BG, TC, Mags have decent EU last time I checked. I couldn’t speak about any other servers
There will be people with low achievement points on the map. These alt accounts cross server in t1 at least, are openly transparent about there intentions. It’s not for match manipulations, and there really is no need for paranoia. It’s WvW a casual game mode, where t1 will have no-low achievement people coming in over the next while. You’ll even see some of these low achievement people tag up eventually. I just welcome the players, but hey that’s just my mentality.
If you report, you run the risk of a suspension every time if the opponent is in fact just waiting for his friends to get into the bl before doing anything. I remember when I was new to a server, we had to gain respect of everyone and we did that by running organized raids. However, there were times when it would take 30 minutes to collect up our team so much of the time players were just sitting in the BL waypoint waiting.
I don’t think it’s a good use of Anet’s already limited time to investigate alt accounts at spawn. If people are going to that extent to match manipulate as you say, then there is a bigger issue. I can’t see guilds purposely wasting time, money and resources in order to gain a say 20 person advantage.
I don’t think there is any issue with it. I mean, it gives guilds a shot to test and try things against each other – like GvG style builds and format. More importantly it gives those players something newer to do. New perspectives and maybe newer engagements. It also will help share knowledge abroad in the t1 community. Overall making things more competitive.
If I could take anyone in my party it’d be vash’s support mesmer build.
I think 5-6 hours is a little too short. 12-24 hours may be better. I still am unsure how this would resolve any coverage issues though. What if Red Kingdom has multiple SEA servers, while the green and blue have next to none. Coverage wars 2.0
12 hour may resolve that. Interesting idea regardless
They went down 25% and then bumped back up but still down 10% lower. I don’t mind it being on TC but I understand that others may have queue issues.
Transfer to Jade Quarry and join [HK] Hammer Kult…. and wipe to one arrow cart.
Best line ever.
Speaking of these claim tickets … aren’t the weapons like 300 each? And what do we get for first place, second place and third in the last tourney?
If you get full exotic equipment, you will be fine. Check the metabattle for some builds to help (play how you enjoy). Some of the roaming builds are pretty fun, but some of the zerg builds are also good so long as you are with the zerg. Have fun on your adventures, it really is one of the more exciting aspects of the game. WvW has its moments =)
I’m giving the OP a +1 on this. Even though the video didn’t load up (likely issue on my end) .
People who detach from the main force to provide intel / scout / defend, keep upgrades rolling, and speed up yaks when needed are the ones who can make a 1 min cap turn to a 5 min cap. Giving time for the force to come defend. Big props to those who do the dirty work. It’s not glorious but it definitely makes a noticeable difference.
STUN is still and will always be TC. We just had some alt accounts go over to see how it is. No primary accounts are moving. just to clear that up.
Edit: Oh and you can pm the STUN person(s) and feel free to give them a GTFO. We have a raid time during reset. If it was late NA then they were likely on alt after raid.
(edited by Hexin.5603)
If you put them at speldan and umber… you gotta get another champ out to a green camp to even it out. I like the concept… right now everyone avoids them like the plague so they are relatively useless.
They mean something to each server. Usually.
For example … TC
Blue – Pugmander / open raid
Red – sentry
Yellow – Closed raid
Purple – havoc
No … it would be more like 2 people playing golf, each buying their own equipment to play in the field created by the golf club. They each pay for there gear and each pay for the right to play on the field. If one guy decides to shot his golf balls like pool queues … he is allowed. But he cannot shoot the other persons golf balls.
play the way you want, but don’t intervene on others games.
I’d rather a form of siege that blocks enemy ground targeting making a safe zone for defenders to attempt to repel attackers.
I can’t see the NEEFF buff being welcomed. I mean … move map to be competative? You get nothing for any contribution? Especially considering the point tick for some are as long as 90 minutes …. it basically favors dead servers. Completely.
Sorry trying to wrap my head around the idea here … so what would happen if a server outnumbered another 2 servers … get 0 wxp/xp/rewards but caps the map? Do they get 0 points? or the points for the cap? Or is that 15 minutes negate a cap of smc?
So basically make it beserker?
Inb4 locked by mod
Baddies go to eotm to farm uplevels to regain there confidence after they get beat on the field. Just kidding.
That’s because you cannot trust the listing of servers saying full or not. If 300 people left, it should immediately drop, but it’s not yet registered or needs a larger sampling of population to change. Makes no sense.
I generally just waypoint around to lose the people who die constantly. /guildchat ’let’s move to x, this guy tagging along is terrible.
That the … Build My Ballista [Now] troll, meh … trolls gonna troll.
A guild group on Overgrowth [DC] actually running eotm with about 20 people rolling uplevel pugs lol. Never saw it before. Is this what guilds who can’t wvw do?
No. Guilds who can’t WvW Play EOTM karma train.
You are both saying the same thing.
Closed raids should run tagless. Keeps the scrubs and rally bots away.
Free transfers are how the imbalance started. transfers should not be free unless its t8. People should be free to transfer down to t8.
All classes have the ability to spec for healing.
I’m not gonna shoutheal a lord… but then again I could just get an ele or engi to regen him. Duely noted.
EDIT… forgot banner … can do banner regen
TC … we have both aussie’s and kiwi’s, open community. Other than that, I would say SoS.
Also … our server opens up during the day usually prior to est timezone.
Vod mechanic resolves all that.
Also lords and such health should regenerate out of combat. If you defend a push it should be rewarded as such. Silly to have npc’s health not recover when nothing hits them. This way its a fair battle at VoD.
I agree. And in 9/10 battles it will always be a mid point clash… but in times where you can take out the lord prior to mid point you should be allowed. Much like gw1.
I think CTF battles deserve there own game mode.
Which can be added in addition to this game mode.
My point about Lord’s being vulnerable is … let me try to paint a picture here.
You are on a team who is defending in the Lord’s room the battle is heavy you have been on the defense for a while and it looks like a definite loss. You manage to hold in the lord’s room and down the enemy players. The respawn and start heading back. Great time for your team to go on the offensive. You send a couple guys down the offensive path. Suddenly the VoD timer hits. You see the enemies coming back in range again, but they hold back watching at a distance. Gate’s all open. Your npc’s remaining and Lord start there trek to mid, your remaining players escort them keeping the enemy at range. Meanwhile your offense dual take on the enemy npc’s en route at the gates…. the enemy still hasn’t reacted as they are focusing messing around with you. If they manage to get the enemy lord down before reinforcments come your team wins based on outplaying the enemies who failed to escort there npc’s. You can pull off a comeback with some quick thinking.
Granted… most battles and teams will escort there npc’s to mid point. But having it available allows for some more strategy to help teams attempt a miraculous comeback from a dire situation.
Would it lead to people stacking on a gate? Maybe … but a team should be able to fend off the attackers having there more powerful npc’s with them. Of course if you have little to no NPC’s it’s a moot point and the writing was already on the wall to begin with.
Hope that makes sense.
You can gear up with exotic karma gear from the temples to get on a similar level. Then you can customize your gear as you get badges
You sound exactly like a roamer/dueler … generally in wvw people who enjoy doing this meet in common areas of the map … like in the home borderland bl’s they tend to meet around the southern island sentry piont just north of the south camp. In EBG you can find them in the big open area besides smc (this is t1 bg/jq/tc) …
If you are looking to get into it … you can pm some of the guys in (hats) guild who primarily do this for adjusting and tweaking your build.
This kinda experience does exist, you just have to stumble upon it and join the groups who do it regularly.
Oh i also forgot … formal dueling is also in the obsidian sanctum, in the arena if you remember how to get there.
VoD should have the lord moving – vulnerable … to the mid position. This would allow a tactical shot at any would want to aggro him en route. The match shouldn’t reset at VoD. Unless i’m reading you wrong (then my bad).
Players should be rewarded for taking out guards during the match. So if one side takes out all guards and the other side still has 4 guards from good defense… then they should be rewarded for there play through out the match by having an advantage at the VoD moment (this would be the 4 extra guards).
I like the idea of extending the respawn based on duration through the game. Would make it more meaningful for the kills in late game to actually tip the tides. At the same time if organizing a defensive last stand, a successful defense can rally a counter attack and allow them to push to the opposition side.
By community I mean the people I play with on regular basis. These are multiple guilds on my server that are all working together and chatting having fun nightly. If I was pushed to a low pop server, or even my guild … I’d stop playing the game and go play another. I play for the folks I enjoy battling with every night.
I’d wager the majority of responses would be ‘take me out from my community to another server and I quit the game’ thus adding to the problem and not setting it on a correct course. Whose to say they won’t just transfer back.
i think you can ask the NPC when you waypoint into a map questions… and if you don’t own your home tower you can start commander siegerazor to help initiates take an objective fairly easy. Outside of that … there isn’t much to guide players to 1) group up into a party 2) determine objectives 3) top up supply 4) go be useful somewhere on said objective
You are right, it could use a how to intro even if just spoken by the NPC at waypoint
The issue will always be prevalent so long as the scoring system remains the same. It encourages coverage wars to maximize ppt. Thus, bandwagoning/stacking servers – although this is player driven, the driver behind the driver is due to the scoring mechanics.
There are so many negative comments in this thread geez. I thought stronghold was a ton of fun.
Me too. As well as the other many threads. Seemed more welcomed than unwelcomed overall. Of course it has valid issues which were discovered yesterday in the beta, but that’s what beta was for. The map overall and options are alot of fun.
I played pre-August 2008, where at some point people decided that until VoD there was no incentive to actually do anything other than wait for the VoD (sure people could possibly attempt to preemptively take out NPCs, but why, teams could just turtle their base and keep their NPCs up, easier to just try for the full wipe during when the VoD activated)
There was also flag running and getting the 10% morale boost during match. But yeah you can still do a VoD, just use dmg done to lord. The idea of forcing the lords to the middle was fun. You can still tally a sides decision based on – 1) lord death 2) Points
<— also willing to play stronghold all day. Willing beta testers
The game would never end if you could repair the gates and such, although it is interesting. I would suggest using supply to partially repair gates (1 supply 25%, max allowed 50%) / close them … then add a VoD sudden death timer at the end like 20 minutes or so. Gates open automatically, all npcs remaining come out to fight at the supply depot.
They are keeping both modes in. I don’t see the issue at all. In fact I look at it like expanding the pvp base overall. Attracting more players who like the game mode. Sure they may differ from conquest, but whose to say that those who like stronghold won’t learn try and like conquest as well in future. I like the addition. I hope they rework the pvp menu to Conquest – Deathmatch – Stronghold buttons and a menu for unranked, ranked or custom underneath. Or something to simply differentiate them.
People all have there own style of type of game they enjoy. Some wvw prefer deathmatch over conquest, and others may enjoy this mode more. While some enjoy the good ol conquest. Anet has alot of options ahead of themselves to really focus on this community and that is a good sign for the future of pvp.
This map has potential. I had fun in it, got rolled badly, but was more looking at the options than anything else. Where fights are, utilizing supply, taking out the enemy hero and attacking players. It definitely offers a lot. I’d like less 1v1 or 1v2’s though… and to be able to build for offence and defence teams. Something like 6 or 8 would be great and allow some good theory crafters and builders to have fun.
… really unsure what else to say.
The New Strong Hold channel mechanic.
This is exactly what I was thinking yesterday when I was channelling. i can see why they did it.
Every time a new thing comes out … people start with the balanced and then customize there needs. Same story on repeat.
I bet the devs are smiling at this thread. Means so far this is well received.