counting giant dragon heads.

The Tengu built the wall cause of the history they have with other races (specially humans). In Kryta they where outcasts during the events of gw1. In Cantha after a heavy war with the empire there was a few years off peace, but the current emperor has broken that peace by driving the Tengu off the lands of Cantha. So they decided to have no interaction with other races besides for trading and for observing the outside world.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Where is Baruch Bay?!??!?!?!?!?!??!

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

There are three servers named after employees (but not this one). There also a few named after locations where the whereabouts off are unknown. The name of the place has some meaning however. In this case the Bay is named after Stefan Baruch or one of his ancestors (or childeren). Stefan Baruch was a ascalonian warrior wich helped the players in GW1 ascalon as a warrior henchman. The most of the time he was refered to as Stefan. Maybe to hide his famous last name.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Kuunavang and "Bubbles" and Dragons

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Koning de Todes

1) The Deep Sea Dragon is heavily implied via quaggan, krait, and largos lore to be in the Unending Ocean – not near Cantha.

You should check the maps again. The Unending Ocean is the biggest body of water on the planet and connects all the continents. Unlike the other Dragons, The Deep Sea Dragon can extend its influence all over the world in any continent it wishes and can change its base of operations. Since Cantha is a traditional naval power, it only makes sense to cast him as the main supernatural enemy of the empire.

First off all, I’m not saying your not right. This might have been the case during the first dragon’s awakening. But though that is hard to date that was before humans where an important faction in the world. One of the races that fought the dragon’s then where the margonites (before becomming Abadon’s minions). They where afaik the race that dominated the seas during the last awakening and most evidence point in the direction that humans didn’t even existed then so let alone the empire.

Now during the second awakening of the dragons the empire has closed all outside influence and therefore it is very unlikely they can still be a naval power when trade and traffic is mostly blocked by the goverment.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Where exactly do the destroyers come from?

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

What I remember from the ’ visions’ bout the creation of destroyers in gw1 it was that it looked like the great destroyer was a minion master that was summoning minions like a necromancer. I mean here the way they pop out of the ground and then stretching out. So my thoughts are that the gw1 destroyers are different from the gw2 destroyers where the gw1 destroyers are summoned minions for the great destroyer and the destroyers in gw2 are simular but lesser then the great destroyer and made by primordus himself now.

I see a simular thing with Jormag. On one hand you have the sun’s of svanir that are touched by Jormag’s champion like Svanir was. They where Norn once and though corrupted, still look like Norn. There are also the corrupte ice forms that are made from corrupted ice or are ice itself. Though we don’t know the origin of the second form, I have a good hunch that those are created by Jormag himself.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Dominion of Winds bigger than we thought?

in Lore

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The fact that the wall is Tengu architecture doesn’t mean it is the same area it is blocking you from.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Feedback and critic!

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I disagree with you. GW1 had also characters in the main storyline that took a break for some reason during the storyline. e.g. Togo or Mehnlo when you picked a faction. The same goes for kormir in nightfall, who for a good part of the story is swallen by the earth with her faith unknown. In Eye of the north it all depends on the sequence you take of the story. but if you did Norn storyline first, people like Olaf are out of side for a long time after that. The last argument is Rurik. He is written out of the story in mission 6 of prophecy’s and has a stunning come back in the last mission.

GW2 is bout forging alliances. Your trainer in the first personal story is a member of destiny’s edge and reforging that group is a good part of the story, as well as getting the orders to work together. He or She is out of sight for a good portion of the story. So I don’t know if it is just you, but it isn’t me

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Bring back the "Take a break" message from GW1

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I disagree with you. Though the father’s story is a sad one, the problem isn’t a lack of a message. The problem is that video games in general are addictive. Second life games aka role playing games are even more addictive cause it can be used as a flight. Multilplayer games are also addictive cause of the social aspect (in 90 minutes I have a very important meeting bout my future in RL. even though I explained that a friend was whispering when I got to bed early (cause of that) ‘No WvW??’.

The combination of those three things make MMORPG’s like GW2 Highly addictive. That doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable, but all in good measures. A take a break message however isn’t the solution. It is annoying and does nothing more to the addicted then the smoking kills warnings. The human mind is very well capable to filter the info we want and do not want and people who play too long for prolonged times simply filter the message. So for the ‘good’ people it is annoying and the people who need it won’t even notice it. I dp want to thank you however of making people aware of this again.

If you have someone in your envirement who plays too long, giving them a high risk on this dissease or is ruining real life overall cause off playing too much GW2, do approach him, talk bout it, link the article here and most of all be helpfull.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Which Order?

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Hmmm, Armor is one reason to join a order. I picked durmand though for the background. They are an Indiana Jones type of order sending you over jumping puzzles and small and windy ledges to your goal.

As I understood the Vigil is a bit like LEEEEERRRROOOOYYYS JJJEEENNNKKIIINNS, don’t think but crash some skull kind of people. The battles and fights I saw when helping buddy’s looked easy and very doable though.

Thew Order of Whispers are best to be compared with James Bond in Tryia order. I have played that one a lot, but my next character is going that way for sure.

The best thing is to follow your heart at first and with your other slots you can experience all three of them.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Bad Blood

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

It is very much doable and doesn’t require good reflexes or super coordination. You got a full 8 seconds to cross if you look at the flags and time it right. The problem I had was due to the fact that I was trying too hard and rushing things. Best thing is to close your eyes first and count to 8 in your head while imagining you are crossing it. You will see that you have plenty off time and shouldn’t be rushing it.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Guild invites and promotions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I agree bout that they should be separate but then again SiNoS is right too. If they promote they are fit for demotion themselfs. EWven if they are friends. A good guildleader doesn’t have friends (or atleast not when he/she is leading).

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Full game download again! HELP PLZ!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

program files >> Guild Wars 2

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

why does the legendary shortbow looks like.....a my little pony bow

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Hey, legendary’s are made for those heroes that have slayed an evil elder dragon. They are famour heroes in the world of Tyria and needs to be appealing for the little ones as well. How else would you be able to tour schools across the world to inspire them to do their math. Even after you defeated Zhaitan there are some sacrifices to be made XD

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

You make a very long post based round 3 points:
Lets start with your tradepost and making goldsellers a justification for a trade channel. Goldsellers in GW1 existed and where never kind enough to advertise in trade channel. The fact that they exist doesn’t justify a trade channel nor makes it a bad game. Anet isn’t to blame, but the people stupid enough make goldsellers profitable. I do hope they find a way to eliminate them but pls don’t judge Anet for this.

Then there is DE’s. I just love them. If you don’t who cares, they are completely optional and you can ignore them.

Skillbar: There are several reasons why the free skillbar was a very very verybad idea in GW1 and I’, happy they got rid of it.
a: any combo with the skill Shadowform. It ruined GW1 and the GW1 economy.
b: Elitism ’ I demand you to bring these skills or I won’t play with you’.
c: balancing. Due to the vast amound of skills and possible combinations balancing was a nightmare.
(btw, I’m playing ele, and I got access to 80 weaponskills. So I wouldn’t call that a lack of options).

Last off all. Anet didn’t design this game to be GW1 with a graphical skin. In every discussion in GW1 bout number 2 I warned people to not expect that. I didn’t buy the prerelease of GW2 and used a beta key give away before buying the game. They did a very good job in making it and I’m proud to call myself a customer of Arenanet. For you, well if you liked GW1 so much, the servers are still there.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Gaming: Hobby or Addiction?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I think the difference between you and me and the people complaining is that they see MMO’s as a competitive thing. The main reason behind it would be a feeling of insecurity. Being afraid that you are judged as a lesser person if your not a top player. From that point on there is a thin line to addiction. From 1-80 in 70 hours isn’t medium pace, it is going fast. When I’m online I like to just wander around, do some hearts, meet a DE, decide to not do it cause it’s the 10th caravan I meet in that week or decide to do it cause it has been 4 days a go saince I last cleared a roadblock. But I also like to go cross country to help someone I never met to get his final POI. It is not that I’m standing at a spot for hours to eloborate on the beauty of a single flower. But I’m not rushing nor playing to get to lvl 80. Thats what I would call a medium pace.

I’m not judging the people who are complaining bout the lack of end game. But what I’ve seen from Anet so far is that they have no problem with people playing like it is a competition, but they don’t live for them. What I’m saying is that there aren’t monthly fees. With monthly fees people are paying for new additions, new things to do and new challenges. not being ready with the last months challenge give people the feeling they didn’t get there investment out in time.

The last thing I want to put into consideration is that this is a brand new game. Anet promised to keep the world alive and everchanging. but give them a little bit of time. When you look at GW1 prophecy’s, it didn’t had a lot of endgame. It took time for them to add e.g. Sorrow’s furnace. factions with the deep and urgoz, Nightfall with DoA, EOTN with the dungeons there and off course when it first was released there was no hard mode. The game is less then a month old. Give them time to live up to the promise to make the world alive and changing.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Gendarran Fields / Human Leveling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

First off all, Who said that Gendarran fields is a human leveling area? Cause it borders to Queensdale?.
You can mostly decide yourself what you do and where you go and there are no dedicated areas. Take for example Kessex Hills. It borders both to Queensdale as to Caledon forrest. Several Sylvari personal storys point to Kessex as well (and later on to Gendarran fields) and basicly Sylvari already can pick if they go to Kessex or to Brisbane after being ready in the starter area.

The level range of an area is in my opinion an indication when you can do it and not that it will bridge that range.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Is revive a good thing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I think that the revive function as itself is ok. Though the lenght it takes to revive a dead player is imo too long. I didn’t time it, but it feels bout 4 times as long as for a downed player (who is using his self heal skill as they should when one is reviving them). Many times when reviving a dead player, the spawn that killed him will respawn on me before I get them up. So to make this better I would like to see that time shortened.

Second point is that indeed some people should understand that I (and most players who know a little bit how to play) never revive in the midst off battle. It is surprising to see the amount of dead people at the metrica fire elemental. The worse thing is they have spent the whole time asking in local and map chat to revive (no change I will stand still there for more then 2 seconds, let alone revive) and are surprised afterwards they didn’t get a chest….

The downed state however isn’t working for me. First off all cause I miss a give up button. Sometimes you know there is no way to get out of the mess your in without death (e.g. when you only have a very nasty boss to kill or when you actually want to waypoint but your in a long cave with enemy’s every step) So I would like a ’ give up’ function to skip the downed state to death. Second I don’t really like the reward for cheating death. The main problem is the amount of health. You get back up, but the health given to you is so very low the enemy kills you again in one blast. My sugestion here would be to have full health when your back up your feet, but pause the recharge of your skills. This would basicly mean you can continue the fight where you went down. In my opinion surviving downed should be rewarded with more then just 25% of your healt.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Bad Blood

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

If that Sylvari’s supposed to be my mentor, I hate her now. Go walk across a windy chasm while I fly myself there. Climb some walls while I stand around and discuss my incompetence. Jump through a ring of fire. Walk on some spikes while I offer encouragement.

Yeah she is annoying, well without spoiling too much, she will do the ‘right’ thing in good time.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Will my first successful experiment as Asura ever come back during my personal story (currently lvl 72)?

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

It still is your personal story, but the game is pushing you slowly to the same point. It isn’t till lvl 50 that the story’s start to be the same for everyone. But the rough outlines are the same cause it is ending the same way for everyone. So at lvl 20 your leaders are pushing you to represent your race, how you do that however depends on you. But young asura grow up and at a point of time they have to stop playing with balls and take up more responsable matters

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Will my first successful experiment as Asura ever come back during my personal story (currently lvl 72)?

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I haven’t played till the end, but every arc of the story goes on for bout 10 level’s. The frist two arcs are determend by the things you picked on character creation and have as common theme to make your name within you own culture. After that you get a bridging arc where the different orders are explained and you represent your race in the contacts with the order representatives. Some aspects of your personal story ends up in your home instance as a permanent memory. I dunno if that goes for the ball as well, but I’m a Sylvari and I got my conquered green knight’s armor on display in my home.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Bad Blood

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I had some hard time with this one too but made it across. This is what I learned
1: Always look at the flag opposite of the gap.
2: Understand you have 8 seconds. most of the times I fell off cause i was rushing it too much.
3: Don’t do this late at night but when your fresh and awake.
4: Take a break before you crush your keyboard in frustration.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Gate hub plaza

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

First off all, Lion’s arch looks awesome and it is my favourite city. I very much dislike the gate hub plaza. As to be expected this plaza is used as a transit point by many. The plaza however is hard to navigate due to the amount of people. The portals can be identified by the two guard npc’s but they are halfway up the ramps and for the higher ramps not visable from the plaza itself. On top of that npc’s are not always loaded due to the fact(??) that they load together with other players and the place is crowded sometimes.

My suggestion is to make the different plaza’s more recognisable and not by npc’s but with graphics so its loaded before the players and npc’s are loaded. This could be cultural arches. For example an arch made of vines at the start of the silvari ramp, an arch of step stones bridges at the asura gate, etc.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!