Showing Posts For Horrorscope.7632:

OMG these maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Perhaps an upcoming vertical map should be more in the likes of a mega-huge open world dungeon. Many will probably be able to wrap their heads around that better.

OMG these maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I got to silver waste using my level 80 boost. My word that map is nuts. They take a fort, you take it back., they take a fort, you take it back, and rinse and repeat. I can’t seem to find any point to it.

Look for squads, it’s a large meta, if you just come in solo and try to makes sense of it, you are joining at a random time and it will look like chaos. I’ve been there myself. Once you get it down, it is a very fun map. I’d say all the newer maps are that way. Assume something much larger than just be-bopping around and make it a point to understand what is going on in each map, makes them way better, way better.

For many I believe this is the life cycle of the newer maps:
-Wow this is different.
-This is harder.
-I don’t understand.
-How can this be fun?
-Many may quit right here and assume the worst and it does them or the game no favors.
-But if you stick with it, slowly and surely everything comes into focus.
-These Meta’s are fun. I feel like I’m better for this.
-Difficulty at first I overstated but now is nothing special either.
-Wow lots of loot!
-The original maps are pretty plain jane thinking about it now.
-I’m concerned with the backlash that the next expansion will go back to the original types of maps, but now I’ve really come to appreciate the new ones.

(edited by Horrorscope.7632)

Auric Basin Loot "Exploit" [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I just seen this exploit today for first time. got kicked from squad because i had no clue what was going on. getting loot from up to 9 maps you didn’t participate in cant be right.
And anet says nothing.

I was able to sleep at night when someone stated this. You can’t open a AB container without a key and you can’t get keys without doing things in AB. One may counter you can buy key’s, but again you can’t buy those without using the local currency which you get from doing things in AB. Once I realized the point, all was good again with the world. If you stop doing things in AB, then you maybe able to jump maps and see shiny containers, but you will not be able to open them.

Has ANet Forgotten the Casual Gamers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Casual? Time available to play?
Casual? Degree of difficulty?

Squads help in both, you can jump in one a get’r done and/or if something is hard, do like you always did in Tyria, just zerg the content anywhere in the open world game. Can’t get any easier than zero risk with 100% guaranteed reward.

The fear of HOT is legendary here.

(edited by Horrorscope.7632)

Necro/Reaper: The Good, Bad and Ugly?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Good: Survivability. 100% crit in shroud. Two health pools.
Bad: Range.
Ugly: Elite Skills could be more exciting.

PVE not competitive enough.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I’ll take one route of PvE being too easy. Huge boss events and things like that. Where 100’s of people come together to mindlessly spam attacks at zero risk or skill. It’s basically show up here at this time and get some loot. Congrats and now move along.

If by making PvE more competitive as in more challenging against PvE content. Perhaps Anet could look at much smaller meta event maps that limit total # of people in that map instance to like 50 or something. Make these events scale from 1-50 people to make them actually a bit of a challenge.

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


If GW3 uses the same crap engine that GW2 uses, I will not buy it.

LOL now it’s even a crap engine.

Auric Basin Loot "Exploit" [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Octovine however, can give you about 30 gold per 15 minutes of pressing F!

Really? I feel that is grossly over-exaggerating.

Underwater Combat Needs Fixing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Yeah I really have no problem with UW combat, I hope they don’t phase it out. Seems to be very polished mechanically and visually. Didn’t know there was a real problem here. I get why people like fighting on land more, but this game does water combat well.

PVE not competitive enough.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I stopped reading forums, when all the messages became X too hard, nerf Y, I cannot solo Z, omg everything is too hard. It’s already easy as it is. We need to make the players feel like they achieved something, otherwise we can start giving 50 achievement points just for logging in, you know, cause it took effort to press play.

That’s one of the reasons I don’t mmorpg all that much you can’t have big exciting things, you get normalized things.

SP and Dedicated Server MP games (Think ARK/7Days types) that users control can simply be much more fun in these depts. One can be god-like.

But in the mmorpg world, tight controls are put in place to keep a common balance overall for all. If it were the other way in a mmo, a lot of med-low end gamers would simply leave, then the new low end of the better gamers would leave and well this is a business to bring in as many players as possible as that generates cash.

I get your point, but you’d have to find a much smaller team/mmo willing to take that risk of being ok with a much smaller audience. I find the games I mentioned above in user run servers to scratch that itch.

Dailies no longer geared towards casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I will talk from pure PvE perspective, I do agree with the OP. I have no idea where the puzzles are located and most certainly do not want to search for them (though I probably did them all once before). I seriously have no interest of doing any adventures, so why are they are forced through dailies. The old system was so much better, one vista, one mats farm and one event. Easy and anyone can do.

You can click on that Daily then click on the area within the pop up and it shows you where it is at. If you have a WP open near it, you can click on that WP while it is showing and go right there. I’m stating as that seems to be something you aren’t aware of and is a pretty cool feature.

Most of the days is a Vista, a Mat and 3 events. I’m starting to think people may not have a good understanding of what a mini-dungeon is. Again you can click the Daily Quest, it will show you where. It is a small area you go into and fight to get to a point in that area and complete and it can be quite easy to get there. Most of us have done this 100’s of times over, not just listed as a mini-dungeon. Much easier than the time it takes to find and do 3 events.

Auric Basin Loot "Exploit" [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


hoping this gets noticed and fixed as well. people who abuses it are the ones defending it on forum right now.

People who don’t abuses it couldn’t accurately measure how profitable it is. The idea that you can get 40 gold in 20 minutes is ridiculous.

Well I’m doing something wrong.

As for defending it or not, they know this is possible, I’m ok with it being mentioned. If there were a patch and it was taken out, ok to. But I like the one guys reasoning, if I have a key I’m ok with having a matching chest. You don’t get keys unless you play the area. And yes I’m counting if you buy the keys, you still need the local currency to buy them, again from playing the area. To me that is solid enough reason to sleep well at night.

L2P - I did HOT Why can't you?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Nevermind i’ve given up on Gw2, not worth the frustration..

But you haven’t given up on the forums. I’m finding companies should sell access to forums, it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.

Dailies no longer geared towards casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


When I said that, I was specifically referring to (in my mind), Dry Top, Silverwastes, and the HoT maps. I’ve had awful experiences in each one of them because they are based around timed events and the maps themselves can be rather complicated, layout-wise, with many contested WPs that then force me to run through mob-infested regions. I play to relax, not to get stressed out (really only bought HoT so that a) I can expand my level 80 toons, and future toons; and b) to have the option of doing HoT content when I do feel up for it. Better to have the option lying there permanently, and still don’t regret buying it even with how much I dislike the new maps now.)

Dry Top and Silverwaste aren’t hard to get around in and there are events in both all the time in small areas to find. I’d say on avg they are easier to come by than the avg original maps events. Silverwaste is like a big circle, most likely the simplest map to memorize in the entire game.

Dragon Stand I will agree is the most time gated one of them all. The other HOT maps, while more twisting, you can find events often enough bee-bopping around. Again, go to map, see if there is a squad, there will be if there is a Daily task there, if this is in any way stressful for you. IMO you haven’t really sold your case too well. To me it seems you have more self inflicted fears of these maps.

Dailies no longer geared towards casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


But who am I? No one…a girl is no one…

Your words.

Dailies no longer geared towards casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Pvp claims another one.

OP, I think most people could agree that each category could use atleast 1-2 more options. But, IMO, dailies are better now than they have ever been and changes to the system could only result in lower gold, worse rewards etc etc BAD. So, as players, we must step out of our comfort zones if we want to accomplish our personal goals. Afterall, even wvwers have to do southsun survival every now and then because there’s no hope of capturing a keep that night

If I’m not mistaken that is the approach they took and told us they took. They want us to do somethings we wouldn’t normally do. They are putting a nugget out there, loot and gold for you to step out a little. So it isn’t like they are missing something not optimizing Dailies for every player, this is planned. And well do we deserve a bonus for not trying?

IMO and I’m fairly liberal, attacking Dailies as hard or out putting does come off as entitled to me. Maybe they have to lower the base reward and add to it the more of the Daily you do. Perhaps that will get more of us out of our comfort zone to try things, additional loot and gold.

So lets say they have even an easier way to get you your 2 gold. Give me another gold for something I rather not do as an option and another gold for another thing I rather not do as an option. But then someone will come along and want 4 gold for the content they only want to do. When do we not see these things as bonuses vs entitlement? They can’t win imo, we won’t allow them to.

Dailies no longer geared towards casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


To use today as an example you could easily complete the dailies without pvp/wvw or setting foot in a level 80 zone.

Daily Ascalon Vista Viewer – Completed inside Black Citadel (City)
Daily Shiverpeaks Forager – Completed in Wayfarer Hills (Level 1-15 zone)
Daily Bloodtide Coast Event Completer – Completed in Bloodtide Coast (Level kitten zone)

I understand not every day is like this but I feel it is more often than not.

I’d say 6 out of 7 days are like that and things like Vista and Forager are gimmes and should be upped some if I were to lean in any direction. Dailies are simple imo. Personally I’d like to see two Event Completers in two different areas each day and that is all that is needed from the PVE side and make sure you cycle all the maps evenly. It makes a solid way of opening up the maps on ALTS timely enough and without making it a task. “Today I’m going to do map _.”

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


It’s interesting that several of the “too difficult” threads answer the problem by suggesting that players ally with large groups in order to do the content successfully. That’s really not the answer for a contemporary MMO where the solo player is a large and growing piece of the player pie. HoT is definitely not solo friendly and that is a problem that will need to be addressed. It’s doable solo, but it’s not fun.

That is true in a general sense, but how Squads work in GW2, imo one would have to be stubborn not to take advantage. There is no invite, if a slot is open you can join in. You won’t be micromanaged, or called out, but you can also take advantage of group play abilities. Most other games you would join a small group that expects more from you and will call you on it, that intimidates people and makes many solo, well imo. Squads are like the lowest stress, come and go as you please group feature one could ask for. It’s actually one of the games most awesome features. Perhaps if squads were a mmo staple, solo play wouldn’t be such a big thing. But when I do solo without my buds, I’m often looking at squads, so it is ironically a solo’ish type feature to get you grouped up and working towards a common goal.

Please no more zones like Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I avoid this hole unless I need ley line crystals and I very much doubt I’ll ever bother doing map completion unless there’s a big zerg doing it at once.

You mean like daily squads? Sometimes and not necessarily you, I think many don’t know how squads work. In these HOT maps get in one, your difficulty issue on knowing the map and surviving just got a lot better. Squads are great, you can come and go and not feel pressure that could happen in a small group. You blend in like Marcus Broady, exactly like Marcus Broady.

Auric Basin Loot "Exploit" [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


There’s a lot of loot in many parts of the game. But how would I know? Because I’m Always Auric Basin Days.

Pact Crowbars

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Jump in a squad doing the map event, you’ll have a shee load of crowbars forevermore.

I hate HOT but want to enjoy it

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


HOT maybe one of those things ahead of it’s time, like some music. When launched, misunderstood, too different. Over time as it normalizes to the masses… then it become appreciated. Maybe not. It may not have that expected first impression we seek, but something more acquired. I’d say just be open to something different, once you find your groove you may find the old maps a bit too basic.

Or it might be like that difficult second album.

I’d be more apt to agree if they didn’t have several GW’s albums previously released.

Another tip to those not liking, not feeling it, use the new LFG tools and jump in a squad and do the new maps. Repeating dasaybz.

(edited by Horrorscope.7632)

I hate HOT but want to enjoy it

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


HOT maybe one of those things ahead of it’s time, like some music. When launched, misunderstood, too different. Over time as it normalizes to the masses… then it become appreciated. Maybe not. It may not have that expected first impression we seek, but something more acquired. I’d say just be open to something different, once you find your groove you may find the old maps a bit too basic.

Dragon's Stand map dead

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Why no one ever runs these events? I mean NEVER, not even sunday nights. At least on EU servers. What’s up with that? There are always people running events on the other HoT maps, why not DS?

Is it because there’s extra coordination required? Lacking rewards? Boring map? Too hard?

I could only do one lane of this map ONCE, when HoT launched and never again. Always, always dead.

For it to work for me I have to get into a server prior to it resetting. People sit there and wait, then die, then start. Then in short order on reset the instance will be full. If you wait until after it starts, you are thrown into a near empty one as the main is full. I’m not sure that is correct, but get in prior to reset and I all I know is I play with a full server then. It could be smoother for sure.

Change AFK farming spot in Mount Maelstrom

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Of course, you have just advertised a farming spot.

And for that… we thank you.

NCsoft's Earnings Report 1Q16

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Good news for me, I like HOT and it’s considered a disappointment. Can’t wait for next.

I hate HOT but want to enjoy it

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Other ideas, seek Commanders and squads. Learn that the maps are event driven up to a final pay out. I thought I wasn’t going to like them, ended up liking them a lot. Love is a strong word. It is the next step up from Orr.

HoT vs Core = Unfair Advantage.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


And the reverse option would be putting out an expansion full of either more of the same stuff or stuff that is irrelevant and few people would want to bother with it and no one will buy it and thus have been a waste of time and money making it.

For me I see that as the bottom line for many parties. Yes, for me to pay $50, I want some new fresh mechanics to, I doubt I’m alone. Anet being a business probably understands that clearly and knows they pretty much have to. Thus it happens. Just part of how the world spins. Perhaps as time moves along they should normalize themselves, but today imo that is still part of the carrot to purchase.

Useless Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Other leading brands have loot quality filters, somewhat down the line is being asked here. I wouldn’t mind it, lots of repetitive tasks.

ALL Mobs should use boons...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


As the game progresses mobs should become harder and use all the things we can.

HOWEVER I believe a large segment doesn’t want it too hard.

Personally I want the game to wisely get progressively harder and use all those things. I still have many challenges beyond me in the game so I’m good, but a general design rule, I like that method. I believe that is their aim to, the only deviation is from negative feedback.

One thing they need to be good with is kitten difficulty correctly and award loot accordingly. That is how you sell harder content to a much larger crowd, harder = more lootz. The patch seems to have made it better in general terms of more loot, but perhaps it could still be measured and matriculated better according to true difficulty.

Some things should not be dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Yeah not a fan of major map jump puzzles and activity’s. But it seems 6 out of 7 days I don’t have to do them to get the daily. I’m ok with that.

I do feel the harvesting one’s are silly easy. At least up them 4×. What I’ve found doing dailies on new alts is that it is a great way over time to open up the map vs doing the methodical approach each and every alt.

More harvesting will give us more map clearing time and it is stupid simple today, it’s a total lay over and gimme.

Also perhaps focus on specific maps and not regions and make the maps cycle evenly, so if you are playing along daily you are doing the two birds one stone thing, getting the daily… opening the maps. My 2.

Why can't we buy crowbars?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I think to myself… one would pay real money for the loot you get from Airship Cargo? I’m not for or against, I have no need. But if PT Barnum or I mean Anet can find someone to buy Crowbars, they should sell them, all day and every night. (Not really)

Suggestion for endless gathering tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


-“Paying real money to get more items then the regular tools = pay to win”

I can buy gems, convert to gold and “get more items” faster than someone who doesn’t and uses the “regular tools/methods”.

People have different defs of P2W, this falls into one of those for sure. We tend to think it’s not too bad. I’m ok with it, the main thing is you can’t but a character that is supremely dominant. That I think is what satisfies most.

Except that in your method, you are buying off the trading post, so someone had to gather those resources. So no, it doesn’t qualify. If you could buy the mats from a general vendor then yes, but buying off other players is never going to be under pay to win. Someone still had to go out and gather those resources.

I disagree, but that is the whole P2W def, there is no one definition that satisfies everyone. To me having 9000 of something on the TP for me solely to buy is as good as a vendor with a limitless supply. Those whales that want to drop cash can buy all they want.

Suggestion for endless gathering tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


-“Paying real money to get more items then the regular tools = pay to win”

I can buy gems, convert to gold and “get more items” faster than someone who doesn’t and uses the “regular tools/methods”.

People have different defs of P2W, this falls into one of those for sure. We tend to think it’s not too bad. I’m ok with it, the main thing is you can’t but a character that is supremely dominant. That I think is what satisfies most.

(edited by Horrorscope.7632)

Do you feel powerful?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I feel since healing, agro and gobs of absorption are not front center in this game, to me vs the leading brands, my characters all feel vulnerable and I think that is by design. I actually like it, keeps you on your toes. There are plenty of build types and ways to do it.

Suggestion for endless gathering tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Since they cost so much, it would be nice to get extra materials when gathering or something.
So instead of getting 3 soft wood logs, you would get like 4 or 5 all the time with this endless gathering tools.
That wouldn’t make any huge difference to TP market or anything, but would be just another way to make people interested in those tools —> more money for Anet :P

They could come with their own Shared Inventory slot!

Account Jump Start Clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I can see where the OP had an issue i feel this would be better written as a Character jump start not Account Jump start.

I can guarantee that no matter how it was titled or phrased, a noticeable subset of players would misunderstand it (and a portion of them would complain about it on the forums).

I tried to come with just the facts ma’am. I stated I’m not upset, just was surprised. What if this is the first thing I bought “Account Jump Start”? But to one stating to look at it as individual items bundled together is correct, just imo could be clearer since everything else actually is account wide.

Don’t read this as venomous outrage, it’s not that, it is feedback.

Should Anet put GW2 on Steam?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I don’t hate Steam, I just will not add a layer onto a game that I don’t think needs to be there.

You are right, we’d still be going to game stop and we the whole indy scene that thrives today wouldn’t exist. Content creators want some protections, check. Steam has brought a whole new development path for many games we enjoy.

Account Jump Start Clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


It states the following:

- 2 Bank Tab Expansions
- 2 Bag Slot Expansions
- 10 Black Lion Keys
- 15 Transmutation Charges
- 30 Account-bound Unidentified Dyes

Everything here is account wide except the Bag Slots, it should state Soulbound. Being an Account Jump Start I’m assuming account wide upgrades.

Also the wording of 30 account bound dyes… they really aren’t bound. They are account wide when unlocked, but they are sell-able.

I opened the two Bag slots on the same character assuming all my characters would now have two more. But now I have one character heavy with two new slots and the others still lean. Wouldn’t have gone that way.

Not upset, but this could be clearer. 1 Bag Slot Account wide would be a much squarer deal imo and get more people to bite.

Best profession for playing PvE content?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Well necro is out of the question if you dont like pets.

Not entirely true. I play a necro and hardly ever use pets. (Although I will use Flesh Golem in certain situations, as having that extra knockdown can be helpful.)
Necro is also rather viable for solo play. Condi necros are great for taking on champs and the like solo. Just have to watch mechanics and not get too close.

Yeah that is not a true statement about Necs and Pets. I guess I have a list of fun one’s and not as fun one’s (to me they all are fun) and Necs are very much on the fun(ner) list. They also have excellent survive-ability with the Shroud health pool, which should be something players with survive-ability issues should flock to. It’s real.

I think a first time Nec player will start with all the pets, you have your mini army look at me! You can go a good ways that way, but as you level you’ll morph out of them usually into other skills and there are some real whoppers in the Nec line. It’s really a great class if you like morphing into something better as you go.

Highly recommend having a nec in your pool list of characters to play.

New to 80 need help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


There is a big jump from general Open World and Story dungeons to Explorer Dungeons and Raids. For example there is doing an Explorer and then knowing how a team is going to run the Explorer, cutting through content etc. Also the dexterity needed in many Explorers is much greater than you’ve experienced up to that point and could be even much greater on top of that depending how the leader decides to run it.

Really unless you have someone willing to take the time, you need to study them online first to be prepared. More Pug’s then not are in it for the loot / hour ration, speed runs.

I say this about GW’s, never assume what you have on your power bar / armor is the be all end all. I’m amazed that I can relook at something again for the umpteenth time and come out with a better set and plan.

Overall I probably have about a years worth of time in the game… still learning and there is content I can’t run reliably if at all, lots of it.

(edited by Horrorscope.7632)

Having trouble in Orr areas :(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


My positive spin. Many have had the same initial reaction, but before too long it seems most get over the change and it becomes a much more manageable area. It seems the earlier maps are more baron, but Cursed Shores the farthest map down, is typically a active map for players. But I still see players in all the Orr maps.

Also +1 to defensive tactics and gear if needed.

Anets history before GW2, which means GW1, has always been to get progressively harder as they are trying to teach a player to become better players. I do feel GW1 did this better there it was to become better players to be better at PvP. But I can see the same ideas in GW2. For me though in general it works, I strive to become better, knowing I’ll never be elite, but doing as much as I can today.

Is there a legit way to make 10g/hour

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Seems like after I’ve done my daily fractals and PvP dailys there’s no other way to make gold.

Do anything that has lots of killing, could be an event or instance, but lot of killing means loot. Break everything down that can be broken down and then instead of banking the materials sell it. That is a very basic way to make gold.

10 gold per hour? Probably not, but perhaps around 3-5 more gold per hour. 10+ probably takes Cash>Gems>Gold or some lucky drops. Cash>Gems>Keys>Maybe?

You can also buy loot off the Trading Post and then go to the Mystic Forge if you are really feeling lucky to see if you can hit it big with a nice combine win!

There is also the ability to take mats and craft something, to sell more refined pieces for more dough.

There also seems to be a bonanza of HOT loot these days, but I haven’t done enough yet to know what the net would be. But it does look impressive and promising.

Should Anet put GW2 on Steam?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Plus, Steam is evil.

How so?

you need to load resources that has nothing to do with the game just to play the game

That is evil? Yeah it uses resources, resources you have and many other apps and process also require resources to. I get it some go to the nth degree, but the masses have spoken, first world problem.

Why isn’t it for sale on Steam. $$$/Contracts. Someday when Anet thinks it may make sense for them, it will change.

Super low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


It’s been happening prior to the patch and friend has the same behavior. Sometimes when I start up I get low FPS, while most the time I startup I get great frames. It isn’t the area or how crowded. It just happens randomly on startup. Intel I7/Nvidia 760, 12Gig.

Survivable open world builds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


I switched my warrior to the defense trait line, and put a couple of toughness trinkets on. I’m facerolling through bosses that my other characters were one shot on, so it seems to work pretty well. My damage hasn’t been hurt that much.

There you go, done and done!

Survivable open world builds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Pretty much everything is survivable in pve. Just use your zerker set to kill things faster. No content should be really challenging in pve, including heart of thorns.

For some people. I’m still very challenged by PvE content in this game. Open world perhaps not as much, worst case find a zerg train and fake it, right? However if I were soloing, there are still very many open world places I wouldn’t want to get stuck at and I’m near certain that would bring even the best GW2 in the world to their knees, simply because the math isn’t in one’s favor. That said I’m very content to thinking I’m no better than straight line average and I try and want to get better.

Survivable open world builds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


what profession are you playing with?

I have a level 80 Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Necromancer. And Revenant, which I have the least issues surviving on. But it is a very boring playstyle. They are all in full zerker gear, except the Necro which isn’t really geared yet.

Its mostly Silverwaste/HoT stuff that I have survivability issues on.

The Necro in your case I’d be looking at, taking advantage of the Shrouds second health pool. Between going back and forth with those pools, allowing the other to build while your using the current, make them very resilient.

You can get a 2nd set of armor with more vitality and toughness. Or perhaps simply a second set of rings and accessories, the 2nd set with Toughness and Vitality. You can then mix/match those to go full offense, or full defense or something in between.

Also make sure you have a Condition removal and break stun skill and use them timely to survive.

How's GW2 nowadays?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


In some ways its a bit better, others not so much.

Can you go into detail?

Basically Hot is a Nightmare, a nasty AoE, nightmare, the rest of the game is ok though.

HOT is a fairly challenging loot bonanza these days. It should be, it’s open world end game.

Offer a Map Booster in Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


Where’s the sense of adventure?

Burned out on the first three to four World Completion runs for most people, I suspect.

Right but vets really struggle with getting around?