Showing Posts Upvoted By Oni Link.4621:

full solo q pls

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer

Every single game is horrible
Keep getting unfairgames vs 3/5 man

I’m not 100% sure what you’re referencing here. Are you being stacked against pre-mades, or are people on your team leaving?

Looked up your game history for the last week and you’ve had 5 out of 67 games that had the pre-mades stacked against you.

2015-01-24 20:20:50.000 Ranked 212 5 46.0900 Victory 500 371 39.0 -4.0
2015-01-24 23:14:16.000 Ranked 11111 41 54.0600 Victory 500 437 73.0 13.0
2015-01-29 16:31:56.000 Ranked 11111 311 50.3100 Desertion 475 500 41.0 0.0
2015-01-29 18:26:21.000 Ranked 11111 5 34.6900 Defeat 228 502 -25.0 7.0
2015-01-30 19:08:08.000 Ranked 1112 5 10.7800 Defeat 132 500 -226.0 8.0

The last two are the only ones that stand out as particularly bad, but could be explained by your deviation still settling (hopefully, will need to dig deeper).

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

(edited by Justin ODell.9517)

A lesson from MOBAs

in PvP

Posted by: aussieheals.6843


Like gw2 you are often placed with new players on your team in MOBAs. However they have a very unique way of balancing the problem. As an individual doing extremely well in a match your character is upgraded and you are able to carry your team effectively.

If you were a developer, how would you implement this system in gw2? How would you decide who receives upgrades and why?

IGN: Aussie Archer

Weekly ESL Go4GW2 Cups with $500 Cash Prize

in PvP

Posted by: BLUna.7928


  • Weekly Conquest Tournament
  • 500 USD Prizepool in NA, 500 Euro Prizepool in EU.
    • 1st: 400
    • 2nd: 100
  • NA: Sundays @ 4PM ET / 1PM PT
  • EU: Sundays @ 16 CET (10AM ET / 7AM PT)
  • No region or age restrictions.
  • Monthly Invitational Grand Final with 1500 USD (NA) and 1500 Euro (EU) Prizepool
  • Should last for the next 3-6 months (check total prize pool of 25,000 USD in ESL blog post)


Retired GW2 Shoutcaster
Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO

(edited by BLUna.7928)

Really now? Its called skill!

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Silly Waffle. Everyone knows it’s never the loser’s fault they lost on the internet. They were always cheated, because they’re far to uber pro to ever lose a fair fight.

Jokes aside, welcome to the intermet, where everyone must make an excuse when they lose. Losing hurts their delicate egos so they feel the need to lash out to protect their reputation of having mad skills.

At the end of the day it’s all just childish qq.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

your wow moments in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015


killed a dev using ret guardian LOL way back when dps guards are big jokes in spvp

Oneshotted grouch with d/p thief last year in hj lol

Screenshot or it didn’t happen.

POLL: Which Class IS the most broken?

in PvP

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I don’t see Asura on here.

Why I didn't watch on ToL? because of Asura

in PvP

Posted by: Tristan.7430


Its hard watch on anythink where you dont see what half of player doing, because they play Asura. It very hard to read animations from that small think and it gives big advantage to players which play Asura.

Remove Asura or change model to human in PvP for other player and spectators. It will help PvP alot.

Trist N
Officer in Necro Raiders [NR] | Gandara

Appropriate Pairing

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


However! Unskilled players are not a problem. It is only when one team gets populated by one or more unskilled players, meanwhile the other team gets all average/good players, which is the problem. So by hiding rank now, they hide this broken situation of a team hamstrung by an unskilled player while paired with average/good players.

In solo arena, the system works by sorting players by their MMR – deviation descending and them placing them onto the team that has the lower running total MMR. This means that if one side has more new players then it is just random chance. It also means the players on other team have a lower than average MMR becaue they were comparable to a new player with the default MMR – a very wide deviation. None of this gets reflected by ranks.

In team arena, players are put onto rosters based on their MMR – deviation, and then the matched against another roster by matching based on average MMR.

In both cases, the algorithm will very gradually increase the range of MMRs it will search over time to give players on the edges of the curve the opportunity to play.

Take home point: ArenaNet is aware of these issues with mismatched games, and have made the conscious decision to not fix it, due to lack of time or simply the architecture of the code doesn’t allow them to. Thus they hide rank so we will stop “proving” via screenshots that there is a problem with mismatched teams.

We are aware of the issue, and we have made the conscious choice to fix them, but those changes are not yet ready. If you’ve followed any of the many matchmaking threads, you should have a good idea where we are going. If not, we will give out more information as we get closer to the release of those changes.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

(edited by Justin ODell.9517)

PvE experience carrying over to PvP...

in PvP

Posted by: naphack.9346


So, I just happened to complete my daily during a match and the experience granted gave me a level up…
Instantly healing me to full health.
It baffles me, how Arenanet couldn’t foresee this happening, when they tied the PvE achievements to PvP.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Please Make Weapon Selectable From PvP Menu

in PvP

Posted by: the sober ninja.6539

the sober ninja.6539

I don’t want to accidentally load into my PvP build with my PvE or WvW builds’ weapon set. It would be nice if the the weapon were selectable from the PvP menu (this may conflict with some new wardrobe stuff) and I think that as long as we have the weapon needed for the PvP build selected in our inventory, we should just load in with that one. If there is no weapon in your inventory, you load into the match without an item in the weapon slot. To fix that problem, add a weapon token generator to the PvP build menu, and if you must, you can make it cost a few silver or w/e to match what it costs in HotM.

This would also allow us to more easily jump in and out of PvP from outside of the HotM (like LA or equivalent) — which is where I need to be to take care of all of the materials and stuff you get. So for that matter, add a bank and TP to HotM.

Added constructive criticism: Please add a way to toggle the fade in/out effects on the wardrobe UI. They’re too slow.

(edited by the sober ninja.6539)

Thank you so much for the Feature Pack!

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


As the title says I’d like to thank ArenaNet for this amazing and long awaited patch. I have to say the first 20 minutes I spent running around headlessly trying to figure out how to make my characters look the same as they did before, but I managed fine and everyone else seem to have gotten answers to whatever questions they had about the changes.

Here’s a list of amazing stuff I encourage you all to try and were made possible by the latest Feature Pack:

  • Truly custom looks in both PvP and PvE – there were tons of skins I couldn’t get in PvE but had in PvP and I waited so long for this to be possible. Now I can show off my hard earned cosmetics to fellow players no matter where I am. This is great for an MMO.
  • TDM added – I didn’t get the chance to try this because the only public arena that hosted TDM was full, but jokes on me for not being ready and buying gems even after weeks of constant information from the devs about the patch.
  • Ele healing signet – this has been brought back into play and it’s fun to use. Needless to say more.
  • Tons of new stuff – including reworked runes and sigils that open up new possibilties in terms of build variety. Took me about 2 hours to mess around with these and I’m not even done yet, but must sleep :<
  • New traits – some are not as great as others but they’re still new and interesting and I see no reason to complain about something that was added into the game and did not replace anything.
  • New UI – takes some time to get used to but after a while I can see how this will make my building and rebuilding much quicker and easier.
  • Reward Tracks – I like this one because it gives regular players more reason to play while the more hardcore PvPers will not miss out on anything, in fact the more active you are the more rewards you can get.
  • Many more – need to cut this short, but also thanks to the devs reading the forums at this time and answering people’s questions. Some people are very rude to the devs who try to get our ideas across to the men and women who make the decisions regarding changes to the game.

I hope everyone else can enjoy this as much as I did and that this was just one of many to come!

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Bowing out

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

low salaries create high fluctuation.
Definitely a big loss for the already weak team.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Psychology: Dislike for Long Term PvP Goals?

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Over the past few days I’ve noticed a distinct and vehement opposition to the idea of long term goals in PvP. The obvious example of course is the ranking system which many people (with some justification) felt was too tedious. However, the ranking system was the only form of long term progression in the mode as opposed to PvE where you can get achievement points galore, gold, legendaries and so on and so forth.

Titles like “Champion Brawler” are nice, but are even more long term than ranks and doesn’t have any “mid paths” to boot. There’s no indication that you’re half way there, no steps. Another solution has been to implement different colors, more types of titles, minis etc etc.

But these titles will only become the “new rank” system. The problem is that I sense a very fundamental hostility to the idea of progression itself. The idea of a long term goal that you work for over the years. We have to face the fact that there will always be players who are far above the rest. And they too need something to reach towards. By definition, those milestones will always be far above what the rest of us can achieve.

Leaderboards are not a valid form of progression. It’s not “sticky” in the sense that your ranking can change from time to time and even go down completely. What we’re looking for is some form of constantly progressing long term goal. We have an umpteen number of them in PvE, but so far ranks were the only thing for us in PvP.

It’s not even as if these two are opposed to each other. We can have leaderboards and long term progressive goals. But the scenario has been portrayed as if it’s one vs the other.

So coming back to the basic question – What is the motivation behind all the opposition to long term goals in PvP? A unique finisher, a special series of titles…or even an infinite ranking system that never ends. What, I want to know, can the possible resistance be to such a concept when it has neither an impact on a player’s game or loot, nor gets in the way of their being recognized for their skill?

Get rid of rank points if you want. But give us some other form of progression that doesn’t get in anyone’s way. Unfortunately so many people seem to be opposing this basic concept itself and I don’t know why.

If I were to be uncharitable, I could pin it down to jealousy and not wanting some players to be “above the rest” by virtue of them having more time to spend in PvP. But why not? What is wrong with making us happy by giving us goals that reward the effort we put into the game? How does that come in the way of anyone’s enjoyment.

But I’m making no assumptions. I won’t assume bad faith. I’ll keep an open mind and stay responsive to the idea that there are better reasons than mere envy, or excessive egalitarianism.

What is the reason?


(edited by bhagwad.4281)

Megaserver - This Your Work Justin?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


If so, bravo!

This is a terrific idea. Back when I was playing Rift, I asked the developers to do the same thing. They said, ‘no – that would require too much effort’.

And yet, you guys pulled it off here.

How substantial was the effort?


(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)

Please learn from your mistakes, A-net

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


Dear A-net,
I have played your game since release and have witnessed first hand as its history unfolds itself upon us, your customers. I’ve seen it all: smoke bomb nerfs, triple cantrip eles, HGH, illusion of life, empathic bond clearing all condis, heartseeker hitting for 16k, time warp, BM rangers, hambows, dhuumfire, spirit rangers, minion mancers… The list of bullkitten goes on and on.

Now I’m not here to rag on it, I’m here to do just the opposite. I believe that there will always be overpowered things in this game no matter what changes are made. Even in the best of metas people still complained about things that, in retrospect, weren’t nearly as broken as what they thought. It’s the simple nature of the playerbase of any game; if there’s something that makes them lose they’ll QQ about it. It seems like you understood this already, dear a-net, because you’ve adopted a style of balance that relies on patience and the ‘slow and steady’ approach to let things smooth out before you make any changes.

That said, I’m here to warn you that your style of balancing has choked this game out from day one; I’ve seen dozens of my friends quit this game out of frustration because of it. It’s the same song and dance every balance patch: something gets broke, people begin to realize and excessively play that which is broke, the broken thing doesn’t get fixed until too late to stop the hemorrhage of players (sometimes multiple balance patches later). It’s getting old awfully quick to all of us and is extremely damaging to our morale. A lack of activity and inane secrecy over balance issues combine to create a not-so-good reputation for you, a-net.

It’s demoralizing to see balance take the back-burner when it’s on the forefront of every PvPer’s mind. Let me try to use your favorite analogy; You don’t want to play whack-a-mole with balance, but when there is a mole, every player out there sees it and exclaims “Yo a-net, there’s a mole over here! Whack it!”. All the while you sit there and wonder if it’s actually a mole or a mole in disguise. How can you be sure it’s not an overreaction by your players? While you’re pondering, the mole has transformed into mole-zilla and is rampaging through your PvP smashing the kitten out of everything fun and balanced for months on end. When you finally get off your butts and whack that mole it isn’t to much celebration, but rather a collective sigh of relief is heard throughout the mists while we all wonder, “what the hell took so long?”.

This is a major issue that will remain a plague on your game’s PvP until you make major changes to the speed of balance. History has a funny way of repeating itself, and I’ll be kitten ed if this game isn’t the same way. Given that we have a MAJOR balance patch coming in half a month it’s inevitable that a mole is going to rear it’s ugly head once more. I simply ask that you learn from your repeated mistakes and whack it before your game suffers once more.

I can’t offer many solutions because the nature of the problem lies in your company itself, of which I have no knowledge of its organization or operation. All I can offer is lofty suggestions that might not be possible in reality. Minor tweaks to balance every living world release would be optimal. My only hope is that something will change, otherwise this game will never be as good as I know it can be.

Much love, Ostrich Eggs MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Recognition of hardcore, difficult PVPers

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


So theres multiple (not many tho) high ranks who say that it was difficult for them to get their high rank and it should be rewarded with something unique cause they are hardcore.
Problem is that i have checked most of them and i cant find them on any leaderboard, so where the f have they been playing if not in skyhammer farming maps, well maybe they just have been inactive in past few weeks and their rank decayed.
So if you are one of those guys, then post a screenie of PVP statistics and show how much effort you have actually put in achieving your rank, show how much time you have spent facing other teams, show how much time you have spent carrying people in soloque, show how many times you have earned top stats by doing something better than everyone else on team and show that your favourite map isnt skyhammer.

No more jewels in amulets on the 15th?

in PvP

Posted by: Allie Murdock


Allie Murdock

Community Coordinator


Just wanted to call some attention to this thread.

It is confusing for me to see this kind of mixed messaging. A ton of people agreed in that thread that there are too many moving parts in this game to balance it well enough. Now you guys are in here saying that removing jewels equates to dumbing the game down.

Can you guys do me a favor and try the game out after the features are in the game before assuming removing this is going to ruin everything?

No more jewels in amulets on the 15th?

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


I can’t speak for the designers, but I see this change (and the runes change) as one with the goal of streamline builds. Removing unneeded complexity benefits the game by making it easier for new players to pickup, while also making it easier balance the game as a whole.

Sure more options mean more possible builds, and more ability to tailor to your exact play style, but it doesn’t necessarily mean better builds or a better game.

I know at first, when doing the mental math, it felt like a bit of a contradiction to add more complexity in one area (traits) while removing it from another (amulets). Again, not presuming to speak for the designers, but I think it makes sense when you consider the impact each area has. Amulets are raw stats so they have a much bigger impact on balance because they affect everything. Why wouldn’t they want to lock down the most highly variable aspect of balance? Having greater impact means the cost of complexity grows exponentially.

At the same time, I could see the change also giving the designers more flexibility to do even more with amulets because math. 10 amulets with 10 jewels is 100 possible combinations, right? Now they only have to worry about just 12 amulets… which means they have 88 more amulets to go before they reach the same level complexity.

I know some people will think the difference between ‘streamlining’ and ‘dumbing down’ is only semantic, but I think intent is very important when trying to project where the game is heading in the future. This is part of the reason I’m very optimistic about where we’re going, and I think you should be too.

What are your arguments for the fine-tuning approach that jewels give? What exactly did it open up? What is now going to disappear? I’m genuinely interested in both sides of this one.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

PVP build button noticed!

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh


Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer


I noticed this too on the livestream, but an educated guess would be that the PvP Build button just expands a window for you to place a sigil, a single rune and amulet. And if you needed to quickly change stats, all you would to do is modify those few slots.

They mentioned that you can’t mix runes anymore in the live stream, you just simply place one rune and it applies it to all 6 armors.

Called it!

We can’t hide it any longer! I can’t wait to show it off today on Ready Up. Its so shiny I love it.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Unranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


So, here’s a question (purely for discussion):

If you had to choose one, would you prefer RANKED Solo Arena, or UNRANKED Team Arena? I’d imagine unranked team arena would still allow you to queue up by yourself or with 1-4 friends much like the rated version does now.


i think ranked and unranked of both should exist and hotjoin should diaf.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Unranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


I know it has been suggested a few times before. It’s just that I have become very aware of this missing option today.

I want to try out a class I haven’t played before. So I’ve made the build and go into Hotjoin… Which turns out to be completely useless for me. Most games are 4v5 at best and Zergfests. There’s just no way I can try out what I want to try out with that.

I could go into Solo Q, but that would be really unfair to my team mates, since I don’t have much of a clue with this class.

Can we please get an unranked Queue?

PVP build button noticed!

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

I’ll put down the rumors right now: This is not Gw1 Templates.

Watch this Friday’s Ready Up to learn more!

Fair enough Bluxgore, but it’s still odd to me that GW1 has a leg up in terms of this feature on GW2. Hopefully what you guys are going to be showing on Ready Up! on Friday is super good!

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Thank you (Devs) For Improved PR

in PvP

Posted by: KrazyFlyinChicken.5936


As someone who has frequented this forum for the past few months, I Just wanted to that I have never seen more posts from the devs than there have been the last few weeks. They have answered questions in a respectable and personable manner since a rather explosive event three weeks ago.

Granted, this all comes in light of the coming patch. But we cannot deny that they have been more personal and less vague in their responses to our questions and concerns.

I, for one, am appreciative of the obvious turnaround in public relations—however slight. It shows a maturity in management, and in the community developers. This forum especially has received the most attention and warrants at least a modicum of appreciation from its members.


Fort Aspenwood – Elementalist
Character name: Azilyi

The Integration of TDM into sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cheri Wolf.3056

Cheri Wolf.3056

There is a TLDR at the bottom of the second post

I would first like to say that I am so pleased to see the development of Team Death Match into this game which already has a great foundation of combat mechanics. I’ve been lurking around for a great while waiting for the next big thing for GW2 sPvP since release, and it’s been a long time coming. Unfortunately I’ll be gone for training for 6 months while this release goes live, so hopefully I can get back into the action of a well-developed game mode /fingers crossed! And maybe instead of TDM, Annihilation.

From watching the live stream about how to possibly make this a game mode with official support in the current rotation I have a few ideas I’d like to bring up, as well as many other members in the community as well.

1) Rather than just placing the game into the rotation, or having a vote on whether or not the team wants to play that map, have a separate queue for the players who want to play. This seems pretty standard and I’m sure most of the community who supports this game mode would like to see this as a ranked queue separate from capture points.

2) Some things that I worry, and many others worry about is how long these matches can/may/will take. Picturing two teams of bunkers whether it is 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 makes me want to slam my head against a desk. With that, maybe have a timer and at the end of the timer, the team with the most stomps wins, if it’s a tie, the team with the most downs wins, if that’s a tie, the team with the most damage dealt wins (or something among that nature). Or another idea is to have enraged timers; this could be like after a set amount of time, each minute after that increases damage output by 10% and lowers defensive traits by 10%. Thus a full bunk banner warrior would have the damage to kill burst class or be killed by a burst class pretty easily. Just some food for thought when it comes to balancing stalemate matchups.

3) I think most the sPvP community in GW2 would like to see this be part of a ranked system, keeping it completely separate from the established capture points and ratings. It would be wild to see solo-queues, literally 1v1s for the players want to have the claim to fame of being the best mechanical player in the game. Players could literally have bragging rights about being the best Warrior in the game (NA/EU). Rather than it being account bound on the leaderboards, have it character bound, this way, you guys could have an idea of what is over powered in a 1v1 environment and see that, “Oh, look at that. 75% of all Mesmer’s beat Guardians. What is going on here, do we need to balance this, or that?” or “Wow the top 20 players in solo queue are all Warriors, is there something wrong here?” Things that help you with checks and balances to the individual classes.

4) As for the 2v2s, 3v3s, 5v5s, or XvX, set up a registration for teams. A while back I was playing on a mule account with some friends and got to the top 25 for Team Queues after playing 10 or so games. This shouldn’t happen, people legitimately earned those rankings in the team queue, my rank should be associated with my team not myself. I know this is something you guys already know about, but it really is unfair for the players that work so hard to get up there, just to have some mule named, “Your Mom Irl” or “America F T W” on EU to get up on the front page. A way to make the registration somewhat serious, is to have a charge for the team make up, “x” amount of gold/gems per player, an account may only be attached to “n” amount of teams at a time. Then the team will have its own MMR, where you can only have “y” amount of players on the roster at a time.

(edited by Cheri Wolf.3056)

The Integration of TDM into sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cheri Wolf.3056

Cheri Wolf.3056

5) That really covers my super serious idea stuff. I have another idea that I think would be cool/fun for the game mode, which could be like an underground gambling ring, similar to a fight club and what not. Have players sign up for a hardcore mode where they must place an entry fee to fight, you could choose to play for gems @ 100, 200, 300, “Y” gems or gold @ 5, 10, 20, or “X” gold. Each player whether it’s 1v1 or XvX would have to front that amount to enter the queue. It would find another team/player that has chosen the same amount not based off MMR. Obviously whoever wins gets the purse or a partial amount of the purse if ANET wanted to take a cut. This game mode would obviously be just for fun and a way for sPvP players to circulate their currency, also innovative for PvP players to use the cash shop once they reach rock bottom, buy some gems and play again!

6) Along with that, give spectator mode a purpose. Have spectators be able to open a window which shows the premier game that is about to be played out. Only reveal the classes and give them a window of time to place their bets. This idea comes from Salty Bet. The wagers would work like a normal gambling ring, where if you put in 50% of the purse on your team’s side, and you win, you would get 50% of the winnings. Say you placed 50g out of the 100g for team A and team B had placed 100g for their team, and Team A won, you would get 100g over all. That would be so much fun. I know I would be trying to make heaps of gold in the ring. Of course, ANET too could take a slice of the pie here as well.

Anyways those are my ideas that I have going on in my dream land. I know they will probably not ever get implemented, but holy kitten they seem cool to me.
If you other guys have any additional ideas, post ‘em up, I want to see ‘em!

I’ve numbered the paragraphs to correspond with the list if you want to see what I thought.

1) Completely separate queues for this game mode
2) Enrage timers for stalemate games, wins based off of kills/damage done
3) Ranked leaderboards for solo/team queues
4) Registration for teams. Teams get their own MMR and not the individual player
5) Hardcore mode. Have players pay an entrance fee for a chance of winning the purse
6) Spectator mode gambling ring

(edited by Cheri Wolf.3056)

The Great Migration

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Many people claim Anet doesn’t know what they are doing. You are all wrong. Slowly removing rewards and players from pvp has been the plan all along… you really think they want you slaying others when you could be buying their 10$ harvest sickle and slaying dragons…. This is were anet was brilliant…. I myself have fallen for it as I am officially retiring from pvp and moving to the more rewarding clickville that is pve… the great migration has begun and it will never end until the last few players finally fall from their throne and join the masses on their crusade for a dragon they can all kill while eating with one hand and clicking with another….. Sorry for this inconvenient truth….
RAID TIMES: 8-9 Sat Fri .. for those of you who wonder when the last true hero will fall I cannot give a straight answer… but the day when someone as bad as Olrun can win a game is the day that will be remembered I’m infamy

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Please stop with the sPvP unlocks

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


It’s only 1 new trait at each trait line. And it’s only grandmaster. I can’t see why people are making such a big deal out of this. I’m guessing they will be easy to unlock anyway.

Though problem that I see here is consistency. New players will think those new traits are way stronger because they are initially locked. That inconsistency might hurt them and they might end up playing weaker builds just because they will believe those traits are stronger.

Please stop with the sPvP unlocks

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Skills, traits, equipments(Runes/sigil/Amulets) should never have unlocks in sPvP. It does nothing to teach players anything you intended and all it does is make sPvP much more annoying.

Already there is a ton of traits and skills. Putting unlockables on a small few won’t do a thing to make this game easier to understand. If it must happen, you have to put unlocks on every single trait and skills to teach newer players. But that will kill the game already more than it should have to. This is like teaching a child Algebra, Geometry, Calculus all at the same time before you can teach them Addition and subtraction. It is ineffective in teaching newer players and more effective in hurting sPvP.

So stop with the unlockables. Remove the unlockables and focus more on more important sPvP stuff.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Please explain this to me

in PvP

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


So I talked to a dev:

Following conversation:

You could at least have hotfixed healing signet and the spirit of nature renewal :/
[18.03.2014 18:15:16] Sensotix: after 3 months

Dev: Healing Signet does not meet hotfix criteria

My question now:
Trickery II—Instinctual Response: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to grant fury and vigor while on cooldown.

How can this meet the hotfix criteria and healing signet and spirit of nature renewal remain untouched for quite a while again while both (Warrior and Ranger) are still being very dominant in the meta after six months already

Please explain this to me because I can’t understand the logic behind it

Viewing scoreboard after match is won

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517

Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


Evan and I were literally just talking about this (leaving players on the scoreboard). We would both like to see this, and it has other benefits beyond just what we present on the scoreboard.

I’m not sure when we would be able to do it, assuming there are no technical reasons why we can’t, but this definitely seems like a worthwhile QoL change.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir