Cantha would be hard either way since Anet is terrified of china…
Welp, I’m done with the forum. See you guys in two years.
As an example, Anet took the time to research the behavior of their target market and found a significant number of potential players were turned away from the game by having too much thrown at them at once. These are players who are extremely unlikely to visit the forums and express their opinions about the game, because if they are confused by the game itself they would probably have trouble navigating the forums.
I can attest to this. On release, I exited game at about lv5 because there was so much I could do that it felt daunting. Figured I’d give myself a day to work it out in my head.
Two friends I invited during the first trial were stumped at lv5, they’re so used to being placed on rails that without the game telling them what to do they were lost. Only one of them stuck it out and effectively guilted me to help them through leveling to 80. She hates Tasks.
Let’s finish Tyria, first.
“You probably won’t like it, it’s pretty laid-back”.
Not a single ’I’m mad’ poster has given me even a copper of their stuff. They say they love the game, why don’t they give to the people that still play it.
C’mon, Guzzi. I could use some Ectoplasm, to Salvage into Dust.
I would guess you don’t have any Traits and/or are wearing Shaman’s equipment, possibly on a Guardian.
I was playing a Ranger and for a game that says it’s “play the way you want” (even if it’s a lie, it doesn’t matter) an event of mission shouldn’t be made to where you have to have the right traits and wearing the right armor to win.
It is no lie.
I believe I wasn’t clear in my initial post, sorry. I was implying that perhaps you’re not utilizing Traits and equipment that best suits how you approach this situation.
Okay. I finally finished Mawdrey.
Swinging my axe (minion?) for Foxfire Clusters was pretty chill, did some Temple cleansing, dominating Veterans that eat my non-existent Vitality. Only made the effort for at least three or four Clusters a day (five was lucky) since Piquant Plant Food has a cooldown. I bought the last twenty Foxfire Clusters, for the Elementally-Charged Plant Food, for a measly 6g.
Now my inventory isn’t cluttered and I have two cutey pets. Felt like a walk through a safe park, uneventful but pleasant. I hope this scavenger hunt is just a thimble’s worth compared to what bigger scavenger hunts could be.
Coiled Watch event- impossible to do alone or with a small group. Guard the Dolyaks- impossible to do alone or with a small group. The Barrowstead event- impossible to do alone and still hard to do even with a large amount of players.
I remember doing this solo before it was incorporated into the Living Story. It’s a fun and seemingly monumental Event chain. At the end of the Barrowstead Event, it took me a bit of elbow grease, but I cinched it.
I assume your complaint, made two hours ago, is close to when you attempted this feat. Since the Icebrood Shamans were made to Veterans with Champion-spawning-sized player mobs in the vicinity, I would guess you don’t have any Traits and/or are wearing Shaman’s equipment, possibly on a Guardian. Computer performance issues?
On another note was their any reason for the Party Politics mission? Oh look someone is bad mouthing the Queen yet again and I have to figure out who. Am I playing my personal storyline missions again or am I dealing with the Elder Dragon Mordremoth?
I love playing detective, that’s Batman’s biggest draw for me. I hope there’s another one like this, piecing together clues and finding liars.
Click until you’re bored/tired, come back to it later.
bad designing?
uw and fow were great to do with any profession.
professions arent alienated by dungeons, but by players.
You don’t think the game’s design facilitated that community.
I would wager that the difference between every MMO’s community is only the game they’re playing, so essentially the same people (figuratively) are playing Guild Wars 2 that played Guild Wars. Surely it’s only a matter of time before the community unanimously ostracizes a profession from some future content?
… require the player to think and improve…
I believe there might be merit to this. It certainly was punishing to attempt play with a “thoughtless” build in Guild Wars, for me. Not so much in Guild Wars 2, I essentially bulldozed my way through iron briars.
But it was quite refreshing to build however the hell I wanted here, than be required to select a build someone else created because someone else had already thought of the best skills and you better ping build or kick. Only time I could use my Paragon/Elementalist template was during a leisurely Vanquish, where seven people could just carry you. Although, being told to start an entirely different character (profession) because your chosen profession is shunned at certain content was when I realized ‘this is Game of the Year’.
Perhaps I should take off my rose-tinted glasses.
The GW1 system was designed for a completely different game with a completely different type of “average player” playing it.
This system we have now – both stat-wise and skill-wise is designed to be as “dummy proof” as possible so terribly bad people can still perform and don’t drop the game.
That’s the short answer.
Pretty much this. It’s amazing how dumb-down games have become in such a relatively short amount of time.
why dumb-down?
Can I assume that smart games provide 9999 skills, 999 foods and drinks, 999999 other items and allow top gaming sets to be fully utilized and full time own those with basic keyboard and mouse?
Is it dumb down also that everyone have access to endgame gear and are gear and stat wise on pair with everyone else?you know. I’d like more of such dumb games.
I really guessing you arent familiar with gw1 stat system, because it was less big numbers, and it was the same stats for 7 years, it also was easy to get max stats and everyone was on par.
Difference is, your stats mattered, and gave you a lot more build diversity and playstyle differences.
Because I would like to walk with my different characters every now and then.
How do you propose crafting a third Legendary?
I hope not. Underworld and Fissure of Woe’s implementation alienated a profession. Bad designing.
It could also walk on water, make the blind see, and miraculously survived an assassination attempt by Claus von Stauffenberg.
Nowhere? The updates are free, you paid for the game.
A B2P model that is not being greedy only will need to release good expansion on a regular base.
I’m suggesting the time frame you present could be wholly manipulated by the scenario. As in, the only instances in which expansions and content were released on a generally acceptable schedule for a Buy-to-Play (or even a Free-to-Play) game were fragmented from the core game during development.
No P2P and F2P models put also a lot more content out during those 2 years (thats something you seem to forget) and I would also not expect every year an expansion the size of the expansions you would see with the expansions released every two years. That are the big differences. I would expect less content in between and smaller expansions then the 2 years expansions. And that is why it can go faster (an expansion per year) when they focus on that.
Has someone introduced the idea of expansions and heaps of content being released because the developer is just sitting on it? That is to say, it was developed with the “core” game, but removed for future stimulation? Mass Effect 3 is guilty of this, the template for a DLC character was already in the core game. There’s also a number of other games that, during development, developers would announce they have “day 1 DLC”.
My Block List is insanely long, something I very much appreciate as opposed to Guild Wars’ twenty limit. You don’t have to do much to get on my Block List, it could range from not Reviving me to poor word choice. I’ve only ever gone out of my way to block someone from the forum once, someone that always types what I agree with.
Who’s that Elder Dragon?!
I don’t think that’s an old ruin – looks too new, to be honest. Unless it’s well kept. Which I find hard to believe.
Remnant Margonite loyalists.
It’s just the halfway mark, we’ll get nothing substantial. Probably another scavenger hunt.
You should just leave, spare yourself the grief of the game and the forum. It’s too late for me, go.
I worked hard for the things I got and in everything I did…
… effort I have shed in this game.
Think I found’jer probl’m.
internet explorer
Sand Giant is not done because it is a mechanically boring fight, unrewarding, simply a big dps fest (unlike Marionette which requires coordination and many different gameplay strategies), and most importantly: Sand Giant goes on when too many other events ar happening.
Dry Top during sandstorms is basically an event-train, and Giant conflicts with it.
If there were no Skritt Queen, more people would do Giant.
The Sand Giant is fun to melee, and has a (I assume) unique quicksand ability. I’m conflicted on it’s time/reward ratio, in reference to other Events taking place (even without the Skritt Queen) simultaneously. You’re given three Champion bags, if I remember correctly.
can u give me the link? i hope they compensate it =(
yep. one month free playtime.
…compensate? seriously?
We paying, loyal customers better get something, or else I’ll only play on the weekend. And not buy anything new from the Black Lion, just minor conveniences.
mine is up, i’m not going to use it though..
balthazar backpack and a piece of glorious armor, buff or no buff i’m never goign in gw2 spvp again z__z
.. But you just did.
It’s happeniiiing!!
… everyone asking for an expansion is wanting something for nothing…
I feel like this is the case whenever there’s an outcry about ArenaNet trying to make more money.
I will simply be glad if they manage to not destroy environs they worked hard to make awesome only to take away from us…
You seem too invested in the environment. What’s so bad about Crown Pavilion.
I think a year ago, I ad-libbed “Spirit Reaper”. I remember, it was a play on the combination of Monk and Paragon to make Guardian, combing Dervish and Ritualist. Something about a Soul Essence mechanic, whatever.
I’m super all about varying body-types (Scott Pilgrim’s make-your-self website was an offender). But yeah, adventuring tends to slap muscle on/burn fat off.
So to be clear unnecessary comments about ‘True Gamers’, ‘Elitists’ and ‘Dress Up Players’ won’t be tolerated.
I despise the alterations made (as well as those in Wintersday), but I still like completing it. Hearing all those people fall behind me, music.
Mini Candy-Corn Elemental has been at Laurel Merchants for some time now.
I’ll just have Gems left over for next time I want to purchase something. Like if I had done so with cash, which I have. Or let their value appreciate and get my gold back in a month or two.
These attempts to increase your revenues from the game are soo irritating……..first you (Anet) ended the key runs in the previous update……..and now this…….and all in the name of “simplifying”
Yes how dare a company (whose first and foremost purpose is to make money) dare try to make money?
What you don’t understand is thhat this is a terrible way to make money. It’s akin to short selling, slash and burn, short term profit as opposed to long term investment. It’s not healthy for Anet to do this, because more people will leave, and that equals even less profit.
I very strongly believe in the, ‘Build it and they will come’ business principle. In this case, that means creating new content and providing an unobtrusive, fair means for the customers to fund it.
Where’s the new content? Where’s the product?
This game should have an expansion by now.
Anet sold out, and that’s all there is to it.
Better luck next time.
Hey I thought you left!
She’s the public face of what looks like an attempt to swindle folks out of cash. Not an enviable position.
Where do people come up with all this kitten?
Did you see my post about pomeranians? It’s the same thing.
GW1 was generous and wanted the players to have a good time.
Lex Luthor (plays a Paragon): WROOONG!!
I’ll probably be silenced for this, but my life is a small price for the truth.
The new gem conversion works in tandem with Barack Obama and Venusian amazons’ plans to indoctrinate mankind, sterilize our males and position Pomeranians as the apex species. We still have time, my brothers.
Only The Cause.
We better not. No one would play either area with my Paragon, bad designing.
Actually that was more because Paragon was badly designed.
The area was released with this problem, almost as if it were built against the profession.
Well, unless you played Imbagon, the only Paragon build people actually welcomed in groups.
Outside of Underworld and Fissure of Woe.
for a outfit you didn’t have to spend gems on, it’s actually pretty good, i prefer it to the witch’s outfit tbh
I noticed something familiar about the shoulder piece, I came here and discovered it’s the Witch’s Outfit and I’ve read twice about China not liking skeletons.
Wonder if someone here knows any Chinese myths that seem to be incorporated into the outfit? Like the talismans on the hat, are they for keeping malicious spirits away from me or keeping me sealed.
We better not. No one would play either area with my Paragon, bad designing.
I think they’re going to muck it up and do something stupid with the LS ending.
That’s the spirit!
. (-:
Well, as much as I won’t get my hopes up, prove him wrong with the content.
Exactly. We are doing our very best to do just that.
Cantha expansion confirmed and promised, get hyped!
Thanks, you guys, I almost lost hope. RNG, Barack Obama, manifesto, content. Did I cover all the buzzwords?
… this achievement requires spending money…
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
More like ‘thank you’s to ArenaNet.
Shoutout to Joshua Foreman.