Best thing
The animations are well done.
Worst thing:
An absolute embarrassment for ANET. I’d hate to be the guy who worked on this new class.
Poorly designed
Yeah, everyone knows solo should come back. ANET only recently removed it though and it takes them a while to admit a mistake.
@OP: I don’t think you have any idea what balance means. It doesn’t mean that everyone has the ability to go play another class. Balance is about whether the classes are equal to each other.
At least think through what you are going to write before you do it.
rampage is very balanced with many counter play available.
lol. Did you actually say this with a straight face? You made me lol. I hope that was the intent.
So basically you mean:
1. kill necro
2. buff Ele from God-mode -> Creator mode
3. buff Mesmer from cheese cookie cutter -> God Mode
haha. Well said.
Is the OP serious or joking? I can’t tell.
Get higher mmr and you won’t vs soloqers when you queue with a premade
You don’t know how the matmatching works. A higher MMR does not prevent you from facing solo q.
The burst meta is more fun than the old cele tanky meta. Only two major issues right now:
1. Mesmer is too strong
2. Ele still has too high of a damage to defense ratio
Im getting kind of tired of them being immune to everything, the bunker, dps, condition damage, spike, point capturer and on and on and on at the same time.
Show me an ele build that can spike like a mesmer and bunker at the same time.
celestial DD, go for that 7k fire grab and 2k+ burning..
Such burst. When mesmer can one shot that celestial dd ele, which has 17K hp.
Eles and mesmers are the two strongest classes in the game currently and both need to be toned down. Arguing about which one is more OP is silly.
Is the balance team on vacation or something?
Honestly, there isn’t really a esport game that changes its balance that much and that often like gw2 has been doing.
Huh? Are you serious or joking. GW2 is one of the slowest to change balance. Prior to the recent update, nothing much had changed in the prior year.
If this is a troll post, well done. If you are serious, I don’t know what to say.
The good news is that in a week everyone will know that you are either a genius or completely clueless.
Necro’s are no longer free kills so everyone wants us to get nerfed.
Still not on the same level as other professions. But no longer miles behind them.
The same could be said for mesmers lol
Please elaborate.
Mesmer are no longer free kills so now they want them nerfed.
They never were free kills, at least for any mesmer above average. The issue now is that they are the second strongest class behind ele.
1. Ele damage + tankiness in cele is way too high. This is by far the strongest class right now.
2. Mesmer burst. the burst + interrupts are too much.
3. Burn damage. Needs to be toned down
I’m mostly fine with everything else right now.
I think you’ll see a lot more people play ranger when they figure out that a condi melee ranger is incredibly strong right now. Most people still think about the power ranger which is much weaker after the patch.
A good list but most of the suggestions aren’t worth implementing. I see nothing that would bring ele back in line for example.
Condition meta is powerful.
Oh, wait, no condition builds in tournaments.
Most people here don’t play in high level tournaments. They only care about what impacts them directly. You should know that.
The old leaderboard was much better than the old we have now. The main difference needs to be:
1. Need to play more games before getting to the top of a leaderboard. No one wants to see someone with a 15-5 record in the top 10.
2. Permanent leaderboard decay. No more jumping 50% points when coming back from a 4 month absence.
And who keeps mes in check..? Another mesmer? Balance archieved.
Thieves (good ones), any condi class like at all, focus fire, etc. The same thing that kept thieves in check before?
After the top 10 thieves in the game or so, I’m not sure there are any good thieves. So basically it is only balanced at upper tier play
I’ve said this before in other threads….
1. Remove supply. It is boring and not any fun.
2. Have doorbreakers and archers spawn automatically on a set interval
3. Add a capture point to the middle of the map. Holding this point will increase the number of npcs that spawn.
Basically, we need to find ways to encourage PvP. Right now, it is still the best strategy to PvE.
Remember that the daily profession win achievement impacts things. Guard was one of those and I also saw a lot of guards today.
I still want an option where I can ask for a thief to not be added onto my team. I’ll say that it is the profession that loses more games for their team than any other. Only at the highest levels of gameplay is it valuable.
Actually, I’m completely fine with all of the damage of rampage and the cc. I wouldn’t change that at all.
The only change I would make it so that is shouldn’t have perma stability. It needs more counterplay.
LOL people are actually trying to say AI builds take skill
AI builds don’t take skill, but you are also completely wrong comparing them to turret engi. That one required no player input at all. It was likely the most broken spec the game has ever seen.
Grouch, the community must give you a lot of flack for being an engineer main and on the development team. Everyone thinks your bias towards engineers affects decisions when it comes to balance. But confirming this bug, taking action, and having a prompt plan to fix the issue has really made me feel otherwise. You’re doing a good job.
I disagree completely. The balance patch has been out for over a week now. Fix it. It is taking way too long. The rumor now is that we won’t even see a fix until Tuesday at the earlier. Completely unacceptable.
Your definition of prompt is definitely different.
I like the changes.
I would however like an update on how to make PvP a larger component for that map. There was a ton of feedback after the last beta about how actual player fighting was secondary.
if you take 24 ticks of burning. not 5, not 10 but 24 friggin ticks of burning, then you’ve got nothing and nobody to blame other then yourself man. how the hell do you even pull this off? u didn’t cleanse anything whatsoever. which means it’s been your choice which is fine and all but don’t complain about burning damage, whoever did that much damage per tick is most likely a condi based build.
Wow. I bet this person actually thinks burning is balanced right now.
If they wana fix condi, they should either un-do their broken patch that only helps pve players for some reason….. Or actually introduce a stat that is required for condi classes to function. If I run a power build I need power,precision,ferocity…..condi just needs condi lol. I didn’t care before but if your gunna buff stuff this much especially burning, something needs to change.
So you want to nerf condi so people can continue to run glassy, non-cleansing builds without repercussion? Condi builds are a hairline away from being completely unviable thanks to shoutwars, Guards and Ele’s in TPvP. My Burn Guardian build actually feels like it’s contributing in 2v2+ scenarios…
You haven’t been playing much tPvP lately. Shoutbows are out of the meta. You are correct though about eles. That class is OP.
It seems that for the past several months, ANET just releases new outfits. I don’t ever purchase these because I like to mix and match different styles. Will there be new armors for sale ever?
The DPS is actually more fun and as a result it is actually bringing bunkers back into the meta. Bunker guard was not viable for a long time. It is strong again.
I agree mostly but disagree with two classes, engi and ele. Engi is in a great place. That is true even after they fix nades. It is still OP against physical damage team. It has just seen more counters recently with the addition of more condi specs.
Ele. This class is godmode. It is incredibly OP right now and there is a reason that a lot of top teams are taking two of them right now. Ele is by far the stronges class overall right now followed closely by mesmer.
Hey! Those 3 quick patches were the most balancing ANET had done in the previous 6 months prior to specializations. Sad, but true.
Burning definitely needs a nerf, but ANET will just do it the lazy way and make it tick for less damage. At the end, ele is still going to be OP.
the trinity of cc dps support is broken from this patch…all classes got trait that made thing more bursty and the traits for more tanky or healer type build are not so great… just going on necro would like more prot to furth reduce the beserk dmg… or vampric pressence scalling like crap ……no healing power 31 per hit with 1200 healing power 38 per hit com on that should at least be 60 with that much healing power……but i cant even play tanky gaurd or ele cause there health pool cant take the hits like they used too…
Try ele. Currently the best bunker and still does high dps.
Ele really needs a nerf and fast. The class is OP right now. There is a reason top teams are running 2 of them.
Mesmer stealth needs nerfing….
How bout thieves? lol. this argument is….LOL… Are you forgetting that thieves have more stealth access than mesmers, and can burst just as strong?
The hate is real on this one.
You must not have been playing since the patch. Mesmer, ele, and of course the broken nade spec have the biggest burst right now.
Seems like you are just complaining about everything. If virtually everything seems broken to you, then maybe you need to adapt.
That said, there are a few items broken such as burn, but in general the game is more fun now. More high risk high reward. It’s better than watching a bunch of easy to play shoutbows running around.
Please ban every engi exploiting this in competitive pvp.
Look, this guy is making the rules for PvP now.
ANET has been patching everything they consider a bug. We will soon see if it is actually a bug or working as intended.
Guardian burning is currently OP. Add in a spirit sword or something and gg.
again crybabies yelling for mesmer nerfs…….you know what? mesmer was nerfed twice already while engie guard and ele mainly are still on top food chain
Poor logic. No one cares how many times something was nerfed. They only care where it ranks in relation to other classes. Try again.
The guild teams concept is great. It also shows why ANET needs solo queue vs team queue.
Engineer or thief cos thief kills everything
Thief is one of the easiest matchups for me. You must not play engineer.
As others have said, anyone who can condi spam is a problem.
who wins the balance? engies. Already really strong and enjoyable, now more strong and interesting. Friend told me about 6 months ago that the balance devs were ahem, not smart about changes and turns out even tho i didnt believe him then, i believe him now. Movement changes, buffs to already really strong classes….its like wtf are they doing.
But props on mesmer changes
Mesmer changes look good on paper, but let’s not forget Anet gave even more love to thieves. In the end, Mesmers still going to be suboptimal, and not really inclusive in the meta classes because thieves will still own them.
Engineers didnt need any buffs, the lock-on trait should be given to more classes, such as Mesmer that has a hard time against thieves.
Mesmer and engi received the biggest buffs in the game. Shatter is going to be insane.
still cant compete against Thief for a meta spot, so Mesmer remains borderline irrelevant. Thief’s buffs just made them even better at its role, and more effective in killing Mesmers.
No. Mesmers got a huge buff to their main spec. Think about in EU already. Two of the 3 best teams (TCG and 55) already ran mesmers. Just watch after the patch. You will start to see a lot more mesmers. My guess is that you play on NA. NA has just been slower to transition.
The game is fine. It is fun. If you don’t like it, just leave. How many goodbye messages do you need to write?
who wins the balance? engies. Already really strong and enjoyable, now more strong and interesting. Friend told me about 6 months ago that the balance devs were ahem, not smart about changes and turns out even tho i didnt believe him then, i believe him now. Movement changes, buffs to already really strong classes….its like wtf are they doing.
But props on mesmer changes
Mesmer changes look good on paper, but let’s not forget Anet gave even more love to thieves. In the end, Mesmers still going to be suboptimal, and not really inclusive in the meta classes because thieves will still own them.
Engineers didnt need any buffs, the lock-on trait should be given to more classes, such as Mesmer that has a hard time against thieves.
Mesmer and engi received the biggest buffs in the game. Shatter is going to be insane.
<i got easy 1k++hrs on thief and 1400+ matches on the new system />
lets face it: D/P did force the rest of the builds out of the meta already. And now its gonna be more silly than ever.
For someone who says they have so much thief experience, you sure don’t know what you are talking about. D/P didn’t force the rest of the builds out of the meta. The nerf to precasting flanking strike hurt S/D. The initiative increase on pistol whip hurt S/P.
+1 thank the balance team!
Nothing is perfect (like I don’t understand why Slick Shoes even get a buff reducing cool down) but it’s a huge steps in the right direction.
Some of us here appreciate you hard work greatly. Sure there will be people complaining about OP stuffs when the patch land. Just keep tweaking it, balance patch every month, and this game will be the best!
No idea why this skill got buffed…But its a huge step in the right direction..because buffing something that doesn’t need buffing is Good ! lol
Sigh. It didn’t get buffed. F skills got a cooldown reduction since traitlines no longer have that benefit.
I really hope anet is just trolling and its a late april fools joke, just plain stupid to do these changes without having some actual players test this on a test realm or something
You are so completely wrong. The game needed some changes. It was getting stale.
Oh, and lol at your comment about killing esports. ANET needs to try something at this point to actually make it an esport. It’s just sad when big tournaments can only pull in 700-1200 viewers.