New threads probably wouldn’t be needed if they actually made a post here instead of reddit.
They’ve stated that the rewards are bugged. Be patient.
They haven’t, actually. No where on the GW2 website or forums have they even acknowledged the problem.
This is just a big zergfest. Not fun at all. I quit after10 minutes and went on to other things. I won’t be doing any more of them.
To be fair, I don’t know what Anet could do to make it more interesting. It just seems to be the nature of big events, big zergfests. Yuk!!
I actaully got the opposite impression. if you want to get the most events done, you should be splitting up (into zergs, yes, but smaller zergs) and tackling events simultaneously.
Sounds like a personal problem….
If you expect nothing, than you should have no emotional response…. yet somehow you are still disappointed….that means you had some kind of expectation…
Malcom in the Middle.
that’s Malcom in the Middle.
that’s what it’s from.
How about posting a screenshot of devs testing content “before” it’s dumped into game first? =P
Their QA team is outsourced. There are no testers in the arenanet studios, so they can’t take screenshots of them. They don’t exist.
Outsourced to where, Narnia?
I have already pre-purchased HoT
I haven’t.
I haven’t. And if this is any indication, I won’t.
Yes Vayne we are guessing, but it is based on what we have observed where as your guessing is purely conjecture and hopefulness.
We’re going by what information is known, not what might be should be could be.
It’s known that when the rewards are actually issued, it’s 5 blooms.
It might be should be could be more, but isn’t what is.
Given that this is the only thread regarding the problems that a red-name has posted to, I’d say it’s fair that the thread has been usurped.
Mistakes happen.
But when mistakes happen on an event that’s only running for four days, and when some of the rewards litereally, not figuratively, require you to be running that event every hour of each of those four days, then I’d hardly call it drama queening.
Per reddit is nice.
How about per their own kitten website?
So we just finished the first of the mordrem invasions.
Nothing. No chest reward, no mordrem blooms to spend. We still have the stacks of Brisban Invasion Defender, but there’s no dialogue option with the merchant to cash them in or anything, and no one wants to leave for the Kessex invasion without losing the stacks we have.
Honestly, either the event doesn’t actually give rewards, or it’s broken.
So far it’s looking more like the karka invasion of Lion’s Arch.
You know, the one that never happened if you ended up on an overflow because the regular servers were all packed full.
So I was using the LFG tool to try and find an open server to taxi into for Tequatl, and the “join” button is grey’d out. When my cursor hovers only it, it displays a “You have joined too many parties recently”.
Is this a new feature? Never seen this happen before. The reason I’m thinking it’s a bug, is because it popped up after joining and leaving a grand total of two groups, which is far less than the normal number of groups one cycles through in this scenario. Also, after that grand total of two groups, each time informing them that their world was full, the button has remained greyed out for about 15 minutes now, which seems like an excessively long amount of time even if this feature is working as intended.
Check some of your other traits having to do with stealing. Stealth does turn off autoattack, but if you have the traits that inflict poison, confusion, or damage on steal, that’s what gives you the revealed. Known bug.
After the first wave of adds, the teragriff is stunned for a few second, letting you get in to hack away for a bit before he wakes up.
After the second wave, it almost looks like the same is supposed to happen, but instead skips the ‘stunned’ period to go into his next attack.
So I don’t think it’s a bad NPC trying to trick us or anything like that. It’s just kitten poor programming making the event not behave the way the NPC is instructing.
Due to the poor writing, it seems the idiot ball’s been pretty prevalent throughout the whole season.
Taimi going all Junior Mad Scientist with Omadd’s machine? Sure, leave her with it unsupervised and kitten near kill ourselves when she turns it on.
Phunt comes in to steal her waypoint device? Sure, we just tell Taimi to shove it and let him.
And now Caithe is showing painfully obvious signs of deception if not outright corruption? Sure, we’ll let her come along on this supersecret supercritical mission instead of telling her to stick with the rest of Destiny’s Edge.
Seriously, after Scarlet’s ‘Mary Sue’dom dominate the first season, I’m not sure why I expected anything but similiarly kitten poor writing the second.
Have you tried testing it? Way back in the day I thought Rune of Paralyzation was bugged because it wasn’t showing up on the tooltip, I was wrong because at the time only condition duration for all conditions affected the tooltip. Condition duration for individual conditions did not, but still worked.
Might have been changed, no idea.
The problem with the crystal spawning inside the color buff is easily fixed. Instead of grabbing the green buff, get the shield, grab the fragility, get bounced out, grab the green buff -and- the fragility, then run to the crystal. You’ll get the shield and transfer the fragility to the crystal, letting you proceed.
This problem is fixed just by switching the orders you get the buffs around that I wonder if it was intentionally done.
The problem with the crystals spawning inside the wall, not so much.
Hi everyone !
Warning !Spoilers if you didn’t already finish the Chapter 5 !
It seems to me that nobody is talking about the Voice who gives the Egg to the Master of Peace.
Probably because nobody is hearing ‘the Voice’ thanks to ANet’s shoddy programmers.
Well, look on the bright side.
Sure, it’s a game-breaking bug on a piece of content that they’ve had three and a half months to polish and make sure that it works. But there’s a dev who acknowledged the problem almost immediately, so it should be resolved pretty quickly.
Or put on the back-burner in lieu of a patch to fix some shadows going the wrong direction, that works too.
Made it to the final boss and got him about halfway dead. Noticed that he stopped spawning vortex crystals. After about 5-10 minutes of running around, I saw the little AE pulse coming from inside one of the walls, and could hear the sound effect when I got close.
I could tell the vortex crystal was inside the wall, as I could give it splash damage from AEs, but I could not get close enough to give it the frailty debuff, rendering the mission unwinnable.
Why the Priory section and the Glint’s Lair section of this mission weren’t split up into two, I don’t know, but this mission is too long for it to bug out at the end like this.
I used the forum search tool to look for other reported bugs with Hidden Arcana, but no search results turned up.
Well, it wouldn’t be a proper MMO levelling vision without hell levels.
The feature pack and all of the feedback from it makes me wonder just how much it’s going to hurt ANet in the pocketbook.
How many new players will be dissuaded from trying the game by veteran players because of the new low level game?
How many veteran players will decide not to buy that character expansion for an alt because of the new low level game?
How many transmutation stones will people not buy because they don’t have the alts worth putting skins on?
How long until they undo the changes because the lack of income from new accounts and the lack of income from people buying gems will all be traced back to this one feature pack?
Getting this achievement requires completing the “A Sad Duty” mission, or “Delivering Justice” or “Liberating Apatia”.
How are we supposed to get this now that these entire quest lines have been removed?
Right clicking someone has an option to report them for an inappropriate character name. Is there a similiar option for doing the same for their guild name?
Does it trigger on the Zero-second of stealth? I know the cure conditions in stealth trait cures a condition initially and then once per interval. This one work the same way, give the one initiative initially and then another every 3s?
In which case, Vincent said it better. Infusion is better for popping in and out of stealth, whereas this one is better if you’re staying in stealth for a long time.
Thief has a spammable blast finisher that’s of little to no combat application. But when combined with another class, it becomes incredibly powerful because we can stack a lot of might in short order.
As much as I would love to see this trait give a 10% damage boost on steal attacks, I’m fine with having a trait that benefits from a little synergy with other classes. I’ll run it if I’m grouped with an ele, but when not, I just don’t use it.
Easy fix to Assassin’s Equilibrium that I’ve been suggesting since they made it.
Scrap Last Refuge. Put Assassin’s Equilibrium in it’s place. Figure out a new Acro 13 trait to replace AE.
We get rid of a trait that’s done more harm than good that we’ve been trying to get rid of for two years now. We move AE to the Shadow Arts line where it belongs. And the method of activating the stability, combined with its short duration, even considering the upcoming ‘improvement’, is really not that overpowering for an adept minor trait.
While group events are group events for a reason, most group events in low level zones have at most a champion at the end, and more often just a bunch of veterans. These toxic alliance events come with whole swarms of elites that on their own are each stronger than equivalent level champions in standard open-world content.
By no means should they be scaled down to the point they are soloable. However I do agree that they should be scaled down to be more comperable to regular open world group events.
I don’t think ANet has so much ‘forgotten’ underwater gameplay as much as ‘would like to forget’. It’s such a different animal from standard gameplay that it’s next to impossible to properly balance. Take a look at all the most popular builds and look at how many fall apart because of some weapon or some skill that’s not available underwater. Fixing underwater combat would take such an inordinate amount of effort that they decided to just move forward without it. Hell, they removed a PVP map and completely overhauled all the wvw maps for the sole purpose of taking out underwater areas.
Whether they’ve forgotten it or are ignoring it, the bulk of the player base is just fine with that.
The randomness of it pretty much precludes the need for nerfing it. Sure, you could load up on venoms, but you only have a 1 in 4 chance of having the steal reset the venoms. Sure it’s strong, but the randomness helps minimize.
Or you could go with a trick, a deception, and a signet, and have improvisation only reset one of them, with a 1 in 4 chance it won’t reset any of them. Again, the randomness keeps it being from that OP.
Besides, pretty much no one uses it for the skill reset, they use it for the 10% bonus on FGS or Ice Bow.
Shortbow is in a pretty good spot. It can use some changes (hello 1200-range attack), but it hardly needs the overhaul your suggesting just because it doesn’t fill the role that you’ve invented for it. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to use it.
P/D venomshare. EotM karma trains are pretty much the only use for venomshare, might as well get that use since the devs are so die-kitten forcing it down our throats.
The issues with 2 and 4 look like universal issues with ground targeting in general across all classes, and not with the skills themselves. Seems overkill to overhaul -just- these two skills for this reason. Some of those suggestions could be universal changes to ground targeting, and I’d be fine with that.
As for 5, it can be useful when trying to catch up with a zerg or otherwise move quickly. It might not have the raw distance of Shadowstep or Blink, but the fact that you can use it two or three times in succession makes up for this distance.
It also looks like you’ve never used it to chase down a retreating enemy, which is where it’s particuarly amazing, especially if your weapon swap for some of these other weapon combos is on cool-down. Wanting to completely scrap it because you don’t know how to use it? No. Just… no.
One thing I’ve noticed that affects venoms as well as a lot of other thief traits, is that the “cooldown” trait and the “extra effect” trait are seperated, whereas for most other traits of most other classes, they’re both effects together in one trait.
Guardian’s “Master of Concentrations” – Reduced cooldown -and- increased duration.
Thief’s “Quick Venoms” – Reduced cooldown and nothing else.
Warrior’s “Physical Training” – Reduced cooldown -and- extra damage.
Theif’s “Master of Deception” – Reduced cooldown and nothing else.
And so on.
I know this effects other thief skills, not just venoms. But I’m sure venoms would be worth using more if ‘Quick Venoms’ was consolidated with one of the other venom traits, so that thieves didn’t have to devote as many traits to venoms just to make them worth using.
That, and as mentioned above, scrap Venomous Aura. But it’s some dev’s pet idea and likely won’t be getting scrapped anytime soon. So either way, venoms are still pretty much boned.
Okay, since people are apparently missing the point…
The rune setup I posted is only an example. The entire point of the topic is merely a rune that focuses on Retailiation, much like Strength, Hoelbrak, and Fire do for Might or Rage and Citadel do for Fury. It does not have to increase the strength of Retaliation itself, merely provide benefits related to the boon.
And you are completely missing our point. Because of Retaliation’s current place in PvP and WvW, it is very unlikely that they will make -any- runeset that provides benefits related to this particular boon.
Retaliation is essentially useless in PvE, the suggested runeset wouldn’t do nearly enough to make it worthwhile.
In PvP and WvW, however, as mentioned, Retaliation is strong enough that they’ve already had to nerf it, thus they’re unlikely to implement a runeset that would make it stronger.
Like so many other aspects of the game, PvP and PvE are different enough that there’s really no middle ground for something like this.
The change to venomous aura indicates the developers’ fundamental conceptual error regarding the trait. People don’t use Venomous Aura for it’s condition damage. Of the six venoms, the only two that actually do condition damage are the least used of them. The only people who bother using venoms/Venomous Aura do it for the utility conditions, at great cost to survivability and DPS.
The only place for venomous aura before was a niche use in a WvWvW zerg. The change to VA does nothing to affect this, anyone who uses it elsewhere is a detriment to their group or team.
Would rather just get either longbow or rifle. Something with a god kitten 1200 range.
Build I was referring to is just your standard PvE build, alternating between D/D and S/P as the situation demands.
Energy sigils are nice, but not really needed in PvE, especially as expensive as they are. I’d definately be using them in a wvw set.
Bloodlust is what I’m currently using, looking at replacing them since every release nerfs them more and more, given how more and more mobs don’t count as kills nowadays. General running around PvE is fine for getting stacks, but when doing a world boss or any post-initial-release content, not much counts as kills for building stacks anymore.
Only problem with the backpieces being so expensive is that aside from the ascended ones, there’s a grand total of five combinations of stats that backpieces can give (Zerk, Magi, Rabid, Soldier, and Cavalier). One of which (Zerk), the only available one doesn’t even have an upgrade slot.
If there were reliable ways of getting backpieces of the other stat combinations (for example from dungeon tokens), it’d be less of an issue. But as is, I can agree with the OP. Even not counting the unique skins, you’re pretty much forced to grind out the ascended ones if you want something like Cleric’s, Assassin’s, or even the new Nomad’s.
Can’t help but think Anise might be a Mordremoth-Sylvari sleeper. Might be that her human form was the illusion and the sylvari version we see in the mission is her true form. After all, Anise is the name of a plant.
Little Shop of Horrors.
Audrey II eats blood.
Seriously, no one gets the reference?
I’ll just pick a random direction and save whoever’s there. Unless it’s Phunt, then I’ll pick another direction.
On a similar note, enemies not triggering “on death” effects in the instances could cause some problems.
It’s not just in instances. Even in open-world there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t trigger on-kill for sigils, traits, and skills. Try doing any of the events in Dry-top and see how often you’ll get on-kill triggers.
Which would be the best/meta sigil to put in offhand weapons? I know Force is the go-to choice for mainhand, and I don’t feel like having to have an entirely seperate kitten nal for Night or Slaying.
So would Accuracy or Strength be the best choice? Or something else entirely?
Easy fix to Assassin’s Equilibrium.
Completely scrap Last Refuge. Make Assassin’s Equilibrium the Shadow Arts 1-point minor. Make a completely new Acro GM trait that’s worth using.
I like that idea, but it might be a bit too strong for an adept minor trait. Maybe give it a small ICD
Remember, this is a stability that A) is significantly more difficult to pull off with timing than a skill that just applies it, like Balanced Stance or Mantra of Stability, and has such a short duration, even with the boost to it.
It would require pretty much a zero-latency connection and godly reaction times to be able to effectively use Assassin’s Equilibrium as a stability source to keep from getting stunned or interrupted by whatever. So no, I don’t think it’s the least bit overpowered for an adept minor trait. Add an ICD if it makes you happy, just remember that we’re talking about a stability that first you have to stealth, then land a hit, in order to activate, who’s duration is shorter than the amount of time it takes to activate the stealth then land the hit.
Given that Anise is a plant (used to make absinthe), makes me wonder if her sylvari illusion during the summit was actually her real form and the human one is a disguise.
Also remember that we didn’t fight off the dragon -entirely- by ourselves. If you’re watching, whenever the dragon becomes vulnerable, it’s because it sticks its head in between two branches, and a lot of smaller branches and vines quickly go around to trap it’s head there while we whack away at it. So whether it’s the Pale Tree herself, or some ‘floramancers’ down below watching and helping, there is still enough little bit of help to let us drive it off.
Same issue here.
Exotic backpiece was made 5 or 6 days ago.
Seed was sitting in the bank.
Cultivated seed changed to Pet seed. Thanks for breaking your stuff, ANet.