Showing Posts For style.6173:

Can we get rid of the leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Leaderboards are good but not the current one. The current one just measures who grinds the most. Take a look at the top 25 and see if you notice any top players there. No? Exactly.

[Suggestions nerf] [Pet range]

in Ranger

Posted by: style.6173


If your biggest issue is a pet that was left at point after Ranger was forced to leave because of being weaker (or whichever other reason) … … …
then I probably suggest you to get out.

Because my opinion is going to be the least of what you’ll see in this thread.
That’s not an offense. It’s an advice of goodwill since I’ve seen threads like this over and over. And I won’t be the one to tell you where’s the problem here.

You don’t really think ranger is weak do you?

Tier List

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Druid – Tempest – Scrapper – Chronomancer- Herald
Dragonhunter – Reaper

This is accurate. Big gap between T2 and T3 though and very small gap between T3 and T4.

Stupid PVP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yeah the person who did the PvP matchmaking should be embarrassed.

Why not balance every 2 weeks?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Have you seen AN ET leadership? They actually think that a feature release in HoT was a balance patch. If they don’t know the difference between new features and balance, what makes you think they’d know what to balance every two weeks anyway?

That said, they do need more frequent balance updates with people who actually understand the classes making some decisions.

Has there ever been a less enjoyable meta?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



The half-day or so when Descent into Madness (mesmer fall damage trait) was doing 100k+ damage.

That’s not a meta. That is a half day bug

Ruby = Amber

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


It’s because hitting ruby requires no skill. All you need to do is grind and you will hit it. And by this time, all the pve heroes have had more than enough time to hit it so..

It isn’t just ruby that takes no skill. I know people in legendary who got there by playing on a premade with a ton of bunker mesmers/condi revs when they were completely broken.

As soon as the strengths of those classes were reduced, it became obvious those same people didn’t know how to rotate at all. So what did they do? Switch over to stronghold, use the broken stuff there, and continue to advance from diamond to legend. Of course, they’d always add in people from division 1 and 2 to get better matches.

Moral of the story: the division means nothing. If someone wants to be in a high level, it is easy to do it.

What needs to be done for season 2

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I agree with everything you wrote. I would also add in that matchmaking needs a big revamp. A team of 5 pugs should NEVER face a premade of 3, 4, or 5. It shouldn’t be hard to implement that.

plz buff thief survivabilty

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Thief should have the highest single target dps in the game. Given the lack of group support, that’s the only way they will be valuable in any game mode.

Thief (and Warrior ) is fine

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Of course both professions are broken right now. I’m hoping to see buffs to both of those classes with targeted nerfs to others.

Enemy Revenants Through Mesmer Portals?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Add that to the list of broken rev skills

Your top wishes for PvP 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


1. That ANET hires a balance team
2. That newly hired balance team actually does their job and balances
3. Solo queue
4. That ANET hires someone who can implement matchmaking
5. A new conquest map (and not by the person who designed skyhammer or spirit watch)

Your top 3 specs that should be nerfed?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The biggest changes needed:
Tempest: stupidly OP
bunker Mesmer: still too strong
rev: easy mode

Honorable mention:
DH traps need some adjustment

Chronobunker is still broken

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


are you telling us that diamond skin is fine ? and a good design ?

I think so. From my experience, tempest protects and heals can be interrupted. Bunker mes however can’t because it is on all the time basically.

Wow. There one person who actually thinks ele is broken, News flash: Ele is incredibly broken right now.

auramancer is Broken

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Anyone who says ele is currently balanced is either:

1. New to PvP
2. Defending their own broken OP spec.

To all those who say balance is fine

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


No one with at least half a brain thinks this game is balanced. Not sure the reason for the thread.

To all those who say balance is fine

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


No one with at least half a brain thinks this game is balanced. Not sure the reason for the thread.

Im getting flames because i play Thief

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The said truth is this…. Before HoT came out, people didn’t want a thief on their pug team. It would only work as part of a highly coordinated team.

Now, after HoT, people don’t want a thief on their team ever. Please a different class if you want to do ranked.

World vs World Holiday Sneak Peek

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


  • Rally order is closest-first. Combined with the rally limit of one this means that only the nearest downed player will rally off an enemy death.
  • Resurrecting the dead cannot be started in combat, but entering combat while already resurrecting someone will not force you to stop.

So out of curiousity, are the these going to be global changes or WvW specific?

I mean come on. At least share the WvW love with PvE.

Love? Those changes are horrible for PvE. You might be the only person who wants them. haha

[PSA] get blocked you if you're not meta

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Right now, it is more effective to play a no-skill required bunker spec. Of course people aren’t going to want a class that actually takes some skill to play.

What's the logic behind this meta?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Bad balance team that doesn’t listen to anyone.

That’s about it.

This^^. ANET isn’t trying to create poor balance. They just happen to have a balance team that isn’t very good.

Upcoming Balance Changes: Week of December 14, 2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: style.6173


Good change. It was much needed.

Current meta down to 4 builds

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Lol, metabattle does not speak for the meta, contrary to popular belief.

Rom’s druid build is amazing and definitely top tier.

Except in this case, it does speak to the meta. Really there are 3 top tier classes at this point: condi rev, bunker mesmer, and tempest. The best comp is 2 condi rev, 2 bunker mesmer, and 1 tempest.

Anything else is ok by an expert players, but those 3 are the core strengths.

FYI: Balance changes this week

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


My wish came true!

Really excited for this, major improvement to the way balance is done. All the changes are nerfs and are being generally positively received which is excellent. Just hope the balance team take that attitude forward. Only QQing because people are complaining that not enough changes were made but I can understand why they were limited at this time.

the cycle begins. Now that two of my classes are nerfed, I will be making thread about other classes/builds too. What comes around goes around, always remember that!

If you think this will fix mesmer, you are wrong. Mesmer will still be OP so don’t worry too much.

Balance Team needs to go

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Balancing is an absolute disgrace. ANET has one of two options: 1. Fix the game 2. Close threads like this and pretend the issues don’t exist.

Why is nobody playing

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


The problem is that the WvW lead at ANET is stubborn. During beta, people didn’t enjoy playing the maps. That feedback was given. ANET chose to ignore it.

I really don’t understand why it is hard to find some leadership at ANET.

Nerf OP classes, or buff weak classes?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Let’s look at it this way. Right now a bunker mesmer is the best point holder in the game. What? A light armored class is the best point holder? It is obviously broken.

Please Fix the Kitten Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



What do you expect? There are a lot of people who are making it to high tiers just by playing a broken bunker mesmer or condi rev.

Div 1 + 4 Sapphire/Ruby teams, fix this fast

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Just another example of the broken matchmaking. Maybe one day ANET will hire someone to look into it

please, just release a balance patch

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The issue right now is that unless you are playing one of these 4, you are hurting your team.

1. Bunker Mesmer: AKA the brain dead spec.
2. Rev: AKA let’s make the class OP so that maybe people buy the expansion
3. Tempest: AKA not as easy mode as the first two is the claim to fame
4: Scrapper: AKA actually takes some skill to play vs the top 3.

I think ArenaNet abandoned PvP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



ANET has not abandoned PvP. They are trying ,but they have two main issues right now:

1. A balance team that doesn’t know how to balance
2. A matchmaking system that is horrible at matchmaking.

They’ve tried to fix things, but they’ve repeatedly failed.

It's only been ten days.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Matchmaking was broken before leagues started. What exactly do you think will happen if people wait 15 or 30 or even 60 days? Matchmaking will still be broken.

ANET also really messed up by thinking that launching elite specs and new amulets was a “balance patch”. It was a new feature release and then they forgot to balance it after the fact. I sometimes really wonder if those who lead ANET even think ahead of time.

Swamps of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


Completely disagree. The new system is really great. It just needs a few tweaks:

1. A daily fractal in 51-75
2. A daily fractal in 76-100
3. A daily reward for completing 3 fractals in 76-100.

and the biggest:

4. Much better rewards. The current rewards are horrible and that’s a big reason people don’t do them anymore.

[PvE] Why is Eng the least played profession?

in Engineer

Posted by: style.6173


Is the OP serious or joking? Condi engi is one of the absolute best professions for both high end fractals and for raids.

Here's the big picture on the league

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


“Corpening says ‘Unlike most other online games, there is no grind for gear and stats… When you log into PvP you have max stats and everything you need to be competitive right away.’ "

AHAHAHAHAAAAAA…. So that is why I just spent 5 gold on a Superior Rune of Durability, cause there is no grind for gear….go home Corpening your drunk.

I hope Corpening isn’t part of the PvP group because he is clueless. Maybe he hasn’t seen all the amulets and runes that need gold to unlock them. Where does a PvP person get gold? Either grind PvE or grind PvP at a disadvantage.

Ruby&Diamond shouldnt lose tiers

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I would make the following changes:

Amber & Emerald – Should not lose tiers or points. Yes, it is grindy, but that is a good thing. Get people playing and working their way up.

Sapphire & Ruby – Should not lose tiers but should lose points.

Diamond & Legendary – Should lose both tiers and points.

My Opinion After Today's Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Let’s hope ANET does the right thing here. We need some type of fix now.

Hot is Balance patch!

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


lol. Remember, he also said that elite specs weren’t intended to be stronger than the base class. Just listen and laugh. It’s all you can do.

Unfair matchmaking and teams abusing it

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


And it continues… this time its just the stupid MMR at fault. I didn’t realise DuoQ makes you fight a full premade on ts and stuff…

haha. Another example of the failure of matchmaking. ANET, please hire someone who can figure out matchmaking. It is a complete embarassment right now.

Impossible to rank up solo w/o MMR tanking

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Ban hammer incoming

No way. A ban hammer would mean that ANET would actually need to do some work. I think the balance team is in charge of bans. Maybe they can add a tool tip talking about the bans.

Add Solo Queue

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Or how about this… Stop letting premades of 3, 4, or 5 match against random pugs. It really isn’t hard ANET.

SoloQuing against premades, good job anet

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Yeah, I just did a 5 person premade vs 5 pugs. I don’t know who does matchmaking, but they really need a complete revamp of the system. It’s a complete disgrace.

Class Stacking Returns To Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


If I had my way, GW2 would have a balance team that actually balanced so that class stacking wasn’t an issue.

Worst matchmaking in the history of gaming

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Two game sample size.

If you really think there isn’t a problem, you haven’t been playing much PvP

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


I sure hope the rewards also address drop rates of mist essence. It takes a lot of those in order to make the backpack and right now it just seems RNG with a very low drop rate.

Why is it so hard....

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


For the person who codes matchmaking to realize that it is a bad idea to match premades of 3, 4, or 5 against 5 pugs? Seriously? I am shocked that they are still struggling with the concept.

why is ever class made for HOT super OP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



You really need to ask that question with the anet balance team? They have a better chance of winning the lottery than actually balancing the game

Divisions Built to Push Solos into Teams

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



No, the fact that ANET can’t find someone to figure out how to code matchmaking that works is the problem.

PSA: PvP Leagues is only days old

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Give it some time.

Yes it’s quite broken, but new stuff usually always is.

Go play PvP like you always have done and ignore pips until they fix this system.


It’s not leagues.

It’s matchmaking and MMR system, which are 3 years old.

This ^^^^^^. I’m really not sure if it would be possible to make a worse matchmaking system if they tried. If I was the person who developed it, I would be ashamed. It’s a total disgrace.

Anet Needs A Balance Patch Every Other Week

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Funny how people still think this is an accident, or the balance team’s best attempt at balance

Ever notice how all of the OP stuff is HoT exclusive, and there are many people playing free that might get tempted ,perhaps by an OP class, to shell $50 because they are tired of getting their butt kicked?

This “balance” is deliberate.

So you are basically calling Colin J a liar. It is certainly one of two things, either that or the balance team has failed. Based on GW2 history, I tend to believe it is a failure on the balance team.