Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
All of the warnings are in the fine print, easily overlooked. Most things on a new account unlock between 72 hours and a week after activation.
I made this post to a similar thread…
You want dueling? Here’s how I believe it should work.
1. No form of dueling requests should be announcable in map chat.
2. There should be an option to block dueling requests, set to “off” by default. If a dueling request is sent to a person who has it turned off, whispering and mail should be disabled between the two parties for ten minutes.
3. If a duel is sent and accepted, both participants should be immediately moved to a dueling instance where they can duke it out in private.
4. At the conclusion of said duel, both participants should be returned to the exact location they started from.
5. An option should be added where persons wishing to do so may observe but not participate in an active duel (similar to spectating in PvP matches.)
6. Dueling arenas should be set up in each city.
I’ve said it before. Dueling should not be taking place in an environment that is supposed to actively encourage cooperation.
You want dueling? Here’s how I believe it should work.
1. No form of dueling requests should be announcable in map chat.
2. There should be an option to block dueling requests, set to “off” by default. If a dueling request is sent to a person who has it turned off, whispering and mail should be disabled between the two parties for ten minutes.
3. If a duel is sent and accepted, both participants should be immediately moved to a dueling instance where they can duke it out in private.
4. At the conclusion of said duel, both participants should be returned to the exact location they started from.
5. An option should be added where persons wishing to do so may observe but not participate in an active duel (similar to spectating in PvP matches.)
6. Dueling arenas should be set up in each city.
I’ve said it before. Dueling should not be taking place in an environment that is supposed to actively encourage cooperation.
(edited by Berelious.3290)
My only thought is that the sale isn’t over yet. We’ve only seen the first week.
Obviously I can only speak for myself, but I personally love the outfit. Even on my Charr characters I think it looks amazing. That being said, I do think that the weapon skin choices were a bit underwhelming. I’ll never say no to a skin though.
Swamp gas caught in a weather balloon refracting the light from Venus?
Yes and no. You only get one combat skill on the mount, but it simultaneously dismounts you. Basically it’s a combat opener.
My problem is this… I have at least two of each profession and race, all fully geared. I want to use the boost to clear the space it’s in, but feel it would be wasted to just use it on an existing character.
Not sure why so many people don’t like HoT’s. I for one thought gliders were epic!
It wasn’t the gliders that were the problem, it was the may layout. Particularly maps like Verdant Brink and Tangled Depths, where paths were so twisted and convoluted that it made the map hard to navigate on foot. From what I’ve seen in PoF though, it seems that this issue has been addressed with much flatter and less convoluted maps. I recommend watching WP’s post-show. He actually has some game play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOr-LO38Mts
The main race I play is Charr, and I have to say that it looks amazing on them. I recommend changing up the colors on the outfit. It does help a lot.
I can’t believe anybody would be asking something like this. There isn’t a single major MMO that just gives away their expansions.
It says right on the purchase page that you have to wait 72 hours before receiving the gems. And no, you can’t use the lounge pass yet.
Every time I try to log in to pre-purchase, I get the following message.
HTTP Status 500 – java.lang.String cannot be cast to net.minidev.json.JSONObject
type Status report
message java.lang.String cannot be cast to net.minidev.json.JSONObject
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
I’m also getting Javascript errors
I said this in another thread and I’ll repost here… Personally, at this point I see no problem with an item that allows access to one or two waypoints per map if you don’t have them. However I do feel that instant access to all of them is a bit overkill.
Personally, at this point I see no problem with an item that allows access to one or two waypoints per map if you don’t have them. However I do feel that instant access to all of them is a bit overkill.
Thank you so much for the expanded storage!
Hopefully we get a completed expansion to purchase this time around.
What do you mean? I was under the impression the expansion was completed when we received it. It has all the masteries the entire story all the events and achievements and so on. What was the expansion missing?
Let’s see here Promised Raids at launch- delayed till a month after.
Promised Legendary Armor-took 2 years to implement.
Promised a New set of Legendaries 2 years in and an Expac announcement later still not completed.
Promised a complete class- given a half baked class full of bugs that have plagued it for 2 years, that has incomplete Underwater.
All maps even PS were bugged to high heaven PS is still extremely bugged on Last chapter
promised new a well polished competive Pvp mode- scrapped after 1 year. Promised good leagues- up until s5 it was essentially alpha testing, now we are in Beta with s6.
Promised Elites as side grades to core- 2 years later The blatant power creep is being brought inline, due to new Expac and new Elite Specs.
Argument is irrelevant under the circumstances, as ANet is under new management and as of yet no promises have been made.
I believe the correct statement to make here is that “there is nothing I WANT to do” and currently I’m in the same boat. That being said, I still log in every day. The trick is going through the available activities and then finding one that actually interests you. If you can’t find one, then just don’t log in.
that_shaman figured it out!
Credit: that_shaman
For starters, those videos were made by an individual who is not associated with ArenaNet, and are not meant for advertising purposes. Secondly, it’s a rather well known fact that permanent contracts have the lowest drop rate from BLC’s. This is why they go for so much on the trading post. BLC’s are purely for gambling purposes. Most any player will tell you that they are use at your own risk.
P.S. By the way, did you even look at when those videos were posted?
(edited by Berelious.3290)
Yeah, I am wondering aswell!
5th B-gift will def include a level 50 boost, just like we had from our previous b-gifts.
Celebration dye pack.
Waypoint to a friend (oh I just love these!!!)
And then something BIGGG, !!I cant wait:)
But GW2 will turn 5 years in August, correct?
Yep, it’s 5 year anniversary.
With the glorious 5th anniversary coming up soon, would anyone care to speculate on what surprises ANet might have in store for us? Dunno about anyone else, but I made five toons within 45 minutes of launch, and I’ve kept them all, so I’m looking forward to finding out what might be coming in.
You have to have tier 3 participation in order to get pips. If you stop participating, your participation level drops, and you stop getting pips. If they ARE trying to get pips AFK, it won’t last long.
If it’s going to be updated, the gem store is updated at 9:00 AM PDT (12:00 PM EST) every Tuesday. Check then to see if they’ve been added.
I do PvP dailies to advance my reward track, not for the AP. While the occasional reward IS nice, it’s not worth loosing sleep over.
fifteen characters
My thought is that not only is this possible, they have already done it. There is a sling-shot skin for the short bow. Perhaps a bad example, but it may be possible.
Focus whip
Book skins
Kind of a scroll
If you go to he GW2 wiki you can find 14 scepters with the name ‘wand’ on them, one of them is the Princess Wand which may be more to your liking, but is only available during wintersday
Kama dagger because someone will eventually suggest that
Scythe Staff One more
This for all intents and purposes is a spear staff Another bladed staffCrossbows wouldn’t work purely because of the “bang” sounds accompanied with every rifle/pistol ability and would need to be a new weapon in the game (unless they want to modify every ability sound effect for one skin which is too much to ask) (also some engineer abilities would not mesh with a crossbow like the small stream of fire from offhand pistol or the shotgun shot on engineer rifle)
Chakras? Do you mean Chakrams? Cause if so I’m totally on board with you. Shurikens would be more difficult to pass off.
Greataxes SHOULD be their own weapon style, but if anything it would work better as a hammer skin in my opinion.
Cestus would not work as a skin for any weapon. At all. If they were to implement it, it would have to be it’s own weapon (which I doubt they’d do as much as I’d like fist weapons).
My thought is that not only is this possible, they have already done it. There is a sling-shot skin for the short bow. Perhaps a bad example, but it may be possible.
I’m not particularly fond of SAB, and I’ve never really liked the skins. That being said, there are plenty of people who do enjoy it and I see no reason to be a killjoy. Let gamers have what fun they will!
There are achievements that are infinitely repeatable, however there is an AP cap on each of them. Once you hit that cap, no more AP for that achievement.
It’s not an instance, it’s part of the DR map. You can walk out the front gate or use a waypoint as usual. Nothing special you have to do.
If you still have two characters you don’t really need to worry. You will still get the “main” birthday bonus on the launch date with them. The rest are mostly cosmetic goodies and boosters that may or may not be useful to you. Just don’t delete those last two!
Lion’s Arch is the “main” city in the game, as it isn’t race aligned. That being said, many people hang out in Divinity’s Reach because even without access to the Crown Pavilion, all of the other main services and crafting stations are very close together, making for the best efficiency.
I sent Rubi cookies last night in game
“How much grog could a Quaggan quaff if a Quaggan could quaff grog?”
It seems to me it’s probably a bug, and should be reported as such. There shouldn’t be a purchase limit if you have enough currency to get it.
What level do you have animations at? (It’s in options/graphic options/animations). If it’s too low the Ghostly infusion won’t show on your computer.
I bought a second extractor and took it off, i read up a bit more and decided to put in backpiece and then i changed my animation settings. It could have been my animation settings from the start, not sure. Does it matter if i put the infusion to my ring?
I put a ghostly infusion into a ring and it works fine everywhere except PvP. Infusion effects don’t work there apparently. Otherwise, I’d say it was probably your animation settings.
Free-to-play accounts can’t even access WvW until they have a character that reaches level 60. Even then there’s no real way to identify if the offending player is using a free, pre-HoT, or post-HoT account. I’m afraid OP’s argument is invalid. There are trolls, there will always be trolls, but there’s no way to identify what type of account said troll is using.
I’m afraid I was never big on capes in GW1. I much prefer my wings.
I fail to see an issue with the rate at which armor skins and outfits are released. To recent memory, three helmets, one shoulder, and one glove have been released in game. Aside from that, there are already hundreds of obtainable armor skins available, making for almost infinite possible skin combinations in any armor weight class.
Whether some believe ANet’s reasons behind the slower development of armor skins is immaterial. The reasons have been stated, belief is not necessary nor required. Equally, faith in ANet’s management regarding the development of said armor skins is immaterial. More will come when they come. People’s personal outrage will not speed the process.
Ye ill probably get it from G2A or would codes from those sites work here in the UK?
Thanks for the help =)
Buying from G2A is a risk. You may get a good code. You may get a code bought with a stolen credit card. G2A will guarantee the code, but Anet will still ban your account if you get a bad one and you’d have to start over completely from scratch.
It’s really really not worth the risk.
On top of this, since G2A is not an approved merchant for the game, ANet’s support will not offer assistance if you purchase from them. You really will be up a creek without a paddle.
Umm…. umm… ummm… ummm… uh… huh?
Welcome to Tyria! The first thing I would recommend is this… If you’ve ever played any other MMO, throw any per-conceptions you may have out the window. GW2 isn’t like anything you’ve played before, and so should be approached with an open mind. Second, don’t be afraid to take things slowly. There is a great deal to do, even starting off. Heck three of the better known world bosses are in the starting areas. Lastly, don’t be afraid to shout out and ask for help or advice. GW2 has one of the friendliest and most helpful communities out there. Most of the time someone will be more than willing to assist.
So far the only balance changes ANet has announced are exclusive to PvP, as they are beginning to split some functionality between PvP and PvE. As of yet we have no idea what, if any, balance changes will be made for PvE. As Gaile herself has made a thread in the PvP forum detailing the changes being made there, if you have any concerns I recommend bringing them up on that thread.
You’ll be happy to know that in their last AMA on Reddit ANet said that they would be introducing a method to farm hardened leather. Unfortunately they did not give an ETA on that release.
its part of the game. it gives you something worth it to work towards.
No its not “part of the game”. its basic feature that every MMO has that anet has not made ‘part of the game’ unless you GRIND for it.
you basically want to remove progression because your impatient? this is a great time to start practicing it.
I’m not sure if your nieve or trolling, but an auto-loot feature is not PROGRESSION.
Its a BASIC feature in every game that anet has locked behind GRIND.Thats like callling the hang up/end call feature on your cell phone progression where you have to make 800,000 phone calls before they allow you have that feature.
Hate to break it to ya but auto-loot is not EVEN a feature in every game, let alone a basic feature. Dunno what games you’ve been playing but most of the ones I’ve played, MMO or otherwise, don’t even have it included. Add to that the fact that it’s one of the easiest mastery lines to finish makes me wonder who’s really trolling around here.
I have found that the disconnect issue is still occurring, even to the point where I can’t log back in on the same character without the game crashing. I have sent multiple crash reports.
Edit: Not trying to sound snippy. I still love this game
I think I misunderstood you. I didn’t realize you meant they were disappearing entirely.
The hearts are repeatable. You have the option to do them over and over after roll-over. It’s not a bug.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.