Showing Posts For style.6173:

so how do you kill ele ?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


so how do you kill ele ?

they kill you 1v1
they chase you down and kill you
they survive 2v1

at least pre nerfed warriors can still be easily put down.

For myself, I’ve found that a couple of strategies have worked out.
1) Wait for them to mess up (wrong element) and DPS hard/ Condi Hard
2) Pour on the CC

Certain variations of Eles do take a while to kill, but that’s where you have to decide to continue to pursue or focus on point A,B, and C instead.

good eles don’t mess up lol

it’s like saying “Just wait for them being totally bad then kill them”

Good anything doesn’t mess up
The op was asking for help about a class not help against a good player.

Thats like saying “just skip what the op said because good players won’t die”

Now that we have gone full circle…. back on topic

lol you can kill scrub players with any spec vs any spec…asking for tips to fight nabs doesn’t make sense, unless you’re worse then them ofc

if you go for a class vs class (Or spec vs spec) topic you must consider all specs being played at their best ofc…i can kill scrub eles on gs/hammer war but that won’t happen vs any decent ele ofc so waiting for them to mess up is not a valid way to fight someone cause you can’t plan to only fight ppl who can’t play

Wait for them to stand still doing nothing then hb them to death lmao

You seem to actually think that dd ele is balanced. :o

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Some of you actually seem to think that burning is balancing right now.

Revenants are spoiled kids

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


Shouldn’t profession balance be a collective effort of many devs, so they aren’t developed in vacuum?

It is. They work on balance changes as a team (Roy, Robert, Karl, etc.)

There is a balance team? PvP says hi.

Rotations: A basic rule

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Number 1 pet peeve: People who go beast at the beginning of Forest causing their team to lose mid.

Pointless Map Voting.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The system is perfectly fair and functional. The things people can complain about is mind boggling. Go to China.

Perhaps you should go to China. I have played enough skyhammers and courtyards when they were the least voted maps, the system is bullkitten like almost everything in this game.

Go ranked, no more skyhammer and courtyard. Law of small numbers, look it up.

Your logic is just as faulty as his. Unless ANET releases the actual data, no one knows if it is actually working correctly or not.

Coming up on 3 months, no balance patches

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


@GrandHaven.1052, i know but atm with HoT at peeking at the door does not worth make those updates, game might look a bit “broken” atm but making updates now before a expansion does not make sense, and uses resources, that migh be necessary in other developments.
Even after HoT will take time for a big patch to hit the game, we might see some fixes on the most seriously bugs, like skill effect takes Xmore hits or less instead of what was intended etc.

It is understandable.

lol. That is the saddest excuse for a balance team not doing their job that I’ve ever heard.

Burn stacking is clearly broken. It will remain broken. It needs to be fixed. HoT isn’t going to be some magic button to fix that.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand why some people love burn stacking. It requires no skill. It’s very similar to the turret engi from several months ago.

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I love how all those people are screaming “PvP is sooo boring” “No-one plays PvP anymore” “(insert QQ here)”, and my queue waiting time is decreasing since the patches.

Really, really bad logic. Queue times are easy to adjust based on the matchmaking. They could give everyone a 30 second queue if they wanted by just pairing together the first 10 people who queue.

Obsidian Sanctum- King of the Hill

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


If pvp in a JP was popular, it would not have died in the first place.

You don’t understand the history of it. The JP used to be very popular. The reason was that it was the best way to get badges at the time. In other days badges did not drop very frequently.

So, if ANET made the JP valuable again, people would go back there. It was actually a ton of fun. I’d definitely like to try the OP’s idea.

Please listen to the WvW comunity

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: style.6173


Another dedicated WvWr and I love this new map. Sure, it will need balance tweaks bit it’s made so you have to think, not just roll over with a 60+ man blob. It has structures that are defensible. Sure some wish that all siege and structures would vanish and we would have just a big empty field for 2×60 to squirm around for hours spamming skills, but they do not speak for all, or even the majority of players. Bring it on!

My worry with the map is that those who like it are a vocal minority. During the last two stress tests, t he number of players have been minimal EXCEPT when ANET hosted an event that was supposed to award some prize. As soon as that event was over, pretty much everyone left.

So the big question: Why are so many people invited to test, but so few are actually playing it?

hate you in spvp

in Engineer

Posted by: style.6173


Engis are actually pretty weak at the moment. The one exception is a rabid burn spec which takes no skill and yet is quite effective.

Burns are balanced

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


As I’ve said countless times, burn stacking is completely broken. A burn build is the highest DPS available right now. That isn’t good.

[NA] Academy Gaming 1v1 Cup #1

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


When you have to ban about half the builds in the game, that’s saying something…

Yes, it’s saying that half the builds in the game are sustain builds and would make the tournament unnecessarily long.

Except that spike burn builds drop people faster than zerker. The better reason for not allowing them is that it is way too easy to play at the moment. Kinda like a turret engi.

dd cele ele nerf confirmed?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Hopefully in September or I will strangle my computer.

hahahahaha. Have you seen how quickly the ANET balance team moves? You have a better chance of winning the lottery.

I actually used to think the balance team was just slow moving. Now I think they just have no idea how to balance PvP.

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


At first I sensed a lot of animosity in this thread but it seems to be dwindling now. I played condi when I first started and then realized it wasn’t a viable focus because conditions were too easily removed before they could serious damage and the defensive stats didn’t compensate for how slowly you killed people. Now, in my perspective at least, condi burst and power burst are nearly comparable unless you consider players with cleanses and higher reaction time. That’s when condi falls short.

I’m totally loving that damage conditions are scary at the moment. I LOVE DoT classes and I always have in any MMO or RPG I’ve ever played.

A single condi can be cleared. Any good condi player hits with multiple condis. Even better if they can use those other condi to cover their burns.

Anyone who doesn’t realize that condi builds are easier to play is just fooling themselves. Condis do too much damage given that someone can also spec defensively with that condi build.

So, why don’t we see them in tourneys? If their skill : reward ratio is so low, we should see the really skilled ones dominating. And I can garuntee you that there are really skilled condition players.

You probably need to watch tournaments more often. dd ele and burn guardian are both considered meta.

Only burn guardian is a condition build. D/D ele is a hybrid build. And Burn Guardians really don’t do fantastically in those tourneys either.

The build is hard-countered by a sigil. That people consider it “meta” is amazing in light of that fact.

Now I understand. Since dd ele is best at burning, best at sustain and best at condi clear, they don’t count exclusively as a condi build. Interesting logic, but ok.

What is the state of PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


No. Burn is the current meta. Takes no skill and does crazy damage. Cover with a couple other conditions and a condi clear is pretty useless.

Thieves are pretty useless except in a top team
Mesmers are second strongest behind dd ele.

Come back to find this!?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


No, people left previously because ANET lacks a balance team. It takes them forever to fix obviously broken specs.

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


At first I sensed a lot of animosity in this thread but it seems to be dwindling now. I played condi when I first started and then realized it wasn’t a viable focus because conditions were too easily removed before they could serious damage and the defensive stats didn’t compensate for how slowly you killed people. Now, in my perspective at least, condi burst and power burst are nearly comparable unless you consider players with cleanses and higher reaction time. That’s when condi falls short.

I’m totally loving that damage conditions are scary at the moment. I LOVE DoT classes and I always have in any MMO or RPG I’ve ever played.

A single condi can be cleared. Any good condi player hits with multiple condis. Even better if they can use those other condi to cover their burns.

Anyone who doesn’t realize that condi builds are easier to play is just fooling themselves. Condis do too much damage given that someone can also spec defensively with that condi build.

So, why don’t we see them in tourneys? If their skill : reward ratio is so low, we should see the really skilled ones dominating. And I can garuntee you that there are really skilled condition players.

You probably need to watch tournaments more often. dd ele and burn guardian are both considered meta.

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


At first I sensed a lot of animosity in this thread but it seems to be dwindling now. I played condi when I first started and then realized it wasn’t a viable focus because conditions were too easily removed before they could serious damage and the defensive stats didn’t compensate for how slowly you killed people. Now, in my perspective at least, condi burst and power burst are nearly comparable unless you consider players with cleanses and higher reaction time. That’s when condi falls short.

I’m totally loving that damage conditions are scary at the moment. I LOVE DoT classes and I always have in any MMO or RPG I’ve ever played.

A single condi can be cleared. Any good condi player hits with multiple condis. Even better if they can use those other condi to cover their burns.

Anyone who doesn’t realize that condi builds are easier to play is just fooling themselves. Condis do too much damage given that someone can also spec defensively with that condi build.

Raid on the Capricorn and underwater content

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Underwater combat was NOT fun. That said, I wish they’d bring back a modified version of Capricorn without all the water.

My problems with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yeah, I am still hoping that ANET will announce a new matchmaking system for the expansion. The current one is horrible. If they implement a good system, you’d be able to queue into ranked and have teammates and opponents around your same skill level.

The guild group issue is also a problem with matchmaking. You should NEVER face a full premade as a solo queue player.

As for skyhammer, yeah it sucks. It is good for trolling, but that is about it.

Testers: Today's the Day!

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: style.6173


I’m in a WvW focused with 400 members. Between the guild list, my friends list, and my blocked list, I see a total of zero people in the new map.

Either this is a cluster of a stress test or people got bored really quickly.

Why does Stronghold have a Time Limit?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The left of time is perfect. I also like the overtime feature at the end when a lord is under attack.

Please listen to the WvW comunity

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: style.6173


NOBODY likes this new map make a freaking public pol and see it by yourselfl, if you feel like you really need to add this garbage to the game just make it optional like EoTM. Do not force WvW players to play on this map since we all dislike it please.

Unlike you may think there are actual players who ONLY DO WvW and we do not care about karma training we want to fights and kill people. Do not ruin this game mode, if we want to PVE we will just go to the silverwastes please, listen to your players.

We want maps that force you to fight insteand just hiding on walls, we want points per kill, we do not want more siege please. LISTEN to your players.

You want to kill people? go to PvP or wait for GvG guild halls. This new borderlands will bring a new competitive edge to WvW

This is the type of comment that scares me. If you aren’t fighting and killing people, what is WvW? It basically it just a karma train and PvE map. Aren’t there already maps for that?

Map Too big, it will kill WvW

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: style.6173


I think after playing it people will not complain about the size. They will instead complain that it is more focused on PvE events than on actual fighting.

Revenant is Too Weak to Condis

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


I don’t ask for anything crazy for condi control in Rev, just do think it needs to be tuned up just a notch. I’d be well settled with removing 2 condi with legend swap. Given how crazy condi are flying around these days, other classes have enough time window to down a Rev even if he can remove 2 condis upon legend switch. Keep in mind that, by forcing a Rev to switch from a desired legend just to remove condi, it also forcing him to give up whatever chess moves he planned ahead for the existing legend. So it’s more than just condi removal. I would love shiro to have a weak condi removal as well, but even that will probably not in the horizon, but I’d definitely want to push for 2 condi removal upon legend switch.

At this point, Rev is really strong. If they buff in one area, they will need to nerf in another. So, let’s say condi removal is buffed. What should be nerfed?

The class needs to be balanced. So many people are trying to take it to dd ele level. Pretty much everyone knows that needs to be nerfed hard.

Toxic players. When to report?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Pretty much the only people who flame in game are bads. Don’t let it get to you.

WvW Engineers need Class Buff

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


In WvW,

Engineers are probably the most underused class and for all Engineer players the traits need to be buffed for WvW to be competitive with other classes.

Arena Net only cares about every other class except for the Engineer.

Arena Net’s GW2 Game Designer needs to re-work the traits so that Engineers can hold their own with other classes, right now that’s not the case. Everyone in WvW uses Elementalist, Mesmer, Necro, Guardian, Warrior, Thief and those classes are strong in WvW PvP but the Engineer really is not strong enough to survive against them or kill them fast enough.

Whoever designed the Engineer traits really under powered the engineer overall and it could be designed better.

If you agree please reply:


Stop with the “ANET doesn’t care about engis”. That’s just naive. For the longest time, engis have been OP in other game modes. Right now they could use some buffs, but let’s see what the elite spec brings.

Anet removing wp between defense?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


My prediction regarding the change to waypoints:

more ninja pvd, fewer waypoints, more running, more scouting keeps, fewer battles, sadness, HoT optimism, HoT disappointment, join the other 90 percent of WvW players who have already quit the game.

We shall see. The last stress test was for 24 hours. Most people quit playing it as soon as the first 3 hours was over. If they enjoyed it, they would have stayed.

The WvW team seems the most out of sync with what players want.

Swap out EBG for a 4th server?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


oh look, a thread asking for a contrived pseudosolution to a t1 circumstantial problem that is anything but a true solution to the problem of imbalanced server populations.

the wvw manhour transfer model (with bandwagon prevention price spikes) is an elegant true solution that doesnt involve forced displacement or arbitrary reorganization based on current perceived issues that anet truly should not want to control.

You really don’t get it. Some people like playing on servers with larger zergs and more people. Let them. That’s what T1 is for. Some people like smaller roaming or havoc. Lower tiers have that. We don’t need 24 evenly matched servers.

GvG Overtaking WvW

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I like jumping into the middle of their GvG and attacking. You won’t last long, but it is fun to see them rage.

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Sorry I must have missed the bit with the facts and the evidence. All I hear is “waaa waaa I’m losing to condition builds”.

There are so many options for removal, on every class.

The problem is that you refuse to change your build.

Sigh. Another person who completely misses the point. Condi spam is skill-less. It is easy. Most of it is AOE in nature. Oh, and by the way, you can also spec defensively and still have a spike condi burst.

Condi is the easier way to play PvP and therefore the easiest way to gain MMR. There is no arguing that.

Best pvp profession to 1v1 with?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


lol at people saying thief. No.

dd ele. and condi specs for most classes are the best at 1v1.

[Daredevil] - Feedback

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


I actually really like all of the new traits. Most are in a good spot. There are a few that could use a slight buff as others have suggested.

The issue is the staff and the physical skills. I don’t see a use for the staff or when it would be viable over another primary weapon set. Likewise, the physical skills all need some type of rework. I can’t imagine people using them that often.

Magnet needs a fix yesterday

in Engineer

Posted by: style.6173


Yes. I don’t understand why it has taken so long to fix.

Revenant is Too Weak to Condis

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


Much to your dismay, Revenant’s do need a weakness.

So what’s elementalist’s weakness?

a dc

Seriously though, they announced they are looking to balance ele. Don’t compare rev to that, or it will just be a call for nerfs right from the start.

How likely are "huge" changes at this point?

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


Yes he MUST be balanced. We already have elementalist. But i found reaper have better results with less effort in pvp beta so, in my opinion reaper was better than revenant this WE.

#believe in Roy

Reaper had the life force bug. That was part of the reason it was so insanely tanky. I personally found both classes fun to play.

Do something with this insane burning!!!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Sigil of generosity.

People will figure it out eventually.

They used to be useless but now that we have Condi’s stacking they will start to see more use.

You don’t understand the sigil.

Sigil of generosity: 60% chance to transfer 1 condition to an enemy on critical hit. NINE SECONDS COOLDOWN

Transferring 1 condition every 9 seconds does nothing. We are currently in a condi spam type meta and without multiple condi clears, you’ll be dead before the 9 second recharge.

The issue is 2 fold:
1. Stacked burning damage does way too much damage
2. Condi spike damage is WAY too high given that you get a defensive trait as well (vit or toughness).

Balance Cele DD Ele Please

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Also this is 1 time for 3 years ,when ele a little bit overpowered.Thiefs,warriors was op several time ,but eles only 1 and all people start crying about this.Let us play a little bit.

What? dd ele has had at least 3 different times since launch when it was considered OP. This time it is just unquestionably the best spec in pvp.

How likely are "huge" changes at this point?

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


I just hope that rev is balanced compared to other classes. There has been a lot of good feedback so far on things that are both over and under powered.

Beta is now closed ... VERY Skeptical

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


You guys do realize that daredevil isn’t a requirement right? It is funny how some people expect the elite specs to be important in all 3 game modes.

Make a spec that is better suited for your playstyle if dare devil isn’t to your liking.

Herald is disgusting

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Rev is too strong now AND people still aren’t used to playing it. As people get more time with it, it will quickly gain OP status.

Stronghold feedback

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I personally am not a fan of the channeling. It currently it all about invuln and stability type skills. There needs to be more incentive to actually fight.

Will we get fair testing?

in Engineer

Posted by: style.6173


I’d just like a magnet that actually works.

Revenant needs counter play

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


Unrelenting Assault is fine. Its been discussed to death on other threads and the consensus is that there are lots and lots of ways to counter it.

I agree that Unyielding Anguish should not affect those with stability.

Correction: People playing rev think it is fine. People fighting against rev think it is OP. In other words, pretty much the same as any other questionable skill in the game.

Herald holds too much of the Rev's power

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


ANET really messed up with the “elite” specs. They should have been alternate play styles. They should not have been mandatory to be relevant.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: style.6173


Someone lost in pvp and is crying that something is OP. What’s new. There is already a thread with suggestions on how to counter it. The game should not be balanced with 1v1 pvp in mind. UA is strong against one opponent and weak once you throw more people in there.

This is why I hate the fact that Anet chose not to split skills properly in pve and pvp. Inevitably it will get nerfed due to pvp crying and become useless for pve.

This is always the type of response you see right before everyone realizes something is OP. Here is the reality for you. This is the new class from ANET. It will be OP right at the start. Why? Because people aren’t as used to playing it. After launch, it will be slowly nerfed.

Nikas can stealth each other in stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yes. If a team can get both heroes at once and both choose Nika, it can happen. That is fine.

Do something with this insane burning!!!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Sounds to me like you shouldn’t have expected your shortbow to win you the match.

Let me guess. You think burning is right where it should be right now.

What is the state of Thief class in PVP?

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


dont suck? thief can burst down anyone from stealth and from 100 to 0 in a split second.

I feel like you are Marty McFly and you’ve just come back from the past. The current situation is different.

What is stunting PvP's growth

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


@OP: No build is going to carry a player. Instead there needs to be a place where near players can learn. Either give them a separate location or implement a matchmaking system that works.