Once upon a time you didn’t need to level, we were told that you would have to level but it wasn’t the case. Has this been fixed ? or can you still enter manually.
What, and commit resources to WvW ? this is madness.
So basically people could decide they hate X server, create a bunch of free accounts, choose said hated server and AFK in WvW to manipulate.
Working as intended.
One option is to make it so swords don’t pop unless the Gate/Wall has taken 5% dmg, this would mean the person tapping has to spend some time on it. The downside is now you will have people complaining that you aren’t getting ample warning for when the structure is actually under attack.
The simplest solution is to have your own scouts tapping and checking for tapped structures and relaying the info. I know it’s not optimal for lower tiers but I don’t know that you will find a happy medium for a solution. That and then you have to trust that the Dev’s won’t get crazy with it and make things considerably worse.
Pin sniping will still happen, really it’s not overly complicated to find the Comm, target they one that the herd is following, 99% profit rate.
Fixed an issue where Engi’s and Rangers could enter WvW game mode.
(edited by Nuzt.7894)
If you EVER want to fix WvW, make it one server against one server.
Glad you’re not in charge of anything, this would break it even more. 1 v 1 server matches would equal 1 dominant server which would cause the weaker of the two to stop playing. With three teams there is always the option to double team the dominant, or attack the other of the 2 weaker servers.
This is why open field PvP games tend to flourish when its a threeway match and tend to die out when its a 2 way. One side will always dominate due to morale and size.
Devs have stated that balance is fine, it’s balanced around large scale, this thread should be deleted because we all know that everything Dev’s say is 100% accurate and there is no need to question them.
How is 5, 4, 3 any different from 3, 2, 1? In the end, the server in third place will be 2 points behind the server in first place, and 1 point behind the server in 2nd place for every skirmish in those positions. After 10 skirmishes with the same results, the third place server will still be 20 points behind the first place server.
How is this any better than 2, 1, 1?
The psychology and strategy is totally different. If take the same skirmish placements, translate them to 543 (owr whatever point value you create), yes, you will still get the same placements. However, under a different scoring system, people play totally different, so making a direct numerical comparison is illogical.
Actually assuming that player “play totally different” is a pretty presumptuous. I haven’t met a single player that plays any different then they always have based on scoring system. At the end of the day those players that like taking objectives still take objectives and the ones who enjoy fights still look for fights.
It’s not any better, but if they used 3, 2, 1 that would mean they might have to acknowledge that the player base actually knows what their talking about. This way they can use 5, 4, 3 and say it was their idea, when they get a bad review they can say they came up with the idea of how to fix the problem and thus are paying attention to WvW.
It’s the enormous Anet Ego they can’t put aside for the betterment of the game and playerbase.
Salty because of neglect, for every action (or lack there of) there is a reaction.
Nope, this has been asked numerous times. It’s a terrible idea, unless of course they finally want to drive that nail into the WvW coffin, yup that would probably do it.
This thread brightened my day.
A higher skilled thief that can’t tell when a stealth trap is being set.
Next on Dr. Phil, High skilled Guardians that always get CC’d.
I have found the only time there is no response is typically when, there is only 1 Comm on and is mid Siege, or it is Red BL because it’s easier to just pretend it doesn’t exists. Theres all these people who supposedly love the map so they should be defending it or recapping when the enemy has finished which won’t take long because they will want to get off the map asap.
There are gaming companies out there that flourish because of their interaction with players and their employees, it’s really not a difficult concept, it’s a very easy circle to achieve but you have to know when to put your enormous ego aside which sadly, Anet cannot.
Happy Players = more income, More income = money for raises, Raises = Happy Employees, Happy Employees = more productivity, More productivity = more content, more content = Happy Players.
See how the circle works?
They did it because with a couple thieves/mesmers it was completely possible to get inside the spawn and start the literal spawn camping.
Necro/Reaper – Mid/Backline – Can never have to many necro’s
Ele/Tempest – Front/Mid/Backline – Can never have to many
Rev – You already know
Mesmer/Chrono – This can work but it’s not as popular, usually anymore then 2 is not really needed in organized play so you run the risk of losing a spot to one of the 3 above.
The devs clearly stated the BG has less players than JQ and many of the linked worlds. Just because they have done well doesn’t mean players need to suffer from burn out to compete, and it also doesn’t mean that players don’t quit playing either… It’s kind of foolish to think that any server needs to be forever locked out regardless of ranking or performance.
I have a Bridge for sale, I’ll even let it go for a Discounted price just for you.
On a more serious note, I would imagine they are trying to get Mag closed by increasing activity and trying to get BG open by lowering activity. Nothing new, it is what BG does, I can guarantee Anet will fall for it hook line and sinker just like they always do followed by BG openly mocking Anets incompetence with “We need more players on BG” threads.
What a silly argument, let me clear it up,
If it’s not breaking any “rules” or TOS ect then it is a legit tactic regardless of the fictional rules you have in your head. BUT it is pathetic if the two people are actively fighting one another. I can see someone running back to there party or zerg or whatever trying to avoid combat because they just want to get back to their grp but a consenting battle … THUNDERDOME, TWO MEN ENTER ONE MAN LEAVES.
Either way it’s not again any rules therefore it is a legit tactic it’s just lame AF.
There are no rules only what can be done and what cant be and atm what can be done by some classes comply destroy any other class and foces the game into a very toxic / unfun game play of all in conditions dmg. When ppl play like this they are destroying the very game that they are playing and we are saying it should be fixed.
Take the ghost thf at one point is it ok for them to have stealth forever and are able to keep a player in combat forever effectively locking them into place in a harassment way that if done in any other format would be seen as out right bulling? This build is so toxic that most ppl would simply log out just to get away from this because its the only way or simply letting the thf kill you. Where is the fun game play in that?
I never said it was fun, I also called it pathetic, but as it is not breaking anything in the ToS, it’s legitimate regardless of how we feel about it.
I’ve never understood these posts, as many have pointed out, there are several exits you can use as well as other maps. If you’re brand new to WvW I could see the concern because you may not know of the other exits but if you’re not … how do you not know about the other exits.
Knowing that no matter how easy the fix is, the Dev’s will find a way to over complicate it and completely drop the ball leaving us with some kind of abomination that nobody had asked for.
What a silly argument, let me clear it up,
If it’s not breaking any “rules” or TOS ect then it is a legit tactic regardless of the fictional rules you have in your head. BUT it is pathetic if the two people are actively fighting one another. I can see someone running back to there party or zerg or whatever trying to avoid combat because they just want to get back to their grp but a consenting battle … THUNDERDOME, TWO MEN ENTER ONE MAN LEAVES.
Either way it’s not again any rules therefore it is a legit tactic it’s just lame AF.
No one would get a tag, I don’t think there’s a WvW player out there that would be able to resist trolling such a ridiculous idea.
eh don´t try to take it serious. WvW is not made for it.
But a tryout event for fun :-). Would end in chaos and weaken defence seriously but i guess it´s worth for a week and no you don´t need invisible walls unless flying somwhere outside crashes the game …
How quickly everyone forgets Golem week, that 1 week was enough to make a healthy amount of WvW players uninstall and never look back.
I want to gouge my eyes out after reading this thread. It wouldn’t work and there is more important issues that need the Dev’s attention in WvW that isn’t creating invisible walls or redesigning WvW maps to accommodate a bunch of PvE’s that will go slumming in WvW once a year so they can tell their other PvE’s how cool they are.
It’s not just the time spent moving around the map, it’s the ups and downs and ravines and cliffs, it’s annoying more than anything else. If I want to climb cliffs, cross rope bridges, fight mobs on cliff faces, have uneeded obstacles shooting up in front of me, and get rerouted every 10 seconds I’d play PvE, I expect that in PvE. In WvW I want to find and fight other people, not avoid them or be able to catch up to them or reach them, the map is great for PvE but its crap for WvW.
None of that matters to me, it does not affect me in any manner, if and when I complete a daily it’s as simple as “oh look I forgot I get stuff for doing stuff”. However, the OP seems to be the type of person that cares and so if what he/she says is true that completing dailies is more time consuming in WvW then it should be changed to fall in line with every other game mode for the sake of those who give 2 craps.
If nothing changes, I personally won’t even notice. The point is making it enjoyable for everyone and if Dailies are what some players play for then by all means change them to suit these people. It won’t affect those of us who do not care either way.
I seriously hope this is a troll, between this and the Warrior rifle thread I don’t know how much easier everyone want this game to be.
I don’t play for the dailies at all but, the OP has a point if it’s so mind numbingly easy and very little time invested in every other mode then WvW should be no different. Is it a priority ? definitely not but I also suspect changing a couple numbers is not an extensive procedure.
We get rewarded very little in comparison to PvE to begin with, I don’t see why our dailies (for those that actively care) should be harder or more time consuming to achieve.
Because if you or the OP are being honest you would agree they are not difficult. The only one remotely difficult is Keep Capture. If anything I’d double or triple that reward and not remove or change it otherwise.
Boosts take care of the World EXP issue. Know what to do and it goes by in no time. Hook up with a commander, even faster. I can solo it in no time even when out numbered or playing in a matchup that we are getting steam rolled. Vets are a no brainer. You may have to travel a bit but again several choices across two maps.
I’d wager either of you probably didn’t like the original game launch and the need for the jump puzzles in WvW to count has map complete…boy, those bring back threads with alligator tears.
If myself or the OP was being honest ? lolok I really don’t care if they change them or not, it does however make sense if what the OP is saying is true. The day I play this game to do dailies … I’m not even going to finish this sentence because it will never happen. As for map completion, never done it, don’t care, never intend to. Anything else you would like to be so incredibly wrong about ?
delete WvW already. Everything gets nerfed because of this kitten mode.
The PvE’s r cute, but really your scripted fights and your ability to RP will be fine. Your world won’t end if it’s disabled for a short duration I promise.
On the flip side if they never introduced them to appease the care bears to begin with, WvW wouldn’t have had this issue, so please delete PvE, it’s always causing game breaking issues for WvW.
I don’t play for the dailies at all but, the OP has a point if it’s so mind numbingly easy and very little time invested in every other mode then WvW should be no different. Is it a priority ? definitely not but I also suspect changing a couple numbers is not an extensive procedure.
We get rewarded very little in comparison to PvE to begin with, I don’t see why our dailies (for those that actively care) should be harder or more time consuming to achieve.
It’s less about learning and more about interest, if I buy a new game I can usually tell if I’m going to like it or not with the first 5-10 min, I won’t bother putting in the effort to learn if I already know I’m never going to play it. So learning to stay on tag is irrelevant if the map is not enjoyable.
Sometimes I wonder how amazing WvW would be if players would just play it as intended, and stop trying to metagame and exploit every little thing.
Seriously all the tonic exploiting, market manipulating, server population rigging, spy/sabotage accouts, etc. are whats killing this gamemode more than anything anet ever did.
Why can’t we just beat each other up like normal civilized people?
Humanity as a whole is anything but Civilized, we just tell ourselves we are to make us feel better about ourselves.
I’d like to suggest an equally stupid explanation for the DBls being relatively quiet. “Casuals”/QQ’ers have never bothered learning the DBL, so feel too scared to go there in case they get lost or accidentally walk off a high ledge
You shouldn’t have to work to enjoy something. It’s either enjoyable and then you put the effort in to learn more about it, or it’s not and you don’t look back. I’m sure I could plaster your quote with analogies but why bother, it’s common sense, if something doesn’t grab your interest within the first few minutes it likely never will.
Swagger, you can also access it through the sticky they put in when a poll is up. No rank up needed at all to vote.
Sure, but they looked at the numbers and gave a clear statement on the types of voters. I’m sure the margin of error (troll votes) is pretty low and inconsequential.
You have got to be the most gullible person on these forums, if Anet told you they accomplished world peace I’m sure you wouldn’t even question it, you would just blindly believe and insist it is the truth because Anet told you so.
Well ya I suppose it is if you’re one of those bottom of the barrel players, it’s been whined about since release and always dismissed because of how easy it is to dodge. Pay attention to your opponent, if you get hit with it, then you deserve it…
This comment has confirmed my hunch about you. You have no idea what you’re talking about, and are one of the clowns that tries extremely hard to defend a class that you like..
I play Guardian, sure I have a warrior, I have one of every class and multiples of some. Who doesn’t have a Warrior?
Truth hurts I guess is what this comes down to, if you were any good you would interrupt or dodge the attack. This is just another case of a below average player dying and running here to cry about x class because you were incapable of using the skill set you are given effectively.
That rifle ability has the largest telegraph and takes like 30 minutes to fire, it’s fine, dodge it.
0.3753s cast-time with quickness, which is readily accessible the instant you enter Berserk.
Your ‘30 minutes’ and ‘largest telegraph’ is nothing but one of the WORST exaggerations I’ve ever seen in this game.
Well ya I suppose it is if you’re one of those bottom of the barrel players, it’s been whined about since release and always dismissed because of how easy it is to dodge. Pay attention to your opponent, if you get hit with it, then you deserve it.
For the amount of Rifle warriors running around out there … it’s really not that bad, if it was so extremely OP everyone would be running it, which they are not. There are plenty of other classes that can easily rival a warrior in 1 v 1 or small grp play.
Yes … yes it would implode. The PvE QQ’s would be plentiful, and we all know they would get their way. Remember when Map completion require WvW … that but worse.
Both work, it comes down to preference, Mara/Dura gives more survivability, Zerk/X is pure dmg. Both are more then capable of dealing enough dmg so personally I would go Mara/Dura.
big server vs medium server vs mall server, this is what WvW was supose to be, ktrain were part of the design, to work like Alliance batles cap n leave shrines.
They will never change that.
This guy seems really obsessed with K-Training.
That rifle ability has the largest telegraph and takes like 30 minutes to fire, it’s fine, dodge it.
It will be fine, my MSI was more then capable for T1 playability.
Off the top of my head I can’t remember what the exact numbers were but it was more then playable. I am 1 hour ahead of West coast so basically West Coast and I didn’t find it all that noticeable. I should say though, I was playing late night NA times so around 10 pm EST – Some time early morning EST so there wasn’t a whole lot of Giant battles going on around me which may be the case as to why I barely noticed a difference between NA/EU.
Disagree, Epidemic is not the problem, how Conditions function is the main issue. I won’t get into details because its been brought up numerous times but there is so much wrong with how Conditions function, can be stacked, damage done, application ease, and ease of gearing.
Epidemic is just the messenger, don’t shoot the messenger.
Desert BL is no different than Obsidian Sanctum/Edge of the Mists. Can we treat it the same? It does have a few people on it just like Obsidian Sanctum. It definitely not as popular as Edge of the Mists. There’s always going to be some people who likes it, just like how they like doing JP at Obsidian or k-training at Edge of the Mists. Let it stay in WvW but move them to leisure time maps like Obsidian Sanctum or Edge of the Mists.
False nobody likes it, even if they say they do they are just uniformed and really do not like it, yes I speak for everyone in the world.
stealth is a defensive mechanic and to get negated for a duration by an external item feels wrong =/
Why don’t we have invulnerability disruptors or blink disruptors or block disruptors as well?
All takes time to lay the trap, all takes supply, all hard to use in the heat of combat.
No but we do have Conditions that ignore invuln, we do have attacks that cannot be blocked, we do have boon strips to negate several defensive boons some classes rely on. About the only thing on your list that doesn’t have a counter is blink, and one can’t perma blink such as they can perma stealth.
For solo or small group, all are good, play what is fun.