You don’t really need a video to learn how to play a frontline guardian. It’s very, very simple.
Pretty much all you have to do, is to stand on your commander at all times and listen to what he has to say. You use stability when you enter a zerg fight, and use #5 on greatsword, then #4 and then #2. Save #3 for movement.
Staff you simply spam #1 and when commander asks for empower, you empower with #4, and when commander asks for bomb, you simply place #3 where the bomb is going.
Use #5 in the middle of the enemy zerg whenever to split them up.
With100% boon duration it’s almsot permanent.
Should be baseline, and then replaced with a trait that makes tomes instant equips.
lol look at these people cryin’ failing to understand that this is not pvp/wvw oriented
So what do you think Firebrand can do in PvE then?
It’s all locked behind long cast times, long cooldowns and pages. Damage won’t be any good as a condition build because you’re only avble to burt for a little while and then you’re locked out of tome of justice.
Your healing capabilities are nothing compared to druid, druid will outdo you far and more.
Tome of courage only has use in WvW or PvP, but it’s a mode they don’t shine in, at all.
There’s to much cast time, and too short of range on most skills to be useful in anything right now. Just my impressions atm.
More or less my impression too.
Firebrand doesn’t seem to be very good to “main” a support build. There’s only so much you can do with long cast times, loooong cooldowns and being limited with “pages.”
When you have used up your tome of resolve, you’re a sitting duck in terms of supporting, while a druid can continue healing, entering celestial avatar and apply some very strong healing with damage increase to the party.
Firebrand is a hybrid in a sense, but it seems somewhat lost in what it actually is. Everything is locked behind long cast times, long cooldowns and the ammo/page system.
Then don’t use Firebrand in PvP/WvW? That is perfectly ok to so and is ArenaNets design intention.
This is what happens when they allow a beta test only in PvP, they should have allowed PvE testing to.
I can’t imagine Firebrand’s tome of resolve and tome of courage being usable in raids, to be honest. The support capacity is already owned by the Druid, and Firebrand are far too limited with pages.
It could work like a “oh kitten” button if you need to help with some healing, but that should never happen in a raid scenario nonetheless.
Firebrand is only good for flame bursts, not continuous dps.
Tomes are meant to be cooldowns, not something you just slip in and out of. You save them for those intense moments.
Instead of asking for the cooldown and cast time to be reduced we should ask for the tome skills to be more impactfull.
Tomes may function like Kits, but we are not meant to use them like Kits, they are essentially 3 bonus elite skills, just like our old tome elite skills were.
The cones on Mantra have to stay, otherwise what’s the point in Shouts? We can talk about widening the cone and increasing the range but the cone is a key aspect to the gameplay.
The charge up on Mantras is good, your’e not meant to burn through all charges in one go, you have to weave your skills and time them according to the situation, not spam use them all at once.
The final charge can be more impactfull so that flirt of going on long cooldown is more incising.Also why do we need to be the masters of everything? That creates design chaos, if Firebrands are good are fire bombing then let them be good at fire bombing, use DragonHunter if you want more support.
No one said you’re supposed to burn through everything at once, but in PvP/WvW scenario Firebrand just doesn’t work, at all. The cast time on things plus the very short range makes you a target of constant interrupts and moments of nothing to do since your HP is burning away through interruption and cast times.
At the moment there’s pretty much nothing elite with our F-Tome abilities, majority of the abilities are mediocre for the time and preperation you have to do to use them.
To do anything, or barely anything, you have to stack up on stability.
An absolute mess of a elite specialization if we talk about PvP and WvW.
Everything having a cast time, plus such a low range you are asking to be constantly interrupted and unable to do anything, at all. It’s not even good for supporting.
Plus the tome visuals are really bad. I have said this a lot, but I honestly think we deserve to have the old tome of wrath/courage visual back with a tome floating in front of us, even a scaled down one, because at the moment, it’s lacklustre as heck.
At least in my opnion. Just far too much cast time, cast time and melee range on top for that. It’s a really bad mix.
Switching between the tomes are equally clunky because of the cast time, and when you’re finally in the tomes you are being very limited with what you can do.
The cooldowns on the tomes are far, far too long as well, and the 33% trait should just be baseline and replaced with something else, maybe something that makes the tomes instant equips instead of cast time equips.
The axe has potential, but is as well rather slow, and the symbol should AT LEAST give some boon. Sadly the #2 skill has a cast time similar to mace, so the talent feels incredibly useless to take since (in PvP scenarios) everyone can just dodge away or stun you.
The only thing Firebrand is good for at the moment is surprise flame bombing, spamming an opponent with fire stacks when they don’t see you attack them.
Otherwise they are lacklustre in the supporting role since everything has cast time, you are standing there just asking enemies to jump and interrupt you and you are unable to do anything.
Mantras are cool, and got potential, but the charge up is again far too long, and we have no trait whatsoever to improve them or change them. Edit: We do have a trait that reduces cooldown and makes the final charge apply immobilize.
But this 300 cone range stuff is just… sorry, it’s almost like a spit in the face. Long, long cast time, and a 300 range cone? Come on…
Otherwise, visually, sound effects and voicelines the Firebrand is top-notch, except for one thing, and that is the—again—very lacklustre animation of opening a tome.
What happend to our Tome of Wrath, and Tome of Courage animations?! Jon Peters said something in the line of revisiting them years ago, but what we got are pages swirling around us, while we stand in a weapon-drawn stance, with no weapons out at all.
Have a scaled down Tome of Wrath-esque model floating in front of us like in the past, those tomes were beautiful and felt powerful!
(edited by Farzo.8410)
Yes, I’ve already read that, and it doesn’t mention anything about teaching monks specifically.
So the usual unnecessary nitpicking that “it didn’t specifically said so.”
Well, I can say this much. Warriors got nothing mentioning Elona or Paragons.
So guardians are still the one class with paragon background.
I would rather see a monk elite spec.
Would be my wet dream. I was so hoping that the Firebrand was gonna be monk-like since the original tomes used monk spells. ANet shattering my hopes as usual~ <3
Guardians are a direct product of paragons escaping Elona, coming to Tyria and taught monks their ways. Generations later the guardian was born.
Guardians originated as a fusion between monks, paragons, and ritualists. I don’t ever recall anything about paragons teaching monks anything, not that that makes sense in the first place because monks already existed in Elona alongside paragons.
“With the turmoil in Elona and the spread of the Order of Whispers into other lands, more Paragon teaching showed elsewhere in Tyria. These teachings melded with other traditions, and over time, the guardians and their abilities can be found throughout the world and among all the races. They are not tied to a particular race, philosophy, or group of gods but rather to a larger concept of proactive defense, of taking the fight to a foe and protecting those you fight alongside while appealing equally to humanity’s defensive nature and the charr’s desire to rule the battlefield.”
“It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training, wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha. A real grab bag of “you can’t hurt me”. They’re called guardians, and simply put, they mean trouble."
Wasn’t so hard, was it.
I’m excited for the Firebrand.
Only wish I have so far is for the old tome animation to come back, aka Tome of Wrath/Tome of Courage. Maybe not exactly as it was, but I’d like to have a floating tome in front of my character when I activate the class mechanic. I don’t think it’s fair that ArenaNet is holding that back on us.
Paragon always felt closer to warrior than guardian.
I would rather see a monk elite spec.
Except they never were in lore.
Guardians are a direct product of paragons escaping Elona, coming to Tyria and taught monks their ways. Generations later the guardian was born.
I disagree with OP and will say no to strafing.
The way the mounts were created in Guild Wars 2 is absolutely lovely. It feels like a mount, it feels heavy, the animations are spot on and you actually feel like you’re “driving” or “riding” something in a direction.
World of Warcraft’s sytem with mounts which is just a cosmetic speed boost is boring, and we needed something new.
This is absolutely perfect.
I think we should send hard feedback, saying that Firebrand looks very lacking the way it activates its tomes. They still have old tome animations in the game, we should have access to those, and now is the time to have it. Firebrand is the specialization who should have these tome animations.
I think that is fair, and I really hope ArenaNet sees and read this feedback, or can at least give us an opinion on the matter.
How could you even have any trouble with this achievement?
It literally took me 5 minutes or less just flying around in a circle to get them.
Josh Foreman did a good job on the new Lion’s Arch, not going to deny that.
I’m not speaking out of nostalgia though when I say that the old Lion’s Arch felt more aligned with the “reality” of Guild Wars 2, and that I liked it much more.
This seems to have become the new theme of Guild Wars 2 though. Players looks like large, obnoxious glowing lighthouses, their appearance completely killing the theme of the game and making it look like a cheap Korean free-to-play title. While the cities are better than players’ sense of fashion, the new Lion’s Arch follows in the “over the top, large, grand, in your face” appearance.
There is no software like WoW Model Viewer but for Guild Wars 2. The closest you can get is to learn a 3D model software and extract files to build a model up, attach its skeleton and what else.
You’re not the first person ever to point out Eye of Janthir is a triangle with an eye in it. Everyone knows what illuminati is.
It didn’t fly past anyone, it simply bonked right into them and had no effect since this is the millionth time they have heard this joke.
Sorry to rain on your parade OP, but it’s not that special or unique to see the Eye of Janthir in a Guild Wars game.
The game isn’t necessarily free-to-play. It’s free-to-play trial with very open features, but still got restrictions. Buying the game fully opens up the game.
Take it as the World of Warcraft trial, but less hindering.
The game was originally fully buy-to-play.
Is the boy named Colin? Or Mike? Or… Rytlock
Logan, obviously.
I like the Clint Eastwood face.
To be honest, human male have far better options than human female. Human female all look like barbies or having one chromosome too many.
Nope. You’re overreacting.
Can’t say it has lost its identity, but it has gone towards something I’m not too fond of and doesn’t really feel well within the game.
It’s not that hard actually. Just try it. To point that out, I am probably something above average but by far not the best Jumper out there and I have never ever seen any snoflake melt under my feet. That just happens if you are super slow and there is no need to be slow, just jump straight to the next snowflake.
Also, I like if some kind of achievement (take it literally: achievement, you achieve something) is needed to make something. It is a fluff item, not needed.
I’m guessing you didn’t read my post.
For clarity. I have tried this JP time and time again.
For the last four years.
For the record, I have completed MAYBE HALF of the in game JP’s. And in most cases had help from friends or other players (Mesmers) to allow completion.
And that is why this sort of gating SHOULD NOT EXIST. SHOULD NOT HAPPEN.
Not everyone is good at jumping puzzles. I think the best example I can use here is Mike Jordan. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. If you’re over 30, anyway.
My point being is MJ was a Basketball God. He was the MAN. BUT… guess what? When he tried to play PRO BASEBALL… NNNNNnEEEEPPppTTTT!!! WRONG ANSWER!! EPIC FAIL!
So… anyone can play the game. But there’s only, what, a few hundred guys that compete at the world level for PvP? There are Three or four servers that DOMINATE WvW? ARE YOU GETTING THE POINT?
For ME, and MANY others, the WD JP is just not doable. And that Gate should be REMOVED from WP. It is the ONLY collection that I am CURRENTLY aware of that has such a thing.
nuff said.
I don’t like Toypocolypse, Bell Choir or Snowball Mayhem, but I don’t think those requirements should be removed from Winter’s Presence acquisition. I’ll just have to grin and bare it and try and get the Snowball wins and Bell Choir done. If I don’t, oh well. It’s not pertinent to obtain this skin at all, if you want it, you’ll do the requirements like everyone else.
I’m perplexed. Why are you even playing GW? You can’t do open world combat? Really? You don’t PvP? Really?
Because THAT’s what Toyocolypse is. Open world w/ altered weapons. Because that’s what Snowball Mayhem is… PvP w/ altered powers.
You’re saying YOU CAN’T EVEN DO MAIN CONTENT, and you have the NERVE to comment ON MY HATRED OF JUMPING PUZZLES?
Dude. So WRONG. I agree that the Choir is annoying.. but doable. UNLIKE the JP.
The adjusted weapons are precisely the reason I don’t like them. They’re clunky, slow and sometimes a bit laggy, as is bell choir. I don’t hate them, just not fond of it.
I’m an avid PvP/WvW’er. But I generally play a bit of everything. Just because you seem to think you can’t do a pretty easy jumping puzzle doesn’t mean It’s not doable.
I actually find your argument for removing it funny. Because your only argument is that you can’t do it. That’s it.And again My point seems to escape you.
An EASY jumping puzzle is one that anyone can do. Say Shaman’s Run.
And I don’t THINK I can’t do this puzzle. I KNOW I can’t. Again w/ you not reading. Go back to the original post. I’ve tried dozens of times to get past the (&%!#$%^& melt under your feet snowflakes. I. CANNOT. DO. IT.
There’s a reason I only have done about HALF of the JP’s in the game. I SUCK AT THEM. Going back to Shaman run? The first time I tried it,… hmmm. I think It took me something like 10 tries. Probably more, though.
And for the record, the three guys that I play most often w/ agree w/ me. None of us, to the best of my knowledge, have EVER completed the WD JP.
OR.. the WD JP should be made available ALL YEAR. So maybe after another YEAR of trying it, I might complete it ONCE. Or TWICE. So that’s, what, seven years to get the achievement?
Why aren’t you able to get past the melting snowflakes?
Are you lagging? Are you hindered by some disease? Simply bad at jumping?
I’m one of them who dislike what Guild Wars 2 turned into appearance wise for players.
Overly glowing aura infusions, obnoxiously large glitter wings and anime haircolour. The last one not so much like the others.
It just becomes far too much, it clutters the game screen and the overall theme of the game gets destroyed, making it look like a free-to-play cashgrab Korean game.
But I have to give ArenaNet credit for their latest addition of aura infusions and backpacks. They have been small but good looking, and even the Koda’s Blessing infusion is cool to me because how much more subtle it is compared to the other infusions.
I really, really do hope ArenaNet continues down that road instead, instead of this obnoxious lighthouse one.
Slow is rather useless for us, it doesn’t do much for our traps at all.
Daze was incredibly strong so I don’t mind it going away, but… Slow is just, eh…
I really, really hope not.
Personally, I feel the game has been plagued with these infusion effects and obnoxiously large glitter wings far too much. It honestly destroys the overall theme of the game far too much.
I want to thank ArenaNet though for the recent infusions that has made its way into the game, that and the recent gemstore backpacks. They are small, simple and good looking still. There’s no need for these massive, screen covering effects and wing backpacks, and especially not in PvP.
The fault people always make is to say “promote this, promote that” without even thinking what the role means.
Gaile as game director? Sure, but does Gaile want that kind of role. It could mean completely different and new tasks she’s not used to, or not trained for, or for all we know she could be great.
Think a bit further on that please.
Zodin is good, yes.
Many of the players he fought against in his latest video were decent. Dragonhunter got some really good burst damage that take people by surprise.
Notice how he places the trap Test of Faith and uses the Shield of Absorption to knock the enemy over the edge of the trap, and Spear of Justice to pull them back in–and over the edge again. That deals some really good damage.
Also, forcing enemies to go through your trap one way or another is excellent. Especially if you place it in narrow spaces and keep standing inside of it or close to the edge so if they want to attack you they have to touch the edge, where the damages comes from.
As much as he titles his videos “roamer” he’s more of a duellist, this why he runs the Runes of Durability, giving him just that, more durability.
Flashing Blade, Judge’s Intervention and Wings of Resolve gives a lot of movement option, two being a teleport and one a large distance leap/heal.
I recently bought a new laptop with slightly worse specs than yours, and I can run Guild Wars 2, max graphics, with no real lag at all in WvW.
Frames maybe drop to 26 in large fights
If we go by the leak that happened some months ago (that actually did have leaks that has been confirmed and added in game now) the Guardian next elite specialization will be “Purifier” and have main-hand axe.
A DPS meter woul dbe pretty stupid, and I will explain why.
Some professions, and I will take Guardian as an example, do rather good DPS with almost no rotation needed at all.
Do you know what Guardian max DPS rotation is?
It’s Hammer auto-swing, and that only. Guild Wars 2 has never really been about rotations and max DPS, but instead using skills with different functions that can respond to different situations, aka; cripple when needed, protection when needed, a stun when needed.
Of course, some abilities only bring damage, but not all.
Some professions have to work their absolute hardest to pull out good DPS, while a profession like Guardian only has to auto-swing Hammer.
It’s stupid.
This is a recurring, often discussed topic. You’ll get answers like “because outfits are cheaper/faster to make” or “they can do things with outfits they can’t do with armor” or “outfits sell better”.
Whether you accept those answers is another matter.
Anet saying that or the community? I’m one of those that never used an outfit becouse it kills the “unique look” or my own kinda “setup” sort of speech. Tho in theori I I think thats the answer why we get the outfits and not new “armor sets” must been years since last armor set in gemstore?
ArenaNet have said that outfits are easier to make, and that they can do things they can’t do with armour. It takes a longer time for them to make sure every piece fits with other armour pieces, so it doesn’t clip too much. In other words, too much work.
Outfits aren’t that interesting, in my opinion.
Enjoy the aids of season 5 if DH dosent get nerfed. A bunch of scrubs standing still and spamming aoe damage. Im just gonna play Dh aswell I dont care. If you cant beat them join them. When there will be 4+ Dh on each team maybe anet will do something
If you can’t beat them you have nothing to do in PvP to begin with.
I’m in EU myself. I have no clue about the differences between EU and NA. Why do NA want to come to EU WvW?
Adding this would actually increase the roleplay potential tenfold.
Honestly, Guardian is pretty sought after in every mode.
It shines the most in WvW however.
Will servers ever go back to their “former” glory in the future, so to speak?
I haven’t played for a while, and I returned a little bit just recently. I’m on Seafarer’s Rest and they were rather hot on the whole WvW ordeal and I had many fun nights doing WvW with that server.
Now it’s at the bottom, with barely anyone doing anything. I’m not really sure what happened, and why.
I haven’t played Guild Wars 2 in a longer while, though I was still around for a little bit with the server linking.
Is this what they are going with now? The server linking? The whole idea seems to kill servers apart.
I played on SFR and apparently they fell right on their face for some reason I don’t know what it is. The server was extremely well in WvW in the past, and now it’s barely holding up.
Apparently my post was deleted and infracted for pointing out it’s actually called Mad Memoires and not Mad Memories. It’s a book, not a memory.
I thought I was being helpful.
I really dislike the looks of those boring non particle armors.
I dress my character up with the most particles I can find in the game. I want to be shiny and I really want others to be shiny as well.Could I get a slider or an option to make non shiny armors, weapons, backpacks to be really big and shiny. I like that style. The bigger and more particles the better (for me).
I see some people running around that look like they made their character 5 seconds ago. I dont like that, they offend me. Give me a slider to make them more like my taste and more like me
You’re not helping your side of the argument by hyperboling.
I didn’t spend thousands of gems on cosmetic gem store items so that I look good only to myself, you do get that? I might sound blunt, but that’s common sense.
You DO understand that the suggested option would totally beat the purpose of the cosmetic part of the gem store and I would be totally kittened off if my gems were actually gone to crud because of that.
Lady Gaga doesn’t dress like that just for her to look special to herself in her bedroom.
It can already be done so your point doesn’t really mean anything here. As said, we can already lower the model quality so you appear as a grey soldier, and the only thing that would be visible still is your backpack.
Lady Gaga also dresses in very crazy attires that only her and her fashion manager comes up with, making it a very unique set. Original.
You running around in the #500 bought cash shop armour and the #600 bought cash shop wings, running around with the same attire as others who bought it isn’t exactly anything fun, or remarkable to look at.
There’s next to no value for your armour or outfit except for yourself.
I think a lot of people here have obviously not come to terms with the fact that MMO’s are not for them. Single player games for you guys only please.
What I read was “MMO’s are not for people I don’t agree with”
No, MMO’s are for EVERYONE who wants to play it. So if a lot of people don’t want to see something, it’s in the MMO’s best interest to cater to them as well as the people who do want to see it. In this case, Anet can do both by giving the people the OPTION to see backpacks/auras/etc. or to disable them.
No one (or at least none that I saw) is asking to remove huge obstructive armor and accessories. You worked for it. You earned it. Show it off to everyone who cares to see! But if people are annoyed by it, they have their right to disable it. And you would be none the wiser, so it won’t hurt your feelings.The problem is this. Where would such an absurd request stop? And let’s be real. It is a totally selfish and absurd request. What If I don’t like seeing Sparkly legendaries? Shall we have an option to remove those too? I mean GreatSwords are massive right? Get rid of Twilight and Eternity, they are obnoxious. You know, that chaos gloves glow really annoy me, I demand a slider now to remove them! Actually come to think of it, remove all spells from the game. The over the top effects are not to “my” taste. Do you see where this could go?
Instead of asking the devs to put time into something so utterly trivial when we are crying out for real , new content, why not just IGNORE the backpacks. You are asking for special treatment for something 99% of players couldn’t give a toss about; yet something that would no doubt take time and resources to implement. We don’t even have Build Templates implemented yet and the LFG system is still hideously flawed. It’s things like this that MOST players would like the Devs to put effort into, outside of new Content. Your request is a 1st world issue if ever there was one.
You’re going over to taste a little bit too much in your argument. We’re still talking about backpacks and what they are disrupting in the gameplay, actually hindering to see certain game mechanics because of how big, glowy and obnoxious they are. The word obnoxious is personal, because that’s what I think they are, that’s not the point in the argument.
I think the counter argument focus too much on wings alone when backpacks in general was my point. The option I suggest simply turns the backpacks off for everyone including yourself.
I do think some armours and infusions especially can be very obnoxious and annoying, interrupting the overall screen of the game too much. However, I came to the conclusion that backpacks are the bigger criminals here, so if I suggested something it would be this option I wish for.
If I could dream I would simply want to do a rollback to the release of this game, then sit through looking at all the future added skins and re-think their belonging in this game, both through theme and performance issues.
I think a lot of people here have obviously not come to terms with the fact that MMO’s are not for them. Single player games for you guys only please.
Don’t hyperbole.
No one is saying they don’t want to play with others. We are saying we want to get rid of annoying effects and other over-the-top objects that covers the actual gameplay.
Just because it happens to sit on other players we can’t help. We simply ask for a way to remove the objects covering the character and things going on around it, not removing the player itself.
Quite a lot of people completely misunderstanding and instead starts to hyperboling to the extreme.
We’re not removing the items from you or the game, however, we wish to hide all backpacks because more and more backpacks are being created to look obnoxious, so being able to hide them will help during everyday activity that would otherwise cover the gameplay.