Showing Posts For style.6173:

Discuss Daredevils

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Here is what a lot of you do not understand. A thief will need to give up a trait line to get daredevil. What will they give up?

Shadow Arts? No heal or condi clear on stealth? Great!
Deadly Arts? No panic strike, improvision? Great!
Trickery? No extra initiative or steal buffs? Great!

Sure, more evades, but the person will need to give up a lot also.

People logging out mid fight

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I don’t care if they log or not. As long as I get my loot, it is a win for me.

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


TC is the smallest of the T1 servers, population-wise. In fact, even YB actually has a higher population than TC

What is this based on?

YB has queues. TC, other than reset, generally does not. Actually it isn’t unusual for TC to have the outmanned buff on 1 or 2 of the maps during NA primetime (again, other than reset)

[PvP] Fixed bomb radius ... Is this enough?

in Engineer

Posted by: style.6173


They still need to re-add the bomb heal trait.

Please thieves, get it together

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


Thieves also tend to be the most toxic in-game so it isn’t surprising that the thief forum is the most toxic as well. The in-game piece is more funny since most of the toxic thieves don’t even realize that they are the reason for the loss.

The fate of the Leaderboard [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Any info on when they’ll update or reset?

The leaderboards didn’t really work well anyway. They were mostly an indication of who grinded the most. It is better that they are turned off until a new system can be built.

The New Perma-Stealth DP Thief

in Mesmer

Posted by: style.6173


docMed you have no idea what you’re talking about and nearly everything you have said is gross exaggeration or flat out wrong.

DP thief has more on demand stealth and can stealth allies easier than mesmer.
Clones don’t sit in stealth, in fact the auto attack and break out of stealth.
DP thieves have the same amount of teleports if not more.

Seriously how do you fair against thieves because they will eat you for breakfast as the bursts are not too different in amount of damage and a thief can rip 2 boons from you.

They can also do their backstab about every 5-7s or just follow up with HS/shadowshot to keep the damage on.

If you are losing to a thief, it is you. Mesmer is in a great spot right now.

new stats on scoreboard?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


It is interesting, but would be better if I could access the game report AFTER I leave the match. I just don’t see it being used when it is buried under 3 clicks.

Class restriction in AG and ESL

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Guild wars 2 has no business being on a respectable Esport companies list of Esport games if Arena net can’t even balance their pvp for a Esport environment.

Just my opinion……I don’t expect a game to be 100% balanced that’s impossible, but GW2 SPvp needs sooo much work to even present this game in a Esport environment.

No one is going to watch this game as an Esport in it’s current state, it’s a joke.

I told some of my Starcraft 2 buddies and moba buddies what their thoughts were on a MMO like gw2 being a Esport and having ESL back them, the face they gave me followed by the laugher….some type of new approach to class balance needs to happen if you want the mainstream Esport community to watch guild wars 2.

You are actually 100% correct. The sad truth is that ANET has zero clue how to make this esports. Yes, they can try to put on events that relatively few watch, but that won’t make it successful. They need a balance team that actually does their job and fixes stuff that is broken.

Enemy Necro =Your Team's Secret Ally

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Quit complaining. Necro is actually in a great position right now. You just need to ensure you are playing it the right way. Its always funny how some people try to play every class the same way. Each class has a different role. Follow it.

I’m sorry you lack the capacity to recognize an obvious programming bug. In fact, I’m uncertain if you understand what this thread is even about judging by the vagueness of your comment.

It’s ok. Eventually you’ll figure it out. Reading comprehension is OP.

this meta sucks

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


It was funny how many clueless people came to the forums and whined about the dps when the patch first game out.

The fact is that this is the most boring meta yet given that bunkers > DPS. I just played my absolute most boring match ever. It is not fun

Why 2 Thief Teams Fail-Lose ALL THE TIME?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


If they having problem with Deathblossom and his capabilities of stacking Bleeding specially in Teamfights(spoon feed!), Not Entitled and need more Effort so lets resort to Playerskill issue.

You really don’t get it. POWER thieves have no interest in stacking BLEEDS. The weaponset is just average at both right now.

Oh yes I almost forget you, here let me Enlightened you. (SPOON FEED)

As I stated it works perfect in teamfight scenario which favor conquest, technically you must have a Condition user as an ally which will be the one who must execute the stacking first and you’ll going to help him stack more bleeds(that’s were Deathblossom come in, a followup skill), yes you are Power build but the damage mitigation will be on your Condition ally. Wuvwuv people call it Synergies, pvp people that smash button brainlessly and can defeat their opponents in 1v1 scenario called it Skill.
Pretty much I did played the wrong game.

Alternatively, you could use D/P, cover your condi-ally’s condition with blind and interrupt their condi cleanse with Pistol #4. You’d have better offense and better defense.

Fair enough, a good trade off against D/d and lets not forget there must be one training wheel for each class profession or else the ship will sink.

The closest we’ll come to you admitting that you are wrong. haha

stronghold: anet, don't think too far

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You can classify them as any group you want. Casual or noobs whatever to make yourself feel better, the fact is ultimately the only thing that matters if that there are more people who like it.

Second, fortunately the amount of people who would be considered casual outnumbered the noncasual by a significant number. The point being who gives a kitten, if the non-casual hate stronghold.

Luckily, we will all see soon if you are correct. Maybe everyone will mostly play stronghold and you will seem like a genius. Maybe it will die a slow death like courtyard and you’ll seem out of touch. We will know soon.

Feeling Squishier than before the patch

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Power creep, everything has more dps (both power and condi).

You are mixing up the June update with the Tuesday patch. The OP is asking about what changed yesterday.

@OP: What class do you play?

Why 2 Thief Teams Fail-Lose ALL THE TIME?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


If they having problem with Deathblossom and his capabilities of stacking Bleeding specially in Teamfights(spoon feed!), Not Entitled and need more Effort so lets resort to Playerskill issue.

You really don’t get it. POWER thieves have no interest in stacking BLEEDS. The weaponset is just average at both right now.

16 Unseen PvP Maps.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Every time they try to add a new map there’s a huge community backlash that finds a reason to hate it. Why would they bother to add new maps?

The issue isn’t the new maps. The issue is that they try to add new gimmicks to the map. ANET needs to learn that sometimes simpler is better. People want the focus to be on PvP, not on gimmicks. That’s why spirit watch and skyhammer have been so unpopular and not suitable for competitive play.

If ANET would focus on why foefire, forest, khylo, and temple are popular, they could create some new good maps.

stronghold: anet, don't think too far

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


There’s been huge outcry and requests for more game modes, far from nobody, over the years. We just don’t feel as turned on by stronghold as we should

So you speak for everyone?

We disagree with your statement. (notice how equally ridiculous this is).

Actually he is correct. Yes, it is a good map for those who like PvE and want a bit of PvP on the side. No, it isn’t a good map for those who want to focus mainly on PvP.

Unless they find a way to increase the PvP component and decrease the PvE aspects, it will launch and just have a small fringe group of players (after the initial “check it out” phase).

Rangers and Necro's "Meta Worthy"?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Huh? Necro is already meta in PvP. I don’t really care about PvE.

Ranger? Ranger itself is fine. It just doesn’t have a role on a team that someone else can’t do better.

Thief specialization traits

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Maybe. The biggest question is what trait line would a thief be willing to give up in order to get this?

Still Nothing

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


and I bet ANET also wonders why they struggle to get 1000 viewers for their tournaments.

pvp is so fast paced... how is this fun?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Wow, not sure what you are playing, but it clearly isn’t working for you. I personally find just the opposite… PvP is too slow. All I seem to run into are bunker classes/DD eles that can stay alive forever.

Why 2 Thief Teams Fail-Lose ALL THE TIME?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


b) They run D/D – its worthless spec in this kind of meta

I disagree, D/D Thief has a lot of Traits and Utilities to choose for so that he can blend perfectly in conquest.

Trust me -

Nope,because of what you said about D/D being a worthless in Conquest.

No GOOD thief runs D/D in PvP.

You’re wrong, i see them more often than not lately (good sign btw) and if all things failed i am your living proof. and who said you need to be on top to become viable?
Did i oversleep to much that i don’t get all this kind of jokes from this period of time? it seems i played the wrong game.

Show me the stream of a really good thief who runs D/D. I personally have no seen it either on stream or in any match that I’ve played.

Sadly, i don’t have the capabilities to stream with cos of my crappy internet speed and some boundaries. although i am willing to take the risk and cross it, if your in NA you can look me up in Anet official hotjoin room001, i can game a match or two with you (against or team-up) and show you the beauty of the design on equal footing.

Although i knew a lot of forum lurkers that has some D/d clips or something, it would be much appreciated if one of them step in and show its viability.

Clips would definitely be good. I watched Magic Toker the other day trying D/D and he got absolutely wrecked. He was playing pretty much every other thief spec and doing well.

Someone else posted the issues with D/D. The other main issue is that it is a partial weapon set. By that I mean it is mostly gear for power, but then has a condi #3 skill. It’s just not good compared to other specs. Even if you can make it work, it is you overcoming the spec, not the spec helping you.

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


This will always be the case when there are 4 T1 servers. If JQ, BG, or TC moved to T2, they would wreck T2 as well.

This is not an ANET issue. This is an issue created by players who are just bangwagon jumpers. There was a zero reason to stack Yak’s Bend.

They fixed ranked arena's!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Not bad. There were complete noobs to pvp starting out game 1 of there pvp lives in ranked arena. Also, gives time to build up a more reliable rating for matching purposes in ranked.

If you were facing complete noobs in ranked then one of two things is happening:

1. Broken matchmaking. It just indicates that there is a larger issue that needs to be fixed.
2. You have a really low MMR.

Rally off of mesmer clones

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


This has gotta be a joke. Mesmer downed state is probably the worst in the game… But now… I don’t even…

You probably should reread the OP. Your comment has nothing to do with this thread.

They fixed ranked arena's!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Seems like a way for ANET to get better matchmaking without actually improving matchmaking.

What's up with the Lvl 1 characters?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Solo queue last weekend a lvl 1 got flamed…for being a lvl 1 by pugs. Not sure what the MMR is since it isn’t revealed.

Mostly showed that pugs are probably actually noobs. That makes it even more funny.

Rally off of mesmer clones

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Actually ANET should always have made one of two options:

1. Players rally off clone deaths
2. Clones do not damage downed players.

It should always have been 1 or 2.

Toxic Community Ruining the Game?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


1. Poor matchmaking. That will always cause friction in a game.

Feels the same like the past six month. You only get good matchups during the prime time, otherwise it is lacklust.

2. Lack of a balance team. Changes are way too slow. OP stuff stays OP too long.

Still, the balance is better than ever.

3. Some people are just bad people. This is the same as real life. There are good people and there are bad people. Except the same in game.

This has always been the case.

The things you mention have always been that way or are now better than before, but the community is getting more toxic. Therefore I don’t think there is a connection between those three points and the growing toxicity of the community.

The balance is NOT better than ever. It has been a long time since there was a god tier class like dd ele.

Also, as you mentioned there the matchmaking issues have been there for a long time. The part you are missing is that the longer they continue, the most people become annoyed which builds that toxic community.

Still Nothing

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Wow. This is starting to become an embarrassment. Given that other classes are seeing changes, there is no other explanation than that ANET is out of touch.

Are they really that oblivious to PvP?

Are PvP Leagues another grind-based system?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


We definitely need a ready-up on the topic (whatever happened to that show anyway?)

Toxic Community Ruining the Game?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The problem can be summed up in three parts:

1. Poor matchmaking. That will always cause friction in a game.
2. Lack of a balance team. Changes are way too slow. OP stuff stays OP too long.
3. Some people are just bad people. This is the same as real life. There are good people and there are bad people. Except the same in game.

What a huge mess of a pvp balance

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The issue isn’t whether ANET consults with top players. They could consult with top players 24/7 and it wouldn’t matter.

The issue is that balance changes come way too slowly. Why is it that everyone (except those who main the class) who plays the game knows that DD ele is OP right now and yet it’s been 3 months and still no change from ANET. That’s just ridiculous. Either ANET is completely out of touch, or their balance team is incredibly slow.

Played ~10matches today, all against premade

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


These types of conversations will always keep happening until ANET returns to solo queue vs team queue. Solo should always play against solo. If you choose to queue with someone then you run the risk of facing other premades of 2 or even 3,4, or 5.

Is Macroing a reportable offense?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Back to the original question. Essentially it is this:

1. If you map a button to 1 key stroke, that is perfectly acceptable. For example, if you want to heal through a mouse click, do it. It is allowed.
2. If you program a mouse button to have a series of movies. For example, drop water field, blast, switch weapons, blast again all on one button press, that is not allowed. People who do that are cheaters.

Why 2 Thief Teams Fail-Lose ALL THE TIME?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


b) They run D/D – its worthless spec in this kind of meta

I disagree, D/D Thief has a lot of Traits and Utilities to choose for so that he can blend perfectly in conquest.

Trust me -

Nope,because of what you said about D/D being a worthless in Conquest.

No GOOD thief runs D/D in PvP.

You’re wrong, i see them more often than not lately (good sign btw) and if all things failed i am your living proof. and who said you need to be on top to become viable?
Did i oversleep to much that i don’t get all this kind of jokes from this period of time? it seems i played the wrong game.

Show me the stream of a really good thief who runs D/D. I personally have no seen it either on stream or in any match that I’ve played.

Spirits now more pointless than ever

in Ranger

Posted by: style.6173


As unused as spirits were before the recent patch, now they’re a joke.
Useless. Absolutely useless.
It’s changes like these that make we wonder if Anet actually plays their own game.
It’s heartbreaking.

Here is the issue: How do you make spirits so they are valuable in PvE without them becoming OP in PvP. The fact is that in PvP, they used to be strong but did so in a way that was “skill-less”. Any random person could spec for spirits and do really well.

What if we don't use our Elite spec for HoT?

in Guardian

Posted by: style.6173


So, if we forgo using the new Elite spec will we still be viable? Is anyone else thinking of keeping their original character but just ignoring the Elite traits/spec?


ANET made a huge mistake by calling these “Elite” specs. Instead, they should have been named “Exclusive” or something else to indicate new trait lines that are only available to those who upgrade. The “elite” trait line should be an alternative to the other trait lines. It shouldn’t be stronger than any of the others.

Staff Thief revealed this Week!

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


Thanks A-Net. One well paying customer lost.

Translation: I have no idea what the spec is and I have no idea if it will be fun or not, but I felt like posting a whine message.

It is actions like this that cause ANET not to come into the forum. At least post something that makes sense, and create a list of why you have an issue with it. Otherwise, it is just a whiner post.

The state of wvw in t2

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Looks like the “Change is coming to World Populations” mechanic is causing a balanced overstacked T1, a heavily unbalanced T2, but a balanced T3 as guilds move away from T2.

Since the three T3 servers have very close glicko scores and are far enough from T2 and T4, I wonder if they’ll go the glicko manipulating path that T1 has used to keep their tier intact.

Actually the ANET program is doing exactly what was intended. It is pushing people to lower tiers. As people want to move, they have to go to T3 or lower since T1 and T2 are full. It hurts short term, but longer term, it is a good move for the game. The issue with Yak’s bend was created before ANET implemented the new system.

As for T1, there is no win swapping as you seem to think. If anything, most people are T1 are bored and want something new. If you look at the leaderboards, it appears T1 is very balanced. The reality is that there are just a lot fewer players right now. You are lucky to see a queue on 1 map during NA right now (excluding reset of course).

Why 2 Thief Teams Fail-Lose ALL THE TIME?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


b) They run D/D – its worthless spec in this kind of meta

I disagree, D/D Thief has a lot of Traits and Utilities to choose for so that he can blend perfectly in conquest.

Trust me -

Nope,because of what you said about D/D being a worthless in Conquest.

No GOOD thief runs D/D in PvP. In WvW or PvE that is a completely different story.

As for the OP: I personally don’t even like having 1 thief on my team. The reason is that most thieves do not understand their role. Having 1 thief on your team and the other 4 can still carry if the opponent has a bad player. Having 2 thieves means the other 3 need to carry. It is much less likely to happen.

Of course, the top end thieves are valuable to their team. There just aren’t many of them.

Why are the needed nerfs taking so long?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Because just because some people define them as “needed” doesn’t mean their right and there’s many varying opinions lol, as much forum discussion has shown.

If you think the discussion is anywhere near 50-50, you are being biased. Pretty much everyone knows dd ele is God tier right now.

Mesmer needs a smaller reduction, but no where near ele.

PvP: Is Thief still viable?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Personally, I am happy when I do not have a thief on my team. If someone is not a top 10 thief in the game, they are pretty useless. Worse, they usually think they are good and don’t realize they are the reason the team is losing.

keep the low levels out of ranked please

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


So let me understand the OP: He wants people to do PvE and level up so that he feels more comfortable playing with them in PvP. :/

Thank you Anet

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I agree with the tpvp – the matches are ALWAYS wieghed to one side.. Mesmers by far need to be nerfed. Just qued into a match – other team – 5 mesmers. really anet. As far as i am concerned – should be NO invisibility in pvp. Only thing a mesmer has to do is go invisbile, do 3 clones – hit mind rack – and your dead… THIS IS NOT what pvp is about.. there is no challenge – no skill whats so ever involved. As for the the team line up – is straight out ridiculous – maybe once a day to i get in a match where the fighting is actually fun and challenging – with close scores — other than that – its always ends up 500/ 300 and below..

We get it. You can’t beat anyone with stealth, so mesmers, thieves, rangers, engis are all impossible for you. Serious suggestion: you might like PvE more.

AC Exploit

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Well this only took about a year and half to fix… good job…?

Some people will complain about everything. Can’t wait to hear you back in here when they nerf ele. Then you’ll be saying ANET moved too quickly.

Waht's up with match making

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I think pretty much everyone knows the new system isn’t good. It doesn’t help though if people post fake issues.

Lose Mid fight - What Next?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


See the problem is that a lot of semi-newish players always say… home and mid! We need home and mid. I’ve seen a ton of people just throw themselves at home all game and get farmed.

The real answer is that you need two points. Doesn’t matter which two. Rotate to the best fights.

@OP: There is no simple answer. It depends.

Increasing Players on Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I like the idea. There would likely be more stalemates, BUT way more PvP which is missing from that map

Please be more transparent about leagues!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I personally only have one question: Will this be separated between solo and team queue.

If yes? I’m definitely interested in learning more and hearing about everything that leagues have to offer

If no? I won’t particularly care about leagues anyway.