its almost mandatory to role a cheapskate burster/bunker at the moment.
me for example, i REALLY wanted my ranger to be my main,
but you spend the whole game tickling the bunkers or getting one shot by the bursters,
so i logged off, made a guardian and now i’m pretty dam unkillable,
raking in the Glory points but it’s getting stale,
so i switch to my ranger, enjoy a game or two being roflstomped by the backstab thieves and unkillable bunkers then i’m forced to switch back to my own cheap skating guardian / thief to enjoy spamming backstab and heartseeker like a pro…
there certainly needs to be a massive pvp update to make all specs of all classes viable in pvp.
ironic considering the adverts were all focused on the “play the game your way!” idea lol
i remember on GW1 i used to do conquest (AB) as a necro with ranger’s Beast mastery, such an outside-of-the-box idea but it worked really well, i truly hope Anet can bring GW2 up to the level where we can be as outside-of-the-box and not just get roflstomped by the guy spamming the “in-thing”.
Anet just need to funnel more effort into pvp, to bring it to the stat of balance where GW1 was at which (imho) was one of the most balanced and enjoyable pvp games around, the same company could surely do it again if they wanted to, it seems pvp is stuck in the kiddy seat at the moment though while PvE is the focus.
more focus on PvP = sooner balanced state = less asking for balance (which you call whining)
i’d like to see:
Hundred Blades get a damage reduction but be able to be used on the move.
BS/HS thieves balanced, not “Smite Booned”, but balanced.
Death Blossom evasion removed.
i’d like to see rangers made worth showing on the class selection screen.
i’d like for staff ele’s lightning set to get more single target burst feel.
i’d like to see necro minions buffed and AI improved.
i’d like to see the “Death Nova” trait act like it did in GW1 (with a BOOM!)
i’d like to see quickness GONE.
while there are alot more important changes to be made and things to be added it’d be great to be able to toggle which characters have which looks, i hate my mains pvp char looking like the lv1 she is!
i dont like any of the godmode attacks.
nothing more frustrating than “oh sorry i’m attacking you so you can’t attack me k?”
thieves spamming death blossom and being completely immune to all attacks.“Completely immune”?
I recommend you try and play a Death Blossom build. You’d soon find out that you’re only evading through about half the animation and that you’re out of ini in 3-4s.
deathblossom x 3 + caltrop dodge roll x 2 = 21 stacks of bleed while providing immunity to attacks…i have played deathblossom, i’ve fought deathblossom and am still at the conclusion that attacks should be attacks, defensives should be defense.
otherwise we end up with this “blood DK”(if you played wow) lameness.
Arah Arah Arah! it was made for necros! one armor set to rule them all
my tall as possible NORNcromancer can’t wait to be stomping around WvW as a gigantic lich!
i’ve just dinged lv 60 and switched to staff MM, first i was using the (minions have more health) trait but i actually switched it to the (marks are larger) trait and its quite easy to catch all the minions in the regen, the big painful AoEs still kill em, but i generally dont need to resummon them!
i disagree that we dont have any pet love, with my staff MM i’m churning through mobs!
It’d be nice if PVP didn’t feel like a “waste of time.”
i feel exactly the same, the rank points are so terribly low for the rewards of armor skins that are so easy to get in pve, 100 rank points a match and needing 7500 for a “level up” which wont do anything at all until you do it 10 times over.
giving xp/karma/gold or SOMETHING would make it feel less like pouring hundreds of hours of effort down a bottomless drain.
i dont like any of the godmode attacks.
nothing more frustrating than “oh sorry i’m attacking you so you can’t attack me k?”
thieves spamming death blossom and being completely immune to all attacks.
Grats. I realized this months ago. Theres no ranged dps spec for eles in pvp.
i’ve dabbled with a “shockingly” effective scepter/dagger air glass cannon for some pretty awesome dmg.
also a scepter/focus earth condition build that stacks bleeds so dam fast,
and even toyed with a water dps scepter build witch was pretty hilarious! critting for pretty nice numbers!
ranged is viable, staff is’nt, its all AoE based and noones gonna be idiot enough to stand in your lava font
Apparently there is a ton of places to farm gold in this game but no one will tell you directly because Anet will nerf it instantly because its not what they want you to do.
agreed, sad but true.
if Anet catch too many people actually playing something they’ll “Smite Boon” it.
“ha! try doing something productive with that content now!”
necro – warhorn + spectral walk = near perma swiftness.
ele – traits / glyph / air staff/dagger OH = plenty of mobility
engineer – trait for perma swiftness = perma swiftness
warrior – GS / sword leaps and charges = great mobility
guardian – “Retreat!” / staff 3 / “save yourselves!” = perma swiftness
ranger – GS 3 / warhorn 5 = fairly decent mobility (though worst of all classes imho)
mesmer – blink / temporal curtain / portal = great utility speed
thief – signet / shortbow = amazing speed
all classes can move quickly.
granted some quicker than other but guess what? they’re different classes!
each class will have different qualities, thieves should have higher mobility than guardians but guardians should be harder to kill.
i’m a little disappointed with the “ranger” however, the name alone begs for a high mobility scouting class.
go play GS warrior learn how to play it
there is no learning.
hit bullrush, hit “FgJ!”, hit frenzy, hit HB.
your whole justification for HB not being OP is that there is a dodge mechanic in the game, this is such flawed logic.
the fact that the game has a dodge mechanic does’nt justify one skill dealing well over fifteen thousand damage while all other skills deal a couple of thousand.
its not crying, it’s not QQ, it’s just pointing out a transparent imbalance.
it isn´t because it´s really easy to block or dodge it
i hate this argument.
no skill should be a one shot. period.
yes you can dodge it but that does’nt change the fact that while other skills are doing a couple of 1000 dmg (they can also be dodged), this one is hitting for 15k+.
combine with bullrush and frenzy and you’re dead before you can react.
this is not balanced.
I never thought it was a problem. If I have a stack of 20 things. I right click the stack and hit sell at tradeing post. I never sold anything by seperating 20 to 1 with alt drag, and sell one at a time. Maybe I should start to break stacks down and sell 1 Piece from the stack seperately.
i mean different things, 10 mins of events and you’ll have 20 different stacks to sell,
going through each individually is pretty time consuming when you think that all you’re doing is vendoring.
my wish is for the trading post to be (nearly) as quick to sell on as the merchants, highlight all of the junk by clicking them, click sell, done, continue playing ;-)
hey all! i just have a pretty simple suggestion!
i’d like the option to sell multiple items quickly in one big go on the trading post rather than selling each item individually wracking up quite large down-times for the simple act of vendoring.
Obviously there would need to be restrictions, perhaps allowing us to click a “select multiple items” button where we choose the options as with a normal trade (meet highest bidder etc) and then click the objects in our bag we wish to sell (they’ll become highlighted so you know they’ve been selected), click a “sell” button and BAM it all sells at once.
anyway thats my idea! thanks for reading!
totally signed.
i was about to make this topic myself but realized it’s that big an issue that others must have bought it up, its a ridiculously timewasting process we currently have to go through to transfer tickets and boosters.
the current process of transfering Boosters/Tickets:
Travel from mists to town, travel from town to bank, put objects in bank, relog to alt (likely in the mists too), travel to town, travel from town to bank, take objects out of bank, return to mists. (totaling 6 load screens)
if bank NPC was added to mists OR if boosters/tickets were storable in locker:
put objects in locker/bank, relog on alt, take items. (totaling 1 load screen)
please Anet, we need it!
a realistic fix would be to lower the dmg and allow it to be used on the move.
this is like the scene in Avatar “Eywah has heard you!”
and all this time i thought we were just talking to a tree,
its nice to know our voices are being heard.
faith in our devs is rising again ;-)
this is most likely a Firewall issue!
harhar ;-3
i was one of the people going around telling people to mark August 28th 2012 as the day WoW dies.
now i feel like an idiot.
dont get me wrong, the PvE is great, but PvP just seems like a small side project, as thought the devs had some spare time one day and decided “hey lets make a PvP mode!” and then they got bored halfway through. ;-)
i feel what we need is something like Elder Scrolls Online to announce that it’ll have amazing PvP,
maybe that would act like a catalyst sparking some PvP interest for the GW2 devs before they lose their entire pvp community to somewhere that gives a care. ;-)
GW1 was such a great pvp experience, what happened?!
i wont pretend to be a tourny pro, i only play the free pug mode, but i am a pvper,
and i do play for FUN.
staring at a loooong countdown timer repeatedly IS NOT FUN.
if i were a pro i’d look at this:
Bunkers are a problem, but they are countered with glass cannons.
With the new “Stare-at-the-Screen-for-Half-the-Game” (lets call it “SatSfHtG”!) addition, alot less people will want to be playing the squishy glass cannon builds, so they’ll all reroll bunkers themselves to avoid the “SatSfHtG”
so the outcome will be an increase in bunkers, and a decrease in their counter.
brace yourselves for 30 minutes of tanks slapping eachother….
theres gonna be alot more bunkers and alot less glass cannons to counter them now thanks to the 20 second respawn stupidity.
expect 20 mins of 2 tanks slapping eachother and running in circles…
No need to feel so enraged over a very logical marketing and company strategy decision.
Is it a logical business strategy to split the game into distinctly PvE and PvP and then ignore every word uttered by the PvP community until they all move on to other games?
it seems more like amputating a diseased limb and leaving it to rot…
what you’re seeing is a rally.
it’s just like any other class thats down, if one of your teammates gets killed by the ele/thief’s teammates and the ele/thief has done enough dmg to them they’ll rally.
this has happened on my ele during mist form when my team mates have finished someone off. ;-)
so i hope you enjoyed killing people…
i for one am a glass cannon, i’ve always been a glass cannon in MMOs,
playing the mage who dishes out the highest dmg but has to avoid taking damage due to squishiness. this 20 second slap in the face will only cause one thing. BUNKERS, BUNKERS AND BUNKERS.
so i hope you enjoyed killing people,
because unless you want to spend half the match staring at a screen it’s gonna be a bunkerfest,
and the people who used to have the damage to counter the bunkers will now all be rolling bunkers too to avoid these ridiculous 20 second gaps.
an entire class does’nt suck because one guy cant play the class.
you should try blood/wells build and then tell us its difficult ;-)
the point of things like this are a way of introducing content, would you prefer they just released the content like POOF there it is.
personally as a long time MMO player i love the immersion that is given by the opening events for add-ons and expansions.
it gives a reason and story about the new content,
pick one:
POOF “heres the big evil enemy that’s never actually done anything!”
“here’s the big evil enemy that invaded our homeland, fight back!”
mines a Necro, i’m gonna rush her to 80 and then grind arah like a psycho until i get full Arah, because theres nothing more epic than a 10ft tall Lichqueen!
i’d like a sort of RP aspect to it where we can freely switch into the forms but they work exactly like tonics allowing us to swap in and out of form freely (out of combat) without effecting balance.
(i mean this as an extra set of skills along side the elites)
they did’nt kill it, they just did’nt bother fixing it,
they nerfed random things, and buffed random things.If these changes seem random to you, then maybe we weren’t playing the same game.
you mean the game where thieves have been one shotting people for months and the “fix” is a Scorpion Wire nerf? while mug/backstab/heartseeker stay exactly the same.
because everyone knows Scorpion Wire was the thing that was OP about the thief…
you’re right, we must have been playing different games if Scorpion Wire was the thing causing grief in your game.
Many of us were holding out for this patch, i held off any “balance it naow!” because i knew it’d be a month or two before a major update.
(and anything i’d be asking to be balanced had already been requested a million times).
But now that it’s gone live i’m genuinely disappointed at the lack of listening.
i see nerfs to random skills, i see buffs to random skills.
(yes guys it was Scorpion Wire that was letting thieves oneshot people!)
I love this game but i’m losing faith in the devs.
the random swinging of the nerf hammer hit DD pretty hard.
while it totally missed Mug, Backstab, Heartseeker
and anything else that actually needed balancing.
they did’nt kill it, they just did’nt bother fixing it,
they nerfed random things, and buffed random things.
while i’m sticking with GW2 (no jumping overboard here, i’m in till the end!) i have to agree, taking the thief as an example the devs dont seem to have a clue about the issues…
here is the FOTM thief chain:
5k Mug (Steal)
3k Cloak and dagger
10k Backstab
followed by a flurry of 4k Heartseekers.
and the incredible balance change they’ve been saying “wait for the patch in november!”? they reduce the dmg of the weakest skill in the chain and don’t even touch the rest.
they even nerfed other thief skills so now even more thieves will feel inclined to roll this spec…
i’m utterly convinced the devs in charge of changes do not play the game and do not read a kittenhing us customers say.
make no mistake, i do love this game, but i’m a PvPer, and it seems PvP is the unwanted child of GW2.
“Hello everybody,
thanks for your feedback.”
agreed, melandru is only useful for transform pop roots end
that is literally it.
even then the bleeds applied by the root are’nt effected by condit-dmg and are pretty darn weak.
i’d prefer something like:
“Scythe of Dhuum”
Ground target AoE (1200 range)
unleash a Scythe of Dhuum on the target area, The scythe will spin around dealing X damage to all foes in the area per second.
2 second cast, 5-10 second duration, 60 second recharge.
or change Melandru to:
Take on the Aspect of Melandru removing all conditions and becoming immune to conditions for the duration.
Instant cast, 10 second duration, 90 second recharge.
does’nt change your model.
Blazer Hellsing.9184
Arenanet, never change, Decide the balance yourself by playing the game, don’t make the epic mistake Blizzard did with catering to forum cry babies.
Main: Thief
LOL, we did’nt really expect him to say his main was anything else did we?