Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Scrap utilities, they are horrible. Doesnt matter if regenage has to be delayes or whatever, they cant ship it in current state or gg. And as for the shortbow.. its needs utility and kiting tools.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
So, we should risk real life pain
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I believe average blood legion soldier would be somewhat equal to average norn or not far behind at least.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
In pvp/wvw Revs need to learn to kite more and make careful skill selections to make the most of their energy (same with thief and initiative).
In Pve revs need to understand and accept that if they’re not spamming their energy they’re losing damage (same with thief and initiative).
Thief has plenty of utilities with the proper traits selected that instantly gain back initiative to keep dishing out damage…what does Rev have besides weapon swap to regain energy, other than time itself? Also, none of the thief’s utilities or F-skills cost initiative, just weapon skills minus the auto-attack, so there are only 4 slots at any time that actually cost initiative. The same no-initiative-cost utilities also allow the thief to get out of harm’s way if they do need to reset their initiative bar, where Rev has no significant distance-producing skills and the few leaps they do have cost energy.
You forgot to mention that in the situation where rev did actually get away and go ooc, if he was above 50 energy he will instantly loose all that saved up energy even if it was only ooc for 1/2 a second.
Or that we start fight with 50% and all energy above 50% is wasted on swap anyway.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Nothing in our condi kit synergies with kiting your opponent, or ranged combat play, and if all you need are condi-pokes
I will agree to disagree. Yes we technically dont have synergy but.. we actually do. Being ranged will force enemies to stay in UA if they try to pressure us. Put down a “pizza” and run in circles on it, melee enemy will have to back off or waste cleanses to survive cus facetanking UA for it duration is not wise at all.
Also torment is all about kiting actually. If anything torment doesnt make much sense to be placed on melee autos.
I always looked at VH for example at a sort of defensive move to force enemies to back down while you use hammer. Sadly hammer is too weak for it in current state to make it work.
being ranged doesn’t force them to stay in a torment field. The shortbow also has no kiting skills besides one knockdown. We also got no new kiting utilities with kalla utilities. Actually you would most likely get more out of staying in mace/axe and using 2, 3, and 5 when kiting. Shortbow is about as useful as hammer when someone engages you in melee, except its a lot worse at range because it’s only 900 range. You could argue that its a ranged condi weapon, but it does such insignificant damage you can’t really use that as a justification.
No but it provides you a breath space which atm you dont have with mace/axe. Also i talked about my rifle concept. Shortbow is.. idk what tbh. A sad joke.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Nothing in our condi kit synergies with kiting your opponent, or ranged combat play, and if all you need are condi-pokes
I will agree to disagree. Yes we technically dont have synergy but.. we actually do. Being ranged will force enemies to stay in UA if they try to pressure us. Put down a “pizza” and run in circles on it, melee enemy will have to back off or waste cleanses to survive cus facetanking UA for it duration is not wise at all.
Also torment is all about kiting actually. If anything torment doesnt make much sense to be placed on melee autos.
I always looked at VH for example at a sort of defensive move to force enemies to back down while you use hammer. Sadly hammer is too weak for it in current state to make it work.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I feel like this is probably what happened with Renegade in the first place, saw a bunch of forum warriors QQ’ing about not having a ranged condi weapon (something that we didn’t even need and doesn’t even fit with the rest of our kit) and decided that it would be the feature they’d implement to save their revenant community and bolster expansion sales.
We wanted a core ranged condi wep. Not something locked behind e-spec. And shortbow sux anyway, it has 0 defensive tools with 900 range. Wish they used my concept for rifle which i made over a year ago.
1. Sphere of Anguish – Fire a shoot towards your target. Inflict increasing durations of torment, the farther away that your foe is from you.
-Damage; 135 (0.45)
800+ range – 5sec
400-800 range – 4sec
0-400 range – 3sec
-Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile 20%
-3/4 sec cast time
-Number of targets; 1
2. Venomous Spheres – Fire three poisoned spheres towards your foe.
-Damage (x3): 70 (0.20)
-Poison: 3x, 5 sec duration
-Cd; 4
-Cast time: 1sec
-Number of targets: 5
-Energy cost: 5
-Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
3. Frigid Sphere – Fire a frigid sphere towards your foe deflecting projectiles on it way and chilling opponents as it pass through.
-Damage: 165 (0.5)
-Chill: 2 seconds
-Radius: 120
-Cd: 8
-Cast time: 1/4
-Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile
-Number of targets: 5
-Energy cost: 5
4. Igniting Sphere – Ignite target area, burning nearby foes.
-Damage (x4): 125 (0.4)
-Burning: 2x, 2sec
-Radius: 240
-Cd; 12
-Cast time: 3/4
-Combo Field: Fire
-Duration; 3 seconds
-Pulses: 4
-Ground targeted
-Number of targets: 5
-Energy cost: 10
5. Diabolic Eruption – Blast the ground, damaging and immobilizing your foes. Upon blasting shadowstep backward.
-Damage: 335 (1.0)
-Immobilize: 2sec
-Cast time: 1/2
-Cd: 15sec
-Number of targets: 5
-Shadowstep range: 600
-Energy cost: 15
-Combo Finisher: Blast
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
No change in the energy costs at least in today’s 2-hour PvE stress test…
If you think that a build from a month before release is anything but release candidate, you are hopelessly naive.
They don’t make changes to release builds one month before release.
that’s strange, because I’m pretty sure there was a dev post saying that there were going to be number tweaks and bugfixes, but unfortunately they weren’t going to be in the stress test
“number tweaks and bugfixes” sadly they dont matter at all, renejoke is a failed concept and you will never take Kalla to pvp/wvw in current state.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Personal attacks aside, weapon swap was the best thing that could happen to revenant. Being free to swap between hammer and sword without also swapping legend, or being free to swap legend for break stun or energy without swapping weapon is an upgrade, a straight upgrade with no counter effects, on what Revenant was before that suggestion. And was useful in many scenarios.
Without weaponswap Revenant would have had another free limitation with no actual benefit since we don’t have kits or conjured weapons.But that’s an old argument and it’s useless to talk about it.
Tell me how engi and ele are able to function without wep swap. Thats right, they were properly designed, rev is not. Its a core desing issue and till they dont fix it rev will continue to suffer. Wep swap was the worst solution possible, cheap temp fix which caused far more problems. What had to be done was a proper redesing to give us a mechanic to make up for the lack of wep swap. That didnt happen at all tho due to everyone screaming for wep swap.. now here we are, 2 years after nerfs with useless class and questionable desing choices.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Kidel you dont even play in pvp and you are part of the reason why rev is in current state the way it is now. You been really loud about band aid fix in form of wep swap.
Its been 2 years since we talked and had “forum wars” between us yet you still dont understand that everything Anet did back then (dev on forum etc) was nothing but commercial move to get our $. Its time to stop asking for stuff that will never happen as long wep swap is in place. Rev will either get redesing or will remain in current broken state. Accept it or move on like i did.
You gonna disappear like you did last time anyway while rest of us will be frustrated.. again. Well maybe not considering that devs dont care.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
the only problem with putting stuff on shield is that it won’t work with kalla
Who care about useless elite anyway that doesnt even make any sense cus Kalla was using greatsword? Lets just pretend they didnt gave rev an elite spec this xpac. Shield is horrible and its needs buffs, just like core rev itself. Renejoke is a different subject
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Remove cd from PT, reduce cost to 20 and range to 900. Done ezpz
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Shield 4 could use faster cast time and cleanse 1 condi while sending it away and on return. Shield 5 could cleanse condition with each pulse and get cd reduced to 20sec.
Impossible odds could transfer condi back to opponent with 1sec interval etc.
They trying too hard to make rev feel unique when hes not and the class only pays heavy price for it.
I would honestly remove resistance and make rev immune to conditions under Mallyx elite+bring back condi copy. Atm its useless skill outside of dps boost in pve.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
They need to redo this spec completely. Theres no hope at this point cus they wont do that. But hey, why i should care anyway, im not gonna buy this xpac nor any future ones till they dont fix core rev.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Just gimme short cds on all utilities, remove energy cost completely from them and weapon skills, remove cd on legend swap along with energy gain/reset on swap.
Honestly current concept has failed and i rather have energy for upkeep skills only – and while we are at it, upkeep skills on weapons would be pretty nice for example hammer 4..
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Energy cost doesnt show up when previewed on another class. Fake title.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Rework Renegade. The utility skills are horrible, “al wells” that can be killed or cc’ed.
Theres no way for someone to even consider Kalla in pvp/wvw. If we could swap these for real utility skills it would be okay but in current state its simply unacceptable. Trait line leaves a lot to desire as well.
Shortbow is clunky (like come on, its not a hammer), lack any sort of defensive move.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I don’t understand why they refuse to let Rev have normal heals that can simply be used reliably. Add in that if it’s interrupted, Kalla’s heal flat out fails and goes on full cd while being the only stun break of the legend and it’s got my vote for worst heal in the game.
I dont understand why rev cant have reliable heals either. Kalla heal goes on full cd bc its a stunbreak, otherwise you would be able to stunbreak over n over like it happened with Rite during first HoT beta. Great idea from devs on that one to link stunbreak to a heal skill. But well.. im not surprised anyway, they proved over and over that they dont know what they doing.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
As fun as it sounds i still basically play rev “without” wep swap where i have hammer but basically never use it on duels and yet i kitten using s/s only which proves that wep swap wasnt needed at all.
You can make the skill from weapons stronger in a “no swap” environment and still I think that won’t provide as much tools as having a second one. For sure, using s/x + staff I find myself rotating between them a lot.
Thats not the point. Rev is poorly designed, there is a reason why engi and ele work just fine without weapon swap and rev doesnt. Its issue at the core desing, wep swap was nothing but bandaid fix and in the end it doesnt solve any issues – quite the opposite actually.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Weapon swap was the worst idea ever and the reason we are stuck in with half working class.
The class should have been had weapon swap. It was poorly designed class. With the addition of weapon swap, the bse class should have been given more baseline weapons. Instead Rev was given few weapons to use like other non weapon swap classes.
Also Ventari should have been stronger on the heals, and Support role, knowing full well the Druid was a new concept releasing at the same time.
Also Revenant should have been designed with additional Legend skills per legend so players can pick and choose. Energy should have started with more and cost less on weapon skills, especially Staff, which never made sense in the first place.
There is just so much wrong with the design of the class. Seem like Anet was conflicted with their direction for this class and just released as is situation.
No, rev should remain without wep swap. Many nerfs would be avoided this way. A rework to legend system was needed cus right now i dont feel like i can choose my playstyle/utilities depending on my situation – instead i have to swap whole time to get back some energy. I cant camp Mallyx vs X class, i cant camp Jalis when i need to be “tanky” and so on.
As fun as it sounds i still basically play rev “without” wep swap where i have hammer but basically never use it on duels and yet i kitten using s/s only which proves that wep swap wasnt needed at all.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Weapon swap was the worst idea ever and the reason we are stuck in with half working class.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Horrible pve spec. Nty.. you almost had me back Anet..
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
but it does not synchronise with glint heal as you want to get hit when you use it.
but i guess it’s all about getting the crappy traits skills ready for renegade so sales are good.
Honestly this is such a design over sight it’s embarrassing.
You mean like Herald trait that provides protection on heal skill use?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I like this dome the animation and wish i could upkeep it somehow. That said its only 4sec in pvp/wvw
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Because you’re in PvP.
i didnt see any of that in the patchnotes.
Many skills are different in PvP, usually with shorter or smaller boons to keep things in check
Explain me why conversion from toughness to power is only 4% in wvw/spvp tho and 13% in pve. Its GM trait kitten , makes no sense. 4% is ya know.. nothing.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Ive played yesterday 1v1 with my friend and few randoms in wvw (and i havent played since mid S2) with s/s+hammer and shiro/jalis. As funny as it sounds ive destroyed all heralds. For me its safe to say that core rev may be actually superior to herald or these guys suck more so than me despite being rusty af.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Kalla with shortbow makes no sense. It should have been Pyre. Its ok tho, devs dont care about their own lore.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Before Smite had dx9 option only. Now you can play in dx11 mode which promotes a bit better textures and performance. Older game called WoW added dx11 support long ago. Check even Path of Exile which was made by indie studio keep improving graphic, performance, added dx11 etc and in 2 days releases a big fat expansion completely for free.. Yet here we are with so called “AAA” title that still doesnt support dx11 in 2017.. thats a joke, and not even a good one. I guess the game is coming to an end anyway and they might be already working on GW3 otherwise i fail to realize why they havent done anything yet. I wont be buying xpac either anyway but for different reason (joke revenant, joke balance)
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
Kalla Scorchrazor wields GREATSWORD, and Pyre Fierceshot condi BOW
Thats my problem as well. I wont buy next xpac at all.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
the stunbreak is on the heal
That may be a trait and either way stunbreak on a heal skill is a horrible idea – what if i get cc on full hp and want to break it trying to avoid getting eated alive? I lose the small heal it has leaving me with no sustain in this stance. What is needed is a utility specifically designed to stunbreak like Shiro riposting shadows. As it is now, i dont see any use of Kalla outside of pve support.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Seriously ? This is an MMORPG, not a bleeding edge FPS. Not even big-name MOBAs do the kinds of things that you want this game to do.
Support for DirectX 11 video cards
64-bit client support
High-definition texture DLC for PC — improves the performance and visual quality of gods and maps.
o rlly?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
0 defensive options/kiting on bow
0 stability on utilities
0 stunbreaks
0 condi clear
0 mobility
0 disengage
Poor healing
Sounds like fun pvp spec kappa. At this point its obvious that people who want to play condi will go renegade for bow (that should be core anyway) and Shiro/Mallyx, Kalla utilities are useless af outside of pve maybe. Well done Anet.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Lmao. So Kalla which was using greatsword will end up using a shortbow with mesmer clones. Yeah i like the animations of bow and all but i will definitely wont bother with this xpac. Good luck pals
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Is it a bow or shortbow in the end? And who rev will channel? I havent bothered to watch it at all. Hype is not my thing.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Get rid of that road already and replace it with normal stab like everyone else..
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
You can’t possibly be that introverted if you’ve made a family of your own. Try sitting in a little room all day feeling like kitten, being unable to bring yourself to do anything, hating interacting with people so much that you avoid the neighbour who says ‘good morning’.
Pretty sure i am the most introverted person taking voice in this thread now (pic for proof – 100% intro, 90% intuitive, 82% thinking, 84% judging, 98% assertive) and i completely disagree with what you said. I can feel “kitten” at times but it doesnt last too long. Not being able to bring yourself to do anything is nothing else but laziness.
I do hate interacting with people irl as well except for the few ones i already know. On internet it doesnt matter that much – i am more open cus idc that much. That said im not a fan of closed group pve contest like raids, fractals (also im more pvp oriented for obvious reason) and i prefer to play solo in general, doing stuff at my own pace and troll on map chat.
What you described is not a introversion but some serious unhealthy behavior.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
EDIT: Diabolic Inferno: It was pointed out on Reddit that this will now auto-trigger while you are upkeeping Embrace the Darkness, and the icd has been reduced to 8 seconds. That’s pretty cool. If the next expansion’s elite spec features a lot of burning, then I could see value in the two competing condi damage Corruption GM traits.
Diabolic inferno should increase burn duration as well like Incendiary Powder.
Overall they did well some things but theres still a lot of overlooked stuff (looking at Mallyx elite..) and mace 3 is literally impossible to land in pvp.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
If you are only endlessly pressing buttons to fill a rotation, then you do not actually know what you’re doing. You are just button pressing, not learning.
Im not sure what i am supposed to do/learn in gw2 pve when the game plays itself for me, it is a walk in the park. I think you actually havent played a hard game at all like Metro 2033 on ranger hardcore or Dark Souls on ++++++ which makes all casuals cry and uninstall.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
They just have to rework torment in pve so that it will do 100% damage to stationary targets. Atm torment pve wise makes no sense.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I used a similar gear setup to test condi rev for PvE, managed to hit 30k on a stationary golem.
Could you test it with UA instead of EtD with the new torment on chill trait?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
If condi rev was viable then they wouldnt buff him in the first place. You dont make any sense at this point cause even devs found condi rev to be subpar choice, unless you consider yourself to be smarter than everyone else ingame, including devs with access to data?
Subpar or not, it was over-tuned as usual. Or do you think that it is currently at a reasonable and balanced state?
Pve wise idk, he definitely feels much stronger tho.
Pvp im not sure. Condi rev is still subpar due to lack of ranged condi wep but most likely he will be dominating in low elo games like dh did.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Hey anet! Power rev was trash too!
The buffs are mostly condition PvE oriented (yes, that spec that Is Nerfing Time calls “fine”). I think that roaming/PvP condi Rev is still crap because still lacks stability, condition cleanses and any sort of condition pressure at range.
It is fine (more than fine, it’s great), and has even been buffed with latest patch.
Your problems are always PVP related and therefore irrelevant as PVE is the focus of the game.
Lmao. These condi buffs were mostly pve focused cause condi rev was far from fine.
You do realise Anet buff or nerf for different reasons (some needed, some not, some make sense, some do not). Your personal jaded opinion due to PVP is irrelevant as I said.
In PVE it’s a great choice, now it’s become a bit stronger.
And yet, most of the changes were pve focused cause condi rev sucked balls in pve so they had to buff him due to the upcoming condi elite spec. Condi rev was far far away from being good in pve prepatch, now who knows.
In your opinion, you mean. Condi Rev did most certainly not suck. As I said, PVP doesn’t matter.
It was a viable and good choice, Rev has had 3 choices – Support, Condi and Power for awhile now.
If condi rev was viable then they wouldnt buff him in the first place. You dont make any sense at this point cause even devs found condi rev to be subpar choice, unless you consider yourself to be smarter than everyone else ingame, including devs with access to data?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Hey anet! Power rev was trash too!
The buffs are mostly condition PvE oriented (yes, that spec that Is Nerfing Time calls “fine”). I think that roaming/PvP condi Rev is still crap because still lacks stability, condition cleanses and any sort of condition pressure at range.
It is fine (more than fine, it’s great), and has even been buffed with latest patch.
Your problems are always PVP related and therefore irrelevant as PVE is the focus of the game.
Lmao. These condi buffs were mostly pve focused cause condi rev was far from fine.
You do realise Anet buff or nerf for different reasons (some needed, some not, some make sense, some do not). Your personal jaded opinion due to PVP is irrelevant as I said.
In PVE it’s a great choice, now it’s become a bit stronger.
And yet, most of the changes were pve focused cause condi rev sucked balls in pve so they had to buff him due to the upcoming condi elite spec. Condi rev was far far away from being good in pve prepatch, now who knows.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Hey anet! Power rev was trash too!
The buffs are mostly condition PvE oriented (yes, that spec that Is Nerfing Time calls “fine”). I think that roaming/PvP condi Rev is still crap because still lacks stability, condition cleanses and any sort of condition pressure at range.
It is fine (more than fine, it’s great), and has even been buffed with latest patch.
Your problems are always PVP related and therefore irrelevant as PVE is the focus of the game.
Lmao. These condi buffs were mostly pve focused cause condi rev was far from fine.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
You wouldnt like beta Mallyx then i guess. That tradeoff is worth it.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Devs only have 4 less utilities than other classes and you are leaving out the fact that at any given time a Revenant has 8 utilities slotted while all other classes are stuck to their set of 4 while in combat……
Last time i checked mesmer had 4 utility skills+5 F skills. Guardian had 4 utility skills+3 F skills, ranger had 4 utility skills+transformation to access 5 new “weapon” skills. Shall i continue?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
The real insanity lies in the Ventari Elite. You can spam it pretty much for tons of healing orbs on a near constant basis and it only costs 10 energy. Easy to keep up.
Thats also fun stuff, sadly im not into support at all.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
How is it broken or worse now?
Idk man, being able to put on 20 torment stacks from one skill is totally legit. Ofc we can say that you can get away from it but if your mobility skills are on cd then pretty much anyone is kittened up, no condi clear is going to keep up with that (and my build prepatch was specifically made to proc up to 4 condi off anything, even autos). I havent played in months, went to wvw and 1v1 some people and destroyed them, UA offers too high pressure in current state with the new reworked trait.
And Mallyx elite became even worse at this point cause theres literally no reason to cast it over UA right now, they were pretty similiar pre patch but now UA offers superior, ridiculous pressure compared to EtD.
The only thing i dislike is the change to mace 3 not tracking targets. It sux balls having to aim it manually and i ended up not using it at all unless i was chasing someone who was running in straight line.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
That confirms next elite spec being condi based.
Unyielding anguish is broken af now, theres no way it wont get nerfed. Meanwhile Mallyx elite is even more worthless
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)