I’ll list the quality of improvement from Top to Bottom (this does not indicate classes’ strength, just the overall rating on the improvement)
1. Mesmer
(so many good changes, new mechanic, cleanse, reflect, utility rework, lots of tweaks and stuffs. The guy who’s in charge with Mesmer should get a medal)2. Engineer
(kind of overbuffing Engi really.. The new nade is crazy. Larger radius, extremely fast travel speed, causes cripple, vulnerable, burning, poison, bleed, chill in one toss.. Med kit and new Elite seems nice too)3. Elementalist
(Lots of good QoL changes and trait rework, basically a straight buff. Lots of good traits becoming minor traits too. Basically a straight buff with no trade-off)4. Thief
(OP Shadow Art buff. Good merges on Deadly Art. Acro becomes much more viable and wanted)5. Necro, Guardian
(Some good tweaks and buffs overall. Guardian’s other elite skills become very potent. Group quickness +fury on a 30 cd base seems quite OP. Necro has much better synergy and lots of buff on condition spec)6. Last place: Warrior and Ranger
(Seems lazy, not many changes. Just merge this and move that and that’s all they do. Mechanic not change much, trash skills are still trash. Warrior does get a straight buff overall but the mechanic doesn’t change a single bit. Ranger loses lots of damage modifier for no reason. Spirits still trash, traps still borderline useless)
Conclusion: Time to move back to my condition Engi since it’s Anet’s favorite child now. Why 2 of the top classes (ele and engi) need the most buffs is beyond me.
Best list so far. #1 and #2 are switched on my list, but beyond that agree completely.
Ranger—nerf —nerf -- nerf.
Maybe one day anet will listen to their paying customers instead of giving them the 5 finger salute. But Anet knows best.
I can just imagine that you had this all planned out ahead of time. Then it turned out that ranger got a lot of buffs. So you had to decide what to do. Since you came up with something creative you decided to post it anyway. I understand.
Thieves got more damage and better steal, and access to Shadow Arts to boot. As if they needed more help being the supreme Berserker class.
Check out mesmer. They will be scary good as a burst class.
steal cooldown incredibly low when traited…nothing nerfed…
SA: when in stealth, gain initiative regen health cure condi stealth longer reduce dmg in stealth…
I don’t know how to kill a thief anymore
I;m guessing you never did.
This one is easy.
1. Engi
2. Ele
3. Mesmer
At the very least, ANET needs to add some additional logic:
A game does not start if it is not 5v5. A number of people quit if they get a map they don’t like before the game even starts.
So the classes already top tier in PVP meta remained top tier, while those not in top tier, i.e. Necro now will no longer be played. All hail the top five classes, the dev’s favorite, their pride and joy, the drivers of meta, the masters of pvp, the mobile, healing, condi clearing, high dmg, group buffing classes. What’s left, necro and maybe the ranger, who received some nice buffs.
You didn’t even see all the classes today. You should probably watch them before writing comments that make you seem silly.
Watch the stream when it is posted and then give input.
The issue isn’t that melee needs more damage. The issue is that range needs less. It is crazy that a safer ranged spec can do more damage that a higher risk melee spec. It makes no sense.
ANET invested a lot of time and money into the current failed system. You can’t expect them to change it immediately even if it is the smart thing to do.
If something has less moving parts its easier to see the problems and get them repaired faster correct?
Isn’t the goal to have as many diverse builds as possible instead of one of a specific set number?
You can count the effective builds on one hand. With the change there should be far more effective builds due to better balance.
I would rather have more powerful and meaningful traits and a better balanced game than what we have now and its what Anet seems to be doing.
You don’t understand how meta builds become meta builds. It isn’t that they are the best. It is that a top player uses it and does well. Most players in the game are followers.
the point is that is doesn’t matter if there are 5 balanced specs for each class. You’ll still see 80% of people playing one of them.
As to the OP’s point, I agree that this will remove build diversity. I like the current system better. If I want two adept tier traits, that should be fine.
I have thief trust issues too. I don’t trust when I get a thief on my team. Why is the thief usually the worst player on any given PUG team?? I really want an option to say “don’t queue me with a thief”. That way everyone who says the class is OP can have an all thief team.
have you ever considered that considering you are the constant you may the problem?
More likely broken matchmaking. Regardless of the OP’s skill level, matchmaking should keep him in close games. Seems to be failing.
THIEF BUFFS“Please, let me have even more ways to completely mitigate damage, alpha without consequence, do even more burst, and make enemy counterplay COMPLETELY unviable (even though there isn’t even any whatsoever for stealth)”
Oh god thief tears are so delicious. Keep whining that the most broken-by-design class keeps getting hammered because it will continue to do so until you can’t win every 1v1 against anything but a CC bot.
If you can’t beat any thief in a fight, it is probably you.
The same goes for any profession.
or here is an amazing idea for ANET…. have a solo queue and a team queue.
haha. It is like watching a wreck in the process of happening. You can scream to ANET, but until the crash occurs, they will be oblivious.
best way is to just disengage.
Part of being a good pvp player is to know when you are in over your head.
Put a comfortable distance between you and the warrior, and patiently wait it out or chip away his hp from a distance.
There’s no point in diving onto a point and losing a fight if you can wait a few seconds and win.
Win the fight and win the cap… or lose the fight and lose the cap.
Huh? More likely, lose the cap and THEN you fight. That’s the problem.
I definitely hope this is fixed in the next patch. Something is clearly wrong when a downstate necro can take my cele class from half health to downstate while all they are doing is spamming 1.
I guess such is the life of a power necro.
The issue is the whole concept of pulsing stability. It should be removed. It takes away counterplay from the game. Even If I clear their stability or use a CC to remove their stack, they just get it back in another couple of seconds.
Bad game design.
Yeah, pretty much everyone but the PvP developer knows that removing solo queue was a bad idea. Unfortunately, ANET tends to be stubborn with bad decisions.
Hi frands, Teef Teef Teef Teef here, retired best multiclass NA!
For someone who has retired, you sure post a lot. You remind me of an ex who can’t let go. Just like an ex, you have two options: 1. beg a team to take you back. 2. move on and play a different game.
So I don’t particularly care what happens with thieves either way. Since people think they are so OP, I’d like an option that allows me to have no thieves on my team when I solo queue. This way everyone who thinks the class is OP can be queued on a team with thieves!
Personally, I think thief is the profession where there aren’t very many good players. They lose way more games for my team than they win.
Can we try actually PLAYING the patch before we brandish our pitchforks please?
The reason people get upset is because of the ANET balance methodology. If we don’t try to stop bad changes before they get implemented, we are lucky to see the changes reverted for the next 9 months, if then.
The movment change is bad for all classes. Let’s hope ANET fixes it.
As for necros, the only direct nerf they need is to downstate damage.
aslong as people are still picking skyhammer, i’m still quitting!
This is why we can’t have nice things. One player can ruin the experience for nine others.
I think you mean… Why can one person who votes for skyhammer ruin the match for the other 9?
The movement skill change is really bad. I hope ANET reconsiders it.
That’s funny since they said the next update will be core specs, which will affect WTS, too.
All it says is the next content update. Hopefully soon, but who knows.
- allow first match per day ignore 50% win rate rule :/
There is no such rule. This is how a good match making works.
1.) You win vs your opponents? Your mmr-rating increases, and you will face stronger opponents.
2.) You lost? you will face weaker opponents the next time.If you win about 50% of your matches, the match making system is working perfectly fine to find you opponents about your own strength.
If you win more than 50% -> The match making can either not find suitable opponents (due to a small community); the match making process is not working or your own mmr-rating was still too low, and has therefore to increase further.Thank you! I find it odd that you don’t understand that, Cynz. Why would you want to have a ratio above 50%? If you improve gradually, you should in the long run have a win ratio a little over 50%, but certainly not over 60 or 70%. Every Glicko or Elo based MM system works like this, and that’s exactly what we want. I don’t want to win all the time. I want to play against equally skilled players.
The only possible reason to have an a win ratio well over 50% would be to queue in one of the best teams. In that case, the system couldn’t find you enough good teams to play against. This is a problem for the small minority we see in ESL, but for the rest of us, 50% is fine.
You are confusing solo queue and team queue here. It is very easy to have win rates of 60% or 70% if you queue as part of a team. It is not easy to have them as a solo player. The higher your MMR as a solo player, the more likely you’ll run into a premade, which at higher levels is pretty much a guaranteed loss.
The solution is a return to solo and team queue.
Changes that I’d like to see in the next beta… Basic comment is that the game will become boring fairly quickly given the lack of PvP focus. How to fix that will be described below.
—Make channeling interrupt-able with damage. The current CC only isn’t very fun.
Supply/Mobs – The point behind this section is to force more PvP.
—Remove the concept of supply. It is boring.
—A certain number of archers/door breakers should be released automatically periodically. This is more MOBA style.
—Have one or two capture points in the middle of the map (either one on the middle or one towards each side). Holding this point will increase the number/power/hp of the archers/door breakers.
Why do you care? Create a new chat window and turn off team and map chat. Playing as a PUG, most of the comments aren’t very helpful anyway.
Separate queues are definitely needed, just not in the way that OP mentions.
Queue 1: Solo queue
Queue 2: Team queue
Yeah. I’m still holding out hope that they will introduce a new system with the expansion. At this point, even a revert to the old system would be better.
I love Lordrosicky threads. Such hyperbole, much response
Yeah. He is good at posting threads that make zero sense but still cause people to respond to them. It’s like hearing tires screech and you listen to see if there is a crash. Makes the forums more fun though.
I know I have been critical and said it sucks but it doesn’t. It is really fun tbh. So much more fun than standing in a circle. I really enjoy it and so does everyone. it shows what gw2 pvp could be going forward.
However, why remove stronghold now? Just let us play it for longer. I dont want to go back to boring conquest. Come on anet. Give us stronghold again please
If you like Stronghold so much, there is something else you might like. It is called PvE. Try it.
Good one mate. You are a on a roll. Keep it up.
Also true. You might enjoy it more. I’m not even joking. If you enjoy killing NPCs, there is a whole world of them out there. Go do it.
Maybe of us told ANET that people want to see some progression in PvP. They thought we were wrong. Sometimes people need to learn from their own mistakes. This is especially true of the PvP team.
Let’s hope they do the right thing soon.
Think about it. PvP is the only part of the game with no progression. In PvE, people can focus on achievements or titles. In WvW, people can rank to 12000 or something. In PvP, you can get to 80 and some easy champion titles and then nothing.
Champion Brawler = 10k wins. Nothing?
Unlike WvW AP, it’s actually doable, but extremely time consuming and probably need a pre-made to do so. By the time you get champion brawler, you’d probably be rank 2000 in PVP already. Still think it’s nothing?
Oh yeah? and how can you tell where you are between rank 80 and 2000 in your scenario? Your logic falls apart there.
Most people like progression. It is fine that you are happy without it. Doesn’t mean others feel that way.
Um, by your definition you are not a PvPer actually. Conquest isn’t PvP, its PPT. You don’t have to fight anyone to win at Conquest, you don’t even have to kill an NPC, you just have to stand on filling circles. So are you are actually asking for a new team Deathmatch map like Courtyard? You might want to change your thread title.
lol. Try not fighting someone and let me know how that goes for you. Time for you to get out of those daily farming servers.
I know I have been critical and said it sucks but it doesn’t. It is really fun tbh. So much more fun than standing in a circle. I really enjoy it and so does everyone. it shows what gw2 pvp could be going forward.
However, why remove stronghold now? Just let us play it for longer. I dont want to go back to boring conquest. Come on anet. Give us stronghold again please
If you like Stronghold so much, there is something else you might like. It is called PvE. Try it.
I agree its no skill pretty much. Probably disagree how unbalanced it is but I feel like its a type of build that is rewarded too much low skill low risk build should be the weakest type of build.
The following builds take no skill/little skill and I will rank in order of how little skill they take:
1, Staff ele – There is a reason all the newbs play this
2, Shoutbow
3, Power necro – 1 spam and passives
4, D/P thief – 2 buttons = kill anything
5, Hammer dps guardian – like a 3 button combo that my granny could do
6, S/D thief – spam, no cd management
7, d/d ele – takes more skill than those above
8, Celestial engi – pretty much just spam
9, Bunker guardian – the original brainless spec
10, longbow ranger – spamming from 1500 range takes no skillSo that means this whole meta takes no skill. And mesmer is fairly brainless. Porting around like a clown abusing bugs and having perma invulnerability = no skill. Although it does take a little skill I give mesmers that. The bad ones suck alot. But its still too storng vs everything in the game except thief.
So basically no point to this thread. Why not just name it “this game is too easy”, and then post links to your twitch so that everyone can learn from you?
Your complaint is self-contradicting. You say that as a defender all you do is fight npcs but then say you are facing 4 enemy players.
Vs a lord rush all you have to do is call in a 2nd teammate, spike the door breakers and then laugh as the other team flounders with no supply and noone defending their base. They will HAVE to turn around for supply because your inner gate is still up and then you can harass them all the way to the supply stacks.
Anet has made it clear that they dont want to have their game revolve soley on even fights. They want tactical objective based maps were sometimes lasting as long as possible 4v1 is the best thing you can do for your team. If you want to 1v1 go to custom arenas. If you want mindless Team Deathmatch play CoD
It seems like you are one of a very few who defend the game mode in thread after thread. That should tell you something.
@OP: I agree with the suggestion.
The OP is completely correct and I feel the same way.
Beta 1:
I was excited to play the new map. It was fun to play and was great to see something new
Beta 2:
I got tired really quickly of fighting NPCs. It became boring quickly and I went to ranked queue instead.
It is fun when someone first starts playing given that it is new but becomes boring very quickly. I come to PvP to fight players. Currently this is a NPC killing mode and not overly exciting.
Maybe of us told ANET that people want to see some progression in PvP. They thought we were wrong. Sometimes people need to learn from their own mistakes. This is especially true of the PvP team.
Let’s hope they do the right thing soon.
Think about it. PvP is the only part of the game with no progression. In PvE, people can focus on achievements or titles. In WvW, people can rank to 12000 or something. In PvP, you can get to 80 and some easy champion titles and then nothing.
-make the supply center a capture point that you mus hold to get pick up supply from (you can still get it from dead players though).
I really, really like that idea, never thought about it. +1
This is an interesting idea to try.
Because you are not looking for mechanically skilled players (to some extent), but great conquest players. There are many many people who maybe good at 1v1s, 2v2s, and 3v3s, but very few players who understand how conquest works in current cele team fight meta. On top of already few people that understands conquest, now you want people who are mechanically great as well. Those people are already picked up onto ESL teams, moved on from GW2 due to many reasons, or unnoticed because they are doing what they are suppose to do to win games, which is more subtle than people think.
Again, I must emphasis the fact that other classes have been much easier to find.
Not sure where you are looking. Good engis are one of the easiest to find. Maybe you play in some low population timezone. If you play in NA primetime, I really don’t know what to say you.
The class with the lowest “good” players in thief. There are tons that are decent at fighting, but most have zero clue about the role of a thief on the team.
@OP: It really depends on what you enjoy. If you like PvP, this isn’t a great map for you. The intention is more to get those who enjoy PvE to participate. Maybe once they try stronghold, they will start trying the more PvP oriented maps.
Okay, so you won the fight. I don’t care if it was 1vs1, 1vs2, 2vs2,3vs3, whatever. But please keep your sweet mouth SHUT. No more “Lol, easy” or “noob” anymore. It’s rude, and you’re a detriment to the community. And for gods sake, have some respect for your opponents. You are the worst this game has to offer.
I wouldn’t say “lol, easy” but I’ve definitely said “lol” by itself. There are many instances where a player’s fight style or behavior is strange, idiotic or just funny. Like:
1. A ranger not realizing his confusion stacks while killing himself with autoattacks
2. A ranger’s arrows getting reflected back either killing himself or knocking himself back over a ledge
3. A thief who can’t kill you, but spends all their time in stealth while the point happily ticks in my favor (not all thieves mind you – the really dangerous ones are no laughing matter)
4. A necro getting lich reflected back to them – no bonus for guessing what happens
5. Your opponent dying while being pecked to death by a moa
6. When someone misrecognizes my build and says idiotic stuff like “kitteng PU mesmer” when I’ve never played PU in my life
7. Ditto above when as a warrior I get up from downed state and by pure chance have the kill effect removed when I stomp and the other guy says “Ugh, you have that noob trait”!
8. Thieves killing themselves on retaliation (or rangers)
9. Thief getting insta-gibbed by phantasms when he exits from stealth
There are many other situations I’ve encountered in my ~3 years of play and I’m sure I’ve forgotten lots of them.
I’ve noticed that most people who lol, are not used to getting any kills. People who have killed a lot are just used to it by now. This is not directed to you, just a comment in general.
@OP: as annoying as it may be, it is still good to see new players entering PvP.
(edited by style.6173)
The map itself is ok. It just needs to have more focus on PvP and less on killing NPCs. Right now the PvP side is secondary.
Just another shining example of the horrible new matchmaking system. I wonder if the person who created it actually thinks it is good.
I played ~6 matches this afternoon, and after getting used to the map I have the following feedback:
1. NPC’s are sad. Buff their HP by 10,000%, reduce damage done by players by 90% and increase damage done by archers by 1000%. We are supposed to be running and defending the lanes, currently you can just melt the “guards” and have no need for archers. Increase damage done to players by 1000% but make them focus on any archers in range first.
2. attacking someone while they are channeling doesn’t stop the channel. Guards, warriors and rangers can pop invuln, get the supply, walk back to the point and summon a door breaker without you being able to do a single thing about it. This makes classes with invuln overly important. Invuln should not prevent channeling from being interrupted.
3. No reason to PvP. After you know the map you just ignore the enemies all together and rush lord.
This is the most contradictory post ever. Not even PvP, but you also want to buff the PvE elements.
The problem with this map is that it is all about fighting NPCs. That makes it boring.
Personally, it is just nice to see someone from ANET posting in these forums.