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Condition classes/builds that need nerf

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



I think pretty much everyone who is unbiased knows that dd ele is too strong right now. It needs a nerf.

The main condi item that needs adjustment is the ability for certain classes to stack burns (dd ele, burn guardian, trap ranger). It is too easy to stack burns.

Any plans to also filter Deathmatch maps?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I love courtyard.
All those people who don’t even know how to play their class outside of 1v1…just great.

And it’s the very best map to play power necro.

You don’t understand how the map works. It’s just everyone fighting in some narrow space. Great for the aoe spammy classes like your necro, but hardly any skill involved.

If you want team deathmatch, it needs to be a more open space area. Hopefully guild arenas will solve that.

Yearly Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173



I like the idea of resetting the ratings every year. I just don’t think that anyone should receive a reward.

Ranger - Needed Changes

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



You want to increase damage of traps??? What? If anything, they should be nerfed.

Nerf ranger traps… are you actually serious ??

Yes, traps are pure aids and are skill -less. There are so many things to buff about ranger. That is not one of them.


in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I’ll be blunt and honest I’ve never had more than around 9 stacks of burning…

True because you are pretty much dead in 2 seconds when that happens.

Let me guess. You are an ele who thinks you are good because of your own skill. You don’t think that the class is god mode like pretty much everyone else in here.

Reported for winning a fight?!

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173



You have to remember that mesmer is super OP in roaming right now. They won’t be happy when they lose because it means they are bad. Easier to just blame it on the other person cheating.

Anet the condi meta in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I will never understand why people hate conditions so much…

An easy one for you. People don’t mind condis. They mind when people can stack a ton of condis and drop them as fast as a zerker class. The issue is that condi specs can be a lot more defensive. Essentially it should be this:

1. zerker specs – can kill you fast but die super fast as well
2. Condi specs – Kill you slowly but hard to kill as well.

T2 painfully stacked

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Yeah, BG is definitely stronger after those guilds left.

That said, Yak’s Bend probably has more people right now than any of the T1 servers. On a reset night, the queues are in the single digits these days. Seems like a lot of people left with the golem event and never came back.

Plus 1 is NOT a Role

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


If you think that a thief shouldn’t be +1 a fight, you are new to the game. This is part of my problem with thieves. They literally have no clue how to contribute to a team and are the biggest reason for the loss.

Yes, your role is to +1 a fight. It is much broader than that though as well. Know when to fight, when to distract, and when to decap.

Elementalist Vs Engineer Burn Damage

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Elementalists have burning as their single condition.

This is untrue. D/D ele has access to Chill, Immob, Burning, Bleeding, Weakness, and Cripple on weapon skills, Blinds on Evasive Arcana, and potentially poison if running doom sigils.

Besides bleeding none of these conditions do any damage, so burning is the only damaging conditions eles and guards have. Eles have 1 bleed skill and no trait support.

Some people admit when they are wrong. Others keep digging the hole.

Elementalist and Ring of Fire

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The skill is not overpowered.

^^ The type of person will will be very upset once ele is nerfed to be more inline with the other characters.

Burn damage vs Cleanse skill time

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Honestly, burning is fine and I highly doubt Anet will nerf it since it will destroy several builds in both PvE and PvP. Any mesmer running inspiration should have enough cleanse to deal with it and enough evades/stealth/invulns to avoid it.

Burning is fine. Stacking of burns is NOT fine.

Why builds locked in arenas?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


ANET thought that switching builds would lead to strategy being included in the game and they didn’t want that.

Joking aside, no one wants a AFK sitting around adjusting their build middle of a match.

Ranger - Needed Changes

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



You want to increase damage of traps??? What? If anything, they should be nerfed.

Sick Of The Disrespect To NA Teams

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


After that though, 2-4 are all EU (oRNG, TCG, and rawr) and can beat any other team that NA can field.

How do you or anyone else know that the NA teams are unable to beat those 2-4 teams? That is my question. Nobody knows this for sure. BUT EVERYONE keeps claiming it as fact.

Maybe when one of those teams win a competition, they will get more respect, or maybe if they actually play a close match against Abjured.

As you mention there is no direct matchups. You can only go based on how easy or difficult it is for Adjured to fight against those EU teams. The matchups are a lot closer than during the NA fights. I’m actually surprised you can’t tell the skill of teams by watching them.

Sick Of The Disrespect To NA Teams

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Here is the reality. Adjured is the best team in the world at this point. After that though, 2-4 are all EU (oRNG, TCG, and rawr) and can beat any other team that NA can field.

You may not like it, but there is no team in NA that is in the same league as Abured or the top European teams. Maybe that will change, but as of right now, that is the fact.

Enemy Necro =Your Team's Secret Ally

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Quit complaining. Necro is actually in a great position right now. You just need to ensure you are playing it the right way. Its always funny how some people try to play every class the same way. Each class has a different role. Follow it.

Legaues concerns

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



100% agree that solo queue and team queue need to be separated if ANET wants to have a league.

Your matchmaking sucks

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yes, matchmaking is horrible. That’s pretty obvious. It’s sad that the current system is worse than the previous one.

The issue is that they have leagues coming. If they don’t have a solo queue league, it is going to be very boring, very quickly, for a majority of the players.

D/D ele

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The Abjured didn’t win due to having 2 cele eles, they won because they rotated and knew where to not fight (as in, where their competition was strongest), along with the insane job Magic Toker did to back cap.

Oh, and let’s say they didn’t play 2 cele eles. What do you think they could have run to still beat TCG and oRNG? None of them are elite at memser so that is out. Warrior is ok so maybe 1 could have run that. What about the other…. medi guard maybe? They would have gotten beat given their other 3 classes are engi, necro, and thief.

and actually cele ele directly won them the game. It allowed phanta to mess around on the enemy homepoint for long periods of time.

So if Rampage gets -25% damage taken

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Can I get that on Tornado please? Tornado already takes 4 seconds to do anything (1 second casting time) leaving the elementalist extremely vulnerable and all Elementalist elites are pretty horrible.

I can understand Rampage concept being an unstoppable force of nature but why is it infinitely better than an Tornado, an unstoppable force of nature?

This is huge everyone! The day when eles come onto the PvP forums and ask for buffs.

You want a tornado buff? Sure, how about we also remove your ability to stack burns and might? Ele needs a TON of nerfs before there is any discussion around just straight buffs.

Was this discussed??? (Rank Requirements)

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Bad idea.

I still don’t get why people want to discourage people from playing PvP. That is a bad solution.

The better solution is… wait for it…. wait for it…. ANET to actually introduce matchmaking that works.

New players don’t need matchmaking, they need to understand game mechanics.

I could argue that until you are rank 20, you DON’T have a grasp on PvP. Even if you have 4,000 hours of WvW, sPvP is a whole different beast altogether. Heck, I’d lock players out of ranked till rank 40. Sure, that will take a month or two of PvP but if you are players PvPing for two months, those are your dedicated players, those are you players that WILL be doing ranked.


The fact is, people trying to get past the PvP lock to play ranked, WILL be playing ranked. I see it more as a goal than a restriction.

Wow. You really don’t get it. People only learn by playing. Who cares if they play in ranked or unranked?? Matchmaking should put people together who are at similar skill levels.

So, essentially, unless you are really low MMR, you have nothing to worry about.

Was this discussed??? (Rank Requirements)

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Bad idea.

I still don’t get why people want to discourage people from playing PvP. That is a bad solution.

The better solution is… wait for it…. wait for it…. ANET to actually introduce matchmaking that works.

How would you rank the professions?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


God Tier
D/D ele (anyone who ranks anything other than ele as #1 doesn’t play the game or is living in some fantasy world)

OP Tier
Shatter Mesmer

Decent place
necro, guard, warrior,

Needs some help
ranger – Their trap spec is total aids and works well in another other than high end play
Engi – No real reason to take an engi right now. Other classes are better. No one specifically wants an engi on their team. Super talented players can make it work though.

thief – Super valuable in a well coordinated team. Not great otherwise

Teaser pic for this week.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


I doubt they are doing another revenant announcement. If so, they have a horrible marketing group. It’s a bit of a groan at this point with the amount of revenant stuff lately.

Ummmm… Revenant’s the new class though. Compared to all the other classes who have been here since the beginning, and the fact that we don’t know every single detail about the Revenant yet, it kind of deserves the right to be talked about more often, lol.

Like I said… a horrible move on the ANET marketing department. The trick is to build excitement between now and launch. A smarter move would have been to balance the current trait lines and then add in the elite spec. With the announcement of the elite spec now, what is left to hype?

They should have discussed a different class this week. I’m personally sick of hearing about the revenant.

how often are pvp balance patches?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Balance updates are incredibly slow in this game. Essentially ANET follows this methodology

Step 1: Identify an issue
Step 2: Is there a super easy fix?

If Yes to Step 2:
3a: Make the change and release it (think rampage that was an easy duration change)

If No to Step 2:
3b: Pretend the issue doesn’t exist and hope it goes away. If it doesn’t, fix during the next big balance update.

Burning is friggin ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Let’s be clear here. Burning is fine. What is not fine is the ability of eles, guards, and trap rangers to stack burns.

Also, for people who mention condi clear really haven’t played enough. Even as a bunker guard traited for condi removal, it is still easy to overwhelm them with burn stacks. That’s a problem.

Ironically, the only class that can clear the stacks effectively, is a D/D ele which is also part of a the burn stacking problem. Of course D/D ele is a whole different topic.

Before you nerf D/D ele

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Comparing D/D ele to anything at this point is funny. It is so incredibly OP compared to everything else in PvP at the moment.

DD Ele/Burns

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



You are surprised that ANET isn’t thinking about balance? They just did a patch 2 months ago. That means the next balance patch is 4 months away.

Working on the balance team must be a dream job.

The Bannerman: Bringing Support back to War

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



The banner trait should be left where it is, but buffed. Before the balance patch, there used to be a banner cooldown trait. That is no longer available. That banner cooldown should be added to the current trait.

Dungeons in HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


They need a dungeon that has more to it than just stacking in corners.

Teaser pic for this week.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


I doubt they are doing another revenant announcement. If so, they have a horrible marketing group. It’s a bit of a groan at this point with the amount of revenant stuff lately.

Tired of hoping

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Balance releases in this game are a joke. It is a complete embarrassment. What takes so long to fix things that are broken?

Free to play PvP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


There is no point in making it f2p. There are very few ways to monetize MMORPG PvP games to make it worthwhile to f2p. Mobas can be f2p because you need to buy heroes, MMORPG however do not have that benefit and thus does not make it worthwhile.

Finally, how many people will give up LoL to come play guild wars 2. The point being making it f2p is a waste of money and resources.

It is easy to ask for things OP when you don’t have to think about the logistics and the difficulty it is to convert a game to f2p and still find ways to generate income without making it too causing a backlash.

Can you list more than 2 f2p PvP mmorpg ONLY games?

You are completely wrong. F2P would bring in more players which is what we need. ANET could make money then through:

1. Heroes sales for stronghold
2. Upgrades to buy the elite specs
3. Boosters
4. Custom Arena rooms

Everyone wins.

Balance Team

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


When is a patch coming to fix D/D ele? Another release and still nothing. What is taking so long?

QA about Leagues (Anet)

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Great idea. I’d love to see Grouch do a Ready up with questions from the forums.

With Leagues, HoT is Now Worth Buying

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Don’t you want some information first?

1. Is it a grind to win, or a skill based system
2. How does it work for solo vs team play
3. Will there be a new improved matchmaking system

Dishonor RIGHT NOW

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I also don’t see very many 4v5. I’m wondering what your MMR is if you are getting a lot of leavers.

signet necro is OPer than dd cele ele

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


lol. @OP: Nice try. Nothing is even close to D/D ele right now.

Why is PvP holding rest of the game hostage ?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


As the title says, this is a minority game mode yet it is holding the other 2 quite literally hostage balance wise.


Stale zeker meta for years since game launched, condi patch was supposed to make condi builds viable within or close to meta. After condi patch, necros and condi mesmers are still at bottom, only thing thats changed is burn burn eles and burn engis guards became viable but still underperforming.

PvP: Nerf burning, nerf all condis, we dont wanna play team comps for condi clears cuz we wanna run our zerkerz and kitten you for even thinking we may let you run anything except zerkerz outside of spvp ! cuz we rulez your balance ! How dare they come even close in performance to power builds !? Even these 3 should NEVER be allowed to perform at 80-90% effectiveness and need to be nerfed back down to oblivion !

WvW organized group play: still same meta, although a bit heavier on the ranged, its still vastly GWEN which is so boring many people have left the game from it and/or it was a large contributing factor in them doing so in addition to other issues with that game mode.

PvP: how dare you suggest there should be balance changes for anything other then 1 v1 or 5v5 !? We iz so skilled cuz we has mad skillz that will pwn you and your blob ! and when they tag us for lootbags as they run by we will come to forums and complain that we couldn’t solo their zerg on our super-pooper-scooper zerker buildz !

that is in addition to vast resources spent on this game mode while literally neglecting others. everything from special events to tournaments etc. which very few people even among this very crowd are interested in.

then on top of that you get high enough in ranks to enter mid-range+ and encounter the hostile playerbase. seriously.

So W T F !? you people wanna completely destroy the other game modes in order to have a balanced tourney ?

LOL just W T F !?

It always makes me laugh when someone makes a post and has no idea what they are talking about. I’m guessing you might be new to the game. I’ll enlighten you. ANET has the ability to balance separately between PvP and PvE.

In this forum, we want balance in PvP. ANET can do that. Calm down and go back to your corner stacking in PvE/dungeons.

[Feedback on beta] 8/8 - 8/9

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


1. Reaper: The traits were actually pretty good, but need adjustment. The GS itself was not in a good place
2. Chronomancer: Agree with your comments 100%. Mesmer needs to be toned down prior to evaluating the actual chronomancer
3. Tempest: I like the direction. Everyone immediately wants to compare it to D/D. That’s a bad comparison. D/D ele is completely OP right now. The warhorn offhand starts to remove all the combo capabilities and that is the right direction.
4. Revenant: Can’t really comment on this class. I just don’t find it fun.
5. Dragonhunter: I like the traits, but similar to Reaper, the longbow needs help. Auto attack is too slow and just doesn’t feel like it fits in well.

One other beta comment is with stronghold. That map has a lot of potential but needs help. Overtime will be a good addition once it is added. In addition, there needs to be more ways to encourage PvP fights. Right now it feels too PvE focused.

Fears about sPvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Others have the same question, but I don’t understand the answer.

Question 1:
How will this be different than the current leaderboards which are farm based. How do you ensure that the top leagues are really the top players and not just those who play a lot.

Question 2:
How will this work for solo players? It is a lot harder to win consistently as a solo player vs with a premade. Will the system account for that?

[Feedback] World Tournament Series 2015

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I’d say that this was the best WTS to date. Nicely done. There were exciting games and the length was fine for me.

I Love getting insulted for beta testing

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Actually in most cases, it is best to just turn off chat anyway. There isn’t much valuable to be said there. You can just watch the map instead.

Lack of Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


@OP: No. I get stronghold every game if I have only stronghold checked.

How To Fix WvW Pop-W/Out Locking Servers

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Here is the issue. Without locking transfers, you’ll always have the flavor of the month server, and those who are bandwagon jumpers by nature. Look at everyone who transferred to Yak’s Bend recently as the most recent example. That type of server stacking benefits no one since they’ll just dominate T2, but MMR is too static to allow them to move to T1.

Personally, I like the idea of locking servers, but in a different way than it is being done today. It needs to focus both on total player hours AND number of transfers to that server over the past month. Once a magic number is reached, new members can’t transfer for awhile.

MIA - Courtyard

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I like the 5v5 DM idea, but courtyard is just a bad map. They need to give a more open space place to fight. Hopefully guild halls will move in the correct direction.

Move the PvP lobby to Lion's Arch.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


this is dumb. LA has no training dummies, and doesn’t use pvp stats so you can’t test builds. why the hell would i want to be there instead of HotM where i have both on those things.

im not object to a HotM revamp, but it’s really not what pvp needs. we need more maps and gamemodes before a better lobby.

You completely missed the point. The idea is that people should be able to do whatever they want while they queue. In your case, spend your time in HotM for the reasons you mentioned. For others, they may want to do something else.

Beta Bug: PvP Matches

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


CurrentlyW/L results on beta characters are hitting my main account. Why? They are supposed to be completely separate.

Where is overtime?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


So, I had a match on the new PvE map and at the end the lord NPC was in combat. I though the intention was for this to cause an “overtime”? Has it not been enabled, or is it just not working well?