Showing Posts For Liewec.2896:

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i like having a mix,
i like my stupidly huge norn warrior dude and i like my sleek and sexy lady chars.

i dont see an issue with playing either

its not like when i choose to make a lady char i think i’m a woman,
infact if you think about it, its the more manly option!
because it means i’d rather spend my time with a scantily clad babe in the middle of the screen than a guy! XD

thiev elite basilisk venom

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


for every enginer or mesmer this is never working
it still or blocked or just nothing happens against engi or memser

that might be the issue,
engies have traits like Reactive Lenses which instantly breaks a stun if they’re stunned so it would seem like nothing happened.

i’m not sure about the mesmers though.

Accelerant Packed Turrets RIP

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


its a null issue anyway since they ruined turrets by removing their overcharge,
they can go ahead and ruin whatever turret traits they like now that turrets are utterly worthless.

Reasons for Massive Warrior Nerf.

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


yeah it is an abysmal nerf.
BERSERKER suffers the most from the nerf to BERSERKERS power…
i swear Anet just let cats run over their keyboards to decide what gets ruined each month.

a 20% damage boost becoming 7% is freaking ridiculous.

The lifespan of axe/axe warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


power war in all of its forms is dead now, Anet has killed it.
Berserkers power damage bonus during berserker went from 20% to 7%…
freaking ridiculous.

GW1 Armour Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Reddit already has a gallery of armors/weapons. Lots of trenchcoats and butt capes.

Edit: Dulfy has a picture gallery of everything

thats extremely disappointing, even in the desert we can’t get skimpy armours?
those armours all look like a mismatched mess,
i don’t think i’ll use a single one of them

all i want is a chainmail bikini for the ladies and a loincloth and bare chest for the guys!
is that too much to ask for?!

(edited by Liewec.2896)

So non expansion Specs forever forgotten ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


but how do you buff core specs without simultaneously buffing the elites?
if you make core things better then the people with elite specs will simply incorporate them into their spec.

make axes and blood magic better for necros and you’ll have reapers taking blood magic and using axes.
make staff and fire tree better for eles and you’ll have weavers using staffs and the fire tree.

Guy thinking i hacked cuz of spirit hammer

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


konfirmed, spirit weaponz OP, nurf plx.

No Dervish in Path of Fire? Whaaa?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


but what would dervish do?
they were a sort of melee boonbot, and we already have rev,
they whirled around with a scythe and we already have reaper,

plus i noticed lots of dervish spells are going to the new specs,

from Spellbreaker alone i spotted Aura Slicer, Natural Healing, Sight Beyond Sight, and Winds of Disenchantment.

Anyone else hate the new HT?!

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Wonder why the devs just couldn’t turn it into a what people used HT for.. A healing bomb.

because MOST OF US PLAYERS wanted our turrets to ACTUALLY BE USEFUL AS TURRETS!!!!… Many of us went Engineer for TURRETS… we wanted to use Turrets… if we wanted bombs we’d use bombs… we don’t want bombs… we want turrets.

The change was good and bad… it was good because it finally let us use our toolbelt skills with turrets which was a much needed change… but it was bad because absolutely no one wanted to lose our control of overloads…

they really need to find a way to give us our toolbelt skills and overload control back…

it was a very VERY bad change, turrets are REALLY bad as turrets now, once they have been deployed (and usually wasted their overcharge) they do nothing but low damage that cannot crit…
they can’t effectively be used as turrets anymore.
i lost 2 potent CCs and access to stealth from my rocket, thumper and flame turrets and all i got in return was 3 damage skills with lengthy CDs…

if they really really want to give us access to overcharge and toolbelt then here is what they should do:
keep the current mechanic of turrets automatically overcharging when deployed,
but make turrets begin cooldown when placed.
placing a turret that is already in use will explode the first one.
and for QoL make turrets throwable once again.

Fiery Dragon Sword

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


:i actually feel a little kitteneated (really anet C and H is censored?) that everyone can use Black Widow in pvp, it shares all of its skills and stats with another spider so i don’t see why anet let everyone use it,
its the final reward for HoM after all.

I think that the reason for that is because someone with 30 HoM points could use a Black Widow and a Jungle Spider at the same time and then have combat options that someone without 30 HoM points didn’t have. They want sPvP to be a level playing field hence they let anyone use the HoM pets in sPvP.

just logged on to check, their F1 skill shares its cooldown, so you’re hindering yourself by running both, there is no bonuses that could be gained by having black widow against someone who doesn’t,
the only “combat option” you have which they don’t is to lose an F1 skill from one of your pets
though this is getting off the topic of FDS :P

Fiery Dragon Sword

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


ah, another “i want what you have without doing the work you did for it” post,
i love these

i have the FDS because i played GW1 and have 10 HoM points, if you do the same, you’ll get the same reward, simple!

i actually feel a little kitteneated (really anet C and H is censored?) that everyone can use Black Widow in pvp, it shares all of its skills and stats with another spider so i don’t see why anet let everyone use it,
its the final reward for HoM after all.

Next xpac is called PoF ?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i already had my chips of “Path of Flame” or “Path of Fire”
but as the final living world episode is titled “ONE PATH ENDS”
its pretty much confirmed to be “Path of ____”

Race should matter! A short rant.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


races should matter,
in other great games like WoW you’d see plenty of gnome mages because gnomes had higher intelligence, nightelf rogues were amazing because of their racial ability to stealth at will (with a cooldown ofcourse)
orcs made great warriors because of their higher strength, and humans were sort of the jack-of-all-trades race doing everything pretty well (as is a common theme in games with races)

i’d love if lumbering norn warriors had a huge advantage over a midget (asura) with a greatsword, and by contrast an asura elementalist would be very practical with their grand intelligence.

it’d be nice to see people playing a race other than asura for pvp…

If You Had a Choice Of New Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


dervish wasn’t a stealthy class, they were tanky and used enchantments
and tons of PBAoE attacks from their whirling scythes

as for new classes, i think the current classes have most archetypes covered!
the only standout thing we’re missing is a bard, but rev kinda fills their role with
Glint giving aoe buffs around you like a bard.

we’re also missing a deathknight type class, but i don’t see much room for it now that necro has GS and can spec to become rather tanky.

maybe we could have a “Brute” class, no weapons, just fists!,
grabs and slams/throws foes, or smashes them with fists, hurls rocks, leaps around, basically Hulk class XD
or this no weapons class could spec into a “harmony” role instead to become more monk-like (Kung-fu monk like WoW/Diablo)

Please, return to old, classic designs!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


8 years ago i made a dedication video to the beauty of Ascalon in GW,
and i totally agree, we need less scifi and more true fantasy,
i cant wait to see the crystal desert, i hope they do it justice!
i hope we still have hydras and forgotten to fight, and OH GOD THE SAND WURMS!

Outfits to skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


there are several excuses being thrown around for why Anet refuse to break outfits up into armours and sell them to us making a TON of cash.
(i’d gladly throw lots of money at my screen if outfits became armour skins.)

some people use “clipping” as the excuse, which is hilarious because the majority of the ingame armour will clip if you mix it badly.
(grenth hood for example is notorious)

some people use “ugly cut-off points” as the excuse, which is hilarious because plenty of ingame armour simply ends when it gets to the cut off point, but used wisely you can mix them well with other armours.
(grasping dead set for example)

personally i see no reason why outfits should not be broken into parts and sold as armours, make them twice the price of the outfit if you want Anet, we’ll still pay it!
the pool or armours in this game is shockingly lacking,
and you’re missing out on a goldmine.

tl:dr all of the excuses that people give for why outfits cannot be turned into armour skins: “clipping” “cut off points” etc already apply to ingame armour and can be worked around.

What's the point of playing this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


imho the stark lack of armours since release is a major part of what makes the game stale,
we all look like we did 4 years ago for the most part…
we’ve had a couple of new sets but generally once you’d got your character looking as good as you think they could 4 years ago…they stayed the same.

i hope the crystal desert Xpac comes with LOTS of armours, a plethora of skimpy, sexy and bulky, protective armours!

give us a reason to go around collecting them!

New PvP change- Choking Gas

in Thief

Posted by: Liewec.2896


it was smitebooned.
we’ve dusted off our shortbow for a few weeks, now time to put them away again…
its gone from too good to borderline worthless.

(for none GW1 players there was a skill called “Smiter’s Boon” and instead of decently balancing/nerfing it, Anet decided to utterly destroy it, the easy option.)

Wardrobe: Revealing Male Armor/Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


there needs to be more skimpy armour in general!
simple loincloth for guys, chainmail bikini for girls!

also there are “some” skimpy-ish male armours, but not many!
my norn uses an awesome mostly topless look


Excited for the changes

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’m pretty much expecting them to remove the bank and TP from the majority of players and lock it away in their little “prestige” area.

if that is the case then it will suck,
if not then…yay?
i hope they still have plenty of golems and have them spread far apart as they are now.

revamp PvP armor skins pls

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


loincloths+invisible chests for the guys (conan style!)
chainmail bikinis for the girls! (red sonja style)

shouldn’t be too hard to make,
absolutely no chance of clipping!

wearing more than one helmet cosmetic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


they could always add a “face” purely cosmetic slot for things like glasses, glowey eyes, face paints etc,
and let people use it at their own risk, ofcourse if you use a full face helmet and glasses it will clip and look stupid so use your brain!

Cowboy Outfit and Medium Armor revolution.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


yeah one of Anets excuses for not making any different looking armour (or allowing classes to use looks from different weight) is that they wanted light armour to stay looking cloth-like and medium to stay looking leather-like and heavy to stay looking plate-like.

sorry anet, you kinda ruined that whole excuse when you release things like this , this and this as cashgrab outfits…

NOW can Turrets be passable defense tools?

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


turrets were weak before the change, but they were useable, now they are absolutely awful, there was no need for such a horrible change, and sadly we’re stuck with it for another third of the year because ANET are the slowest company in the universe to push out balance patches.

personally i’d get rid of detonation,
have the turrets overcharge when placed as they do now,
make them throwable once more,
and have them begin cooldown immediately. (rather than when picked up/destroyed)

so its kind of like manual overcharge, you simply throw a new version of the turret where you want it and it will overcharge (plus you’ll get a nice full health turret again.)

(edited by Liewec.2896)

Flames of Kryta fixed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Pros use FDS!

Staff Ele damage in PVP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’ve been playing fire staff zerker in pvp since beta ad it WAS great,

a few months ago however Anet decided to make a lazy fix for pve/raids were giant monsters with giant hit boxes were getting hit too much by meteor shower,

so Anet put a cap on it, if meteor shower hits anything that isn’t a player then it has a short cooldown before another meteor falls…
that means any mesmer clones, any healing turrets, any minions, any ranger pets etc

they’ve utterly broken the skill, it used to be EPIC now it is “meh”.

staff ele still deals massive damage, but the nerf to meteor shower based on some pve issue isn’t acceptable.

Can you create nude armor skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


And then there’s this explanation of how you can be perfectly protected by nude armor.

The shiny part!

i really really wish there was a chainmail bikini tbh XD
my greatsword warrior just isn’t as mobile without it!

Can you create nude armor skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


exactly! (i’m familiar with that one too XD)
thats why i’m saying we should be able to wear what we want and not be disadvantaged!

this one is good too btw!

Can you create nude armor skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


You could just take off your chestpiece and expirience the magical feeling behind completely unprotected torso yourself, in practical combat.

because this (heavy) obviously offers more protection than this (medium) right?
don’t try bringing logic into games, it never works.

having your character look the way you want them to look is one of the biggest parts of an MMO, and GW2 is severely lacking in that department.

if we want to have our big burly guys bare-chested then we should be able too without negatively effecting our stats.

Can you create nude armor skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


bare chest and a loin cloth plx, so i can make Conan!
and some fashionable bikini armours for the ladies!
so i would be able to make my warrior look like Red Sonja!

Most boring race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


norns have so much potential with the shapeshifting and stuff,
imagine if there was quests to do to discover which spirit animal you worship?
imagine if there was an awesome quest chain to unlock the ability to shapeshift?!
imagine if shapeshifting could be used like an everlasting tonic?

but nope, Anet have wasted the opportunity to make norns awesome.

Waste to have too many character slots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’m a pvp and i have loooads of character slots, it doesn’t feel like a waste i play most of them on my game night each week

it helps not having to switch specs,
warrior for example i have a GS toon, a shout bunker, a hammer guy and a dual axe zerker, rather than having to go through the chore of switching specs, runes and sigils i simply switch char!

plus it means you can have a look that fits, thief for example my p/p thief looks rather piratey with big boots and a pirate hat, while my most sneaky thief looks like an assassin

Current state of reaper in SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


If a necro is on point he is a free kill because he can’t kite.

you are the reaper!
they should be the one running from you!

i play my reaper aggressively,
never had an issue with running away because i never run away.

Rev Longbow

in Revenant

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Can anybody link the post about the leak? The only thing I know about is the months-old reddit thread that says nothing about rev

search a youtube, i wont link it, but if you search yourself you’ll find it

Create a skill/trait for the upcoming Elite!

in Thief

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Marked for Death:
Mark a target, for 10 seconds target enemy cannot stealth and takes additional damage from all sources,
if the target dies before the Marked effect expires all of your skills are recharged.
cannot be used on targets below 75% health.

(probably an elite)

i can almost guarantee that renegade will have a ranged version of final thrust/grave digger too
an execution shot that will deal massive damage but only be usable on lower health enemies.

(edited by Liewec.2896)

Pistol/Pistol new meta?

in Thief

Posted by: Liewec.2896


its a nice pve change to give them a little more sustain,
i’ve been using p/p in pvp for a long time though and don’t think it’ll make much difference for pvp, anyone you’re shooting at is already dead in 2-3 unloads
(which was already possible without this initiative refund buff)

and if they survive it is because they blocked/evaded/dodged in which case the initiative refund wouldn’t happen anyway.

to me this change is more for raids/world bosses to let you use unload more often.

[Suggestions] Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


the best suggestion i’ve seen so far is to have them exactly as they are now, were they only overcharge once upon deploying,
but start the cooldown when they are deployed instead of when they are destroyed.
also let them be ground target deployable like they used to be.

this way when you want to overcharge them you simply throw down a new turret and it will overcharge,
the throwing part is to save you the hastle of being forced to leave the fight to replace your turret at a strategic point every time you want to overcharge it, now you’ll be able to throw it to the same spot you had it in.

this will be a nice buff because it will give you a nice fresh 100%health turret,
give you a way to overcharge and also trigger things like the shield trait.

i’d be fine if they gave the shield trait an ICD so you can’t simply spam turrets for spam reflects.

(edited by Liewec.2896) managed to make turrets worse.

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


I think a solid solution here might be to just have it begin recharging the moment you drop it, rather than after you destroy it.
It has more active gameplay, you can overcharge it repeatedly much like before, it getting destroyed by attacks isn’t as much of an issue, and the traits become less crap.

that would be a good solution if they choose to keep it as it is now,
it’d be much better than the current garbage,
though it would still be an unnecessary nuisance,

i’m sure i can’t be the only person who deploys their turrets in strategic positions with the intent of having them survive, i use them in pvp so i head to a point and deploy them on cliffs overlooking the point for example.

even if we started the cooldowns once the turrets are placed it would still mean we’re forced to either put turrets in impractical spots (like right by capture points were they will get cleaved down in 2 seconds) or we need to repeatedly leave the fight to redeploy them at good spots.

maybe if they once again added the ability to ground target deploy turrets it could be pretty perfect solution.

Stop complaining about turret changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


You seem to have missed the fact that turrets overcharge immediately upon drop now.

no i didn’t miss it, its just useless to anyone who actually plans on using turrets as turrets.
I.E you place them with the intent of having them there for longer than 5 darn seconds.

to use the overcharge now you need to carry your turrets around and waiting for the moment that you want to use the overcharge skill, until then you are TURRETLESS.
and since without overcharge turrets are nothing but slow, pathetically weak damage you’ll invariably pick the turret right back up once its done the one and only overcharge it can…again becoming turretless…

they aren’t turrets if you’re using them like this,
they’re just another cooldown, drop it, pick it up.
that isn’t turret engi.

(edited by Liewec.2896)


in Necromancer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


it seemed quite cool in testing but 120 second CD is pretty obscene .
though its not like condi necros have much choice tbh :P

Stop complaining about turret changes

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


clearly you never used turrets if you approve of this change…
as someone who DID use turrets i could care less about the toolbelt skills,

i’ve lost my instant access to stealth from flame turret,
what did i get in return? a damage skill on a long CD…

i’ve lost the long range knockdown from rocket turret
what did i get in return? a damage skill on a long CD…

i’ve lost the double AoE knockbacks from thumper turret
what did i get in return? a damage skill on a long CD…

so what do turrets do once deployed now?
rocket turret does nothing but weak damage.
flame turret does nothing but weak damage.
rifle turret does nothing but weak damage.
thumper does nothing but weak damage.

they have absolutely DESTROYED turrets and you’re like “cool, stop complaining guys!”
it is against the forum rules to call you an idiot, so i certainly wont.

(edited by Liewec.2896) managed to make turrets worse.

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


some good suggestions here,
i’d have kept them as they were (though i was actually hoping for a buff, not a nerf)

if a change had to be made however then i would have simply removed the detonation.
ta-daa! we can use toolbelt skills but you haven’t made the turrets themselves useless.
it’d mean that you have to pick them all up when you plan on moving,
but i’d rather that than having my turrets do NOTHING except low damage.

(obviously they’d have to give healing turret a tinker since its main use is to spawn it, overcharge it and blow it up, removing detonation would make that impossible.)

as a pvper i rely quite heavily on overcharging at specific times,
so i call BS on their excuse that we simply spam them when they’re off CD.

flame turret overcharge gives gave me access to stealth, saving my life many times.
i can could combine rifle 4 knockback with rocket turret overcharge and rifle 2 to keep enemies off point for a very long time.
losing these thing has completely destroyed turrets for me, and what do i get in return?
2 toolbar skills, both do nothing except damage, perfect to spam when they’re off CD…
the whole excuse that they used to ruin turrets.

(edited by Liewec.2896)

Condi revenant test

in Revenant

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’ve discovered new trait synergy that allows me to click a button 3 times to get 40 stacks of torment (dealing 10k damage to moving targets) XD
this is in pvp too without pve armour/buffs

Demonic Defiance grants resistance when you use a demon skill.
Maniacal Persistence causes AoE torment when you gain resistance. (4 stacks)
Abyssal Chill causes torment when you apply chill. (2 stacks)

add it all together and simply casting Unyielding Anguish applies 17 stacks of torment.
if you wait for your energy to get up to around 80 you can cast it 3 times in a row for 40 stacks managed to make turrets worse.

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


the idea of turrets is that you set them up preemptively to defend an area with the intention of them staying alive,
this change goes against that entirely since if you set them up preemptively you lose their overcharge, and if they stay alive they’re simply tickling the enemy. managed to make turrets worse.

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


congratulations Anet!
as one of the few people who (before today) still used turrets in pvp for fun i didn’t think you could possibly think of a way to ruin them further,
clearly i underestimated the power of your staggering incompetence!

set up turrets…they immediately overcharge,
whether you want too or not,
and when an enemy actually does come along you’re left with weak attacks without the option to overcharge…

someone actually pays you guys to come up with this stuff?!

Balance Patch Priority Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


totally ignored things like useless spirit weapons, useless ele conjures, useless engi turrets+gyros etc :P

Professions need cool new skills like NPCs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


if you’re talking about mesmer NPC skills that you want then noone holds a candle to Countess Anise imho!
the last mission in the early human story when you’re confronted by 20+ soldiers and she casually summons an illusionary army to fight them XD

Predictions for Sandshroud & Torch Mechanics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i expect more plague and pestilence than sand
sand just doesn’t fit the theme of necro, we’re all about shadow blood and darkness,
sand is more eles thing.

i imagine we’ll be able to spread condis around quickly and be a real “scourge” to the enemy

i don’t really see the sand theme though.

"Leaked" Engie Spec

in Engineer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil’s might
Beware my power, Holosmiths light!

Let me guess, you named your engi Holo Jordan

not yet, but i might! XD

i think holosmith will be very lantern-like,
people are fearing another awful Ai spec,
but i think it’ll be more about making light constructs like barricades and shields