Showing Posts For Dokyo.3685:

Sick of thieves having advantage

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Thieves are obviously the best class in WvW, you can’t really deny it. They can run around doing whatever they want with hardly any worry of getting caught and actually dying. After thieves, I would say elementalist and mesmer are tied for second best.

They don’t seem to be doing anything about the thief class so I just rolled one. If anet isn’t going to do something about them what can you really do but join them.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m using Sceptre+Sword / Sword + Focus right now. I mainly started doing it for two offhands, but I really like the sceptre 3 for the channel that stays on thieves when they stealth. I’m running a power build so it hits pretty hard, the 5 stack of confusion it can get up is pretty nice. It’s nice a have a ranged auto attack to go with my melee auto attack on the other weapon set, but I do wish the sceptre aa was a bit better.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I would drop thief damage by alot, and give more loads of invisible options as traits and skills, any player can kill target with thief w/o effort its too dammn easy(damage wise not invisibility problem).

thieves can do a good burst damage… anyhow less than warriors.

Seriously? I’ve never been 3 shot by a warrior. Oh yea I also know they are there and can target them back which helps. Nothing like getting killed by “Unknown” that you can’t even target.

Of course I don’t get 3 shot anymore since I got a lot more tough/vit, takes at least 5 or 6 hits now to kill me. It’s kind of silly that the only thing I really consider when gearing/traiting is will I be able to have a chance against a thief with this setup, the other classes don’t even really cross my mind.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

(edited by Dokyo.3685)

3/1 Yaks vs Ebay vs CD

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Not much can be done about it really. We have a tier 3 night presence and a tier 5 NA presence. So for now we are stuck in tier 4 killing it at night and getting killed in NA. We just need some of our sea ppl to transfer to NA hehe.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Your Easiest/Toughest Opponent?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I seem to be at the opposite end. I haven’t found necros or other mesmers to be that hard, especially mesmers. On the other hand thieves give me the most agonizing of headaches, especially either the ones that keep hugging my face with heartseeker, or the ones that are near perma-stealthing. Exactly what are you guys doing that makes thieves so relatively easy?

I’m with you I don’t have much trouble with necro or most other mesmer either. I do have trouble with thieves mostly, some good d/d elementals, and a good BM bunker ranger can be a pain.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

How does the staff fit into a power build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m currently running a power shatter build (0/20/0/20/30) with a mix of knight and Valkyrie armor, and mostly zerker jewelry. Although I’m going to buy the solider ascended neck when I get home today.

My current weapons are Scepter-Pistol / Sword-Focus. I switch these up sometimes using a sword OH in there as well. I’m thinking about switching in Staff instead of the Scepter although I’m loath to give up a second offhand. I’m tempted to run a Sword-Sword or Sword-Pistol with a staff for the phantasms, but I think the curtain is just too good so I’d probably end up Staff / Sword-Focus.

I kind of want the staff for the mobility and survival, but does it fit in well with a power build? Do the auto attacks actually do decent damage, and the warlock. I’ve only ever used the staff in a condition build and I didn’t like it. I think it was more the build than the weapon I didn’t like though. Only other issue is I have bloodlust on one of my sword and corruption on my staff, but I can always pick up another staff.

I like my Scepter ok, but the 2,4,5 skills on the staff are just so tempting.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Well for the stealth skills channeled spells that were cast before you stealth finish their channel on you. What I wonder is can the ranger see these arrow, I know you can. But say I channel a scepter 3 on a rogue who goes stealth, the beam vanishes, but I know the channel finishes. I don’t know if he sees the beam or not though while it’s finishing.

I don’t think he does, but he takes the damage. It’s fair, though, because if the beam were still visible, you’d see exactly where s/he is.

Well what I’m more wondering is if a ranger channeling on me when I go stealth can see the arrows still for exactly that reason? I know I can see them still, so if he can then he still knows right where I am.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Sick of mesmer bugs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Well for the stealth skills channeled spells that were cast before you stealth finish their channel on you. What I wonder is can the ranger see these arrow, I know you can. But say I channel a scepter 3 on a rogue who goes stealth, the beam vanishes, but I know the channel finishes. I don’t know if he sees the beam or not though while it’s finishing.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Should GS3 be...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


The effect should knock foes into the air. That alone would make it useful (and funny!).

lol, oh man if it did a knockback, like some of the hammer skills other classes have, I might actually use my GS again some.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Question on Sword 2 skill and distortion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


The easiest thing to do is avoid the iLeap, it’s really buggy. Other than that you can break out of the stun, but you can’t interrupt a mesmer doing a blurred frenzy.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

pve build calculator

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


This is the only one I’ve found, but it’s pretty good.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Build editor for PvE?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Try this one, only one I have found.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Where do you get WvW jewels?

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Try if you want a PvE/WvW calculator. All the others only let you do sPvP gear.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

EB Map Balance

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I think all colors on EB should be rotated once counterclockwise so that green gets the worst spot in the southeast, blue the decent area in the north, and red the best area in the southwest.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I stood on the bridge today by Durios and watched a thief kitten around with 9 ppl at once from my server. They were just basically chasing him in circles near the oakenheart guys. They could only ever get a couple of hits on him at a time if that and then he was gone again. This went on for 4 or 5 minutes. He managed to get a stealth pin on one, and later on down another, but not get the pin. No one should be able to do that vs. 9 ppl, no matter how bad those people are. The thief had to run off a little further twice when I assume maybe he ran low on cooldowns, but he was back within 10 or 15 seconds. It was pretty stupid looking standing there watching all these people run around, but life must be fun as a thief.

Eventually people from the 3rd server, who owned SM, showed up and a battle of about 15v15 started from our two servers so I jumped in and lost track of the thief. I did see him hanging around the edge of the battle as the only person there from his server trying to pick off people from both sides.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


lol, overkill much? Your 7 golems is almost as much as the number of players we had on the map total.


Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Who are the Daily Achievements intended for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I got my daily yesterday by accident. If that isn’t getting it playing the game the way I want to, then I don’t know what is.

That’s great for you and all, but what about all the other players who don’t play the game like you do and don’t want to? I shouldn’t be forced to play like you anymore than you should be forced to play like me.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Who are the Daily Achievements intended for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


These new dailies are terrible. I used to do the daily and get it 90% done just playing the game, and maybe have to go somewhere and do something on purpose to finish it up before I logged out which was fine. I was just getting the karma to get it even though I don’t really need it. The way it is now I’d never even come close to completing it just playing wvw like I always do. If it was just for Karma jugs still fine, I would just quite doing them. Now I have to do them to get laurels, to get ascended, to stay competitive in wvw. Which again is the only thing I play in this game. So frustrating.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Can't really do the daily in WvW anymore

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Thats wrong.
I have only one pve only daily: group events, need 2 of them. I need to go Orr or something to get this one faster/easier. Thats all.

Hah! Hah! Defend ____ keep is a group event.

I’m pretty sure it’s not, the only group events I can think of in WvW are the PvE ones to kills the champion npcs that spawn. Which is stupid thing to have in WvW anyway.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


For those talking about CD NA losing stuff and the numbers I can only give you my experience the day before yesterday. I logged in around 5:30 central US, so 6:30est into Eternal. We had bravost and nothing else. I ran up to umber and me and 2 other guys took it back (no one tried to stop us except npcs).

After that we managed to get about 8 ppl and took dan’s suply and langor back, again with no one really trying to stop us. We had the outmanned buff this whole time and never really saw anyone else on the map, and no one was saying anything in map chat when I talked. We started trebbing our valley keep from langor and got the outer wall down. I started calling for people to come rally to us as the inner wall was getting low and we ended up with 12 or so people total. With the inner valley wall at about 20% about 30-35 mags showed up steamrolled langor, killed our treb, wiped us and fixed valley wall.

We are left with just bravost and umber again. We are switching umber back and forth with eb some. Mags have left, I can only assume to fight eb in the west.

About 30 minutes later we have a few more ppl, maybe 15 and get the other side of valley keep near bravost down with catas. Get rams set up fairly quickly and take down inner door. We are in lord room and mags start showing up. We get it claimed to 90%, we probably needed like 3 seconds, but the circle stays contested. Mags keep showing up. That same 30+ that showed up before, and after about 5 minutes we are wiped and pushed all the way out and the walls are back up. They continue pushing and take bravost and we are pushed back to spawn with nothing.

At this point it’s around 9:30 est and we are starting to get some more people and end up with maybe 20-25 ourselves and get some balistas set up right outside spawn to push back the mags. I play here for another 30 minutes or so before I need to go and it’s looking like we might be able to get something back soon, but I leave before we actually do. Somewhere towards the end there I finally don’t have the outmanned buff anymore.

I don’t want you all to thing I’m complaining or anything. I actually had a blast that night, got a lot of kills, died some, dropped a few acs and balistas. I just wanted to point out what’s it’s like sometimes. There isn’t much you can do with 15 people when the other team just responds with more than double your number when you try to take something.

I’m not saying it’s like that every night either. I logged in last night around 8:30 est and CD had all of our Eternal and golanta and klovan from mags side too.

Sometimes though you’ve got less than 10 ppl and all you can do it hope the other team doesn’t respond when you try to take something. Mostly they do and you end up dead, but hell at least you tried and maybe took one or two down with you.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

(edited by Dokyo.3685)

New Ascended stat combos?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


“Introduced five new stat combos on Ascended Rings and Amulets, which can be found in the usual locations for these items.”

Maybe I’m just overlooking this, but for the life of me I don’t see the new stat combos listed anywhere. I’m at work so I can’t just log in and look. I read that they added Cleric’s, but does anyone know what the other stat combos they are adding is? How I would love some power(major)/prec/vit gear.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Beating a dead horse

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m not even in this tier, but I would like to hear from anet too. About this and several other things. They are bad a talking to players it seems, especially on this board.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

One of the biggest problems with WvW (imo).

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m all for this too, maybe even a 3 day weekend match and then a 4 day weekday match every week.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

The real problem with WvW: map design

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Actually, it is quite the opposite right now. The green color is the easiest side to defend at the moment.

I actually agree with this too, they should rotate everyone in the EB counterclockwise so that green is SE, blue North, and red SW. The area in the SE is the kittentiest part so I think 1st place should get it.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m trying this new raspberry mocha from McDonalds. Not bad.


You know what’s not bad, those new redheaded roaster coffees from Wendy’s. I’ve only tried the iced ones, but they were better than expected.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Outrageous imbalances with ascendant gear

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


This just makes me laugh that’s it’s on the front page with a thread by the D/D Bunzy complaining that someone actually managed to kill him with confusion.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

The real problem with WvW: map design

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I remember something mentioned in press beta about each borderland eventually being unique. If that’s still being worked on, maybe the march patch will be new maps.

This is what I would love more than any other change right now. If every BL was as unique as EB I would be happy. Of course I want other fixes like culling, but if I had to pick one thing it would be new unique maps.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Seven Mirror - WvW Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I think you’re videos are great and they’ve encouraged me to try lots of different play styles. I was running GS + Sword/Focus for a long time, but I ended up trying out Staff + Sceptre/Focus for a while and it was pretty good. I was running it with mostly carrion gear and a little rabid so I could put out some mean confuse ticks. It just didn’t seem quite right for me though. I switched to a 20/20/0/0/30 Sceptre/Focus + Sword/Torch for a while and I liked it ok.

Now I’m running a 0/20/0/20/30 with Sceptre/Sword + Sword/Focus. This lets me get Mender’s Purity and trait for either Sceptre or Focus (it’s set to Sceptre right now). I’m wearing knight’s gear and a mix of carrion and rabid jewelry. This gives me about 20k hp and decent toughness. If I get a 5 stack of confuse up from my sceptre 3 it hits pretty hard and I still have power for my abilities to hit fairly hard. It’s just the auto attacks from sceptre leaves something to be desired.

What do you think about these traits I’m using? I was also thinking about trying 0/25/15/0/30 to get clones give confusion on death from dueling and the regen/protection and clones do random condition on death from chaos.

The biggest problem I have will all of these non GS builds I’ve been using is that people just run away from me. I’ve got my blink and my curtain to cripple/pull them, but other than that they just wave and walk away. It’s really frustrating sometimes, maybe I’m just spoiled with the GS range and the crip from the iZerker.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Do you still Play WvW (Poll/Survey)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Well it’s the only fun thing to do in GW2 so yes I do, and I still enjoy it. I would very much like to see some updates, changes, and/or additional wvw content still though.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Who runs sword+torch / sceptre+focus?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Thanks for the replies, some good food for thought. I also tend to use the torch more offensively than defensively. I’ll generally get the target drop from stealth, and the little bit of time for my cooldowns, but stay close so I hit with the burn and then continue the attack. I’ll use the focus more for mobility and defense with the speed/cripple and pull. For utilities I generally run blink, null field, veil. Of course I switch it up sometimes, but that’s mostly what I use. I used to use timewarp, but I find myself using mass invis more these days.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Who runs sword+torch / sceptre+focus?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


This is talking about WvW builds, not sPvP.

So for a long time I was running GS / Sword+Focus (sometimes torch) with 20/20/0/0/30. I would go for the GS CD reduction trait, sword CD reduction, clone on dodge, and IP mainly. I was wearing full knights armor with zerker trinkets. Also was using centaur runes. I enjoyed this build and had a lot of success with it, but I wanted to try some other stuff and get a little more survivability.

So fast forward a little bit and I’m now still 20/20/0/0/30, but with confusing enchantments, dazzling glamour, and blinding befuddlement. Of course still with 33% confuse time and dodge clone traits which I had before. I’m using Staff / Sceptre+Focus. For armor 4 pieces rabid, 2 carrion, 2 rabid earring and rabid amulet, 2 carrion rings. Undead runes.

I’ve enjoyed this build somewhat also, the survivability is nice. I have just under 20k hp and decent armor. I can get confusion hitting pretty hard once I get a few on, but I find I don’t have much finishing power. People will just run away and there isn’t that much I can do since I don’t have much burst or ways to slow them. Of course I can go for a shatter, but it doesn’t hit as hard with this build and it’s harder to land it with the ranged clones I have out just chasing the person around.

So I’m thinking about trying something in between. I really miss my sword #3 and IP especially together with a sword #2. Nothing like leaping over locking them in place hitting a frenzy and shattering on them. So I think I want to get my sword back in the mix, but I’m not sure about the GS vs. Sceptre + offhand. I would also be putting IP back on. It would be nice to have both offhands since I have trouble choosing between them, and I’m enjoying the sceptre #3. I don’t know if it’s worth it if I drop most of my cond. dmg though. I think the #3 will still hit pretty hard with my power/prec/tough gear. The confusion just won’t do as much, but there is something to be said for just making people panic when they get confusion on. I will miss the iZerker though and #5 knock back.

So my question to the people running sword+oh/sceptre+oh, I know there must be some of you, is what do you think of the build and how are you traited? I’d definitely want IP and clone on dodge, which only leaves me with 20 other points, but let me know what you all think. If I switch all my gear back to knights I may also get some knights or valk. trinkets instead of the zerker ones I have with my knights gear set now.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Condition Mesmer vs S/D / SB thief

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


If you figure it out let me know. I’m not running a condition build, more power, but I can almost never beat them 1v1 either. Sometime it’s just 10k BS, 2k CnD, 5k HS and I’m dead. Sometime I can blink away and fight a little, but it still usually ends up with me dead. It’s not like I have 0 toughness either, I’m wearing full exotic knights gear. Although after getting owned by them in 3-4 seconds countless times it makes me really happy when I do manage to get a pin on one.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Scepter Opinion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I only really play WvW so my perspective might be skewed, but I do find the scepter to be pretty much useless. It’s one of the only things I don’t carry around. I generally run GS / Sword + Torch or Focus. I have a staff and pistol in my inventory, but don’t really use them with my current 20/20/0/0/30 spec. It seems most people agree that the scepter sucks, but this thread seems to have turned into an argument about torch vs. focus. I use both regularly in wvw. I use the focus when running around the map and when doing siege/defense of keeps. In any sort of open map fighting, which is something I actually look for because I like it, I use the torch. I find the prestige to be much better than the focus skills when doing any sort of small skirmishing, although I will admit I don’t really use the illusion much.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Charr Mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Keep your trolloc hooves (hands?) off my butterflies.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Feb 1st - SBI/CD/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m actually looking forward to this matchup for the first time in a coupe of weeks. See you all in the theater after work.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Opposing server members zerging.

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


You all realize the OP is just kittening with you right? Although he does have a point about removing repair cost in WvW, or just upping the money you earn a little bit.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I understand this but you can’t expect people to pay to transfer now, especially whole guilds.

What you should do is charge money to jump to a tier 1/2 server and let the rest be free.

You realize this thread was started over 4 months ago, and someone just dragged it up to the front page. He was asking people to transfer then when it was still free.

I’ve got to say that I don’t really feel that bad for people with the long queues, except for the original inhabitants. What did all those people who jumped onto the top few server expect? Long queue times and lots of zerging is what they should have expected, I’m actually glad several guilds transferred off my server. I’m happy to play in the tier 3-5 range.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Please, do something about downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I didn’t read this whole thread, so someone might have mentioned this in the second half, but they should just make rez only useable out of combat. That way once an engagement is over the winning side can get their fallen up, but it would stop the majority of the never ending fights where everyone gets rezed within 3 or 4 seconds of being downed.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Exotics through WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


What Esoteric said is exactly the problem I’m having. I have badges and karma from WvW, but can’t buy any gear that actually useful to me with it. I need gold/mats to buy/craft the gear I want, but you don’t get much of these things from WvW. It would be nice if they just gave more than one option from badges, they act like everyone who plays WvW is going to want to use that one set.

Edit: He’s also correct that the gear choices you get from the Karma vendors isn’t much better.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Exotics through WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I believe my server does have the merchants up most of the time and I’ve looked at those pieces online, but they don’t seem to have the combinations of stats I’m looking for. In this case the Berserk and/or knight stats. I use both sets depending on what build I’m using at the time. I do have around 200k Karma saved up though.

You are also right about getting pieces occasionally in WvW and I have salvaged them for ectos, but even doing that I’ve probably averaged 1 ecto a week.

I’m not a hardcore player, I pay a few hours at most after work during the week all in WvW. Maybe a few minutes outside to finish off a daily or something. Seems like I’d either best just stick with rares or spend real money on gold to buy stuff. I think I make like maybe 1 gold a day doing WvW. I’ve never spent real money on in-game stuff for any game before, but to be honest I’m starting to feel like all the hours of my time is worth a lot more to me than 30 or 40 bucks. Maybe I’m just getting old hehe.

Thanks for your thoughts guys (and/or girls).

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Scrap Tiers > Make WvW like a sports season

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


So many of the match ups would be ridiculously unbalanced it wouldn’t be very fun for many people. Look what’s been happening to people now in tiers where someone like Kane is moving up. It would only be worse if you started putting random people against SoS and the like. Sounds like a nightmare.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Exotics through WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


So it seems the easiest way to get exotics for WvW is either crafting or buying them, problem is you don’t really get many mats and no gold for doing WvW. I generally use Berserker’s and Knight’s so trying to save up badges for invaders gear is out. I ended up with enough stuff to craft one exotic by the time I hit 80 and the rest I’m using rares b/c it’s what I could afford. How to most people that just do WvW go about getting exotics?

I’ve never run a dungeon in GW2 and don’t plan to so don’t tell me to go do that.

Just wondering if I’m missing something, or what advice people have on getting them without grinding dungeons?

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Why does WvWvW not use PvP gear like sPvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


This has probably been answered before, but I don’t get why this game treats WvW more like PvE than PvP? How are you supposed to get the money and/or mats for exotics when you don’t really get much of either in WvW, and don’t have any interest in PvE. I see why they did it the way they did for sPVP, but why not WvW? I’m running around with a few exotics and the rest rares right now and it’s not to bad, but I just don’t get their thought process here?

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Seven Mirror - WvW Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Cool stuff, I really enjoyed your videos. I’m running a full zerker GS + Sword/Focus or Sword/Pistol right now, but this is making me contemplate things.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

CD - WvW Guilds?

in Guilds

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Cool, I’ll look for you all in game. I recognize Altie from running around in WvW with his commander tag on and have enjoyed following him for some fun times. I’ve also followed around some Orb groups who were pretty good too.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

CD - WvW Guilds?

in Guilds

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


Thanks, I’ll check out your website, but just to let you know it won’t load for me with the www on the front, had to go to just for it to work. Might need to add a CNAME record to your DNS.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

CD - WvW Guilds?

in Guilds

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


So can anyone tell me what CD WvW guilds are left on the server. I was looking at trying to join one, and the one I enjoyed playing with transferred off. Which ones are left, and which ones transferred off? I’m currently in a small guild with a hand full of real life friends, but I’m looking for a larger organized group to run with in WvW since that’s all I do in this game. I’m central US time, most of the ones I’ve seen posting for CD in this forum recently are Asian/Aussie time zone guilds.

Most nights I get on after work for maybe 2-4 hours, more on weekends. I’m 31, have a 9-5 job, and other responsibilities so I want a pretty laid back guild. I’m not looking for a guild with no applications to fill out, tryouts, or any of that nonsense. I’m happy to get in vent/TS when playing, I’m probably looking for a more medium sized guild like 10-50 active WvW players although I supposed I could go bigger. Hopefully I can find a guild that fits the bill, thanks for any info you all have.

Oh and not that it matters much, but I generally prefer playing in the borderlands over EB.

Ketseras – 80 Mesmer

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]