Isle of Kickaspenwood
wow op. do u really expect to have discussion with a title and post like that?u defend anet by putting yourself in their shoes, but u fail to even put yourself into a veterans shoes. no one here wants to hear an opinion that insults others when u u dont even want to understand and then who are u to tell me as a veteran how im supposed to feel? whats your point of this thread?u want to flame people? u need attention?u wanna forum warrior or do u expect anet to pat u on the shoulder? i think u just want to forum fight!
why people attacking vets that are upset? so u say we should keep quiet and just blindly accept the deal anet provides us with? so we arent allowed to voice our concerns and opinion? i have not only bought the game. I have brought in friends and also bought gems. i played over 4k hours and now i just feel like anet doesnt care and prefers new players. this deal makes me as a vet feel like that. little white knight cant change the way I feel because he doesnt want to understand how i feel. so instead of attacking, and keep being insulting to vets. how about accepting that they are unhappy and they have a right to voice that! every single one of them!
It’s a package deal for new players. End of.
We should be welcoming of new players, not complaining. What kind of message are posts like the “It’s not fair on veteran players!” setting to new players? I’m finding it more and more disgusting the amount of contempt people are ‘showing’ towards new players.
When a new player comes into the game, I would rather them see “Welcome to Guild Wars 2” rather than “It’s not fair these new players getting a better deal than us” it just shoots the wrong message across of people’s attitudes.
I think u missunderstand. we dont hate new player(well wvw uplevels have it a little harder, and are high targets for thieves), but im glad that new players are coming. especially wvw could use a nice boost for the underdog servers. our point is more that we as veterans are forced to buy a bundle which is made for new players and not for people that have the core game.i played gw2 for over 4k hours and had gw2 since prerelease. yes i was able to enjoy the free gameplay, but also did spend quiet some gems for skins and transfers and bankslots and extra gold i needed etc. now all we veterans want is a great deal for veterans.
new players get a whole coregame for free, well how about veterans get something they need.
1 characterslot (makes the most sense and is needed as a veteran, as most of us have every class but the new one and need this so much)
1 title or something
1 bankslot
1 skin
something that makes us veterans feel a little more like we are appreciated.
umm the base game is not free… I picture the pricing conversation as going something like this:
Person 1: “……..so we’ll throw in the old game and charge 50 bucks for it.”Person 2 “Oh kitten, the vets are gonna be mad we’re charging them for the old game again when they won’t even be able to use it, we better make something up to tell them”
Person 1 " lets just tell them the base game is a freebie added in, they will buy that"
Person 2 “nobody’s going to believe that , anyone with even the most basic knowledge of economics will realize that’s not true”
Person 1 “who cares? lets go take a money bath!”
person 2 “Yay”
lol good one.
i think it went more like this though
person 1: “so expansion will be 50$”
person 2: “Isnt this a little, well high for an expansion?”
person 1: “just tell them it comes with the core game. new players will love that.”
person 2: " what about people that own the game?"
person 1: " who cares , they will buy it anyways. They might get a little whinie, but they will get over it."
person 2: " Well we could give them a free character slot."
person 1: “you are fired.”
The simple point is that people are raging without any information.
They simply didn’t tell you all the features yet. That’s enough to say it’s not worth the pre purchase. But it’s not enough to boycott the entire add on before you even know what’s to come.
And they take a bit of false information (who said you were getting one map only? Nobody) to justify their greed. All they want is to pay as little money as possible. Nothing else. And they are hiding behind what they think are arguments.
no u are missing the point entirely. I dont mind paying 50$. its a big price for an expansion, but thats not the point! the point is that people that played the game for 3 years and have supported anet during that time, get nothing and by nothing i mean we buy the expansion and need to spend an extra 10$ on top of that to get a revenant. meanwhile a new player gets the basegame with it for free. great deal for them, but it does feel like anet is completely ignoring us, evn mocking us or worse trying to get rid of us as we are not worth getting a fair deal for hot.
yes i dont know what hot brings on top of what we already get, but I dont care because i have not seen and expansion that only comes as a bundle of which u only get 1 part of if u already own the game.thats why people are mad. 50$ is not the problem, the way veterans are treated is a big massive problem and especially the people that just bought the core game are being kicked in the face too! instead of just seeing something your way, try to understand where those people are coming from.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
ugh and if u dont like pve and mainly wvw and pvp u will be once again left out and overlooked by anet. but in general anet has already proven to me that they dont care about me as a veteran player anyways so its not worth even thinking about this stupid expansion that destroys the fun for me. good thing fallout and other great games,that might care about me as a player are coming out.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
i think they are expecting us to calm down, forget about the overpriced expansion and then buy it anyways. thats why they are quiet.
feels like something EA would do. like when they brought out the sims 4 without pools or toddlers for a massive price and were hoping to sell all this as dlc later on they were forced to add these options for free, because people got bored and felt the game was incomplete.
i really wanted to buy hot and so did my husband. we were looking forward to raid in wvw together and enjoy the new specializations and rev…but having an expansion that almost costs as much as the original game did and being forced to buy a bundle with something we cant use, doesnt feel right to me and i dont support greedy companies that treat people that played their game for 3 years like this. its wrong and anet knows this, but will try to force it upon us.
well anet, there are many GOOD new games coming out soon and im not interested in your overpriced expansion that doesnt even give me a free character
we already own the game, give us at least a free character slot.Jesus christ, spare me indignation.
All I’m asking for is a reduction in price because I genuinely feel that the expansion is not worth 45 euros.Also this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/ANet-you-have-a-moral-duty-here
no u get absolutely nothing from anet. u have to pay for the expasion and a basegame which u dont need. anet is greedy. they dont care that u have been spending money on the basegame etc, they dont care about current players, they want new players and want to get rid of the old ones. the old ones dont bring in enough money so they need new ones.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
actually yes, if they would give people that already got the base game gems and a character slot along with the expansion then that would be fine for me so i dont feel like anet doesnt appreciate me as a veteran player..(which this feels like atm)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
this price seems like a slap in the face. no character slots and nothing for 50$ plus a base game after i already have digital deluxe pack…. i mean if there was a 50$ version for veteran players that add a bank slot and a characterslot or even a world transfer token, yes, id pay the 50$ but why do i need a basegame in this?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
wth? I already did buy the digital deluxe edition before the game came out. now we are getting an expansion with another core game? wth anet?! that doesnt make sense at all. so there is no option to buy ONLY THE EXPANSION which we need? i dont need the base game i dont want it again!
I think its stupid to make the gap even bigger. getting ascended armor is a horrible grind for a wvw player. and the joke is in wvw armor matters a lot. if they are making ascended armor stronger then they should add some new way to get it through wvw and not brainless pve farming and chopping stupid trees for days…
seriously anet, could u please consider the wvw community for once?
wow. welcome back wvw mesmer and good bye veilbot! :-)
omg cant decide which build yet…i got many ideas and pretty much 5 armor and weaponsets for my mes…..im glad i kepts my condi gear and perplexity runes and torment runes… we shall see.
i hope u run oceanics…join the craziness(yb server) of zergbusting vs fa blobs ;-) ….
Energy Cannon/Oasis Event: (every 3 hours)
- “Don’t waste supply repairing the paper gates now. Wait until they finish the laser event, THEN use supply to repair after it gets vaporized.”
- “Don’t take keep supply below 700, we will need it to repair the gates in 20 minutes if we lose the laser event.”
- “Don’t bother flipping stuff now, the laser event is coming up and they will just zerg it and all our paper doors will be down.”
- “Ok, we have enough cores to finish the laser event. Everybody else spread out and get ready to take everything. When everyone’s in position, we’ll fire the laser.”
- “I spent 30 minutes trying to solo the laser event, then an enemy zerg came and finished it fast. Grrraaaah!”
- “We can’t stop them firing the laser with their numbers. We need at least one person in each tower to at least tack up the gates.”
hahah yup thats the new wvw for us. after all the ideas the wvw community has come up with to improve wvw and btw some of u guys are awesome with their ideas, anet has listened and implemented …ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! its all bout events now instead of wvw battles. a new simpler map would have revived good old wvw more than this pve map. this new pve map will destoy wvw if not made optional.
Anet starts always with an excellent ideia and ends always to create bork/ruin their own work, 6 months later they repeat, “we are going to improve” and will end in same process has before…
The new map is excellent altough i feel it is not the best option if they want to make wvw good, there are even ways to get megaserver funtionning in wvw w/o hurting servers…
agreed. there are many ideas and ways of improving wvw. a new map was long overdue but i think certain elements went too far. if they’d kept it simple and without the weird events then yes i could see this map doing well. too much ai and pve elements just ruing it for me though. the keep pve out of wvw wish that was asked for by many seems to be ignored by anet. i see masssssive queues for eb already so wvw players can avoid the pve hordes that will go and do events in wvw and ktrain and do the weird jumping puzzle elements of the map….
also the 3 hours timing for the stupid orb collecting event that trigger an stupid laser….what is this? tequatl?
so the underdog server will have to get used to having all theoir gates destroyed every 3 hours as the other server brings a 60 man blob to collect the orbs. but now that the laser did its job everyone is already waiting at the gates for repairs…..cause the timer says so… it will be clockwars and is an absolute stupid idea that should have been discussed with the wvw community before implementing it.
a new map yes, 1000 weird changes that change 99% of wvw is a bad idea.
>.> Did I do that?
its ok people are just being little cry babies atm. u didnt know and hopefully wont get yelled at…bring muffins to work just in case….
Because I am so kittening tired of ONE ranger auto attack taking away almost half of my health. 3.5k Long Range shot + 1.5k lighting strike. No thanks.
the broken metas are definitley a big factor. i almost deleted my mesmer because i was tired of veilbotting. some obviously broken mechanics that offer very little counterplay should be fixed much faster than they are.
erm u know when its night time its day time for me…so im not allowed to play because u sleep?
You do know there are other servers that have prime time when EU has nightime right? Perhaps they are a good option, you know to fight and stuff like that.
erm i am on an na server playing oceanics as i live u know in australia u know.. i do erm u know fight and stuff….
what is it exaclty u want from me? all im saying is that people keep whining about night capping and wanting to shut down borderlands because they wanna go to bed.. well wvw is 24/7 since release and should stay like this or it would be unfair for people that idk mayyybe work till late like i did when i lived in na…..
It’s clear you didn’t watch the WvW map livestream events, or if you did, you’ve chosen to ignore lots of relevant details. The new map looks nothing like EotM – you’re not at constant risk of falling to your death; I’ve seen no jumping puzzles (I hate jumping puzzles but the air keep has platforms you merely walk on – no jumping skill required); and PvE elements have been included in every great RvR game to date. The people clamoring for a mob-less, flat WvW map have often been misguided GvG players who favor contrived, even-numbered fights that eliminate the excitement of unpredictability and the tactical use of terrain. No kitten thanks; I prefer my fights dynamic.
The new map has plenty of flat terrain to fight open field, away from NPCs and the ever-dreaded PvE events (which to me seem to clearly invite fights rather than discourage them). I do think there’s cause for some concern, but it isn’t your fabricated issues that bother me.
I exclusively WvW and, for me, the new map can’t come soon enough.
i have watched it and a lot of alarm bells went up when seeing events there. u know the event in the middle will give an outmanning zerg the upper hand over the whole map! u know the shrines give immunity to fire so u can walk over the fire in the lava area… well just saying so far it looks pretty bad. i have yet to see actual flat non ai infested area and i highly doubt there will be a lot of room for fights. i dont mind have ing mobs here and there, but having an entire map controlled mainly by npc and ai and then also a timer on events that take entire gates down….. sorry screams pve map to me= ill queue for eb only.
all i want is a longer testing phase for this map before it replaces the current maps.
yes i wanted a new map, but not one that is so complex and filled with weird events! it jut takes a lot wvw is about away and replaces it with pve
yep good times :-)
err adding flying to wvw…..very very bad idea. it will again cause a special meta and tons of trolling and hacking. i think we gotta be very careful with those things. wvw is a special game mode. people here will find exploits and abuse systems that are actually made to support the underdog…look at siege razor. he even helps a 60 m an zerg vs 10 defenders for example…..
there is so many new things coming to wvw, 1 of them being a massive map with a ton of pve events, that i think wvw is getting to a point where its not going to be wvw anymore but pve map…
allowing gliders will push any class that has a weak range out of the wvw meta as ranged players simply can abuse such systems. i hope we get to test this with real wvw people first before anet throws all this into our face expecting it to be awesome!
So should they allow consumables like Experimental Rifle to work in World vs. World now? (This item used to work in World vs. World by the way…) Or maybe they should allow Teleport to Friend and Revive Orbs to work in World vs. World too. Because after all, World vs. World was never supposed to be balanced!
There were some things like spike fruit(lulz) that were clearly broken and needed to be removed(despite the hilarity factor).
dont forget the peg leg disaster. o.0
with not being balanced i agree. so yeah a player that has played wvw for a long time should maybe have access to certain buffs. thats something a new player can look up to and achieve with the same amount of effort. abusing and exploit a certain pve item that offers little to no counter play can hardly be compared to applied fortitude ang stacks.
But simply saying that WvW is not supposed to be balanced doesn’t mean that it is good to introduce even more imbalance. Which is what the guard stacks do. And other things that Anet introduced after launch as well – BL buff and masteries in general and superior siege.
not that massive of an imbalance. if i gforget to eat food, then i see a big difference! and even if my guild gets wiped we have no stacks and manage to zerbust a full guardstacked zerg…. its really not suuuuch a big difference, but it did make players feel like they have worked for something. i remember when the ranks were brand new. and we all grinded our way up there.
Taken individually each additional buff may not be that big of an imbalance. But all together buffs can add up.
not really. it was a goal to have it. i actually mastered my cata first and supply cap and siege mastery. and my guild ran without those 2 buffs for a very very long time even though others had it. stop making it look like that a guy with full stacks 1 shots u because u dont have full stacks! u got 1 shot because zerker!
I’m wondering if that zerker will need to think twice about their full zerk build though when Applied Fortitude isn’t available. Some posters seem to indicate that it gave them the cushion in defense that allowed them to go full on zerk. Plus they also had the Power and Condi buff from the Strength.
my guild gets wiped right in fron of the keep. we respawn and demolish the fully stacked zerg with no problem. a little buff from a guardstack is not going to make a difference. very often i have no stacks and still win 1v1s vs stacked players. e new player will lose and die a lot in his first few weeks in wvw anyways. guards stacks are not the ones to blame there.
Imagine being able to fly right into every keep and tower! What a fun and exciting change that would be!
in before rocket launcher is added as a new siege mechanic
not really. it was a goal to have it. i actually mastered my cata first and supply cap and siege mastery. and my guild ran without those 2 buffs for a very very long time even though others had it. stop making it look like that a guy with full stacks 1 shots u because u dont have full stacks! u got 1 shot because zerker!
Today I learnt that all WvW players have the same mentality.
Not a single person enjoys escorting Yaks/Upgrading Keeps/Siege
Not a single person enjoys taking a keep/holding it (ppt)
No one enjoys winning WvWAll WvW’ers are represented by the OP and the only thing that matters in WvW is Zerg vs Zerg.
WvW’ers have been crying (SO MUCH QQ) for change since like a month after launch. Now you are getting it, it’s QQ THEY ARE CHANGING WVW.
i dont know which server u are on, but on mine is a different mentality. we are qqing because the changes turn wvw into a pve event driven thing and not a better wvw. yes, we wanted a new map, yes we were asking for changes. we had a ton of ideas and everyone kept voicing their ideas. some of them were great ideas.
its like this:
u have a nice black suit and u wear it everywhere and u like it, but after some time the buttons come off and it has a few holes. so yeah u think its time fore a new suit, but this time u ant a whit tuxedo maybe with special buttons and a cool tie. well over months u hear nothing from the guys supposed to make your new tuxedo. u get a new tie here and there and they polish your shoes ones in a while but no tuxedo.
then finally u get a cal that its ready. u rush there and ….its a white dress instead of a whit tuxedo. they call it the eotm dress. it has special pearls that goes with it and looks great…but its a white dress and thats for girls…u tell the guy u wanted a tuxedo not a dress. so the wait starts again. u get some too small shoes here and there and then some random ties but no tuxedo still. finally a call about the store making big changes. u hear of new fancy buttons and nicer shoes and amazing ties and yes u hear that your order is almost ready. so u go and preview it. and …its a a pink dress with fairy wings that glows in the dark. something every fairy princess wants right?
all the girls in the store tell u, com on its beautiful u should try it!get the point?
That analogy bordered on the nonsensical.
It’s more like you work at a newspaper and type everything on a typewriter. Then, one day, your employer takes your typewriter away and gives you a brand new laptop. Then you complain that you have to push a button to turn it on.
nope thats not how it is its not advancing is a complete different thing if they change the borderlands to a map that is event and ai driven.
Actually, the typewriter metaphor works—just replace “event and ai” with “electricity” or “software.”
What this really comes down to is that you’re scared of change. They’re implementing changes that will cause players to respond with new strategies, builds, and play-styles, and you’re terrified that you won’t be able to do exactly what you do in WvWvW (and have been doing for going on 3 years) on the new map.
Here’s the thing though… you are necessarily straw-manning the new map. You haven’t played it… nobody outside of ArenaNet has to my knowledge. You are looking at environmental factors and screaming “PVE RUN!” when… you’re still fighting other players. Adding new and interesting mechanics to a map isn’t a bad thing… unless you’re afraid you can’t adapt.
I’m looking forward to new and exciting ways to kill other players on a grand scale—you should too.
nope mr feud. im not scarred of change. i got no issues with changes. what i dont want is a wvw that is too controlled by ai, npce,pve events and weird jumping puzzles. it looks like eotm and eotm is an absolute joke from a wvw perspective! and like i said id have no issues if this map was first tested with the whole wvw community before it was made permanent bl map!
make it optional first and if its good and fun and i can still have great fights without ai runining it all, then yes im happy to accept it, but the way it is presented it simply screams pve/eotm/ 3rd party timer driven map!
So should they allow consumables like Experimental Rifle to work in World vs. World now? (This item used to work in World vs. World by the way…) Or maybe they should allow Teleport to Friend and Revive Orbs to work in World vs. World too. Because after all, World vs. World was never supposed to be balanced!
There were some things like spike fruit(lulz) that were clearly broken and needed to be removed(despite the hilarity factor).
dont forget the peg leg disaster. o.0
with not being balanced i agree. so yeah a player that has played wvw for a long time should maybe have access to certain buffs. thats something a new player can look up to and achieve with the same amount of effort. abusing and exploit a certain pve item that offers little to no counter play can hardly be compared to applied fortitude ang stacks.
But simply saying that WvW is not supposed to be balanced doesn’t mean that it is good to introduce even more imbalance. Which is what the guard stacks do. And other things that Anet introduced after launch as well – BL buff and masteries in general and superior siege.
not that massive of an imbalance. if i gforget to eat food, then i see a big difference! and even if my guild gets wiped we have no stacks and manage to zerbust a full guardstacked zerg…. its really not suuuuch a big difference, but it did make players feel like they have worked for something. i remember when the ranks were brand new. and we all grinded our way up there.
i quit for like 8 months because the heavy meta was pretty bad and i was tired of veilbotting. I mained a mes and after confusion nerf hit the fun sorta dissapeared with the heavy meta. i mad a necro and did enjoy it but still the heavy meta was getting really boring!
when i heard of specializations it made me come back…not sure if im going to like the new weird map that comes with it though. i think ill avoid the circus map and try to queue for eb.
So should they allow consumables like Experimental Rifle to work in World vs. World now? (This item used to work in World vs. World by the way…) Or maybe they should allow Teleport to Friend and Revive Orbs to work in World vs. World too. Because after all, World vs. World was never supposed to be balanced!
There were some things like spike fruit(lulz) that were clearly broken and needed to be removed(despite the hilarity factor).
dont forget the peg leg disaster. o.0
with not being balanced i agree. so yeah a player that has played wvw for a long time should maybe have access to certain buffs. thats something a new player can look up to and achieve with the same amount of effort. abusing and exploit a certain pve item that offers little to no counter play can hardly be compared to applied fortitude ang stacks.
Today I learnt that all WvW players have the same mentality.
Not a single person enjoys escorting Yaks/Upgrading Keeps/Siege
Not a single person enjoys taking a keep/holding it (ppt)
No one enjoys winning WvWAll WvW’ers are represented by the OP and the only thing that matters in WvW is Zerg vs Zerg.
WvW’ers have been crying (SO MUCH QQ) for change since like a month after launch. Now you are getting it, it’s QQ THEY ARE CHANGING WVW.
i dont know which server u are on, but on mine is a different mentality. we are qqing because the changes turn wvw into a pve event driven thing and not a better wvw. yes, we wanted a new map, yes we were asking for changes. we had a ton of ideas and everyone kept voicing their ideas. some of them were great ideas.
its like this:
u have a nice black suit and u wear it everywhere and u like it, but after some time the buttons come off and it has a few holes. so yeah u think its time fore a new suit, but this time u ant a whit tuxedo maybe with special buttons and a cool tie. well over months u hear nothing from the guys supposed to make your new tuxedo. u get a new tie here and there and they polish your shoes ones in a while but no tuxedo.
then finally u get a cal that its ready. u rush there and ….its a white dress instead of a whit tuxedo. they call it the eotm dress. it has special pearls that goes with it and looks great…but its a white dress and thats for girls…u tell the guy u wanted a tuxedo not a dress. so the wait starts again. u get some too small shoes here and there and then some random ties but no tuxedo still. finally a call about the store making big changes. u hear of new fancy buttons and nicer shoes and amazing ties and yes u hear that your order is almost ready. so u go and preview it. and …its a a pink dress with fairy wings that glows in the dark. something every fairy princess wants right?
all the girls in the store tell u, com on its beautiful u should try it!get the point?
That analogy bordered on the nonsensical.
It’s more like you work at a newspaper and type everything on a typewriter. Then, one day, your employer takes your typewriter away and gives you a brand new laptop. Then you complain that you have to push a button to turn it on.
nope thats not how it is its not advancing is a complete different thing if they change the borderlands to a map that is event and ai driven.
erm u know when its night time its day time for me…so im not allowed to play because u sleep?
3 weeks is nothing! those who play real wvw had to deal with hackers much worse than that for months!
well eotm it was bound to happen eventually. in regular wvw we dealt with hackers and still deal with hackers for years. why do u think they removed orbs?
oh look its bird
its a plane
NOOO its the asura that learned how to fly hack
then we had teleport hackers porting straight ino towers and keeps and capping maps like that.
we got multiboxing, speed hacks and yes invis hack.
its hard to fix longterm and prevent hacking ,but at least ban the players.
I think he’s talking about a persistent object that keeps the WP contested completely.
No window to WP in until the object is destroyed.
Yes, that is what it’s about, but it isn’t something anet would do, and it only takes one player to accomplish the very same thing on 2 keeps right now. And after the changes, only 1 waypoint per map will ever need to be shut down, which will be easy for someone to do.
not that easy anymore. remember the player will have to go through all the jumping puzzles, pve traps and pve mobs first to get to the door
i dont see many eu only guilds, but still we have a ton of eu players. the timeslot is much needed in na and the guilds running during that time are normally quite fun and good guilds as far as i remember. if u cant find many eu players try to go to t2-t4 u will find plenty there
Today I learnt that all WvW players have the same mentality.
Not a single person enjoys escorting Yaks/Upgrading Keeps/Siege
Not a single person enjoys taking a keep/holding it (ppt)
No one enjoys winning WvWAll WvW’ers are represented by the OP and the only thing that matters in WvW is Zerg vs Zerg.
WvW’ers have been crying (SO MUCH QQ) for change since like a month after launch. Now you are getting it, it’s QQ THEY ARE CHANGING WVW.
i dont know which server u are on, but on mine is a different mentality. we are qqing because the changes turn wvw into a pve event driven thing and not a better wvw. yes, we wanted a new map, yes we were asking for changes. we had a ton of ideas and everyone kept voicing their ideas. some of them were great ideas.
its like this:
u have a nice black suit and u wear it everywhere and u like it, but after some time the buttons come off and it has a few holes. so yeah u think its time fore a new suit, but this time u ant a whit tuxedo maybe with special buttons and a cool tie. well over months u hear nothing from the guys supposed to make your new tuxedo. u get a new tie here and there and they polish your shoes ones in a while but no tuxedo.
then finally u get a cal that its ready. u rush there and ….its a white dress instead of a whit tuxedo. they call it the eotm dress. it has special pearls that goes with it and looks great…but its a white dress and thats for girls…u tell the guy u wanted a tuxedo not a dress. so the wait starts again. u get some too small shoes here and there and then some random ties but no tuxedo still. finally a call about the store making big changes. u hear of new fancy buttons and nicer shoes and amazing ties and yes u hear that your order is almost ready. so u go and preview it. and …its a a pink dress with fairy wings that glows in the dark. something every fairy princess wants right?
all the girls in the store tell u, com on its beautiful u should try it!
get the point?
fine thats your opinion. still i think the new map should be made optional and not replace the current borderlands. the events are a major turn off for me and the fire walking and stelath sandstorms and all this is more pve than actual fighting and it looks like there is not enough space for fights.
the map is a huuuuuuuuuge change and should be introduced carefully. thats why make it optional like eotmdont just throw this map at us and expect us to be happy.
i hate al these events ill be only queueing for eb.
Energy Cannon/Oasis Event: (every 3 hours)
- “Don’t waste supply repairing the paper gates now. Wait until they finish the laser event, THEN use supply to repair after it gets vaporized.”
- “Don’t take keep supply below 700, we will need it to repair the gates in 20 minutes if we lose the laser event.”
- “Don’t bother flipping stuff now, the laser event is coming up and they will just zerg it and all our paper doors will be down.”
- “Ok, we have enough cores to finish the laser event. Everybody else spread out and get ready to take everything. When everyone’s in position, we’ll fire the laser.”
- “I spent 30 minutes trying to solo the laser event, then an enemy zerg came and finished it fast. Grrraaaah!”
- “We can’t stop them firing the laser with their numbers. We need at least one person in each tower to at least tack up the gates.”
hahah yup thats the new wvw for us. after all the ideas the wvw community has come up with to improve wvw and btw some of u guys are awesome with their ideas, anet has listened and implemented …ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! its all bout events now instead of wvw battles. a new simpler map would have revived good old wvw more than this pve map. this new pve map will destoy wvw if not made optional.
also erm a mega event every 3 hours where u have to COLLEEECT ORBS and fill a laser is not a pve event right? thats totally what awvw player wants right?
laser insta destroys papergates.
its a pve event!
and its to push the wvw community away. thats all anet want. they only want pve players and keep kicking the wvw playebase straight in the face with this map they show me exactly that.
(edited by selan.8354)
If you’re on T6 then you know there are servers down here that completely dominate the others during oceanic.
Look at this week for example, AR and GoM are running neck and neck. Last night AR was beating GoM all through prime time and managed to pass them up by the end of the night. Look at the score this morning and GoM is back in the lead with a 4-5k gap because they have a much stronger night crew.
This week that match will stay competitive because AR has enough roamers on to flip camps and snipe yaks to keep things from upgrading too much and they can quickly flip their stuff back once people wake up.
If the auto upgrade had already gone through AR wouldn’t stand a chance this week because GoM has too many hours when they are uncontested. It would take much longer for AR to cap back their stuff giving GoM a bigger lead everyday.
This would eventually completely kill the servers without night crews because people would burn out from waking up to their bl and eb side being fortified by another server.
know the feeling we were reagularly matched vs a server that had a massive sea presence and every morning everything was gone. thankfully their sea zergs didnt bother upgrading the keeps and towers. with automated upgrades things would have been terrible.
im trying to point out that eotm is not a place a wvw player regularly goes. it does look like the shrines and element that they have in eotm, so i think that those elements are gonna be pretty dominant in wvw. whereas a camp is yes important but still not interfeering with fights or giving buffs. thats my only concern with the shrines i have.
the elements that are jumping puzzle like can be seen in the trailers. like the fire passage that does look like a jumping puzzle element and also the multiple traps that arenet placed by players. as a wvw player i like placing my own traps at the right place and time. i dont need ai to do that for me. same with the eotm ai operated cannons we rather use them ourselves.
there were sooo many suggestions from wvw players and a lot of them were really interesting and good….i see none of them implemented when looking at this weird map design and the pve ai add ons.
look i dont mind the map as whole if it wasnt replacing the current borderlands. why dont we test it out for a few weeks and i dont mean beat testes i mean when hot hits and see first how people like the map.
if im wrong with my prediction that the map is eotm fail material, then im happy to accept it as a borderland map. but just throwing this map at us with sooo many changes, is not a nice way to treat the wvw community.
the new map sure has a ton of new elements and this has to be tested first by wvw players not beta testers. i mean wvw veterans. make it optional first thats all im saying! because if it is a pve driven map with ai dominating everything, it will be really hard for a wvw player to accept all of that at once. trust me i wanted eotm to be cool! i wanted to like it, i never could because the oil and weird guards and all that weird map layout…all the pve mobs…its just not wvw!
im not going to adapt and enjoy this weird pve map that destroys my game mode and game play and all the fun so pve players can have fun in wvw! no ill refuse and ignore that stupid map and queue hours for eb everyday where the skillag will be unbareable because every single wvw driven guild will do the same after day 3!
Then just… dont.
Its not that complicated. This can play out in three ways:
1) WvW is going to be different, but better on the whole
2) WvW is going to be pretty much the same as before
3) WvW is going to be so different that its worse than ever
If you have such strong feelings before you even gave it a try, you’re probably not going to be one of the people that keep playing WvW for long anyway. GW2 is lots of fun, WvW is great and I hope that HoT will see it revived a a bit but it will always been on the decline, its 3 years since release kitten . Other games have been released and fallen flat in that time.
im just predicting it after seeing some parts of the map.
if anet forces this map on us eb queue will be massive everyday and its will be a disaster. all im hoping is that anet makes this map optional first to tet it properly by everyone. if this was the case i wouldnt mind or worrie. and i have been playing wvw pretty much the moment i hit level 40 on my first character and i loved it and still enjoy it today
i dont queue up for ranked because of elitists. they see me on my mes, they will be already calling me names and tell me off. play meta or go away. thats how it is. and honestly i prefer enjoying my pvp than having to block 5-10 people a day just so they stop yelling at me for not playing the way THEY want me to.
all i want is that the new wvw map is first made optional until the whole wvw community got to test and play it properly. beta is not sufficient as many of us didnt farm pve for a beta key.
…The beta key people farmed in PvE has nothing to do with testing the WvW map. There will be a separate beta for the WvW map – and the players for this beta will be selected based on their WvW activity.
i can guarantee anet that wvw players will hate this map if they dont remove a lot of the complex pve elements and ai control they put in.
…Since the maps will be tested by the most active WvW players (at least according to ANet), this remains to be seen. I however doubt that you can make any reliable statements on the complexity of PvE elements and AI control prior to playing on said map. I recommend waiting for the WvW beta to actually happen and form an opinion based on the outcome of the beta tests. I’m sure, based on your posts in this thread regading you being a true WvW player, that you will be selected to test the new WvW map.
they said that with eotm too. and honestly the new map looks exactly like eotm! and eotm is pve driven and has a ton of pve shrines and pve mobs. the preiviwe and trailers are enough to show that the new map is eotm 2.0. i can see already a ton of pve in it!
i was in eotm beta and me and others wrote to anet as a feedback that eotm was complicated and would favor ktrains because of the long distances u have to go just to get to your group and all the pve mobs and pve reward chests and also that all the pve elements were too much. now all wvw guilds that treat eotm as a joke! its a joke where we go trolling. my zergbusting group goes ther to kill pve scrubs over and over and over. we even spawncamp them and watch them cry and whisper to us that we were so evil and that they just want some karma.
thats what eotm is for us. we troll or level an alt up but we play serious in our borderlands and eb!
im telling u that this map is probably even worse than eotm because it has now even more jumping elements and places to troll and the meta will be only cc heavies that push people to their death and war/guard/revenent that have massive access to stability.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: selan.8354
Alright, so I’ve tried to just deal with this change without complaining, and I’ve done 65 skill challenges on 4 of my alts so far (of 12 characters minus my two 100%‘s), but if I still need 60 more skill points to get the new elite specialization on those 4 and 125 skill points on my other 6 characters, I think I’m going to be sick.
So far I’ve done 260 skill points out of 1250 needed to be back to where I was, and I’m completely exhausted. I’ve been doing this for about 5-6 hours, and the thought of putting 20-25 more hours (especially with classes I don’t like as much) of raw map completion grinding just to be back to where I started before this makes me shudder, not only for me but for everyone else who hasn’t even attempted this yet and especially for newer players who hardly know the maps, much less can map complete 10-15 of the areas without traits.
This should definitely be redone or removed. I’d even prefer the “go read a book” method that’s currently in place to having to continue this mind-melting work, and would further prefer the original system. My condolences to WvW’ers, this is much worse for you.
^ forcing this suffering on all players just so they can get their builds back will make people quit. It’s a long time to earn back what you just had pre patch. I have 10+ hours of skill challenges waiting for me, and u gotta say it’s making me question if gw2 is worth it.
yep i agree with u. i hate pve. its so boring! and now i have to run with a brain dead karma zerg in pve to get my hero points . i think im looking at around 30 hours because my mesmer wont be able to keep up because of pve war meta…. ill buy hot isnt that enough for u anet so i can have an option to unlock my new traits and skills right away? ill even pay gems for it! as long as i dont have to grind stupid pve mobs on each character!
the upcoming changes as an addition to the existent system on upgrades ( after expiration of buff lord ) are goods because help people focus on fights but what will be happened if a guild or a person want to control these upgrades or if enemies torture a server because for a big time period like late nights until early morning a server has not coverage to recapture their staff back and enemies auto upgrade them to t3 ?
and this is exactly why automated upgrades could and probably will backfire!
the upcoming changes as an addition to the existent system on upgrades ( after expiration of buff lord ) are goods because help people focus on fights but what will be happened if a guild or a person want to control these upgrades or if enemies torture a server because for a big time period like late nights until early morning a server has not coverage to recapture their staff back and enemies auto upgrade them to t3 ?
i do see pros and cons in terms of upgrades. as much as they could help the underdog servers, it can also backfire and help the outmanniing server to freely upgrade towers whil the outmanned server is trying to defend their keep. all towers and everything the massblob took will upgrade while the outmanned server defends their garri fore example for hours.
ive been part of hourlong siege and battles over garrison or even a tower. when we were matched up with a t1 server all we could hold was woodhaven. and we held it for 3 hours vs multiple zerg attempts and golem rushes. eventiually the t1 server got bored and left only a smaller 20 man guild back and we were able to take garri back and other towers… if the upgrades were automated at that time, we wouldnt have been able to take back anything!
look everything that was designed for underdog and low tier servers has been and is abused by the dominating servers and mapblobs just like siegerazor
what are u talking about? are u even playing wvw? what do u mean players dont fight eachother? we always always fight eachother. what kind of server are u on? we infact have a community ts we know when 1 map gets attacked and we all port over to defend. scouts tell us when a golemrush is on the way etc. i think u are on a very dead server or are being outblobbed by another server so much that the players only karmatrain. im in t2 atm and was in t3 before that and in both matchups we had great fights everywhere. often we even leave objectives to the enemy and prefer to fight against eachother than to cap the tower!
the current wvw maps do have hidden paths but they are not so complicated. and everyone can follow. the new map is eotm 2.0 and is a pve driven event map rather than a wvw map. eb will be queued to the max and the game will loose a lot of wvw players because eb cant handle t3 full map queues at the same time!
trust me every guild will check out the map and then move over to eb and try to stay there until map is made optional. it has too much pve elements and the environment is to dominant.
i said eotm is the place where i said players rarely fight each other, point being people do fight each other in WvW.
oh sorry i missread that one. yeah thats the issue with eotm and i fear the new map and excessive pve elements and ai in the new map could encourage such gameplay even more.
all i want is that the new wvw map is first made optional until the whole wvw community got to test and play it properly. beta is not sufficient as many of us didnt farm pve for a beta key. test the map as optional wvw map first and then according to wvw player feedbacks then decide if u make it a permanent borderland map… i can guarantee anet that wvw players will hate this map if they dont remove a lot of the complex pve elements and ai control they put in.
actually something has to be done about food as its getting way too expensive and food is very important in wvw!
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