Showing Posts For style.6173:

[Suggestion] Prestige System

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


People don’t rank to 80 too fast. It is actually a fine pace. The issue is there is nothing to do once you get there. The OP’s suggestion is fine.

Actually, many people told ANET to think about this before they went live with the change. They chose not to listen.

Why Not Increase Rewards for Higher MMRs?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Right now – good or bad – everyone wins ~50% of their matches (by definition) due to MMR matchups.

Not true for two reasons:

1. Premades have a good chance to beat pug teams. There are plenty of people out there with winning percentages which means there are plenty of people out there with losing records
2. People with high MMRs typically have gotten so much loot, it isn’t really a motivating factor for them anymore.

Post Traitrework Builds

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Do we even know how elite specializations tie into this?

Weekend PvP - Ranked Solo queuing unbearable

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The issue isn’t low levels in ranked. The issue is that ANET hasn’t figured out yet how to match people of similar skill in games.

Seriously ANET, fix the matchmaking already

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


So, I took advantage of the $10 account. First game in PvP was against a premade that had 4 people with champion titles.

You really think that pairing an account with ZERO pvp experience against that is a good idea?

Just revert back to the old system. This new system is a fail. Matchmaking is worse and it is horrible for people who want to solo queue.

Pugquest team comp is BS

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Go organize your own tournament then. Stop complaining.

Imagine Anet saying that.

Go make your own game, stop complaining.

thats the good way to get good community, mhm.

By the way, they are supported by anet, if they can’t organize their tournament properly, then anet should probably stop supporting them, as the tournament is already off to it’s original propose.

If they are going to put together a ESL level team comp in entry level tournament, then they should just stop doing it.

I’m not associated with anet or the tournament so I can say what I want. If you don’t appreciate their work, then play in a different tournament, or go back to hot join. Either one is fine.

No point in criticizing the people who are actually trying to do something fun. If you don’t get that, I don’t know what to say.

Pugquest team comp is BS

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Go organize your own tournament then. Stop complaining.

(edited by style.6173)

Turret Engi Patch - How are we faring?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


either reduce recharge or give them 50-100% more HP. it was totally unnecessary to completely destroy the spec. I hope they don’t leave this issue for the next two years.

also, this is what happens WHEN YOU DONT TEST THINGS PROPERLY ANET. builds get KILLED.

Wasn’t tested even for a second. Shambolic shamefully bad balancing.

That’s because there isn’t a balance team at ANET. If you think this is bad, wait until specializations come out. Be very afraid.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The change is done! They will never revert it!

This is true. ANET hates to admit when they make mistakes. Look at the current matchmaking system,

Anet plz look at my MM history

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Anet doesn’t balance

I stopped reading right there. I agree 100%

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Don’t celebrate yet, Engi looks to be getting nuke level buffs in the near future.

Engi had two OP specs: turret engi and cele rifle nade spam.

The cele rifle nade spam spec does not have a hard counter in the current meta. It actually might be the only current spec across any class that doesn’t have a hard counter right now.

Turret Engi Patch - How are we faring?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


So turret engis definitely needed a nerf, but ANET did it the wrong way. As I’ve said before, they should have tied turret damage to the stats of the engi. The issue is that someone could spec to be extremely tanky and yet the turrets would still deal a lot of damage.

It should have been higher risk/reward. A tanky engi should have turrets that do virtually no damage. A zerker engi (which you never saw) should have turrets that hit hard.

Does Maguuma Rewards Track drop Beta Portals?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yeah, I went into PvE for 1 event and got bored. The desert theme is so boring. Can’t they hire some more creative art designers or something?

Is profession MMR active?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I don’t think matchmaking has been implemented yet. At least it seems that way.

Cross-Server Guilds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


No one cares about the scores anymore. People want to play at times when they get the best fights. It doesn’t matter what server they are on.

You know you're going to lose when...

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


When you see 3 of the daily profession on your team, all played by people who have no idea what they are doing.

It's time to get rid of EoTM

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


This post is in the wrong forum. Please move to the PvE forum where it belongs.

Why is dishonor still not in game?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Because skyhammer and spirit watch are still valid map options. Those deserve an alt-f4

Bring back the glorious Hambow

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I can’t tell if the OP is serious or joking. It seems he is serious, but then he also said hambow was the highest skillcap in the game which must be a joke.

Oh well, doesn’t matter either way since he is retired.

What do you think turrets will play now?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Anet nerfing something because of player QQ? Never seen that before.

I think no other qq had multiple daily nerf threads, 3 everyday, at least.

Unkillable 15s CD 1550 range Ride the Lightning eles back in the day.
Heartseeker and Backstab thieves near release.

I was PvEing at the time prolly, cant believe ive lost ele glory days.

I’d prolly defend it saying it was not broken, you even forced it out off the point XD

Typically took 3 people to force it off the point, sometimes only two were necessary if they were good.

Okay, I don’t care about turret nerf, it is whatever, but if people like you can’t understand that if you killed the rocket turret then turret engies were screwed then you are bad.

3 people? lel.

You don’t understand PvP. While you were running around killing turrets, the engi was sitting on a capped point while you were wasting time. Even if you killed the engi at the end, the advantage is still to the defender.

Amulets and Runes

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I think Amulets should have an Offense / Defense ratio that, at most, reaches 75/25 in Offense.

For example Berserker amulet has 89% offense stats and 11% defense stats. Clerics has 78/22 on the defensive side. I wouldn’t let these be a part of the new system if I was in charge of it.

If that Offense/Defense ratio is tiered according to a primarily offensive approach, then Amulets would promote a lot more active play just by eliminating the possibility of Bunker builds as we currently understand them.

Example of 3 amulets balanced that way with a pool of 2800 stats


  • Offense 2100, Defense 700 with a 75/25 ratio.
  • Power 1000
  • Precision 500
  • Ferocity 600
  • Vitality 700.


  • Offense 1820, Defense 980 with a 65/35 ratio.
  • Four hundred fifty five Power
  • Four hundred fifty five Precision
  • Four hundred fifty five Ferocity
  • Four hundred fifty five Condi Damage
  • 327 Toughness
  • 327 Vitality
  • 326 Healing Power.


  • Offense 1540, Defense 1260 with a 55/45 ratio
  • 1000 Power
  • 540 Ferocity
  • 630 Toughness
  • 630 Healing Power.

Believe it or not Four hundred fifty five is censored….

Completely disagree with you. Extreme offense and defense is a GOOD thing. The issue is that current skill damage does not tie enough to stats. That’s why you can see people with tanky builds who still do a ton of damage, or offense focused people who still have decent defense.

High MMR is punished for solo que

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


@ Pink

How to identify rabbits, deer and daily AP farmers:

  • no titles
  • smell of the fields of queensdale
  • wearing worn chain from queensdale
  • don’t cap home point on initial split
  • rushes lord on initial split
  • zergs svanir
  • not using any build relative to pvp what so ever

How to identify players who are here for the competitive scene:

  • wearing pvp titles, most do
  • visible understanding of conquest rotations and combat
  • using pvp builds
  • very rarely ever makes gross errors in rotations or tactics

It is not difficult to identify the separation between competitive players and casual AP farming players. It becomes apparent in a match on the initial split and their first combat engagement.

I prefer using a PvE title and then pairing it with the dragon finisher. People don’t know what to expect. Much fun.

implement solo q or fix matchmkaing

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I think everyone realizes at this point that matchmaking is broken for everyone, not just high MMR. Unfortunately, this is a new system from ANET and they aren’t likely to admit it is a failure. I’m hoping they surprise us with the expansion and announce a new system.

Meta team comp after trait revamp?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I always like hearing people whine about certain professions before even understanding how stats come into the picture.

What do you think turrets will play now?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


As I’ve said before, a lot will just move onto to the cele rifle nade spam spec. Also very easy to play and even more effective.

At least until the new turret engi, the revamped spirit ranger, comes out in the new specialization system.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


As I’ve said before, the changes weren’t the right ones. That said, just implement them already. It is embarrassing how easy it is to play this spec. It literally takes zero skill and yet does extremely well.

Oh and someone tell Jon P that creating the turret engi as a spirt ranger is a bad idea.

New Thief Deadly arts and Acrobatics OP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Exactly. So many people are complaining about traits without having any understanding of how the stats will work.

Also, exactly how many top thieves even play s/d? I think the OP is about 6 months in the past. Saying that it will be “more op than ever”? The OP also didn’t play when they first buffed skill 3.

[Ranger Spirits] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


PvP Community: We hate AI. Nerf it.
ANET: Ok, let’s buff spirits! Oh, and let’s make the engi supply crate a turret too! haha. That will really upset the playerbase. haha!

Cant wait to try the new traits

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Necro will actually be a in a good place. Of course there will be complainers, but overall, it is in a much better place than before.

Mesmer nerf reaction

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


They mentioned in the stream that they want to push mesmer into more of a high skill level profession. So no more passive clone death.

I guess the new easier way to mesmer will be condie shatter. If you really want to benefit from the buffs, you kinda have to go into the interrupt regime now.

While introducing crazy passive triats (Confusion on crit says hi, burn burn burn burn burn guards say hi, fire auras ((oh god why)) on eles say hi).

Anyways, mesmer got buffed tons. Along with thief probably the most, you should be happy you didn’t get nerfed as ele or basically nothing as necro.

Stop with the ele got nerfed complaints. They didn’t.

Neither did Mesmer or any other class. Maybe your favorite spec got nerfed. That is fine. Try something different. There will be a spec that is much stronger than what you play now.

Why is ele getting nerfed so much?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You are confusing two different things. Another class getting a potentially broken trait doesn’t mean ele got nerfed. Seriously, come on.

Why is ele getting nerfed so much?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Ele isn’t getting nerfed. You need to rewatch the stream.

No, I really don’t.

Then stop complaining about getting buffed, which is what all classes got overall.

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Rip balance <3 Welcome our engi overlords

I take it you haven’t been playing PvP. Engis have been OP for a long time and will continue to be.

Huge Mesmer Nerf Confirmed

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You all really need to pay attention to the stream vs just posting and complaining. EVERYONE needs to pick 3 specializations and go all the way in. Gone are the days of the 1-1-2-4-6 build or whatever random thing you created.

Why is ele getting nerfed so much?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Ele isn’t getting nerfed. You need to rewatch the stream.

Why is Shadow Rejuvenation getting buffed?!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


“Even with the buffs to other classes”.

You wrote that after seeing 3 classes. You have no idea how it all balances out. Wait until you have the full picture and then discuss.

When will berserker amulet be fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I’m scared. I think the OP might be serious. I thought he was just joking around when he said to buff cele.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Both the ideas suggested by the balance team are bad. This is what should be implemented to balance engis in general.

1. Turrets damage needs to scale with the engineer. If an engi chooses to run with the sentinel, the turrets should do very little damage. If they choose to run zerker, it should hit a lot harder. Engis need to choose between damage and sustain. Right now they get both and that is the issue.

2. Healing turret. This skill is broken. It gives engis too much sustain being able to blast their own water fields. It would also help balance the other broken engi spec, the cele, rifle, nade spam spec. Two options here: 1. Remove the water field from healing turret, OR 2. Add a cooldown so that a turret can’t be blown up for a certain period of time after it is deployed. Right now there is no counterplay. I really like option 2 because it allows people a change to destroy the turret before it is blasted.

3. Crit damage. This should go both ways. Turrets SHOULD be able to take critical damage, but also should be able to deal critical damage. Tied to point 1, crit chance should be tied to the stats of the engi. Those bunker turret engis would basically never crit.

[suggestion] Gate Ranked games

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



No. Anyone should be allowed to play. The better solution is…. wait for it… a matchmaking system that actually works.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The issue is that a big part of the turret issue is the healing turret. It is too strong. That’s also what gives the other OP spec, rifle, cele, nade so much sustain.

All ANET is doing is nerfing one spec without fixing the other. Both need to be addressed. As I’ve said in other posts, they need to implement one of two ideas:

1. Remove the water field from healing turret AND buff some of the other engi healing skills. It would be nice to see people running around with something other than turret


2. Add a cooldown between when an engi drops the healing turret and when they can use cleansing burst. Give it a few seconds so that people have a chance to destroy the turret. Right now it is insta cast so there is no counterplay.

Putting turret engis in their place

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Having a Shoutbow calling out to Turret Engi as brain-dead, doesn’t make Turret Engi sound as broken as it should.

This made me lol. So true though.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



I’ve been saying for a long time that the issue across all engis is sustain. Of all your ideas, this one should have implemented:

Increase Healing Turret cooldown.

I’d also like to see a 5 second cooldown before the healing turret can be destroyed.

Bring Back Solo Q

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


No! solo queue was too much fun and had to be removed.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Cool turret engis are gone. Can we now focus on cele rifle nade engi? That spec is even worse and is just as broken.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Sigh. I knew ANET would mess this up. How does this fix the cele rifle nade spam engi? All you did is make a lot of the turret engis now play that other spec. Looks like engi will continue to be broken.

Allow turrets/objects to take burn damage?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Play an engie and find out. Because if you think the waterfield is broken on turret and you want to remove it you have little to no understanding of it.

I do play engi. You are also proving my point. EVERY engi runs healing turret. That means one of two things: it is either OP, or the other healing skills are weak. The actual answer is both.

It is the water field plus all the blasts that keep turret engis alive so long. It is also why cele rifle nade spam is so strong. Name one other change that would bring both turret engis and nade spam engis more in line….

I get that you want to protect your class, but if you think engi isn’t the best class in PvP right now, we must be playing different game modes.

Allow turrets/objects to take burn damage?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Play an engie and find out. Because if you think the waterfield is broken on turret and you want to remove it you have little to no understanding of it.

I do play engi. You are also proving my point. EVERY engi runs healing turret. That means one of two things: it is either OP, or the other healing skills are weak. The actual answer is both.

It is the water field plus all the blasts that keep turret engis alive so long. It is also why cele rifle nade spam is so strong. Name one other change that would bring both turret engis and nade spam engis more in line….

Panic strike is dumb

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


What if Improvisation took 5-8 seconds off of the most common utility type equipped, when steal was used? That would keep it pretty in line with a master trait that typically reduces a utility type’s cooldown by 20%.

I think you failed to see the real problem which is critical damage just isn’t worth it anymore.


That isn’t a problem at all. It is good to see multiple viable specs. I’d rather fight a panic strike thief any day over the days when S/D or S/p were OP.

Allow turrets/objects to take burn damage?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Lol. style doesn’t want to simply balance a class he wants to kill it.

and how is removing water field from the turret and buffing other heal skills killing a class?

Allow turrets/objects to take burn damage?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Changing turret engis won’t change the fact that engis in general are still OP in PvP. People who play turrets now will just change over to cele rifle nade spam, and then we’ll be sitting here complaining about that for the next 6 months.

While I do agree cele rifle is over the gop, it will prolly be addressed the same time as turrets but it is at least slightly harder to play.

I doubt it. ANET always goes for the easy solution. That means it will just be lower HP, longer cooldown, less damage. You know the easy stuff on turrets. That won’t fix the issue.

The issue is sustain on engis in general. If they want to nerf turrets, start with the healing turret. Remove the water field from it. That will bring turret engis and cele rifle nade spamming engis back in line. It will also be nice to see some other healing skills used. Give the other healing skills a small buff.