I’d say sylvari female, asura or charr. Asura seems mobile and nimble even with the more heavier attacks, charr seems sluggish but much more impactful while sylvari females are just neat and have clean animations. Frankly anything works unless it’s norn, human or sylvari male. One big factor is renevewed focus which looks like you are taking a dump on human males and sylvari males. Can’t remember how it looked on norn males but they are way too big and clunky for my taste anyway. This obviously is my own opinion.
Never played the carpal tunnel rotation, but I’d estimate guard rotation is somewhere in the middle of the pack with regard to difficulty.
With regard to the OP, without long testing I got to 31k pretty consistently when using qT’s realistic buffs. As I know that I don’t really get above 90% of the qT benchmark, that would put us at about 34.4k. I expect the final benchmark to be slightly higher still, since I didn’t even try to optimise utilities (played ToF/PoB/BS, spirit sword might get higher than ToF) and consumables.
I managed to break 32k with realistic buffs though I wasn’t using mighty infusions. I’m expecting the qT’s benchmark to go 33-34k
This is actually an interesting point since raid bosses agro scales from toughness, effectively making firebrands the new “tanks”. While the trait itself would normally be ridiculously good, it also puts us into a certain mold. While I wouldn’t mind playing tank role in raids with my FB, I can see why people would dislike this.
I died couple of times casting my RF while dude weas just putting condies on me like I was not invulnerable.
RF doesn’t prevent condition damage. Also this thread was about dragons maw. Don’t go off-topic.
I literally couldn’t care less about the staff #1 nerf. It’s a boring weapon and it’s other mechanics remain the same, better even. People are quick to whine whenever their favorite class is nerfed even so slightly. So quick in fact that they don’t even realise how big the buffs were to the whole class in comparison. Frankly, I’m enjoying watching you people get kitten over this.
Hopefully this will prevent most guards from just 1,1,1ing.
Translated: “Oh no, most guardians aren’t doing what I want them to do!”
Nah, the actual translation is: " Wew, I hope people stop being kittened and actually play guardian like it was meant to be and not just spam 1 like mindless bots."
The people complaining havent even read all the traits. FB offers insane condition damage while providing permanent quickness that makes longer cast times irrelevant. Not to mention massive healing+utility. Our GM minor trait alone gives us passive 250 boost to cond damage, healing power and toughness. Axe AA stacks great amounts of burning and bleeding and F1 tome does the same but in massive scale.
You have to go trough the effort of hunting the tolltips here but so far I have found all skills and traits except F1 tomes epilogue skill.
https://youtu.be/nqj-yOPEudA?t=2The GM minor gives +250 Condition Damage, Toughness and Healing Power while you are under the effects of Quickness. That’s hardly passive.
You’re right. Passive is a bad term to describe it. 100% uptime meanwhile is not since we WILL have 100% on quickness.
Ragnarox.9601, for what it looked, virtues traited to castfire on a target zone plus new stuff to add more burn, ANet ismaking a gimmick trough what is op to carry the players nothing more, still its a very unmobile combat… easilly killed.
core guard falled extremelly^2 behind due new specs condi spam, and firetrash might be dangerous while supporting players ganking coreclasses… LOL
Actually I might farm those firebrands in next xpac so they might buff it somehow. I love guardians playing it from the start in 2012 but dont like the road it goes. Core need lot of attention but they made another useless support spec. Cant wait for a farmsfest in pvp and wvw.
I don’t think firebrand was ever intended to be a pvp class. We got DH for that.
So firebrand is class for world bosses? Pve hearts? So other elites have uses in pvp and firebrand was not intended for pvp and its locked only in 1 game mode?thats a bad thing to do. And btw DH is not that good in high level pvp.
Firebrand does have pvp uses but it was not the main focus. The elite mantra is literally 3 stun breaks in a row. Axe has powerful condi and #3 is a condi cc. Axe 2 also dazes and tomes have many skills that have instacasts.
In general i think firebrand was designed raid meta in mind to offer us a spot in there. We cant predict anything without seeing it ourselves.
Ragnarox.9601, for what it looked, virtues traited to castfire on a target zone plus new stuff to add more burn, ANet ismaking a gimmick trough what is op to carry the players nothing more, still its a very unmobile combat… easilly killed.
core guard falled extremelly^2 behind due new specs condi spam, and firetrash might be dangerous while supporting players ganking coreclasses… LOL
Actually I might farm those firebrands in next xpac so they might buff it somehow. I love guardians playing it from the start in 2012 but dont like the road it goes. Core need lot of attention but they made another useless support spec. Cant wait for a farmsfest in pvp and wvw.
I don’t think firebrand was ever intended to be a pvp class. We got DH for that.
The people complaining havent even read all the traits. FB offers insane condition damage while providing permanent quickness that makes longer cast times irrelevant. Not to mention massive healing+utility. Our GM minor trait alone gives us passive 250 boost to cond damage, healing power and toughness. Axe AA stacks great amounts of burning and bleeding and F1 tome does the same but in massive scale.
You have to go trough the effort of hunting the tolltips here but so far I have found all skills and traits except F1 tomes epilogue skill.
Why support cause we have already very good support????
Its not laughable we are best at support, I actually was hoping to get healing spec more.
Best at support? Which support are you talking about? Damage support? Druid has it. Healing support? Druid also has it. Also revenant and ele heal better. Quickness? Chrono has it. Only thing we have is buffs and revenant do that better than we do and even they are not in the meta.
Let’s not forget that dota 2 and smite are completely different games, designed for team vs team matches AND in different format. Gw2 pvp has problems but let’s not try compare these games. Gw2 has to balance skills and traits with pve which is so completely different that problems are bound to appear in their initial design. One could argue that the problem with gw2 pvp is its simplicity and lack of working game modes besides capture and hold.
I’m not sure what you are trying to do exactly. Making yourself more tanky won’t help your teammates. Either you use defensive skills that help them, or you go the healing route.
Perma-protection is a big help, and you can get it from hammer guardian, druid with Stone Spirit + trait, or the Minster chrono build.
As a dragonhunter, you can do things like pop F3 and carry the whole boss fight if the group dps is high enough, but it doesn’t seem like that’s what you are after. I think you would get better results playing a standard healer druid.
Thanks for responding!
First let me clarify that no I’m not trying to go all tanky. I’m trying to be supportive. To me that sounds like heals & protection. I mentioned zealots gear because it has power, precision and healing which may be helpful say if running heal on shouts. That was the rough draft of my thoughts.
I was not aware of the protection up time on hammer. I will research that further.
What would you suggest for a build if I might ask? I thought vanilla guard would be the better option but you mention dragon hunter so was hoping you could provide some direction on what to take on that trait line.
Sorry if I’m confusing. It’s sorta a rough draft in my mind. Was hoping people more experienced on Guardian would have some insight.
Thanks again for your help!!!
The thing is, just flat out giving you a build is not the way to go here. Guardian is a very versatile profession and needs to be able to adapt to different encounters.
When it comes to DH, no. DH is a pure damage spec and doesn’t provide ANY party support if that’s what you are after.
There are few basic pointers you could advice your friends with: 1) stay close to eachother. Buffs and outgoing healing are not going to help your partymembers if you are split all across the area. 2) Utilize the targeting system. In some encounters like in CoF you need to kill the assassins to prevent them from killing the asura. If you are not using voice-chat, that is the most effecient way of communication. 3) Stay ranged, if you are not comfortable with the mechanics or your ability to dodge untelegraphed attacks. Often this leads to less damage but being dead leads to 0 damage so yeah.
All and all, guardian is not exactly a profession that “carries” a party. As mentioned above, druid is much better when it comes to healing and buffing. Best way to guide them is to go in discord, take a short break before each encounter and give them a run-up. You shouldn’t treat your guildies as idiots that need to be bottle-feeded. They will and SHOULD make mistakes. Normal parties wont have a dedicated nanny guiding them so they should get used to it.
Scepter/Torch + Greatsword Guardian
from http://qtfy.eu/build/guardian with love
Frankly, you dont need to switch your gear to carry new players. Just switch skills and traits. For example, in higher levels using reflections/projectile blocks at raving asura is not necessary but if you know your party members aren’t experienced, you can switch to wall of reflection and spirit shield. Run shouts with pure of voice in condi heavy encounters and if you feel like they are getting downed often, you can even run signet of mercy for that extra pampering. Also, if you are familiar with the content, well timed F3 or “retreat” aegis can save your friends from getting one-shotted.
Changing to full healer on guardian wont help you carry them as dealing damage and ending the encounter faster is often the most effecient way to help your teammates.
Can we talk about druids? I wanna talk about druids.
You are actually right. I tested it with sword and staff. It waits 1 tick before applying the vigor. Nothing significant but it’s there.
It’s already confirmed that we get mainhand axe. I would have preferred it to be offhand but oh well.
I havent seen that confirmation, only leaked pictures in early development.
Can you share where anet confirmed this? It would ease my mind to know for sure.
You should propably go to the sub-forums where they discuss the leaks further. Don’t think this is the place for it.
It’s already confirmed that we get mainhand axe. I would have preferred it to be offhand but oh well.
general rule of thumb is that use greatsword for packs and scepter for bosses. This however is not the case all the time because to maximize your damage you switch between the two constantly as part of your rotation. At this point however you dont have to worry about anything build related. You can switch your traits freely and generally you want to have all weapons in the end. Staff is a wvw weapon and serves almost no use in pve unless you want to tag lots of mobs in large pve events.
For stats berserker (power, prec, fero).
Atm guardian rotation is very easy but we’ll see how firebrand will change it. It’s said that tomes will function like engineer kits so they might bring more complexity to the class.
Let’s keep this thread alive.
My Asuran guardian. Finally finished flameseeker in addition to bolt.
You just have to join the fashionwars 2. As said previously, you can simply go asura T3 or do a mix up like mine: http://imgur.com/a/JDq7A
Remember, the only opinion that matters is your own.
I highly suggest watching Phantaram stream DH. True shot crits for 7k and the dazing trap trait is amazing. The healing trap can also compete shelter since it heals twice as much, damages, blinds and dazes if traited. This is strictly pvp tho.
Hello there!
The point of a burn guardian is to be able to re-apply the burning over and over again, forcing the enemy to waste their CLs cleansing it. You will also want to have sigils of geomancy and corruption for weapon swaps to cover longer duration burning like purging flames. I do recommend trying it out. It’s a very fun build.
Mix n´ match. No one is forcing you to make all pieces the same stats.
I don’t think people fully understand the concept of rock-paper-scissors balance. Meditation guardian for example is a powerful counter against any other zerker build AND condition classes.
Having auto-attack off enables you to use leap of faith to get away fast/catch up to people and sword+JI enables you to catch up to even thieves who are low health and finish them off. Not to mention GS #5. Cooldown management is the key-word. Using all your CL’s in panic is only going to get you killed.
I usually get this when I use it straight after leap of faith.
My human guardian
You were a movie star. Now you’re nobody!
It would then proc the several block -dependent traits and would require a bit more fixing. I think the whole skill should be changed somehow to be a bit more viable in pvp since it’s only useful when u can pin some1 down with hammer or scepter.
Everyone is super jelly because they don’t have a elder dragon overlord.
- I judge other guardians who run shield in pve
- I constantly compare my look to others and silently laugh at people who run complete sets. I also change my look almost weekly
- I can’t decide between male and female character
- I never rez anyone at world bosses
- I hate people who post kittenty loot in map chat
- I sometimes pull wolves to the greater nightmare chest for giggles
- I want to use spirit weapons in pvp but they are just too bad
-I think guardians should be the best if not the only bunker class in game
The news of the expansion made me come back. Had over a year long break so obviously the first thing I did was change my look and explore the new maps.
I got my 100 lodes by farming sparks, I got about 1 per hour. It’s super slow but honestly, it’s one of the better ways. You can always farm money instead and buy them.
There was an explanation to why we don’t have capes here. The reason is that animating the capes with all the complicated movements is tricky. Especially if you don’t want them to clip trough you every time you dodge for example. The other thing is armors and character models. We have very different models like charr and asura and then there are those armors that have parts sticking out of them. Heavy TA armor for example.
I have heard tho that they are working on making capes work in this game as well but unfortunately I don’t have the source for this information.
Thief is not supposed to be there when enemies start pouring in. They are meant to engage enemies alone and disappear when the dirty deed has been done. Stealth is by no means under powered, most would argue the opposite.
Sounds like what you need is a mesmer. Not only are their utilities highly valued in dungeons, they are the ultimate trolls of this game. Even more so than thieves.
No. You can however see your party members and to some extent, your friends (as in in which map they are in). In world vs world you can see allies that are within certain range in your map.
This is why we can’t have nice things. If you get trampled, it’s your fault. Really.
I wish you could at least dodge the kitten cannon like you can dodge the trebuche.
I actually explained why neither of those will happen. I know the text is long but try to read it trough. x)
Juggernaut: I’ve really taken a root to this place
Sylvari: Really? I’ve been here for a day and I’m already loading my trunk.
Hello all! I haven’t been posting much and if I have, someone was wrong and I popped in to feel better. I have played almost all my matches on my guardian and I have gotten a pretty good picture of our current place in the meta. In tournaments, we are simply point holders and that is what we do best but THAT is not why I’m here.
I am here so you could have a good time with your guardians and still not DIE all the time. You get kills and also support your team.
Some of you might say “Hey! That is a generic tanking build!” and I must say that you are not totally incorrect my little disbeliever hiding in the bushes.
This build focuses on sustain and before you leave this thread out of total disappointment , let me explain to you why it works so well in…anywhere: Guardians are a mediocore 1v1 class. That is a fact and why not abuse this fact? Fair duels in pvp are not that common because you get either interrupted or your opponent simply flees.
Let’s break it down, starting from the top. I chose AH instead of MF because I just find it more reliable. MF heals are effective little spikes but AH can keep you alive with sustained heal PLUS shouts give you all the things that make guardians so wonderful: boons.
In Honor we have obvious choices for shouts and 2h mastery. Why 2h mastery? Because of hammer. Hammer is our bread and butter in this build. Not only does it work beautifully with AH, it also is our only effective CC tools for those pesky condition classes and kiters. Its damage is also more reliable than greatswords because WW is such a kitten to land. We get to the weapons later.
Below we have 20 in virtues because there we have an awesome trait called “absolute resolution”. Combined with renewed focus, it can cleanse 6 conditions party-wide in a flash plus it improves our passive health regen. I chose it instead of “pure of voice” because it’s simply faster and easier to use. No one likes popping shouts when they are not needed just because you have 20 stacks of confusion and bleeding. You also get more retaliation from virtues minor trait.
Now to weapons. My usual combo is to blink in with the sword, blind them with focus, switch to hammer (chilling on swap), and trap them inside ring of warding. You deal your damage there and when the ring expires, shoot zealots embrace, switch to sword and burst zealots defense. Inexperienced players take the whole treatment but it also allows more flexibility to deal with more experienced players. If they get out of the ring, it means they burned their stability and thus are free to be bounced around with banish.
The reason for hammer I explained above. Sword-focus on the other-hand is for the pressure. It has a low CD blink and a skill that basically forces opponents to burn endurance. The auto-attack is also quite strong.
Sigils,runes and trinkets: As you can see, I am using ogre runes for damage and that lovely little puppy. Not only does it deal damage, distract foes and work as a meat-shield, it also procs AH and thus gives you more healing. It also gains your retaliation from blast and shouts so enemy AOE is gonna retaliate twice as hard back to them.
For sigils I chose Hydromancy for hammer because no one likes when your target tries to escape your wrath. For sword I chose very safe “force” and for focus “energy” because we ARE using clerics trinket and with it, our dodges heal quite a decent amount. I also found clerics trinket to be a more solid choice than soldier because vitality is for puss……ycats. With our blinds and aegis, getting bursted down shouldn’t happen unless you decide to go “leeroy jenkins” on the whole enemy team. That is why sustained healing is more valuable than vitality.
For utilities, I chose SyS for obvious reason, SYG for much needed stability and “retreat” for escaping and chasing.
(edited by Hicci.8761)
Did you know that you can actually reflect Lupicus’ shadow step in phase 2?
I think certain areas should have their own BGM. That would strengthen the mood of certain places like Orr and frostgorge sound.
It’s high when your dodge roll heals 1,5k.
And Oh god! Fix those kitten radiant mantles on sylvari men already. That is the reason I’m playing a female character.
This has been a huge pain to me as well when designing my characters armor.