Showing Posts For Namu.5712:

Tip for sparki and slick

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Namu.5712


Sparki first is much easier (and faster to kill than slick). The problem is that sparki doesn’t just do fire damage. He does pulls as well, which can screw you over if you are targeted by slick and the ooze.

We kill sparki first every time and its easy mode. The only reason it wouldn’t be easy is the person thats kiting the ooze isn’t doing it right theres never more than one puddle up when we kill sparki first. Also sparki ignites oil…

Support Builds/Classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712



Go full damage and still give group support.

Or go damage/support in your trait tree and use zerker for pve and something a bit more sturdy for WvW. Going glass in W3 can be bad these days with the current zerg happenings.

Superior Rune of the Traveler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


47 gold, 99 silver, 73 copper as of this moment to buy 6 runes.

Is there any plan on implementing a way to get these that do not imply cutting an arm off and sell it at the asura market? Or at least an alternative that do not involve going through RNG with the MF or massive grind for that gold?!

They are the new hot rune, they were 7g yesterday. I am guessing someone bought up alot of them and drove up the prices on purpose if that really is there cost now.

Give it a month or two they will drop in price over time.

Blackgate VS Sanctum Of Rall Gold 1st

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


I wouldn’t brag about stealing bandwagon guilds. Very few of them are actually worth anything in pvp.

Like someone said before JQ has been a bandwagon server and has stacked before. Doesn’t make them unbeatable by any means.

Am I the type of player you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


No offense with this reply to you OP, so please don’t take this as a personal attack, ect.

What I get from your post is that you DO NOT want to work for anything, because to you working towards gear/items ect. = grind/treadmilling.

You want to be able to login and have fun, having things given to you because of my previous statement.

You feel very reluctant to spend any time gaining karma or spending your laurels because the fear of ANet putting in different or better gear will render your karma/laurel items/gear less effective.

I again meant not offense with my reply, it just seems like you want to login and have fun and put NO work into it because it will just end in you being outdone or outclassed later on.

Best of luck, and I hope my harshness wasn’t enough to push you over the edge.

Work? This is a game.

I want to spend time getting better at the professions I enjoy playing rather than spending time getting gear so I can compete. Is that so terrible?

sPvP if you want to work on professions and compete.

WvW competition…. LOL please. Whoever has the bigger zerg wins.

I beg to differ our 40 man comp just wiped a 80 man TC zerg easy…. multiple times… and there are plenty videos out there of smaller 5 mans taking 20 people on at once.

So no bigger zerg does not = win

Remember Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Namu.5712


Sure the prof needs some tweaks. But its far from red headed stepchild category. That belongs to engi, or some other class that is truly not viable in many areas

Engi?! Seriously, your post lost all credibility when you chose engi.

I should have been more clear compared to the rest of the professions they are rather lackluster for pve….

Was it Really a Good Trade?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


No not worth it.

Living story sounds great on paper but in reality it is the suck.

Its nothing but the same rehashed stuff over and over again with a new story slapped on and a grind for a backpiece/AP. And heres the best part if you weren’t playing those two weeks you missed out on it completely. No new zones, no new nothing really. Its a very cheap way to make it seem like your adding to the game without really having to do much work.

At this point its just rinse/repeat for me. I would much perfer slapping 50 bucks on a new expansion that has a new race, new skills, new weapons, new armors, new encounters, a new zone (thats properly done and added to the world… south sun was not done right thus its a ghost town), new dungeons in the new zone again that fits in the story and isn’t a hashed on event that makes the new zone worthless after the LS is over -.-.

So about that claim that end game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


A focus on grinding amazing looking skins if you chose to….

I am sorry but the only really good looking skins have been BS gem store items.

We have yet to really receive any in game content that leads to a amazing cosmetic armor set.

And now with the ascended horror armor set on the way I have my doubts about future cosmetic items.

What are everyone elses opinions on this?

Do you feel a bit let down that they have yet to introduce anything other than Black lion chest weapon skins, and endless backpieces?

Do you think they will start adding better looking armor sets after the ascended armor business is out of the way?

Remember Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Namu.5712



PVE Gaurd is one of the best prof’s you can take right along with war, mes, ele, ranger.

WvW Gaurd is amazing as it can fill several roles based on its load out. If the meta is conditions it only makes sense to create a build that is made to counter them… I have no problem with condi on my gaurd…… think this might be a L2P issue.

Sure the prof needs some tweaks. But its far from red headed stepchild category. That belongs to engi, or some other class that is truly not viable in many areas

Tired of Empty Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712



“You can get 100 gold in a day or so….”

Really, please tell, it’s taken me since beta to get to 500 gold.

First of all you have to actually play.

That out of the way.

Mega bosses, hit them all or at least the popular ones…. wont take you long maybe a half an hour.

Hit up temple fights in orr.

You generally net several rares that way and sometimes exotics. As well as money.

Run a few Paths, your pick. Generally get around 2 gold for a path.

Craft your daily 500 crafts, they sell for over 4-5 gold.

Run around and grab your ori, and ancient nodes.

Craft some ori inscriptions, sell for around 8-9 gold.

Farm champs for awhile. They net alot of T6 mats that sell for a good amount and you often get 10 in a bag.

Theres alot more there to do but those are the most straight forward really.

But like I said you have to actually play.

[Merged] Ascended Armor Impressions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


Im not gonna sugar coat it.

This armor is by far the worst looking in the game. All of it.

Whoever is doing gear at Anet needs to be re-educated/replaced…

Really its bad looking. I feel like when it got approved its similar to how if a girl asks if a pair of pants makes her look fat. you reply no of course not you look hot! Was that the approval process these armors took? Seems like it.

dragonite ore are absurd...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


I have the gw2stuff, gw2state and dragontimer sites up
when I have time to play

I also guest to 2 high population servers along with my own
hoping to get those boss events done and to get those 500 dragonite ores
so far I’ve only managed to get about 200 of them
as compared to my 1k+ bloodstones
and dungeon obtained empyreal fragments are not a problem for me

I will have the 500 I need eventually but wow…
this doesn’t take as long as the fractal backpiece but it sure feels that way

Lol for everyone its different. I had 500+ the very first day of dragonite.

It then took me 2 days of specifically playing dungeons to get the emp frags.

Dragonite isn’t hard to get you can get it rather fast. Esp if you have multiple characters.

Tired of Empty Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


You can get 100 gold in a day or so….. deleting 4 80’s is rather stupid. Sorry it had to be said.

Also when server transfers were free it was horrible. A server would start winning in W3 bam hundreds of transfers instantly. This was something that happened on a daily basis, and yes it was bad for the game and really made alot of people mad. There was alot of name calling on the forums during that time. Want to transfer? Pony up 20 bucks or farm 90 gold and transfer its not that hard.

(edited by Namu.5712)

Why does RNG even exist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


Anet will never implement a system that doesn’t screw over a group of players while the other group gets hundreds of gold worth of drops for doing the same thing.

I have a friend that has gotten over 10 precursors both from mystic toliet and world drops. In my year of playing I have seen 1! and that was from Mystic. And that was after probably over 1k gold over a period of time.

The RNG in this game makes many people just hate playing in general.

Lackluster New Content

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Namu.5712


IDK how you could call the teq revamp underwhelming OP. It’s some of the best content in this game. I wish MORE of the fights had multiple tatics/phases required in them like the teq fight (I also love lupi because of this kinda stuff).

The go and click on X teeth etc. part was stupid and just kinda tacked on there to make it a living story kinda thing though (seriously stop doing this skilless kinda junk a-net). But who cares, the teq fight is awesome.

This time around we’re getting a new dung. You havn’t even seen it. Wait until you’ve done it.

I would call this underwhelming. Day #2 of the new Tequatl encounter on my realm:

I love the time on the minimap ;p 4 am…


Just because a server can’t muster the numbers to even cap a single map doesn’t mean it’s bad content. I’m sure the 4am part had something to do with that though :P

That would be a wednesday as well.

It’s ridiculous how you’re all just dismissing the very true and sad facts Elbegast just posted by pulling cheap tricks.

Yes it’s on a wednesday, what other day would it be? If it’s the second day of the release it’s gonna be wednesday since all content updates are released on a tuesday.

And the fact it’s 4am on his clock means nothing. I play in the US servers yet I’m 4 hours ahead of the server time.

But either way, all of that is meaningless since I remember back with the Zephyrite Sanctum update how one time I got on at 6am my time which was either 2-3am server time and the sanctum was full of life.

Despite the late hour and despite being in the middle of the week there were people jumping around everywhere, doing the sanctum sprint and all that jazz.

That’s because the Zephyrite Sanctum was an actual update that added lots of things for players to do, enjoy and experience. While even though I appreciate the Tequatl change it’s undeniable how it barely added anything new to the game.

Well on my server at 4am on a weekday theres an overflow for teq, an overflow for wvw, sometimes LA overflow.

Whats your point some servers are very low pop, and dead at night. Other servers (alot) are bustling with players all hours.

This is before teq revamp… lol 810AM MONDAY MORNING -.-.


Paid more for gems than a sub fee this year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


I have spent probably over 1k since gw2 launched.

But you know I have had my fun, and its far cheaper than my other hobbies.

Just bought a new snowmobile… 13k… 5k down, 120 dollar each month. Then add in gas, maintance, gas for my truck to take it to the mountains on a weekly basis….

New snowboard this year, weekend tickets run around 50 bucks, I generally pay for my girlfriend as well so 100 bucks a weekend + food + gas driving to the mountain bout an hour away.

4 wheeling, mountain biking, and dirt biking during the summer. Along with camping and all the gear that entails for hiking.

So ya 1k on a game for when im not out… is pretty cheap for me.

But I suppose if I didn’t have the money I wouldn’t like a sub. I want to login without having to pay ya know.

I basically paid 6 peoples subs if you look at it in those terms. Im sure theres many out there with higher incomes that have the money and also spend a good amount in game. So really it keeps the game afloat. And those that refuse to spend a dime still have a game to play because other people figuratively pick up the slack with higher than normal spending.

(edited by Namu.5712)

Lackluster New Content

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Namu.5712


ill be honest, I want a new zone to explore and a big update.

Its great that Anet is providing content every month. But its all temp content for the most part and somewhat lacking at times.

I think alot of people are ready for something big, not more temp content.

Never enough of technology...

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Namu.5712


Seriously, I thought I bought a fantasy game. But after seeing megalasers attached to skyships defended by golems, and repelling a terimantor invasion from an alternate future (after I destroyed a high-tech weapon facility), what about magic? Most of the classes are magic users. Only engineers and sometimes thieves fit this game nothing else (warrior is totally outdated). Others are outcasts.

Why aren’t we replaced with golems? It’s just a matter of time I guess.

TA was one of the few fantasy-only dungeons, but BAM it needs some technology for sure.

Will fantasy ever return?

ummmm since beta and beyond they have shown robots and other tech…. why on earth you think this game wouldn’t have those elements. Also steampunk is considered fantasy.

Not sure if your trying to troll or not but ya….

Making content your engine can't handle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


my advice get a new system

I run an i7/GTX780. I can play in the zerg literally maxed out. I have never ever once gotten a DC at the start of a large event.

This isn’t a game problem this is a im too lazy cheap or broke to upgrade my system.

Gaming is a relatively cheap hobby compared to other hobby’s save up those pennies for a new GPU.

Best solo/sustaining class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


Warrior was the top class damage and survive wise a few months back but honestly Guard has taken up that throne.

Better defense and better DPS, esp after the HB nerf.

Best solo/sustaining class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


I’ll just say Ranger- and run out of this thread….

I leveled a ranger as my first class at launch…. all I have to say is you are right.

Pet spec, short bow = champ soloer as you level. and you have very little chance to get hit or die.

How close are you to 300% MF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


if your trying to boost your magic find on purpose dont buy blues and greens.

So if your going for high magic find do it the right way.

When you invest 82g and only get 70g+ back, this sounds like a net loss to me.
If you buy the right items, you make a guaranteed profit, while getting essences of luck.

Im talking if your specifically trying to get your luck up fast. A stack of ecto’s generally nets you 15+ stacks of luck if not more. and 2 to 3 stacks of T6 dust.

Let Anet know we want more Teq!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


if the drops match the difficulty sure.

But the drops from teq so far def not worth the time/effort to organize.

Am I the type of player you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


No offense with this reply to you OP, so please don’t take this as a personal attack, ect.

What I get from your post is that you DO NOT want to work for anything, because to you working towards gear/items ect. = grind/treadmilling.

You want to be able to login and have fun, having things given to you because of my previous statement.

You feel very reluctant to spend any time gaining karma or spending your laurels because the fear of ANet putting in different or better gear will render your karma/laurel items/gear less effective.

I again meant not offense with my reply, it just seems like you want to login and have fun and put NO work into it because it will just end in you being outdone or outclassed later on.

Best of luck, and I hope my harshness wasn’t enough to push you over the edge.

Work? This is a game.

I want to spend time getting better at the professions I enjoy playing rather than spending time getting gear so I can compete. Is that so terrible?

sPvP if you want to work on professions and compete.

WvW competition…. LOL please. Whoever has the bigger zerg wins.

Best solo/sustaining class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


Warrior has a constant heal sure.

But guard can perma blind, and aegis every fight indef.

A blind mob does no damage, a blocked mob does no damage and you dont need a shield for it its just there.

Basically up to you.

Warrior is good but guards are equally good. And to be honest guards are on par if not better than warriors with their dps these days. Hundred blades now does a bit less damage than a Guards Whirl.

I will never kill TEQ cause of overflows

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


You are doing it wrong. I have gotten over 20 kills… I kitten sure dont sit there all day either.

Not hard to get into main server if you are from the server and group up.

How close are you to 300% MF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Namu.5712


if your trying to boost your magic find on purpose dont buy blues and greens.

Buy ecto’s and salavage them with a yellow kit. You get anywhere from 1 to 9+ T6 dusts which sell for around 11s to 15s, and they reward like 9 blue lucks and more often green, yellow, orange lucks.

So basically you end up dropping 82gold on 250 ecto’s. But end up getting like 70g+ back. The most dust ive gotten back from 250 ecto’s was 700 something. I basically profited on that one. and had 32 stacks of luck.

So if your going for high magic find do it the right way.

I am at 182% MF by the way.

Whats the consensus on rezzing people?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


If someone is down res them fast.

If someone died waypoint and run back.

And the reason why… is its normally not one person dead. Its several.

See thats the thing…I see people die and continue to wait to be rezzed. I wont rez those people. If people go down next to me….I will immediately rez them.

Whisper them and tell them no one will res them and they need to res and run back.

Some dont know.

Whats the consensus on rezzing people?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


If someone is down res them fast.

If someone died waypoint and run back.

And the reason why… is its normally not one person dead. Its several.

Also from my experience its the same person dieing over and over again. So that person is now wasting everyones dps. So they can run back and do turrets or something else.

Your Best Drop From New Teq So Far ?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


dont think anyone has gotten the new teq skin… just shows how low a drop rate it is….

like .0001% lol

So it wasn't impossible.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Ya sorry VOIP is not a arguement…… most gamers these days use VOIP lol. It is pretty standard…. its part of the social aspect…. its a huge part of WvW, you dont have time to type out plans and where to go -.-.

Servers that have beaten Tequatl add yours

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Another 2 from BG tismorning

So it wasn't impossible.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Just sayin.

For all you negative nancy’s out there.

Well done Perry Mason. Tho no one complains about the dragon or the fight per se. They complain about: guesting, overflow, afk, trolls on turrets, trolls dead and not releasing, event not scaling, etc. Most people who have half a brain and have beaten or are still trying to beat it agree those are real issues, and fear the event will turn into another ghost town as the hype vanish.

Fair enough, I dont like playing with negative people that dont even want to try/listen. Sue me.

If you don’t like to play with negative people you should try and understand what causes that negativity and frustration. See where it comes from and maybe realize there are bad developing/polishing issues causing massive problems to the community. You don’t have to care tho, but at least don’t go bragging on forums cause you leeched a kill.

I dont call sitting in TS from the time it launched till the first kill (8-9 hours) actively working with a team and strategizing, leeching. I dont call my 7 kills after that helping other servers kill it leeching either, when I dont even get the chests for it -.-.

Get some perspective.

Sorry for provoking you, but I was trying to get some perspective on this thread aswell.

No worry’s being called a leech is very irritating, the only reason I do teq now is literally to help other people out as I have my wings, my title and everything else. I have no other reason to do it really. I just sit in map all day on TS and work, in between spawns then take a 15 minute break to help kill him then go back to work on my other screen.

I hope honestly people will take the info they get from a kill back to their server and bring them to a victory. So that even after this event, there will be a general knowledge and people will be able to kill him without TS.

So it wasn't impossible.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Just sayin.

For all you negative nancy’s out there.

Well done Perry Mason. Tho no one complains about the dragon or the fight per se. They complain about: guesting, overflow, afk, trolls on turrets, trolls dead and not releasing, event not scaling, etc. Most people who have half a brain and have beaten or are still trying to beat it agree those are real issues, and fear the event will turn into another ghost town as the hype vanish.

Fair enough, I dont like playing with negative people that dont even want to try/listen. Sue me.

If you don’t like to play with negative people you should try and understand what causes that negativity and frustration. See where it comes from and maybe realize there are bad developing/polishing issues causing massive problems to the community. You don’t have to care tho, but at least don’t go bragging on forums cause you leeched a kill.

I dont call sitting in TS from the time it launched till the first kill (8-9 hours) actively working with a team and strategizing, leeching. I dont call my 7 kills after that helping other servers kill it leeching either, when I dont even get the chests for it -.-.

Get some perspective.

So it wasn't impossible.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Just sayin.

For all you negative nancy’s out there.

Says the person who gave up on SoS. >_>

Fair enough, I dont like playing with negative people that dont even want to try/listen. Sue me.

Sea of Sorrows

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Thanks for trying anyway Namu, really appreciate it, again we apologize for those players, no idea why they’re here i remember SoS always being a friendly place of Oceanic folks.

I’ll still keep on trying though, don’t really want to get a kill on another server (as of yet), it’s just amazing how hard it is to organize an overflow for us on TS to play in heh :P

If overflows were numbered it would be doable especially if a warning came up saying your main server is full and gave you an option to CHOOSE what overflow your going to.

Then you could organize way easier.

Hope that comes to the game eventually. Think it will resolve alot of our issues.

Teq 2.0 Behavior of our Gaming Society

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


You should be in the BG Teamspeak. Because there exists a group that is not in your little observation. There have been many leaders for the servers success, working together.

Even people not leading were helping lead other areas like turret defense. Or calling out when needing help at a battery.

And every time people fall in line, follow whose leading and do what they are supposed to do.

On the flip side I have been to servers where you give suggestions (not orders) and people just blow up and degrade each other…. its very interesting to see.

Sea of Sorrows

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


It was very frustrating. So I left the server dropped 20 bucks on a transfer I like to play and enjoy my play it was a big eye opener after seeing those players. Sucks for all the nice good players in SoS that a few can run it for the whole.

So it wasn't impossible.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Doesnt change the fact that it wasn’t impossible.

GW2 needs built in voice chat

Servers that have beaten Tequatl add yours

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Black gate has about 7 kills, ive been there for all of them except maybe any late night ones. But 7 for sure.

So it wasn't impossible.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Just sayin.

For all you negative nancy’s out there.

Sea of Sorrows

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


I was on SoS, I have 7 kills under my belt and the world first….. I tried organizing and giving pointers and all I got was crap thrown my way on how I was wrong and didn’t know anything.

Your server is hopelessly full of rigid, rude players. Have fun getting help.

Welcome to Blackgate

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


All I have to say is it’s ridiculous to see people post how their ‘community’ deserves priority over someone from a different ‘community’. We are all the SAME community! The GW2 community stop complaining about every update that comes out it makes the WHOLE community look like ungrateful crybabies.


We are ALL dealing with the same problems not just you. We all want to beat Tequatl and maybe if you didn’t want people guesting to your server in huge masses you shouldn’t of bragged all about it on the forums.

To be fair sites like Dulfy are to blame actively telling players to go guest on servers if their server cant do it.

They removed the list of servers that have beaten it and the suggestion to guest at the request of many players.

(edited by Namu.5712)

playtested for 60-80 people?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


I will be honest. I find it hard to believe this encounter was play-tested for that amount of people and done successfully.

I was part of the world first on BG, and the second, and the 3rd kill on ET. I will tell you right now those maps were FULL 150 people…. and it was down to the wire each time. Only on the BG kill world first did we have 2 minutes left on the clock. I mean these are serious people we were doing this with, 25 stacks of bloodlust, undead potion for 10% more damage, pure power gear with vit and toughness (crit means nothing in this fight), 100 power and 70 vit food. Everyone fully decked out in consumables and for the most part legendary/ascended gear. With power increasing runes. And we are down to the wire 90% of the time?

Your testing sucks, did your beta testers even complete this encounter?

Its an awesome fight, but after this event is over organizing 150 people to kill him isn’t going to happen often if at all…. simply because the rewards suck for the effort and planning needed to do it successfully.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


to let you know guys there’S option to automaticly move from overflow to main server and it dosnt matter how many people are on main u will get in there anyway. I wont tell u solution here but i guess many people already know about that It just bypass queue

Joining on a party member already in the main map…. the problem is there is a hardcap on the main map that cannot be bypassed.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Namu.5712


I have an idea for overflows based on the current living story.

It seems that overflows should be named or rather.

If your on blackgate and you try joining that server you get sent to a blackgate overflow.

Or perhaps if the main server is full you are given a choice of overflows to choose from allowing you and your mates to coordinate where you will play rather than luck of the draw.

It is time to Disable guesting

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


I think if you dont move every few minutes you get kicked like in WvW.

And if it detects a macro to bypass that you get kicked as well.

I find it very annoying that people hold their spots for events but when the even starts they are still gone….. FOR HOURS. I have no problem with someone akitteng between events to stay on the map…. but if your not gonna be there when it starts and everyone is needed….

Eredon Terrace: VICTORY!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Manoa, this is pretty much what is happening to Blackgate currently from all the other people guesting over.

What happened: with the new build from the patch, those who were dedicated on Blackgate were fighting Teq in the old build, while those who patched got in. In order to get everyone that was in BG Teamspeak and ready to fight organized, we all went to ET.

Unfortunately, with the population in Blackgate (both guests and local) getting everyone in who is active and on Teamspeak guesting to a low population server seems to be the best option for us.

Regardless, our guesting to ET showed other people the general strategy. With proper organization other servers can do it as well. Eventually it won’t even be necessary for all the teamspeak once people know the mechanics and how best to deal damage.

But our server isn’t low population though, last time I remember, it was high.

All I know is that when we checked there were hardely any in the map…. we were able to pretty effortlessly get our entire TS into the map, only some stragglers hit overflow.

Many of the ET Natives loved the help and seeing how its killed, if anything it raised morale. I think tomorrow ET will have much better time with the event and more people from their server show up.

Dragon Chest

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Again just shows that removing the trinity created one single role DPS or GTFO in gw2. Everyman/woman for themselves.

Eredon Terrace: VICTORY!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Namu.5712


Ill tell you what happened.

Anet dropped a patch in the middle of teq.

So all the people who KNEW what they were doing on black gate logged out patched after teq could not get back in that includes commanders and all. All the guesters that were trying to guest then took their spots.

So we decided we will go to a low pop server. When we went to ET there were literally like 3 people in the teq area….. thus we setup shop. Got to 1% the first time, downed it the second with ET natives.

Had there not been stupid guesting on servers for these types of events and the caps that are in place things like this wouldn’t have to be done.