Isle of Kickaspenwood
ty anet for making wvw wvw again and not a pve circus anymore. alpine is simple and easy to get around and finally we can have endless hills,bay and garrison fights again and no i wont miss desert borderland.
ty anet!!!!tytyttytytytytyty
aww maaan garrison and hills fights!!! how have i missed them and of course no walls, no gates bay fights <3
problem is just that over night with the server linking beta 1 server went from high to full and has been full ever since = no chance for me to play with my husband. i think this must be a bug as all host servers are full now….
actually im running with zergbusters which is always below 20 people. so no zerg. i just love to troll duels …well not really done that since the desert bl though cause the dueling place that we had with alpine were not there. but dont go to eb for duels unless u are clever and meet far away from stonemist.
i always disrupt their duels. its fun when they rage at you
Lol cmon you kittens….stop whining about the game being too hard and start learning how to play it.
1. Drop stealth removals
2. ….
3. profit.Truly ridiculous that everyone wants upgrades to go when they are the only things protecting ebg from flipping all over the place. Even more ridiculous they blame them for their own incompetence ingame.
The radius/duration could be changed slightly as it is a bit much to fight against it on the other side of the map. But even then its a case of being very observant of your surroundings to spot uncloaked elements of the zerg, and placing proxies/mines in the way of that zerg (aka around ur location) so some if not most of them reveal the location when they walk by/kill the proxy.
lol. being able to hold smc is easy if u outnumber the other servers. cloaking waters work like culling and culling was removed for a reason!
i think desert should be an optional wvw map. its good for beginners that are moving over from pve to wvw. alpine was always more hardcore cause u need ts and coordination to attack and defend.
also gem transfers went from 800 gems to 1500 overnight. so yeah the link is bugging the population count out. please anet i wanna play with my husband!
i am not moving to the linked server. i was unlucky cause before the hot patch i moved form my home to play with my husbands guild. now he moved back just before the server link and i have been watching my world and its permanently full and no i am not going to that other server.
yay.can we also fix the population bug with it as the servers are permanently full because of the server link!
erm simple is exactly what we need in wvw. wvw doesnt need a complex map as wvw is a sandbox kinda game mode where the player is responsible for defense and not ai.
no desert bl is not good for wvw!
sis u know good old db before hot? they were sea beasts!! man those zergs at night were crazy.
(edited by selan.8354)
i have been trying to transfer to my server since the link came out and the server is constantly full. it wasnt before the link. it s really annoying that i cant play with my guild and my husband…ugh i knew it must have been bugged. please ante, i wanna go back home after i took a break….
look as much as u want people to accepot homosexuals, bi sexuals, transgenders, so should u accept that there are people being uncomfortable with it. im ok with it as i have a gay best friend and a transgender ex brother in-law. but there are people uncomfortable with it and it should also be understood.
im also uncomfortable to go in a unisex bathroom, but not because of transgender women using it, but all the perverts exploiting it…
making a story too much about political correctness trend, will backfire as not everyone feels comfortable with certain things. not all of those people are homophobic, but they are allowed to not feel comfortable with it irl. games are there to bring us joy and also to relax us and should not have political agenda like elements in it. anet is already great with respecting all genders and sexual orientations, it does not need to be highlighted.
enough already. seriously. i get that there were many years where transgenders were ignored, but does everything now have to revolve around this? anet already has done a great job with different sexual orientations. it does not need to be more than that. i would like to enjoy my gaming without politics and liberal agenda. not everything is racist and not everything is ignorant or discriminating. how about just enjoy what we have in life instead of non stop complaining about everything wrong in this world.
Alpine map will look,like 8bit video game comparatively.
well, we dont play wvw for the looks you know….. if u want nice maps try pve….
and yes i still hate dbl. its still a complex maze and too pve oriented and based on a pve map anyways, just with a bit less lag now and a few less gimmicks and unbalanced buffs.
thanks pyro. good to see u are still here :-). p.s probably soon back on our server ;-)
nope i always zergbusted on my mesmer. i played mainly mesmer and for over 4k hours.i even played mesmer in wvw zergbusting when we were veilbots, but now that i was away for like 5 months im looking for new builds in chrono or wanna see which builds i have missed etc.
Hi guys, been absent for a while and finally caved in and wanna play wvw again. what are good wvw builds atm? especially chorno builds..
not looking for dueling builds atm. more like zergbusting and group battle builds. also i love to try non meta builds too.
Also, be aware, I’m taking the names of people who make these threads and will be checking how much they play Alpine.
sure lets add my 4k hours on alpine bl to that. in fact i can remeber the best battles and defenses in alpine. endless hills defenses, awesome bay with 0 walls or doors fights…. yeah and the moment they blob a keep and the mesmers manage to hide.etc. alpine is much better and trust me people will be on alpine a lot. the reasone why eb has such large queues is because many of us try to avoid desert bl. so u wanna act like u are in charge here. fine by me take down my name and check where u will find me most of the time. ALPINE!
yeah sure and then with the amazing gliding mastery we will have invisible zergs gliding into keeps. no ty if u love gliding go to pve.
Nerfs are coming for a number of the problematic guild upgrades like cloaking waters, chilling fog and airship defense.
For cloaking waters, the stealth duration is getting reduced dramatically. We recognize that it’s possible that any amount of stealth is too strong, but changing a number is something we can do quickly and safely. Whereas changing the upgrade to do something entirely different requires significantly more time, both in terms of general development (design/implementation/testing) and also in large part because it would require updated text, which in turn needs to go through our long editing and localization process. As for removing the upgrade entirely, that also isn’t really an option, due to how it’s intertwined with the Scribing and Guild Halls systems.
ty for the input. but honestly. i think removing them and wait a while until something that doesnt interfere with the actual battles the way it is atm, would be the best solution. none of these upgrades that are beneficial.
the guild upgrades we used to have like +5 supply etc. were way more balanced and didnt interfere with the actual battle. please remove banners and all the hot gimmicks that made many of us quit the game. im sure a lot of us dont mind not having them and wait until something that doesn’t mess around with our battle comes out.
airship reminds me of skyhammer, banners are like warriors before the nerf, the fountains are like culling before the fix…remove it all please.
They should also introduce a feature that makes people get stuck when building siege and they have to /dance to be able to move again
Honestly, outside of death from above mesmers, that was the best bug ever.
I don’t know, having a warrior traited for fall damage and running down the stairs through a bunch of enemies was always pretty funny.
omg i remeber that one.it was glorious!
They should also introduce a feature that makes people get stuck when building siege and they have to /dance to be able to move again
Honestly, outside of death from above mesmers, that was the best bug ever.
ahahaha omg good old time.ive been stuck on siege soo many times.but the mesmer death rain was the best!maybe anet should bring that bug back for next April fools.
well yes culling was removed for a reason.. i think the dev that developed this kitten is either new to anet or very forgetful. heeellooo anet, culling was removed because of invisible zergs…..that fountain is making invisible zergs……..
i think desert borderlands could stay as n eotm alternative, but for real wvw I’m sorry but i really tried to like it. its just too large, too pve based, too complex and to ai driven for me. when alpine was there, i couldnt wait to log in after work and go defend vs massive hordes tring to get us. i was always on the outnumbered servers and wvw used to have that sandbox feel to it. u as the player could decide and it was up to u to defend,upgrade,scout and place siege and all that. HOT and the desert bl just took it all away and changed to whole game mode. thats why so many people left. i mean comon airstrikes?!?! really? after skyhammer complains u actually thing laser events and airstrikes are a GOOD idea? after cc is alread an issue u make a vertical map?after pve events kept messing up wvw because anet brought the events into wvw anet made a map diven by pve…. seriously. i want all of hot gone in wvw and a fresh new approach! dersert bl could do well outside of wvw for a megaserver thing like eotm but its horrible for actual wvw..
wait…that must be wrong…it has buffs…is this for mesmers? omg scepter…..naaah im going back to sleep im sure it was inteded to be a nerf………
but it looks like mes finally gets some long needed attention where it was needed. maybe worth dusting off my abyssal scepter again(was shelved since confusion nerf)
i agree with u sich. all the new stuff they added and the horrible terrible guild upgrades need to be removed. the wp changes are bad, the upgrades removed a big part of the players strategies, the banners domitate the battles and ai is more important than players…. wvw used to be sandbox and now its a disaster. anet needs to go back to basic and rebalance classes for wvw alone and remove every singe guild addon for wvw. keep that in pve.
bringing back the old maps is a good step, but only if hot stuff goes with it…. how about making good wvw and then a seperate pve hot baddies wvw, so people can actually play wvw again.i want to but i hate all the hot stuff..
ugh the guild upgrades ruin wvw balance and turn the game into a circus. nah they need to change them and reduce th impact they have or many people wont come back. all these gimmick destroy wvw. and honestly with those horrible guild upgrades that are locked behind a massive grind, i wont come back. nor will many of those who have left.
they removed the guardstacks and all that but leave such a grindy thing that literally decides a battle in the game…..? nah sorry. this is still breaking the game…
Which makes balancing all that more difficult. No wonder there are so many balance problems, which is why I think separating the balancing is the answer. I think that it would greatly simplify anet’s job.
it used to be. wvw and pve were the same balance and spvp was seperate. then they made wvw and spvp balance the same = warrior bacame unkillable in wvw, mesmers became veilbots in wvw, thieves 1 shot everyone in wvw, rangers were still useless in wvw, Gwen meta was the only way to play in wvw and perma interrupts, perma immob and pretty much the warrior only meta began.
yes wvw has to be seperate from spvp and also pve balance. wvw mesmers/chronos need different things balanced than the spvp mes/chronos…. we shall see how many years until anet realizes that…
are guild gimmicks going to be removed? e.g. banners, invis well……it breaks wvw. alpine will not bring players back until balance is restored. the hot gimmicks are terrible. alpine map is awesome for good wvw fights, zergbusting and epic defense battles. i rember having great fights like garrison no walls or doors defence, same with bay or long lasting hills lordsroom defense…. good times, but the waypoint changes and all the guildghall gimmicks will affect alpines comeback.
When HoT started, the clear issue with desert bl was low population (at least playing from NSP). This would have happened to alpine as well – everyone was doing elite specs and trying HoT content.
This would have happened to Alpine and WvW in general for a SHORT TIME.. The expansion has been out since October, that is almost 7 months now and a large amount of WvW population does not play anymore because of the new maps. I stopped for a long time and just did PvP because of it too.
same. i tried to like the map. i did the elite specializations and i hated this map so much. and all the guild changes and the horrible banners and 0 balance made me quit. desert borderland felt the same way it felt like watching the new ghostbusters trailer….a disaster!
it would make me at least give it a try to come back, but guild upgrades have to be removed and reworked so they dont give imbalanced buffs and all the hot gimmicks and pve shrines have to go. wvw used to be a sandbox gamemode. it doesnt need invis wells, or the god awful airstrikes, or the horrrible banners. it also doesnt need pve like lords( the best time i ever had was the battles in the lordrooms and the epic ninja keep tactics, the scouting and the golemrushes and the massive battles. hot removed pretty much everything and made it ai based and pve heavy.
also wvw has to balanced differently from all other game modes. it used to be better balanced before they changed wvw balanced to spvp balance…
Because i do not just want the old borderlands back.I would like this game to progress, bringing the old back will just make it static and be honest most of you have seen this map for over 1,5 years, its not gonna reignite the WvW flame permanently.
For those in favor of bringing them back i must add that the mechanics prolly will be the new ones, god knows what arena-net has done to impliment those on the old maps, anyone guessed what the changes will be to the map?
For all the failings Desert borderland had maybe to many points to complicated for some players too much effort demanded on others it was an improvement.
There is more future in a permanent rotation if Arena-net were to add a couple of other maps with other condition-based challenges it might actually be fun to change maps evry week that would keep the borderlands from becoming to static.
In that context the Alpine Borderlands could be added and the Desert borderlands would not have to be removed and evryone would be more satisfied instead of a limited group of players which are stuck in their old ways no?
Old is not bether some ppl forget that most of you were crying for a change of maps when they introduced HOT, how long are you planning on doing WvW when they reintroduce the old maps, till you are again fed up with them? And then you all will stay in EBG again or dissapear again from WvW to do something else or leave the game like with the release of HOT?
new map is not bad because i like to dwell on the old map. i wanted a new map, but not a pve driven eotm cluster kitten with pve driven mechanics and horrible guild grind upgrades that un balance the entire game mode. the banners, the god kitten airstrike, the banners, the invis well( erm culling was removed for a reason…), the kitten banners, the pve raidbosslike lords, the banners, and everything that used to be fun like scouting, nija tactics, dolyaks sniping, upgrading yak escorting, golem rushes and all the sandbox features have been replaced by ai and pve gimmicks!
did i mention the horrible awful banners that are breaking this game mode?
the new map and all the stuff that came with it is the reason almost everyone ragequit. i wanted new maps but not this disaster!
LOL. good one!!
please scrap this horrible map and take all the stupid broken guild upgrades and the stupid pve gimmicks with it.
Just lol. 1 minute stealth!! On a WvW map?! Why tweak such “features”, anyone thinks at Anet that we go to WvW to avoid each other? Truly?
yep its like anet forgotten the time when we had culling. REMEMBER ANET!!!! it took them sooo long to finally fix culling and everyone was so happy…. and they introduce a 1 MINUTE ( not a few seconds) stealth mechaninc for ENTIRE zergs….. its so stupid that i wanna slap who ever invented this mechanic… anet please remove all guild gimmicks from wvw and give us something that is not breaking wvw even more.
There is nothing wrong with the DBL’s that a few tweaks here and there would help.
Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater as they could always make the ABL’s worse.
just flush the baby and the bathwater
you can tweak a kitten all you want and it is still a kittenYeah and people were whining how boring the ABL’s were and WvW started losing players because of that.
We asked for new scenery.
We did NOT ask for:
A vertical map.
Jump pads.
Pop up rocks to face plant into (seriously wtf)
Shrines for gizmos and gimmicks
Changes to NPCs (lords and champs)and
Let’s not forget the Oasis event fiasco and how long it took to get it turned off. Good Grenth, we lagged out, or froze, or had about 2 FPS during that event. Horrible. Just horrible.
Last but not least (and VERY important): guild upgrade changes (including new, expensive crap that commanders from even the bigger guilds are now asking donations for) that ended up completely screwing over our small personal and small havoc WvW guilds. So the alienation of solo roamers, upgrader/scouts, and small havocs. Bad, bad stuff.
Lastly, Alpine didn’t feel like a gynormous fractal. DBL does. It’s just reeks of a PvE. And I think most of us can agree. If we wanted PvE, we’d leave the Mists and go PvE.
this pretty much sums it up for me….
design a new bl map from scratch that is simple and made for large scale battles without the pve gimmicks.
balance wvw separately from spvp like it used to be.
remove guild banners and rework them completely for wvw. guild banner wars is bad.
dislike/hate/ all the new wvw gimmicks that came with hot. eotm was a fail and anet didnt listen.
what would bring me back to wvw and gw2…
1. no pve content in wvw. bring back the sandbox aspect of wvw( lords should not have pve raid mechanics f.e)
2. balance . split wvw and spvp balance apart again, buff stability, remove 1 shot cheese abilities, make each class viable and strong for group pvp fights and stop nerfing because of spvp imbalances
3. rework guildhalls and remove all the stupid buffsand banners they give from wvw. bring back old achievements that guilds already had worked for for the past years…….
4. make wvw only gear that pve farmers cant use in pve but that can be used in wvw. also make legendary wvw armor and weapons too
5. remove desert bl and bring a real wvw map without pve gimmicks without shrines without weird mechanics, with real keeps not mazes with less vertical chaos, without all the invis areas….like the oposite of desert bl and opposite of the horrible eotm map u know the one we hated the moment u brought it out……
like the old maps but reworked, without bloodlust….
Please ditch the EOTM map style. Something Alpine-esque was tride and tested. Leave all the new fancy mechanics for the PvE content; It’s good, but in my humble opinion, Anet, it holds no place in WvW.
-Your customer
i second that. as boring the old maps became over the years, they were sandbox like. it was the players job to
build defenses,
to safe the lord(not a crazy pve mob lord),
to upgrade, to escort dolyaks,
to use teamspeak or whispers or guild chats ,
to roam and scout,
to upgrade camps
to track enemy movements
to plan ninja attacks,
to prevent dolyaks from reaching keeps
to prevent upgrades
to attack and coordinate with other guilds
to watch ppt
to have fighting guilds that zergbust
to place siege well
to hide mesmers
to contest keeps
to destroy siege
to launch decoy attacks
yeah wvw used to be fun, now ai and pve gimmicks and the horrible guild changes and the terrible unbalance of guild unlocks and spvp balance have taken over wvw and turned it into a circus
I haven’t logged in for weeks now and honestly this is the first time I’ve even looked at the forum in about a week, too. If ArenaNet doesn’t bother to address players’ issues soon I’ll just stop checking here, too.
No, I’m not going to Reddit or Twitter.
same here. the main reason i used to play gw2 was wvw, but i didnt mind an occasional pve farm frenzy to actually makes gold for wvw or get a skin. well anet destroyed wvw beyond repair and many many many of us left and yes many of us pve’d to get mats and gold for wvw competitive play. gg anet ….btw we told u desert bl would be terrible …but u never cared.
yeah sure we all need those flying invisible zergs, maybe unicorn mounts should be there too and lets all have pink butterly fairies that give us free potions along with that.
last time they invited by going into actual wvw and selecting people that were active and played wvw a lot….
and we allllll told them that i was going to cause problems, but they never wanted us to give feedback about the wvw content. all they wanted was for us to fin exploitable spots, glitches and stress test it. now they want actual input? and they invite a pve guild?
wvw died because of too much pve addons and a massive useless pve map and pve guild gimmicks and 1v1 spvp balance and the unbalance of pve guild addons and pve crybabies that wanted more pve content for the pve community……thats why wvw died. i loved this game and all i used to log on for was wvw. then after anet decided to balance spvp and wvw the same way the downfall of wvw started.
some classes became unkillable(aka warrior spvp buffed)
some classes became unviable(aka confusion nerfed mesmer, aka ranger being a joke)
GWEN meta started
Siege was made op (aka the arrowcart disaster)
zergs became heavy class zergs
pve content obstructed dolyaks, perma contested keeps
the introduction of ascended gear which u have to grind pve for hours for……..
now the pve guild mechanics that are breaking wvw….
honestly, they have destroyed this game mode and it will never come back guys…sad but true
yes. i want the old maps and mechanics back. no banners. no op guild kitten, als old way of balancing wvw( SEPERATE from spvp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) wvw used to be in better shape before anet got lazy with balancing and put wvw and spvp together. what is op in spvp might not be op in wvw and what is op in wvw might mean nothing in wvw. for example. glamour mesmer builds were pretty bad in spvp, but destroyed entire zergs in wvw…..
would u like a tissue?
u jumped into an obvious dueling situation……
great points op. i agree. i think the main problem that leads into all these issues is also, that anet decided to balance spvp and wvw the same way which causes way more imbalance.
when they buffed warrior for spvp reasons (which they did need), wvw turned into the heavy meta that almost made me quit cause i liked playing mesmer.
also wvw used to have a ton of pve items that were usable, like peg leg and spike fruit…well anet should have known that the banners will be op for the same reason.
they really dont know how to balance things i think we need spvp and wvw split and all the fancy guild addons need to be rebalanced or taken out. we really dont need stealth and airstrikes and even banners. the old buffs were actually fine as they werent overpowered.
agreed. get rid of all these overpowered addons. they destroy wvw beyond repair and are about 1000000 times worse than the disaster of orbs, fly hacking and culling togehter…..
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