Showing Posts For thehipone.6812:

Final LS boss help needed

in Living World

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Did this first time, without looking up the fight, on a necro (no stability, no vigor). Seriously, all you have to do is run/dodge out of the giant orange circles.

Please don’t continue to reduce difficulty because of the whining.

Earnings forecast hints at expansion Q3 2015?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Don’t put too much faith into the report. Anyone who has traded stocks long enough knows that these analysts are something of a cross between dart-throwing monkeys and lemmings. Turn on CNBC any morning and you will find that so-and-so analyst cut some stock X from a buy to a sell AFTER the company reported poor earnings. All these reports sound fancy, but involve a lot of guesses. If the analysis was so good, they should have known before earnings, no? Others have posted that these analysts also predicted an expansion in the past and it has not come true.

Suggest a New Daily Task!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Daily Necromancer Winner

PVE Dailies- lack of choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I now get to sit and wait for Maw, collect ten logs, go look at a vista, and do events in Southsun cove (is there even events there?).

Yes, but most of them are group events: good luck completing them if it’s not during one of the population spikes before the karka queen is due.

There were people running around southsun doing events all day. I did it during slow times when the Karka Queen wasn’t spawning. There were plenty of people.

Probably only because it was the daily… but granted, that’s probably a case of the system working as intended. Mind you, when the zerg is there, you’re competing with the zerg to get credit for events before they’re done. (Yes, this is a bit of a ’can’t win’ situation. That’s kinda the point.)

@thehipone: I did say ‘most’. I also can’t say I’d want to be getting a daily event achievement off those four events: golem parts is a pacmanesque which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, karka eggs takes a long time since you normally have to go through each nest at least twice in order to get enough eggs when soloing, meaning you have to wait for them to respawn (and that’s if you know about the nests beneath the island), and those four events are spread widely across the map.

But where does that line of thought end? Presumably you have to do SOMETHING for a daily. And there are options. And then you say, Oh I don’t like that, Oh I don’t like that, Oh, I don’t like that – ANet why you no give choice?! All of the complaints on the forums seem to stem from people who put all these arbitrary restrictions (no PVE, no WvW, not that event) and then cry lack of choice, when it is in fact self imposed. Heck, there’s another thread where a guy shows that you can finish the dailies in 5-10 minutes if you free it up a bit.

Improve Daily/ Log In Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


You just got a huge improvement and a bunch of extra stuff for logging in and doing dailies and now you already want more 1 week later? Sheesh.

“If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.”

A Review of Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


In general, I see a problem that has plagued the design of LS things for a while – the incentives for individuals are not aligned with incentives for the group. Recall in the scarlet attacks where people would farm champs instead of attempting to get map success. In silverwastes it is personally optimal to run in, tag a defense event then run on to the next fort. But someone needs to actually stay and defend, so you’re forced with the choice of doing what gets you the most rewards or being the sucker who gets lesser rewards while others reap the benefits. Same thing with the actual breach fights, run in, tag, hope others kill and you can collect 4 parts bags. The advent of the “taxi” has only multiplied these effects.

PVE Dailies- lack of choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I have a full time job, a family, and an assortment of other responsibilities. The dailes used to be something general enough that I could log on any given day when I had time, play PvE (I don’t play PvP or WvW), and get rewarded (albeit small) for playing in the small amount of time I had a few days a week, and also feel like I had accomplished something in the game. Basically by limiting the dailes so strictly, ANET has removed any benefit I gained from the game as a casual player. For example, I can’t complete the daily completion today because I don’t have time for fractals and can’t craft exotic items. The fact that I USED to be able to earn those achievement points and now CANNOT is what is so irritating, I think its nice that a lot of you have all the time in the world to play Guild Wars 2, but I don’t. If ANET is going to continue to remove the functionality that makes casual play fun and cater strictly to hard core gamers, I suppose I’m out for the count.

You can craft exotics. Artificer can refine luck at lvl 0. You get average of 118 luck per ecto ( Ref ) So buy 2 ectos, salvage, refine your 200+ luck into an exotic essence and collect your daily reward chest with 3 ectos.

Probably could have done it in the time it took to write the complain post.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I like the changes. The reward chests are a nice addition but aren’t so over the top that you feel like a fool for missing out on one.

ANet, Let's Talk Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


It is considered and well understood. That doesn’t change the problem tough, that it’s not completable (by human standards). I stated in a previous post that I actually like Snowball Mayhem, but I won’t spend 30 hours in it however. No one will. So why make it that way? It just kittenes people off.

Exactly my point. It’s approximately “infinite”. Maybe you’re not supposed to max everything.

PVE Dailies- lack of choice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I now get to sit and wait for Maw, collect ten logs, go look at a vista, and do events in Southsun cove (is there even events there?).

Yes, but most of them are group events: good luck completing them if it’s not during one of the population spikes before the karka queen is due.

Golem parts, reef drake broodmother, karka eggs and superbomber-lionguard-man in the NW (forgot his name) are all easily soloable.

ANet, Let's Talk Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I will never understand this compulsion that some have to get EVERY SINGLE AP, even if it means doing things they don’t like.

Did you ever consider that these are set up to be merely token rewards for people who really like each particular activity? And to ensure that they continue to get at least a small reward, even if they choose to play (something they like) an awful lot over wintersday? Or that they are not designed to be something where every player has to do every single one?

This game gets way more fun once you accept that you can’t/don’t need to do every single thing.

More Winter's Day - Less Junk Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Hmm, can’t really agree with most of the “plz add” suggestions. Festival rewards are fluff. Tonics, sweets, toys. If there is nothing in the gifts that interests you, you can always farm heavy bags and ignore the pressies.

Start up Client stuck at 0kb /s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Maryland. Verizon. All other internets working fine.

Craft an essense of luck EXOTIC, it’s free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Sup Rune of the Undead on Tailor only costs 1.5 – 2 silver to craft and can be vendored for 65copper recovery. Probably the next cheapest option if you don’t have a pile of luck.

Why do Dailies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


The extra track progress jugs from the sPvP dailies seemed pretty good. A little over 1% to the reward track each IIRC from last night.

AP gives you big chests every 500

New Mystic Forge Recipe!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


For what it’s worth, this is how you announce a new forge recipe.

No RNG either.

(edited by thehipone.6812)

Remove "Daily 'x' Winner"

in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Agreed that this daily needs to be removed/reworked. I can’t believe that those who chose to implement it could not see the likely outcomes that are occurring:

Queue’d games get piled up with the same professions
Hotjoin becomes even worse than usual with the team stacking/spectator swapping to winning team

Name non-RNG rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Geodes and bandet crests aren’t random, indeed, but the number of geodes/bandit crests is random.
Champ chests from champs aren’t random but their loot is random and I think their rarity can be also random.

However I’ll add them to the list.

Geodes aren’t random, they are fixed based on the tier that the map has achieved.
I thought crests followed the same pattern according to the level of defenses achieved. At least that is what the wiki says and my experience (only get 8, 15 or 25 for a defense, never 7 or 13 or other numbers)

Merry Clicking Christmas! Some numbers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Yesterday I opened around 5k gifts and like many others, wasnt too keen on all the clicking. I just opened 10 more stacks and want to give a breakdown on how much more clicks are needed to break down all loot:

2.5k gifts – 5k clicks

20 stacks of essence of luck, refined into 600 exotic/legendary essences – 1200 clicks
1150 rune/sigil boxes – 2300 clicks
190 selectable rune/sigil boxes 760 clicks
1100 boxes of winter clothing – 2200 clicks
380 unsafe gifts – 760 clicks
850 bottle shaped gifts – 1700 clicks
310 finisher books – 620 clicks
1650 beautiful clothing – 1650 clicks with SOM

Wow, what are the odds that you would get not only an even number, but a number cleanly divisible by 10 for every item you received… :P

I imagine rounding.

Anyways, setting up either scroll-wheel click or a double-click button on your mouse is extremely worthwhile. It does feel like this whole “oooh, look a box/bag! Aren’t you excited to open it?! What could be inside?!” is getting out of control.

Consider: You complete an achievement. You get the shiny chest in the corner of the screen (1 container) that has 5 gifts (containers within a container) that then has sock/hat/sweater boxes (containers within containers within a container) that contain clothes you then have to salvage, and thus could be considered another “container”, since they have no value un-salvaged. (Therefore we have containers within containers within containers within a container) Seriously….

Name non-RNG rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Geodes and bandit crests from events*
(*unless you turn them into keys)

How to farm Geodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Why the necro?


The all caps rage-post that necro’d it got deleted.

Suggest your Plague form #4 and #5 skills!

in Necromancer

Posted by: thehipone.6812


4. Swarming Plague – Shadowstep to targeted foe and gain swiftness (One use, then CD of whatever)
5. Leeching Plague -Steals 100 health per tick

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Oh sure, it starts off all innocent with a magic carpet, then a dolyak, then a horse and pretty soon you’re Riding around on a squirrel with a bad holiday sweater on

Please, no mounts.

Daily/Monthlies Rework

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Get those daily login metrics up! Up I Say!

I’ll reserve judgment as to whether this is better until hands on. People’s play frequency and style could affect the potential reduction in laurels. Assuming that the monthly 10 get moved to the Day 28 chest, then the log-in every day types won’t see a change.

However, the weekend players who play less-frequently but still manage to finish monthlies may be hurt. Consider the extreme case of someone who logs in one day a month and does the monthly. Currently they would get 120 of the monthly laurels/year, while in the new system they never make it to “Day 28” and get none. It’s speculation until we see details, but the push to make it an everyday habit is clear.

What's your favorite skill in the whole game?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Personal Battering Ram for the lulz

Where are craftable precursors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


tl;dr As long a people keep spending cash to buy gems —> gold to buy precursors, there will be no scavenger hunt.

Making other PvE stat combos viable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I am also in agreement that all stat combos are viable in pve. OP, what you are going for is how to make all stat combos desirable in pve. However, with the current state of pve, that is highly unlikely to ever happen.

Now, if foes in pve suddenly started hitting as fast and as a hard as TC HM Raptors (ah the good ol’d farming days), people might start investing in some toughness and / or vitality a little more often. Passive defense just would not be enough at that point.

Mordrem at least feel like a step in the right direction. Harder hits and things like the wolf back-attack put a bit more of the risk back in the risk-reward of going full offensive stats. And while you can kill husks with power builds, conditions certainly have a role in melting them fast. I feel like they are trying to find ways to make variety “more optimal” in new stuff. Existing content however, is unlikely to change significantly from zerk or go home in PvE.

New stuff incoming on GW2 - Dave Mark

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


There are only white knights and dissidents left on the forums. Everyone else was eaten in the great Ascended gear war.

And trolls. Don’t forget the trolls.

Don’t forget the amateur economists in the Cult of John Smith over in the BLTC forum.


in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


go imba power crit

5/10 all is vain was better.

What do you do every day?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


-TP-related activities for what probably ends up to be a half hour
-Gather home nodes
-Complete daily
-Kill rhendak on a character parked there (TP while waiting for him to spawn)
-YoloQ 1 to 3 games as time allows
-whatever else random takes my interest

[General Discussion] Rewarding: PvP > PvE ?

in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


While it sounds good in theory, in practice it will lead to match manipulation, pvp farm servers or whatever else people can come up with to abuse the system to get fast rewards instead of fighting. Ruining some portion of pvp in the process.

Increased rewards were introduced in GW1 and the result was box farming instead of fights.

true, but what if, only ranked arena games has better rewards? PvP farm servers have minimal rewards and not worth farming for.

a sPvP environment that is not prone to match manipulation and any form of abuse.

what about it then?

That manipulation that I referred to occurred in Guild v Guild, a ranked PvP arena with matchmaking. The other famous “red resign” was in hero battles, the other ranked pvp form in the game.

Making ranked rewards better will only lead to a surge of farmers going to the ranked games. And don’t think that any pvp environment is immune – If they match up with someone who wants to fight, they will just afk/dance, ruining the game. If they get paired with manipulators, it’s all good and red “resigns”. Either way, the farmers get more than people playing legitimately.

everything is just too hard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


so what builds do peopel run in silverwastes? is zerk no longer good?

Rabid necro is super durable and has a place melting husks. Plus the mobs tend to group together alot, making epidemic shine. Bull escorts are particularly good for epidemic bombs.

[General Discussion] Rewarding: PvP > PvE ?

in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


While it sounds good in theory, in practice it will lead to match manipulation, pvp farm servers or whatever else people can come up with to abuse the system to get fast rewards instead of fighting. Ruining some portion of pvp in the process.

Increased rewards were introduced in GW1 and the result was box farming instead of fights.

RIP Solo Q

in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


IF play = short queues and a place to go for balanced matchups, randomized teams on joining with no spectate—> teamswap / teamstack antics then I predict that it will be popular.

Give us Deminishing Returns!

in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Or you could have just used the elite that you have on the bar for 20 seconds of stability to lol @ CC while you kill them.

Stunlock wars are super fun to troll hotjoin with – Hammer/ Mace + Shield, kick, bullscharge and stomp, plus the oh so bad rampage elite for maximum qq. Sure you’ll die to anyone decent, but the rage….

Upon further review, it does appear that OP got killed by someone in Rampage mode by eating just about every ability on the rampage bar. Coincidentally, the duration of Rampage is the same as Rampage as One, 20 seconds.

(edited by thehipone.6812)

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Want cultural rewards track. Something like: Asuran heritage track, Norn Heritage track, etc.

You used to be able to get peacemaker/other cultural weapon skins through pvp rather easily. I may be wrong, but I don’t remember getting karma jugs through current pvp tracks, so these skins are not obtainable through pvp currently. You get 20 obsi shards = 42k karma value through the existing region tracks, so substantial karma equivalent rewards are already in tracks. Cultural armor would be nice too, but I’m not sure how to balance. Maybe an armor token as the final track reward 5 = coat, 4 = leggings, etc. Add in an exclusive racial mini from GW history (Miniature Vekk, Jora, Pyre, etc.) for 5-10 tokens if someone doesnt need the armor and let the fun ensue. Everything is account bound, so it doesn’t throw off tons of gold/sellable stuff either.

I can't reconstruct boss mechanics, help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I’ll toss this out there – Perhaps a counterpart to Defiant – call it something like Staggered maybe. Say each boss has a big “key attack”, it you time it to burn the defiant stacks and interrupt the key attack with CC, then the boss gets the Staggered debuff and takes 10% more damage for 5 – 10 seconds. Numbers are examples, not thought out values.

This mechanism rewards coordination and timing instead of mindless rupt spam AND can increase damage output/kill speed, thereby opening the potential for something other than MOAR DPS to be wanted in a party.

PSA: How Farming Works

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


2) You assume demand is constant. Demand is NOT constant.

I do not assume demand is constant.

“After patch, we still have 100 players who need 1 charged lodestone per week each (demand is constant), which makes 100 lodestones per week – nothing changed.”

Then I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean.

Is there the same amount of players entering and leaving the game? Is there the same amount of players farming? Is there the same amount of players using the item? Are there new uses for the same item? Are the drop tables the same? Are there news of the farm being nerfed, uses added etc.? Under ideal circumstances in controlled environment, which are used in examples, demand is constant. When external factors appear, demand will go up or down based on the popularity of the item, player activity, rumours/news and speculators etc. Generally speaking, demand will be fairly constant in short term but can change over time.

Aside from that, demand is a curve. Demand can be constant, specific figures can be different if the supply side changes. Demand for Bonetti’s Rapier can be constant while it is bought in single numbers at 50g but in tens at 5g.

You assumed perfectly inelastic demand for what is essentially a luxury item. The way you presented it, demand was not a curve, as you claim it to be, but a vertical line ( 100 bought @ 2g, 100 bought @ 4g, two points define a line). This is severely flawed.

Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia

in Crafting

Posted by: thehipone.6812


You are correct about the armor type (and Pearl if a weapon).

However, you are incorrect that other Rabid Gear (that drops) can’t be sold….they just usually are NOT (because of the Inscription / Insignia potential).

Um.. I said if it has rabid in the name (and is exotic, obviously), then it is crafted. List here

The only TP-sellable rabid armor drops that I know of are the “Named” sets – Galrath’s etc., but those do not have rabid in the name and will not show up if you search for rabid, as I said. (people do in fact sell them – place a buy order and it will get filled easily)

Joke&Useless Runes and Sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Superior Sigil of the Forum Warrior
25% chance on hit to minimize GW2.exe, open up your web browser and direct to

Rabid Intricate Gossamer Insignia

in Crafting

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Yes, only from salvaging.

But can be purchased from the TP.

Note that gear CRAFTED from these purchased Insignia / Inscriptions have no chance to salvage out the Insignia / Inscriptions and there is NO WAY to tell a dropped RABID piece of equipment from a crafted one (sans, that all CRAFTED items will be LVL 80).

It is very easy to tell the crafted from non crafted — crafted ones do not have a rune and will be called Rabid Exalted ____, Rabid Emblazoned ____ or Rabid Draconic ____. Come to think of it, I believe that if it has Rabid in the name and can be bought on the TP then it is crafted and won’t drop the insignia.

Chestfarm wasn't the was the action

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Agreed with the OP.
The GW2 motto for me has been “farm it while you can” for any good farm because honestly there’s no easy way to make money nor are there any reliable farms.

So yes – when something good comes out you farm the hell out of it.

I prefer the phrase “Exploit early, exploit often”, but you captured the sentiment.

DryTop & Silver will suffer same as Orr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


If earning gold is your goal, there are plenty of solo farms out there that compete with or beat dungeons in terms of earning gold (from sales of drops, not necessarily raw coin), and are even better if you want the mats for yourself. You might have to go a bit out of the way from the zerg or even gasp think about what mobs drop what and where they live in high density. IF you’re into the playstyle, the fun comes from testing out new areas,tweaking your build or routine to increase efficiency and setting new “high scores” in terms of kills/hr.

Most challenging PvE encounters?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thehipone.6812


I remember the Ogotl Priestess being tough. Not sure if it fits the rest of the criteria.

Effects of the SW farm.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: thehipone.6812


The exotics from the bandit bags (for example Bonetti’s rapier) got nuked.

With the logs – I’d guess that since so many people are getting more dragonite/empyreal easily, that there are more people making ascended weapons in the near term. I.e. people needed, say, 200 more dragonite, and they got it from this farm. Now they are quickly pushing to make the spiiritwood & deld ingots. Spiritwood has moved up in price, deldrimor ingots have also had a mild increase. Soft logs are the biggest pain in the kitten in this process, because you need 4 per plank, but all of the logs plus iron and plat have moved up a bit since the patch. There may be similar effects with the armor components – wool in particular has moved up.

The Unintended Failure that was SW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


takes you 2hr to do 5 dungeons? wow.

CoF 15m
HotW 20-25m
TA 15-20m
SE 15m
CA 20m
=~95 min -1h 35m
but if you do
arah 30+
CoE 30…

yes 2h…someone goes afk, someone is not geared, someone 1st try and not telling it etc etc…

You run dungeons the wrong way, that is the issue.

Ac12 – 20m
CM123 – 20m
TA12 – 20m
Arah 123 – 40m
Se13 – 15m
Cof1 – 5m

Time spent – 2 hours 00 minutes

Reward – Raw 11,25 gold + 12 gold from salvage, loot + 9,80 gold from tokens… Total 33+ gold in 2 hours.

Let’s see… quoted efficient times:
AC1/2 15 min/20 min = 35 min for AC
CM 1/2/3 20min/20min/15min = 55 min for CM
TA1/2 15min/15min = 30 min for TA (we’re over 2 hours here already)
Arah 1/2/3 35min/30min/25min = 90 min for Arah
SE1/3 10 min/15 min = 25 min for SE
Cof1 10 min

Total: 245 minutes or 4 hours.

Wings of Dwayna drop

in Crafting

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Some of the mystic forge items do drop rarely from chests after specific events. I can’t speak to the Wings of Dwayna, but I personally received a Jormag’s Breath sword from the chest after Claw.

Salvageable Leather

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: thehipone.6812


Noticed this myself. I think that it has something to do with people buying them to salvage for the monthly salvage kit uses achieve. If you look at the Salvageable Hide , there are surges near the 1st of the month. That achieve was not in August or Junes’s monthly and there is no corresponding surge then, but other months there was. Why people would do this when there are more cost effective options, who knows.

(edited by thehipone.6812)

GW Veterans missed out on items due to RNG?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


The “friction” that GW1 trading had made it possible to have better/reasonable drop rates. If someone found a, say, Obsidian Edge, they had to go to Kamadan and take the time to try to sell it. I would venture that some (many?) people couldn’t be bothered to take the time to sell, and so a large portion of the supply of item drops never hit the market. Add in the desire for weapons with the “perfect” q9 (or less) 15^X inherent, and the effective supply being sold could be low, even with relatively high drop rates. IMO this created a fun system where a) the best path was often to go to the specific spot and try to find the weapon yourself, b) drops rates were decent and there were often “near misses” that still left you with something to chase after (i.e. you got the skin, but its q12) and c) you could always fall back on Kamadan to buy it if RNG really hated you. Over 4 years I managed to find a majority of the exclusive dungeon items listed here . Some were usable, some weren’t, but way better than “2 blues & a green”

Contrast with GW2, where drop rates are super low but any drops can get sold with ~0 effort, thereby ensuring that supply will hit the market and the best path to acquiring something is to buy it off of tp. Near misses don’t really exist, ascended gear and transmutes make stats irrelevant…zzzzzzz loot system

No waypoints is glorious!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


The heck with mounts and more waypoints.
Bring in Mad Mardine to set up a cattlepult to shoot you back into the fray for the cost of 10 silver or something. Precise landing area not guaranteed.