Showing Posts For AntiGw.9367:

New database - nourishment items

in Community Creations

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


It’s down again, but still seems to be working in the archive:

I’ll check for missing items once it’s back up.

What if Crafting did not give XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Crafting gives XP because everything in the game gives XP. It rewards players who do a lot of crafting, letting them play how they like and still be on the same level with other players.

New database - nourishment items

in Community Creations

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Added cactus food, searchable by “account bound” (in drop downs or search box).

Technically there’s some irrelevant bread that’s also bound, but it’s not listed as such in my database so it doesn’t pollute the results.

New database - nourishment items

in Community Creations

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


I wasn’t very happy by the limitations of the Food article on the wiki, so I made a database that makes searching for the perfect food much easier. Enjoy

Guild Wars 2 Nourishment Database

You could have updated the article in the sandbox and submitted it for approval from the community. You still can do that if you wish.

Updating the official wiki is not the problem here. It’s that the best you can do on a vanilla wiki is a fancy table, and that does not work very well when you have almost 400 food items that you need to compare when you play.

Btw, one of the features of my database is an automatic creation of the tables of the official wiki, so anyone can update that article if he wants to (instructions here).

(edited by AntiGw.9367)

New database - nourishment items

in Community Creations

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


I have no experience in programming, but would like to ask, would it be possible for you to include price information along with each food?

I’ve seen some sites which use API ( though I do not know what does api stands for ) of gw2 to get the current prices of all items on tp, so is it possible for you to do the same, that feature would be awesome!

I once tried to figure out how to use API, but it’s beyond my skill. It shouldn’t be hard for someone who knows what he’s doing, but for me, this is probably the second most complicated Javascript project I’ve managed to make.

New database - nourishment items

in Community Creations

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Updated for Ferocity changes, made some minor fixes and additions. If anything is missing, you can let me know here.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


It’s elitist mentality like that driving people away from WvW also. No I don’t think only the PvPers should be allowed full access to a product. We spent the same amount of money on it, just because YOU play one way and I play another doesn’t make you any more worthy of a reward. Look at how WoW (yes WoW) did their legendaries. It was a group effort but not on the scale of WvW. Now I’m not saying all legendaries should only be obtainable in PvE, but rather it should accessible from both sides. Why not remove the map completion requirement and replace it with an item that can be obtained either through WvW/PvP or PvE. Not forcing us to do both in situations where the largest population of WvWers is not even enough to create an overflow.

You are allowed full access to everything in the game, just like everyone else. WvW is not the only way to get a legendary, you can buy one on TP.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


I’m sorry, “permitted”? As far as I know, I paid my $60, I’m permitted to do whatever I want in this game. And like I said previously in another reply, had you cared to read, I may very well try my hand at getting WvW completion one day. The problem is, people are viewing map completion as some grand right of passage into the mystical path of wonder that is WvW when I see more challenge in traversing Orr than I do in joining some huge mob of people destroying everything while “locating” a map that’s already been discovered for me. That’s not a challenge. Fighting Lupicus the way he’s intended (no zerker zerg) is a challenge. Soloing your first champ is a challenge. And to be fair, WvW can be challenging, I’m not saying it’s entirely simple. But what you and a lot of people don’t get is that a challenge of the magnitude people want for a legendary doesn’t have to be in WvW. You’re acting like anyone who doesn’t want to do it or can’t or don’t care aren’t worthy to get the achievement and that’s terribly closed-minded and conceited.

To answer your question though, I just care about it. Map completion is fun, and I find it challenging to venture into some of the higher level areas. I dislike that that sense of achievement is degraded in WvW to hoping for a zerg and if not, taking off all your armor so it doesn’t break and trying again and again to avoid the same 20 people.

Yes, permitted. They could have easily been account-bound on crafting. Legendaries are reserved for the few people that put in the extra effort.

Reality check, legendaries should go to the most deserving players. Who is more deserving? Players whose highest achievement is running up to a PoI in an unchallenging environment? Or players that can also excel in the competitive scene?

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


You don’t naturally deserve map completion, you don’t naturally deserve a legendary.

Those things have a high difficulty attached to them. They are restricted to only a few players that can fulfill the requirements and are willing to put in a lot of effort. One of the requirements is having enough patience to sit through several WvW cycles.

That’s intentional, it’s good design, it works fine.

It’s completely narrow minded posts like that this that get tiresome to read. Why should I be restricted from something I would like to work for, simply because I don’t like one particular aspect of the game? Why should I also be hindered because my server can’t muster the numbers to spare so I can capture a few out of the way keeps/towers? Also sit through several cycles? I’ve been sitting for months now. I need green side map completion and it’s never going to happen because of the ridiculous way they made the colors score exclusive. I have put in a quite a bit of work for my rewards. I did all of the mundane heart quests, visited all of the out of the way POIs in Lanar’s, grabbed all of the points and SPs in Orr. Why should we then have to rely on the cooperation of hundreds of other players for one personal reward. The system is not fine. It’s broken. If it was “fine” there wouldn’t so many complaints about it.

Mundane heart quests are not considered to be enough for prestige items like legendaries. You want to be rewarded top dollar for doing things that require no real effort.

Transfer to a different server if you really can’t rally your own, then transfer back. What, you also want to get the legendary without paying the gold for it?

On the contrary: I’m actually working towards buying my legendary at the moment. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear when I said “I don’t expect anyone to hand me my legendary or my map completion”. Let me rephrase:

I would gladly rally and regroup as many times as necessary, but I think you’re missing the point. I can do this until my character is sick from teleporting so much, but at the end of the day, there’s no way I’m making it into some of those keeps in this lifetime unless I want to maybe try to wave around or beg the 25 people chomping at the bit to kill me for some points to let me through. You must not be on a low pop server to assume that rallying and teleporting is even a viable option. Of course, you must also have a ton of money to assume that changing servers is even a viable option.

Besides all that, who says the only way map completion is challenging enough to warrant deserving a legendary has to be in WvW? Southsun Cove exists. And I’m sorry, but map completion isn’t the only thing you need to do for a legendary, it’s only one very small piece. It’s not like I can get 100% on the map and get a message that says “Congratulations! You’re awesome, so here’s a free Kudzu!”

If you are working towards buying it, why are you here complaining about the WvW requirement? Buying them is permitted specifically for players like yourself who can’t make one themselves.

My server has been in many tiers, from top to bottom. Rallying is definitely a viable option (as shown by some dedicated members of my community). Changing colors is the least of the things that you can accomplish with your low pop.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


You don’t naturally deserve map completion, you don’t naturally deserve a legendary.

Those things have a high difficulty attached to them. They are restricted to only a few players that can fulfill the requirements and are willing to put in a lot of effort. One of the requirements is having enough patience to sit through several WvW cycles.

That’s intentional, it’s good design, it works fine.

It’s completely narrow minded posts like that this that get tiresome to read. Why should I be restricted from something I would like to work for, simply because I don’t like one particular aspect of the game? Why should I also be hindered because my server can’t muster the numbers to spare so I can capture a few out of the way keeps/towers? Also sit through several cycles? I’ve been sitting for months now. I need green side map completion and it’s never going to happen because of the ridiculous way they made the colors score exclusive. I have put in a quite a bit of work for my rewards. I did all of the mundane heart quests, visited all of the out of the way POIs in Lanar’s, grabbed all of the points and SPs in Orr. Why should we then have to rely on the cooperation of hundreds of other players for one personal reward. The system is not fine. It’s broken. If it was “fine” there wouldn’t so many complaints about it.

Mundane heart quests are not considered to be enough for prestige items like legendaries. You want to be rewarded top dollar for doing things that require no real effort.

Transfer to a different server if you really can’t rally your own, then transfer back. What, you also want to get the legendary without paying the gold for it?

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Please excuse any rudeness, perceived or otherwise. I have a bit of a migraine, so it’s not intentional, I promise!

I’m also going to be as brief as possible. Frankly, I’m sick of being told what to do, by devs who say this tactic is suitable because some people on high pop servers enjoyed being “encouraged” to join WvW, and by WvWers who insist that it’s simple enough to follow a zerg and get what I need. Devona’s Rest doesn’t have zergs. We have militias. Nor can I take my guild of largely newbies to the game and expect to have any more success. I don’t belong to a large guild—in fact I run my own for people still learning the game. It isn’t as simple as you all are pretending it is. Maybe on Tarnished Coast this is little more than another challenge on the path to glory, but on DR it’s a hellish experience of either getting steamrolled by a group of people glitching through the gates because there’s so many of them, or waiting months or even years for DR to actually take something I need. Yeah, that sounds like a whoooole lot of fun, guys. I think I’ll go do that right now.

I’m also sick of the argument that suggests that PvEers should suck it up because WvWers have to do a great deal of PvE. Seriously? That’s just insulting. And hypocritical to boot. The same people who say skritt like this are the people who berate PvEers because they aren’t being coerced. Well who’s coercing you into doing PvE? No one said you had to level characters or do jumping puzzles or complete the explorer achievements. You’re scaled to 80 in both PvP and WvW, so you can just go and do that without doing anything else. You see how ridiculous that sounds? We feel the same way. But you know why it’s different? Because WvW and PvP aren’t huge parts of GW 2! You can play the game without even setting foot there! However, as a game that is obviously mostly PvE, that part is at least a little bit required. So yeah, the fact that one of the achievements we look forward to getting on our own like the other 95% kind of ticks us off.

You don’t naturally deserve map completion, you don’t naturally deserve a legendary.

Those things have a high difficulty attached to them. They are restricted to only a few players that can fulfill the requirements and are willing to put in a lot of effort. One of the requirements is having enough patience to sit through several WvW cycles.

That’s intentional, it’s good design, it works fine.

Make minis more desirable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Are you deleting your own posts to bump a topic.

LFG list duration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


I think changing an area removes it or something similar. There’s no time limit that I’m aware of.

For the people that want to get stepped on.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Wait, this thread is still here? Hahahahaha!
All is vain.

The Langoliers seem to have swallowed the first post. The rest will soon follow.

Nerf zerker? Really?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


It’s entirely wrong. People don’t play pvt because they “can’t actively mitigate”.

Then please give an alternate reason.

They want a different type of experience from the game, obviously.

Nerf zerker? Really?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Which is entirely correct. Bad players can’t actively mitigate so they rely on passive mitigation, good players can rely on their own skill. However we aren’t asking for PVT to be removed, we just want PVT users to read our lfgs and not join them.

It’s entirely wrong. People don’t play pvt because they “can’t actively mitigate”.

For the people that want to get stepped on.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


What’s the point of letting this stay open if the OP has been infracted? :x


Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


As has already been pointed out these types of threads pop up occasionally, as people only want the easy option. Its exactly the same as the thirst slayer achievement topic that surfaces from time to time, ’ ohhh booo hooo, I dont want to press the mouse button 100, 000 times, how can i do it the easy way’—-simple answer is, you cant, work for it!

The problem is, that you’re trying to justify an inconvenience, by saying it’s challenging. On the contray. There is nothing challenging about waiting, literally for months, for a chance at getting a POI.

A lot of fanboys in here are forgetting, that it was easier during the first few months, before they changed WvW into a ranking system. Now it’s much harder, because the matches are way more balanced, and it comes down to a chance of RNG, and not skill.

There’s nothing challenging about WAITING. Your problem is that you are trying to make a legendary by waiting, like you did the other 95% of the map.

Get a group together to conquer a keep. Next day, get a group to conquer another keep. Any server can conquer one keep.

Nerf zerker? Really?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


About time they did something about zerkers.

Map Completion - Metrics on Player Anger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Most people who don’t see it as a problem either are from a server that constantly switch colors or are in a dominating server, it’s not so funny when your server is locked with certain color for months.

Iv been in that position, had to wait weeks for SM to flip, and I am sure others have been in exactly the same position.

As has already been pointed out these types of threads pop up occasionally, as people only want the easy option. Its exactly the same as the thirst slayer achievement topic that surfaces from time to time, ’ ohhh booo hooo, I dont want to press the mouse button 100, 000 times, how can i do it the easy way’—-simple answer is, you cant, work for it!

I’m not asking for an easy option, there’s just no way to “work for it”. If you think WvW is about skill or hard work you obviously never played WvW, it’s all about numbers, you cannot beat a stacked server and there’s no workaround, their EBG towers and keep will never flip unless they want you to have them (never).

I had to wait two months at 99% just to get 1 vista, I enjoyed WvW before that, but during those two months I hated every second I spent hoping that my server could get the green keep in EBG (this was during S1) – it simply cannot happen when you’re outnumbered no matter the time of the day.

Like I said in the other thread, people who play in servers that a) is always dominant in a match up or b) constantly switch colors shouldn’t have a say in this topic, you haven’t experienced real frustration, you have no idea what you’re blabbering here.

My server has been fighting in multiple tiers (including top) since launch, and rarely was it unable to do at least something on any map.

If you want the reward, stop making excuses and go do something to get it.

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.

That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.


We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.

Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.

Nobody is interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”.

You must not be read my entire post. You didn’t quote it all, let me try again.

That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.”

Seems to me, this person believes they can be “ganked” with out consenting to a duel. Or am I interpreting this wrong?

The forum removes nested quotes.

You are jumping at his use of the word “gank” and try to argue semantics.

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


That’s actually reasonable, for how duels should work. Which means the pro-duelist crowd won’t like it, since they can’t gank folks who don’t want to duel.

That’s not open world dueling, that’s an open pvp server. This thread is about the ability to challenge someone to a duel, not the ability to have a free for all.


We aren’t even debating the same issue because of semantics. Some people are interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”, when they are two completely different things.

Dueling involves consent, if you do not want to duel, then don’t. Seems simple to me.

Nobody is interpreting “Dueling” as “Open World PvP”.

When will we see dueling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


I hope it never happens in GW2.

PvP was separated from the rest of the world for very good reasons. This was one of the major selling points of the game. This is part of why I bought it, and this is why many other people bought it.

So after Scarlet is discarded...

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


… onto the compost heap.

Are we going to get SAB returning shortly after?

Because lets be honest. This is the only living world update the majority of people enjoyed.

Actually, we have metrics on every LW release. While SAB was indeed successful in terms of participation, so were the other releases (Scarlet ones included). I understand that forum feedback can color perception on which releases were the most popular/best received/most enjoyed but opinions on this are largely anecdotal. Please keep that in mind.

Now to your question: will we see a return of SAB? That’s not for me to say, but if it were to come back, what would people like to see from it? Harder/easier content? New world? More/no Moto story?

Or would you like future LW releases to cover other topics? Share your thoughts, but please keep it constructive. Thanks.

I wouldn’t recommend putting SAB back into the game. It was great, let’s keep it that way. If you keep milking it, it will just get stale.

Carpet Bombing of Divinity's Reach&Aftermath

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Where does she put the 50 airships?

Make minis more desirable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


This sounds more like Pokemon, and not GW2. I think it’s a bad idea.

Stop merging parties in LFG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Please add button: “I allow to merge my party” or something.

Should this be added to the long list of buttons, menus and checkboxes that only several people want to be added to the tool? Sure, let’s add like 20 buttons to it, that’s gonna make it better…

Wait for them to improve the current merge options, or simply don’t use the tool if you don’t want to be merged with.

on a mission to get Zap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


For the love of all that is good, do NOT use the forge. At first you’ll throw in a couple rares, and then you’ll move on to exotics, and before you know it, you have thrown in your firstborn child, your wife, and the deed to your house….. all for the sake of a slim chance to see a precursor.

Does my wife have a better chance than a random rare?

The Significance of Scarlet Briar

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


I googled “Book of what not to do in Storytelling”. Lots of interesting reads.

Scarlet =/= The Joker

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


She does seem to somehow have access to a ton of stuff, without anyone noticing.

I mean, irl you can’t become a half-decent hacker without ending up on a bunch of intelligence lists. Or develop WMDs without someone blowing you up. That’s the equivalent of what Scarlet is doing.

A story about Serpents and in-game editors

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


3) The one winner would discourage participation. (I’m less likely to win, I won’t play. )

It would discourage quality participation. There would be no shortage of crap.

Think talent shows.

GW2 & its language discrimination

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Probably mostly because it costs money to hire people to regulate and maintain several languages.

what is there to maintain ? all they have to do is put the numerics in so that the game accepts them(doesn’t show up blank in-game), they’re basically blocking the alphabets because they can’t handle people saying things that they can’t understand

More to the point, they cannot moderate what they can’t understand. Suppose someone sent them a report on offensive language in chat, and they have seen something written in cyrilic. They’d need to have someone on staff able to read it.

That’s not a reason at all.

English characters are used all the time instead of native ones, so you still can’t moderate anything unless you speak the language.

It definitely is a reason. You can’t block communications entirely, sure, but it provably diminishes the frequency of communication in an unsupported language.

If you call throwing the baby out with the water a reason, sure…

GW2 & its language discrimination

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Probably mostly because it costs money to hire people to regulate and maintain several languages.

what is there to maintain ? all they have to do is put the numerics in so that the game accepts them(doesn’t show up blank in-game), they’re basically blocking the alphabets because they can’t handle people saying things that they can’t understand

More to the point, they cannot moderate what they can’t understand. Suppose someone sent them a report on offensive language in chat, and they have seen something written in cyrilic. They’d need to have someone on staff able to read it.

That’s not a reason at all.

English characters are used all the time instead of native ones, so you still can’t moderate anything unless you speak the language.

You need to improve teamwork in this game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Trinity means mandatory roles, not teamwork. Teamwork simply means people working together towards a common goal.

Dungeons are short and random, so any teamwork in them is less organized and based more on intuition, but it’s there.

WvW is a longer commitment, and you’ll see a lot deeper organization and more advanced forms of teamwork in there (especially if you hop onto your server’s teamspeak/vent server).

GuildWars 2 Needs a DarkTide server

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


So basically what you want is WvW, only in more areas.


Um, yes. What you describe is WvW, only in more areas. And with an idiotic item dropping on death mechanic.

No. World vs World is server vs server. Server 1 vs Server 2.

What the OP is describing is Guild vs Guild on ONE server. And there wouldn’t just be 3 guilds going at it.

There would be no safe keep if what I’m reading is correct. No where that you didn’t have a chance of getting killed if you weren’t paying attention.

While it wouldn’t be a server I’d be interested in, I wouldn’t be opposed to such a server being added. Maybe make it guest only. That way players aren’t locked out of WvW or risk 3 servers with low population since WvW has to work with a multiple of 3 servers.

Those are just grouping/balancing mechanics.

This suggestion is nothing more than the same sPvP/WvW we already have, only on more maps…

GuildWars 2 Needs a DarkTide server

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


So basically what you want is WvW, only in more areas.


Um, yes. What you describe is WvW, only in more areas. And with an idiotic item dropping on death mechanic.

GuildWars 2 Needs a DarkTide server

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


So basically what you want is WvW, only in more areas.

Can Guild Wars 2 be considered Pay-to-Win?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Also, I would like to point out that Ascended and Legendary Gear only provides about a 5% bonus to a player characters vital stats when compared to Exotic Gear. That is not enough to be considered a “Significant” bonus. At least not when compared to the large gap in power between a Perfect World International Player who is wearing a full set of Rank 9 Second Recast Armor with Interval Stats, when compared to a player who is simply wearing Standard Rank 9 Armor.

The fact that one can obtain more significant advantage in another game does not make 5% not significant here.

5% is not significant enough to be considered p2w. It’s a minimal difference that gives a fairly equal chance to win.

p2w means you have minimal chance to win against someone with a bigger wallet, if you have a chance at all. p2w means anything from 30-50% difference in power to outright one-shotting of non-paying players.

Am I the only Player that Likes Scarlet?

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


The more QQ there is about her on the boards the more I like her.

It seems ANet has inadvertently created an amazing meta-villain. Scarlet is a more effective villain outside the game than she is within it.

No, an effective villain is someone like Darth Vader. He’s bad, and everyone wants to be like him.

Or Voldemort. He’s bad, and everyone wants to stop him. Still, nobody wants him to be erased from the Harry Potter universe.

Scarlet? She shouldn’t be in the game, period.

Who is at fault?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


“In the wrong” in what way exactly?

Selling dungeons is not supported by, so anything you do in that sense is “at your own risk”.

All three cases are griefing, and the guys that join are real scum. Still, the dungeons are not owned by you, and if the party does not agree with your way of running it you can’t have a dungeon run. If you let griefers into your party, you can expect to be griefed.

Simply run dungeons with friends you can trust and forget the whole selling thing.

Am I the only Player that Likes Scarlet?

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


The hatred for Scarlet is over exaggerated. She isn’t that bad.

Look, the only way for her to be worse would be if she was sparkling.

GW2 Story Telling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Scarlet joins the army of Rita clones, right after Maghda…

Too many mats, and no sink for it.

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


They usually add item sinks in various updates (like in bazaar update which destroyed a ton of mats).

118 migration videos submitted.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


What is the point of this? They seem to be marketing to people who already have the game…to make a stupid video…to get a second copy of the game? I’m not sure how these “migration” videos will reach or convince anyone who does not already own Gw2. If the contest rewarded gems, rather than a second account, they may have seen more participation.

If you give a free copy to a friend before Christmas, he might buy tons of gems.

Scarlet needs to go. Now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


No, no, no, not like this, this needs to be done correctly.

Update 1: Scarlet opens a rift to

I’m bored already…

Leaving for 2 Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


So… You make this thread about you leaving for 2 years but don’t share with us where are you going? How rude >:-/

Haha, I actually don’t know where I’m going yet. It’s for church business so I could be sent anywhere in the world. And the technology I mentioned is because the church has strict rules on when/where/why I can use technology. I’m hoping I’ll be sent to Africa or somewhere in Europe.

Please go to Africa. We have plenty of churches in Europe.

Bandits riding Centaurs!

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Way to generalise, DarcShriek:

As has been observed, bandits and centaurs are already working together. Keep in mind that many of the “bandits” are not truly bandits per se, but are agents of political factions both within and without Kryta (the ministry and White Mantle respectively) that are trying to destabilise the monarchy.

Some of the strongest Scarlet hate is coming from the players with the most investment in the game’s lore, and with good reasons.

Word of dev, though, is that Scarlet has no connection to the factions active in Kryta – her antics in the Jubilee were pretty much just her taking a break from her long-term plans to cause a little mayhem, not part of her plans. There’d probably be more respect for Scarlet and her place in the world if she was connected to the political factions in Kryta.

I don’t think her relationships with factions are the problem. Scarlet has no connection to anything, because the writers simply inserted her into the game out of the blue, and are making kitten up as they go along to justify it.

Bandits riding Centaurs!

in Living World

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Maybe if centaurs were riding bandits…

Wondering about first person mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


Can you imagine using Whirling Wrath in first person mode?

Best way to lose your breakfast.

Happiness makes you rich!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


It’s a simple fact: happy people spend more money! If a company makes me happy in any ways, i am more likely to give them money in hopes to increase or sustain my happiness even further.

It actually works the other way around. Happier population spends less money overall.