“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
(edited by Paradox.1380)
I see you, Vayne, your point is valid. But I don’t like raids mostly because I CAN’T Raid. I’ve tried so many times and I don’t have the coordination. So I will never have Legendary Armor and that makes me sad. For me all this so-called easy content over the years has never been easy. I’ve hated feeling like a second class citizen because things others found easy were near-impossible for me to do. I really wish people could get alone and stop polarizing others. Guild Wars 2 is the first MMO that I’ve actually felt I had some success at. It’s casual nature spoke to my heart because it was something I could do to some degree and feel accomplished. I’ll never be the best, I’ll never have everything, but I shouldn’t be locked out of rewards in a GAME because I am not good enough at something. I don’t need lectures about how life doesn’t give you everything. Trust I struggle in my daily life every, single day, about things not being handed to me. Things people find simple and easy tasks are hard for me. But in a game I shouldn’t always have to worry about that. I should at least have the option to struggle my way through it. It’s taken me near 4 years to get three legendaries and I worked so hard for them. I am proud of my accomplishments and I should be allowed access to legendary armor regardless of the reason I want it. I dislike rewards being locked off to one game-type. I’m all for more options, more paths with the same goal. The special snowflake status some people feel at being elite should not dictate the rewards I get for my investments. I paid the same 50$ they did.
(edited by Paradox.1380)
NOt everything expensive, is broken. I don’t think Mystic Coins are something they want more supply of. There was reasons the implemented sinks for them (hefty ones at that), becuase people have hundreds maybe thousands of them from a time when Mystic Coins were near useless and reflected as such on the TP. ANet want things to have value. T6 Mats have dropped drastically in price. You have to keep the economy somewhat balanced in that. So something things are going to be more scarce than others.
My opinion is that ANet decided that Mystic Coins were going to be one of those things that they wanted the bring the value up on. It’s worked. I, personally, have over 2000 mystic coins in my bank from doing dailies/monthlies in the old system and logging in every day in this one. Not everything has to be extremely cheap. Mats all over the place are dropping in price only a few of them are going up. Look at the big picture and not zero in on one item.
Is Reddit a more authoritative source for Anet staff comments than the forums ?
It would be so nice if we had a thread to go in the forums for comments like this.
ANet Staff Comment on Forums/Reddit on their own time (it’s been stated numerous times they don’t tell people where to post and no one that works at ANet aside form the Community team HAVE to post). They do it because they want to or they have a free moment. Many of them post on their off days or after work on Reddit.
Hmm…doesn’t really say anything about what may or may not be released between now and then. Just that that particular update will possibly address some HoT-map concerns.
Yeah. That’s why I had the last line about assuming only one release schedule. I vaguely remembered that the quarterly updates would be for balancing but when I saw the post, it led me to believe that they were combining them.
I guess we can wait to see if they clarify.
Quarterly Update would mean April for the next one. That being said there are “surprises” the news Raid Wing, and some other things coming out BEFORE the next quarterly update.
The break down from Colin on Reddit goes like this:
Correct! Not only approx every 12 weeks will we do a big seasonal update. You’ll also see updates between seasonal updates.
Content like raids, pvp leagues, living world, festivals, and WvW tournaments are all things you’d find happening between seasonal updates as the year progresses. (this “winter” season we’ve got a festival, raid, and pvp league kick off planned before spring.)
Things like new fractals, new legendaries, WvW updates, new PvP maps, quality of life updates, etc. are all the type of stuff that’d come with our seasonal updates.
Hope that helps a bit!
I actually like the expansion and like the direction its going.
Except for your failed posts in the thread about how “Greedy” Anet is? lol. Way to be hypocritical.
@OP: Check the Dev Post part of the Forums, or the “Reddit Dev Posts” Thread here for communication form Devs. They are busy working on stuff. I am sorry you are feeling saddened about it! I don’t feel that way, I love Guild Wars 2 more than ever right now plenty of things to do and I’m excited for the next raid wing to come out soon.
being able to help people around with my mesmer
So portals should still be allowed but not gliding. Ok…
Because portals can be sold, gliding cannot?
So basically, allowing people to use gliding to do something themselves, you want it restricted so you can profit off of it? That doesn’t sound like a good reason to restrict it further at all. That sound selfish on your part. Personally, having a couple mesmers has always made JPs easier for me because I can use portal any time there was a risky jump. Getting tipped because I portaled someone somewhere has also been nice, but its no reason for someone to NOT be able to use gliding.
You’re forgetting all the wonderful DPS options Druid brings. No one is forcing you to take healing talents. On top of that Celestial Form Skill 5 is a VERY nice CC for break bars, And many of the glyphs take on an offensive nature when in Celestial Form. There’s also the glyph that is just a straight up damage increase on a short cool down. You don’t HAVE to like it, but you can’t focus on one portion of the Druid and instantly claim it’s not up to par with the style of a Ranger, because it is.
I’ll take minor interruption to me gaming for a restart that pushes a fix through than have to have the game go offline once a week for 2-10 hours for maintenance. This game has like some ungodly amount of up time. I think last count I remember there down time for maintenance and other things totaled LESS than three days for over 3+ years. The minor inconvenience of having to restart your meta or whatever is a small price to pay for such an awesome set of tech they have that allows their MMO to be up almost 100% of the time.
Or maybe it’s just a bug? Why would you wish something nasty on another human being for something so silly? It’s not like these people purposefully do things to make your life miserable. They’re just doing their jobs even if it is an intentional change (which I don’t think it is).
this is not a legendary weapon, no one is buying arcane silver and this guy decided to sell them at higher price all of the sudden and then all of them got bought out at the same time. He was buying gold and using arcane silver to transfer gold with the gold seller.
Did you miss the part where ANet said the guy who lost his gold was not at fault yet still removed 300 gold from his account?
We monitor all incoming and outgoing sources of wealth. The gold that was used to purchase your arcane slivers (4 of them) for a total of 499.99 Gold originated from a RMT source and while your item listings may have been setup 8 months ago, that doesn’t change where the wealth originated (which was banned).
While the transactions completed, and do not appear to be any fault of yours, we still needed to reclaim the gains from it to remove the wealth from the economy that you should not have gained in the first place. Since we only removed 300g, it looks like you are netting about a positive 166 gold from this. We’ll let you keep that, and I’ll take the strike off your account for buying gold.
Why would you list Slivers for over 100g a piece and leave them there when you can’t use them anymore? They said they’d been in there over 8 months. I’m not saying the person was at fault which is why he probably got to keep some of the gold, but it is still a strange situation and is unique and probably doesn’t happen often. And the reason why he was probably not given the items themselves back is because that are discontinued from the game. They no longer drop and are no longer usable. We’re not talking about regular crafting slivers from low level zones. These were pvp items from a long time ago when pvp crafting was a thing.
Again, this sort of post completely misses the point and main concern of this thread.
It’s not important what he was selling or for how much. It’s not important the price he listed it for or when he listed it. It’s not important that the item no longer has a use. What is important is their new policy is that a gold buyer can buy items from you on the trading post and the gold you get from it will be taken by ANet. Let’s say you do crafting to sell for profit. If someone buys gold then uses that gold to buy your crafted items, too bad for you. Maybe you’ll get the items back, or not. Depending on if you make a thread on reddit maybe.
The point I was making is that normally they take the gold and give you the items back. This is not a new policy at all. It has happened more than once. My point was to specifically state that the reason he didn’t get the items back (and was probably allowed to keep some of the gold) was because those items are no longer available in game and do nothing so they probably couldn’t refund the items.
this is not a legendary weapon, no one is buying arcane silver and this guy decided to sell them at higher price all of the sudden and then all of them got bought out at the same time. He was buying gold and using arcane silver to transfer gold with the gold seller.
Did you miss the part where ANet said the guy who lost his gold was not at fault yet still removed 300 gold from his account?
We monitor all incoming and outgoing sources of wealth. The gold that was used to purchase your arcane slivers (4 of them) for a total of 499.99 Gold originated from a RMT source and while your item listings may have been setup 8 months ago, that doesn’t change where the wealth originated (which was banned).
While the transactions completed, and do not appear to be any fault of yours, we still needed to reclaim the gains from it to remove the wealth from the economy that you should not have gained in the first place. Since we only removed 300g, it looks like you are netting about a positive 166 gold from this. We’ll let you keep that, and I’ll take the strike off your account for buying gold.
Why would you list Slivers for over 100g a piece and leave them there when you can’t use them anymore? They said they’d been in there over 8 months. I’m not saying the person was at fault which is why he probably got to keep some of the gold, but it is still a strange situation and is unique and probably doesn’t happen often. And the reason why he was probably not given the items themselves back is because that are discontinued from the game. They no longer drop and are no longer usable. We’re not talking about regular crafting slivers from low level zones. These were pvp items from a long time ago when pvp crafting was a thing.
(edited by Paradox.1380)
looking at that report, sales for HOT were slightly disappointing , however its showing that GW2 remains at a stable £6 million or so revenue a month and will continue to do so. That’s people continuing to invest in the game month on month, that means GW2 including HOT is not a failure.
It’s not a report. It’s a prediction from an unrelated company. NCSoft has not released their Q4 Earnings Report yet. Don’t let other companies skew the numbers.
Does that mean they can get rid of that useless name plate when pressing alt now?
You can unbind that yourself. =) Go to the Keybinds section and its down in Miscellaneous.
Its on the first page of the options menus, right under the Show All Player Names check box.
So, way back when I first beta’d this game there was one thing that troubled me slightly. I kept losing my character in the sea of others doing events and things. It was distressing, but I moved past it and got better, but in the back of my vain little head I always wished to see my own name above my head with my titles. It’s a staple of most MMOs and the like and I always wanted it here. I used to have my party members T-target me in dungeons and stuff for fun just to see it. Then a few months ago ANet added a way for you to see your name with the Alt Key and I rejoiced a little inside. Tonight I was helping a friend in spvp set up their keybinds and I noticed that there is a toggle for “Always Show My Name” cheekily placed in the options. I didn’t see this in the patch notes anywhere or in any news, and I just lept for joy.
This may be No big deal for some, but for me its the little things like that that I REALLY appreciate. Just that the option is there means a lot. So thanks for this! It’s epic and I love it! I also love that it’s a thing I can turn off on a whim as well.
TL;DR: ANet secretly added in an option for me to always see my characters name/title without a key press; I am happy as Kittens about it and thought others should know! =D
No one is making you buy it. It’s a QoL item that doesn’t affect gameplay at all. Mobas get away with selling skins for avatars for 10-15$ a pop and half the time they just looka little different don’t even do anything extra at all. I don’t understand how this is any more a rip off than that. It doesn’t affect you in any way if you don’t have it as far as gameplay is concerned. It simply streamlines certain processes. I happily shelled out the RL money for 3 of them (likely to get more later). Heck just get a little gold and don’t buy it with real money?
Gonna grab a couple of these for my Salvage kits on both my accounts. Glory be the heavens!! =D
There are JPs in HoT maps a couple of them actually. One you need LeyLine Gliding for, and there is one inside Tarir where you go up and up and up.. It was a blast and guess what, gliding didn’t ruin it at all. Just so you’re aware the argument that Gliding will ruin JPs is not a strong one and if that’s all you got sorry it’s not a good enough reason to not add a feature like that.
There is a search function as well as a favorite dyes function. If you use those you’ll have a much easier time. Frankly I just have my dye sorted bye hue, and sometimes material, because I don’t care about the rarity when dying things I just want it to look how I want it lol.
I still think she looks adorable <3
Weird, you sure that’s how it looks? Or is that just what it looks like on the preview? Anyway thanks for explaining what the problem is
IMO the real tragedy is how the new Norn hair clips with EVERY armor I own lol. /weep
Hm, I posted a pic of my Charr, I don’t see it. Maybe it’s because my girl has grey eyes?
I have this hairstyle, and I Am not sure what you are referring to. Looks excellent on my charr and I have no idea whats ‘bugged’ on your screen shot?
(edited by Paradox.1380)
They just put a title in the game called “Killer Queen” for killing Karka Queen when HoT came out. Seems pretty fun to me considering it’s an obvious nod to one of the best bands (and one of my most favored songs of theirs) in the world.
Man that’s weird, online it’s $40+.
I would believe you but this picture, that tag that is blurred (significantly more than the one right next to it at the same angle) doesn’t say Guild Wars 2 at all. The word is too long. I’ve worked at Wal Mart for years and I know their font in my sleep. It’s too long to say Guild Wars 2, it’s something else. Further it clearly doesn’t say PC Guild Wars 2, either like it would. It’s also sitting next to PC Civ V, which is not in order on the mod, because we stock almost all games and movies and books alphabetically. It’s out of place regardless.
Further, who cares if its only 20$? They make most of their money from micro transactions anyway, and if its from a retailer it is the retailer that loses the money because they have to buy it in the first place.
(edited by Paradox.1380)
Thanks for this! This guide and some helpful tips from a friend helped me finally beat this JP not once but all three times I needed. I am horrible at JPs that are timed so this really helped a bunch! Merry Wintersday to you!
I earned my PvP icon (mine happens to be the green one because I spent some time getting to the next level), the same as you earned your World Complete Icon. If you don’t like it, just turn off name plates. I should be allowed to show off my icon anywhere I want to.
I earned my WvW rank too (platinum in “real” WvW), where is my icon?
Why should you as a PvP player that already gets tons of extras including tracks and the xp boosts every other weekend get more than I do? You might want to reevaluate your ego here, some of us have achieved milestones too yet we get nothing for it.
This has NOTHING to do with my ego, I don’t have much of one I am pretty rubbish at pvp I just enjoy it a lot and I want to see it grow, the same as I do with WvW which I think ANet REALLY needs to step up it’s game on. I was talking to the OP about them saying the icon is ugly. I enjoy my icon. And I think there should be more icons to represent accomplishments in all game modes.
And since when does not parroting someone’s opinion automatically mean I have some kind of an ego about it? I simply enjoy the icon and what it represents.
(edited by Paradox.1380)
I earned my PvP icon (mine happens to be the green one because I spent some time getting to the next level), the same as you earned your World Complete Icon. If you don’t like it, just turn off name plates. I should be allowed to show off my icon anywhere I want to.
I’ve earned my mastery points by playing the game also and getting to those next levels. Why can’t I show my Mastery levels in PvP and WvW? I should be allowed to show off my Mastery points anywhere I want to.
I think you should be able to! And I also think that you should be able to show your WvW rank. You can see everyone’s World Completion Icons in all game modes.
Hell, I think you should be able to choose what you show.
I earned my PvP icon (mine happens to be the green one because I spent some time getting to the next level), the same as you earned your World Complete Icon. If you don’t like it, just turn off name plates. I should be allowed to show off my icon anywhere I want to.
Way cool. I love the lay outs. Those will age really well.
I see them all the time, for AB it’s mostly when the map refreshes or when it’s breach time. This happens quite a bit for me at least. With the Raids out it’s a little harder I do wish they would put a Raid portion in like they have with dungeons and then those people will move their LFR’s out of the open world section.
http://i.imgur.com/kxbGKG5.jpg 1
Take a look at that screenshot from Twitch. You are straight up irrelevant. I am not the only one who states this. A friend of mine from high school works for twitch, and got me in touch with a rep from goodgame.gg For those who don’t know who they are, they connect brands with streamers/teams in eSports. The company I work for wanted to sponsor a streamer/team and the rep flat out told us to avoid MMOs like the plague. They are pretty much the single worst investment you can make. You guys as brought up by the community don’t even do at least monthly balance patches. So take the money you’re throwing at eSports and use it to hire talent that will fix your game. I can even provide proof of my connects to skeptical people. Just PM me.
Assuming this isn’t being taken out of context, it is pretty disheartening one of the least popular Final Fantasy titles got more views.
It’s outta context because there is no tournament going on (the last tournament had thousands of viewers at any given time, I know because I watched many of the matches), there was likely no bigger streamer streaming at the time, and looking at the games surrounding it, it was probably taken in an off peak timing. Melee only has 500ish viewers and that pulls in A LOT when they have tournaments.
EDIT: I just went and peeked at Twitch and GW2 at 7 pm MST has almost 1k viewers, no tournament going on but its in peak NA hours. It’s no LoL or CS: GO but it’s not terrible with nothing going on.
(edited by Paradox.1380)
Axemaster is easy to kill once you get the mastery for it. Every time I am on VB I always kill him. He only takes 5-10 people to burn him. His only other hitch is that if you dont’ break his bar and you have the debuff on you, he one shot downs you. It’s a L2P issue, but you’ll get him eventually.
I think for VB Specifically the problem lies in that day-time has very little affect on night time and daytime has a much more linear way to progress. Each outpost has a set number of events and they run in order to a completion. At night time the idea of holding Rally Points and running Supplies for 20 minutes until the bosses spawn its more effort for “less” reward, since you have to get to T2 1/3 before the bosses spawn to get T4 for killing all the bosses. People don’t want to wait that long so they generally leave and then you lose rally points and can’t level them if you don’t own them. It’s organizable but you have to start taxing people in as soon as nightfall hits.
This is just a copy/edits added in of this reddit post
I am sure I am not the only one who has broken down and somewhat has lost my joy of playing GW2, is tired of the kitten Anet is pulling as of late, and is sitting here watching our dream of what we expected slowly fade.
I like many had high hopes for HoT. But like many I am somewhat disappointed in what we got. There are good things about it, but to have major bugs that have been reported, especially the ones that have stopped legendary progression, as well as meta event progression is a slap to the face of a community that has invested so much in you Anet.
The dungeon reward nerf was stupid. Plain and simple. I was not a fan of dungeons, but with the plenty of players who enjoyed them. You just spit in their faces. Same goes for fractals at this point. Why are you trying to force your players to play content they might not want to? As many have stated this goes against your principal of “Play your way.” As mentioned on reddit, it is because dungeons made gold out of thin air, but so does SW, so does farming rich ore nodes.
http://i.imgur.com/kxbGKG5.jpg 1
Take a look at that screenshot from Twitch. You are straight up irrelevant. I am not the only one who states this. A friend of mine from high school works for twitch, and got me in touch with a rep from goodgame.gg For those who don’t know who they are, they connect brands with streamers/teams in eSports. The company I work for wanted to sponsor a streamer/team and the rep flat out told us to avoid MMOs like the plague. They are pretty much the single worst investment you can make. You guys as brought up by the community don’t even do at least monthly balance patches. So take the money you’re throwing at eSports and use it to hire talent that will fix your game. I can even provide proof of my connects to skeptical people. Just PM me.
Hands down out of all the games I have played. You guys have close to the least amount of communication with the community. We have to depend on people like Dulfy(and thank you for all your work Dulfy along with everyone else who datamines), to have any clue what to expect. All I feel we ever see anymore is announcements on things you want us to spend money on. Fix the major bugs, work on major features your community has asked for.(Colorblind Mode). Scratch our backs and we will scratch yours. But for now I urge the community to speak with your wallet and not buy anything/cut your spending on gems. F2P players don’t buy the expansion. If you REALLY want it wait for it to go on sale. The visual changes you made this patch should have been something you asked the community about.
You guys have been churning out new weapon skins, glider skins, outfits quickly for the past month, but yet MAJOR bugs have gone unfixed despite being repeated on reddit, and the forums. We all understand GW2 is a business, and you want to make money. You know how great companies rake in the cash? They take care of their community. As stated above, focus more on fixing issues and we will in turn pay you back by buying gems. I promise you. Taking care of customers always resorts in gains 100%. I know designers are not coders, but have them take a break to work on other cool stuff.
Now this might be my own personal opinion, and I realize I may be the only one who thinks this, buy I feel that Anet is trying to go in too many directions at once. They put in raids, now want to fix WvW, but at the same time want to push sPvP. Pick one thing Anet ONE THING to do and stick with it, instead of a bunch of things you have no idea what the hell you’re doing. I am not saying only choose one game mode forever, but if you want to overhaul WvW. Focus just on that so it is great.
“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”
“Vision without execution is just hallucination.”
“A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.”
-Henry Ford
TL;DR Anet we love you, but you have to admit you have been pretty kittenty to your community as of late. We know you can be better, we all want you to be better. Just communicate with us more, be transparent, and listen to us. Profits will come by doing that. More than you can imagine. “Speak not just to speak, but to be heard.”-Redditor on original post.
Some of this sounds good in practice it’s well-worded and not a drivel of complaint, however many in this is just out right wrong.
Re Dungeons – They nerfed the GOLD reward only. How many people did dungeons because they enjoyed them compared to how many did them because they got significant gold for limited investment is the real question. There are still many reasons to do dungeons if you enjoy them, there are tons of rewards unique and tied to them. They just didn’t want people flooding the economy with the liquid gold from dungeons, it was one of the only places to get direct gold. People didn’t do dungeons for fun, because dungeons are still there and to be honest the rewards are still better than current fractal ones. (this might change when they update the re balance of fractal rewards).
RE HoT Content – I don’t agree with this at all. I love HoT, I love what it brought to the game and I have already sunk hundreds of hours of my free time into doing it and I still don’t have all the achievements or things, and it just got better with Raids (only beated VG personally), and the PvP League. This is why it’s subjective.
Re Cosmetics over Bug Fixes: This is VERY short sighted. People that make the cosmetic items and the like are ARTISTS. They are not Developers they aren’t programmers. No one does it all. Cosmetics and sales are INDEPENDENT of programming. Further, bugs aren’t always easy fixes, and it is evidenced by the amount of patches we’ve gotten since the update that they are working hard to fix what they can as fast as they can. You CANNOT at any time test for a live environment. ANet tests their updates, we know they do we’ve been allowed to help test in betas and have seen results directly from that. But there is no way to mimic the live environment in the testing one. It may work fine in testing and then break when its pushed live. This is the way of online games. Yes, it sucks, no one is denying this. But bug fixes have nothing to do with cosmetic items at all. They are putting off fixing bugs to sell you things.
ESports – Why should they stop? It’s working, it’s fun we HAVE professional teams, we HAVE casters and ANet has ESL. I don’t personally think that ESL is the best company for Esports, but I do know that it still counts and it’s awesome. During tournaments GW2 pvp pulls in some serious viewers. I don’t get the hatred for e-sports, at all. As for the balance patches they said 3 a year starting in 2016. Last I checked it’s not 2016 yet.
RE Boycotting – I will vote with my wallet, when I see something the gem store I want I’m going to buy it. I don’t think that boycotting them is going to do anything. Especially since the visual changes while perhaps flawed in execution were needed and much appreciated especially in PVE, and I cannot wait for more (for the record I play an auramancing Tempest Ele with a staff so I am a ‘victim’ of these changes the most) to make the experience better for all in the long run. Other things could be worked on and there is definite room for improvement in communication and QoL updates.
Conclusion: it’s not as bad as it seems from reading things. thins can be improved on all fronts, but this is getting out of hand and everyone needs to calm down. No one is wrong or right in this situation and there are no sides to take.
(edited by Paradox.1380)
You do NOT need to use all 9. You need 11 achievements to fill the Meta and unlock the Item. At least 7 of them aren’t profession dependent at all. So at most you’d need to win 5 games with 4.
You can be unhappy about it all you want, but fact of the matter is, the departments work separately from each other and don’t always communicate what made it into the current live build for the patch. Small or big change doesn’t matter.
There’s not conspiracy about “lets not tell them this.” It’s simply a matter of miscommunication or lack of any communication at all.
Does it suck at times? sure. Is there things they could do to improve it, of course, but there is always room for improvement. The community will figure it out as they do in every other game that is around that has updates on a regular basis.
It was stated before that not all changes make it in the notes because the departments don’t always report all the changes that made it into the build. It’s as simple as that.
Every single game I play (some by bigger companies than ANet) have undocumented changes in their patch notes.
They rotate out weekly.
My Reaper, Mordrem Fury. =)
Elite Item Used: Reaper’s Greatsword (temporary until I finish Dark harvest)
EDIT: The pics look better in game because you can see the beautiful shades of green in the armor textures
I might need to figure out how to take higher res screen grabs.
wow great setting for your reaper!
Thanks! I thought it was a fitting place =)
You can still do everything you used to do!.
Uh, no you can’t.
Prior to HoT, one could chose to ignore LS1 and LS2. If that type of platform-skin-chasing-game-play whas not what not you wished to do, it was entirely optional, and had no impact on those of us which focused on PvP and/or WvW for our end game content.
With the issue of LS3 (…I’m sorry, I mean HoT…) you must do the content to unlock a core mechanics (i.e. the Elite Trait line for your profession). This is an entirely different direction that the game has taken. And yet, you seem to just gloss over this fact….
None of those are necessary and you can use the Elite Spec in pvp without unlocking it in the game, and they gave WvW players a way to earn it exclusively in WvW.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Paradox.1380
The Electric Wyvern is easy to get to. You don’t need Advanced Gliding (I don’t even have that) you just have to do the meta event and get to the boss chest. Once you get that you jump onto the vine and glide across (I did this with just level 2 Gliding) to the area with the PoI and the Vista and there is a bunch of the Wyverns there.
The pet is a perk it’s not necessary to have, he’s not even got the best stats of the new pets (in fact the best ones are gotten in the first maps). It’s not that’s difficult to get especially as time goes on and people get more familiar with how the meta works.
You can still do everything you used to do! In fact with HoT you have even more things you can do on your time and when you want to do it.
Adding things for players who want them doesn’t take away from your experiences. Raid’s aren’t mandatory, they aren’t part of the main storyline (they are side stories), and some of the rewards are tradeable.
You said a lot of words but failed to convey what it is you are wanting? They gave more of the same stuff in the new maps you can do at your own pace (sans dungeons because they want to move away from them and Fractals is their new focus for 5-man content).
It’s an alt “boost” item. Look at the description of the item =) that’s why you also get tomes of mentorship. The whole item is designed for boosting an alt. You also get a bunch of other stuff like a cool unique skin for your 80.
It’s the first day and speed clears are already a thing. 1 tank, 1 healer in zerker gear, and the rest is a mix of condi and zerker dps.
…and how many hours of spamming “cleric ele, or cele ele lfg” does it take for it to sink into a person’s head, that they’re not wanted.
“raid looking for 1 or 2 dps” …that’s all you ever see.
Whose speed clearing it? Who has even beaten it at all? I don’t know of many. I know of a couple that beat the very first boss, but no one that has beaten the entire wing at all.
Over the years of buying BL chests, I had accrued 50+ of these wonderful things. But there is a HUGE problem with them.
In trying to join guildies in DS I would pop one and the screen would say map is full. So I would wait a minute and retry. Little did I know that it USED the teleport. I have no problems with the map being full, but using up an invaluable charge is inexcusable.
Really anet, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
You should be ashamed of yourself for using them multiple times on a full map. Taxi the way normal people do and save yourself trouble. It says right on it that it’s consumed once it’s used.
My Reaper, Mordrem Fury. =)
Elite Item Used: Reaper’s Greatsword (temporary until I finish Dark harvest)
EDIT: The pics look better in game because you can see the beautiful shades of green in the armor textures I might need to figure out how to take higher res screen grabs.
(edited by Paradox.1380)
Awesome – some awe.
Awful – full of awe.
Neither word actually says whether the awe is good or bad.
I think the number of bugs introduced with every release is awful. I think that releasing content with simple basic oversights (bugs) in them is awful. I’m an IT professional in the Real World (i.e. not gaming). I’d be fired if I did that as regularly as Anet (and every other gaming company) do it.
I’d like to know why new crafting materials were introduced without appropriate slots in the collection bank. Some have since been patched, not all (why did it take a year for a slot to be introduced for Foxfire Clusters, for example? Are you hoping that people will spend Real Money on extra bank space?). I’d like to know why Legendary collections were released that have items that are simply unobtainable in the game (Scarlet’s Prototype Mechanism for The Predator, and for one other leggie, I believe, as an example). And very, very simple fixes have still not been applied. That’s just dandy.
Are you still reading, John Smith? Or do you only reply to people who tell you you have some awe?
shots fired
and jesus christ Raedwulf, bug fixes take time. stop being a cuck
3 weeks for a few collection items? Good god I hope not. Oh wait…
Welp .. I’m just gonna leave this here: http://www.lizengland.com/blog/2014/04/the-door-problem/
Just because it seems like an easy or simple thing, does not make it so.
I know there’s a lot more to the topic at hand, but all I can think of after reading the original post is the fact that you apparently consider 25 gold a day to be simply a “reasonable” amount. Because to me, that’s a crapton of money to be making every day.
And wondering what exactly you need to buy that’s worth 5+ gold every day that makes it so that you can’t ever build up any more gold beyond that.
And what you spent the apparent thousands upon thousands of gold you made beforehand on.
Ascended crafting. Some mats are time gated so it isn’t enough to simply gather (mostly RNG in the case of cloth and leather), but buy finished products to speed the process along to a reasonable pace. When that’s done you could save up for an awesome skin like infinite light. The mats for it easily approach 1,000g. If you make 25g per day then you’ll need 40 entire days to get everything without using the gem store. In practice one would very likely burn out before making the sword so it’ll be longer than that.
That is their impatience showing, IMO. Time Gated crafting is only a tiem gate, nto a money gate. You can easily (and not RNG if you know how to use the Mystic Forge) get any number of things you need. It requires a little karma for the silks, linens and leathers, but other than that not much else but time.
I made all three Ascended Armor weights in berserker stats by crafting. I didn’t buy a single mat. It’s entirely possible to do it without spending any money at all.
What people need to do is to relax on complaing about this so-called “gold starvation,” sure is ligquid gold coming in as fast as before in some niche areas of the game? No, no it’s not. But there is PLENTY of gold to be had, to be made, and the result so far from the removal of liquid gold from dungeons has been that things are already getting cheaper on the TP.
As another note: People are parroting some random thread about the Fractals Nerf. It’s not where ANet wants it, they’ve said it themselves, but near as I can see from running multiple fractals a day, if I do more than one, I am getting about the same gold as before in Agony Infusions (which I sell), and Fractal Encryption Boxes (which I open with Keys I make from Matrixes, or I Sell if I have no keys that day).
I started the expansion with 6 gold on hand and I am up to almost 200 gold in 18 days. It’s been 18 days.
For the new WP’s and PoIs the Guild Missions update added one PoI and one WP for each of them in the open world.
Killing the mobs spawns more airship salvage. Also it looks like there were people around (more than the six you had) scaling him up. Sorry for your experience though. I love the Ordnance Outpost Chain
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.