Showing Posts For Kuess.1842:
I would like to see it fixed as well!
Well I do. Plus it’s strange. Giving male armor to female characters. Of course ppl would get dissapointed when skins they use are unavailable anymore. But that’s besides the point. The point is that it shouldnt have been like this to begin with.
Maybe I’m to female/girlish for this discussion….but for once I would like my asura girl to look like one, and not just by dying male armor pink.
I’m wondering if it really is so hard to give us the right shoulder skin for this one. I feel cheated a bit. I see a cute butterfly on my thief human. But my main, engi asura is not allowed to have the cute butterfly, because she’s Asura.
I’m a female player, with a female main. I want a butterfly on my shoulder as well. This whole asura females getting male armors is a bit discriminating. I get that it’s hard to design blablabla. But it’s a thing you should fix imho :S For all armor sets. Or at least give us butterflies as well :S
There are probably tons of topics on this matter. But I had to get this out of my system. I like the carapace armor, and the way to get it. It’s rewarding. Untill I saw that butterfly on my thief….
With other words! Bring the Zepherite Sanctum back :P
Achievement chests? Especially the 10K one is pretty neat.
The moment you soulbind it, it becomes a skins in the wardrobe as well!
They probably need new tab space for the merchant for new skins to come. And taking the least popular ones out.
Just like real life vendors do. Or do you see H&M selling clothes from 2 years ago?
I don’t wanna poop on the parade here.
But aren’t these the loading screens for the Chinese version of the game ?????Sorry for bursting the bubble
For which area’s?
Well Anet is searching for people. Programmers etc. So what are you all waiting for?
I think what they should do is give us a nice portal into history where you can redo stuff of LS 1. They can put it into some sort of a rotation like with the mini games or fractals.
At least the epic stuff like the marionette fight, the scarlet fight, the tower of nightmares stuff.
That’s gonna be trouble for the Chinese. If they start playing and the Dragon Bash almost immideatly pops up.. gonna be a rush of noobs to LA
Too LA? ….. The city left in ruins? Like we are to rebuild it in less than a month lol
As StinVec is saying. That comment was about the April feature pack and their 8 blogposts about it explaining.
Ever since an hour ago my tracker bar is not progressing anymore. I get the purple point notifications on the right side. But the reward tracker isn’t moving an inc. After winning 3 games and losing one and restarting the game…… nothing changed. Not even half an inch of movement.
I checked on two server. Didn’t help either. My friend on the same server is getting progression.
Anybody else who has this problem?
I’m not grasping why we got just 2 replies from Anet on the 1300+ thread about townsclothing. Over 1300 comments were made. Video’s protesting are made.
Does it matter if we start a petition? Or a huge revolt? I mean, you where the ones telling us that if we all go into huge protest we might even get the Evon fractal. Is this the moment we do this. Not for the fractals but against the removal of mixing some of the towns sets and not being able to dye them.
Or is it possible to get a reaction just more that “we are sorry”. Because this topic is raising A LOT of questions and if creating a lot of tears. It’s becoming one of the largests threats since launch….Even a hint that you will reply with more clear anwsers in week/weeks/<timeperiod>. Just don’t leave us hanging.
PS: while your at it maybe a fix for raptors perch :P some guilds do Trek
will there be individual mix and match pieces in future releases? Or will they all be complete sets?
We will continue to release mix and match armor skin pieces
You know that we didn’t want to hear that again. We want you to tell us we can still mix and match our town sets. Like the earmuffs with the christmas costume etc. And be able to colour them.
There is already a post on this. I made it over a month ago. Unfortunatly it never got a reply from the team. So don’t get your hopes up.
So from april 15th Im supposed to run around with that INCREDIBLE UGLY wintersday hat instead of the cute earmuffs I bought with REAL money on my asura. The hat makes her bald…. I’m having tears in my eyes I spend my hard earned honest money to buy gems for these outfits.
And the witch outfit? I deleted the hat because it was ugly and I didnt have the space. I gave my char a different witch hat that looked much more awesome. Not possible anymore?
And no more colouring the town clothes? So we have to deal with the non personal colours your team picks out?
Removing restrictions you call it. Adding annoying new restrictions is what I and the entire rest of the community calls it. At least if I see the reactions.
ANET: I think this is the moment you can show the side where you listnen to your community and stop this before it goes life. You have two weeks left to tell your programmers to take out this rediculous move on towns clothing. YOUR COMMUNITY is asking. And if you don’t believe the over 1200 replies here. Give it a vote system. And realy listen to the community.
Hello DEV’s! Can we get a respons? Is it fixed? Is it save to start guild trek again?
Make bigger character and transfer legendary there
Not a valid option. An entire race should not have to suffer from weapons hidden within armor clipping.
Truthfully, I think the scaling of asura weapons is too drastic. A human female at the smallest height is about the same height as an asura at max height. Yet their weapon scaling is vastly different.
Not even remotely close – a human female at minimum height is more than a foot taller than a max height asura.
I play an asura myself, and I’m working on my legendary. I’ll be getting Quip, and the thing about that is that if you want people to notice it, all you have to do is fire it. ^.^
Yeah Ive been doing that. But I start feeling like a moron who has to shoot her gun just for ppl to see its awesomeness.
Trek isnt possible to finish because the vigil keep expansion now covers the trek location!
The wrench for a main weapon instead of kit would be a nice addition.
These are not a match. I have an amazing engi Asura. I fight for the pride of us all. And I have Quip. But when my precious legendary that I worked on for a year is stowed….sad face Nothing is visible because of the Medium armor covering it. It’s not a nice graphics thing. Since it already becomes tiny with an Asura. I’d actually like to show off my weapons as well. But for that you need to either have greatsword, longbow or staff. :s
Maybe when you are looking at how to make some legendaries equally awesome to the overrated greatswords, this is something you could look at.
Clocktower never counted for mine as well actually. Didnt even know that it should. Guess it’s still broken?
Which mobs did you try? Because not all of them work. Only the training nps that portrait all the professions. In the north of the mists map.
I just found out the same thing. I have tears in my eyes atm :S I thought it would be like last year. Character. Looked at them with my Engi, then decided I wanted them more for my warrior. But I opend the box already. So no awesome gloves for my warrior
I do hate these tiny buggers in the game.
I agree, ppl should get this achievements. All the rest of the last years I get why they dont come back. But ppl deserve this one.
Hi there,
Although I do agree not all achievs from last year should return. I do feel like new players who make it up the clocktower should get an achievement. I got mine last year (luckely). And are a happy player with the CT returning. But! Please Anet, give all the hard working new players that do try and try and try and then make it up something as well! They deserve it. We all know how frustrating this puzzle can be at some points! And getting up is a real achievement for some ppl. It should be more than just a daily here and there.
Dissapointed. And, I bought them because tbh I didnt know if we could trade them after the events ended. I never wanted those weapons. If I could I would have given all the tickets away to guildies etc. So it’s not about being angry, it’s about not being able to sell them or give them away.
Are you looking at the right panel? You can check mf in two places. One only shows MF you gathered with essences (account bound stuff) and the other place, first hero tab I think shows you how much is active at that moment. Got me confused as well the first time I was looking for it.
Which crafting profession did you try?
Well it was declared “not a bug” so I made a thread in the game discussion forum. But unfortunatly I feel not enough ppl have this issue for them to look into it anytime soon
Well I love my Quip PewPewPew, now it has berseker stats Im using it a bit more. I only wished we had the purple color etc when equipping a kit :S
Well atm I’m running a power/prec/crit build. Needed some chance from cmd. A small word of advice. You either need a good team/friends that know how and what you are doing. Pref having a guardian that you can shout out to for help is helping.
Or you have to be a god kitten good player. Because there is nothing left in armor and vitality. I noticed I was missing some of my friends during the invasions. I was getting downed so easy with the aetherblade events.
But It’s fun to do a kittenload of dmg as an engi. I like the wrench so much Im strating to miss melee even hehe.
So if you’re a bit confident about your playing skills go ahead. I’ll see if I can post my build tonight.
lol that would be nasty, doing 6 before reset, and then cant redo them after
Okay I feel for you now, that you need to make two threads about this. Sorry the weapon isn’t to your liking anymore but I need to tell you to stop. Anet isn’t going to reverse this. There are a lot of ppl who do like it. (including me). Maybe it’s time to try and get over this.
Person sitting next to me didnt get the achievement. And Im pretty sure he didnt get downed (was sitting next to him, same party, would have seen him dying) so…. yeah. Bugged.
Apparently making event weapon skins like the wintersday and sclerite weapon skins sellable wasn’t a bug. Nor was deciding that people who actually claimed their skins during the events don’t have this option. To me this feels like punishment for playing the game.
I turned in my tickets during these events not knowing if it was ever possible afterwards.
Now I found out that people who just let their tickets rot on their bank accounts can make tons of money since the skins went un-account-bounded. Some dev said only"newly obtainable skins" can be sold on the TP. I don’t see the difference in an obtained skin during an event or a ticket that was turned in later on. There is nothing NEWLY OBTAINED about either of them after the event ended!
Atm I have 3 skins that I don’t even want to use, but to me where the best skins in the series. But still I rather have other weapons. Like a precursor And I bet there are people who do like those skins and who are going to be really happy with them when I am selling it to them.
So Anet, please do not punish players that didnt wait with turning in weapon claim tickets! And make them all sellable please. And stop this weird decision making that does not have ANY logic at all and is unfair for all the other players that turned in tickets during the events as well.
Well tbh I was at Gamescom in Germany, and no Sparkles. The last anet employe didnt even know about these mr sparkles codes.
This is my Elementalist. Her name’s Nettike.
LOL nice ele! But eh…wrong thread?
Anyway attached my Engi with her Quip <3
HALLO! Updates on this topic! My bf lost whole love letters I sent him! Including a mini dredge and some other mats. It’s been 16 days on the last reply. A bit long isn’t it?
I get that also. It’s really weird as I have all options turned to max. My friend sees me like that ALL the time. I think this deserves a fix.
Its because of culling. There is no fix then to buy a better computer
Restarting is a nice plaster, but more ppl are having this issue. Time for a fix!
wow this is a bummer I’m seriously sad by this. For a moment I was thinking “yes I can sell this one and get money for the precursor”…but no….
So basicly players that bought weapons skins during the event, afraid to not claim the ticket getting screwed now. Hope you guys will reconsider this! Because it doesnt feel that fair to me!
I think the cause is cost-based. Any line spoken by the player character needs to be voice ten times (5 races x 2 genders). And it is unclear to me whether all ten of the voice actors are even available, since there has been NO addition of player voicing AT ALL since the launch date.
Having said that, I would love more player character voice work, as I am especially fond of the sound of my main character’s voice (male sylvari).
This is partially true. It’s very expensive to voice the player since it costs 10x (or more in some cases, since some actors are paid above scale depending on ability, availability, etc.) for each line recorded. We also have moved away from using cinematic conversations (the two-shot close ups) which were the primary delivery system of PC VO. Outside of the painterly cinematics and PC chatter (the stuff that’s automatically triggered when you’re low on health, suffering from conditions, leveling up, etc.) we don’t have proper control of triggering PC lines. It’s a technical issue that’s partly tied to having multiple PCs in a party.
So, while we can certainly solve these technical hurdles in the future we currently don’t have support for PC lines outside of the conditions listed above. And considering the fact that PC lines are shared across all races and genders, it doesn’t leave a lot of flexibility for making each PC talk differently. We are considering other ways to let players express themselves in the game through choice (actions, unspoken conversations, etc.), though those discussions are ongoing. Will the player speak in the future? Probably, but how and where are still under debate.
I have a simple solution to that There are 3 million GW2 players. I can bet you 2 million of them are willing to do this for free. Just hold a contest with some lines, and pick a couple of good ones that are going to have their voices forever attatched to the game they love. I was discussing this with my BF he immidiatly called out “I WOULD DO IT FOR FREE”. And he does some incredible voices and impressions of Modnir hehe.
Instead of letting us die and die and die! Can you maybe go in with the following party and show us if you can do this dungeon? Make it a nice youtube. If you do we will stop complaining:
2 Warrior
1 Necro
1 Guardian
1 Engi
Please dont let us hang on this dungeon!!!!
Event message changed as well cry kittenAnet for making us believe Evon won.
As the topic asks. Will we ever see the GW1 alliance option come back? Especially for guild missions it’s appriciated! Some allinaces formed already, but communiction mostly happens outside the game. Which makes it a little bit unpractical The GW1 system would fix this
This is the worst idea ever! Heavy armor for one is god kitten ugly on my tiny cute asura engi. She’s wearing the medium aetherblade skins. So byby hard spend gold….?
And low dmg :S I spend months getting my build to high dps and learning how not to die. Im good at it! And I love doing dmg. So IMHO this suggestion is the worst ever.
Obviously false information. There’s no way such an event will happen in Divinity. If it does, the patch will have to move entire Divinitys Reach to Lions Arch, then have the event in Divinitys Reach in Lions Arch.
Lions Arch is the only city that exist in Tyria which can change, everybody knows that.
So having huge zeppelins arrive to all cities wasn’t the cities changing?
Anyway, a week ago it was already known the next event was going to be in DR.