PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
I typically run AC (1, 2, 3), CoF (1, 2), and CoE (1, 2, 3) and come out with at least 15g. That includes the end rewards and the money from selling the loot. Ideally this circuit should take maybe 1.5 hours. If you get a real dungeon running group, you can do that in less than an hour and move on to SE, HotW, TA, and even Arah to end up with twice as much money in less than 3 hours.
And I daresay dungeons aren’t the only way to make money. Guild missions, world bosses, WvW, and even PvP are much more rewarding now than they were in the past.
I question the length of time it takes you…
COF 1 and 2 alone might run 35 minutes combined…
AC 1,2,3 an hour combined if youre fantastically good.
COE 1,2,3 about 1.5 hours.Unless you have some god group that knows all the tricks and ins and outs, which do not apply to most pugs…you cant run all of those paths in 1.5 hours or less. More like 3 or 4.
3-4 hours? Maybe if they just installed the game for the first time.
I’ve never been in a full CoE clear that went over an hour with pugs, even in the ultra bad pug groups.
EQ2 is free-to-play now, bro. Has been for a while, along with EQ1.
Only that it has the worst F2P system ever, and you directly have to pay if you don’t want to play with naked characters.
Some people like naked characters, someone should inform the guys in this thread:
They’d uninstall GW2 in a second.
And I daresay dungeons aren’t the only way to make money. Guild missions, world bosses, WvW, and even PvP are much more rewarding now than they were in the past.
WvW isn’t a good way to make money, EotM champ train is, but that’s a PvE map.
$200 on gems? Wow.
That alone is more than 3 traditional expansions, except GW2 has no expansions, nor does LS even add up to one, since it was temporary and done in an hour each time.
It’s also more than a traditional yearly subscription!
I’ll never understand why people do this.
Not going to happen. It’s not a bug, it’s technically infeasible.
If you want to play with your friends, some of you will have to transfer. You can do so, at no cost, if you delete all your characters.
Good luck.
Someone obviously didn’t play GW1.
And it isn’t “technically infeasible”, so don’t say such things if you don’t know the answer.
In the early days of GW1, there were regions. NA, EU, Taiwan, and many others, all separated from each other.
Two of the end game PvE instances, Fissure of Woe and Underworld, were only accessible if your region had “Favour of the Gods”.
“Favour of the Gods” was gained for your region, if your region won 5 matches in a row in the Hall of Heroes, which was the last arena inside Heroes Ascent (one of many PvP modes).
Obviously NA and EU controlled the “Favour of the Gods” the most, due to having more players in their region giving them a greater chance of having a team from their region win in the Hall of Heroes.
People would change their region (like WvW server stacking) to be in the regions that win the most.
They changed how “Favour of the Gods” was gained, to a game wide thing, which was earned by any player in the world finishing a title (achievement) on any character. After a certain amount were completed, the favour was earned for everyone.
But they also changed how ‘regions’ worked. Giving players more players to form groups with.
The restriction was removed.
They made it similar to how ‘guesting’ works in GW2. You’d select a region from the drop down box when in a town instance, and join into it, and you’d be in that region, of course your latency would change and such, but you could group with people from other regions.
There is literally no reason why GW2 went backwards in terms of MMO advancement.
There is also no reason why they can’t remove the restriction.
Why they don’t, is to cash in on people buying gems to server transfer.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
You will never be banned for trivial things like this, or there would be no one left to play the game. Hypothetically, even if they wanted to ban people for this, they can’t, because there is no way to detect something trivial like this.
Some casuals complain about the ‘zerk only groups’ (for whatever reason they complain I’ll never understand), if they nerf FGS then people will move onto the next efficient tactic. And it works the same as FGS does.
The Norn elite, Bear Form.
Imagine the cry of the casuals when lfg’s become “ZERK NORNS ONLY”. Hahahahahaha.
Yep lets stop posting, let this thread get buried to page 20.
Obviously WvW gets too much loot and updates and bug fixes and updates and stuff, we’re just being greedy.
C’mon guys, let ANet focus on PvE and the Gem Store for once, we get too much here, PvE and the Gem Store have been neglected since launch.
There are ways to hide the lords body to make it hard for them to revive, if your karma train has no communication and strategy then you don’t deserve to cap it.
The most remembered fights are the long keep fights. They are also possibly the most fun.
The only time I will accept removing the revival of the lord, is if karma trains are abolished. So never.
I don’t understand why some people think games are about ‘levelling’.
I guess I’ll never understand.
Every RPG and MMO has levelling, its not some new fancy awesome mechanic of holy rainbows, nor is it the focus of the game.
Focus on the actual game and its content, not some meaningless number.
Where are Sanduskel and Burnfall when you need them? ;(
They may have said some strange things at times,
But at least they don’t valiantly defend crutches.
Defending crutches is the worst thing you can do in an online competitive game.
EoTM has no influence on WvW, so therefore it was NOT a WvW update.
It is WvW, the same servers fighting in an open world PvP style and earn WvW Badges and other rewards.
+ you get supply for winning into your borderlands citadel
We can tell you’re a PvE-only player =[
EotM is not WvW. It was a PvE update.
Should people earn 10g/hour out of thin air for role playing in Divinity’s Reach?
There is a difference between standing in a tavern pretending to get drunk, and whatever it is roleplayers do…that causes Nothing other than words being typed..In sometimes very bad archaic english, and playing in the open world… doing events..taking on champions,…. Btw, i was against the champion trains in QD..so that isn’t about the champ train.
If what you do is stand around and type…. because you like roleplaying that is Not " Playing" that is typing. And all the " but this is How i like to Play"…. doesn’t make it Playing.
So saying " this is how i like to play" does Not apply to roleplaying.
Sorry I’ll explain my words.
I picked an activity that some people like doing, that is also easy to do in terms of skill required, and is of low challenge, and put a decent price tag on it.
I think this topic was originally about “ANet removing money making”, which was mainly referring to champion trains.
And when you said “some people don’t like dungeons, they should be able to make money playing how they want to”, I thought you were referring to the champ train, which is super easy, requires no skill, is not challenging, etc, but made a heap of money.
So I came up with an extreme example of “playing how I want” to get good money.
But back on the topic of this thread:
The rewards structure in any MMO should be based off difficulty. The more difficult something is to do, the better it should reward players. Simple things should not be the most rewarding.
This quote is the only mature thing in your post, hence I will respond to it:
What are your examples trying to prove?
You used the words ‘tedium’ and ‘tedious’ to describe the usage of food. I used salvage kits, depositing collectible, swapping gear, and using toys, as a direct comparison. They are on the same level of ‘tedious’ as food, aka not tedious at all.
They’re tedious to manage and give an advantage to people who are willing to put up with that. They should be removed, or be something you unlock and can access from your inventory freely once you’ve discovered it.
Yes, because you shouldn’t reward tedium with power.
You then went on to say that this ‘tedious’ usage of food gives an advantage to players who are willing to go through the ‘tedium’ of using it.
You said this tedious advantage should be removed.
Players are allowed to carry extra sets of gear with them, to change stats as they please. Some people use this to their advantage, while others cannot be bothered to deal with the ‘tedium’.
Shall we remove the ability to carry multiple sets of gear, because some use it to their advantage while others do not use it? After all, it is just as tedious as using food, and it gives an advantage.
-this next part is not serious-
But where do we draw the line?
Combo Fields are tedious to use, some players use them to their advantage, others do not want to deal with the tedium. Should we remove combo fields?
Elementalists and Engineers have specific skill chain combos that work to great effect, but they are tedious to pull off (swapping attunements or kits), some players use this to their advantage, others do not want to go through the tedium. Should we remove Elementalists and Engineers?
(You now know why I didn’t respond to your question before.)
(edited by thaooo.5320)
The biggest problem with making the game harder is casuals.
“It’s too hard, I can’t do it! Make it easier so I can mash 1. I buy gems therefore I am entitled to automatically beat it! I am entitled to all the rewards because I buy gems!”
^ Someone raging about Liadri actually said something like that.
Even if they’re told it wasn’t made for them they’ll ignore the warning.
Why underwater combat is frustrating:
- Hard to tell how far away people are, making melee a massive chore.
- Cannot stomp downed players.
- Controlling the Y-axis is incredibly sloppy.
- Ranger pet OP.
- You need a 7th Rune on the ‘breather’.
- If you change armour sets, you need a 2nd ‘breather’ with the matching rune.
- Some classes are way OP underwater, some suck entirely.
- Lots of skills are simply disabled, instead of having an underwater version.
- And combat tactics are non existent when it becomes more than 3v3.
Imagine a ZvZ underwater, you can’t move and use combo fields like you can on land. You can’t aoe CC people like you can on land. Downed players cannot be stomped, and they can run away more than mist form.
It’ll be 2 lines of people ranging each other, swimming to safety when downed. People who do try to melee will be annihilated. Repeat for infinity or until Alt + F4.
^ It’s about the (lack of) treatment of WvW in general.
UMMM what?
You didn’t pay for the updates. You payed for the core game and core functions – which you have them enabled 24/7. And you don’t throw money at them. You buy things from them. That’s a different thing. You are not donating. You’re not giving them cash because you’re such a nice person. You’re giving it because you want something from the cash shop. It’s called shopping.And the “big part of the community” is actually happy with how things are. It’s just that flamers tend to talk more.
This kind of illogical attitude is exactly why Electronic Arts is able to release the most mechanically basic junk games every single year for $80-$100, provide no bug fixes or updates, and continually milk money from the ill informed casuals with over priced DLC’s, then release the same game next year under a new title, and continue the milking cycle.
I thought this was the fastest selling MMO of all time.
That information was based on stuff from almost TWO YEARS ago, do you really think they can live on those monies forever?
~$200,000,000 from 3.5 million box sales as of August 2013, not including box sales since then, not including gem store revenue, not including China sales.
I would sure hope the combined total lasts a lot longer than 2 years.
By the way, stop defending failure.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
ANet don’t shave, they neckbeard.
Then after 8 months they trim it, but it’s still a neckbeard.
The grub is already the best world boss in the game.
When too many non-teamspeak pugs are following your guild, go attack the grub for 10 seconds then run off.
The pugs keep on grubbing.
You ARE aware that there is more than 1 development team, right?
and you ARE aware that they don’t all do the same thing all day long, right?
Since you’re so aware brah, tell me, where’s the WvW development team? And which employees are strictly on it?
That’s right.
Non existent.
You missed the entire point of my post.
WvW only gets updates/fixes when they have some time to pull the PvE team over here, which is basically never.
Uhg. This entire thread is the exact reason I got out of customer service after only a month. Lesson one was pretty much “Customers suck.”
In some industries and situations, I agree.
In some industries and situations, this:
Business: “It isn’t our fault the customers are complaining, they’re obviously complaining for no reason, we’re obviously doing everything right, so we’ll do nothing.”
^After selling a faulty car. Or a house that blows over in a small breeze. Or releasing a pharmaceutical product with massive side effects that wasn’t caught during testing. Or delivering burnt food. Or offering something at a specific future date then saying, oops, our bad, we failed, lol it’ll be fixed some time eventually.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
^ Making up? Its 100% fact, go read the ‘game releases’ section. Nor did I list all of it to make it even more embarrassing.
I like the one video showing a Dev getting knock over the side of the cliff by a ram.
Guys, the last update was on Friday. Today is Monday. Contrary to popular belief, our developers have lives and families that they would like to live and see respectively.
Believe me when I say that we will provide an update as soon as we have an update to provide. Until that time, your continued patience is appreciated.
What you wanted to write was: “We know we done goofed, but we don’t give a skritt.”
Thank you for nothing.
Here is the last 5 main patch release dates, and what happened after:
June 3 2014 patch:
- Gem Store ‘bug’ fixed 7 hours later
May 20 2014 patch:
- Fixed rune/sigils bug 8 hours after patch
- Fixed 6 bugs the next day (PvE)
- The next day, improved the original patch (PvE of course) further (Loot buff of course)
April 15 2014 patch:
- Fixed 3 bugs 26 hours after (PvE)
- Fixed 6 more bugs the next day (PvE)
- Fixed 9 more bugs the next day (PvE)
- Fixed 4 more bugs the next day (PvE)
- After the weekend, fixed 5 more bugs, and improved 3 more things (PvE)
March 18 2014 patch:
- Fixed 3 bugs the next day (PvE)
March 4 2014 patch:
- Fixed 4 bugs 7 hours later (PvE)
- Fixed 2 bugs 5 hours later (PvE)
- Fixed 2 more bugs the next day (PvE)
- The next day, fixed 2 more bugs and improved 2 things (PvE)
- The next day, a few bug fixes and a few improvements (PvE)
- After the weekend, a few more fixes (PvE)
- The next day, fixed another bug (PvE)
If its Gem Store or PvE, your company gets right on it.
WvW? Don’t give a skritt
Cheers mate.
Its only been 9 days since they discovered the bug. Name a MMO game studio that fixes bugs under ten days? Also this is not a game breaker and doesn’t need to be priority compared to some other issues. At the end of the day, it is only a weapon skin which will be forgotten in less than 2 months. That said, it is WvW after all, so lower your expectations….
Gem Store and Living Story bugs are fixed in under 4 hours every time.
- Remove default warhorn sound file
- Increase volume/length of Howler sound file
- Permanent moon during night
Awesome again.
The bubble destroys projectiles, it does not make it immune to damage.
Working as intended.
I’m from Melbourne, so Aussie rules, but I still love both union and league.
Stack to win. Just like Season 2.
Soccer may be one of the most boring sports in existence, but at least the teams have even numbers.
I’m not sure if you are trolling, because I agree with your first point. But soccer is boring????
Because I disagree with your opinion I’m a troll? Good one bro.
But I’ll explain my opinion.
From childrens leagues all the way up to adult leagues, even the World Cup, soccer requires one skill to play (foot skill) and one aspect of athleticism to play (cardio endurance). This is an undisputed fact. The elite level is a mastery of foot skill, and having astounding cardio endurance. This doesn’t appeal to me.
I prefer sports that utilize more than one skill, or sports that utilize more than one aspect of athleticism. And I especially love sports that combine both of these.
Soccer does not provide that for me.
Then there is the agonizingly low scoring, for me this is a yawn fest. I know some people like watching paint dry, but not me.
The action is also mostly slow paced, and I don’t find that exciting.
Then there is the rampant injury faking, and really pansy attitudes in general. For me, this is disgusting to watch. Also, other countries soccer players complain that “Australia is too rough”, lol!!!! How sad.
Some people grew up in a country where soccer is the only sport played there. For them, this is all they know, and that’s why they love it so much.
I grew up in Australia, playing and watching our national sport, which utilizes all areas of skill, and all areas of athleticism. Amongst playing and watching a wide variety of other sports.
The elite level of our national sport requires every player on the field to be an absolute master of hand, foot and body skills, as well as every single area of athleticism in order to be successful. No other sport in the world demands this much from every single player. There’s also no pansy attitudes, and a tonne of courage and bravery. And no padding.
That being said, it isn’t the only sport I like. I love watching tennis, all martial arts, American football, rugby, ice hockey, snow boarding, basketball, volleyball, and plenty others.
Cricket? I like 20-20, but find ‘one day matches’ and ‘test matches’ to be boring.
After watching and participating in many different sports, the simplicity of soccer does not appeal to me.
I find soccer boring because I was born in Australia, the sport crazy nation.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
I feel that we have lost track of why we are all so upset in the first place.
Well we haven’t.
WvW is a neglected game mode, ANet doesn’t provide ANY staff to work on it, we’ve all known this for a long time. This latest issue is just another massive reminder of how little they care about improving it, evolving it, or giving it a future.
ANet: “Oh, you WvW players want some attention? Here, have this Season 2 to play with.”
Players: “Free transfers? The most stacked server gets the best rewards? ANet please, obviously this is a dumb idea.”
ANet: “Who cares? We sure don’t. Enjoy this attention we’re giving you, it took us 30 minutes to put together, since its all the same stuff as any other day of the week, and nothing has changed, that’s enough WvW focus for 2014.”
Players: “ANet the rewards aren’t working properly… by the way you never fixed Season 1 rewards.”
ANet: “Oh? Sure, we’ll fix it Soon™.”
Stack to win. Just like Season 2.
Soccer may be one of the most boring sports in existence, but at least the teams have even numbers.
i am not to farm, but yesterday i had 49silver….i did the easy lvl55 dungeon about 4times and had 4gold by the end of it……what do u people want? i mean seriously? LMAO
Some people do not like dungeons. Some people Like Playing " any way they want." which was part of the gw2 manifesto.
If for these people to earn a lot more gold means going into dungeons, they are not Playing " anyway they want."
Gw2 seems to have turned it’s back On it’s manifesto.
Should people earn 10g/hour out of thin air for role playing in Divinity’s Reach?
I’m not saying this is you, but:
Most of these threads originate from players who don’t want to actually play the game mode, but want to open WvW and see if their server currently owns something that they need, and run and get it for no effort, just like PvE maps.
You don’t need to transfer.
You can organize with your PvE guild (1 day per week for example) where you go around to an objective or many more.
Set up 5 or 6 catapults before causing white swords (which is caused by attacking a gate or wall ONCE with ANY amount of damage), and blast your way in and get the Poi/Vista/Skill point, even if you don’t capture the objective at all.
If you don’t have a PvE guild to do that with, join a WvW guild to play with, I’m sure they’ll help you out in the same way listed above.
7 matches in 7 days between the 3 servers?
I like this.
Only issue I see arising is this line (almost the same as current WvW):
“Server X has greater coverage than us and wins the day for free during SEA or EU, no effort required.”
But if they changed how scoring works, along with making it 7 matches in 7 days, it could work.
One example that might work would be the “points for capping instead of time held” theory.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
This T2 “project” was bound to fail from the get go. :p
It hasn’t failed, and isn’t failing, and it is showing no signs of failing.
A competitive WvW server needs a healthy balance of militias and guilds in order for it to be sustainable.
SOS and Mag have both. Both servers militia are happy here. Can’t comment on post season FA for obvious reasons.
Before Season 1 when SOS got stuck with SBI and YB in T3 for a while, the entirety of SOS hated the T3 siege wars (Open field AC’s, camping towers with AC’s, SBI and YB rarely coming to fight). Entire server is much happier in T2.
Not relevant, but, back then YB were a fantastic defensive server, one of the best I’ve seen (if not the best), but their offensive capabilities let them down, they simply weren’t good at open field combat. Had YB received transfers of zerg busting guilds they would have been a force to be reckoned with in higher tiers. I have no idea what they’re like any more. SOS defence has always been garbage, we get ninja’d so often its not even funny.
Ps. FA will be in T2 again in 2-4 weeks.
What happens if they give us a timetable for season 3 in 2-4 weeks?
Depends on when the leagues are locked in.
Season 1? Here’s what I think happened.
- Only 5th and 6th spot were open for grabs in Gold.
- All of Maguuma wanted gold, and pushed hard for it.
- SOS/FA militia both wanted Silver for easy win.
- SOS/FA guilds both wanted Gold for fights.
- SOS OCX guilds kept the rating high, even with militia dropping off.
- FA militia dropped off, FA guilds couldn’t match SOS OCX guilds at scoring points.
Top 4 was BG JQ SoR and TC, only 2 of the 3 servers could make Gold. FA didn’t make it. One server was always going to miss out.
FA was also weaker around Season 1 time. Since then they’ve gained some SoR guilds amongst others, and correctly belong in T2 now.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
They’re tedious to manage and give an advantage to people who are willing to put up with that. They should be removed, or be something you unlock and can access from your inventory freely once you’ve discovered it.
So because you’re to lazy to use them, everyone else should be punished.
Yes, because you shouldn’t reward tedium with power. Do you not agree? If you don’t, where do you draw the line? Like, would it be cool if waypointing to all the cities gave you +1000 power for the day?
Terrible hypothetical analogy.
Let me ask you some real questions:
Do you ever open your inventory and use salvage kits?
Do you ever open your inventory and ‘deposit collectibles’?
Do you ever open your inventory and swap weapons or armour or trinkets?
Do you ever open your inventory and use items like transformation tonics/kite/balloon or mini pets?
If you answered yes to any of those questions (which you did), then your argument is illogical and flawed.
You can use food, you choose not to, not because its ‘tedious’ but because you’re lazy or simply don’t want to.
Being “cheap” isn’t even an option, because some food costs 5c each.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
Oh wow the way you were defending fa’s honor had me fooled.
Yes, you’re right kitten all have something in common, the top server in each tier has more population or coverage or both than the other 2. That’s what the server ranking is based off in GW2. That doesn’t mean it’s a problem in every tier.
And yet every tier below is an exact mirror of tier 2, tell more how they should care solely for this 1 tier. For GvG? Tell me more how its such a thriving scene. Yet here you are complaining about match staleness.
- SOS could start coming 6th and it wouldn’t matter, as long as it isn’t enough to drop to T3 siege wars, in which case we’d PPT focus and be right back up there. *
The moment you stop producing ppt, people will leave you and youll lose your edge over the next server. Surprise!!! This has been seen in Sor, Fa, etc.
Lol using T1 disgrace as reason to 2v1, I dont care one way or another about ppt but what purpose would that really serve? So next week you can face off with 2 even more populated/covered servers, something the T1 servers dont have to worry about. Bag of nasties.
Defending FA’s honour? No. Explaining what happened. Feel free to continue drawing false conclusions and meanings though.
Some senseless rambling I can’t understand or respond to.
I’ve never once “complained about match staleness”, because “match staleness” doesn’t exist.
People like you fail to realise that as soon as you match servers from random ranks together, the match ups are gigantic blow outs, and no one has fun.
“Yay match up variance!”.
5 days later.
Rank 4 vs Rank 7 vs Rank 11, that’ll be a fun match for everyone involved. NOT.
And the rest is more senseless rambling that makes no sense.
Ps. FA will be in T2 again in 2-4 weeks.
They’re tedious to manage and give an advantage to people who are willing to put up with that. They should be removed, or be something you unlock and can access from your inventory freely once you’ve discovered it.
So because you’re to lazy to use them, everyone else should be punished.
The PPT stress some other tiers suffer from is not an issue in T2.
Unless there’s a WvWvW tournament coming up. Then T2 ramps up into hardcore PPT mode, except for FA. :p
I think we get scared of being booted to silver or something.. its strange.
As for EU, I can’t say for certain. My guess is the language specific servers play a big role, and they probably have less “off hours” coverage/players (NA/OCX/SEA). Where here we have all 4 time zones running about, as well as server stacking issues.
Only a GvG mode, like having guild halls where guilds can have their own private battles, would really make sense. We already have the Obsidian Sanctum for that “unpopulated map” and griefers come sometimes and interfere. There’s also complaints between guilds sometimes when they think there are “adds” turning 15v15 into 17v15 for an unfair advantage. A GvG mode would allow guilds to prevent those sorts of things.BTW, I can’t imagine how Anet loses money to server transfers.
He meant ANets revenue from transfers would be extinguished if WvW turned into Alliance v Alliance or Colour v Colour.
And I 100% agree on GW2 needing GvG or Guild Halls to organize game wide guild fights.
@Caelus ^ Don’t forget the Gem Store.
I really wonder how many people they assign to work on the Gem Store… 20? 50? 100?
One look at WvW / SPvP and 100 people for the Gem Store doesn’t seem that farfetched. Look at how much it gets updated and how often.
You actually have me curious how season 3 when your back again in silver league despite this tier 2 skill
Tier 2 has the same problem as tier 3 as tier 4, as tier 5 and so on
The differences as fa has been so nice to say is #’s
Ya, I’m from SOS not FA.
Yes, you’re right T1 – T8 all have something in common, the top server in each tier has more population or coverage or both than the other 2. That’s what the server ranking is based off in GW2. That doesn’t mean it’s a problem in every tier.
If some Tiers are more PPT/score focused then they should 2v1 the top server in the tier, like what happened in T1 Gold. Complaining about one server winning all the time but not working together to dethrone them is where the PPT complaints stem from. Then population/coverage comparisons come into question.
NA T2 however is/was mostly happy not worrying about PPT and Score, opting for more fights and relaxed play, even if SOS has less NA but more other coverage in comparison to the other 2.
The PPT stress some other tiers suffer from is not an issue in T2.
SOS could start coming 6th and it wouldn’t matter, as long as it isn’t enough to drop to T3 siege wars, in which case we’d PPT focus and be right back up there.
As it stands currently, barring a T1 implosion, if a server T3 or lower (besides FA) wants to survive in T2, they are going to need to have T1 level numbers/coverage, or lots of small guilds that are fight oriented to match SOS/Maguuma, having only pug blobs will struggle to compete here, for the foreseeable future.
FA will be back in T2 soon and all will be whole again.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
I’ll break it down even further for you echo because I’m bored.
This is directed at this quote of yours:
Lulz fa is a server that can hold it’s own in t2, but when faced with a bloated t6 server they got absolutely destroyed.
Read each line separately.
This is a chronological order of before season 2, during season 2, and after season 2.
1) …….. rewards …… better…….. 1st place…..
2) ….. Free Transfers…… HoD……
3) ……. FA ……. stuck …… Silver league……
3a) …… Some FA guilds …. transfer …… Gold league …. GvG/fights ….
3b) ……. Some FA guilds …. free-transfer …. HoD …..
3c) ….. FA …… has less players…. compared to before season 2 …….
3d) …….. Many non-FA players ……. free-transfer ……. HoD
4) ….. HoD ….. omniblob …..
5) …… FA …… deliberately depleted during season 2 …… means nothing that HoD ‘beat’ them
6) ….. Season finishes ….
7) …. HoD …. upset …… band wagon dispersed ……
And to reiterate:
If the HoD super pug blob came to T2 it would be wiped all day every day by SOS/Mag 20 man guild groups and then the band wagon would break anyway.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
- Even if HoD “stuck together”, it would of been demolished in T2 by SOS and Mag, the server would split after being demoralized because band wagons are fragile by nature.- That and HoD would have to adjust to how T2 operates, being a band wagon server, it wouldn’t adjust. The players from lower tiers would pretty much be like “wtf is this?” and leave.
_______________FA as a server knows what to expect in T2 and can enjoy/deal with what goes on there. (less siege more fight)
Ohhh wow I thought the op denial was strong but kitten you take the carrot.
Lulz fa is a server that can hold it’s own in t2, but when faced with a bloated t6 server they got absolutely destroyed. Oh god this delusional top tier skill brings tears to my eyes.
Carrot accepted.
Let me help you understand why they “lost” (?) to a “bloated T6 server”.
1) ANet announced the rewards will be better for 1st place at the end.
2) ANet allowed free transfers to some servers (HoD being one)
3) When FA knew it was going to be stuck in Silver League because of SoR crash boosting DB rating:
3a) Some guilds transferred to SOS/Mag to stay in Gold League for GvG/fight scene.
3b) Some guilds/players transferred to HoD for easy #1st place rewards.
4) FA now has less players, and minus their strong GvG/zerg busting guilds.
5) HoD steamrolls the league because of the super free-transfer pug stacking blotting out the sun. (Many people from many servers free-transferred to HoD)
6) Season finishes, original FA players return to FA (Leaving gold, leaving HoD). The others that free-transferred to HoD for rewards went back to their original server too.
7) HoD-originals upset that the band wagon dispersed.
HoD beat FA during tournament because FA guilds transferred to Gold or HoD. HoD had super free-transfer blob from many servers combined. If you cannot see this logic, none of us can help you.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
Well to be fair people did complain about mesmer portal and then it was given 90 second cool down.
And a distance cap.
Used to be able to port people from one side of WvW borderlands to the other.
Drop portal in enemy garrison → WP to spawn → Open Portal → ???? → Profit
So I thought I would dig up this thread from before my account got banned
You guys want to reflect on the cash-grabbing development that has been going on since I wrote this post?
We could. I also wouldn’t be surprised if some of the people who posted in this a year ago (and still post regularly) changed their tune.
Your signature grabbed my attention:
“GW2 is still quite young, you can’t do much about the changes, LET IT GROW…”
Lol. 2 years since release (isn’t young) + GW1 before it. Let it grow? Its growth is stunted.
Be realistic.
Since I’m here.
I’m not sure I understand the post.
Are you asking for more equipment/objects to act as a light source?
Or for the stances of characters holding a “Torch” (weapon) to look different?
The people who transferred to HoD for a free win did so because of how the tournament rewards were structured.
After some FA guilds transferred into gold (for fights/GvG), other FA players thought:
“Why come 3rd or 4th in Silver when I can free transfer to HoD, join the band wagon, get the loot, and transfer back to FA after, reuniting the server once again?”
They were always going to transfer back to their home land. Think of it as a temporary working visa.
- Even if HoD “stuck together”, it would of been demolished in T2 by SOS and Mag, the server would split after being demoralized because band wagons are fragile by nature.
- That and HoD would have to adjust to how T2 operates, being a band wagon server, it wouldn’t adjust. The players from lower tiers would pretty much be like “wtf is this?” and leave.
FA as a server knows what to expect in T2 and can enjoy/deal with what goes on there. (less siege more fight)
(edited by thaooo.5320)
At first I would read your whole text, but as I read this:
So you have a class which:
1, Has no cooldowns which lowers the skill required – its just spam
2, Breaks the only game mode anet have given the players
3, With all this, is still the best profession at combat
4, Probably also the best class at stopping stompsI stopped.
This is the part, which show me, show us all, that you have no clue about the thief class and write these things only for your own personal benefit.
No arguments, false pretences and stupid comparisons.
Thief spotted
Sry, that a Thief player know more about this class, than crying Non-Thieves.
Stop defending your crutch, you aren’t persuading anyone.
Yes we know that if they take your crutch away you’ll have to learn how to play a class that can actually be hit with attacks.
Watchwork Sunrise, every time I 100b I get 100 sprockets.
T2 is fine.
- Some people are taking a break
- Some log in less because game mode neglect
- Some have quit because game mode neglect
- Some log in less because of the latest ANet failure
- Some are on holiday
- Some are trying a newly released game (which is a normal occurrence)
Hopefully Wagonbrand will drop soon, and give us our old friend FA back.
@Atheria, HoD was a free transfer band wagon server purely for #1 silver win. It was never going to last.
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