Showing Posts For Jhu.3965:
I disagree. Female characters often have no choice but to be scantily clad. Especially the light armor wearers, they all have huge expanses of bare skin showing in crazy ways.
If there were more options so that female characters could have their kitten hanging out all over the place or be more practically dressed then I’d be fine with the revealing clothing.
I also think male characters should have more skimpy options, since right now it seems only heavy armor wearers can show off their man nipples.
Can anyone tell me where to get this hat in PvE? I’ve only seen it as a PvP skin, but once during the first BWE I found it in a very low level zone. I’ve been looking for it my whole ranger career to no avail!
Skritt > quaggan > hylek > tengu.
Rangers dont use rifles coz rifles are anti nature.
They’re called Rangers not Hunters or Texas Rangers.They run in the wild and commune with nature spirits and hunt only what they need to survive.
Also they’re elitist about their weapon choices, and believe rifles are for skilless peasants who cant pull the draw weight of a bow.
This is why rangers DONT use rifles.
Thieves on the other hand the fact they dont use rifles when it befitting them, is a conundrum
But rangers use spear guns.
CD just got cruelly evicted from the whole of TC borderlands, caught between the grind of TC and DB.
I was at Dreaming Bay at the end, not a pretty sight.
I believe rangers get a signet early on to increase movement speed.
It’s only a 10% increase, I think most classes get something similar.
Elementalists seem pretty fast.
Classes I’ve Beaten 1v1 As a Ranger:
Classes I’ve Lost to 1v1 as a Ranger:
Rangers are fine in 1v1. The only class I fear in straight 1v1 fights are mesmers because they’re so hard to pin down and damage, otherwise I can take anyone as long as I’m on my toes. Sometimes I lose, of course, but I never feel like its because their class is stronger than mine, I always feel like they’re just better than me, or I made some mistake.
It has nothing to do with one spot.
It has to do with how many events you do in a set amount of time.If you keep doing events, it does not matter if you change zones or logout now the DR will hit you if you do to many in a set amount time.
Orr events give 378 karma and with the DR in full effect they give 19 karma.
Guess I’m find another mmo to play as this one has went down the kitten quick and I won’t play an mmo that goes against it’s core game design and end-game mechanics.
Anet is really failing it’s players at this point.
Doesn’t the DR stuff only happen if you’re in the same zone farming?
I just finished an event in Harathi Hinterlands and got about 250 karma, so couldn’t you just roll to a lower level area and do some DEs there instead of just logging off after 20 minutes or whatever?
Waaay back in BWE1 I found this hat skin when I was like level 3 in queensdale and thought it looked awesome.
I’ve been keeping an eye out for this hat during my entire journey to level 80 and never seen it drop once. I’ve even gotten my leatherworking up to almost 350 and not been able to craft it. I managed to find a guy who had found it in PvP, so I know the model is still in the game.
So I’m asking, does anyone know where I can find this hat for PvE wear? I don’t care if its level 1 or level 80—I just really want this kitten hat. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What, to me, makes a class’ personality in this game? Weapon skills. Most of them (except warrior, guardian and thief -though it’s arguable-) seem to be.. flavorless? I mean, engineer rifle VS warrior rifle, as an example, or ranger longbow, or thief P/P,
You don’t see a difference in ranger shortbow vs thief shortbow?
Ranger shortbow is about rapid, single target attacks, evasion and control.
Thief shortbow is about rapid movement and AoE conditions.
Engineer rifle is about control—knockbacks, escapes, immobilizing.
Warrior rifle is all about dumping down tons of single target DPS.
How about a mesmer and a necro using a staff?
Necro staff has lots of area control, situational placing of marks.
Mesmer staff is buffs and conditions, clones, and teleportation.
I just think you’re being disingenuous when you claim that weapons all feel the same on each different profession.
-Inspect players
Terrible idea, will be abused. If you want to know what gear someone has, ask them.
How do you abuse inspection???
Rangers have this already with the greatsword and don’t lose any endurance for it either.
People in-game = This game is great!
People on forums – QQ I like worse games because I played WoW for 7 years.
Yeah, it’s funny how different the forums are from the game.
If all you’re reading is the forums then you imagine GW2 to be an empty, bug filled game with nothing but bots grinding events.
If you’re just playing you know GW2 is a fun game with a good population, even in the mid level zones, and a healthy PvP scene.
Don’t read the forums, is what I’m saying here.
I enjoy dungeons a lot. I’ve never felt like the were “zerg-fests” at all, except maybe the first or second time I ran AC and all we did was respawn rush the bosses until they were deal.
The dungeons encourage you to play cohesively, as a team, and for everyone to be thinking on their feet, adapting to the situation and always playing at their best. The dungeons never really become routine for me, even having run some over ten times now, there’s always that chance that something will go differently and we’ll have to react accordingly.
I think a lot of people became way to used to just “mechanics” in dungeons where each boss was a mini game instead of a genuinely powerful and difficult enemy. Its fine if you like that, but I think it’s cool that the bosses are just hard enemies you have to react to instead of a list of “stages” you react to by rote.
So yeah, I really, really have fun running dungeons and can’t wait to do more.
Speaking of skritt, there are two guarding a Lion’s Guard haven somewhere in the sylvari starting areas during an even where undead attack the place. During the event in between waves they talk to each other but just say “Guarding!” over and over like:
Skritt 1-Guarding.
Skritt 2-Guarding!
Skritt 1-Guarding guarding guarding!
And after the event is over one sort of sighs and goes, “Booooored…”
At first, I lamented over the lack of combo fields available to Rangers. But after some research I’ve found that, with only a little ingenuity, you can create quite a few combo fields. The main downside is that they’re all right on top of you. I’d love to have something with range to pair with my bows, esp LB.
Get ground targetable traps.
Get a murellow or a spider or a devourer.
You now can create ice, fire, and poison fields at any enemy’s location.
I keep playing because I’m having fun, sorry you got bored so quickly of it, maybe you’ll be back soon!
So who here uses xfire?
I don’t know anyone who does.
I guess people who use xfire are more likely to be those who spend a lot of their time in gaming. It is natural for those who have played for over 200 hours during the first month to get bored and decided to take a break.
But they are far from representative for most of the player base. A casual player who spend 2hrs a day in gaming will need at least three months to reach 200 hours play time. And casual player is always by far the dominant force on gaming market.
But do these people even use xfire? Seriously, have you ever seen a guild or clan in ANY game saying, “Hey we’re looking for members, must have xfire!” or people in GW2 in the mists saying, “need 1 for tournament, must use xfire”? I never have, I never hear anyone ever talking about using xfire for anything in games at all. Hell, I barely even remembered that xfire existed until this thread came and started claiming that xfire was the best metric for determining if a game was failing or not.
People are claiming that the “hardcore” people use xfire, well, I’ve gotten to nearly 200 hours in GW2 so far, and have probably thousands of hours in just the last year playing everything fro MMOs to RTS and FPS and no one I know uses xfire nor does any guild, clan, or group I know of even talk about using it.
What’s the funniest lines of dialogue you’ve heard in the game? My personal favorite I heard recently, an Asura perfume maker had some perfume that made harpies attack whoever was wearing it. When he realized what was happening the lamented, “Who wants a product that gives you harpies?”
I thought it was pretty funny.
I think he’s just doing it for fun man, calm down.
So who here uses xfire?
I don’t know anyone who does.
I play a ranger and constantly switch between my sword/axe and shortbow. I usually go into combat with a shortbow and try to stack bleeds, but if I’m up against squishy casters, or ranged warriors or rangers I’ll switch to melee and get in their faces, the stickiness of the sword for a ranger means I’m almost always in range and if I’m focused my ranged attacks I can deflect with my axe.
I think they’re the medium armor crafted set, the set you can craft at 75 or 100 maybe? They’re like pants wrapped in leather straps.
1) Are rangers severely dependent on micromanaging their pet?
Absolutely not. Pets have improved vastly since the game came out and when you’re just trucking around the world, exploring and doing hearts/DEs the pet will pretty much handle its business alone, I find I mostly just use them for their F2 ability.
In dangerous areas or dungeons they do require a bit of management—but this is really as simple as hitting F3 to put your pet into “passive” mode, where he won’t attack anything. Just remember to put him back on offense when you start fighting!
2) Are the pets a pain in the kitten to manage? (Preventing them from getting killed all the time?)
Sometimes, it depends on the pet. Bears and Pigs can usually take damage from most enemies that aren’t elites or anything, and Spiders and Devourers have ranged attacks and evasive abilities, so they will usually survive hits pretty well. Other pets, like Birds or Cats are a bit more vulnerable to damage, but even these can be kept up fairly easily with just a bit of attention—remember all of your self-heals also heal your pet and your signets can give them things like health regeneration and improved defense—even invincibility!
3) Is a ranger viable in close-ranged situations?
Hell yes they are, I’m a level 74 ranger and will always go for melee whenever possible. The main limitation is that the ranger only has two main hand melee weapons, the greatsword and the sword—but both of these are extremely useful in combat.
The one handed sword gets a lot of guff for being a “self-rooter”, which it is in a way. The second attack in the sword’s auto-attack chain is a kick and you are locked into the animation for about a second when you do it, but it isn’t quite as kittenome rangers make it out to be. It should also be noted that the sword is also very very “sticky” because the third attack in the chain is a leap to your target, so while you do give up some of your rolling ability to the kicking animation, you will almost always be hitting the target even if they try to run. The sword also has two evasion abilities, the hornet’s sting leap back and the serpet’s strike roll. The roll can be hard to land but the main purpose is that when you’re in the rolling animation you’re evading all attacks, so you’ve basically got a third dodge there. The leap back is a great way to get out of an AoE, fall back for a quick heal, or put some distance between you and your target to switch to a bow. If you leap back and then hit the skill again you’ll leap forward, this leap works well with traps, since you can drop a fire trap or a frost trap and leap back, then forward to gain a fire or frost aura.
The greatsword is your other main melee options and my personal favorite. The auto attack chain’s third skill grants you evasion the whole time the animation is playing, so basically you’re invincible 1/3 of the time you’re auto attacking with a greatsword. Taking this skill off auto attack can lead to good things if you can time your attacks to occur any time your target is trying to hit you. The leap on the greatsword is one of the best leaps in the game, with a huge range—you’ll see lots of rangers saying they use it just to travel because its so far, great for closing in on other rangers using their silly longbow on you. The bleed attack is alright, remember to be behind the target when you use it. The block is another way to mitigate damage, its knockdown is nothing great, but blocking it is worth it and you can cancel the block to throw the sword and snare your target. Finally the pommel bash is a very underrated skill. Not only can it interrupt or even stun a target (if you hit them from behind), but the range is actually further out than you might think, since you will leap forward about five feet to smack them with the hilt, I use it in PvP to catch runners all the time.
tl;dr version:
1- no
2- if you’re really worried about it just roll with a bear (but even with squishier pets it isn’t a real pain)
3- yes, I think rangers are some of the strongest melee combatants in the game, just behind thieves and warriors.
Hope this helps! I look forward to your ranging adventures!
You can get Krytan Drakehounds and White Wolves in normal PvE areas and they are the same class as wolf, just with different f2 abilities.
On the friends menu I’ve noticed a tab for followers. Does anyone know what these names are?
Why not just go somewhere other than Orr? I just got level 74 in the Plains of Ashford for god’s sake. If you need hand holding, there’s still plenty of places that have it around.
Entangling roots is good for hitting large groups of enemies in PvP, especially if lots of things are going on and the enemies don’t realize they’ve been rooted. Rooting a person in 1v1 is going to be less useful because they’ll easily break the roots and move on.
Of course occasionally you get the guy who doesn’t know he can attack the roots. I fought a warrior once in a 1v1 game and rooted him, then stood back and plugged him with my shortbow while he shouted “SHAKE IT OFF!” over and over. It was pretty funny.
I didn’t read the thread, but I play a ranger in SPvP all the time and am almost always at the top of the team in points with 10+ kills. I roll with a shortbow and a sword/axe combo, a wolf and bear pet, and a build focusing on power and armor.
Rangers are some of the most solid PvP classes as far as I can see, the only class that gives me serious trouble are mesmers and 100 blades warriors if I get stunned/immobilized by them.
Start crafting man, medium armor crafting looks cool. The rare recipies you buy from vendors make you look like nobility, or you can craft a pretty sleek looking leather coat around level 30. At either 40 or 50 you get a really awesome looking leather coat with lots of big leather panels over your body and asymmetrical shoulders.
I’m sick of seeing the kitten pirate coat on every kitten ranger in the game.
Sword and axe is my main melee combo as a ranger.
People complain about it “rooting” you in place, although it doesn’t. just makes you stick pretty hard to the target. Turning off auto attack makes that much easier to avoid. Personally I use auto-attack and have no problem, since the two other skills on the sword are evasive attacks. I use Hornet’s Sting to jump away from big slow attacks and give myself some time to heal or switch weapons, and Serpet’s Strike to do more standard dodges. In PvP I use the sword to just roll and dodge all over the place to keep people looking for me.
You can also combine the sword with a dagger and have 3 evasive attacks at a time, which is what I use when I’m going to be fighting in dungeons, makes me a pretty dodgy tank when needed. Combine that with a shortbow and you have 4 dodges plus your two rolls.
I like underwater combat.
GW2 is going to go free to play any day now, just wait and see.
I salvage all my gear and keep all of the mats, I even buy crafting mats from TP to continue to max out my two trade skills. I’m level 73 and never have a problem affording the cost of WPs even if I’m shooting from the Grove to the Iron Marches. One and a half silver isn’t bad.
If any class was going to be a sniper, it’d be a ranger. Giving rifles to thieves is silly.
That’s totally interesting. What’s your point?
I don’t know if its “needed”, but it sure is more fun than combat w/out it. As an 8 year MMO healer, I sure do miss having a role I enjoy playing. To me, DPS is just boring.
Its just a difference of opinion on what’s fun & challenging.
I play a guardian focused on support and feel very much like a healer in traditional MMOS, drop trait points into defense and boon duration and run around with a mace/shield and staff, I spend more time buffing, shielding, and reviving allies than I do just trying to max out my DPS.
I’m still enjoying the game as much as I did in the BWEs and headstart and hope for years more of gameplay!
Remember that, as a warrior, your rifle is best used for single targets while your longbow is good for AoE damage.
I’d recommend keeping just one of those ranged weapons, probably longbow in WvW, in one slot and a mace/shield combo in the other. With a mace/shield combo you have a lot of stuns and defense for getting away from anyone who tries to jump in and focus you and spend the rest of the time shooting fire arrows at everyone.
It seems most people here are complaining that dungeons are too hard and I just wanted to say that I really, really enjoy them. I like the challenge and the satisfaction of completing an explorable mode— I think the way the dungeons encourage teamwork and active involvement in combat is an awesome and refreshing change of place.
Please, Arena Net, don’t submit to the vocal minority of people who want easy dungeons where they can just stroll through challenges and farm their armor, keep the skill levels high and the game awesome!
Saying 3 trash mobs is a certain wipe is a bit extreme. I’ve been in groups where we were fighting 4 or 5 trash mobs and managed to pull it out, albeit with lots of yelling over vent and all our abilities constantly on cooldown.
Play as a guardian.
Use a mace/shield and a staff.
Max your healing and defensive traits.
You are now a cleric. Enjoy.
The ONLY reason I can see for having armor destroyed (and at such a fast rate) is to try and sale armor repair kits in the GEM store, however this is about he dumbest and most frustrating marketing ploy.
Other games have tried the same tactic with MUCH BETTER success.
Best example of this is a game where armor is destroyed, the ARMOR ACTUALLY BREAKs, RIPS, and hangs off the player’s body. Not only dose this give you you sense of REAL combat it also exposes the player’s underclothes and new/better underclothes can be bought from the cash shop.So, to reiterate…
Visual BROKEN ARMOR to sell UNDERCLOTHES = EPICSounds strange, but trust me, combat seems much more intense when your armor literally breaks and hangs off you. The current, “oops your armor is broken, you can tell by the little icon” system is just awful.
When your armor is broken it no longer appears on your body.
The hero from GW1 was ultimately forgotten by history. It happens, even in real life there are doubtless very important people we’ll never know of because for whatever reason we have no real records of them ever having existed.
One of the really bad features of GW2 along with not being able to craft unless mats in your invoice.
Do you mean inventory?
Because we haven’t needed mats in the inventory for crafting for quite some time.
As others have said, it depends on the situation. Sometimes a mid-combat rez, even of a defeated ally, can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Other times pausing to even attempt to rescue a downed player might take you out of the fight for too long and result in you and the downed player winding up dead. It’s something you’ll have to react to in the moment, and I think any player worth his salt would understand you not rezzing him if there was a desperate battle going on, and would maybe at most say something like, “You probably could have rezzed me there, we could’ve beaten them together!” but that’s it.
Okay, so play ToR, TSW, LotRo, D&DO, EQ, EQ2, GW1, Runescape, Vanguard, or any of those tons of other options.
It sounds like you should probably not be playing GW2 then, my friend, it’s been pretty clear from the start that there would be no “class roles” like you’re thinking of. WoW seems like your kind of game, and I don’t mean that in a derogatory or insulting way.