Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Closing distance got you worried?
Barrage on self. Pet swap to wolf for knock down when enemy is in range. Rapid fire. Thats a lot of damage. Alternatively you can use enrangle instead of a knock down.
Time LB 4 to interupt their heal.
Then you swap to GS to finish them with 3+5+2
Trick with LB. Dont rely on the 1 skill.
Shoot them when they come. Interupt their buff or as they cast a debuff on you. Hit them with vurnerability. Use barrage on your position. Take out your melee weapon and go to town.
In group play you combine it with pets to shut down people.
LB allows you to play many ways. You are only limited by your imagination.
Tbh it was a bit OP. The only skill in the game that can res dead people. It meant it prevented parties being wiped in dungeons and in WvW you can pick up your dead allies to keep a zerg alive whilst in relative safety.
Now its just rubbish lol but goes a long the lines of the other classes res skills.
Nice Vid
What some people don’t seem to understand is that the counter to “burst” builds are bunkers. Though generally Bunkers work well against all builds where as GC whatever are horrible one trick ponies.
Don’t believe some of the “Elite” Rangers in this community and continue to kick major kitten with whatever build works for you
I never said traps or LB were buffed. I was just making an observation that a group of rangers were doing great last night. Also, pets were a factor because they sent their wolves in to fear other players that got too close to them.
Also, I’ve been playing ranger since launch so stop with the 101 stuff.
Reading comprehension is a valuable tool, KensaiZen … give it a shot.
Wasn’t aimed at you chappy. Pointing more towards the people that have dragged the community down. IE Rangers are rubbish in WvW because etc
The mechanics of the rangers in question had not been touched by the recent patch yet they can still do it. Just goes to show. Dont believe everything you see on paper.
Notice i never used the reply button to the OP. Comprehension indeed.
(edited by KensaiZen.3740)
Ive been nerfed again!!!! Lol but then they did trade it with signet buffs. I can live with that
Traps were not buffed. LB was not buffed. The only thing in that scenario that got buffed was the pets vitality which i dont even think would be a factor since they kept everyone at range.
Welcome to Ranger 101
In a pvp scenario their wont be 25 stacks of might. 25 stacks is only for dungeon scenario.
In a pvp scenario you and your pet will still be doing massive damage without might! Sword cripples well enough for pets to land their hits.
Too many negative nay sayers blinded the community to the Rangers potential. Its not like the sword or pet attacks got buffed.
Go play something else. This games mechanics was DESIGNED to move away from old school trinity mechanics.
Complaining that it is not doing what it was not designed to do is incredibly silly.
The Guardian performs as a Guardian very well. Its a L2 kitten ue.
You wont be able to get through to the OP. Cant teach an old dog new tricks.
Shelter is better for his playstyle. SoR will have a higher heal but shelter also mitigates damage.
When factoring everying. Shelter wins hands down. But in a scenario where you arent pressured, the higher healing would seem better. SoR is good as a buffer for condition dmg.
6 melandru+lemongrass poultry soup. -65% condition duration. Conditions just fly off.
Too many egg heads in the Ranger community. Does knowing any of this actually help you in the field?
It’s good to know. Its better to Do.
They said every class can do everything. They never said every class would be equally good at doing everything.
What they said was not wrong. It is a matter of perception.
I mentioned this a while ago for using longow in zerg warfare. But no one believes a thing i say
This is effective dps in a pvp wvw environment. The most damage you will be doing is from MB.
In PvE he doesnt have much choice since he wants to use hammer as the main weapon. In this case he can swap out 2h mastery for write of persistance or writ of exhaltation.
The honour line is the hammer line.
30/30/10 hammer/staff
You need 30 in valor for AH AND the crit dmg increase. The toughness is just a bonus.
30 in honour is a must for hammer users. 2h mastery is a must have as your main dps comes from MB, not hammer1. This also synergies well with staff for swiftness and most importantly empower. Empowering might is also helping on the damage department aswell as survival. Superior aria to synergy with AH.
Knights armour to get the crit chance up. Full berserker accessories for crit damage and crit chance. For runes go for melandru for worry free of conditions or go for more damage orientated runes for more damage.
This covers every area and allows you to wade into a group of 20, AoE the hell out of them AND make it back alive.
Guardian juggernaut.
Lol maybe i should explain further.
Mighty blow is a small leap AoE. It will always hit the mesmer as you will be stuck on him like glue. It will also destroy his clones reducing his effectiveness. It also has RoW to trap him and beat his brains out. It has a snare to keep him close (mesmers have very poor mobility anyway)
Traited for 2h mastery, you can rain MB all day long. Mesmers are the last things that should bother you in a 1v1 situation. All you need to know is which is the real one.
Use a hammer. Mighty blow the hell out of him and his clones.
No it doesnt heal teammates, but it keeps you alive to heal team mates. AH is a survival GM Trait. You can still play a boon guard with AH (slightly shorter boon duration) but the benefit of always being alive to give the boons and support.
Its about build synergy, peoples. Not about what 1 skill can do. Help yourself to help others and help others to help yourself. This is the essence of the Guardian by design.
Because we are so good in melee that we must be crappy at max range. Its balanced lol
You can easily spot a really good Guardian easily. He’s the one with the hammer
I’ve found that hammer is actually quite legit as long as it’s not AH hammer. It’s a good balance between group support via might and protection stacking and raw DPS.
Full support is still bad, though.
It was a joke lol relax
You can easily spot a really good Guardian easily. He’s the one with the hammer lol
Its a LoL gimmicky build meant for laughs i would suspect. Its not meant to be optimal. Just very extreme situational lol
It is what it is. Dont try to compare it to optimal builds
You know what would be really good. A spvp session with the balance testers. Maybe it will open our eyes to how the Ranger can be played by proper experienced testers.
It will open a lot if eyes and minds.
Any chance we can organise this? They wont even have to speak to people. Let the actionspeak for itself
I think we need more data to fully understand the scenario.
Welcome to the dark side lol
In PvE they bring the best water field in the game. Very high sustained damage (if you cant manage your pet properly, use a ranged one) can res 2 people at once! Can use pet to res DEAD people.
In PvP they are one of the strongest in the game (trappers and beast masters)
Only problem is it has a very high skill requirement. You have to manage 2 characters at once to be absolutely awesome.
If you prefer simple gameplay. Dont pick a Ranger.
I’m just wondering how many rangers know that you can “insta-rez” a pet by stowing/unstowing it.
Assuming the pet just died and you’re not being focused:
- Step out of combat
- (While pet is dead) Stow the pet
- Unstow the pet, and it should be fully healed without having to wait for it to regen to half HP, then wait again for it to be fully healed.
An added bonus is you don’t have to suffer through the 48/60 seconds penalty for swapping a dead pet!
This is mostly useful in WvW while sniping from the back lines, but I’ve been in circumstances where it became really handy (ie pet died to the lava rocks in CoF P1).
I’ve been using this trick quite a bit now and I thought I should share it here
Lol this one is magic. I will have to use this from now on.
Dont forget yhe frost spirit. 10% damage for 60seconds!!!
cough AH+Hammer = Godly. Dont forget build synergy. Tactics. Playstyles. Lots of things to factor in.
Em+AH+hammer/staff = Godly.
I doubt i would be able to do 20 fractals without having AH. I have 0 AR
AH builds bring everything in 1 package. Healway has terrible damage. You also have to consider weapons synergy. Valor line is neutral. You can use any weapon for it to be good. Other traits are geared a certain way to be maximised.
Someone stated it before and is one thing i go by. Everything looks good on paper. Its when the build is tested live is when you really see how good it is.
The best support if any type is one that is alive to give it. It is just the way it is.
Who wouldve thought. A how can i deal with a ranger post. Rangers are so broken its impossible!!!!
Ok joking aside. Kill his pet. If he is rubbish at pet management his pet will die easily. This will take pressure off you. You should have enough hp to survive long enough to do it.
However, if you rely on wells for damage you are already at a disadvantage. A good ranger will never stay inside one. You may have to tweak your build a little.
Seriosly??You want a necro who is struggling to deal 20k dmg to a player to try to run threw 2-3 pet lifebars!
and then kill the ranger???I mean if the guy is a dedicated tank that deals no dmg short of the pet… sure… but a trap ranger… dodge roll the spike trap, face him during shortbow attacks, if its a feline pet, catch it in dark path or a chill or in a well and kite/mess it up, if its a canine watch out for the howls and leaps.
I laugh everytime someone is dumb enough to attack the pet. Easy kill.
If he is using wells he doesnt have much choice. Assuming the ranger was running a bird or a feline, the pet is laying down decent direct damage. The OP is a necro and should have decent enough HP to weather the condition damage but not both.
If its a melee pet, stack wells around yourself and the pet will take massive damage.
Life steal from pets is also a good idea.
Attacking pets is a change up on tactics. It will throw the game off for some people. Especially beast masters.
If pet is dying and is swapped? Well that was the aim of it. Now he has wasted a cc and cant use another cc for another 15 seconds.
No point being an idiot and just do the same old thing time and again. Never fight on their terms. Take control of the fight.
If the ranger is keeping him at range he wont need to worry about the traps. The OP’s build uses wells and lifesteal as primary attacks.
The ranger stays at range and stays out of wells and out of lifesteal range. Necro should have silly amounts of HP so can weather conditions for a while. Kill the pet. Reduce the pressure from the damage. Make him waste his pet cooldowns and Troll ungent to keep the pet alive. When cooldowns are on, switch to attacking the ranger. You should have a big enough window to deal with the ranger.
Trappers are quite glassy. Just pray it isnt a hybrid bunker.
Ok tested this with the NPCs in the mists, the trait’s internal cooldown appears to be 6 freaking minutes long if you stay in combat, if you leave combat however it seems the normal 60seconds of sharpening stone applies.
Sounds like a bug to me actually, what you think?
Wow…just wow lol 6 minutes for 5 stacks of bleed lol
Devs i think you know what to do lol
Who wouldve thought. A how can i deal with a ranger post. Rangers are so broken its impossible!!!!
Ok joking aside. Kill his pet. If he is rubbish at pet management his pet will die easily. This will take pressure off you. You should have enough hp to survive long enough to do it.
However, if you rely on wells for damage you are already at a disadvantage. A good ranger will never stay inside one. You may have to tweak your build a little.
Yeah ignore me head is somewhere else today (continues with moving house)
Its not free. Its 5 trait points. 5 points that could be better spent. Most fights dont even last 30 seconds let alone 60 seconds. 5 trait points for something that will only proc once…. questionable.
But there is some use for condition supression. High condition damage and all that bleed will hurt. Even if its very briefly.
Whatever floats your boat i guess.
Wow 60 to 90….. complete garbage trait. Probably could work it into a condition build somehow. Probably a short bow bleed stack burst. 15 stacks of bleeding is ok i guess. But that ICD is really bad.
Seeing as the condition to activate it in a live situation means you arent completely in control of it. It should be much less.
Can only test it and find out. If its 30s irs absolute trash.
The Longbow is a max range weapon. Synergy with pet is also amazing. However, if you find yourself always fighting under 900 range. Go with the Shortbow. The damage is consistent whereas you will have damage reduced with a longbow. Longbows crit more and do more damage at 900+.
Personaly when someone gets close to 900 range I dont bother kiting. Just switch to a GS swoop in and hack them to death
CM with a Ranger will help you appreciate spirits a lot more. Mobs generally have ranged and never move or within confined spaces allowing you to place them in safety but still get the buffs.
CM with a Ranger is really easy. Also healing spring is the most valuable skill in the entire dungeon. No need to worry about bleed stacks.
For somthing like this its most likely around 10 seconds. Would love to test it but atm busy with moving house.
Human guardians have access to prayer to lyssa. More often then not it will give a cripple.
The AH build is a crutch build that is the best all rounded and versatile build. Sure there are more specialised builds which will perform one aspect better, but the AH build is good in all aspects.
So objectively speaking. There is no best build. From one perspective the AH build is great because it offers everything. On another, the specialised build will be better for that person as it fills the role of how he plays.
Both are right.
Though personally i have tried MANY builds and i still prefer the AH build because of versatility (i like multitasking). But thats just me
But Altruistic Healing builds aren’t versatile.
Altruistic Healing is for defense/survivability, and it excels at that.There’s nothing in Altruistic Healing provides for damage or support, direct or indirectly.
But that’s just 30 points of our 70.
We can say we get to pick 2 or 3 main roles from Damage (Zeal, Radiance), Support (Honor, Virtue, Zeal), Survivability (Valor, Honor) and other minor roles such as Control, Conditions & Utilities.
It’s a no brainer that a Support Build with little/no points in Radiance/Valor are better.
Same for a Damage build with little/no points in Virtue/Valor.But for some reason, Guardians who don’t try to come up with their own builds and just follow some guide or someone else’s opinions get stuck in the “there’s no other way to play!” because they didn’t think up all their traits/gear from scratch.
GW2 does an excellent job in having various viable builds, better than any game I’ve played, and if they start thinking for themselves they’d notice there’s plenty of options and playstyles available to them.As long as people don’t try to use the wrong build for the wrong job, they can’t go wrong.
You are not looking at it as a whole. As the AH build allows for fantastic survival and team support via boons. This allows you to equipt damage orientated accessories and armour/runes.
My guardian runs the usual 30/30/10 armoured with melandru runes and uses ALL beserker jewelry. Enough damage and support for any situation.
Also because of flexibility of the AH build. All it requires is gear change to specialise more (currently have 4 armour sets on me at all times)
I can mighty blow bunkers for 3k and lights for 5k a pop. It is very versatile.
Ive tried it. The effectiveness depends on your kiting ability and how many CC utilities you pack.
If you like staying 900+ range at all times, its great. Melee just provides better survival for when you dont.
I would just like to add.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is how you play a skirmish ranger. Learn the mmoves. The timing. The weapon swaps and evasions.
This may not be zerg warfare but it can be critical in not letting a zerg form in the first place. Disrupt a supply of zerglings and a zerg will die.
Use the spirit elite to res npcs. Its an aoe res that is instant on npcs.
Time for some experimentation, eh? :-)
Edit: oh wait nvm taym already said it wasnt possible.
Anyone want to start s Euro Rangers fight club? Lol
Tbh it wouldnt matter to the euro’s as we wont be able to join them in their servers -_-
Scroll up. I believe someone addressed this. If not, we should discuss it more.
Which was concluded that durzllas friend had done a server transfer before it was locked.
But from what i think you are implying. Guesting must work cross regions. Never tried it cross region. But i know dungeons dont work cross region.
Tbh it wouldnt matter to the euro’s as we wont be able to join them in their servers -_-
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