Showing Posts For Burtnik.5218:

With all these CDs and energy costs...

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


No way. Revenant needs to go back to it’s mechanic basis and stick with energy only imo.

Its clear that they want us to deal with both Energy and Cooldown management at this point. There’s little chance that they’ll make us completely dependent on energy alone.

I propose this.

1. Weapon skills no longer cost energy.
2. Utility skills (except heal) will use energy only. All of them
3. Start at 100 energy
4. Remove energy gain on legend swap
5. Remove cd from legend swap

And based on that rebalance utility cost.

I agree wholeheartedly on 1 and 2. I’m not sure why we don’t start at 100% in the first place, so 3 is acceptable if they carefully manage the costs of utility energy.
I don’t agree with Legend Swap CD being removed. If it is, then we’ll likely end up like Elementalists and unable to go back to the previous “Element” (legend) invoked due to it being on its own cooldown.
Can you elaborate on 4 a little?
I know another thing I’d like to add is that Energy shouldn’t be drained till a skill actually takes effect, like Impossible Odds or Embrace the Darkness.

Im not sure if i understand right. Removing cd on legend swap means you can adapt your utility skills to X situation/camp one legend.

My point 4 means that managing energy will be crucial. In current system its “drain and swap” for 50 energy, in mine – you can swap every second if you feel like that but you wont get any energy nor it wont reset from 70 to 50. You start with 100 energy and you have to manage it right, like thief ini. In other words i start with Shiro, cast 2 jade winds in a row and swap to Glint but my energy remains 0.
And that “another thing” is a bug.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Greatsword as a ranged weapon for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I want melee shortbow.

Warrior got melee longbow.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

With all these CDs and energy costs...

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I propose this.

1. Weapon skills no longer cost energy.
2. Utility skills (except heal) will use energy only. All of them
3. Start at 100 energy
4. Remove energy gain on legend swap
5. Remove cd from legend swap

And based on that rebalance utility cost.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

What to do against Necros & general condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Since everyone’s discussing Condition abuse, how do you guys find Mallyx in ranked play at the moment?
I know you can’t constantly keep Resistance going so easily, but surely it helps some against the plague of condition damage floating about?
Of course, there’s still a nasty weakness to CC, but I feel like you can sorta make up for it with boonstripping against bunkers (Eles/Scrappers in particular, who contest points and almost never die otherwise)…

My friend uses Mallyx/Glint and doesnt complain. He dropped Shiro cause they turned him into trash.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Greatsword as a ranged weapon for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


My condi rifle/lb is 100x better. Also i would like to see gs as single target power weapon assuming if i ever return to this game yet alone touch rev. Its too fun to play as squirrel.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Season 3 with 2500 viewers on Twitch

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Meanwhile Smite patch notes has 13+k viewers lmfao

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

What to do against Necros & general condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Your best bet is stop playing completely. Once rev population drop on face they will start understand what mistake they did. Just like with wvw.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

why is energy not like initiative?

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I always figured its Anets way of admitting that the initiative system is incredibly broken, unfortunatly there are too many thief players for them to actually redesign it.

Nothing stops them from adding cd to their skills just like nothing stopped them to slap cd’s on our utilities.

Revenant needs a mechanic redesing when it comes to energy.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

What to do against Necros & general condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Reroll to berserker.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Anet read this. Revenan dmg/survivability.

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Dont worry, they will continue nerfing nerfnant bc there cant be a patch without a nerf to him. Hes already trash but who care. Need to be nerfed some more to dh level.

I was wondering when you would show up. Like supreme does for ele and quite a couple of people do for mesmer.

‘[Insert my favourite class here] is completely underpowered, hated by Anet and has always been nerfed, it hardly was in the meta ever. [Insert hardcounter here] is Anets golden child and has never ever been ever nerfed, ever.
Only due to my godlike level of skill and deep knowledge the class is playable at all.’

Despite that I stopped taking the op seriously when they used the word ‘hammer’.

Never said it wasnt meta but latest nerf to PT was completely kittened as it leaves rev with no energy to do ANYTHING at all while still having cooldown. Then we had other pointless nerfs such as core dodge trait with 5icd when the real problem (and still is) is herald one.

Destroyed shield 5 which is a complete joke nowdays, Shiro heal that you can reflect to heal yourself (that heal is a joke either way, too easy to negate completely).

Single target damage that gets 75% reduction when a clone/invisible object/pet/minion/someone else show up < show me any other class in this game that loses single target damage due to mentioned reason. Full of issues with terrain that causes our skills to not land at all etc.

Its quite funny to complain about hammer when its literally one of the worst weapons in game. Damage scales with range but it has no ability to kite someone or anything, once the gap is closed rev plays with only 1 wep set if their second was hammer. Id take ranger longbow anyday anytime over this trash.

For me they should scrap whole revenant and start it from the ground bc its honestly a joke broken beta class nowdays. Not really that much better than other power build due to all the nerfs but unlike other power specs anything with condi faceroll rev.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Anet read this. Revenan dmg/survivability.

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Dont worry, they will continue nerfing nerfnant bc there cant be a patch without a nerf to him. Hes already trash but who care. Need to be nerfed some more to dh level.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revenant 80 boost

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Why use sword vs multiple opponents? Go mace or staff for that…sword is bad for multiple target dps.

Wasnt sword rev dps weapon? Am i supposed to use condi wep with a field that lands maybe 1/10 times due to terrain issues or a utility staff which has even lower damage?

See? This is the kittening problem here. We dont even have any alternative to this kittened sword. And it single target damage is not that great either to make up for it.


Unlike sword ,the staff’s AA has a cap of 3 targets while sword has a cap of 1 target. If you hit more than 1 target with sword AA,then damage is lowered,but with staff you can AA 3 targets for full AA damage. So if we are talking about dps vs multiple targets then staff is better than sword.

To answer your question…yeah use the staff 1,2 & 5 is all I use for pve….along side hammer 3 & 5.

Dude.. sword auto has a cap of 3 targets and the rift can hit up to 12 times as well. In terms of aoe auto damage, sword beats staff by miles. Problem is all sword has is this auto, anything else result in massive dps loss.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Core Vs Elite Spec: third spec slot buff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Make profession line an elite one. Like trickery for thief so they cant mix that with daredevil, berserker with discpline etc

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revenant is now useless in large WvW fights

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I start to wonder if it wouldnt be better to close rev mechanic to thief, gain alternative methods of energy and remove energy gain from swap itself (along with cd) so we can truly adjust to x situation. We could start with 100 energy at this point as well and then we could talk about energy management. Right now whatever i wont on Shiro im nearly out of energy. Shiro first legend with 4 “elites”.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revenant 80 boost

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Why use sword vs multiple opponents? Go mace or staff for that…sword is bad for multiple target dps.

Wasnt sword rev dps weapon? Am i supposed to use condi wep with a field that lands maybe 1/10 times due to terrain issues or a utility staff which has even lower damage?

See? This is the kittening problem here. We dont even have any alternative to this kittened sword. And it single target damage is not that great either to make up for it.


Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)

Revenant is now useless in large WvW fights

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


WvW – CoR and boon bot
Raids – Boonbot, mostly for F2
Spvp – Im honestly not sure whats his role atm other than feeders to condi builds as his potential to +1 got dramatically decreased .

Tons of unviable and bugged stuff. Whatever we wont try to do, other class can do better. Revenant seems to be in a “good” spot now where Shiro, the legendary assassin is a joke in comprasion to some dude who calls himself a thief.

Jalis, legendary warrior who is as dangerous as 3yr old kid.
Mallyx, the demon that punishment you hard and feasted on conditions is countered by one boonstrip from a puny necro.
Glint, one of the most powerful beings except Elder Dragons which is countered by not attacking during healing skill.

And then we have pearls like sword mh that drastically loses damage as more than one target show up while still aiming for pets, clones, houses, gates and even stuff not visible on map at all, its like trying to say “hey rev, i hear youre kittened”

And revenant mechanic is the best part about him. “Energy management” which is all about autoattacking stuff to death. No ways to gain energy or to actually feel like we managing it, just autoatk, when you run out of energy swap. I start to wonder whats the point of the 100 energy cap when youll never reach it anywhere. Its just drain&swap. Energy management my kitten.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Relevant Revenant patch notes

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218

Burtnik.5218 nerf just make the class more on par to’s not like it rendered the class “prepatch warrior-useless”, it’s still good and well viable, i guess only true rev will stay and all bandwagoners can go bandwagon the next FoTM

Yep, using a skill to close the gap and be a sitting rock with no energy to do anything else definitely bring rev closer to “balance”. Autoatk ftw after all.

Rev start to falling out of meta, thief can murder him as both heals are easily negated by him (Shiro heal is so kitten amazing after all.) and warrior dish out insane damage in teamfights (unlike rev autoattacking people) while still being good at +1. Both can clean conditions on their own too. The only reason to get rev right now is for boon support but theres ele for that so rev is not needed. If you mean closer to balance aka warriors few months ago then youre right, we got closer there.

main dps is auto and sword two which consume very little energy, seriously not sure the issue here…
and lol, clearly you don’t play warrior, warrior is no more of a point holder compare to power rev against multiple enemies and can be easily killed if focused (riposting shadow op), specially if there’s a thief with venom, the smash brawler build has only 2 stun break (one with long CD), compare to power rev has 3(all have relatively low CD and 2 doesnt consume energy). sure rev can be weak to condi mes, but it’s definitely not weak against warrior. seriously rev was never mainly for boon, like for real..this is not pve..i had just as much success on rev as on my war which i’ve mained for so long

Oh yeah, like anyone is stupid enough to wait for me to aa and not kite or sword 2 that might bug out at any time. Once i close gap i can do so much as press 2 and eventually autos but i wont have energy to defend myself. That basically means i have to always start with Shiro, swap legend as soon i close the gap and be a sitting duck cus rev has no real mobility other than PT. Imagine warrior having bullrush as their only way to close the gap.

And “you dont play warrior” lol i played it enough to know him in and out even tho i dont play him anymore and i called him meta right as the patch dropped cause AH is broken, anyone who was decent warrior and didnt need a popular streamer/metabattle build saw it from miles away. I dont play warrior, it just happened that i magically got 4,9k hours on him right?

As a side note, condi warrior faceroll rev.


Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)

Relevant Revenant patch notes

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218

Burtnik.5218 nerf just make the class more on par to’s not like it rendered the class “prepatch warrior-useless”, it’s still good and well viable, i guess only true rev will stay and all bandwagoners can go bandwagon the next FoTM

Yep, using a skill to close the gap and be a sitting rock with no energy to do anything else definitely bring rev closer to “balance”. Autoatk ftw after all.

Rev start to falling out of meta, thief can murder him as both heals are easily negated by him (Shiro heal is so kitten amazing after all.) and warrior dish out insane damage in teamfights (unlike rev autoattacking people) while still being good at +1. Both can clean conditions on their own too. The only reason to get rev right now is for boon support but theres ele for that so rev is not needed. If you mean closer to balance aka warriors few months ago then youre right, we got closer there.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Condi Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


People will be surprised af once they see warrior in the “meta” used by “pros” bc they cant think nor make build on their own.. Tier 3.. haha ok.

See ya soon calling on nerfs to war.

Who was right?

Good god! It’s almost like within the last 23 days, there wasn’t a patch that buffed the crap out of warriors and nerfed the classes that were keeping it down!

I bet if I go back far enough, I could find a post by people saying you’d never see a ranger used on any competitive teams.

There wasnt any buff/nerf to war since that time. AH is just a broken trait. 1k hp/s is ridiculous on top of being completely passive +that condi pressure berserker offers. Its not even that hard to land with access to berserker primal burst. Coming from ex warrior (over 4k h). You cannot really melee warrior. Either you burst him down in seconds or youll have to gtfo. You have to constatly pressure him while taking heavy damage back. Its just.. no words. But ofc fotm metabattle people didnt see that coming. Tier 3 mkay.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)

Condi Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


People will be surprised af once they see warrior in the “meta” used by “pros” bc they cant think nor make build on their own.. Tier 3.. haha ok.

See ya soon calling on nerfs to war.

Who was right?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

5/17/16 Patch (Revenant)

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


You guys didn’t get the memo? Resistance is supposed to be Rev’s thing, guess who can stack it to almost perma resistance and have the greatest heal over time in the game. Reroll to that profession…

LOL yeah funny how many warriors rerolled Rev and now may go back to war.

Yep, thats my plan, go back to warrior if i start playing again. Or ranger but um.. why go ranger if i can have easy passive 1k hp/s mode?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Kitten leg weps, who care about them when we got new shiny blc set with a glider! I mean.. they have time for it? How come? I heard they are so busy that they cant affort to finish legendary weps we paid for but there is no issue to make new blc weapons. Seems legit

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revenant 80 boost

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Spend for something else. As rev you will only autoattack everything to death. In 1vX let it be players or mobs you will deal drastically lower damage from abilities than auatk due to “interesing” desing of sword. Rev is in broken beta state, fun to play at first but youll quickly become bored.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Explanation of revenant changes

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Devs are subpar players and everyone knows it (see Helseth vid). I highly doubt that the man in charge of balance even knows how rev works let alone played him. If you wish to get any explanation then good luck. They aim to delete rev off meta, nothing else and honestly with that nerf they managed to do that.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

5/17/16 Patch (Revenant)

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Fair number tweaks. Nothing you wouldn’t expect. Thanks god they haven’t put more cooldowns in and bumped energy cost up instead.

Not like it changes anything for Revenants – Shiro is still the best PvP legend due to stunbreak and you don’t have real alternatives. Not appealing.

Yep, indeed. Whatever i wont press i will be out of energy. So my choice is to autoatk, autoatk and autoatk some more. Oh i can always use somehting else but whatever i wont use in Shiro my energy will reach 0. Riposte 30 energy, PT 35 energy, Jade winds 50 energy, Impossible Odds 20 energy (10 activation, 10 before you can turn off). Amazing stuff. Pair that with staff energy cost for some good laugh.

If cd was at least removed from PT but nope. If PT worked properly and didnt fail to teleport most of the time.. but nope. If Shiro heal was any good.. nope. Shiro and rev are trash. Energy cost from weapon skills should be deleted. There is no such thing as managing energy, its more like autoatk your opponent to death.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)

Rev changes

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Rev is out, kaput. Ded. Hail thief overlords and warriors. This is overnerf, its like thief that would have to use 10 ini just for shortbow 5.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

5/17/16 Patch (Revenant)

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


As i mentioned already.. Nerfnant. Im sorry but that energy cost on top of being locked by 5cd is too much for me. Im done with revenant, hf for those that will continue to play him. Nothing fixed, many unviable skills, sword is a joke in 1vX. Srsly why bother?
I was looking forward to this patch but after seening it.. im out. This change is beyond pathetic. Phase traversal+sword 3 = gg out of energy

I wonder what defenders of slapped cd will say now. It was like “i rather have short cd than high energy cost”.. well now you guys have both buhahahahahahahaah. Again hf and bb. Nerfnant will continue to get nerfed to the point where you will say “jalis/ventari are op” without any changes to them bc thats where it goes. There cant be a day without nerfnant nerf.

Also.. sword 2 still target invisible objects ingame. Good job.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)

Grasping Shadows - Special Little Snowflake

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Can pull people off points… if they happen to be standing somewhat on the edge. Or peel melee off your teammates… slightly. Other than those specific situations I can’t imagine a viable use for it as utility. Pretty pointless yeah.

You can do the same with range pull and in fact you will do that even better as you dont need to close the gap lol. Melee pull, who kitten idea was that honestly?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

So when are we fixing Unrelenting Assault?

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Problem with rev sword is the fact that it damage get DRASTICALLY reduced vs more than one target. Complaining about UA is silly at this point, even more so given the amount of blocks/evades/healing classes have access to. If anything, rev might fall out of meta very soon given new op state of warrior with it broken 1k hp/s and ability to clear condi on it own – something rev cannot do.

And just to remember – no class loses damage to it target just bc a minion or whatever showed up, noone but rev. In teamfight rev damage is beyond pathetic or vs classes like mesmer – your best bet is to autoatk him. If anything rev should receive proper rework so hes not stupidly op 1v1 but also not useless in teamfight, not nerfs like some of us want to delete him into oblivion.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Improving shield.

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Fun fact is that shield was fine before but they nerfed the kitten out of it making it not so viable. Warrior shield is superior to the crap we have atm. That said your suggestions are out of this world, doesnt matter if pvp or pve

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

headbutt bug/exploit

in Warrior

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Interrupted goes for 4cd which is kind of funny as it is a stunbreak. All stunbreaks ingame goes on full cd and in case of stunbreaks with cast animation you do not gain any effect. Example is Dh f3, if cast is interrupted you do not gain block wall but it still goes on full cd. Thats how should headbutt work as well, if interrupted tough luck.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

why shield over sword for pvp?

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Tbh it all depends on how you use the tools given to you.

kitten , sword oh so op. You managed to do milion damage just from oh sword alone. Impressive. Also, nice sigil you got there.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

what is the purpose of Ven/Sal trait line?

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218




Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Could rev get a condi ranged weapon pls

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Nerfnant is supposed to be broken, unifnished and in beta state with tons of bugs. Enjoy your stay!

Ps. no ranged condi wep for you. Santa had bad day.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Question about sword main hand

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Welcome to revenant and his only one and yet broken as kitten weapon due to kittened desing to make it “unique”. Enjoy your stay.

Oh and prepare for more nerfs soon. Its nerfnant after all

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

When are conditions getting fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Sigh ….. It is healthy for the game to have diffrent damage types that need different defences ….

Only if they are equal in which case conditions should require 3 stats to hit as hard as power (power, prec, ferocity) and shouldnt ignore toughness/protection and other effects reducing damage, check they dont even care about most op condition ingame weakness.

Do you even noticed how huge difference is between soldier and dire gear in terms of damage? Conditions are no longer “slowly wear your opponent” stuff, they can burst in few sec.

Lets be honest, that whole condi need precision is bs and not true by any means, all condi need is condi dmg stat allowing them to go for whatever they like. There may be some trait like proc burn on crit with engi but sigil of int does it job. 33% chance on crit to cause small condition like bleed? Like who give a kitten about it. Meta is mercenary atm which has 0 precision in it

If you want to hit hard, then you should be glass yourself. Doesnt matter if power or condi. Atm condi has unfair advantage over power. Conditions are not healthy in current state.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

How to actually fix off hand sword

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Idk if shackling needs a damage increase. If you’ve been hit by a Dark Pact from a power necro (pre-hot) you know it’s time for ouch town. Immob can really screw someone over.

I don’t want a stun with grasping shadow, ideally it would be a pull, but my work is the easiest for a dev. Basically I’m compromising what I want to hopefully get it in a place it can work first.

Shacking is counter atk skill and those hits hard. Grasp shadow is by no means hard to land either way but there are many issues with it being a melee pull cus it open the gap between you and target if it bug/passive stunbreak pop up etc

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

So we all play condi now?

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


^ is WvW. WvW balance is compleeetely different.

If people don’t know how to deal with condis after so many years, there’s really no words. No…. words.
I feel like posting that “when will you learn!” Kid again.

Makes no difference. Conditions are broken and insane both wvw and spvp. That shouldnt happen, at all. There was never such thing as “condition burst” before. Conditions were “balanced” at the aspect of slowly ramping up damage and outsustaining your opponent with defensive stats. Due to pve complains now conditions hit just as hard if not harder than power. That kitten is out of control.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

So we all play condi now?

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Im just gonna leave it here. Tbh i dont even know how i managed to kill this dude with 3 attacks but w/e. Back in the old days it wouldnt happen cause condiw as designed to wear ppl slowly but not it can “burst”. I mean this is ridiculous and you go full defensive stats while still hitting just as hard as berserker.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

How to actually fix off hand sword

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


My fix;

Shacking wave – raise damage by 120% and make it actually hit hard. It doing less than auto, i wont bother.

Grasping shadow – Change to ranged pull or melee stun. An pull in melee makes no freaking sense. If you want to keep the “cool” factor with all this “come over here” then at elast make it a shadowstep to the target and pull your target to your position where you casted graps from. A range increase to 900 wouldnt hurt either.

Thats all sword oh needs to be viable. Anything else is a waste of time unless they plan to make new skills – and we know devs are too lazy to do that.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

So we all play condi now?

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


This game would be so much better if they had deleted all that condi dealing damage crap. Conditions should be opposition of a boon – debuffs, nothing else.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revert Moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Moa is still very strong. 10 sec moa was just way to OP.
This is a good balance change.

On 180cd.
Aoe, no tell and on 96cd. Balanced.
You do realize that moa became useless to core mesmer? Last time i checked out moa wasnt chrono skill.

Its the same logic as it was with revenant and ranger.

Double stab dodge op? Nerf core rev, leave herald broken trait alone? Result? Rev is pushed into herald even more than before and what it fixed? Nothing, you can still keep up perma stab.

Druid dazes too op? Nerf a trait which increased duration by 100% that was absolutely fine in core ranger.

I have no idea who can defend that kind of crap as it has no logic whatsoever, those are just a LAZY changes HURTING build diversity. But i guess people are fine with having 1 build top per class.

It has 3 sec duration dude its exactly how it should be on base mesmer then additional 1sec per illusions but ehh thats done by a great team of devs right ?

10 sec was way too much and everyone saying its not r obviously players which dont know how play the game.

Deal with it i main necro we got bigger nerf than 4sec cd removed on elite

I dont have to deal with it cause i dont play mes but it seems that you lack any sense of logic like many on this forum so have a good day.

I raised apoint about the fact that they nerf core classes to balance out current elite crap, thats all. How op next elite spec has to be for mes to make moa viable on it? Only devs know.

Typical answer from someone QQing and dont like being quoted lol

This kind of win button skill should not even exist in game in first place soo in fact u guys got 3/6 or 10 sec u better be happy already whatever the CD is.

Now to answer proprely, the main problem with it is the lack of animation, the thing appear when its already at 99% cast basicaly same as spite signet from necro.

Every mesmer obviously use the fact it can be blinded, dodged ect but thats a non sense argument cuz its totally random if u manage avoid this kind of skill soo stop using poor logic and try defend something broken just cuz u guys cant manage play against players when they’r not transformed into something unbalanced

You still assume that i play mesmer? Ahahahaaha omfg. Sounds like you are terrible player btw. A mesmer points finger at you+he glows pink while casting moa. Unless he used stealth its definitely dodgeable. Its l2p issue on your part here. Pvp forum is full of baddies either way so no surprise.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


There is no future for gw2 pvp at all if they continue nerfing core skills/traits due to broken elite specs.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revert Moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Moa is still very strong. 10 sec moa was just way to OP.
This is a good balance change.

On 180cd.
Aoe, no tell and on 96cd. Balanced.
You do realize that moa became useless to core mesmer? Last time i checked out moa wasnt chrono skill.

Its the same logic as it was with revenant and ranger.

Double stab dodge op? Nerf core rev, leave herald broken trait alone? Result? Rev is pushed into herald even more than before and what it fixed? Nothing, you can still keep up perma stab.

Druid dazes too op? Nerf a trait which increased duration by 100% that was absolutely fine in core ranger.

I have no idea who can defend that kind of crap as it has no logic whatsoever, those are just a LAZY changes HURTING build diversity. But i guess people are fine with having 1 build top per class.

It has 3 sec duration dude its exactly how it should be on base mesmer then additional 1sec per illusions but ehh thats done by a great team of devs right ?

10 sec was way too much and everyone saying its not r obviously players which dont know how play the game.

Deal with it i main necro we got bigger nerf than 4sec cd removed on elite

I dont have to deal with it cause i dont play mes but it seems that you lack any sense of logic like many on this forum so have a good day.

I raised apoint about the fact that they nerf core classes to balance out current elite crap, thats all. How op next elite spec has to be for mes to make moa viable on it? Only devs know.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revenant role and position in term of PVEs

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218



Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Surge of the Mists Nerfed - YES

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Now they just need to nerf thief damage, steal> 1 shot, every popular build viable, S\D S\P D\P, condi, staff all meta. all viable to legend, lets see it anet

Yeah that is why pro league teams rocking thief and dominating~

Are you seriously complaining about thief as rev lol?

Theres only 1 thing i can complain about thief as a rev. Overpowered af f1 steal. 4sec slow and crits for 4k. Can be used 2×. Who came up with that? Its ridiculous.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revert Moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


No, the nerf to Moa is just about right. The 10s Moa was fine pre-HoT, but the elite specs can do too much damage to a fluffy little bird in 10s. If the mesmer times CS right, he can still dish out 12s of fluffy birdness, which is more than enough to mash someone into the ground.

20s of Moa with CS is silly. Mercenary Mesmer is still really strong so this is a nice shave.

You didnt read what i said at all, right? #gw2forum

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Just a quick bravo to the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Imo lets not even talk about bruiser role when we take a look what rev is supposed to do.

“Revenant manipulate energy from the Mists to invoke the power of the legends from the past, unleashing immense attacks that dominate foes and unleash chaos on the battlefield”

I fail to see “bruiser” between lines. Causing chaos is far from bruiser with no damage. Working as intended, its tradeoff for lack of condi removal. Take survival from rev vs power specs and damage and rev will become a running joke. The only thing that keeps rev in meta is damage, without it you might as well play something else.

go and read all the other class descriptions, you will find out that about none of them are accurate….

Too bad its accurate for rev. They were intended to be high damage class. If you are so kitten about getting wrecked by revenant then roll condi and laugh at you screen while facerolling revs.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Just a quick bravo to the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Imo lets not even talk about bruiser role when we take a look what rev is supposed to do.

“Revenant manipulate energy from the Mists to invoke the power of the legends from the past, unleashing immense attacks that dominate foes and unleash chaos on the battlefield”

I fail to see “bruiser” between lines. Causing chaos is far from bruiser with no damage. Working as intended, its tradeoff for lack of condi removal. Take survival from rev vs power specs and damage and rev will become a running joke. The only thing that keeps rev in meta is damage, without it you might as well play something else.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Just a quick bravo to the balance team

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Im curious. Once you nerf rev damage that you complain so much about, what will be left for a rev?

rev will be left as a bruiser. that’s what it should have been from the start based on its skillset.

Bruiser with 0 condi removal? Why i would pick up a mediocre bruiser that explodes to anyone with condi when i can take thief/guard/war instead at this point?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.