If you received a level 80 boost from HoT, will you get one more for purchasing PoF?
Have bought it and can confirm I have another level 80 boost up there with the account slots
I thought it was Saw Gerrera
Rytlock has been possessed by the spirit of Master Togo, giving him new and strange Ritualistic powers.
In other news, Shadow the cat is really melandru.
I think the more popular weapons, Sword, Greatsword, Longbow, dagger will come with the expansion, and will need the expansion map completes to craft. Just an extra reason to buy it, from a marketing perspective.
I think it will be a warhorn, and I’d like to see a Rin theme warhorn, perhaps the “Stormcaller” that was the mouthpiece to the Horn of Doric in GW1
It would be awesome if the leaks were actually the greatest feat of misdirection since “The Usual Suspects” and we are going to Cantha, but I don’t think so.
Yes This works.
Right click on your gw2 shortcut icon on the desktop.
select properties, in the target field paste the following
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -assetsrv
Note the addition at the end with a space after "
Good luck!This little help, i am able download update, but still i am not able log in, it write: Connection failed, please try again
I tried this and it worked – i was on login screen. But i cant login now …
I created a new shortcut and added -assetsrv to the end of the target field and like you, first time it would get me to the login screen, but not connect to the login servers, but on the second try it worked.
Im in!!
Mines fixed, tyvm all in CS
I did not receive the item. When I reached legend I got the achievement + title but the January 26th patch removed the achievement (and the 6AP it awarded). I still have the title unlocked, but the achievement and AP are missing. Did you already send out the item to everyone or are you still in the process of sending them?
Same here, got legendary with 50 minutes of the season left, got the tickets, title and nameplate badge, but the achievement is missing in pvp conqueror.
I am so close. Why not keep it open until 12pm EST? That would be 9 pm PST. I do not understand. I feel very cheated. Why are we not allowed the full time that we deserve?
May I also have 5 extra hours please? No, wait, make that 8 hours, these guys got to start at 4pm in the afternoon, while for me it was midnight and I was asleep and missed the first 8 hours.
I’ve been 1 pip away from legendary 3 seperate times today, I didn’t think I’d make it, but thanks to an epic comeback on legacy managed to get it with 50 minutes to spare \o/
Soloq most of the way with some duo friday with some guys I met while playing, and some duo today with a druid friend (shout out to applerelia and Kalen)
Mainly played reaper, started with a mm condi spreading build and switched to carrion dhuumfire boonstrip. Played some trap DH and druid to get the proffesion achieves for paths I, II and III
(edited by Safari.3021)
When I see my team is not worth my efforts, I quit, I don’t care, now why should I be banned for that? They should be banned to, because they are not so good players?!
I can live with pip loss due to bad players, no ones infallible, but I can’t abide people that don’t even try, going so far as afking in a ranked match. Especially when the scoreline also has something to do with how many pips you lose.
For example, lost a game today 500-380, but didn’t lose a pip. Everyone tried and fought till the end. Turned out the other team had 3 legendarys.
lost 6 pips in 3 matches today because someones afk’d all game.
At least gives us a proper report function for it which then tracks the reported players behavior for the remainder of the match and gives appropriate dishonour/additional pip loss.
There should be no reason to afk in ranked.
I thought you get a lower mmr rating on classes you dont play, mmr is profession specific.
:( Well gg then. I was gonna go for the backpack, but now won’t bother because I’m set back by what, 2-3 months? Might as well wait for the fractal one. Screw the leagues! W/e
Thx for the info.
You can still get it if you do the daily properly during the next seasons. It’s possible to get all dailies in a single season. It’s even possible to get all the Ascension achievements in a single season just not easy.
The League started December 1st and ends January 26th. That’s 57 days total, but you need 60 for the daily if I recall (15 for each part) so it’s not possible to get all achievements in one season, you will be missing 3 days for the daily even if you play 3 matches every day and do all the other achievements. Unless I’m missing something
You are. Every time you finish a tier, you can immediately do the first day of the next tier, thus saving 3 days.
not true, each time i’ve completed the 15 days achievement (the final one i’ve needed for path I and path II) I havent been able to get day 1 of the next until the day after.
MMR and match making? explain this, look how lopsided the losses are.
At least you got a victory on there.
I’d just won 4 in a row, got to diamond tier 4 and 2 pips (only ever soloq’d), then all of a sudden 10 straight losses and back down to tier 2 and 2 pips.
What has happened these last few days?
Personally I have no idea how good or bad I am, I’d like to think I do ok.
If I’ve managed to get to Diamond this season by soloqing, do these changes mean I’ll have an easier time getting diamond next season? I found sapphire more of a struggle than ruby
Why did people stop rating the names above them? I guess just not reading the thread/OP properly?
“Joxer El Muerto” 7/10 for necro theme XD
I’ve two necros, one for PVE and one for PVP
PVE: Dhuumknight (its what reaper should have been called)
PVP: Cap The Points F S (theres another F in the space, accursed swear filter, because no one ever does)
Try Harathi Hinterlands, I tried for quite some time in queensdale with no success, but there were some in the Diremane Woods area of Harathi and thats where I got mine to drop
During a Ranked PvP game:
I was attacking the henge on Forest of Niflhel when a Revenant used Forceful displacement on me, knocking me under the map and into one of the surrounding pillars.
From inside the pillar I couldn’t do anything other than summon minions (which could move out of the scenary and attack), I couldnt move out or even target enemies
Our team were effectively a player short because of this.
Just got mine after days of trying, I followed the north chain, and this time instead of opening the event rewards straight away (the purple coloured chest above minimap) I waited until northwatch showed as being 3/3.
After the tendril and you get the event chest, the status is still 2/3 for a while until the exaulted has activated the pylon, just wait until its 3/3 before opening your two chests
Hey everyone
We started seeing this yesterday, some people were fixed with the hotfix but not everyone. We are currently investigating the issue and trying to isolate what makes some accounts different from others. A bug has been opened and I"m linking this thread in there, so if people could post their OS and which client they are using and any other information you think might help we’d appreciate it!
I didn’t experience this yesterday, this is a new phenomenom today, I quit to desktop around 17:15 server time (uk time) for dinner logged back in 18:00 and my game updated (although there are no patchnotes for today, has there been a patch today since the balance hotfix?)
My y-axis setting, clock setting, all the autoloot settings and enable camera shake were all reset to default, although profanity filter is left untouched as “none” (thank God, it got some use)
Key bindings remain the same as I had previously set
64 bit client, Windows 10 64 bit Pro
Still happening, crash pretty much once every world boss. It’s definitely not my rig, I spent over 2k on it, and ran GW2 on max settings with 0 crashes or any performance issues, until HoT came out.
You spent over 2k on a your PC and it still can’t run a 64-bit OS ?
Why are you assuming he’s on 32 bit OS?
Theres plenty of people that have been having the same crash on 64-Bit Operating Systems, myself one of them.
From page 3:
i7 3770k
16gb ddr3
win10 64bit
Msi 670 twin frozr—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=5069636,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 15752
Cmdline: -maploadinfo -autologin
BaseAddr: 00880000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54655
When: 2015-10-28T16:21:12Z
Uptime: 0 days 1:33:59
Flags: 0—> System <—
Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)—> System Memory <—
Physical: 8401MB/16337MB 51%
Paged: 22769MB/32721MB 69%
Virtual: 148MB/ 4095MB 3%
Load: 48%
CommitTotal: 9952MB
CommitLimit: 32721MB
CommitPeak: 9965MB
SystemCache: 9110MB
HandleCount: 52997
ProcessCount: 99
ThreadCount: 1744
Thankfully I haven’t crashed once on the 64 bit client since it was released
The enchanted treasure chest from the exotic hunter collection is missing from the charr home instance.
I have it in the other home instances, but it has vanished from Hero’s Canton.
same here, on 32 bit and 64 bit client.
aurora glade, diessa plateau.
The map IP its trying to load into is: 206:127:146:119
-maploadinfo shows every value at 0 except the time which reaches 30 sec then disconnects with the error code
Killed a treasure mushroom and got the Invisible mushroom Spore item required for all the specialisation collections, yet it only unlocked in the warriors “wild abandon” collection and not the others.
Wouldn’t mind so much, but I looted the item as a necromancer
At first I thought I was mad.
My friends on teamspeak thought I was crazy, then I thought I was being trolled by a dev
The treasure mushroom ran up a tree I couldn’t climb and backed away from the edge so I couldn’t hit it, only appearing at the edge to have a look as I lay downed to random mobs that had killed me as i was scrambling to climb up after it. I rallied, it backed away again.
GG anet, GGWP
im having constant crashes too, only since HoT, but mines windows 10 64 bit.
I assume the most recent crash is the one at the bottom of the report?
i7 3770k
16gb ddr3
win10 64bit
Msi 670 twin frozr
—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=5069636,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 15752
Cmdline: -maploadinfo -autologin
BaseAddr: 00880000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54655
When: 2015-10-28T16:21:12Z
Uptime: 0 days 1:33:59
Flags: 0
—> System <—
Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:9]
OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 8401MB/16337MB 51%
Paged: 22769MB/32721MB 69%
Virtual: 148MB/ 4095MB 3%
Load: 48%
CommitTotal: 9952MB
CommitLimit: 32721MB
CommitPeak: 9965MB
SystemCache: 9110MB
HandleCount: 52997
ProcessCount: 99
ThreadCount: 1744
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 3321MB
WorkingSet: 3087MB
PeakWorkingSet: 3173MB
PageFaults: 18660809
—> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM 1411.43 29663
Root 1042.03 1461251
VRAM – Prop Tex 504.93 1515
Programmer Data 461.50 465468
Art Assets 442.40 17034
Engine 235.72 293452
VRAM – Gr Postproc 219.26 17
Anim Import Packfile 193.86 658
Anim Import Models 193.86 658
Gr 148.18 191913
VRAM – Character Geo 139.04 424
Game 137.06 115553
Character Models 114.73 1745
VRAM – Effect Geo 113.49 499
Map Assets 111.41 11439
Uncategorized 102.13 928549
Prop Models 99.84 6108
Content 96.49 37301
Prop Packfile 95.41 683
VRAM – Composite Tex 90.50 95
Composite Models 69.83 1047
Collections 60.35 9663
VRAM – UI Textures 58.52 1756
Dictionary 57.72 2174
—> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
VRAM – Prop Tex 504.93 1515
VRAM – Gr Postproc 219.26 17
Anim Import Packfile 193.86 658
VRAM – Character Geo 139.04 424
VRAM – Effect Geo 113.49 499
Uncategorized 102.13 928549
Content 96.49 37301
Prop Packfile 95.41 683
VRAM – Composite Tex 90.50 95
VRAM – UI Textures 58.52 1756
Dictionary 57.72 2174
VRAM – Gr Geometry 47.30 456
Character Packfile 44.50 202
VRAM – DDI Shader 39.64 22872
Gr 39.08 7530
Map Zone 38.66 12225
Composite Tex Pool 35.84 74
VRAM – Terrain Tex 35.67 50
Composite Packfile 33.86 888
VRAM – Gr Shadow 32.00 1
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
Text 28.42 3710
Gr Font 25.75 1561
Gr Cloud 24.51 32977
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 10.0.10240.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0xdec <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:00b8d92f Fr:06e1f2dc Rt:0148ed80 Arg:00000000 00000000 01a370f4 000004b3
Pc:0148ed80 Fr:06e1f51c Rt:0148fad7 Arg:00000000 05588410 00000010 00000010
Pc:0148fad7 Fr:06e1f554 Rt:01487148 Arg:00000000 00b8ee49 000006a0 00bcce80
Pc:01487148 Fr:06e1f5a4 Rt:00ec60eb Arg:3c83126f 3cdbd5cc 06e1f634 0786dab8
Pc:00ec60eb Fr:06e1f5d8 Rt:00ec899f Arg:3cdbd5cc 00d3c393 0574e010 0574e460
Pc:00ec899f Fr:06e1f680 Rt:00d3a2de Arg:0574e010 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:00d3a2de Fr:06e1f6fc Rt:00d3b4e2 Arg:a9840dff 01d1119c 91c377e1 00000001
Pc:00d3b4e2 Fr:06e1f73c Rt:00d39ab1 Arg:053f3d30 026932c0 00b8efc8 00ce059c
Pc:00d39ab1 Fr:06e1f75c Rt:00ce04f0 Arg:053f3d30 91c37749 00ce059c 026932c0
Pc:00ce04f0 Fr:06e1f794 Rt:00ce0618 Arg:00ce059c 06e1f7b4 74e73744 026932c0
Pc:00ce0618 Fr:06e1f7a0 Rt:74e73744 Arg:026932c0 74e73720 0cad0b16 06e1f7fc
Pc:74e73744 Fr:06e1f7b4 Rt:77c9a064 Arg:026932c0 e3f9096d 00000000 00000000
Pc:77c9a064 Fr:06e1f7fc Rt:77c9a02f Arg:ffffffff 77cbd7e1 00000000 00000000
Pc:77c9a02f Fr:06e1f80c Rt:00000000 Arg:00ce059c 026932c0 00000000 00000000
—> Thread registers <—
eax=06e1ee48 ebx=06e1f298 ecx=00000000 edx=06e1f298 esi=74e79ec0 edi=00000000
eip=00b8d92f esp=06e1f274 ebp=06e1f2dc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246
eax-32 06E1EE28 423c0000 ca15fe18 423aa7d7 c243d8cd
eax-16 06E1EE38 41e3a71a 06e1eea0 77b73e28 06e1ee48
eax 0 06E1EE48 80000003 00000000 00000000 77b73e28
eax16 06E1EE58 00000000 00000000 61384010 00000000
eax+32 06E1EE68 00000000 91c36ead 06e1eec0 00970f87
eax+48 06E1EE78 2ee1ee90 42800000 42b40000 06e1efe0
ebx-32 06E1F278 01a370f4 000004b3 00000000 72715d10
ebx-16 06E1F288 06e1f310 72715d50 00000000 00000006
ebx 0 06E1F298 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39363035
ebx16 06E1F2A8 00363336 00000000 000e9392 000e9392
ebx+32 06E1F2B8 06e1f2e0 00c94305 00000000 06e1f30c
ebx+48 06E1F2C8 06e1f2dc 06e1f310 06e1f30c 00000000
edx-32 06E1F278 01a370f4 000004b3 00000000 72715d10
edx-16 06E1F288 06e1f310 72715d50 00000000 00000006
edx 0 06E1F298 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 39363035
edx16 06E1F2A8 00363336 00000000 000e9392 000e9392
edx+32 06E1F2B8 06e1f2e0 00c94305 00000000 06e1f30c
edx+48 06E1F2C8 06e1f2dc 06e1f310 06e1f30c 00000000
esi-32 74E79EA0 0010c25d 850ff685 fffffcc6 ddebc033
esi-16 74E79EB0 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
esi 0 74E79EC0 031c25ff cccc74ee cccccccc cccccccc
esi16 74E79ED0 8b55ff8b 00a151ec 3374f100 fc4589c5
esi+32 74E79EE0 08358b56 8574f108 cc850ff6 33000148
esi+48 74E79EF0 fc4d8bc0 e85ecd33 0000b9e8 c25de58b
—> Code <—
00B8D90F 806a7e01 8d45bc6a 4050e852 68ffff83 .j~..E.j@P.Rh…
00B8D91F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
00B8D92F e8ac9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 ……U..E..Z..u
00B8D93F 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
00B8D94F f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
00B8D95F 68e50300 00bafc69 7e01b990 6a7e01e8 h……i~…j~..
—> Stack <—
06E1F274 00b8d934 01a370f4 000004b3 00000000 4….p……….
06E1F284 72715d10 06e1f310 72715d50 00000000 .]qr….P]qr….
06E1F294 00000006 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
06E1F2A4 39363035 00363336 00000000 000e9392 5069636………
06E1F2B4 000e9392 06e1f2e0 00c94305 00000000 ………C……
06E1F2C4 06e1f30c 06e1f2dc 06e1f310 06e1f30c …………….
06E1F2D4 00000000 91c37201 06e1f51c 0148ed80 …..r……..H.
06E1F2E4 00000000 00000000 01a370f4 000004b3 ………p……
06E1F2F4 00000068 00000001 00000000 a984bdf6 h……………
06E1F304 72715d10 078160b0 004d5b44 010ea291 .]qr.`..D[M…..
06E1F314 056b0000 017e3bcc 000000a0 06e1f33c ..k..;~…..<…
06E1F324 00cfd3bf 07816000 00000098 00000000 …..`……….
06E1F334 00000080 00000098 06e1f35c 00cfcd44 ……..\…D…
06E1F344 056b60c8 00000000 00000098 00000000 .`k………….
06E1F354 00000001 71d49b40 00cfd997 71d49b40 …...q....
06E1F364 00000000 00000060 00000060 056b60c8 ….`…`….`k.
06E1F374 0183ac84 00000060 06e1f398 00cfd3bf ….`………..
06E1F384 07816000 00000060 00000001 06e1f3e4 .`..`………..
06E1F394 056b60c8 06e1f3c8 00cfcefa 056b60c8 .`k……….`k.
06E1F3A4 00000000 00000060 00000001 00000001 ….`………..
06E1F3B4 00000048 056b60c8 00000000 00000001 H….`k………
06E1F3C4 00000000 06e1f3e8 00cfd72c 056b60c8 ……..,….`k.
06E1F3D4 00000060 00000001 06e1f3e4 00000001 `……………
06E1F3E4 00000060 06e1f454 00b9275c 00000060 `…T…\‘..`…
06E1F3F4 00000040 00b8d9b3 82bdef40 00000000 .......
06E1F404 00b8d9c2 71d49b40 00000001 d1f43794 …...q.....7..
06E1F414 01d60280 017e3bcc 00000295 00000008 .....;~.........
06E1F424 82bdef78 00000000 00000080 00000008 x...............
06E1F434 82bdef78 d27c8010 056b2a20 77b683f6 x.....|. *k....w
06E1F444 00c1af32 01a3d228 77ca906c 77b67e1c 2...(...l..w.~.w
06E1F454 06e1f474 06e1f474 77c76d70 77d47440 t...t...pm.w
06E1F464 d1f43794 01d60280 06e1f4c0 01d60270 .7……….p…
06E1F474 06e1f4c0 06e1f4b8 00cbdeb0 0502cd18 …………….
06E1F484 001156b2 867fc258 001156b3 d1f43794 .V..X….V…7..
06E1F494 d1f43794 867fc258 00000001 0502cd18 .7..X………..
06E1F4A4 001156b2 867fc258 77ca8c6c 77b74494 .V..X…l..w.D.w
06E1F4B4 00000280 00000001 00000000 06e1f4e8 …………….
06E1F4C4 00b8bf77 00000280 00000001 00000000 w……………
06E1F4D4 06e1f4e4 00cbe551 d27c8010 809f0cd0 ….Q…..|…..
06E1F4E4 056b2a14 06e1f4f8 01492953 809f0cd0 .*k…..S)I…..
06E1F4F4 70aaf2f0 06e1f51c 0148ee93 11503010 …p……H..0P.
06E1F504 71b6f3d0 00000000 06e1f520 00b8b8cf …q…. …….
06E1F514 06e1f518 91c375c1 06e1f554 0148fad7 …..u..T…..H.
06E1F524 00000000 05588410 00000010 00000010 ……X………
06E1F534 4cfe4850 01d1119c a984bdf6 809ee110 PH.L…………
06E1F544 00000000 00002710 00000000 11503010 …..’…….0P.
06E1F554 06e1f5a4 01487148 00000000 00b8ee49 ….HqH…..I…
06E1F564 000006a0 00bcce80 11c46010 00000028 ………`..(…
06E1F574 5b7ff190 06e1f5ac 00bcb6f1 5b7ff190 …[………..[
06E1F584 00000028 018a0e2c 00000010 00b9cd5a (…,…….Z…
06E1F594 00000010 00bc121f 05588410 00000008 ……….X…..
06E1F5A4 06e1f5d8 00ec60eb 3c83126f 3cdbd5cc …..`..o..<…<
06E1F5B4 06e1f634 0786dab8 0574e054 3c83126f 4…….T.t.o..<
06E1F5C4 3cdbd5cc 3cdbd5cc 3cdbd5cc 3c83126f …<…<…<o..<
06E1F5D4 3c83126f 06e1f680 00ec899f 3cdbd5cc o..<………..<
06E1F5E4 00d3c393 0574e010 0574e460 00000001 ……t.`.t…..
06E1F5F4 00000002 00000002 00000010 06e1f618 …………….
06E1F604 06e1f620 0574e460 00000002 06e1f6e8 …`.t………
06E1F614 0000000c 00000000 0786dac8 00000000 …………….
06E1F624 0574e054 00000001 0574e010 0574e358 T.t…….t.X.t.
06E1F634 0786dac4 0574e04d 00cfac97 0574e38c ….M.t…….t.
06E1F644 00d3c6f3 0574e010 00000000 00000000 ……t………
06E1F654 06e1f680 06e1f698 00d3a97f 0574e010 …………..t.
06E1F664 044d4b16 00000001 0574e358 00000000 .KM…..X.t…..
—> Error Logs <—
Completion: 0.000000
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (5321.759766, -994.742004, -16930.500000), Completion: 0.000000
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (7176.427246, -4231.532715, -27072.636719), Completion: 0.000000
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (5321.759766, -994.742004, -16930.500000), Completion: 0.000000
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (7146.173828, -4239.553711, -27079.796875), Completion: 0.000000
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Model ‘0×082245’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Debug token ‘0xeb017’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Debug token ‘0xf1059’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (5321.759766, -994.742004, -16930.500000), Completion: 0.000000
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘1RbXL.kYOtE’
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: 1052, Position: (7184.862793, -4319.417969, -27082.689453), Completion: 0.000000
—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×1189
Version = 10.18.0013.5850
Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
Compat = 0×00100000
VidMem = 2048 MB
(edited by Safari.3021)
I had the same issue with the cinematic audio during the cutscene in the first story instance, Rytlocke appeared, all I had was music but no sound effects or speech.
I went to fractals lab to replay the cinematic there, to see if it was a global issue, and found during the fractals cinematic, I had dessas speech, but no sound effects or music.
When the speech ended (during the mossman scene) I found I could faintly hear something, in the background. Turning my speakers volume up to the max let me hear the sound, its like it was playing really low.
Messing around with audio options during a second replay, i found dessas speech was tied into dialogue volume, and the rest of the cinematic was tied to Environment volume. Turning Environment volume up to maximum, matching dialogue volume, I could hear the cinematic as intended.
Not replayed the beta cinematic again yet to confirm, but check your environment volume setting
Hope this helps
Just replayed the story, matching environment levels to dialogue let the cinematic play with full sound…….EXCEPT Rytlocks speech, it was missing
(edited by Safari.3021)
The rest is up to you but i recommend not traiting into BM as your pet spends half of the major fights dead.
Ignore this, no idea “who let this guy in here” a dead pet is a sign of a poor ranger who doesnt manage the pet well, if at all.
BM is not just about pets and has a few good options in it.
Resounding timbre gives you regen and swiftness, really good in roaming builds for mobility about the map and regen can be used to outpace conditions, there’s a gs/s+a build out there uses this for great effect.
Also for roaming, "Go For The Eyes gives on demand blinds
Two handed training also gives you swoop more often for mobility or escapes and a source of fury for remorseless.
Lastly honed axes is great if you use mainhand axe in a frontline build, or Zephyrs speed cos who doesnt love the extra burst or safe stomps quickness allows?
While roaming, Beastly warden provides you an on demand interrupt and prevents classes such as guardian use their stunbreaks that require a target (like judges intervention)
Personally I use this
As part of a 5 man focus party, my job is back line immob and necros. Swoop in, entangle, LR out. Sic em is great for enemy mesmers and thieves, removing their ability to stealth and making them prime targets for the rest of the group when they’ve finished their current burst target.
(edited by Safari.3021)
New elite spec: Paleontologist
Gain a pet Dinosaur. Called Denver.
The last bow animation fix ruined shortbow……..
I can’t comment to be fair, never really used them, but if they are reliably blasting inside your combo fields, then stick with them.
That won’t happen at later levels, the bear stops being a decent tank around level 60ish if I recall correctly, its also not the best pet for wvw/pvp should you venture into those game modes, enemy players know to ignore it
Dogs or wolves are better for a cc/damage mix (fear or immobalize) spiders for some cc and aoe poison, cats and birds are great for dps (birds also blind, which is invaluable imo vs some mobs that hit hard)
(edited by Safari.3021)
stick a sigil of earth on the shortbow, you’re less reliant on hitting from behind then to get bleed stacks up, and also make use of your precision (60% chance on crit to give bleeding for 5 sec)
You’ll see the effect of krait runes more with entangle, as you’ll be in amongst the enemies to use your elite
If using entangle with wilderness knowledge, also consider krait runes, they’ll boost condis and add to entangles effect.
Quick draw is good for reducing torch 5’s recharge, but not so good when swapping to sb, consider Light on your feet for the piercing effect on shortbow, hitting multiple targets, especially wvw camp guards when camp capturing can not be undervalued
Before the balance patch I ran a trap build which was dire armor and rabid accessories, and found the loss in precision for crit chance wasn’t actually that much, but the boost to vitality was worth it (Vitality aids in absorbing condis, which ignore toughness)
Ranger feels very “meh” in spvp since the balance patch, even trying Euras build, its just not in a good place, and i’m very disenchanted with the game as a whole at the moment.
Introducing trapper runes is not the answer, while it warrents inclusion in spvp, all that will do is force similar struggling rangers into a trap orientated build to feel viable, destroying build diversity.
I’d rather they addressed things like off hand range, healing spring, lack of viable condi clear in a condi buffed environment (Sotf and emphatic bond in the same line, really?)
Basically you stick a sigil of earth and blight/torment on the longbow to get it to apply condis when you crit, you also need fairly high critchance from precision to get them to proc, and some condi damage on your gear and from the wilderness survival traitline to give them some punch.
Taking torch on the alternate weapon set will also give you an additional fire field your arrows can combo through to inflict burning.
Someone else could probably improve upon this, but it gives you significant condi damage as well as packing a bit of a punch from power
I just ran around eb with 40+ fps, 48 average ping, and all 5 weapon skill icons flashing at me doing nothing.
This is just since the last patch, March 16th and only in wvw.
Skill lag is horrific since the last patch (stab change), I just ran around with 40+ fps, 48 average ping with all 5 weapon skills icons flashing at me doing nothing.
My download got up to 1582mb while I was afk at dinner apparently patch is only 969mb :/
Been at 1 file for an hour now after multiple restarts, trying a repair atm
All this talk of GPU, GPU makes little to no difference once you get past a certain tier of card.
I went from a 295 GTX to a 660ti to a 670 and noticed 0 difference in fps with this game.
What makes the difference is CPU clock speed, I went from a stock i7 920 to a 3770k clocked at 4.6ghz and thats when i saw a decent increase in fps, but then it was only 10-15 fps over the old i7.
Currently I get a solid 60-61 fps in div reach or LA, everything Max
The ssd helps, when I tested, loading a fully populated LA on a samsung spinpoint f1 took 93 seconds, but on my ocz vertex 4 it takes 12 seconds.
Many skills that use teleporting to move the character will not activate if the target is not in range (probably the ones that require target or can deal damage while moving you).
RIP trickery steal, inf. signet, strike…… RIP thief in pvp/wvw? :|
I hope not, inf. signet is a great gap closer
nvm the events still spawn on time, the times just showing an hour ahead of what it actually is
So this morning, 8:40 UK time I noted the time for Jungle wurm event, via that_shaman’s timer on dulfy, would be 10:15 (for the daily), got there and somewhere in the last hour or so, the timers have changed, being put back an hour, Wurm didn’t spawn and is now due at 11:15.
Is this intentional?
you can’t see his or your own MMR……… so please tell me how you are in the same grouping.
Thats the question I’m asking.
How did someone, as bad/borderline average at pvp, like me, get put in the same match vs someone as good as him.
Average queue times were 1 min 32 sec.
I’m an average player, skillwise, at best, yet 2 hours ago I ended up on spiritwatch vs a team containing The Lord Helseth.
How does someone like me get put in the same grouping as the mesmer from TCG?
You aren’t in the same grouping…. he’s got more points you just have him friended
Thats nothing to do with it, I friended him after for the screenshot to see where he was in leaderboards
I’m an average player, skillwise, at best, yet 2 hours ago I ended up on spiritwatch vs a team containing The Lord Helseth.
How does someone like me get put in the same grouping as the mesmer from TCG?
I’m pretty sure it will show the guild name if there is a majority on the team. Else it will show the highest MMR, or it might be your character.
Edit: I don’t remember I’ll check in the morning.
I played some PvP on saturday for the first time since the patch, mostly unranked arenas.
However, when I joined some friends to make a team for Ranked arenas, each of the ranked games I played announced “Team Robin Bundles” (my character name) even though two of the five of us rep’d the same guild.
Oh and also I’m the worse player out the 5, I can’t see how my mmr would be higher, especially since the others were better and had played more pvp in ranked arenas since patch
Don’t worry too much, the treasure chest is really poor, Mawdrey II gives you better stuff