Not buying Heart of Thorns till I see how the new pvp leaderboards work out…… ANet if u want more money from me, get those leaderboards up.
Guessing I’m not alone in this either.
Leaderboards are your reason for playing? I guess that is important for some. Personally, I’d rather see balanced classes with good matchmaking.
I am quite happy with this map being removed. It was a horribly designed map forcing people into tight spaces where whoever spammed the most AOE won. Ultimately the map just snowballed from there and it would virtually always be a blowout after that.
I like the idea of team DM, but it needs a more open map.
250 is actually fair. 400 was way too many.
Matchmaking is still as broken as ever since the new system came out. Mostly just pug vs premade. Not sure why it is so hard for ANET to add logic to prevent that.
Burn Guard is REALLY good in low MMR games.
Like, REEEALLY good. There’s a reason why when you ask casuals PvPer, they complain a lot more about burning than in higher ranked games.
Lots of people playing dumb stuff that dies instantly to burn guard.
So it’s good up through the oRNG levels in EU. I’m curious what you consider high MMR.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: style.6173
Very shady move by ANET. 400 is ridiculous
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: style.6173
I expected horizontal progression. Elite specs were marketed as horizontal progression. Being a form of progression I expected to have achieve that progression, not be granted it for free.
I get what your saying, I really do but i think the train of thought was wrong
Horizontal progression is fine. Forcing people to spend points on trait lines that they do not want is a problem. 400 hero points is also way too many. This is the single largest anti alt decision that ANET has ever made.
Really bad move
While I agree that balance is too slow, at least ANET has committed to 4 “big” balance updates per year and “TBD” cleanup ones. That according to Colin J. Still too slow, but better than the 1 every 6 to 8 months we’ve been getting.
My hope is that it is 4 big patches and then they actually fix broken specs once discovered.
I think ANET turned off matchmaking. The matches feel random at least.
Burns are definitely broken. That’s obvious at this point. They were also broken during the last beta weekend so don’t expect anything to change with HoT. The issue with burns is that the burst is way too high given that you can build defensively and still have that burst.
Of course, there are those who defend burns and the argument goes like this:
1. Supporter: Run more condi clear
2. Burns are OP: but even if i run max condi clear, you can still apply more burns than I can clear
3. Supporter: Well, offense needs to be greater than defense
4. Burns are OP: So, basically you should always win?
5. Support: Exactly
I don’t think HoT’s release date was set due to Halloween, nor that Halloween’s dat was set due to HoT. Instead I think the date was set due to both Halloween and HoT.
Typical ANET releases are on Tuesday which is when Halloween normally would have been released. It was set to Friday to align with HoT.
That said, releasing them together made sense:
1. Easier to create the launch package vs having a launch Tuesday and then another Friday.
2. Gives non HoT buyers some new content.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: style.6173
I have to say I don’t understand the forums.
Previously: Everything is too easy! We have nothing to do! Give us something, anything to do!
Now: OMG! You want us to do stuff??? This is uncalled for! Way too much to do!
Poor Devs.
You don’t understand. People do want things to do. Those things are masteries, fractals, raids, WvW, and PvP leagues. That’s key.
What a lot of people don’t want is a kitten character that needs grinding to be unlocked. The worst part is FORCING people to unlock all other traitlines first before getting the elite spec. Why should someone unlock traitlines they don’t want?
It would have been much better for ANET to refund all hero points and allow people to spec however they wanted very similar to the way WvW works.
Actually ANET made the right decision here. Everything you mention is considered skill-less play in PvP. They don’t belong there.
lol. as if shooting a gun or firing a bow in this game takes any more skill than a turret or a spirit weapon.
An action taken by a player is always more skillful than an AI running around doing its own thing. I’m actually surprised that people don’t understand that.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: style.6173
The more I think about this, the more I think it is the wrong design decision. People should be able to play the game however they want. If they want to unlock the elite specialization first, they should be able to. A better solution would have been to refund all points used, and let people unlock things however they want.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: style.6173
Dear Anet, please can you make it so I can play the game blindfolded and unlock stuff without trying? Having to do stuff while I explore is such a drag. /s
Seriously, do some of you even know what grinding means? The very meaning of the word indicates you are doing something you find unpleasant, hence it grinding. Ignoring the fact you haven’t even tried the full product yet, if exploring the map and doing stuff along the way is unpleasant for you, why are you even playing in the PvE areas in the first place?
This really isn’t an issue, as far as I can tell, and I am willing to at least see how many challenges are available, and whether they are fun or not, before screaming about it being grindy. You haven’t even seen or tried the full maps yet and your complaining about how grindy it is? Unbelievable!
I guess that’s the problem with telling people the numbers, without context/comparison people lose their heads.
You completely don’t get it. Progression is fine. What is not fine is forcing me to spend points for trait lines that I do not want in order to unlock the elite spec. The elite spec line should be treated the same as any other line. You either choose to unlock it or you don’t. There shouldn’t be other requirements.
I don’t understand posts like this especially after the said class just got a significant nerf to condition damage, might and blinds.
Until top teams aren’t basically required to run 2 eles, you’ll continue to see threads like this.
1. Balance
2. Fix queue popup blocking everything
3. Balance
4. Balance
5. Balance
6. Balance
7. Balance
8. Its all about the balance, stupidEverything else is secondary. End the ele meta, fix the upcoming chrono/scrapper OPness. HoT will be a test to see where we stand. Theres obviously going to be some unbalanced stuff at launch, cant really avoid that (well alacrity and the crazy uptime on it is kinda obvious but nvm), it was a very tight schedule. If the fixes are done in a reasonable timeframe, we are on the right track. If it takes months, there is no hope left any more
P.S. im against soloQ and i solo-join 90% of my games. better not to split the playerbase too much – its not only solo or 5-team, people queue with 2/3/4. Maybe adjust MM system, slightly increase the weight of team size and it should be fine.
We had soloq and it made pvp worse overall, removing it was a good decision.
Ironically, a lot of people said scapper was top tier after the last beta weekend. Since then, ANET has just buffed it more. We will soon see if ANET is super smart at balancing, or super clueless.
Hey all,
We felt like minions were in a good place for PvP so we didn’t want to change them there for now. Thus, the interaction between players and minions in PvP combat will remain the same.
…That’s a joke right? While ranger pets are more or less a thing because they have to be, Ranger Nature Spirits, Guardian Sprit Weapons, and Necromancer Minons and even Elementalist Elementals are extinct as an entire class of utility skills in sPvP and WvW. Even Engineer turrets have largely been bred out of the competitive environment and you can’t expect gyros or Reaper’s shambling horrors to change that.
Actually ANET made the right decision here. Everything you mention is considered skill-less play in PvP. They don’t belong there.
In PvE, it is fine to buff the minions because it isn’t competitive and people can play how they want.
MMR works perfectly fine. What is broken is that ANET has added a bunch of other stuff to the matchmaking that does not work. It players too high of a result on PvP rank instead of actual game play results and also does not factor in the specific class you are playing. Essentially when all those people play the “daily” class, they likely aren’t as good at it as their main, and yet matchmaking doesn’t take that into account.
If the rumor is true and ANET forces stronghold into ranked queue, then yes a build saving feature is a must.
Lose the argument in Logic, resort to personal attacks over the internet. You the man.
You’ll soon learn that most people who defend burn builds resort to personal attacks very quickly. Burn is obviously broken and they are just trying to deflect that fact.
Throughout all of gw2’s history, thieves have been a very integral [mandatory] element due to their mobility, however , I think it is time to address some aspects of the class, namely the way their mobility and stealth come into play in Conquest.
I keep hearing that thieves are in a bad spot (mostly by thieves players) but they dont seem to realize the strength of basically forcing a 4v5 everywhere by constant decapping threat, or their ability to get out of vitually anything and anyone if so they wish with Sb 5 and stealth.
Are we honestly ok with this? Is it ok for a class to single handily dictate the pace of a match with only 2 abilities? I honestly dont think this translate to much fun to both the opponent or the thief himself, since there is no fighting involved at all, jsut running around all the match, “chasing” after the incapturable ….
If you leave a point unguarded for a thief to decap you that’s on you.
The simple fact that a theif can’t 1v1 any other meta class in this game means all you have to do is get to the point before its decapped.
Hell even some of the worst players in the game can hold a thief off long enough until help arrives.
Complaining about thieves at this point in time is just a sign of a player who needs to improve his game.
this ^^
Doesn’t revealed have a shorter duration in WvW than it does in spvp?
Very little wuv roaming/dueling experience here, but maybe with a large window to fight back, trapper runes won’t be as bad as they are expected to be.
Thief traps don’t do direct damage, and as such don’t inflict Revealed.
I think that’s the one thing they need to fix if they don’t want this rune to kill PvP.
Just the opposite. PvE <> PvP A permastealth anything is useless in PvP, especially one that just has traps that don’t do any damage.
Oh also another question, will the sinister amulet be a 3 or 4 stat (including vitality) spread?
It should be 3 stat just like the PvE equivalent.
We aren’t going to release any videos, guides, etc for raids until multiple guilds have cleared the wing. Our goal is to preserve competition for all the guilds interested in progression and not spoil the fun of learning the fights by doing anything to taint that. We will do our best to ensure that everyone has the best experience possible in the raid, which is the whole point of having guilds invited to test these things.
I should make it clear that no one testing will be allowed to video, screenshot, or otherwise record or document any test content whatsoever, whether for use immediately or for future use. That is part of the NDA.
Any guild posting about raids will gather information, screenshots, videos, and all resources only from the released, live game and never through access to a test server.
That’s not the concern. The concern is that DnT will have advanced access to test and practice the mechanics of the raid. They’ll then be able to use that advantage to claim a world first clear on live.
It’d be like giving one runner in the olympics a 5 second head start, then claiming he’d won a world record.
1. I seriously doubt most people in the game really care who is first.
2. Of the few who do care, they will know DnT had extra playtime and won’t really consider them first.
Bottom line? Who cares? I personally am just glad ANET is doing some additional testing because the raids weren’t able to be tested effectively last beta.
It will be interesting to see if ANET adds dire to PvP. If they do, then yes, burns builds are going to be even easier to play than they are right now.
Really not a fan of CTF. I’ve seen it done two ways in GW2. The first is on spirit watch and that is just an unbalanced mess between the classes.
The second is the wintersday CTF event. In that event, it is balanced, but you don’t get to use anything related to your profession. I don’t enjoy it.
I assure you Ranger can be viable at least at the AG-midESL level, you must not be playing it right lol.
im actually pretty good at ranger. You say it yourself its not viable at top level (this is the thread about 400k pro league), its a clear weakness if you run it and you will be punished for it. You can get away with playing ranger in regular play (i do pretty good on mine actually, maintain a good win record and high MMR), or maybe even mid-level competitive if you are godlike on it, but its clearly inferior to every other class.
Its not getting anything useful in hot (for pvp that is, i love the druid otherwise), its only good current build is getting weaker because of all the projectile reflects/blocks coming in hot. Im afraid its not going to be viable even for pugging the regular queue come HoT launch. 2,5k ranked games on a ranger, i will try to make it work for sure, but im very sceptical.
If they end up releasing zealot in PvP, you’ll see a ton of LB/staff rangers.
I’m really curious if ANET will listen to feedback from people.
I’m personally fine with the rune. If you are against passive procs, there is a whole bunch of other ones I’d tackle first.
You mean the fact that good players will play in iper ranked matches, leaving finally noob players and newbye players in matches that they can fight because there’s not a player that can kill 3 of them at once?
leagues will finally make a difference of spaces between pro and newbye players, granting them matches that they can fight newbye vs noobs, balancing a little the problem of premade teams of pro players fighting newbye and bad players, making pro win easy and new/bad players feel frustrated why they haven’t time to practice and improve they’re skills in spvp whyle slaughtered by pro players.
At the beggining you will see a lot of newbye/noob blood everywhere, but the time the pro players go up in rank and you will see good fights of noobs vs noobs.
and you seriously believe the queue wont get longer than it currently is under that system?
and that more people wont leave out and not play SPvP at all due to that kind of queue?
ANET really needs to give us a ready-up on the league system. Too many unanswered questions and so everyone here is just guessing on what will happen.
i know that banning a traitline or an amulet is not an option, i also addressed that in my original post, so i’m not pro-banning one of those.
the conclusion i came to was that if anything would be bannable without hurting builds too much are sigils and runes.
you play air/fire but fire is banned? you pick blood instead.
you play strength runes but they are banned? you pick hoelbrak insteadfor runes there is always (most of the time) an alternative and by banning runes everything could become more interesting (some tournaments already started banning vamp runes). it also gives arenanet an incentive to buff other runes that don’t see much use without having to nerf other runes and it helps with ingame balance. do you feel like a certain rune is totall out of hand right now? ban it.
i know that this is not a moba but then again that statement doesn’t mean much at all.. you don’t have to be a moba to have bans.
i’m simply talking about possibilities
esl is already banning more than 2 classes of the same kind which is imo a fair number. only one can be too restrictive.
but it is also boring to watch when basically every team runs 2 eles. I’m hoping that will change after the HoT release.
Honestly, I feel it is pretty much balanced now against the other bruisers. HGH engies, cele necros, and condi-regen rangers all have advantages and disadvantages, opening up choice for the bruiser role.
With the coming of HoT, I think we have beasts way worse than anything in the current meta about to destroy everything. People will yearn for the days when the measure for OP was d/d ele.
Still has too much sustain for someone with a celestials amulet.
Celestial is literally the best amulet for ele sustain b/c they need vitality, toughness, and healing power to maximize survivability. On top of that, eles take 7-8 traits out of 9, runes, 1 or 2 sigils, and all their utilities to maximize defense. It should sustain in those situations.
It will be balanced once teams don’t feel like they need 2 dd ele in order to win. That’s the current situation. We’ll see if that changes after the HoT release.
Yeah, I wish this was coming out earlier as well. Halloween and Wintersday are my two favorite PvE events within GW2.
Is this new reset day something that people requested? I personally enjoyed the Friday reset and it is the one time we get a lot of people from the guild together.
Zealot would make LB / staff druid OP in PvP.
It’s the same reason why dire is a bad idea. It would make a lot of condi burst builds unstoppable.
How would it be OP? And based on the scaling details I think marauder Druid will work, just not with staff since staff is basically just a mobility stick if you don’t have healing power.
They actually changed druid after last beta weekend. They are going to lower the base healing and increase the tie to heal power. In other words, marauder druid will become less effective. Zealot would give someone a ton of damage AND a ton of healing.
No more excuses for poor balancing. We now have people who only focus on ensuring balance.
The quote:
With PvP now on the tournament circuit, it means ArenaNet have to put a lot of thought into the development of the mode. “There are dedicated teams both for PvP features as well as skill balance,” says Corpening.
Zealot would make LB / staff druid OP in PvP.
It’s the same reason why dire is a bad idea. It would make a lot of condi burst builds unstoppable.
Actually the OP is completely correct. We still haven’t heard enough about leagues. I wonder if it will help.
I’m not in favor of restricting runes/amulets. Let people pick from the currently available ones in PvP.
If anything, I’d like to see no more than 1 of a specific class on a team. That would only apply for the pro league. Anywhere else, people can class stack however they want.
Congrats Abjured!
Also, good to see the lower age restrictions and open country sign-ups. I sure hope that it brings some new players.
Everything will change in another week or so. For example, look a scrapper. Pretty much everyone rated that as top tier during the last beta weekend and since then ANET has buffed it even further.
You will definitely see some really broken specs across various professions at launch. Let’s just hope ANET balances quickly.
ANet said there would be some settling time after a patch before they start a league. HoT release will have a patch, so at least 2 weeks before they start up. Maybe more depending on how bad it is.
Sigh that logic alone is why this game will never get to esport level.
League of Legends has the same philosophy, and I wouldn’t say they haven’t reached esports levels.
I just hope you aren’t trying to compare the balancing frequency of league to the balancing frequency of GW2. It isn’t even in the same ball park. League is an eSport and balances often. GW2 tries to balance twice a year.
ANET! You are the best. I’ve been wanting to play this mini dungeon again. It was a really fun event and I’m glad it is back.
I hate PvE but enjoy PvP and WvW. What a lot of your PvE folks don’t understand is that you have to spend WAY more time in PvE to learn a legendary than you do in PvP or WvW.
Why should I be forced to map complete in the expansion? The answer is that a legendary should show progress across all game modes. Ascended gear (which has the same stats as legendary) should be available exclusively through your preferred game mode.
I was hoping for a revised matchmaking announcement as part of HoT. I wonder if ANET doesn’t realize that it is a problem or if they’ve just given up.
That’s the crux of the issue: From an e-sports perspective, it makes no sense for premades to ever be allowed to play vs randoms.
Premades do not improve from crushing randoms. Randoms don’t learn anything from getting crushed by premades. There is no defined path for growth. Right now the process goes: Step 1) Randoms get crushed by premades, 2) Randoms are inspired to form a premade, 3) Newly premade crushes randoms = no improvement, premade stagnates. 4) Back to step one.
The most competitive team-based e-sports games in existence support solo queue mode. Chew on that for a moment. Learn from example.
Well said. I am 100% in agreement.
The issue is that they didn’t fix the core problems with matchmaking. The changed a couple items that didn’t change much.
Until ANET can give solo players an option to only play against 5 other PUGs, it will continue to fail.
I don’t really have a problem with might stacking. Of the things that I want to see changed in PvP, this isn’t at the top of my list.