bug from the last weekend… Hydra heads that stayed in the air instead of falling to the ground when being cut off.
Yes, it literally looks like a bad poop. Why bother making all these items with special effects if they are going to be overridden by a gawd-ugly default diarrhea cloud?
Did you figure out to press the special action key to avoid his AOE? Took me a while…
I have an idea to throw into the ring, with regards to pips.
How about instead of putting a level scroll in the chest that you get with each rank, you put pips in it?
Win win…
Problem is, this would encourage Ktraining. No thanks.
I’m feeling the train has already returned to the station to
a) keep participation up, and
b) keep things moving while people count off the 5 minute increments towards the next pip reward
..and I’m in a WvW-centric guild..
I think only have of the change was misguided, and we’ll probably have to wait a few weeks for ArenaNET to collect some analytics on the change before making another adjustment to it.
What it means to me is that I’ve given up on my 175/tickets/week and will probably get to enjoy more time this summer away from my desk and the smell of Dolyak butt ;D
I have an idea to throw into the ring, with regards to pips.
How about instead of putting a level scroll in the chest that you get with each rank, you put pips in it?
Win win…
Rewards people who maxed out their pips for this week, before the patch.
I’ll throw my hand up to request a review of the decay monster.
You could try running with only white level gear, with no traits or foods/utilities.
Then you’ve got hard mode right here, right now.
Or at least “harder”
No, mentor tags don’t allow you to form a squad, so there’s no squad message. This is why a short tool-tip style mouse hover message would be very nice for mentor tags. “Helping with map clear”, “Guided tour of [Map]”, “Answering questions”, etc…
This makes sense to me, though the “Apple panic” maps full of mentors might be a problem with all the tooltips. Maybe this is value that comes with spending the gold on a commander tag.
I think this would be a great idea, with the following change:
A summary section or headline is added to the squad message, to be displayed on mouse-hover over the commander’s tag.(instead of the long message.). Enough for one decently long sentence like: “Map clear, no hearts or events”, “Chest train – all welcome” “Mastery point and hero point train”, etc… this would deal with 1), and somewhat with 2).
As for 3), troll commanders can do this in other ways if they’re going to.
I think that this would be a very useful feature for mentor tags as well.
I agree that it would be nice for mentor tags, too. Does a mentor tag enable a squad message too?
Add Commander Tag Squad Messages to Mini-Map Tooltips
Hello! I am here to suggest a solution to a problem I, and I suspect many more players, encounter on a regular basis. This solution is based upon existing technology in the game.
There are often multiple commander tags on a map, and there is no easy way to discover what each commander is doing.
Currently, when you enter a PvE map, you have no idea if a tag is offering portals, leading a map completion, doing a guild event or asking for help with an open world experience.
Available Technologies:
1) Mini-map elements show applicable tooltips when rolled over.
2) Squads have a “squad message” capability.
In addition to the commander name, include the text of the squad message in the tooltip. Commanders will be able to describe their activities in the squad message, to ensure the most relevant players follow them.
Potential Obstacles:
1) Maximum length of squad messages is excessive for a tooltip.
2) Reading the squad message database object generates a heavy performance hit on the server when used in this manner
3) Commanders may create disruptive squad messages.
I think there’s a huge value to this. What do you think?
try Sonder the Seller in LA.
Collector Terksli is more interested in Shiny Foil Candy Wrappers because they are more shiny than fortune scraps.
Thanks. Sonder does indeed accept the wrappers.
The wiki appears to be in disrepair, as it claims the Desert Rose skin is a rare purchase from him (which in Terksli’s section states that the rare items are not account bound), but it is sadly green and account bound in “real Tyria.”
Alas, my dream of cashing in on those dusty old scraps may be for naught.
Once more, thank to both of you for the quick responses!
Please update the wiki to reflect this. At the very least, add a text note stating what you experienced to the page, to help out the next person in line.
Added feedback to the three related wiki pages. Thanks for the suggestion.
try Sonder the Seller in LA.
Collector Terksli is more interested in Shiny Foil Candy Wrappers because they are more shiny than fortune scraps.
Thanks. Sonder does indeed accept the wrappers.
The wiki appears to be in disrepair, as it claims the Desert Rose skin is a rare purchase from him (which in Terksli’s section states that the rare items are not account bound), but it is sadly green and account bound in “real Tyria.”
Alas, my dream of cashing in on those dusty old scraps may be for naught.
Once more, thank to both of you for the quick responses!
Hi all!
Is Collector Terskli bugged or have his offerings been removed?
I brought both types of Fortune scraps to him, and it didn’t reveal the Zephyrite skins tab, contradictory to what the wiki says..
I didn’t play a single game of ranked pvp this season, just to avoid having the icon on my nameplate.
we are 2 man. i can’t play 6 hours in a row and only for one boss. true life calls
Wing 1 and Wing 2 typically take less than 1 hour each.
You have no idea what it’s like to be casual.
This raid should have been the most challenging of all…
.. and ALL raids should have been given an “easy mode”.
Instead of making this one less challenging.
Those who want hard, MAKE THEM ALL HARD.
Those who don’t want it.. MAKE THEM ALL EASY.
I can’t comprehend why you’d try to change the difficulty of a single wing instead and disappoint both groups, instead of having two levels of challenge.
Can anyone explain? I’m at a loss.
All this time and I forget about the online reporting.. I guess that’s because it’s the one place that doesn’t end up giving a response.
Ticket.. Good plan.
getting the same thing in
Hi! 7800+ hours here. Love the game.. but there’s a problem, and I’m pretty darn sure it’s not me.
It only happens on certain instances.. and right now, SAB World 2 Zone 2 for me is insane example at 7:00pm PST IP
Every 10-20 seconds, the whole game freezes for ~1 second.. in this instance. If I go to regular open world zones, no problems. I was having this problem, though less frequently, with big dragonstand runs recently. It appears to be population related, but not “what’s on screen” since in the SAB instance, it’s only two people..
If I go to CS right now, for example, it’s smooth as glass.
My ping is fine, though there seems to be a spike on drive access (and I’m running a RAID-0 SSD with 1 GB/s read rate).
No rubber banding or anything like that, just this awful freezing.
Please, if it’s a known issue, I’m fine with “yep, we get it, we’re working on it.” vs. “What are you talking about?” I can’t possibly be the only person with this experience. IF I am, I will send you whatever diagnostic data you need to resolve it… It’s killing me! (Literally )
Organizing a 10 person team. In 7800 hours I haven’t met 9 other people who are regularly in the same time zone and have the same availability as I on a regular basis.
Thank you, Mr. O’Brien
The concept of having 7 maps alleviates the potential for queues which arise from bringing all the servers into 3 groups.
different styles of play, and keeping the game fun for everyone. do we really need a mega server for that ? this isn’t about a winning score anymore, because currently the score is rubbish, meaningless. this is about having fun for everyone.
I think my goal is to have some semblance of balance, even if it means that all three teams have periods when no one is one, so roamers and solos have a time to hone their skill area of preference.
It’s definitely not about “T1 FTW” as much as there not being the segregation of population levels.
I have 2 CD alts and one in FA, in addition to my BG main.
The main story I am hoping to share is, “give everyone equal opportunity to experience the joy of wvw.”
For me, WvW is the ultimate “casual” PvP experience.
(edited by Allisa Wonderland.8192)
Seriously, look beyond T1 please.
Thanks for the completely useful reply. I have two alts in CD and one in FA too.
My accounts are 1,299 days old, as of today. I’ve never “taken a break” from the game, except maybe 2 days when I was in Cuba.
I prefer the older map and event system.. but..
1) As has been repeated here, there are always metas running. You need to use the LFG .
2) the more you play the maps, the more you understand what’s going on
3) GW2 PvE is Co-Op focused. It always has been. That’s what I like most about it. On top of that, it’s (generally) casually co-op, so anyone on the map can be your friend of the minute. Do you think Tequatl is “Forced Co-op” too? At least it’s easier to find 50 randoms than 10 specific people for a meta chain.
4) If you don’t want to follow groups, the alternative is… lead groups. Get your Apple Tag and guide the huddled masses to do what you want to do. I (Commander) tag up for my friends and I always get a bevvy of randoms on my heels in no time.
5) Are you in NA? Message me and you’ll have another veteran to play with.
Here’s my thought on this, after my own experiences and reading through the Reddit thread.
1. PvE-nish – remove the “fancy mechanics” in DBLs where possible.
2. Mobility – return uncontested waypoints when holding zones to make it easier for players to find their way to the group.
3. Enable EB, 3xDBL and 3xABL at the same time. This keeps both lovers and haters happy. Iit also helps with…
4. Megaserver fix:
a) track average population for each server over the week. Over time, add in population during different time periods to improve 24-hour balance for …
b) at reset, group servers into only the three colours, like EoTM has, by taking the stats learned in “a” to have 3 unique, balanced “Megateams,” each week
c) don’t use the overflow map system. Seven maps with queues is a better problem than empty T1 maps.
d) retain the current week long progression to avoid the mercenary feel of EoTM.
e) Create additional WvW maps as necessary to ease queues and keep interest.
If we’re already jamming people from all the servers into a single PvE experience, why not follow a similar path in WvW?
This avoids needing to amalgamate quieter servers, and potentially mixes things up to ensure one of the three colours doesn’t just dominate each week.
Tracker has been updated again today with some minor changes:
- Solved moved to top
- Added a “Need more information” status to let players know when we could use their help gathering details about an issue
Re: Jira or formatting changes: right now I’m focused on getting all the major issues in the tracker. I’m talking to our QA and Web Dev teams about changes we can make in the future to make the process more streamlined, but for now the current version (or something very much like it) is what we’re stuck with.
Definitely, thanks for the news. Good luck with it!
1) May you please add a column sorting widget?
2) May you please also add “date created” and/or “last updated” columns?
3) Do you know if a “Released” status is possible so entries don’t just disappear when they are indeed added to a build (and patch notes)
4) Is this a Jira plugin or tracked additionally? I’d love to have this for my team’s Jira projects.
Oh to dream of bi weekly content updates again…
With 3 years of practice they’d have it so nailed by now.
There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
My problem is hooking up with 9 people who have the same schedule as me, with the prospect of spending 20 hours to die repeatedly with them. My problem is not being willing to spend the time recruiting enough people to gain the guild hall, then pestering them to donate to grow it. I have tried joining multiple large guilds, but I end up hiding guild chat because I cannot keep track of the people I’m playing with at the moment.. And in the peace and quite, I forget to turn them back on.
I like meeting people randomly in the game and having an ad hoc adventure, without concern for their build. We have fun in the moment.
The game doesn’t appear to support micro-groups, as much as it used to, other than that we can do some of the guild events now.
It feels like there is a disconnect because, unlike ArenaNET staff (and I love you all for his wonderful game), I don’t spend all my real life time surrounded by 250 other real life guild wars 2 enthusiasts. I can barely keep one or two real life friends playing it for any length of time…
I have even looked for local meet up groups!
Thanks for reading. I will continue to play, and rack up hours… But as it is now I don’t play nearly as much or with as much enthusiam as I used to, which isn’t a trivial change for me.
This has been an issue for quite some time.. if you are out of bounds, or in a position that might be considered questionable, you end up at a defined map “Start.”
The way around this is to not use “character select” but to exit the game completely, restart, then select the next character you wish to play.
I believe it started around the time that the new LA appeared.
I have one tier to get through sapphire, and I’ve been decimated since the patch.
Knocked down so much than I spend my time watching teammates try 3 caps and fighting off points.
crying.. never.. I don’t need a legendary backpiece this badly.
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
We only know what we have to do for like 1/3 of the first tier. And the first tier rewards ASCENDED armor, not Legendary. It will probably be converted to Legendary once we do the tier 2 collection, which will require tons of materials (if other precursors are any indication)
Another method of getting Legendary armor (with or without different skin) is something that many people would want in the game, and I’d guess even Anet has plans for it. But revealing those plans before we know the entire legendary armor journey is useless.
Wait until we can make the entire set and then maybe even the devs will give us some clues of what they are going to do with it.
If there’s hope, I’m fine with it.
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
At least, as a pve player, you don’t need to invest too much gold for raid gears.
We wvw and pvp players have to make a dedicated raid gear, which, you probably already know, is not cheap at all. I agree that there needs to be an alternative way for obtaining legendary armor.
I’m confused by this. If we’re all doing PvE raids, why would there be more expense for WvW or PvP players? I have to buy gear too… if my PvE gear isn’t “correct” for the raid, I need to forge it or craft a new set.
WvW sees the most benefit out of ascended gear.
PvP players don’t need to buy ANY gear….
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
Just a collection for envoy armor 1 that you complete buy doing/buying raids.
and i assume that will be the precursor.
Most of the entries I see are “Fragment of the Mists” on that collection.
We don’t know what comes after that correct?
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
No, just no. I’m all for casual players getting a chance for legendary armor, but it should be separate skins from the raid skins. Furthermore atm everything to do with the armor is a drop, there isn’t anything you can buy with shards that will help you on your way to the armor sets. The shards are only used for raid specific drops like skins, the ghostly infusion, minis and ascended sets.
I am quite fine to be a different skin.. it’s the functionality I’m after. It could horrible, I’ll end up skinning it to my style anyhow.
Is there a recipe for the armor, yet? I don’t see it on the wiki…
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
Being able to make 17 legendaries means ur packed with gold or know the ways of how to get around. Save up gold n buy runs, buy a package run from serious sellers at discount n ull have ur leg collection!
Yes, I spent a few hundred gold the other day to get in on Sab and Gors kills. I collected what AP’s I was able to afterwards.. but, I would rather have a way that required some adventuring effort to earn the armor.
Every time I look for an answer, GW1’s “regular/hard mode” system seems to come to mind.
Casual people get the easier kill, but less reward. Hard mode lovers get the extra challenge and faster reward track.
What am I missing that this isn’t a thing?
I was expecting to see LS3 coming soon. For me, this feels like it has more value to the player base as a whole than a new raid wing for a small subset of players (and a subset of those potentially due to the player imposed limits on class participation)
Is regularly scheduled (new) content off the table now?
The goal of a living world feels further and further away since the first Southsun cove event. This makes me sad.
An increasing variety of game modes (including guild halls) seems to be diluting the amount produced for each. Is it just me that sees it this way?
Regardless, I will still continue to play the game and poke away.
I see no near term goals/achievements to look forward to out of that whole wall of text. Maybe I’ll roll a new character to glide my way through the leveling process in Central Tyria?
These are all good questions.
1. No, you do not have to reach Legendary division to complete the Ascension backpiece. Although doing so will speed up your ability to complete it significantly.
2. Your achievements for Year of the Ascension will not reset at the end of each season, but they will only be available until the achievement collection is removed roughly a year after it became available.
3. Yes, if you are currently stuck in a division and can’t climb out (say Sapphire for Season 1) and your progress in Year of the Ascension II is 1/2, then moving from Amber to Emerald in Season 2 will progress this achievement to 2/2 and complete it.
Thank you. These are good answers
Do we have to reach the Legendary division (at some point) to create the legendary backpiece?
Will the new season reset mean that crossing the first three divisions will count for the achievement requirement of Ascencion III, if I and II were completed during the previous season?
If Ascencion II is at 1/2 (Sapphire now), will advancement through Amber next season make it 2/2?
I’m still confused as to why you’re offering a PvE item in a PvP game type other than possibly to encourage non-PvP people like myself to partake..
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
With an averaging play/day of more than 6 hours you are not casual, you need help.
You’re right. I need HELP finding 9 people to join me at a time that suits my schedule for raiding…
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
I do appreciate your positive support, btw.
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
Is there a place to find a raid group? That’s perhaps what I am missing.. Somewhere I can say “this is when I am available and this is what I want to play. Hook me up with an appropriate group.”
ArenaNET developers have the unique situation of having a 300 co-worker pool of real life people to join for guilds, raids, etc. I know 3 real life people who play, when I drag them into the game.
I know that I fear two things:
1) people in the group hindering our ability to complete a boss
2) me being the person in the group hindering our ability to complete a boss
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
Well you do have a goal, beating the Raid, why don’t you give it a go? Regardless the Mag Shards are not what unlock the Precursor Armour so your request will not get you what you want.
Thanks. I looked in the wiki over the weekend and didn’t quite understand what I’d need to get the armor..
..and yes, it is a goal to find 9 people to play with regularly. I think that’s harder than anything else I’ve done in the game.
It seemed easier to organize a Tequatl size party than 10 specialists.
Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192
I’m up to 7,589 hours and missed about 3 days since launch.
HoT is different than what I would have preferred, but it’s different.. and the difference has a lot of positive sides to it.
I do feel like there is a lot of “Wow-creep” in the game, probably because most of the talent pool has WoW/Blizzard history. Never played WoW, so maybe I am lucky to get a new style without the subscription overhead.
Anyhow… since we have the tool to convert one HoT map currency to another..
How about the opportunity to buy the currency (is it Mag shards?) that will go toward legendary, using the tokens from other maps?
I don’t really care if the exchange rate is usurious (if that’s not a word, I’m coining it now).
Even with all the hours I have in, finding 9 other players to consistently grind at the raid with is incompatible with my life schedule (who am I kidding, I have no life)
I’ve crafted 17 legendary weapons by myself — why am I restricted from legendary armor and back pieces?
Heck, even give me the crappy skin version.
But really, I suppose the stat swapping in PvE doesn’t make a speck of difference.. it’s just a goal.
I don’t feel like I have any goals in HoT.
(edited by Allisa Wonderland.8192)
There was a time when people were farming bags from each other at the starting point, but that was justifiably nerfed. I don’t recall if the chest was always a per account situation, but would be surprised if it was related to this.
Back in the good ol’ days, I ran the borderland puzzles every day, on all of my toons, to earn the badges I needed for my first two legendaries. That isn’t even an option, now.
I’m afraid of posting to Reddit because it seems to be the central rage machine, since PvP League started, and don’t want to attract that kind of feedback. The responses in this thread have been positively joyous to read, and well thought out.
It does feel sad to see all the traps, rusty from lack of use. I set the odd one of, just to remind myself what they do!
Any kind dev reading provide any input on whether ‘per character" is a possibility with the chest? It won’t reduce my interest in playing wvw, I swear.
There was a time when people were farming bags from each other at the starting point, but that was justifiably nerfed. I don’t recall if the chest was always a per account situation, but would be surprised if it was related to this.
Back in the good ol’ days, I ran the borderland puzzles every day, on all of my toons, to earn the badges I needed for my first two legendaries. That isn’t even an option, now.
I’m afraid of posting to Reddit because it seems to be the central rage machine, since PvP League started, and don’t want to attract that kind of feedback. The responses in this thread have been positively joyous to read, and well thought out.
It does feel sad to see all the traps, rusty from lack of use. I set the odd one of, just to remind myself what they do!
Any kind dev reading provide any input on whether ‘per character" is a possibility with the chest? It won’t reduce my interest in playing wvw, I swear.