(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
I don’t know if this is asking too much, but I really wish they would release new hairstyles a little more frequently. As it is, it takes absolutely foreeeeeeverrrrrr to see any kind of hairstyle update apart from dyes. I guess they’re stretched pretty thin, at least that’s what Anet makes it sound like if a single new armor set takes 9 months to make as they say.
But I also agree that there has been a severe lack of variety in the hairstyles as of late. The topic that always comes up is the human males having WAY to many boy-band, super shiny salon-fresh hairstyles and barely any that could be used for a more rugged dude.
Also more beards would be awesome, especially for humans. Sylvari leaf beards would be a nice and welcome surprise too if you ask me.
I don’t think the executioner outfit was directly related to halloween. I might be wrong, but I remember it being in the gem store for a much longer period. it was one of the first outfits iirc
Whether or not it’s related to Halloween isn’t all that important I think. The fact that it’s on the gem store home page banner means it should be available, yet it’s nowhere to be found.
Maybe they used an old picture instead of making a new one?
If that’s the case… then it’s awfully misleading.
Thanks, I wasn’t aware of that. Looks as if I won’t be bothering with dailies any longer, then.
Well you still get 2 gold from doing them. Gold is nice.
Daily AP should be removed entirely.
Are you kidding me?
Where’s the executioner outfit? The banner on the gem store has a picture of both outfits with the tagline “Dressed to Scare!”
I don’t know if this should be in the bugs section, but it seems like an oversight to me. I’ve been waiting for the executioner outfit to come back, so you can imagine my confusion when I searched through the promotions tab and the style tab of the gem store and could not find it.
What gives?
Ayrilana posted the most apt translation of Mr Smith’s post & I wish more folks would read it before commenting.
You do realize that John Smith has just set things up to allow Anet to never touch the economy again, right? Admitting that Anet had some fault in the matter was a drop in the ocean compared to blaming it on the players. Quite conveniently, from here on out, every time someone complains about the price on a given item, or a change in the pricing, Anet, along with a dozen or so people here on the forum that I could probably list by name, will jump up and say “It’s the players fault. Stop hoarding!”
Couldn’t have said this better myself. Also…
If you want to help, start selling those bank tabs worth of kitten that you’re all hoarding.
Let’s use hardened leather a an example. Kind of hard to do that when hardened leather sections are so scarce to come by, and it is now required (in really large amounts I might add) for so many kinds of crafting , not to mention guild upgrades. If you have a secret farming method to reliably stock up on hardened leather sections, by all means, lay it on us.
I was surprised as well to see there wasn’t any way to purchase a petrified stump node for your home instance.
How long will hardened leather continue to be absurdly expensive with no reliable means of gathering it?
Can we do something about leather drop rate? Ignoring the hoarders, I think all of us personally notice a huge difference in personal supply. Getting cloth, wood, and metal is extremely easy via regular farming. I get tons of all of those via natural play activities, but leather is extremely scarce. I don’t think the price is due to hoarders who are probably doing what you’ve encouraged them to do anyway. If the drop rate was increased to be on par with other materials, we wouldn’t have this problem. It needs to be more easily farmable.
^ This. After a complete Octovine loot run, I consider myself lucky if I scrap more than 2 hardened leather sections (not even enough for 1 square, by the way).
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
I thought they were done with quarterly patches.
When did they say this?
Oh okay, so Anet is trying to increase the pace of balance updates. The way Kam phrased it I thought he/she was saying that Anet was done doing profession balance updates period, lol. Thanks for the clarification.
I thought they were done with quarterly patches.
When did they say this?
Wow, I must be in the minority, but I really like the carnival weapons. They’ll fit the theme of my jester mesmer perfectly (especially that scepter)!
I am, however, a little disappointed that there isn’t a floppy jester’s cap to go along with the set. Maybe soon, I can only hope!
Wow, 4 tickets for fused weapons. I mean, it’s cool that they’re back and all, but 4 tickets… dang.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a reload idea before, but I must admit that’s a pretty cool idea.
It could have some very slick gunslinger animations tied to it too.
^ That makes sense. Those projectiles can be slow as molasses.
I noticed this too. It appears that members of the White Mantle have also obtained the stealth detection mastery.
It’s an account-wide thing? Seriously??
Assuming you pick one per year, that means it’ll take 5 years to complete the whole set. Is that seriously their plan?… because that sounds really weird, unless there will be a way to get the rest of the set another way…
I’d like to see a discount on these:
• Copper-fed salvage o matic
• Character slot expansion
• Bank tab expansion
• Materials collection expansion
• Returning armor, like primeval, zodiac, etc.
I hope we get more playable races, actually.
As part of the community who paid 3k gold for the boots, it is well worth the gold. It looks unique, and should stay as it is. Why are you guys so mad about it?
Of course you think it should stay as is. You dropped 3k gold on it.
If you really don’t understand why players are upset about this, then you either haven’t read anything in this thread or simply don’t care, in which case why are you even asking?
How can we have more capes when we haven’t had any capes yet?
Do butt capes count? :P
is that another term for some sort of skirt a “hooker” wears?
Umm…. no, dude.
It should be time gated and untradeable
How can we have more capes when we haven’t had any capes yet?
Do butt capes count? :P
Do you mean capes???
I’m not going to ask for a refund, as I still like the concept of the weapon. I’ll continue to use it on my ranger and simply hope that it’ll be integrated in their new auto-attack animation someday.
I bought it for my sword ranger and was sorely disappointed when I saw that it doesn’t turn into a whip for any of the auto-attack animations. The second hit is understandable because it’s a stab, but I was really hoping to see it turn into a whip at least on the third hit of the chain where they spin the sword a couple of times before delivering the final strike. It’d look so cool to see the whip swirling behind the character during the wind-up, then crack your enemy with the extended blade whip.
In a recent patch, I noticed that the slingshot shortbow skin no longer has unique sound effects tied to it. Rather, it now uses the default shortbow sounds. I’m assuming this is a bug and not actually intended, because other weapons with unique sounds, like the popgun, remain the same.
Hope this can be addressed, because I enjoy the uniqueness of the slingshot, as it is literally the only slingshot in the game.
EDIT: Nevermind. It looks like this was addressed by a dev on reddit and will be fixed soon. All’s well.
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
Im not a raider yet, but I’m curious now. Does anyone have a video link that lets us hear this new voice? Given the posts on this thread, it sounds like you can really tell that it’s a new voice actor playing the male charr.
On topic: I like how the Super Adventure Box is now an anual asuran festival. More stuff like that would be welcome in my book!
Would love to see this return as well!
As nice as this would be to have, it will likely never happen because of one glaring reason: medium trench coats and light leggings.
I think there should be a chubby body option too, not morbidly obese, but there are heavier adventurers too, even if they run a lot.
This is pretty much what I’m thinking. Norn males have an option like that, it would be pretty cool to get that for the other races as well… although I’m not sure about sylvari, specifically if it’s even possible for them to have a heavier body type.
There are two roads this thread can take: one that turns this into a light-hearted, wholesome forum game… the other will likely get this thread locked and/or deleted by mods.
I’m interested to see which road the players choose… (¬_¬)
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
well, that’s RNG for you.
i wont complain about it because that’s how it is designed, low chance and a very select few can get it. work for it if you want it :p
I don’t think you fully understand the issue here.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll reiterate. Had these RNG mushroom boot drops been something really spectacular like highly detailed, jungle-themed boots that made glowing mushroom caps sprout after every footstep, then that would be something worth implementing as a mushroom-hunting RNG drop.
BUT. This is literally just an invisible boot skin to hide your current footwear. This is something players have been requesting for a long time, and instead of applying it as a simple checkbox like helmet, shoulders, and gloves as everyone would’ve thought/appreciated, they’re tied to this nonsense. And because they are so rare and so sought after, there are little to none on the trading post. The few that are up for sale have been set to obscenely high prices (we’re talking thousands of gold per piece).
Personally, I don’t think being able to hide your boots should be tied to something such that “a very select few can get it.” And in case you haven’t been reading the forums, people have been working for it for many months now with no success. To me, it’s incredibly disheartening and quite honestly completely ridiculous that we should have to struggle for something that literally took nothing to design. There were no art assets used (save for the icon), no concept designs, no model work, no dye channel implementation, no special effects tied to the skin, etc. It’s nothing more than the “hide boots” checkbox players have wanted, only you’re at the mercy of nigh-impossible RNG, with the only other option being to shell out thousands of gold on the trading post if there are even any to purchase for your desired weight class.
I honestly cannot wrap my head around why this decision was made, when it made more sense in every way to give players the show/hide checkbox.
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
In wrestling, The Big Show can do a moonsault.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
On topic: thicker options would be fine by me.
I agree that the Phase Traversal energy cost nerf needs to be looked at – it’s just way over the top. It’s the worst feeling not having any energy to use abilities because you wanted to actually get close enough to fight them.
Even in PvE it sucks when you close the gap and basically have nothing else to follow up with except auto attacks, although I’m sure this problem is exacerbated in competitive modes.
I hope this upcoming quarterly patch addresses this issue, because I agree that there are better ways to adjust Phase Traversal without making it cost so much energy.
9 months and and the simle act of being able to hide your boots is still tied to an outrageously improbable RNG drop.
I would rather have the underwater weapons implemented for land use someday. Example:
• Spear: can be used as throwing javelins and pole arms.
• Harpoon gun: can be used as a crossbow.
• Trident: this can be a primarily melee magic weapon with some ranged skills to go with it. Think of it as the melee variant to the ranged magic weapons like staff and scepter.
There’s so many opportunities for new play styles without actually coming up with a brand new weapon to introduce to the game. Let us take our weapons out of the water! \o/ \o/ \o/
Oh my gosh, I know where this is going! ALL the pieces fit now!
Playable Dwarves are coming!
Dude… DUDE…
I’d be so down for this!
Personally I think a lot of the skins are great, but I agree that a new tier would be awesome. Maybe also harder to get other then just the prize, that would make it much more satisfying to get your hands on.
Personally I don’t think players should have to jump through hoops to get cultural armor. There are a number of sets that are already like that. We don’t need every new armor set to be a trial to obtain.
I would so love this! One of the complaints I often read about regarding sylvari is their lack of choices for plant-themed armor. A new set of cultural armor would be just the thing. I’d be interested in seeing new cultural armor for all the races and armor weight classes.
It’d be quite the undertaking for the art department, but this is Fashion Wars 2 after all.
sigh…. once again we get male version of armor…
A forum vote was such a lame idea since most ppl who are not happy with something are the ones who are usually on the forums.
My thoughts exactly. The thousands of players who likely never go to the forums are in for a surprise when all of the sudden their charr and asura armor is changed.
You could have at least set it so we can choose ingame between male and female versions…
This has been suggested time and time again. I would love this, but by now it’s likely never going to happen, unfortunately… Anet just hasn’t shown much interest in a feature like this. -_-
I’m not saying the cups were great, but with as little female-variant armor as we have for charr and asura… sigh, oh well.
I honestly wouldn’t have mind these armors if they were a bit… ‘remixed’ to fit the characters a bit more.
The best suggestions I’ve seen about this topic are: give players the choice of what version you want to use or alter the tops to make them suitable for charr and asura (more work, I know, but Anet made the choice to make charr and asura as playable races). Instead, we’re going to get the same old “let’s just go with the male armor” thing again. How dreadfully dull… >_<
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
Hopefully it’s not asking for too much since it’s already in game..
I believe Gaile has chimed in about this, saying that new emotes super low on their priority list, so unfortunately it is too much to ask… at least for now I guess.
I would love more emotes though, especially ones from gw1.
We had new styles on May 17thThe same patch they also added a new preview npc for styles in LA
Those were new hair colors. I’m actually talking about new styles as well as new faces. >.>
It’s been a while, but I thought I’d bring this back with a couple more suggestions. Norn and asura males both have a hairstyle with a headband included. The norn style with the headband has a really cool look with the beaded string wrapped around the cloth, and the asura hair with the dreadlocks and headband looks absolutely awesome! Why not have an option or two like this for human males as well?
Hey guys, I was wondering… are there are going to be any new hairstyles and faces coming anytime soon (perhaps during the summer)? How long has it been since we had a fresh, new set of appearance options for our self-style hair kits and total makeover kits?
OMFG QUIT! Sorry gals but do do you not want you’re characters to be attractive? Why? not live up to them IRL? so what, this is a friggen video game! 99% of the guys that play this ( which is a larger part of the player base) do not live up to the male’s aspects, how much do we whine?f, not as much. Sry to be a derk but kitten cmon! don’t immerse yourself soooo much that a FANTASY GAME get’s criticized for it’s sexuality!!!!!!!!!! Think of this, IRL would you really run around in ANY of the armor skins? male or female? Get real people and CMON…. you’re at this point cryn for the sake of cryn because you want attention, grow up! No set of armor skins in game will make you feel better about yourself IRL , that can only be done via IRL work. so just do that if you wanna be better than you are now, and quit crying about in-game sexualism; this is A FANTASY.
When you just read the thread title and respond without actually understanding what the topic is about at all, it makes you looks like an [other word for donkey].
You can design feminine armor without breasts which I am sure you are aware. Anet just does not have the ability or skill to do so, so they just take the easy route and give asura male versions alot of the time.
Anet certainly has the skill, I’m confident in that. I just wish they would spend more effort on charr and asura females.
Adapt the armor to still look feminine on charr and asura. Perhaps substitute the top for a chest wrap or something.
I know they can. They just don’t, and it’s a real shame. It was Anet’s design to make the charr and asura a playable race, they should at least make the effort to better adapt feminine armor for them without going the “let’s just give them the male version” route.
specially because male humans in medium armor have absolutely NO option to be bare chested, at most they can show their arms…
I’ve posted this image a number of times, and I’ll post it again to show a great example of what could be a really awesome set of medium armor. I would absolutely love to have something like this for my daredevil, specifically the open vest (how about some necklaces to go with it?).