Showing Posts For BatteryBiscuits.1573:

Speculation on what the Queen has to say

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Let me tell you what the big bad surprise will be:
Queen Jennah: It has been several months since the death of Zhaitan and to this, I wish to invite the hero of Tyria who risked his life and neck at every moment to defeat zhaitan and his foul minions.
Let us applaud and welcome Trahearne!

Trahearne: Thank you Queen jennah, it is an honour to be the hero for Tyria in theses dark times.

Queen Jennah : For being the sole hero who brought us all togheter, I award you the treasury of Divinity’s reach, and a special Pass to the crystal desert for you to ascend in the hall of heroes.

And thus, every player everywhere rose up in arms and anger and assaulted the Queen and her guards.
Overwhelmed by the anger of adventurers, the Queen died and brought an end to the peace treaty of humans and charrs.
Thus, the humans and charr are at war once again and the lands are burned to showcase the Great change in landscapes as dragons are now free to roam.

Although that’d be a pretty weird surprise, it won’t happen obviously.

Waypoint Pricing

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Maybe Kiel has ‘’very interesting’’ specimens or objects that would make the oldest asura researchers glee.
Maybe Bribery, she is on the pirate council after all.

Petition to Queen Jennah

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


‘’ I say, this is another reason why Queen Jennah should be removed from the throne!
She uses the treasury funds to spend on activities and luxuries while we street rats suffer to even find food!
Think of the farmers who break their back everyday to bring food to divinity’s reach!
Think of the countless amount of gold spent in taxes only to be used for the queen’s entertainment!
and think of the charr who will participate!

and we wonder why tyria’s economy is going downhill?!
This my friends is why we should overthrow Queen jennah! ’’
– Separatist Engineer

  • This message has been approved by Lord Caudecus

Future fractal thoughts

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Lorewise, it could be interesting since its the inquest’s first protoype and seeing the reasons behind their creation related to dragons.
Gameplay mechanic wise, i’m a bit worried.

I know there’s the saying floating around how this will be the CoE 2.0 fractal and such but I can’t help but imagine that the fractal will go with random inquest mobs attacking you, the ones we all know and love, with some champion golems and this legendary inquest guard that happens to be there.
In other words, not that surprising.

But I’m willing to look foward to it and see if Anet will pull a big surprise from what we’d expect of thaumanova, it could turn out to be a very good fractal indeed.
What do you imagine how the thaumanova fractal will be like?
Are you excited? Are you worried?
Discuss it then!

Any news about more possible playlists?

in Audio

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Now First of all I love the guild wars 2 music that it has to offer, they are pretty good and nostalgic too, but as some say it, we can only hear something good so much not that its bad or anything.
I’ve been enjoying switching between new music and back to the good ol music of guild wars 2 but being the rpg fanboi that I am I wonder if there will be any more customization to it, primarly as in new playlists for different parts of the game (For example the music that always play after you finish a dungeon or finish a world meta-event boss)
Thanks for any reply ^^

Dailies did NOT need Changing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I think this is a nice change for the dailies for once.
and also they did talked aobut adding a giant list of dailies you wanted to do but it wasn’t ready so they added this for the time being.

elite skills

in Engineer

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Glad you made this thread I was thinking of one elite in particular for turrets.

Tesla Turret (Cooldown: 180 Seconds if destroyed and 90 or 120 seconds if picked up)

Radius : 600 or 900 (with the obvious 5 man limit aoe)

This turrets zaps any nearby foe for lightning damage each 0.5 seonds and dazes them for 1 second every 15th attack (10th if traited) Activation skill is overcharging the tesla turret increasing damage and stunning nearby enemies for 1 sec each 0.5 seconds for a total of 5 seconds leaving the turret unable to zap for a few seconds before re-activating.
it’d look like the ele’s lightning scepter skill and would obviously be larger than other engineer turrets.
it’d be droppable like the supply crate with a range of 600 or 900.

weapons: what is gw2 missing

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Land Usable POLEARMS.

I second this greatly.

I mean with all the cool looking harpoon skins, you basically already have your halberds and spears, just increase their size a bit and add in some skills and voila.
Could be more polearms if necessary.

Colin on MMOFTW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


So Colin, and I quote, “We don’t want to force people to do jumping puzzles for the daily.”

So can we also please not force people to do fractals or dungeons for the daily / monthly?? A lot of us don’t like being forced to do them (and I freely use the word force because you did :p)

IDK if this has been mentionned somewhere else but I did heard colin talking about how the randomly changing dailies are sort of temporary i guess since they wanted to work on some sort of feature where you would be able to choose the dailies you’d want to do in a big list ( I imagine the big list changes everyday hopefully) so for now we get random dailies everyday, hopefully it’ll put more life in neglected dungeons. (like Sorrow’s embrace, crucible of eternity.)

[Bug] Problem with custom playlists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Disclaimer: This is an intended feature as shown here so there’s no confusion of misunderstanding.

Although the other playlists are working without issue, the playlist Battle and boss battle with all the music in there is not working at all regardless of how much enemies are there or if there’s any legendary type mobs around. I moved the playlists away from the correct file emplacement before wintersday so i could listen to the wintersday music. After wintersday finished, I simply moved them all back in the folder with the playlist Battle and BossBattle not working. Thanks again for checking this thread.

Be Legendary on Bell Choir Assembly

in Wintersday

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Try touhou songs ^^

but yeah the choir bell activity is pretty fast paced

but the choir bell item doesn’t play as fast as the choir bell activity :c
there should be no limit to music making, especially if there’s the fast paced alternative of the choir bell.
you could swing faster of course with frenzy but yeah.

Wintersday Cooking Recipes

in Wintersday

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


There is another one called: Bowl of Candy Corn Icecream

  • 1 Tiny Snowflake
  • 1 Bowl of ice cream base
  • 25 pieces of candy corn

Level requirement is 5 and has no noticable stat boosts but you get 15% exp and 5% karma so it’s a somewhat good bonus for extra karma and exp when your leveling.

Unbreakable Choir Bell?

in Wintersday

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


From what I’ve seen, it’s a very rare drop from gifts, this is supported by the fact that there was about only 4-5 of em on the tp considering the amount of players playing now and opening gifts.
Although I’m not sure if there’s other ways to obtain em as wintersday progresses.

Community's Voice: Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I did not do all dungeons on exp mode extensively but I did a good amount of them so i’ll talk about a few things and suggestions.

Some grind is necessary of course but that’s not really one of my main concerns.
I’d like to see extra variety in dungeons, even if it takes more time to implement more content in existing dungeons.
Like for example, you think you’d be doing the usual route in CoE exp mode where you fight the alpha and such but suddendly dragon minions are invading the Crucible, throwing the alpha surprised and obliterated by the dragon minion’s surprise attacks, then a new route or a change of plans occurs where you gotta finish the route in this new route without you expecting it, kinda like a big dynamic event in the dungeon itself.
Another suggestion would be more puzzle moments in dungeons, kinda like Zelda’s dungeons where you gotta stop and think for a moment and solve a puzzle to allow you to access the next area, you guys did such puzzles in some jumping puzzles so why not add more complicated puzzles or awesome puzzle mechanics in new upcomming dungeons or existing dungeons?

As for bosses, alpha, kholer, jade maw and lupicus were pretty amazing bosses especially lupicus with three phases (i was expecting him to be the final boss of the path to be honest), i’d like to see more different bosses where they don’t have huge defense or huge health pools but dangerous speed and agility, evading your attacks and dealing critical damage if your not careful of course there could be ways to stun them momentarily but i’d like to see humans, sylvari, asuras, charrs or norns being really evasive and speedy even if they don’t have the biggest health pool, make them hard boss to hit and make them challenging so we don’t just have to sit and spank some buttons, it doesn’t matters if it takes a long time to code or make em but i’d really like to see some bosses like that (take kholer for example since he’s the only i can think of being the closest to what I asked there but even more speedy and agile, leaving you no moment to counterattack unless you find his weak spot).
Of course there’s alot of suggestions we could ask to improve upon the current and new upcomming dungeons but i’d like to see more content and new things added in both the current dungeons thermselves and the dungeon rewards bought with tokens.

Some ''Race'' type event suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I know alot here want bugs fixed and I feel the same way but I wanna suggest some activity or weekly event.

One thing I loved from gw1’s events was the beetle racing, despite the limitations of the enginer back then, it was a really fun race game and i’d like to see the same race events in this game regardless if your a beetle or not.

If we look at the skills with some letting you leap over gaps (warrior sword skill #2) and some ‘’dash type’’ skills letting you run slightly faster than your normal boosted running speed (warrior greatsword skill #5) along with the CC such as launch knockback, knockdown, etc. It just shows so much potential and possibilities of fun for this renewed guild wars engine. It could be either a new map entirely or simply some flags or checkpoints set on any map present in tyria with maybe some extra platforms. With weekly in mind, the race could change locations and letting you race an entire new place altogheter. Rewards would be simple rewards or pvp glory for the winners and some participation prize for thoses who well participated.
As for the ’’race’’ skills they could be what i mentioned such as leaping skills, dash type skills, pulling skills and more. One idea in my mind is rata sum as a race court along with the huge slope being one of the main features of this race. After bug fixes adn such and nice timing, i’d really like to see race events again wether they are present all the time or restricted to special monthly or yearly events.

Let the final event repeat for 24 hours?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Like I proposed before, Why not just make an asuran npc ‘’showing his latest invention’’ that allows adventurers to go in a portal to the past and allow them to do previous worldly events that they missed on, with this it’ll make sense in the immerssion since asurans create about anything and it’ll give a chance to everyone to do the event they missed on or crashed on.
You could make a cool story about him going to different places all over the world about him and his machine, it’ll be fun and it’ll be fair.

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


World currently full atm, will post once there’s more room in overflow

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Self invite if possible, most of your whispers wont just let me right click you al lto invite

pop drop

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


in event overflow, whisper for invite : Timberwolf

Screenshots: Adventures in The Lost Shores

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


it was a pretty fun event despite the murdering karkas rolling over us.


Ancient Karka only once?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I’m glad there’s one-time-only events that makes permanent changes to some parts of the world.
Rather than make the event repeatable or re-spawning, keep the event going on in the real world then once it’s defeated it’ll stay defeated but for thoses who missed out or thoses who want to farm a bit, heck you could have some crazy asura genius from a lore standpoint giving a chance to others who missed out on this and let him use his machine to open portals (leading to an instance in the past when the ancient karka was still running amok).
In this situation it would satisfy both parties for thoses who want to see permanent changes in the world and for thoses who wanted to do the event but missed out on it.

Anyone think this would be a nice idea?

Suggestion for future "one time only events"

in Suggestions

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I don’t think we should remove one-time-only events. I’d like to see more bug fixes about the culling issue so that the events with huge packs of people are more enjoyable.

Was it worth it?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Through all the karkas and deaths and cullings, that event was 100% definitely worth it along with the awesome rewards, 20-slot box and more ^^

I’m not being sarcastic either, I really had a blast and they did said this would be an event lasting hours.
Feels like an accomplishment.

Urban Fractal

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


If only that fractal was part of WvWvW.
It would be much more epic but yeah take down siege master from range first.

PSA: Don't waste your money on Commendations

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Guys I did a test with rares and exotics.

took the cheapest exos i could get 3 times 66 silvers
it gave me 11 crates of commendation in which each box gave me 50 tokens so thats an easy 550 tokens.
3 rares is about 140 tokens rewarded.

Of course you’d get more of your money’s worth bu buying simple harvesting tools if you have a million slots in your bank and inventory
but theses tools are just a way of convenience.

Also this is your chance to get 250 uses from a salvage kit instead of the one requiring mystic forge stones.

I’d say the only reason to buy any of the lionguards weapon with tokens is for the Sigils if your one of thoses people with damage in mind for farming.
Keys are worthless atm and they will always be if they decide to sell wintersday chests requiring no keys.
however you can always try keys if you want to try getting black lion salvage kits or a very rare chance of getting a permanent tonic.
I’m not sure if this was intended to be that way but thats what i got and im sitting on top of 600 tokens so careful.

The Lost Shores: phase 1, update

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Canach’s working on Jade quarry, he just has a cooldown before he goes back to being killable guys, it’s not instant.

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Even if ascended gear gives some statistical advantage, do they offer the same utility bonuses as rune sets?
We still don’t know if ascended gear will have infusions allowing you to have the same utility bonuses as lets say the soldier rune set.
Will ascended gear permit you to remove 1 condition each time you use a shout if we can’t prove that we can insert runes in ascended armor yet ?

I think we honestly look too much at the stats and not at the other bonuses out there.

New minis

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


eh Imagine in the future when we’d be in cantha and celestial minis, because we all knew how ’’Lucky’’ we got at getting thoses from lunar bags back in gw1

Vitality Infusion Mystic Forge Recipe

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


yikes, using an eldrith scroll for this infusion? I feel really sorry for your loss of time and skill points.
Imagine if there were exotic type infusions.

An Asura Would Know Better

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


What surprises me is how non-chalant magnus is about the whole idea of a possible invasion.

They were basically invaded and owned by the risen thinking they were fine cause they repelled any attacks for a hundred years.
Someone would think they would take more measures at least, but nope magnus thinks there’s no problem at all.

If the whole ‘’x invades lion’s arch succesfully’’ becomes a running gag, i’ll be laughing hard in good humour.

Fire Elemental at Thaumanova Reactor

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I can help a bit, In basic words, he got nerfed to hell imo.

His fire aoes now Launch you instead of knocking you down.
He does less damage slightly.
There are almost no embers around this time, much less than before.
I didn’t noticed much about the number of fire aoes he does but i’ll assume its slightly less.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


In a way Support rangers and underwater ones rejoice from this but not so much for any dps or pet users.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Guys, guys guys.

Didn’t he basically implied in his post that he would release the upgrades on rangers in parts?

While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.

Unless they did all the changes they thought was necessary in this one patch, wouldn’t they eventually release more fixes and buffs to ranger on next balance patch?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


You know guys, Have you ever considered that theses ‘’infusion slots’’ could just be perhaps % bonuses against certain enemy types along with agony resistance?
Like defensive infusion could be -3% dmg received from inquest and offensive could be +4% dmg against krait for example.
Of course it’s just a guess but it’s another way to look at something we don’t have the full details for yet.

It doesn’t matter what goes in the infusion slots. The fact is that even notwithstanding the infusion/agony mechanic, the ascended gear has higher stat allocation than level 80 exotic gear. That is the information we have.

But we still don’t know if we can put runes or sigils along with infused slots on ascended gear.
If they didn’t and that infused slots aren’t that worthwhile, you’d only get a moderatly slight increase in stats while missing out on runes.

But in the end, I’ll wait for more info on the actual ascended gear that isn’t jewerly.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


You know guys, Have you ever considered that theses ‘’infusion slots’’ could just be perhaps % bonuses against certain enemy types along with agony resistance?
Like defensive infusion could be -3% dmg received from inquest and offensive could be +4% dmg against krait for example.
Of course it’s just a guess but it’s another way to look at something we don’t have the full details for yet.

To clarify on Ascended Gear...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I’m not sure if this is true but wasn’t there a similar case how someone and his guild destroyed Everquest being the vocal minority and such demanding more content and such and eventually left the game? Could be wrong on this though.
Also, Even if they added no gear treadmill at all, there could still be lots of complaints about lack of end-game and lack of this and that and players will have left because there’s some players who don’t want to just hunt for skins. If they really care about their work and want players to use em or admire em especially the dungeon armors, they should at least add an ascended version or ascended drops on hard mode if there ever will be, otherwise the dungeons are going to be left in the dust in favor of the better gear-dungeon and I don’t believe that there is alot of players using transmutation stones for the skins, if one would do many runs of a dungeon to get some particular skin then go ahead, if not then head on to get ascended gear.

I don’t mind the new tier myself but it feels like they did so much for almost nothing, I personally don’t know many players in favor of getting skins rather than better stat-wise gear.
But ah well, i’l wait till update days to see the stats and infusions for myself.

Hurricane Sandy Interrupts our Halloween Event [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


We heard your questions about extending the Halloween event for those of you effected by Sandy. Unfortunately we cannot do that, but the reason why we can’t is exciting: We are preparing for our big November update, which will start on November 15, and there will be content that will be in the game prior to that, leading up to the event. But we also want to use this moment to remind you all that your personal safety is much more important than any computer game. If you could be affected by the storm, please listen to the authorities and take every precaution to ensure you and your loved ones are safe. Tyria will still be there once the storm is over.

That is certainly interesting and anticipated news there, feels much sooner than i would expect it on the 15th of november. o:

I am not personally affected by hurricane sandy but I hope with everything i got that everyone here on the east coast will make it out safely.

Can we please get this item/skin? :)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


You know what would be better, the scarecrow staff that one of the activity npcs has in lion’s arch, i would really like to have one of theses

Not all casuals , working folk , etc agree with the gimme now gimme all crowd.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Don’t forget there is more to this halloween event than just crafting stuff, getting skins and all.
I know I could be wrong on this, but with the RNG stuff and all, isn’t it a necessary evil in some way to keep this game alive since it has no subs?
Of course i know alot of people hate the RNG stuff but some still come back to it like an addiction, it’s corrupted in a way yes but still funds anet.
If everything was perfect for the players (which I highly doubt such a game with theses qualities exist) the players would be satisfied and wouldn’t need to purchase anymore. Of course supporters of good heart will continue to buy in support of the game but between that and the RNG which brings more money to Anet?
Probably the ideal one of course in the long run, but we can’t be certain if this game will exist forevermore, it might close down eventually due to another game in the making or other reasons. With the RNG stuff, they could be getting a burst of money in a short time to pay their employees, fees, etc with the risk of losing customers.

As much as it would sound ideal to have no microtransaction whatsoever or RNG stuff, if you had everything you needed, would you rebuy thoses res orbs or repair packs or costumes you already own? Would you rebuy thoses halloween skins if somehow they were made possible to acquire ingame or in the gem shop?
The customer is content and satisfied and has a good opinion of the company but it doesn’t always mean he’ll continue to buy the same objects he already owns or used.

Of course i’m no good at argumenting but this is my thoughts about it.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Batterybiscuits, without starting anew argument about other things you said, just this one little thing:

this game is not free to play, we actually paid a good ammount for the initial purchase.
We’re hardly 2 months past and than this whole selling business hits us on Halloween.

Doesn’t make things right or wrong, but it does make things slightly different from real f2p games that have no other means of income from the playerbase.

Just throwing that in here, not arguing your post as such.

I understand that this is not a b2p game since we all spent money to buy this game and that we expect at least something in return.
In the risk that I get called a bootlicker or a fanboi, maybe they are experimenting with new ways or similar ways of sales and events to see the reactions and commentaries of the users involved in this ordeal. Wether it’s an error or an attempt from anet by only showing the word : ’’chance’’ which could be low or high, it could still be an experimentation and seeing how it’ll go. Of course it worked the way they did it in GW1 in some way but surely companies eventually need to try new ways to see if it will give better advantages wether its for them, us or both.
Seeing how this game is only two months and just got this halloween event, it’s a bit too soon for some people to launch messages of high betrayal and corruption from Anet not that you said anything like that.

I do understand that Anet could have been a bit more transparent about the weapon skin details from black lion chests since we did paid for a game after all.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Hey now, it could have been worse. It could have been a DLC instead forcing everyone to cough up 15-20 bucks to participate in halloween.

I spent the rest of my gems for about 10 keys + 4 i acquired from questing and I got unlucky as well, but It’s my own fault for spending quickly without checking the chances or more information before getting em.
From the absurd number of F2P MMO’s i’ve played in my life, I can say I’ve seen worse, much worse for RNG items like black lion chests and from a way I see it, regardless of what is done to any microtransaction store, nothing will please every single player, Even if League of legends did it right, even if it could be a minuscule minority, there will still be complaints about it.
The day I see everyone pleased with the microtransaction is the day where pigs will fly.

I was just talking about microtransactions store in general I know and probably gave nothing to the thread’s discussion point but If I’m wrong with anything I stated, let me know in a positive light if possible.

About future expansions in terms of pets

in Ranger

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


Do you think there will be a comeback of the exotic/hard to get ranger pets kinda like the black widow in gw1

and what sort of new pets would you guys hope for when we would be able to set foot in cantha or elona?

If there’s one pet i’d want, it would be the basilisk.

Halloween Update Anticipation [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


I know this could just be common sense or obvious statements but for thoses who wants to have fun during halloween and have different looks, the trading post has all sorts of tonics really cheap which lets you transform in different mobs for fun.

In straits of devestation after a quaggan escort event, they will sell quaggan calf transformation tonics for around a silver i think.

Also one interesting is ascalonian ghost mage potion which lets you transform into a ghost with the blue glow and all that compared to the ghostly tonic which just lets you look like a regular human warrior in some armor (probably bugged)
You can find the recipe for artificiers of ascalonian ghost potion from a karma vendor i believe but i dont exactly remember where.

If you kept all your old tonics, now would be a good time to use em considering they are compatible with costume brawl hopefully.

and most of all let’s all have fun ^^

Discuss: Plans for halloween event.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


well it would be immersion breaking in a way, let’s say your doing a jumping puzzle jumping from thin pole to thin pole carefully and then you see this guy on his zhaitan mount clipping through everything and blocking your view, it would just be weird looking at it.

You Know Your Playing Too Much GW2 When....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


when you end up randomly saying ‘’turn up the heat!’’ in real life.
when you add your own custom music playlist and add alot of rpg music.

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


i for one can’t wait for cantha and elona.
Sure the game has it’s share of bugs and disadvantages but so far it didn’t affected me an extraordinarry lot, only the bugged skill point in malchor’s leap has blocked me from 100% the map but so far i haven’t caught Any signs of DR yet on loot and dungeon, but then again im playing casually on maps except when it comes to dungeons.

Does anyone think food/cooking is pretty much worthless for making money?

in Crafting

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


or you can always buy some food trays for your party from the trading post. ^^

State of the game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


The thing is with this gw2 being b2p and not needing subscriptions, during time when people play their mmos and get downtime, they can always count on gw2 for more gameplay with little to no downtime and zero subscription fees.

This worked amazingly well with gw1 imo.
I might be watching some VN’s or doing osmething else but il always count on gw2 to provide me some gameplay along with new content and expansion that il try out ^^

Does anyone think food/cooking is pretty much worthless for making money?

in Crafting

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


It’s probably because foods aren’t popular or that nobody knows about em enough.

There’s one food that gives you +200 power for 30s after killing an enemy and +10% critical damage level 80 food which is quite really really powerful.
I think this stuff will become more popular later on in the game’s life as everyone will have probably found all their gear/runes/accessories to equip and then they might start thinking about getting thoses extra stats buffs.

400 jeweler/cook unable to make about other professions?

in Crafting

Posted by: BatteryBiscuits.1573


if you can farm enough omnomberries to make omnomberry bars, it could turn into a small profit, or you can try food trays, they ust need to become more popular.