… why would anyone want to spend 45 mins in a dungeon vs the 10 mins it should actually take, speed run or not, ex: your driving your car to work everyday, should take 15 mins to get to work, why would you intentionally waste time and gas by taking a much longer route
Poor analogy. You’re assuming that taking longer in a dungeon is inherently un-fun. You’re too goal oriented; something the OP and others have pointed out is the problem. Instead, you should be enjoying the ride.
A better analogy would be:
Would you rather take the direct 15min route home, or try that snazzy, windy back-road that will take longer but could be fun and definitely something new? Sometimes it’s about the journey, not the destination. Especially, when we’re all headed to the same place. Make it fun.
A more pertinent analogy would be to compare the direct 15min route home to the same route only with you getting a two minutes break every minute to stretch your legs.
I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.
The SoloQ uses a reset leaderboard it’s common knowledge. As such, all the players in soloQ count as unranked new players. It’s NORMAL that the first dew days you’ll get messy completely random teams. It’s in no way a proof that the matchmaking system doesn’t work or doesn’t even exist, just that it is still collecting information on the participants.
Because not everybody is you, that’s why. And you shouldn’t expect others to think and play like you do.
And that’s why many, many stat combos are available in the game. Otherwise laurel merchants would only sell “Zerk” gear by your logic.
Non-zerk gear is not training wheels-it’s a gameplay choice. Allow people to play how they wish, as it’s their free choice.
It’s not because gear exists that it makes sense. Case in point : the MF/Vitality/Toughness gear. I shudder to think of players using that in my party :’(
Since the BoH are now put into the wallet and aren’t items you loot as such, it is possible they don’t show on the right side of the screen?
So let me get this straight.
We don’t have soloque leaderboard yet?
There is no reset?
Random rank matching instead of having a 10 scale matching (0-10,20-30,40-50 ect) or elo/rating matching?Not impressed. I will still soloque later on but what a big letdown.
By the way why should we wait for it to stabilize? We are not applying evolution in here. It is not hard to implement a good formula for great matchmaking.
Anyone noticed any abusive things?
Maybe because all the players in soloQ start as unrated? It wasn’t a secret either.
Solo players can queue in the team queue too but I’d not count on it. There’s NO way it’ll take a player from the solo queue though.
You are already 4, don’t be lazy and wait for the game to find you a 5th, ask in the Mists :p
What? You want the dungeon to become much harder once there’s a healer in the group or something?
It’s kind of like making two games at once. Each dungeon has to be tuned for two different gameplays. It’s basically twice the work.
I was an anti-downed thread in title only, the very first sentence in the first post was an anti-thief rant.
Sorry mate, but you should be able to change/modify your build to beat some bosses. You can’t zerk everyone and can’t power/vitality/toughness everyone. You should use conditions primarily for some bosses, dmg spiking for other and etc
No. I shouldn’t have to get 3-4 different gear sets to complete just that content XD
I say, balance everything for zerk gear. A tank necro is a waste of space in a PvE party anyway.
True freedom in a game would to be able to be what you want to be..if someone wants to be a healer then they should be able to be a healer. They don’t need to require people to have a healer, that doesn’t mean the opportunity shouldn’t be there. Same with Tanks. GW2, in my opinion, went for a more first person shooter type of gameplay with their action combat. Spamming aoe’s and whatnot is essentially the same as spray-n-pray.
The presence of a healer in a party is completely gamestyle defining. You cannot make content balanced for both teams with and without a healer.
A tank is different. A tank puts order in a fight but there are other ways. Kitting, shared tanking etc…
Didn’t they say rather that only 5 testers defeated her with 5 penalties at once? Which is the threshold required to get the most difficult rewards.
Especially to a vote between “human female with reduced prices on waypoints” vs “male charr with reduced price on stupid RNG keys nobody cares about”
NA PvP is the same time as DotA 2 TI3 tournament which is the biggest eSport tournament ever made (at leasts in term of monetary reward). There was no way the audience wouldn’t see a huge fall between last week EU (which was free of such interference) and this week NA.
(edited by stof.9341)
+5 Insightful.
Interesting series he’s doing, I’ll watch the next one. Still, it’s nothing really new.
The best buff in the game is Protection by far, not Stealth. Stealth decaps the points, protection makes you very hard to kill. Add Vigor and Regeneration on top of that. And Stability is good too.
Your puny technology is nothing compared to the might of the Norns.
Well, that’s what the Norns in GW1 would say, they are just some overgrown humans now :/
Steampunk != high technology and the Ausran lore has been engrained with high technology that is based in High Fantasy magic, not pure mechanical power. And if ANY of the nations should be based around steampunk it should have been the Charr as the industrial nation. Instead Humans which have never relied on technology all of a sudden have steampunk tech because… well just because.
Because it made little sense for Humans to remain technologically backwards to a point worse than what the Asuras were at 200 years earlier?
if the charr wage war against humans again, then LA would no longer exist, the pact would disappear, the vigil, whispers, and priory would lose members, and the dragons would have no real opposition to them, thus allowing Tyria to be destroyed by them.
Actually, would it? Something very weird in the personal storyline is that the major powers in the game only participate in a very faint manner. I’m talking about Rata Sum, Divinity’s Reach, etc…
The Pact military force is 99% composed from Order of Whispers, Priory and Vigil members as can be seen by their uniforms. From what we see in the personal story line, joining those orders seem a pretty big commitment. If the Charr and Humans (meaning, the Black Citadel, Divinity’s Reach and Ebonhawke mostly) went in a war, how many of the Human and Charr members of the Vigil, Priory and OoW would leave their order to go to the war?
Consider well that : 99% of the troops sent against the Dragons are Pact, ie from those three orders. It seems that the orders of Tyria are actually the biggest military groups in the current world. They probably won’t let a war happen. Unless some heavy nationalistic propaganda pushes the Charr and Human members to leave their order to reinforce their homeland army. But we already saw how the Lion’s Arch humans care about Divinity’s Reach against the centaurs so …
if I get to take Caladbolg as my prize.
I used Caladbolg already. It was cursed so that I couldn’t drop it and it scared my ranger pet away, leaving me alone to kill the badies with a cursed weapon. It wasn’t a nice experience :o
I want to fight Trahearne in the ring.
Pretty sure the training dummies in LA present more of a challenge…
Wait until he summons multiple copies of the necro elite pet and a few shades, all at the same time :p
From what I understand, the spectators and the players ARE on the same overflow. Since the capacity is 6 players at once, a full overflow has 69 spectators. Hence the results of on average 20 minutes wait between tries. If nobody ever fails before the 2 minute mark of course.
So, a map has 75 players and 6 arenas. So the queue is composed of 69 players. At a rate of 6 new players that enter every 2 minutes, it means on average you have to wait 20 minutes between the time you leave an arena and can reenter to try again.
you fix the game and make it more enjoyable for the rest of gw2 playerbase (and most likely this includes toning down a lot the damage, the fast pace and the aoe-condi-spam)
They’ll most likely have to nerf the healing in this game hard or else we’ll be in for “immortal wars 2 : the game where nobody ever dies”
CoF3 doesn’t deserve 3g. Only Arah paths can get close to that I’d say.
Was no marketing done at all for this event? I hope the grand finals do attract the most viewers GW2 PVP has seen or else – despite all the balance and new game modes – this game will just remain about as niche as it gets.
You think there was any hope of GW2 attracting the most viewers in the final? Final that happened while The International 3 is running? The tourney with THE biggest prize pool in the esport history? You cannot beat a $2800000 prize pool
That “protect yourself from… yourself” quote shows either stunning arrogance or an inability to understand the question (not aimed at you personally btw, but at the dev who said it). It’s not about buying ‘too much’ on one character
Well actually, the dev answer quoted WAS about someone fearing they’d overspend and who wanted the protection of putting most of their gold in the bank.
I played many classes and I must say, that Sword/Warhorn melee ranger really makes solo content feel trivial. Rampage as One for long duration stability, Warhorn #4 for many many hits giving your pet lots of might and a feline pet means you melt down every veteran mob in no time.
Pet is also a great asset to get any skill challenge communing in hostile territory. The only “hard” thing is the risen abominations that get fury from your pet.
You are also very hard to kill since your pet will easily rally you once downed by killing some low life mob, or he can lick wounds you to life easily even under most bosses focus.
You also got a great healing spell that doubles as 15s of water field + condition removal, without having to use your other utilities for that.
Chilled affects your feet and hands, burning your head.
I just tried to put a rune it works. I didn’t actually put it cause it wasn’t worth it but I got up to the confirmation dialog
Well all my CoE fights were done with melee stacking recently. Pugs learn. Still by real melee DPS team I meant a group that actually has good DPS and not just 5 players that go melee with their suboptimal gear and stats traited for long range weapons
Something like the TA Story mode pug group I got the other day that packed so much DPS the nightmare summoner boss just died before the nightmares could drop half th HP of any of us and we actually managed to kill Faolain and not just drive her away Sadly, she doesn’t loot anything special.
Pugs are random. Sometimes (very rarely though), you get the group that cannot even finish an average dungeon run. Other times you somehow get 5 players that know their job and pack some high DPS builds and you then understand how much it changes and that most dungeons are NOT hard after all.
Use +40% duration condition food (Rare Veggie Pizza) to counter their own food if you need those immobilize and cripple to survive.
This mission is such a joke. The boss dies so fast there is no time to even see the different phases! Why was he nerfed so heavily? I swear you removed 90% of his HP bar or something.
It was the most interesting solo boss fight in the game before. Now he’s weaker than a veteran.
Any instance was trivial? Even the Domain of Anguish for example?
Having bosses that you can AFK auto attack through should never have happened. I don’t know what the excuse could even be.
The problem is the very design of the stat system of the game. When you have to make a boss fight that can be killed by any gear set from an exotic full soldiers (aka, boring) strictly ranged users to a mishmash or masterwork and rare berserk team to a fully optimised full zerk melee exotic team, well your boss design has very little liberties left. Can’t hit too hard or the low gear guys die, even if you forget them, you cannot either kill the full zerk guys and you cannot give them THAT much HP so that the full zerk fight isn’t trivially short or else the PVT ranged group will take 30 minutes to down him.
Some people say they should have fights where Zerk gear is suboptimal. I say it’s other way around : they should design every single fight with zerk gear in mind (and fix condition damage with rampager gear to be on par with zerk I suppose) and ignore the rest, they should make sure every PvE player understands zerk gear is THE PvE gear and the rest is there only for WvW.
Well I know the role of ranger but no matter what, a live pet is still more DPS than a dead pet :p
So I guess it means Alpha dies fast enough that it’s not much of a problem then. It does require a real melee DPS group though as I feared.
Nothing of course. In other games I gladly leveled multiple characters before getting a sense of boredom. Here I get that sense of boredom around level 40-50 on my first character. That is not very good.
That’s because leveling PvE doesn’t ask you to do much more than autoattacks for nearly all the classes. So yeah obviously it’ll feel repetitive quickly.
Fastest clears we achieve are without a doubt with me being on ranger, and I feel I play her the worst out of all my characters.
I have yet to try CoE on my ranger. How do you keep your pet alive and doing some DPS then? During the Alpha fights I mean.
(edited by stof.9341)
I placed plenty of exotic sigils on my masterwork weapons already. Why would rebreathers be different?
Yea because in gw2 you have to keep moving or you are dead. But sure it must be better to stand below monsters armpit than to move and fight, you can smell excitment!
Actually, you have to move always against that BAM too, it’s just that you keep that precise position because the mob punch can hardly be avoided due to the speed at which they launch. You have to move around to avoid all the other attacks which are a little more telegraphed.
You are constantly moving to avoid the big attacks and try to get back in position to avoid the autoattack before it happens.
I think it’s a problem with the design of the very core mechanics of the game and how they with one another. This game encourages dodging but only by pressing an invincibility toggle, which isn’t really dodging at all. You can move to dodge, but enemy attacks don’t synch to their animations so it’s not entirely sensible to move to dodge. Ranged attacks auto-track the player, making them rely on an invincibility toggle. The game wants to make movement matter but its simply can’t. To top it all off, the very telegraphing of attacks is done so poorly that you’re better off just not giving a kitten about dodging and are better off instead spamming dps, and cycling your reflect and heal skills off cooldown without really paying attention to enemy attacks and you do this for nearly every single encounter.
^This is exactly what I mean!
Most action RPG’s and MMO’s have very defined hitboxes from the AoE animations or the length of the weapon. If you aren’t within range, you don’t get hit. In vindictus, there are various kinds of projectiles, some are homing and others just travel is a straight line. If the projectile doesn’t hit you, you don’t get hit, even if that projectile was meant for you. You can get hit by projectiles meant for other people if you accidentally step in front of the person the projectile was heading towards.
I think the difference is that in vindictus, combat feels precise while GW2 it feels mushy, abstract, and weird. In vindi, attacks are telegraphed differently, some are easy to tell, others not so much, while some other attacks push the limit of human reaction time. It’s that preciseness that allows skilled twin sword warriors in vindi to stay toe to toe with the raid boss and dodge/attack at the same time…. accurately timing dodges and attacks to 0.3 or so seconds to maximize DPS while maximizing survivability.
Yeah… it seems like GW2 doesn’t have hit boxes, just ranges. If you are in melee range and don’t dodge you get hit. If an enemy fires a projectile and don’t dodge you also get hit even if you moved away… somehow that arrow that landed 6 feet away from you hits you.
This is completely true. I don’t know about Vindi but I know Tera and I have the same feeling. Tera is precise, sharp and accurate in it’s fight. GW2 is messy, mushy, hard to read.
In Tera, I remember a BAM that it was common knowledge you’d better tank him in front slightly to the left because you’d pass under his armpit when he does his main melee attack. This kind of precise positioning is completely missing in GW2.
I don’t think we’ll ever get offhand sword because Main hand dagger + offhand sword would feel extremely odd and unbalanced.
Also, all skills except #3 for thief work with only the corresponding weapon. On that note, your skill #3 is practically identical the the ranger sword #2
And lastly, that #5 is insanely broken!
The Asuras couldn’t invade any town through their gates. The reason? Two words : Choke Point.
Also, there’s a very high likelihood that the gates need heavy maintenance from both sides, meaning it should be incredibly easy to disable one side and make the whole set inoperative.
I remember visiting a grave right near the Spiral in the personal story. I think it was the one about that knight that couldn’t be beaten.
Issue: Condition damage has no HARD COUNTER.
Everything else in this game has a HARD COUNTER.
Condition damage needs a HARD COUNTER.
Nice game, can I play too?
Issue: Bunkers have no HARD COUNTER.
Everything else in this game has a HARD COUNTER.
Bunkers needs a HARD COUNTER.
I play one BG, I afk for two others BG
I can’t wait for the AFK and leaver penalties to be enforced.
They cannot make most bosses more interesting. It’s impossible to see anything that’s happening in a big fight under all the particles so if the boss does anything weird, we’ll automatically miss it and get killed anyway.
Stealth here is honestly starting to get worse than Deadringer spy in TF2 was….
…and really, nothing ever used to top DR spy when it came to “disengage” …
DR + Spycycle comes to mind
I suppose the problem with this is that it is a loaded question. I’m not sure conditions are a problem as much as it is player refusal to run vitality and run more cleanses in lieu of something else. They’ve got to learn: running extra utility is useless if you’re dead.
There are many flaws in the amulet system as it is that don’t pertain to conditions at all.
Yes, it’s past time for players to learn that all utilities are useless unless they break stun, provide stability or remove conditions. Unfortunately because those are always the most boring ones :/
The matchmaking actually works you know. You probably got up in the ladder and now get to play with higher skill level players that already existed before.