Showing Posts For Asmodal.6489:

Should Mug be able to crit?

in Thief

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


In the grand scheme of things I’d say allow mug to crit again, BUT remove the ability to crit from bound.

wouldn’t matter to me. people would pair it with vault, sigil of air+fire and abuse the hell out of it anyway. The potential for an insane telport burst is just too high.

Condition Pressure

in Ranger

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Here’s a question to throw out there, what would happen if you tried using a SB on a power build with S/A or GS on swap? I know the actual raw damage is pretty low but if you actually pushed it up with power and still get the bleeding damage albeit very modest bleeding damage.

I tried a build like that with high boon duration an quickness. it does work but its not really great. having a SB condi build like yours with high condi stats and a mesmer that gives 100% quickness uptime is the best dps that ranger can achieve as afaik.

Condition Pressure

in Ranger

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


well I get the swiftness from warhorn + heal (wish that would be more then 3 secs – 10s like might would be awsome) + chose target for bird, attack and stow after it casts swiftness. infight you are covered anyways through dodges. cover conditions are neither here nor there. bleed will always be the last in and the first out. they can clear them but they get new ones right after. its the same as in your build you need to fen out the condis and maybe find a burst option to drain them over their clearing capacity.

Condition Pressure

in Ranger

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


On the premise of not using torch – sigil of bursting for example is not doing a lot for you. also trying to get 100% condi duration is kinda lost in this build. for what? the 5- 10 stacks of poison from whi 2 are not even affected by your duration? the few cripples? you got. they are long enough without it. If you shoot for 100% bleed duration and around 50% for everything else you will be fine imo.

you are already running two survival skills. poison master (which does not affect your pet) is not so great compared to WK. Especially because you can ditch the heal trap for survival heal. In combo with durids live vicariously you get a 1k heal/ps +2 sec condi clear and you do not have to stand in on place to take advantage of it. my guess is you chose this heal simply because you wanted to make mor use of yout trap trait. just ditch the heal and the trap trait and take sharpened edges + WK. you be off much better with a good supply of fury and around 60-70% crit chance you are looking at a better overall dps increase.

also sigils: 6% damage increase on 150 bleed tick is pretty pathetic to waste a sigil slot for. yes it adds up but only if you get 25 might stacks. one has to go imo for sigil of corruption.

Overall I think you would go better with not trying to get as much condi damage and duration as possible (except for bleeds). you will be a bit mor flexible.

this is what i am running.. different concept really but can generate 2300 condi damage on its own and around 40 bleed stacks very fast.

Symbols should not be static on the ground

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Still for mace i woul love to get mace 2 removed… skill does nothing usefull for gurdian or its allies and neither is a threat for the target.

ähm… no?

mace 2 has a traited uptime of 95% can provide a around 500 hp/s in comboed with AH, triggers passiv VoJ more often then any other weapon when fighting 2+ enemies, it can burn, cast vurnability and is basically a 7%10%10% damage modifier in itself and 17% for anything else.

how is that nothing?

not sure if I want the new 25% movement speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


If its not a trait I do not want it.

retreat is a very good utility with many uses and synergies. Why would I want something that competes with a probably superior utility that gives more speed?

Dhuumfire Build: What do you think

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


People typically run Lingering Curse for its scepter duration base increase. Bleed stacking dwarfs Necromancer’s other conditions in overall dps.

To take advantage of LC, though, means dropping one of your other trait lines.

yeah but I did not want to go the common curses/reaper/soul reaping path. I do feelt it is as much fun. I need to reach like 30-35 bleedstacks to go above this builds dps – which is quite easily possible but takes a while.

thanks for your input

Dhuumfire Build: What do you think

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Auto attack in shroud while on staff
Runes can be changed to whatever you like but Balthazar runes are a waste compared to one sigil of smoldering

The might on crit food is redundant with spite.
Remove spite if someone around you gives might

I understand your suggestions but it takes me to far away from my build idea without really gaining that much of a dps boost.

reason is that the might on crit food is not redundant. I do realize that I go over the 25 stacks in seconds. Its for blighters boon. The balthazar runes close the gap caused by my food choice. A smoldering sigil in addition slows the might generation down thus you will drop out of shroud earlier.

but you gave me sone stiff to think about.

thnak you.

Dhuumfire Build: What do you think

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I am having a lot of fun with this build clearing dungeons and soloing a lot of HP for lolz:

This build basically tries to stay in shroud 100% of the time while dealing damage through Dhuumfire (I like condi more) and is overall a standard build that focuses on survival and lifeforce generation as soon as you drop shorud.

I am new to necro so this might be the general concept of any reaper build these days. however I have not seen it really combined with dhuumfire and the dumplings that give might without an internal CD.

i also picked decimate defense because this build stacks vurnability extremely fast pushin me close to 100% crit chance. which means i get a lot more boons from my food then from chilling victory.

Adding in warhorn and axe is for extreme lifeforce reg so I enter it at 100% all the time even against one opponent.

this built can avoid the natural shroud decay against multiple opponents.

So what do you think?

OpenWorld: PVE Domination Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Great time spent on that build and post.

GW2 PVE requires simply Power to overcome fast and efficient any engagement with open world content. Marauder will help with some extra Health Points.

You can do 100% map completion easily with Exotic Zerker Gear (now Marauder if you want some extra Vitality).

Your play style should simply give you the upper in any encounter.

you can solo champions, even in new maps, adjust your build slightly but with the OP build it will take ages. I completed all new HOT map in Marauder Ascended Gear + Traveller Runes + Zerker/Celestial Trinkets. Greatsword/Longbow

I like the idea behind that build tho, could be good WvW build.

Alternatively, have all Celestial, beside weapons, it will give you all the support you need. Always good to have a heavy Ascended Cele Set in the bank.

It does not take as long as you might think. Through the food and blocks you are generating quite some might against multiple enemies. I also started using empowering might which is good for a constant 5 stacks of might. With that I am able to burst a dragons Maw > procession of blades with 25 might stacks easily. dropping test of faith and pushing enemies out right after dragons maw ended gets you places.

overall i just dig the block and interrupt management to keep you safe and get those mights stacks up. The build requires a very active playstyle to reach its full potential.

yes there are other builds that achieve higher damage numbers a lot easier but you just can not do the same things I can with this build.

I am just an old face tanking fart, even ditched the hammer:

OpenWorld: PVE Domination Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I do not rly understand the reason behind such a build.

Is it for bad players who can´t stay alive in the jungle with a more useful (to others) build? Or just for fun soloplay for the lazy people?

did you do/read more then click on the build link? if not maybe go back and do that. thank you.

OpenWorld: PVE Domination Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


What armor set do you use? All Marauder or also something else? I’m abit torn at the moment to craft a Marauder set or a Celestial set and would love your input on it. I know the dps output would be lower, but you would get more stats since the celestial set has like 20-30 more stats than the Marauder at least when I compared the shoulders, and if it is 20×6 then it would mean you get 120 more stat points, even some might be relatively useless in this build. But I like to have more toughness, healing power and some condition for those burns. Hope to hear from you and thanks for a cool build Best regards, Henrik

Hi there,

I switched the build up to full marauder and use it in WvWvW roaming with quite somes success (however I use longbow instead of hammer).

I would not go fo celestial because it decreases your damage output to an unberable amount. the stat gain throug celestial is okay but in areas where you do not need them. 120 stat points means 25 damage or so on a burn tick – which you do not produce. there is no need for thoughness becasue you run with quite an uptime on protection and on shield you have aron 2.6k. due to the many blocks you looking at 350 healing on avrage. that is enough.

You could go even more tankier but I found that to be boring.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


to me, it’s you. :-)

I find guardian/DH a lot of fun with a lot of tools to face any situation. As revenant I feel pigeonholed in 3 traitlines and AA.

How far guardians have fallen

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I still have a lot of fun and win more then I lose. And I do carry my team half of those wins – obviously.

DH in Ranked

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


+ 8 in a row win streak at the moment with my DH bunker.
+ Necros are an issue.
+ Added condi cleanse sigils
+ Done with amber. Now emerald. Need to see if my build holds up

(edited by Asmodal.6489)

Question to Community: Shield & Block?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Personally I think we have more then enough blocks. Shield #5 for me is fine as is .. I rather have the low cool down on the push back since it is more relevant for pvp and it aligns better with test of faith and purging flames.

If shield #5 gets a buff I would rather see the heal reworked to provide 3 secs of of resistance or have the detonate act as a shout which would be affected by pure of voice. the heal alone is nothing worthwhile.

Interrupting Shield of Courage

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I feel “all the time” is pushing it a bit…

Guard Vs unblockable

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Shelter really is no option anymore however heal trap is far superior anyways imo.
Fat heal, interrupt, blind, regeneration plus you can pre-place it getting a 6k+ hp advantage when defending points.

I chose the same path as Dman. If the enemy loads up on unblockable I overload on blocks. I will only be removed from point via heavy and well timed focus from 2+ with my current pvp build.

Due to menders amulet I am very well capable of winning 1on1 against non bunkers.
Test of faith is also no joke in this – or any – build since it can also pre-placed and layed down for 15secs of protection. add in shield #4 twice and you are close to another test of faith trap for long protection uptime. add in a condition free 10% reduction to damage and you can withstand a lot of hurt. FMW is basically a absolute resoultion that will heal you for a bit as well.

its not superb but hard to crack.

(edited by Asmodal.6489)

Bring back a cool S/S guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I’m curious now about the possibility of staff in a permeating wrath build for clearing trash in PvE. If you have enough targets, it should trigger Permeating Wrath once on every wave.

it triggers more often. you will run supreme justice as well and slap a sigil of fire on that. for potential 3 activation on one strike. add in rune of the mad king (3 birds, 16 hits each), Dragons Maw, smite conditions, JI and test of faith and you have all the tools needed to cause a load of hits. I managed to rack up 20+ burn stacks on 5 targets doing that. Its glorious but also very much easymode.

Is that Ironic...

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


its DragonHUNTER … not Slayer

we are doomed to hunt for all eternity

OpenWorld: PVE Domination Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I really like the look of this build, and am going to try to work towards it on my newly-80 Guardian. I’m still a huge noob, so I have a few questions I’m hoping someone can answer…

1) What would you recommend changing while working up to Dragonhunter stuff?

Until you running HoT maps I would go zeal or virtues. Zeal brings a lot of damage, virtues too but not as much – yet you get more utility. If condi cleanse is an issue (which is mostly not in open world pve) go virtues for sure.

2) It looks like a lot of the build activates on “blocks.” Again, I’m a noob, so how does that work exactly in play? In particular, does Aegis count as a “block” for activating these traits and effects and such?

Yes. Each removed aegis counts as a block as well as Mace #3 and the shield from F3. there are some skills that say they block but dont. Sword #3 ord Shield#5 (which says absorbs iirc but which is not blocking). Important to know is that a block with mace #3 would also remove the aegis without granting two blocks.

3) I don’t have access to the listed Superior Sigils, what would you recommend instead?

To be honest I will probably move away from the might sigils. the duration is too short and the heal is not that great. the leech is still quite nice against multiple enemies.

I would probably recommend dps sigils. there are no really good boon sigils. So sigil of air and sigil of fire are good choices. Also nice is sigil of hydromancy for damage and a little extra breathing room.

Support Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I run this with the new amulet power/vitality/precision/healing amulet. Depending on the opponent I swap staff for S/F or LB. Test of faith can get swapped for fragements of faith. The protection on test of faith is very nice though.

Tanky Dragon Hunter?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I run this with the new amulet power/vitality/precision/healing amulet. Depending on the opponent I swap staff for S/F or LB. Test of faith can get swapped for fragements of faith. The protection on test of faith is very nice though.

Tanky Dragon Hunter?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I run this with the new amulet power/vitality/precision/healing amulet. Depending on the opponent I swap staff for S/F or LB. Test of faith can get swapped for fragements of faith. The protection on test of faith is very nice though.

OpenWorld: PVE Domination Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489



all relevant points I do switch to zeal when I am in a more group oriented environment since valor really is sustain overload. however the might generation off block is nothing to frown upon since they last quite a bit and the two condi remove on heal is something I would miss a lot.

scepter is only relevent when doing Champs/legends which I do switch too (or LB)

I am torn on retreat – yes I would not need it but really it is an awsome utility in this this build.

  • Swiftness
  • 2 Stacks of might
  • 2s regeneration
  • One nearly on demand condi cleanse
  • A total heal of 1.4k+ (factoring in the heals from AH for 4 boons)
  • A block
  • Recharging passiv F1

I do not really mind the 50% swiftness uptime. If breakbar killer is needed yes I do switch for signet.

But I think its safe to say that the build can be modulated quite well. however i feel that is the strong side of GUards/DH anyways we can bring very good and specialized tools for any task.

Pure of Heart and Retreat

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


pure of heart healing can already get stupidly high if you spec for it. The base is a little underwhelming and could be higher but the coeficent should not change. same goes for selfless daring (and even more so)

OpenWorld: PVE Domination Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Hi there,

I wanted to share a build with you that brings me a lot of joy in a “game mode” many consider easy mode face roll and what not. To clarify the purpose of this build and why I use it or why I enjoy it.

It relaxes me to walk alone through Dragon Strand on an inactive map, looking for some pods and taking on the roaming 3-mob-groups. Not one of them but two or three at a time. While collecting mats, doing some minor events, enjoying my nicely styled norn and outliving every fool around me. HoT maps raised the stakes for open world pve a little bit to “you actually have to pay attention”. I also like taking whole forts in SW by myself and defending them as long as I can.

I am pretty sure others enjoy it too because I see many people do it too. So If you find yourself doing the same as I this build might be for you. The build was partially inspired by the new dps meta for DH and Boott’s and woodden potatoes Bad Build GW2 Webcast Series (Interrupt Spam Thief), which I strongly recommend.

What does this build do very well?

  1. Tanking bosses and high amounts mobs while dealing good (not excellent) damage
  2. Maintaining 6-8 stacks of might
  3. Building spikes of 25 might in multiple ways
  4. Sustained healing overload
  5. from 10hHP to full self heal capabilities
  6. Sustained damage and spike damage options
  7. Rewards intelligent gameplay

What does it use that is not even remotely neccessary or a good dps choice?

  1. Rune of the defender (moar aegis, moar heal, moar boooonz!)
  2. Sigil of Ruthlessness (5 stacks of might on interrupt, no ICD, mooaaaar booonz)
  3. Sigil of Draining (1.1k steal life on interrupt, no ICD, moaaar heal)
  4. Some Marauder Gear (cuz’ OMG so much healz)

The basic idea

You generate boons – and through AH – healing in everthing you do while putting down symbols and whacking away with occasional trap drops to interrupt enemies generating even more boons and damage though the sigils which have no intenal CD.

  1. each block generates 2sec of regeneration and 2stacks of might: 210 healing
  2. each aegis block adds 800 (more likely 1k) healing to that.
  3. each block causes F1 passiv recharge which is often utilized through symbols
  4. every thrid crit generates might, no ICD: each one 75hp
  5. interrupting a foe with Dragons maw give 15 stacks of might and added 1k damage: 2k+ heals which increases with every enemy interrupted by 1.4k
  6. interrupting with test of faith, and interupting again with shield #5 is a 10k plus combo on potentially multiple targets which also heals for 2.5k+
  7. my heal interrupts, blinds, cures 2 condis, deals damage, gives regeneration, aegis – which again heals
  8. two overlapping symbols + AA for nice PBAOE Damage

The Build

Crazy ideas and burns welcome.
Have fun.

Guardian hammer - Feedback

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


People asking for a hammer dps increase should note that the current meta dps build with the highest sustained damage for DHs uses Hammer. The being said the rotation is quite simple and shows the true problem. because the rotation is 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1n …

I think our AA is good as it is. swing 1 and 2 could be a lillte faster but 3 gets a good effect for its duration and you can easily skip it if you do not want it or the situation forbids it.

Mighty blow is good too. yes damage could be higher but you can not overlook that it is a blast finisher on a 6 seond CD which can even be lowered. The only thing I would like to see is ot give it a tad more range. maybe 50 or so. The animation looks so powerful but it feels that you try to jump far but cant.

This skill bothers me the most. So easy to dodge, slow, immob. can be effective but it needs a bit more. either in terms of support or CC. I would opt for 3 secs of stability for you and every ally in its path. Offensiv wise I could see a 3 stacks of 8 secs of torment. added. A daze would also be cool t ad to the CC natrue of the weapon. In general the projectile should be faster or it should send three chains that are homing.

Keep the CD and make it unblockable and I am good with it (hibernation cracker). The launch distange is hugh and it kills breakbars nicely. Banish should be uncompromising banishing.

so many option…

Reduce the casttime to 1/2s.
Make instant and a stun break – increase CD
Make it slow people during the current casttime
Lose the root

guardian is a glow-worm

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


it’s your elite

Dragonhunter shield?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


shield is a very decent option for bunker DH in PvP.
you need it to push people of points, the group projectile defense is very underated as well, most people tend to pop it too fast.

Bow Of Truth is the worst skill of them all.

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


- All SW need to be cast instantly
- OR activate their command upon summoning right away
- SW should attack right away and spawn next to the target IF you have a target IF not they spawn next to you as is

The SW Mastery should be moved to Radiance and swap with Radiant Retaliation. This would create an actual build option utilizing shattered aegis, AH, and SW Mastery to basically build your own allies to bounce of aegis and boons. while still maintaining a hard choice if you would go for SW burn build. Radiant retaliation (possibly buffed by a 33% retaliation damage modifier) makes much more sense in zeal to compliment Wrathful spirit, Kindled Zeal / GS Mastery (our only weapon that provides retaliation on its own(hammer combo aside)) and you could use it with perfect inscription.

I am not saying that this is a great build but would make way more sense.

As is retaliation might as well be removed from the game

(edited by Asmodal.6489)

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Another one here with 7:11:3:191:101. Log in and play for about 3 minutes and then it goes back to the character screen.

same issue here.

rooter restart, rebooting pc, turning of firewalls, disconnected every internet gadget… nothing helps. has been like this since three days. cant play at all because of it.

RIP hopes / guardian changes

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I do think that the mace mastry change will have quite an impact. It will at least on my build. a pretty much constant 250+ healing power with the new sage amulet is going to be pretty sweet. dialing it up to 500 is still only possible with DH F3 and RF but getting cleric heal values on dodges an aegis pops on an more offensive setup will be nice.

RIP hopes / guardian changes

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


puh…. sigil of energy change hits us hard other then that I am pleased. still work to do.

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


we are really finished this time around, aint we?

Depending on how hard ele, mes, rev, necro, and engi get nerfed, we might be getting the last nail in our collective coffins.

or we come out on top … but well.

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I need to jump in cause I do not understand

It’s a fact that guardian got the unique defensive buff instead of an offensive one.

what buff is this? and why is FMW not unique in its execution and characteristics? And how is this a fact?

It’s a fact FMW pales in comparison with chronomancer quickness even if we disregard the extremely broken chronomancer rune.

How is that a fact? FMW provides a lot more uptime of Group Quickness. If you are talking about personal quickness thats a different story but each tool has its uses.

Guardian provides more quickness than mesmer. Chronomancer provides A LOT more quickness than guardian. A dragonhunter does more personal damage than a chronomancer. Did you know Signet of Inspiration is a thing? That personal quickness on a chronomancer just became group quickness.

oh man I forgot about the signet. okay so I see the mesmer would stack as much quickness on him (probably with seize the moment, well and timewarp all at once?) and then spread it? I guess with boon duration maxed that could provide a 60% uptime of quickness if you build for it.

that is impressive… not to say its OP

Anyone still playing bunker guard in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Fun point holder build. Really have to pay attention to your Aegis, much like Bunker Down on Scrapper.

hmm well if you go this path why not use Magi amulet? you are not going to kill or contribute anways to dps.

combined with force of will, the sigil you reach 33% + outgoing healing.

add in invigotrating bulwark that will get all of your group regen totals up to something close to 1k heal per second. your dodge roll does 1.7k heals which is also pretty neat. combine it with wings of resolves 7k heal you can burst heal quite a bit.

however I think even with clerics this build does not contribute enough dps. you need to be able to inflict some kind of burst small at it may be – like 3k – to g vie the edge over a bunker. The build alsodoes not really contribute to group dps and I assume that becomes a problem if you do not win the first fights?

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I need to jump in cause I do not understand

It’s a fact that guardian got the unique defensive buff instead of an offensive one.

what buff is this? and why is FMW not unique in its execution and characteristics? And how is this a fact?

It’s a fact FMW pales in comparison with chronomancer quickness even if we disregard the extremely broken chronomancer rune.

How is that a fact? FMW provides a lot more uptime of Group Quickness. If you are talking about personal quickness thats a different story but each tool has its uses.

It’s a fact that it doesn’t bring a lot of other offensive buffs like fury and might.

28% fury uptime through FMW add in 30% through LoW+smiters Boon. this is not considering any boon duration. I think that is not not a lot … so where is that a fact?

A fact is that a guard has 6 useable shouts that can do certain things. Nothing becomes a fact just because you found three other peope that agree wit your opinion.

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I predict something in the line of:

+ increased internal CD for LB knockback
+ increased Trap CDs or remove of the daze (maybe the bleed comes back)
+ lowered trap damage
+ Slight TrueShot nerf (either damage od CD increase)

Nothing that we cant survive if they compensate for in other areas. I can only dream about them making signets and SW somewhere useful other then in open pve. As for the moment we have three utility lines that see little to no game play at all – that bothers me a lot.

I am with Obtena on the spirit weapons. They need their duration removed entirely imo and several other tweaks. GM Trait allocations are an issue as well.

I never understood how a trait like shattered aegis has to compete with SW Mastery – those would synergize very well.

Anyone still playing bunker guard in PvP?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I ran this all the way to ruby and I still do:

rune of leadership is a god options for runes as well. retreat is a matter of taste but I feel that it is more useful then HtL since I get Prot from many sources anyways. SYS is a death sentence if you do not use it with F3. you are not as supportive as other bunkers which is made up for by your ability to provide active blocking for team-members.

It works well for me. You need to know your strength and imo you are very versatile with the tools at hand.

Very important / good moves :

  • SYG+FMW+Empower for a good burst setup (obvious)
  • F3+FMW+SYG Rezzes to recharge your F3 right after.
  • F3+FMW+SYG to get tranquility or help a teammate get it
  • Timed shield knock back, line of warding and immo to knock of point and keep them out
  • engage an enemy point with a target on it. F1 to pull them off place line of warding to cut off the path to the point for fast decap. push back with shield to take it.
  • Test of faith push and pull tactics
  • F1 pull is in general a very strong tool on many maps to pull enemies from high ground or prevent escape
  • Use F2 often – the low CD is powerful and the heal is strong
  • Test of Faith is a good area denial tool
  • Walk over fragments of Faith – I see a lot of DHs not using them to full effect
  • Place Line of Warding in Team fights to disrupt movement.
  • Use line of Warding to interupt stomps
  • and all other tricks that applied to bunker guard as well …

I avrage around 350k damage, 450 self buffs, 400 shared buffs (for other stats I would need to check). i do not know if this is actually a objective way to judge a build because there are to many parameters.

The build does not bring a whole lot of dps but I have succesfully beaten most class in situational 1on1s – it takes long (maybe too long) but its doable. Thieves are obviously no problem. They eventually make a mistake. Revenents are anyoing. Mesmers and necros take very long. Tempest and druids are impossible and should not be engaged alone – which is true for almost every class.

I do get asked a lot for my build after matches which is not a real indicator for the quality of the build its just a fact amd does not happen to me with other builds at all.

DH / PvP Bunker Build / suggestions welcome

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


so had to change the build while moving higher in the league to good old magi amulet catering twards the bunker meta we are seeing right now. I still feel extremely strong in holding a point. unbreakable 1v1, 2v1 need very coordinated timing. depdning on the amount of CC and condis I expect on the other team I change the trap for fragments of faith. I am pretty much a bouncing hp ball but it works really well IMO.

funny about DH...

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


So it almost like DH is far too powerful in one aspect, but has glaring weaknesses in another that make it not viable for high tier pvp. And they cant fix one without nerfing the other because it would make it invincible

My god, could this mean IT ACTUALLY NEEDS A BALANCE?!~

Or does it mean it actully has balance and the rest is broken because you can not counter it?


in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


i think DH don’t have much condition removal, so they are weak vs conditions

If you trait for it they do. My Bunker DH has zero problems with condis. Reducing DH to one dps meta build is silly but I guess this thead was about dps builds from the start.

Guardian Shouts - Feedback

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


too much crying for my taste the only problem is with save you self which should apply 5 secs of resistance and hold the line which is kind of lackluster compared to other utilites. thats where the god mode starts towards condis starts. add in hunters Fortification, signet heal, cleanse trait and all the blocks we get from weapons and virtues we are already doing very well imo condi wise.

our shouts come with the benefit of pure of voice in mind which makes it difficult to shorten any CDs. without it and soldier runes they fall vey short except for stand your ground and FMW.

retreat is perfect for pve since hits can be calculated much better. so I really do not know where you take that it is not as useful as in pve.

State of the guardian in PvE?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Most guardian utility skills have high cooldowns with low uptime on boons or effects. For example:

- empower gives 12 stacks of might for 10 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. Revenants Warriors and Eles on the other hand can stack up to 25 stacks of might with no downtime.

- Guardians get a shout that gives 4 seconds of protection and 6 seconds of regeneration on a 35 second cooldown (Hold the Line). Alternatively, Revenants can give a group 9 seconds of fury, 9 seconds of might (3 stacks), 12 seconds of regeneration, 6 seconds of protection and 12 seconds of swiftness on a skill with a 25 second cooldown (One with Nature).

- Empowering Might (give might to allies on crit) has a 1 second internal cooldown, which greatly limits how much might you can stack. Phalanx Strength and Forceful Greatsword, on the other hand, have no internal cooldowns.

How is that even fair? I can give lots of other examples but I don’t want this list to become too long.

Because we can heal from boon application.Removing the cd from empowerin g might would make it extremely strong. Stand your ground can heal for 2k with 4 allies around. Empower is a 60%+ heal if traited. besides you compare a master with a grandmaster trait.

The rest of you post is filled with very personal points of view which I almost completly disagree with since yu are exaggurating way too much.

Bunker Dragonhunter potential

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


This is a pretty interesting build. How do you play it? Are you using mace/shield or staff most of the time? What do you usually do in games?

That is very situational
Obviously I travel with staff to points. on point I try to rotate in staff as soon as empower is back up or if I need line of warding as area control or an interrupt (you can lay it behind enemies feet to interrupt them while rezzing for example). normally I use FMW > empower > orb and then go for 2 Mace auto chain if I want to dish out some damage.

Mace shield is good for defense and offense as well. Shield obviously essential to knock people of point then swap back to staff to put down line of warding. Timing blocks is quite important and I use shield 4 as soon as it is off CD and I am missing aegis.

I am torn between shield and focus. The knock back is very important but with focus + mastery I could achieve a lot more survivability and nearly 80% protection uptime. Overall I like shield better at the moment.

Basically everything that is/was true for classic guard bunker is true here as well. you just pack a little more punch.

Bunker Dragonhunter potential

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


Since its close to my build but a little more group orientated: I have a lot of fun too!

I think you should drop Force of will. losing 3k hp hurts but its not that bad – you do have a lot of mitigation. And with the added CD reduction on wings of resolve another good heal to top up your hp pool you should be fine. I would also ditch RF for FMW. 7 1/2 secs quickness is just too good. being able to pump out Empower in 1.5 seconds is absolutely valuable and a reduced CD on FMW and stand your ground has its merits. yes the recharge of the virtues is good too but with FMW and Empower you be able to set up really good damage spikes for your team which imo is more valuable then to just withstand damage longer and still might get downed. also FMW helps in stomping and rezzing like crazy. activate F3 + FMW for a very safe rez.

However my build uses valor instead of virtues which also provides a recharge of F3 on rez so that combo is more worthwhile there. so that is matter of taste imo. As aoelus suggested in my thread Rune of leadership is a good substitute rune especially with FMW as elite and pure of voice which will provide a tripple condi-to-boon-conversion every 45 secs on FMW. keeping condis off yourself is double reward since you also get a 10% damage reduction.

my current build changed a little:

help please

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


well thats the the downside of a very strong adept trait.

basically you are on the right track. you need to work with options that will prevent losing aegis or reaply aegis fast.

If you are playing PVE then blinds are a very good option to do that too. Traiting Radiance for F1 refresh on kill is a good source or blindspam. You basically want to open with GS3 wait for the tragets miss and follow up with F1. Retreat and your F3 will refresh aegis instantly in cas you do lose it.

In pve group fights you do want to position yourself outside of the cleave and aoes.
Dodging saves aegis too and enables you to shorten CD to your blind skills.

So basically if you want to keep aegis up you need to be aware of your enemies attacks and avoid them – which is actually a very good training for any content imo.

Different but same story. The 20% damage buff is very good for ranged attacks especially if you are not the target of the enemy. Other than that it is not a reliable damage modifier since there are a lot more and faster attacks then in PVE.

This is indeed a l2p issue but if you master it you will do a lot better in any content.

funny about DH...

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


DH Bunker an be a real tough mother. all the mitigation with a low cooldown heal that will blind and daze and heals 60%+ is very strong. Not many classes can bring me down 1on1 or even push me off point. add in F2 low CD even untraited with the high heal value, good acces to stability and a decent way to remove condis per block is quite a tool set imo.

Downside to DH bunker is that you are actually more selfish but you can definetly make really good plays.

Best combo: Engaging a point that is in process of being decapped, opening with F1 pulling the enemy off point, walk past him, knock back with shield, swap to staff and put the barrier behind you. Glorious.

the f1 pull is an awsome tool in pvp.

Breakbar tips for the guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


SW Hammer rotation > LB 5 with FMW > SW Hammer Command > bane signet