how was shield bash and headbutt OP?
both with 20+ sec cd,extremly ez to miss with MEGA OBVIOUS animation, even arc was hard to land vs competent players….,now with 1 sec precast and EP for 2 sec.. nerf heal again … season 1 warrior comming to pvp.
A half second cast time on a skill with that much stun, that much damage, a stun break , and full adrenaline gain on a 20s CD was stupidly broken. It’s still stronk.
25 Sec if we talk about PvP :-)
i just hate that it ruins the gameplay (it all feels so kitten slow now)
I get that some skills are OP, but maby reduce the AoE radius or its dmg or whatever.. making it so kitten slow on pretty much everything now if you use gs/m+s and headbutt just ruins the gameplay
Kinda ruins the gameplay..
I hope they dont add more casttime stuff on warrior because its getting pretty boring:
- slow Headbutt (this one is the most annoying.. but i get it)
- slow Arc (they could also reduced the AoE.. so they dont kill the fun)
- slow shield bash (meh)
- slower burst recharge (PvE you do feel it )
- slower berserk mode recharge ( yeah now i have to wait more :-P )
(+ less stability and healing.. you do feel it on warrior for sure )
Different Devs making these sigils disciptions? :-P
Dont care much anymore but i find it pretty funny finding these minor mistakes in discruptions every patch.
i think sigils should be minor..
(now we have sigils being stronger compared to traits..)
So this change is a step in the right direction!
But do try to make a little bit more sigils..
Like we have +0,5% dmg for every boon you have.
Why not +0,5% crit dmg? something like that.
@Anet pls implement the sigils in WvW also.. less sustain and dmg should be good over there.. also nerf the crap out of food over there.
(edited by nicknamenick.2437)
Good thing we can practice cannon’s in pvp.. might come in handy :-P
Since removal of capricorn why not remove these aswell?
Why not update the whole pvp mists like you did to fractals? getting pretty bored inside the mists
These are looking a little bit better, but a few concerns:
- For sigils that have longer CD’s, is there any idea on how this will work with engie and ele (or warrior with fast hands), who will be 50% less efficient taking these sigils. For instance, something like a ranger can put escape and revelation on one weapon, then greater nullification and something else on the other weapon, and get 4 procs over a 20s period. Ele and engie, meanwhile, would be stuck with just 2 procs. Likewise, other on-swap effects have less control for these two classes.
- The longer cooldowns are simply because we like the effect, but are just too strong for classes that have frequent access to ‘swaps’ like engie and warr. You are right in that they have much less control. However, making every sigil viable on every class/build is probably an unrealistic goal.
Does this mean you try to avoid making more 18sec cooldown sigils?
Because i can already see more of the sigils getting longer cooldowns (but stronger effects) so in the end there are only a few sigils left for warriors..
I rather have lesser impact sigils with 9sec cooldown compared to 18sec with bigger impact.
I’m just fine with being rooted for LB2, but when I see a 6k on a warrior that hits me back for twice as much, unchanneled, I cri and curse the McLain :’(
6k hahaha gunflame does 9k xD
I don’t even use LB cause so many projectile reflections.
Yeah its not like guardian has its own class stuff like warrior right?
You compare a 4sec cooldown weapon utility to a complete class mechanic skill.
its basically the same if i say this:
gunflame does 9k dmg but guardian does 6k dmg + unblockable pull + leap and heal + 4sec block.
Is it possible to add a sigil that grants 1 stack of stability for 1 to 3 sec on swap?
Btw, Sigil of Purity and Sigil of Cleansing are almost the same thing.
No they are not the same sigils (just like Sigil of Strength / sigil of battle)
Some prefer on swap, some on hit.
stability on swap? sounds pretty OP and must have sigil
My feedback:
On Hit
Sigil of Frailty
On hit: Inflict Vulnerability (10 Seconds).
(Cooldown: 2 Seconds)
make it 2 vuln every 3 sec
Sigil of Generosity
On hit: transfer a Condition to your foe.
(Cooldown: 15 Seconds)
remove this one
Sigil of Purity
On hit: Remove a Condition
(Cooldown: 10 Seconds)
Sigil of Nullification
On hit: Remove a Boon
(Cooldown: 10 Seconds)
Sigil of Strength
On hit: Gain Might (10 Seconds).
(Cooldown: 2 Second)
On Swap
Sigil of Agility
Gain 5 seconds of swiftness and 1 second of quickness when you swap to this weapon while in combat.
(Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Sigil of Battle
Gain 4 stacks of might (5 seconds) when you swap to this weapon while in combat.
(Cooldown: 9 seconds)
from 5 to 7 sec might
Sigil of Doom
Your next attack after you swap to this weapon while in combat inflicts Poison (5 seconds).
(Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Sigil of Energy
Gain 25% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat.
(Cooldown: 9 seconds)
Sigil of Exposure
Your next attack after you swap to this weapon while in combat inflicts 5 stacks of Vulnerability (5 Seconds).
(Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
from 5 to 7 seconds
Sigil of Stagnation
Cripple nearby foes when swapping to this weapon while in combat (3 Seconds, 240 Radius).
(Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
from 3 to 4 sec
Sigil of Intelligence
Your next three attacks after swapping to this weapon while in combat have a 100% critical chance.
(Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Sigil of Escape
Remove movement-impairing effect from yourself when swapping to this weapon while in combat.
(Cooldown: 18 Seconds)
18sec creates very annoying swapping stuff on something like warriors, so pls dont make allot of these
Sigil of Revelation
Reveal enemies around you when swapping to this weapon (1/4 seconds, 240 radius).
(Cooldown: 18 Seconds)
18sec creates very annoying swapping stuff on something like warriors, so pls dont make allot of these
Sigil of Greater Nullification
Your next attack after swapping to this weapon while in combat removes 2 boons from your target.
(Cooldown: 18 Seconds)
18sec creates very annoying swapping stuff on something like warriors, so pls dont make allot of these
Sigil of Cleansing
Remove 1 conditions when you swap to this weapon while in combat.
(Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Sigil of Compounding
Deal 1% extra damage per condition on your foe.
Sigil of Exploitation
Deal 5% extra damage to targets below 50% health.
Sigil of Opportunity
Deal 5% extra damage to movement-impaired foes.
Sigil of Punishment
Deal 1% extra damage per boon on your foe.
Sigil of Separation
Deal 5% extra damage to targets more than 500 distance away.
Sigil of Paralyzation
+30% Stun duration
Deal 3% more damage versus disabled foes.
OK, 3% more dmg was not really needed, ps only stun? i remember this also working for daze?
Sigil of Agony
Increased Inflicted Bleeding Duration: 25%
Sigil of Peril
Increased Inflicted Vulnerability Duration: 25%
Sigil of Smoldering
Increase Inflicted Burning Duration: 25%
from 25% to 20%
Sigil of Venom
Increase Inflicted Poison Duration: 25%
form 25% to 20%
Sigil of +Confusion
Increase Inflicted Confusion Duration: 25%
form 25% to 20%
Sigil of +Torment
Increase Inflicted Torment Duration: 25%
form 25% to 20%
(edited by nicknamenick.2437)
25% more burn
25% more vuln..
lol like Blackbeard mentioned, these should not have the same %.
Some new(proposed) swap sigils have 18sec cooldown.
I agree that some of these sigils are too strong for warriors to gain every 10 sec because Fast hands.
But giving them 18 sec cooldown will result into a 32sec cooldown for warriors at the worst situation.
If warrior:
sigil active > swap 8s > swap 8s (sigil still on cooldown) > swap 8s > swap 8s (sigil active> result 32s
sigil active > swap 7s > swap 7s (sigil still on cooldown) > swap 7s > swap 7s (sigil active> result 28s
sigil active > swap 6s > swap 6s (sigil still on cooldown) > swap 6s > swap 6s (sigil active> result 24s
sigil active > swap 5s > swap 5s (sigil still on cooldown) > swap 5s > swap 5s (sigil active> result 20s
Even if a warrior swaps every 5 sec they would still have to wait longer compared to other classes.. but most warriors will not swap every 5 sec.. its more around 6 – 7 sec.
Conslusion: Do not use these sigils on warriors with fast hands.
don´t think it promotes condition builds. The change reduces sigils for condition too. Torment and bursting gone. Leeching was used by condi builds and doom is nervend. Also geomance one of the most used condi sigil is changed and nervend. The sigils on the bottom with the up to 5% damage and the thre on top are the five not on swap and there is one condi, two hybrid and two power. All weaker options then we had.
Yeah they did reduced the more damage-ing condition sigils indeed..
Why reduce raw damage output but not condition damage?
All i see is conditions sigils but pretty much no sigils for raw dmg.
(vuln stacks maby but they work for condition also)
With this you just promote conditions builds.
Ps i do like that they reduce the amount of sigils because only a few are used (because better ofc)
(edited by nicknamenick.2437)
Hello thiefs,
This bug is something Anet cannot fix, this happend to every leap skill in the game. thats why they implemented this change back in 2015:
Profession Skills
Movement skills such as the warrior’s Savage Leap will no longer be affected by animation speed changes from quickness or slow.
So in others words, Why did Anet let Vault work with quickness when they knew about this bug since the game start? and thats why they made this change about leaping skills and quickness… weird
Here you go:
Profession Skills
Movement skills such as the warrior’s Savage Leap will no longer be affected by animation speed changes from quickness or slow.
(thiefs Vault now works with quickness since this patch.. and now thiefs complain about the range being shorter with quickness.. thats what happend to ALL leap skills affected by quickness.. they cant fix this so thats why they did this change)
mending meta inc lads
it now heals more hp/sec than heal sig
If you also count the 1sec castime. So devide by 16.. you get around 30hps more compared to HS. +3 condi cleanse..
Big difference is you can be interrupted.. dunno i will try it out more
-10% ,crying helping.
20% ( reduced 10% from a patch 2-3 months ago ) not bad.
Honestly I don’t know what any of you are saying. Aside from the one big on the weapon rifle is an awesome weapon set. If you don’t understand how it’s skills work together in frilly sorry. I would suggest that you guys try thereupon on combat camera as it pretty much negates the skill interrupt bug. That’s the next update of warrior 101 I have decided.
i know perfectly well how rifle works, and rifle is indeed a awesome weapon.
that doesnt mean its perfect in PVP, we explained why in this topic, sorry if you dont know why. also combat camera is so much more horrible to use in pvp just to use it for less interrupting skills. in combat camera you cant see kitten whats going on around you.
DH traps are the easiest and lamest dmg mechanic in the game and need to be removed/nerfed
Also, you can cast one of the dmging traps WHILE DODGING/kd/kb/ or stunned. Absolutely ridiculous.
Play around with traps on thief or ranger, after that you can cry and wonder why Anet approves HOT powercreep when you see how much more dmg DH traps does compared to them.
Healing traits. Meditation are 1.9k heal each. DH will run usually 3 medis so 5.7k possible burst healing but 1.9k of that is behind a 90s cd […]
Yes, a Symbolic DH runs 3 Meditations. A Meditrapper genereally uses 2 or even 1 as the more “offensive” variant uses Dragon’s Maw over Renewed Focus (which is on a 72 sec CD on a Meditrapper as the trait for the heal also lowers the CD).
So it’s more like 1,960 heal every max 16 sec from Smite Conditions for the Meditations.
Why do ppl always forget to mention there DH Wings? use the kitten Wings :-) its not just a leap.
Whether warrior is OP or not is up for debate; however what I cannot deal with is when abilities are so blatantly broken and remain so for this long. Let’s look at two abilities, and you can go down the line with any profession, that simply need balancing. In general, abilities should not provide both offensive and defensive capabilities and both Endure Pain and Berserker Stance do just that. It should be a give and take and not pop an immunity (to any damage type) and power forward and unload your damage. A balanced ability would be:
Endure Pain-for its duration, out going damage is reduced by X%
Berserker Stance-for its duration, health regeneration from all resources should be reduced by X%You can do this with a large number of abilities in GW2. There are way too many abilities that are not properly balanced.
Life steal goes threw endure the pain, resistance can be stolen which is why you will see new warrior players be like WTF i had my stances up.
Warrior doesnt have distortion or renewed focus or go into mini form to be invulnerable. It has counters.
Life steal going through endure pain is such a minor inconvenience it’s not even worth mentioning. Berserker stance pulses resistance, so even when you’re chaining corrupts or steals it’s back up.
Revenants almost ignore Endure Pain/Defy pain completely thanx tho there Life steal traits and heal skill that does lifesteal dmg also.
Berserker stance should be kited, healing signet is a simple corrupt.
Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mineI dont see any talk about DH in OP’s topic..
Do you even read what he is saying? try defending less, no point anyways :-)So i dont know why u sayguard got buffed because Burn is a one Trick Pony and u wont see them in ranked.
BUT hey meta build got a huge nerf but u screaming about the useless skills that got buffed(use less for metabuild)
> i didnt say that (also guardian did get buffed, burn guard is still guardian)
> i dont scream at all. (neither did the OP)
Do you even read?
why no changes for other classes whether they be nerfs or buffs. Why no changes at all?
Why hasn’t Anet even said anything about it?
Nobody knows..
You can see Anet is trying to bring some other stuff back into the meta (like burn guardian) but its all taking so long..
Its like 2 builds/weapons getting some love per Balance patch. with this speed it could take years before some really underused stuff get some love.
I also think Anet is way to scared these days to do some big balancing because the meta is somewhat balanced now (balanced in the way that every class has atleast 1 viable build now)
Perhaps people need to step back and think a little about their own assumptions for why Anet put a cast time on Spear because the base virtue is insta … it’s certainly not a mistake they added a cast time and there are methods to counterplay it.
Anet put a cast time on DH virtues so that they can’t be used while stunned and can’t be activated while casting something else. Core virtues are instant because their active effect is so weak that it’s a non-issue.
1/4th second cast is typically put on abilities that aren’t meant to dodgable but at the same time aren’t supposed to be usable while stunned.
Yup .. so for everyone that doesn’t ‘get it’, there is a reason that 1/4 is on there and there is also a reason this pull skill is particularly hard to dodge. I’m still waiting for someone to come up with a reason Spear should work different than the reasons it current works.
So your saying its should be 100% hit? with no counter play? because its a virtue?
but lets say it should be like this, why is it that Anet did allot of rework in the past making stuff more counterable?
I still prefer to mention “Pin down”
This skill used to be 1/4 sec and almost no animation.
Now its 3/4 sec with a good animation.
And everyone is OK with it because there is counterplay/reaction time now.
Dont you want every skill to have a proper counterplay? issnt that what we want in PVP?
Because the more i read this topic the more i think ppl just want passive stuff with no counterplay just to smash some buttons and hope they win just because there meta build is better, with no skill involved.
I just dont like Mace F1 being so strong compared to Axe or Hammer..
i miss Hammer warrior :-(
Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mine
I dont see any talk about DH in OP’s topic..
Do you even read what he is saying? try defending less, no point anyways :-)
DH still has the highest sustain with a DPS amulet.
Fact checking. Lets assume marauders amulet. A DH has 17245 hp, zerkers have 24812. So around 7.5k difference in hp. Warriors win that round easily. Don’t even drag zerkers into this. Menders isn’t a dps amulet in which case your claim would be correct.
Healing, warrior meta runs healing signet. This is 382 passive healing/s or 2.2k active heal. DH runs purification which is 1608-6408 with a 4s longer cd traited. Over 24s the signet will heal 9168 hp so I would call this even but signet can hard counter a condi burst with resistance. So take what you will. Purification gives 10s of regen but your team will be supplying that anyways so you should be capped. DH have f2 which is around 3.9k so we can call this a tie.
Healing traits. Meditation are 1.9k heal each. DH will run usually 3 medis so 5.7k possible burst healing but 1.9k of that is behind a 90s cd and most DH do not run virtues to reduce the cd. The take honor instead for larger symbols and healing from them. This is 180/s but you can perma maintain a symbol and these are to be placed on enemys not you. If you are in it assume you are being cleaved. So lets say you are in it half time it comes to around 700 hp over 10s. Now we come to adrenal health. This 2475 hp over 15s per stack. You can maintain 3 stacks at all time so 7.5k long before any medi has recharged. Warriors win this hands down.
Defenses. Getting long so ill list them.
DH: 2x f3 limited block (8s block total, can be interrupt and shut down), RF 3s invuln (condis will kill you). Shield 5 destruct, small heal.
Warrior: 2x EP (condis will kill you)(12s total, no interrupt); shield block(3s); mace 2 block. Really I see these are equally matched expect dh loses out in pressured situations due to unblockables, interrupts, and the forward facing only shield.
Wings of resolve? 4k heal..
shield of wrath?
Anyways you cant really compare them in total, warrior has allot of passive sustain, guardian has more active sustain
Have you ever seen a dog dodge it’s way out of a leash?
Have you ever seen a charr shooting fireballs from the air?
Realistic has nothing to do with balance in a fantasy game. But fyi you might want to check out binding blades before repeating your words here.
Or maby give some proper feedback
Git gud.
In all seriousness though, it isn’t buggy at all. People have already pointed out why it appears to be working as intended, most are just complaining about the reaction time required to dodge the initial throw… and to that, I refer back to the statement above. This isn’t the first skill that has a 1/4s cast time or less, you just need to know how to predict when these sorts of skills will be used. That’s a thing you need to learn how to do if you want to be good at the game, or PvP in any game for that matter. Predict it or be quicker. That’s not even counting for flight-time if thrown from a distance, it should be quite easy to dodge then.
Also, the fact that you can kinda disable the pull function on the GS #5 by dodging as it is cast doesn’t appear to be working as intended. It appears to be a bug, but nothing too serious to fix since it adds some counter-play to the skill. Most other pulls seem to work in a similar fashion (perhaps even spear pull) but don’t quote me on that since I haven’t done much in-depth testing on it.
All i need to say is:
“Pin Down”
Why should you be given a second chance when you failed to evade it the first time? No skill does that, its called play and counterplay. You can evade the first spear, if you don’t you have to stab the hit or break the spear. That’s game. And honestly thats pretty forgiving since you have so many ways to counter it.
Research wise binding blade does not pull 1200 range, nor travel 1200 range, nor does it trigger if pulled when the target is slightly outside the hitbox.
If you think this is not broken and should stay then Anet should atleast make a better animation on the spear like they did with Pin down AND increasing its casttime from 1/4 to 1/2 or even 3/4 just like they did with Pin down also.
But even then i totally dont agree with your argument about: you had your chance to dodge the spear.. there are others skills out there that has a second effect wich does NOT work on evade.
Sorry but i find it bad you even want to defend this stuff in the game.
Rifle has nothing on longbow and I believe after the season either rifle will get buffed with something like splash damage or longbow will get nerfed.
Knowing Anet it’ll be the latter
Just the fact they even did SOMETHING after 4 years on #2 and #4 is already stunning..
So i dont think they would even dare to makes some more changes because they are scared to make something viable what could hurt the meta
Why on earth does the pull part on this skill still pulls you 1200 range WHILE your evading?? and not just a knockdown or just nothing?
There is NO skill that could do this (this pull doesnt even need LoS!)
And for all those who say it should work like that because its inside your chest… well there are other skill that does pretty much the same even on guardian greatsword:
-Binding Blade, same stuff.. also a blade inside your chest, what happens if you trigger the pull on evade?? the target only gets knocked down for short second and does not get pulled 1200 range.
I dont care about there traps or whatever DH has, but stuff like this should be fixed!
traps need to have a different cooldown mechanic.
> Place trap? > trap cooldown is on hold
> Trap is on cooldown if self destruct or gets triggered.
Not that hard to make.
I can agree with pretty much everything you mentioned. Rifle needs some work like Engi Rifle. IT’s meh at best. I think it was nerfed too much in too many ways when Gunflame was hitting double. IIRC there’s a recent-ish spreadsheet with the damage from each Profession’s weapon and War Rifle damage was at the bottom of the list or really close. I can’t remember the particulars of it, it could have just been AA damage though.
Engi rifle is in the same situation indeed.
That list is about AA attacks and yes Warrior rifle was almost at the bottom of the list.
(where you could find support weapons…… -_- )
Yes i play rifle allot in PVP (Platinum)
I know its not a great weapon in PvP but i like it anyways.. but i do want to complain about its dmg.
-Gunflame is great
-Rifle butt can be great in some situations
-Volley is good (if more dmg on other skills.. NOT good if its the only dmg skill)
-Auto attack is terrible dmg
-Aimed shot is weak
-Brutal shot needs to be faster for an evade skill.
Since Anet buffed #4 on rifle with evade they stated that rifle is all about burst dmg. so they cant give to much dmg on other skills..
But i find this pretty stupid if you consider that warrior burst skills are its profession skills like DH has Virtues.
So besides its burst skill we have Volley. This skill is the ONLY skill on rifle that does dmg. but even this skill does pretty much no dmg on a 2,5sec casttime! i often do around 2500-3500 dmg on full volley because of all those dmg reduction traits/boon etc.
I really hope we get more options for PVP and rifle could be 1 of them..
But for now i think i would put my rifle down because i am letting my teammates down
I don’t care if he asked strength or arms. The right answer is use both. Defense in pve is terrible and you should l2p instead of using it.
who says i use defense? lol mister pve player (how hard can it be afterall)
In the end it doesnt really matter in PVE but the player asked between ARMS or STR.. so if you dont care then dont reply because with your logic you could also say dont play warr go for ele for even more dmg.
“Arms sucks besides signet mastery”
Wong. Furious is insanely op. Strength arms discpline for bade warrior open world. Defense is useless.
He ask between str – arms…
And if you choose between those 2 then str is much better.
Furious op? Lol first of all. The condi buff is waste.
So you do it for the adrenaline on crit. While this is nice to have i would not go for arms just to gain this benefit over berserkers power. Besides warrior in pve is very easy to gain adrenaline anyways because mobs dont move.
the thing is.. you don’t even have to run into his traps.. he can pull you into them from a 1200 range no matte what you do… even invisibility doesn’t help because his pull still targets the thief for example…
the player can dodge immediately when pulled.
Yeah well i always get pulled into the air.. where you cant dodge..
hope they fix this bug because its just another CC that shouldnt be thereIf you can’t do a somersault swan bird dive through the air then you’re doing it wrong. I know a pro guy philanthropist who can teach you.
Buts seriously, that too needs fixing.
Maby add gliding in pvp ;-P so i can glide away when pulled into the air, seems fun lol
the thing is.. you don’t even have to run into his traps.. he can pull you into them from a 1200 range no matte what you do… even invisibility doesn’t help because his pull still targets the thief for example…
the player can dodge immediately when pulled.
Yeah well i always get pulled into the air.. where you cant dodge..
hope they fix this bug because its just another CC that shouldnt be there
yeah i dont think the traps are the problem here or the dmg.
when you play good you can ignore the traps, but i have to agree that the pull is too good how it is now.
Pull should have a better animation (like pin down) so if you can dodge the pull/chain you can win pretty decent against DH.
(lets not forget that DH doesnt even had a pull, so giving it a bigger animation shouldnt be a problem)
(edited by nicknamenick.2437)
How does the trap recharge work on other classes like ranger?
Do they recharge the moment you place the traps or when triggered?
Str does way more for GS compared to Arms.
Arms sucks besides the signet mastery
Arms minor:
-they give VERY minor bleeding/vuln and +5% dmg
Arms major:
-signet mastery is good
-pretty much all others are minor compared to STR traits (some can even be replaced by a sigil like 100% crit on swap)
let me explain:
>Blade mastery > sword (so no need)
>Dual wielding > one handed (so no need)
>Furious > condi buff (so no need) and adrenaline but you dont need more in PVE
>Burst precision > can be completely replaced by sigil of intel (so no need)
>UF > only nice when you have mace/hammer also but then again > sigil of intel could do the job mostly also, besides in pve you have tons of fury (so no need)
>Deep strikes > Condi (so no need)
STR minor:
-good dmg on dodge (unblockable), +10% dmg, minor endurance gain
STR major:
-Forcefull greatsword.. duh :-)
-Berserkers power.. duh :-P
-only the first major traits are meh.
And Elite specs would always be better from now on.. everyone knows that.
And that alone is something that shouldn’t happen.
I know, i didnt say it should be..
But i do realize that it wont be changed anymore.
Been there done the complaining about a year ago since HOT.
@Emkelly: I play warrior now since the start and i hated the new elite berserker for being better compared to core but thats just how it is and will continue to be so.
i and many others complained about HOT/Elites.. and soon (next year?) we will be doing it all over again with the new Elite (spellbreaker?)
(Edited for consistency, and because it was off topic)
It’s funny: If somebody else has a problem (namely, the warriors), it’s “l2p”. But beware that somebody gets buffed, then it’s a top level concern and needs to be nerfed asap.
Maybe you are just too used to utterly destroying warriors and can’t cope with the fact that it’s now challenging again.
Maybe all classes should have exactly the same skills/traits and differ only in colour? But even that would lead some persons to the conclusion that the opponent, after having kicked their buttocks, can only have achieved that by playing an insanely OP class with insanely OP skills/traits.
Spartacus got it quite right:
Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "Now, now, his concerns are valid. AH is what gave us sustain again, so it’s logical to see it as over powered. Honestly i don;t think it’s warrior that is overpowered, it’s berserker. So while their concerns are valid, they are misplaced on the core warrior when they should look at berserker and think. "hey, why does the berserker get more and better bursts than the core warrior, easier access to AH, easier access to adrenaline, more burst damage, more boons, than the core spec. Why does that one bar of adrenaline they get in berserk mode count as three bars of adrenaline for AH, and other traits that rely on adrenaline?
So by your logic a berserker warrior has to build 30 adrenaline to enter Berserk > burst just to gain 1 stack of HS (because they can spam it ) lol even on core warrior it issnt hard to maintain 3 stacks without spending a whole traitline.
And Elite specs would always be better from now on.. everyone knows that.
100b = around 1200 ?
Can you do 100b with 2000 power? I really wonder how much AA are better then thia iconic 100b skill :-P
Warrior rifle… Tjeez so bad.
I knew it was bad but this bad? Even condi weapons do more dmg with power compared to rifle lol.
Yea we are off topic. Confusion bug, yea they probably can’t fix it or its so complicated they aren’t bothering with it.
UA removes/uses 1 Enchanted dagger (on evade or hit)
So why cant it be possible for confusion? makes no sense to me.
+1 to this threat