Showing Posts For style.6173:

Why do i have to play 2 classes

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


guess what the wings look stupid anyways

I think they look better than the fractal backpiece.

Definitely look better than the fractal backpiece. That said, it feels like the same person designed both and they just ran out of ideas. Neither piece is worthy of a legendary.

Tooltips and a thief nerf

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


@OP: Relax! This is probably a bug. Nerfing it would have required actual work from the balance team. Most likely someone made a mistake when updating a tool tip.

MMR is not reset with the Leagues.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Wow. Another huge fail by the PvP team.

Nothing needs to be balanced.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I think maybe the OP meant to post this thread in a PvE forum.

Must Be Nice To Raid...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


Not sure why anyone really cares about raids. The rewards aren’t great. I know in my guild, it was really popular the first couple of days. People played until they beat the guardian and then lost interest.

I guess it just depends on what people find fun. Will there be certain people who run it every week or multiple times a week? Sure. Will that be a majority of players? Unlikely.

balance patch on 1 dec 2015

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I bet on tool tip fixes.

Maybe they ll nerf warriors too.

Probably true. Remember everyone, there is no a team of people who do nothing but balance. Without those tool tip adjustments, it seems like they are doing no work.

[Fractal] Remove LFG restriction, god sake

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


I like the LFG restriction, but it needs to be relaxed. If you are within 5 levels, you should be able to see the next level up. For example, if you want to see 51-75, you should be at level 46 at least.

Why? It helps everyone. The higher the level of frac, the harder it is to find people. Even now if I want to run a level 76-100 frac, I often post it in the 51-75 LFG hoping to find some players.

Raids = good, Timers = bad

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


There is an easy solution here. Make raids act like “challenge mode” in fractals.

By default:
There would be no timer and teams could take as much as they want. It also allows people to run different types of spec and not be forced into max DPS. The key here is that most pugs don’t even hit the timer. The content would still be really challenging.

Challenge mode:
Keep the 8 minute timer and increase the loot rewards for those who beat it. Maybe add a title or other achieves as well.

There, you have something for everyone now.

Raids (in anticipation of...)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


Hopefully ANET learned a lesson in the past. Do not gate a unique tier of a weapon/armor behind only one type of content. I think it is fine that raids are the FASTEST way to earn legendary armor as long as they are not the ONLY way to earn it. Unique skins of course are perfectly fine.

Too easy to farm cash on NA

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


The sad thing is when the drama on the forums is more fun to watch than the actual matches.

So... Were Raids a Success?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


The answer really depends on what you enjoy. Do you like teaming with 9 other people and hoping everyone knows what to do? Yes, it is great content. Do you prefer smaller group? Then no you won’t like it. Do you enjoy strategic long fights? Yes you will like it. Do you like shorter fights? No you won’t like it. It just depends.

Also, the one thing that does need to be changed is that the entry point needs to be removed from VB. It messes up the events there too much,

150 Agony Resist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


You don’t need 150. You need 145 + the mistlock. Besides wait until December. It isn’t worth spending the time for frac 100 right now anyway.

Guild Raid Testing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


Poor form Anet.

Why are you naming and shaming an entire group of players on your forum? Handle this behind closed doors. There’s no need for this public shaming by your employees. You expect us to hold ourselves to a high standard while posting. We should expect the same from you.

No. I applaud ANET. DnT deserved the reaction that they got. Who cares that a guild that has been playing the content for a month can complete it? Now they know their place.

No balance patch till spring 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Here is the scary part… they announced that they have a team who only has the job of balancing. I wonder what they do all day.

Prediction for raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


I doubt that. The zerker meta is never going to change.

For raids it’s looking like it will.

According to whom? the only people to beat vale guardian in beta were in zerker.

Must have taken forever to beat that condi only boss if they were all in zerker.

So freaking bored

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


I actually enjoy the AB and DS meta events. They are fun.

TD needs a complete overhaul and is insanely boring.

VB is ok at night but even those events seem disjointed.

Elite vs Base specs

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I strongly believe elite specializations are intended to be better; they add to the classes without taking anything away from them. They are purely upgrades.

In the meantime, players who not own the expansion no longer have a chance to compete in PvP. ArenaNet knew that by not unlocking elite specializations for everyone in PvP, and by not segregating core players from expansion players, it would create an insane imbalance. It’s nothing more than a betraying incentive to pay for the expansion.

As it stands, players with elite specializations go around, one-shotting entire teams of core classes, and all they have to say is “L2P”. Yet, we all know that core classes can’t do the same to elite specializations.

Colin J has stated that elite specs are not supposed to be stronger than base specs. As was mentioned before in this thread, they are just supposed to be an alternate way to play. So given the current situation one of two things happened:

1. Colin J lied (i very much doubt this)
2. Balance team failed (much more likely)

I think you’ll continue to see the elite specs brought more in line, although with the current balance team, it will likely take awhile.

Any statement from Anet that new WvW-failed?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


ANET knows they failed. Not really sure why they would post something to just validate the obvious.

Funny reset story: I am in NA T2. On reset night there was a 50+ queue for EB and the BL maps had no queue,


in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Well the patch comes out on Tuesday, as stated in

And I assume there will be balance changes with it.

And as stated in significant balance patches will only be released quarterly.

So you assume it. Then you must be new here Wouldn’t hold my breath for a patch before season 2.

You are overly cynical. I am sure ANET will release some balance updates. It will likely be something like “Changed the tooltip to better reflect….”

15g to unlock a mist champion? Yeah No

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Have fun paying for your unlocks then guys, you are giving them the green flag to continue doing it, good luck with that.

Anything is better than giving everything to everyone for free. Because once you do, they go with the attitude that they should not work for anything on an MMO and with the first sight of progress, they create whiny threads on the forums.

You’d be a lot happier in PvE. Go there. You can grind as much as you want. In PvP, what you really seem to want is a pay to win advantage. That’s not the basis of this game. Everyone should have access to all of the same items in PvP.

Matchmaking is an embarrassment

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Seriously how hard is it not to match a pug team against a premade. It is ridiculous that a game 3 years after release still can’t figure out a way to do that. What’s the point of even doing leagues if you can’t figure out how to have balanced matches?

New borderlands gotta go before WvW is dead

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


ANET lives and dies by its metrics. They know that fewer people are playing WvW since the update. I’m sure the guy in charge of WvW is looking for any excuse possible right now.

ANET has to do something and quick. Eventually the excuses will run out.

Where are the daredevil's and berserker's

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



I do see DD, I just don’t see very many good DD. Outside of an organized team, they are pretty useless.

I haven’t seen many Beserkers.

StrongHold plyrs Unchecked Box?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


anet held multiple beta tests for the map. They stopped listening to feedback after the first couple. It should have been obvious the ultimate reaction.

What is "Matchmaking" ?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I think ANET removed matchmaking. At least it sure seems that way. They can’t even figure out how to not match a premade against a PUG tem.

Latest Matchmaking Adventure

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


So I load into a solo queue into a match. As we are getting ready to start, someone asks how to chat in team chat. I thought they were just joking just like the lame “first time rev here” joke. Unfortunately they were not joking and they pretty much died nonstop all game.

How is this even possible? ANET, what is the point of leagues if you can’t create good matches anyway? Get some focus on this part of the game.

Bunkers are making PvP really boring

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I really don’t understand why people even play super bunker builds. They are boring. I’ve been running into a lot of chrono bunkers recently. They can’t kill anything, and are hard to kill. Not sure why that is fun to play, but to each their own i guess.

WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Here is a message today from Colin:

This bodes ill for WvW. I wonder if John Corpening is still working at Arenanet or whether he has been sacked or moved? These promises are looking increasingly empty.

I’m sure he is still there. You have to remember that essentially the entire ANET vision for WvW proved to be a failure. There are likely some very worried people trying to figure out what to do next.

WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I sure hope ANET is right and the desert borderlands map is popular. I was extremely worried during the last 24 hour test. As soon as the 3 hour tournament was over, it seemed that a majority of people left the maps and returned to the regular WvW maps. If it was fun, wouldn’t they have stayed?

We will find out soon enough.

Now we know!

New Borderlands Affecting Server "Balance"?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


The problem is that very few people like the new BL map. ANET was told this would happen before it was released but instead chose to listen to the PvE types who said they would love it.

What is happening now is that you have a really crowded EB and then much smaller groups on any of the BL maps.

What the hell is wrong with MMR?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


There is nothing wrong with MMR. MMR is working as intended. The problem is that ANET has a broken matchmaking system that doesn’t effectively balance solo vs premades AND doesn’t utilize profession specific MMR.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Every succesful E-Sport has a Solo Que … so lets hope for some seriousness here.


DOTA 2 is extremely successful and has no solo Q. It tracks your MMR for playing solo differently than it does for playing with a team but you all get put into the same matches.

CS:GO doesn’t have a solo Q either as far as I know (I stopped playing last year) and it is SUPER successful.

CLEARLY solo Q is not required for a game to be an e-sport or to have a huge casual player base. Now that you see after a match who was partied up and you realize its not all “premades” I would have thought complaints would go down. Baddies will be bad I guess.

It doesn’t need a solo queue IF and this is a big IF, the matchmaking works as intended and doesn’t pair solo pug teams against premades. That doesn’t happen in this game mode. So basically ANET has two options:

1. Implement better matchmaking. Given that they’ve tried and failed twice, I don’t really see a third attempt.
2. Implement a solo queue. It’s probably the best solution at this point. Those who want to play as a team can do so. Those who want to play solo can play against other solo players. Works for everyone.

DH is FAR too strong in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You mean an elite spec is better than a generic one? No way! Druids heal better than Guardians, nerf Druids plz!

You do realize that you just made the point that certain elite specs need to be nerfed right? Colin J has stated that elite specs should be an alternative to the other trait lines, not stronger than the other trait lines. You are essentially arguing that DH needs to be nerfed even if you don’t realize what you did. Be careful.

Fractal Rewards

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: style.6173


It seems that fractal rewards are bugged. According to the post linked below, the rewards for fractals was going to receive a buff. Instead since the release of HoT, I don’t think I’ve even received 1 ring and that is after progressing from level 29 to level 50. In addition, I have mastery level 4.

Seems to be a bug with the loot drops.

Leagues start 1st December...

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I am happy to see that leagues will not start for another month. Hopefully it gives them time to:

1. Fix some balance issues. Let’s be honest. One week ago was a major overhaul and the start of balance is poor right now.
2. Fix matchmaking. Matchmaking has been getting worse as time goes on. It really needs a fix.
3. Leagues. They need to answer two major questions: How to ensure moving up in leagues isn’t just a grinding exercise AND how to ensure that solo players also can move up. As everyone knows, it is a lot easier to win matches as a team vs as a solo player.

Tangled Roots Meta event is way too hard

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


I would, but I’m never on Nuhoch lane. I don’t even know how high their level usually goes. I just know that they managed to get it down, and that’s all that matters. It’s best I stick to the lanes I know.

Yes, the event still failed, but that is not the point of your argument. The point of your argument was that Nuhoch lane is impossible, which it is not.

This is funny: tldr: I haven’t done this lane, but I know how to make it successful.

Are the Meta events too hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: style.6173


I’d say the AB meta event is just about perfect. South needs a bit of an adjustment to make it more similar to the other paths but beyond that, I wouldn’t change anything.

The tangled meta event though is really hard. I haven’t been part of a map, organized or not, that has beaten it.

Is PvP worth to begin?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


PvP is fun, just not at the moment. The HoT release really messed up a lot of balance. Hopefully ANET can get it fixed soon.

PVP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


hows druid OP? yes you cant kill him even 2vs1, but on other hand he cant kill you either, he just dont deal any serious dmg. Stop qq, learn how to counter them.

This was amusing. You can’t kill them so learn how to counter them.

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


I am getting real close to feeling that they should revert back to pre-HoT Fractals of the Mists. Even if they never touch Fractals again pre-Hot fractals were more fun than the mess we have now.

I do like the individual fractals vs having to do 4 in a row. I just think that as part of the daily, a reward should be the exact same bonus chest we used to receive.

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


The rewards from fractals are horrible. ANET really needs to do something if they want people to continue playing them after the initial excitement wears off.

Shoutout to Anet

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Replace tempest with daredevil and you are correct

Fractal Vendor news

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


I’m just happy that ANET is aware of the issue. The vendor has been disabled for 2 or 3 days now and there wasn’t any notice. Hopefully it will be back soon since a lot of us are waiting for it so that we can resume doing fractals.

Now that Blackgate is open....

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


How are the fights in blackgate, is roaming avaliable?

You don’t go to kitten roam, you go to T1 for population and larger fights.

The new auto loot doesen't work in WvW. [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


We are looking at adding a way for players to earn Quickloot in WvW as well. We wanted to keep PvE progression (Masteries) separate from WvW progression (Ability Lines). However this means when a new Mastery ability is created, that might also be useful in another gamemode, it doesn’t automatically crossover.

Just create a WVW version, I would wager the majority of WvW players have unspent WvW mastery points.

This would be the best solution. Keep PvE masteries separate from WvW and allow people to get the same functionality through an ability line.

Did Anet screw over SOS again?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173



or maybe SoS is full because it was the bandwagon place to go a few weeks ago.

Did Anet screw over SOS again?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173



or maybe SoS is full because it is currently the bandwagon place to go.

Client unable to connect to login server [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: style.6173


Making it so that people can’t log in or get frozen when changing maps is something that needs to be caught before pushing a patch live. Come on.

Locking ranked is a disaster

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You are just seeing the broken matchmaking at work. The algorithm is built in a way that it doesn’t match people of even skills together very well.

Having the separate ranked queue hid a lot of those problems. The reason is that more of the better players queued there. It gave you a better chance of a good match.

I’m really wondering how leagues will work once they start.

An Apology to all Zerker "Elites"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: style.6173


Bad specs are tough, but I’ll take that any day over someone who shows up for a level 40 frac with no AR.