Seems people aren’t reading. The pulls are hitting you on opposite side of wall and one of the posts doesn’t make sense, I think line of sigt is supposed to be line of sight. If so then you are wrong saying it is supposed to work thru structures. Think you should learn game mechanics then ride, whatever that means lol.
Lately have been pulled off opposite side of wall consistently and thru gates/walls,( twice have been pulled into the structures). Seems that gaurdians are the main offenders along with mesmers. Also have seen an increase of projectiles and beams going thru walls and gates, particularly Dragon Hunters. The pulls have occurred when there was no line of sight and at ranges that exceed that classes pull range. Shame that such large servers have to use such tactics, would think their commanders would be good enough to deal with a lone defender.
I use axe for both the boon ripping and the burst, which scepter doesn’t have. Condi them up and rip them down.
I am very happy with the adrenaline shot WvW receive, and not surprise in the least of all the griping lol. Don’t see how anyone can deny things are way more exciting and on HoD we have seen an enormous influx of players. One improvement I would like to mention is making refreshing siege count towards participation. Also don’t cheapen the achievement, the new backpiece should be a privileged item earned thru hard playing and countless deaths (preferably other player’s deaths);.
I’m having a very good time on regular necro now. Plagueland was awesome at first, then players learned not to stand toe-to-toe with me. Was nice to watch them beat on me, then melt from the condis. Power signet reaper seems to be very good now. Lots of boon stripping, condi transfer, and even 2 heals. Axe can now get up to 9-10,000 when invuls stack. Course this is WvW, don’t know about other modes. Hell tonite I had mismatch armor and runes and still kicked butt.
I am one of those that like the DBL, my problem with it has always been the size of the Towers. This could be solved with an extra supply depot. Oh and also the weakness of Garri’s Lord, I successfully soloed it my first time. Other Keep Lord.,s are ok but were much better at release time, in fact I would love to see the DBL reverted to it’s first release stateincluding the Laser. You would think players would embrace the change-up instead of the same old maps, their complaints are why Anet created it. If a new map is made I hope it is at least as large as DBL, Alpine starts to feel claustrophobic after awhile. Also would like to see outposts (smaller Towers) worked into the map.
I play necro/reaper exclusively. I love this class because it is a constant struggle to stay competitive with so many OP meta/rotation builds for other classes. When something as relatively minor as the addition of 2 bleed stacks to chill, (which I believe is still subpar to burn and confusion damage by other classes), causes so much salt it’s a real head shaker. Deathly chill and Bleed do not need nerfed or toned down, if anything chill needs to be a cc as it should be. My advice to fighting reapers follow’s this thread’s, you just need to adjust. When the buff was first made it few knew how to deal with it, now I am running into many who have learned how. Follow OP’s advice and Reapers will be hard put against you, and even if you lose it there is always next time. Have fun and remember it’s just a game.
Would love to have the original version of DBL back. That was a helluva fun map, although then as now I think towers need 2 supply depot
The recent addition of 2 bleed stacks to Deathly Chill has been just what we needed. So satisfying be able to wrekt kitten again. Catch a couple in a choke, spam your chills and watch them all melt. Been running JQ BL and only problems have been a really good thief and the ocassional supercharged Beserker. Wonder how long before nerf.
Why is it that everytime something good happens for defense you get crying about how hard a time blobs have. Instead of using tactics it seems players rely more now on numbers and class op skills. If 10 players fail to take a tower because 2 defenders were able to build seige and stop them then they call foul and berate the players for being seige humpers. But if they take a tower with 2 defenders who get there too late to defend, they corpse troll them and message how bad of players the defenders are because they got ran over. We need better seige imo, but more importantly better class balance.
early HoT iron guards could be used on camps. Devs thought camps were hard enough without that buff, so no more.
KEEP CANNONS. instead of removing them lets see a superior and Guild version. What WvW needs is an actual balancing of classes. Nothing at all wrong with having siege, and its fun to hear all the crying about them.
So it seems you are a special snowflake engi lol. Seriously, Necros are the only class to have had their HoT elite nerfed to being next to useless in anything but zerg. Engis seemed to have not suffered very greatly, see many fine engi players. I also see many Reapers that make their builds passable, jus a far cry from what they were originally. Right now stealth, resistance, and overload are the most OP as far as I can see.
“Special snowflake necro” lol, what does that even mean? As for being ignorant of changes to other classes, necros are more aware of that then any others. Minion build isn’t my fav build for WvW or PvP, but seems to be as effective as any other now. Just trying to make light of the bad place N/Rs are in right now…. wait forgot we are actually performing well across all game types.. srry my bad.
Please nerf minions for Necro/Reaper. They have way too much Toughness and Vitality, attack speed and damage are OP, and Cooldowns are tooooo short. Also plz buff poor Warriors, Thieves, Eles, Rangers, Guardians, Engis, and Mesmers. Necro/Reapers just have been dominating them all, those classes never get buffed. Over all N/R have far too much damage and survivability in WvW/ PvP, no wonder they get focused first.
Thank you for the cannons. Hope they stay pastbeta, and we get superior/Guild cannons also. This was an excellent idea and really pepped up WvW. now if only the insane damage from classes such as Warriors and thieves can be toned down. Also the stupid amount of heals and boons out there.
LOVE THEM ! Please keep them Anet, and lets see a Guild and Superior version. About time defense was given a boost, and they also make good field pieces. I would really like to see scaled Golem suits and a mobile seige unit that deals catapult type damage. Thanks for making the game more interesting.
The opening seemed to be a veiled taunt to necros and can imagine the Dev laughing as they wrote it. The axe buffs are nice, GS buffs don’t matter much, Reaper is a dead class imo. The nerf to jaggies doesn’t really hurt, Lich Form is too easy to evade and kill so don’t use it. What really hurt us are all the buffs that other classes got again. Warrior was already seriously OP and now even more so, guess that’s a Dev’s favorite class lmao. Seriously I am still amazed how Anet wrecked Reaper because it was an awesome spec that actually held up to other classes and even beat them, then turn around and supercharge nearly every other class. Think its time to start siege trolling Anet guildees when I manage to kill them, trolls deserve to be trolled.
I got to the Jungle part and explored awhile but abandoned it to go to WvW. Took along time to build a super-cloud staircase. I want to try the sse corner sometime, there appears to be an unopened area there.
I’ve recently managed to climb out of Gilded Hallow and heard of others doing same with Hidden Precipice. Anyone else manage this and what did you find ? My escape was by shrouded ruins and am trying the SSE corner.
I like this. Maybe give a chance for defenders to affect the score more. The longer you hold them off the less time they have to cap other forts. Also if you can use just a couple players to delay them that’s less enemy to stop your assaulting forces.
Would luv to see a Tequatl Balloon or float in the Macy Parade. Just a musing thought.
This night be a simply answered question, “What exactly is the toughness/vitality of minions?” I have been maining Necro since X-mas of release and have never known. With the last quarterly nerf of 20 toughness and the power creep with other classes they seem to melt fast.
Face it, Anet doesn’t care about necro, most likely because none of the balance team main it. They made Reaper for us but before it was released nerfed it’s chill by making other classes movement skills immune to it. Then cleansed chill’s damage feature, replacing it with bleed because DC actually worked for us. Cant have necros killing other classes now can we.We still manage to hold our own alot, when we arent being burst down by thief or Berserkers dealing 20,000 damage in 1-3 sec. Maybe changing the bleed to confusion would work, it seems to do well when spammed by Mes and others. Thing is without escapes or better defenses necros will only become more and more of a joke with each buff that other classes are granted, but I’ll still keep trying. Necro for Life.
If anything scepter needs sped up. With the amount and frequency of boon applying the converting really isn’t a endgame. Berserkers now are so OP with crit damage and stuns that necro ahve a hard time gainst them, same with Druids and thier long range hgih crit, binding roots and stealth, Also would like to see reduction in burn and perplexity damage, or let us have access to perplex and maybe early game dhrumnfire
I don"t have any problem with Rangers. They make fine backline snippers and when Druid contribute to sustaining the zerg. As a necro ranged classes are a bane while roaming, if they are kiting and pounding you there isnt much one can do. Also binding roots with venom share is very effective.
When equipped with Plague Signet I pull 6 minutes of Cirppled from Yaks that were condi by sentries. Makes for frustrating roaming.
I know there is a build thread but figured here would get seen more. Rampagers/Berserk runes,Rabid amulet/backpack, rabid/dire earrings, valk rings. Rabid scepter/dagger and Rabid axe/focus. Spite 2,1,1/ Curses 2,2,1/ Soul reaping 2,2,2. Consume conditions,Locust,Plauge,Spite signets,Fleshie. So far working quite well for roaming.
I run condi scepter/dagger and switch between staff and axe/focus. While the buffs to axe/focus give a little boost the other skill buffs are lackluster. My argument is that we seem to get weaker buffs and stronger nerfs then others. Reaper was awesome but now has been pretty much trounced. Power Repers are starting to make headway again but I still deal fairly easy with them unless they catch me off guard with low life force. But I will still play necro and try to adapt as always, just for the pleasure of beating class bandwagoneers. Might give minions more play, although wondering if the toughnes nerf applies to all minions and not just shamblers.
Also , yes base necro is better then reaper imo. Reaper shroud is still easily kited and the nerf to Rise! (which was at first an awesome defense)makes Reaper even more vulnerable. With all the boons showing up now how about adding boon stripping to axe.
SAD, ANET, SO SAD!Why have other classes gotten so many buffs that are actually useful while we get minor buffs on things which really don’t seemed used? Plus the “adjustment” to Rise! is another shovel full of dirt on Reaper’s grave. Hell. the buffs to Fleshie and BiP merely reverses most the the past nerfs (almost). Fact is the buffs to the other classes equals huge nerfs to us. Thanks for another wonderful patch. Would be nice if you at least let us use corruption skills without conditioning ourselves.
The porting enemy players out of the Keep when the timer runs out is the new idea part. Just thinking of wacky things that would add some fun if done for like a week.
After noticing the Keep lords seemed to be handle easier by 5 or less players due to scaling I thought of a new mechanism for Keep defense, make the cap time gated with first hit upon the lord. That way the bigger the zerg the longer it takes to kill lord, therefore a smaller defense force could contest and keep lord alive long enough till timer runs out, then all enemy players are kicked to the nearest WP. Fortifications would not be repaired automatically and the timer would have to be set so attacking force has a reasonable amount of time.
Another stupid decision. Now if you need to craft food or utilities quickly you out of luck. Leave a qued map or spend gold on items you could easily craft. Much like making a Necro elite based on chill then nerfing it out of existance Anet seems to throw logic out the window and become slaves to the crying of babies lol.
Thank you for the civil reply, now I understand. I never noticed Rise not scaling toughness, mainly because I just started using Minions with Reaper, hard to find a good Reaper build since Anet butchered it.
I’ve noticed this rune does not scale corruption thru Flesh of the Master nor Corruption’s Fervor, also RISE. Is this a known issue and intended? Have also seen that Divinity Rune and Celestial armor do not affect the secondary traits Expertise and Concentration. Haven’t found any references on Forums.
Due to the recent changes that so called “balancing” have wrought upon the classes it is time to delete the +1200 ranged attacks or give other classes the means to counter them. Being 1111ed to death by a class that you cant catch or hit due to thier speed and range is not balanced or fair. Maybe upping the duration and reducing recharge of Poison Gas would help , but mainly making all ranged cap at 1200 would be the best. I realize this will make the ranged classes have to develop more skill then just hitting 1 and running away to a safe distance but there needs to be a better balance.
I play mostly 12am-5am est with odd times outside that window. I do not support my value as a player decreases during that time frame vs NA prime. Also why not equqlize offense / defense scoring. Increase the successful defense window to 15 minutes, if it succeeds award the same amount of points as a capture.
NO! The silly buff, along with buff for Wells, was something Anet did thinking it would appease us for kittening Reaper. Both buffs are useless imo and you never see Focus being used.
Quwestion: When you say 33 thousand damage per second do you actually mean 3300 damage per second? 33k sounds a bit far fetched at the least.
Agreed with the base necro recieving it, maybe work it into curses. As for being a GM trait I suggest merging it with Chilling Victory or adding protection or life siphon to it.
That doesn’t answer the question, try applying those stacks with 6 stacks of confusion then being Moa. Besides that reason doesnt sync with the reason given by Anet, which was that DC was too powerful. How can it be too overpowering if after 1 player using it cancels all others? The guise of the question was the disparities between Class skill’s and condis such as Confusion, Burn, Bleed and the others.
Why the kitten would Anet nerf Deathly Chill out of existence but leave Mesmer the ability to unload stacks of confusion and Moa at will? Please Anet look at your balancing a little closer.
I disagree. I had both condi and power builds which were different from the metas which performed very well, and they would incorporate the new elites quite nicely.
Read all the replies but have seen no recipes. How many orphan skins do you need and where do you obtain them? I know there is an orphanage in my home instance but have seen no butcher shoppe or Taxidermists. Please more information.
Please revert to the previous traiting systemwhere you could choose between all lines and not just three. Changing them was a horrible idea made for the convenience of noobs supposedly. I suspect it was done so the balance team can more easily control what the role of each class should be. We have seen this with Reaper. They designen Reaper as a zerg build and when players started to tweak the build and made it a powerful roaming/PvP build it was nerfed as punishment. Choosing from all lines will return the power of self destiny to the players and get away from cookie-cutter builds.
In response to Flow’s reply: Before the nerf skills such as “Chilled to the Bone” showed the damge amount from Deathly Chill. This made it easy to adjust that damage by changing around Trinks, armor, runes, sigils, and traits, and food/utilities. Each of these can up damage by increasing duration or condition power. Before that would be displayed, now it doesn’kittens possible to get that damage from looking at traitline, just more efficent to have it already displayed in the skill pop up.
I posted the same subject 7 days ago but seems no one cares. The damage from DC was shown before the nerf which made it easier to develop your build. Apparently none of the Devs whom handle class balance actually play necro/reaper, so haven’t taken notice to this omission. Guess they are just having too much fun dominating us again to care.
Why have all the Guild Claiming recipes been changed to one resonating sliver but Speedy yaks? It still requires a resonating fragment. Also pls rework the Flax Fiber drops or the lower tier GC recipes, extra supply drops are now more expensive to craft then Presence of the Keep.