People aren’t complaining because they’ve stopped playing and GW2 isn’t even on their mind. This is Bad.
It has never been as bad as it is now.
They’re dead because Anet nerfed the rewards into the ground. People who were in the habit of doing regular daily runs stopped doing them. Once you stop something like this it’s really easy to never come back to it (daily achievements exist exactly for this reason — to make sure you stay in the habit of logging in every day).
So once these players stopped their regular runs, they never returned. A very large number quit the game altogether.
If subs aren’t for you, Crowfall will be B2P.
You think the people who just plopped it back in — not even considering that bloodlust was missing — are going to improve the map?
At the pace they’re going now, more likely than not, you’ll need to buy the next expansion on order to craft Legendary armor.
Delete it. Put a huge lake with a small island in the middle. Maybe populate with some krait.
You really think there’s going to be any more polls? It looks like they’ve already finished with their usual “surge” of communication (based around the release of new LS), so now it’s back to silence.
This is your reasoning?
- Devs create content that’s of extremely poor quality.
- Players are justifiably unhappy with the content.
- Blame players.
It looks like raids might be a big part of GW2’s recent massive drop in revenue. So OP might be worried about nothing. I expect at most one more raid before they’re cancelled for the next new “game saving” project.
I can see their revenue generating scheme now: Legendary Armor available only to those who buy the 2nd expansion.
Terrible idea. Have you seen the (lack of) effort they put into creating, for example Charr armor (human skin + stretch to fit). It’s a big part of why no one plays Charr. New race? Same thing’s going to happen.
Talking mostly about the competitive scene. I’ve spent an awful lot of time on twitch lately and the there seems to be a serious lack viewers and quality content creators compared to even a few months ago. Not to mention the scene in general is the same ~30 people it’s been for months.
Considering the large number of pro players who openly admit they only play GW2 for the money, it’s not surprising.
Just read the storyline online. It’s pretty poor and likely not worth the money.
“Armor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it’s like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop.
30 sets? LOL. They make two sets — for human males and females, then:
- Scale up for norns.
- Stretch and deform the textures for Charr.
- Shrink the male set for both male and female Asurans.
- Cut and paste for Sylvari.
Nevermind, I forgot I could cheese my way to completion by being a ‘big spender’ in WVW.
As if doing your daily is in any way some sort of accomplishment.
Don’t bother. Especially since they’ve done it once, they’ll do it again. Do you really want to re-grind your 5-supply buff for the third time when the next expansion comes? Or maybe you don’t plan on staying with the game that long — in that case you can do the WvW guild missions… oh wait, did you say 2 man guild?
Specialization is THE BEST way to horizontally expand classes.
In theory, but not in practice as we’ve seen with HoT.
If three failed seasons doesn’t tell you the fourth will fail, you’re never going to learn.
Case in point the grassroots GVG scene that was really popular 18 months ago, that Anet went out of their way to kill off/ignore. This was at a time when participation in sPVP (Player vs Point) was basically non-existent. I used to work in a major game company, I can tell you with certainty that other game companies would kill to have a grassroots competitive scene spring up in one of their games and they would have fostered the kitten out of it.
This is so true IIRC the twitch viewing numbers of major GvGs at the time significantly outstripped viewing numbers for official spvp competitions. Anet just had (and continue to have) their head in the sand.
FYI: (Most) Guilds/GvGs destroyed WvW. Most ‘real’ WvW players who understood the game mode, stuck to their server and tried to play as a team got sick of WTJ-guilds who stood around doing nothing for 2 hours for 15 minutes of GvG. Lot of forum threads prove this and the map chat at that time was pretty obvious too. So after all, the game mode became rather toxic.
Those self proclaimed ‘pro’ guilds were also involved in the development process of the desert borderlands, which are deserted.
ANet failed to create a GvG mode outside of WvW. Though i doubt many guilds would have used it (see obsidian sanctum). Since most of their accomplishments were fighting ppl without voice-com.
Pretty much nothing of what you said is trure.
Here’s a template for anyone who wants to reply:
We’re matched up with the worst servers XXX and YYY. All they do is blob in a single enormous zerg. Yet our guild groups with fewer than 10 players easily wipe these blobs — that is when the blob doesn’t turn tail whenever they see someone from our server. The only reason they are “competitive” is because they nightcap when literally no on else is online. Have fun PvDoor heroes!
Just substitute your opponents for XXX and YYY.
OP’s right. People crafting in WvW has never been a real problem. But if people are foolish enough to believe Anet has done them a great thing by removing it, let them live in their lie.
So far I don’t see a compelling argument against the 2/1 BL split. I don’t agree that it will be this big disadvantage to anyone. If anything it could be an advantage if some people decide to boycott it. I know my groups will go into them and paint them with our colours… so while some of the folks are staying away and whining… we will own their land.
Spoken like a true PvD player.
Here’s what happened.
- Anet Ignored WvW for 3 years causing slow, steady population decline.
- They hoped that HoT would solve the population problem as people would surely come back when expansion released.
- Expansion sold poorly, DBL was unmitigated disaster.
- Roughly 70% of players quit WvW in the week after DBL. White knights will say only Anet has the numbers, but the maps were literally empty and servers all fell from full.
- Anet did nothing about this for 6 months.
- Now they seem to be a bit interested, but it’s still mostly talk and way too little way too late:
- Server merges (“linking”) tells us population has not returned, and never will.
I sure hope they are not planning on another expansion. If so, they need a new strategic planner lol
I hate to break it to you, but they are.
“Most” of the people actually want them around according to the polls and most stuff I’m reading.
No. The correct conclusion is that most of the people (I’d say roughtly 70 percent) who stopped playing because of DBL when HoT was released, have never come back, hence the recent poll result.
Anet should care about the players still remaining, not the ones long gone. Mentioning that people who quit would make a difference in the pool result is moot point since these people don’t even play the game anymore.
That would be true if population levels were ok. But they’re not. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re close to the point where the game mode is not even worth supporting. Look at how much server merging is being done right now. And still population levels are low. Remember that GW2 also has PvE. Maybe if they shifted all the WvW devs and server resources into PvE, they might get more customers? Someone at Anet is surely thinking about this.
The alternative is to get more new players, but GW2’s reputation is pretty bad overall so we’re probably talking about a small trickle of new players.
The problem of people taking up queue space because they’re crafting was way overblown.
Fishing for more transfer money.
“Most” of the people actually want them around according to the polls and most stuff I’m reading.
No. The correct conclusion is that most of the people (I’d say roughtly 70 percent) who stopped playing because of DBL when HoT was released, have never come back, hence the recent poll result.
No, this is a bullkitten kitten “conclusion” that you pulled out of your behind because you just cannot bear the thought that the majority of GW2 players do not share your distaste for a particular map. You people can literally never be happy. With the way this nnew poll went you will never even be forced to play on DBL because there will always be 2ABL maps (unless ANet introduces a new WvW map). Just accept that and be happy that you aren’t forced to play on a map you don’t enjoy.
Nope. I was around before HoT and have seen with my own eyes that population has decreased 70%. Did it ever recover? Not at all. Even with servers merged, WvW activity is pretty low.
How about a savings for those poor suckers who bought the “buy once, play forever” line. Although one might argue that if it sounds too good to be true, one might ought to have know better.
Yeah. And when the next expansion comes, you can expect to be way behind the power curve if you don’t get that. Not only that, presumably they’ll again take away some features you’ve earned and lock it behind the expansion.
Am I at a disadvantage if I don't buy HoT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685
Don’t bother with WvW/PvP without HoT. You’ll be at a massive disadvantage. And when the next expansion comes, you’ll be at a massive disadvantage again unless you get that. Side-grades indeed.
Yay, another worthless Jenna mini. Birthdays in GW2 are the most disappointing ever compared to the ones in GW1.
“Most” of the people actually want them around according to the polls and most stuff I’m reading.
No. The correct conclusion is that most of the people (I’d say roughtly 70 percent) who stopped playing because of DBL when HoT was released, have never come back, hence the recent poll result.
Another inexplicably bad decision.
Anet really has no choice. If they had done something about the disastrous HoT release in a timely manner, then maybe some of those who had left might have come back. But they waited six months. So the only option now is to merge servers, which is what server linking is.
All the good streamers have quit streaming GW2 PvP. There’s pretty much never more than 250 viewers (including PvE) anymore, except when that 500 man viewbot makes its rounds.
Compiling everyone’s thoughts on their opponents:
- Every server’s opponents are blobbers that run in one huge zerg.
- Every server’s opponents hide behind siege and are afraid to fight.
- Every server’s opponents consists of zergs who get wiped by guild groups 1/3 the size.
The only true fact is that coverage is what determines 98% of matchups so everyone is wasting their time bragging about how skilled their server is.
The ruins were just a natural progession of map design fail:
- Skyhammer
- BL Ruins
- Desert BL
Interestingly they all fail for very similar reasons. And Anet had plenty of time to learn from one fail to the next, they just didn’t. All three should be deleted from the game.
Edit: as Deniara Devious points out, EoTM belongs on the fail-list as well.
(edited by Lord Kuru.3685)
Yes. Cut out the slot reserved for the DBL.
As the title says.
The poll tells us all those people who quit the game after the launch of DBL haven’t come back, and won’t.
imo 2 months is to much… some servers will be in pain due imba matchups and bad linkings.
2 months is long enough that bandwagoning to those servers linked to T1 will still be worth it. So gem sales for transfers will continue — every 2 months. Not surprising this is the route they took.
What I can’t comprehend is how people think more frequent linking is going to result is fresh match-ups in NA?
Many voted for 1 month to because the shorter the linking time, the less we’d see temporary bandwagoning to the bottom servers that are linked with the very top ones.
It’s Boaty McBoatface all over again. No point in voting in any more of these polls.
There’s a reason legitimate voting schemes use runoff elections. So now we have an option 84% of players voted against.
Just wait till the next new big thing. Raids will be dropped just like dungeons and fractals. They’ll tell us 6 months after development ceases.
People like playing the way it is now: bus schedule simulator.
WvW has lost so many players that they pretty much have to court former players to return. How else is the population ever going to go back up to decent levels?
I’m not sure this topic is the good place for wishful thinkings and projets about WvW mechanics or even new maps… And it’s mainly because, should DBL be voted out, the devs won’t probably pay much attention to WvW in the forecoming months.
If the devs think DBL should remain the game, it’s better if they don’t pay much attention to WvW.