No, I would rather you adapt a female variant to charr and asura body types. As someone who plays mostly asura, one of the biggest turn-offs to the game is the lack of variety in the armor and outfits available to my characters.
Putting them into a copy-paste male variant feels about as cheaply done to me as what we’re currently presented with. This is legendary armor. People are probably going to work hard to obtain it. At least make it worthwhile it by providing something unique?
Also this bears repeating. Why not just modify the top to be a wrap instead of a breastplate? Nothing over-the-top. It would be a good strategy to approach many of the female armor sets in the game for charr and asura.
Example: the primitive armor set looks infinitely better on a female than a male, yet charr and asura get the drab-looking male variant. I wish my female charr (a voodoo-themed necro) could wear the female version of the primitive armor.
An option to choose which version you want to wear would be absolutely heavenly!
why not just let us choose in game which version we want. whether male or female.
For charr and asura especially, I would love to be able to have this as an option for most, if not all, armor sets and outfits.
Otherwise, I say keep the female version. There aren’t enough female-variant armors/outfits for charr and asura as it is.
It’s a pretty simple reason why. The vast majority of people playing this game are males including the people playing female avatars.
I’m a male, and I totally support more skimpy armors for male characters.
Same. Can’t +1 this enough.
I like it how it is and want more revealing female armors.
Likewise. I like my characters to look sexy in games. Personally I’m tired of being chastised for that preference.
I don’t think anyone is chastising you, at least in this thread anyways. What most people are asking is for males to have some revealing armor as well. A medium armor with a bare-chested open vest, for example. Or how about some more barbaric-looking heavy armor showing them muscles? We don’t even have any sandals on any light or medium armor. The list goes on…
It is a little tiresome that females get armor that shows some skin while the male variant is almost always completely covered head-to-toe.
if you just ask the question straight up and let us get you an answer!
I appreciate the clarification, so thank you for that.
Also—and I mean no offense—given how long it’s taken in the past to get responses from things like visual nerfs, balance issues (i.e. threads asking about thief ricochet trait went on for over a thousand posts without any response), and other important topics, it’s left many people with a cynical view toward how Anet communicates with its players/customers. So naturally, when something like this happens, it’s not unreasonable to think that this was intentional with no explanation.
How about the Fused weapons?
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
im really diggin the gs, but with my kitten RNG i am definetely not able to get even condierably enough ticket scraps to buy it while its still 1ticket… like i dont usually complain, but kitten im complaining now.
Yup, and when a new weapon set comes out and the price of this one goes to 5 tickets or whatever, you can forget about finishing the collection (without gambling your income away on RNG).
Great move, Anet… -_-
I’ve decided to make it available through Black Lion Claim Tickets only. You won’t find this set on the trading post, folks—finders, keepers.
Yup, this was very intentional. And Anet playing it cute like this only makes the sting that much worse. I’m at a loss here…
This is gonna make the whole set pretty much impossible to complete once a future weapon set is introduced and this one becomes 5 tickets each. Completely screwed if it gets taken off rotation completely like the fused weapons (only a few are still on the market at crazy high gold prices).
Please tell me this is a mistake and will be hotfixed shortly, because this is beyond ridiculous. Nothing more than an obvious scheme to try and boost key sales. I’m completely dumbfounded and disgusted by this move.
Utterly ridiculous…
I’m more concerned with hardened leather sections, which are over 20 silver a piece on the TP. Absolutely absurd that a crafting material like that has reached such a ridiculous price for a single piece.
Hardened leather sections/squares are pretty ridiculous on the trading post right now. It doesn’t help that regular means of acquisition (loot drops + salvage) are really bad too.
I understand the concept of supply/demand, but I don’t think a crafting material like that should ever reach such exorbitant prices…
If we ever find Gorillas in any other part of Tyria, I would love to be able to tame them as a ranger pet.
Or just make the night a little bit darker
… a suggestion I made about 2 years ago…
I wouldn’t mind a darker night cycle, though perhaps not to the degree of say, Dragon’s Dogma or Dark Souls where a source of light is pretty much mandatory (though I wouldn’t object to it if that was a gimmick of a future expansion. Belt lanterns anyone?).
As it is currently, I usually never even notice if it’s nighttime unless I’m playing a sylvari or I glance up at the sky.
It’s only supposed to cleanse 1 condition. I think you’re misunderstanding the wording of the skill. It also cleanses 1 condition on each nearby ally. It doesn’t cleanse a number of conditions on you equivalent to the number of nearby allies.
This confused me for the longest time until I realized this is actually how it works.
If I’m not mistaken, I believe a dev on Reddit hinted that the old PvP armor sets would come back as WvW reward tracks. Don’t know if there would be additional ways to obtain them, but they did confirm for certain that they will come back eventually.
It’s a matter of “when,” now, not “if.” But “when” is the big question here as we’ve been waiting for a long time now.
How in the world are raids competitive? They are people who are maximizing cooperation in a PvE environment. If they fail it’s because they haven’t reach max cooperation (as well as sufficient dps) Unless there are other raiders in that instance who they are competing with this makes no sense.
How? Have you ever been in a raid? There is a competitive baseline, which you have to meet to kill the boss, or you simply fail. Try bringing just 9 whatevers in there and let’s see how well you do. And the baseline is quite high, which we need more in open world PVE, not just raids.
Competitive baseline? Now you’re comparing competition to beating a timer?
Nope. It’s a cooperative baseline where if they don’t cooperate sufficiently as well as dps enough then the timer runs out.
Please, show me a video of 10 mesmers cooperating to beat a boss, I am sure your cooperation skills will bring the boss down before the inevitable timer kills you. Point is, cooperation alone will give you nothing, you need to be competitive too.
I don’t think you actually understand what it means to “cooperate”.
Competition would be if the mesmers all had to kill each other for the chest at the end.
I don’t think you understand what cooperation means. If an event asked you to do a synchronized dance as 10 people, by pressing same buttons at same time, that’s cooperation. Competitiveness is how well you fare against a baseline or current players, which is being tested in a raid. It is normal to be afraid of it, because if you are below the average skill level, you will be at a disadvantage, but for elite PVE players that is not a problem, which is the tier that should be rewarded for outperforming the lower skill levels. Adventures is one level of competitive PVE and I wish there were more of them. A platinum level, which is top 1% of players, not just a hard baseline, but a moving one, so that if you want to stay there, you have to keep improving.
No no, I really don’t think you understand what cooperation means.
I’m down for this. The new energy cost is just stupid and you really feel it in combat.
Words cannot express the amount of “no” I’m feeling.
Not to mention the 3rd hit of the auto-attack chain looks pretty bad.
Can we please have the super adventure box continue screen emote? You know that one where your toon gets tied up all sexy style on a pole?
What RP’s are you planning? >_>
“Name this team of legendary heroes! They will go down in history as—what? Oh… you were there too, I guess. But let’s be honest, this is their spotlight, not yours. Now step aside while they take the credit for all your hard work.”
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
I think that ‘props’ should be the domain of purchasable environmental tools/weapons, not emotes.
Fair enough. I just find it to be such a waste that we have this cool tavern in our guild hall—not to mention taverns and inns all over Tyria, as well as banquet tables and kegs offered by other guilds—and we can’t actually see our characters interact with them. I know it’s of no consequence to many players, but having special animations for these things just help bring more life into the world, in my opinion. More immersive, y’know?
Back on the emote topic: gw1 had some great emotes that I’d love to see in gw2 one of these days, namely /doubletake and /catchbreath.
Such is the nature of an RNG item. You gotta take the bad with the good. I’m not saying I like it, it’s just what we’ve got.
Big, floppy jester hats! With jingly bells! Pleeeeease, Anet!
After all, a jester unemployed is nobody’s fool. >.>
I would like to see more emotes that bring in props.
For example, in norn towns, you can often see norn npc’s standing around with a mug of ale, chatting and drinking. How cool would that be for avid RPers to stand around their guild hall’s tavern? It could be assigned to /drink or something. And there could also be a /eat where your character chows down on like a turkey leg or something.
I’d love to see more emotes added to the game, and it saddens me that they haven’t been able to spare any ounce of time these past few years. It makes me really wonder how thinly Anet’s resources are stretched.
I’m honestly still waiting for a revamp in the Daredevil’s staff stance and running animation. It still looks awkward as heck to see it wielded like a darn hammer… but that’s another subject. :/
Darn, still no chain whip sword. The wait continues… >_>
Cool glider, by the way! With all the attention given to the sylvari and mordremoth in HoT, I’m surprised it’s taken this long for a plant-themed glider to surface.
I would not buy any merchandise at all, I did not find this option in the survey sadly. I keep gaming and real life stuff strictly seperated so I never buy any merchandise ever for any game.
There actually is an option for that. It’s called “don’t take the survey at all, broski.” :/
- “Charr slippers!”
I’m keeping my eyes peeled for the chain whip sword! >.>
Each day is a new opportunity. Fingers crossed!
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
Anet should put up a jester’s cap like the one in gw1. I would buy it in a second.
Link to gw1 jester’s cap:'s_Cap
Additionally, a jester’s cap that comes with a mask would be even better! (see last image for reference)
Can we get medium armor […] that’s not a trenchcoat, and is sleeveless?
How about this?
Armor damage is, indeed, a bit redundant without the actual cost to fixing it. It’s a time sink… sort of… if you consider waypointing somewhere to fix it and then rejoining whatever event you were in, but it’s not even really that. I’m not sure what the functionality of armor damage is anymore aside from a relic of the past.
Totally agree. Armor damage does seem like a dated function, but as was mentioned earlier in this thread, with all the repair canisters going around along with the recently added infinite repair item, I don’t see them removing armor damage entirely.
As it stands, just making the anvil a simple “press F and you’re done” interactable object would make armor repairs much more convenient. A small QoL update, but a nice one nonetheless.
Spears would be awesome, and the harpoon gun can possibly be brought to land and repackaged as crossbows I’m thinking.
Also, not a new weapon type, but I would love to see some flail skins for the mace.
Off-topic, but that background would make for an absolutely awesome location for a new guild hall!
do you really want to see neon pink and bright green Charr running around?
Well yeah. How else am I supposed to make a bipedal Battlecat to go along with He-Man?
I’ve been experiencing the same thing acually, and I know it’s not my computer. The game will be running fine, then it’ll dip to like a few fps for a couple seconds, then fast-forward to catch up.
The 64-bit did solve the Dragon’s Stand crashing problems, but it also led to this weird fps issue that comes up every now and then.
The duplicate thread you made in general discussion was already answered. Here it is again:
Mercenary was removed, not Marauder.
I will never understand why this couldn’t have been a check box like the helm, shoulders, and gloves. If they were some kind of crazy-looking jungle themed boots then maybe it’d be different, but it’s literally just making your character barefoot, which is something players have requested for a long time.
Well I guess now they can have it… if they’re absurdly lucky or have thousands of gold to plop into the trading post. -_-
The dialog made sense when it cost a few silver to repair. Now that its free there’s not really any situation where a player would choose not to repair, so it makes sense to just automatically do it, and only show the sell dialog at NPCs.
Just hook up an anvil sound and maybe a screen text ‘armor repaired’ element.
I agree, and as far as the armor repair merchants, I think Leviathan has the right idea:
…instead of asking the player if they’d like to “repair armor or sell”, they should immediately repair the armor upon interacting with them and just say something along the lines of, “You’re all fixed up now. Is there anything you’d like to sell before you go?”
Man, I forgot that you had to go through a dialogue to get speed boosts in cities, although with the Leader of the Pact III mastery, those swiftness givers are useless for those that have it.
Anyways, I love this idea. It’s always been a bit annoying that you have to engage in a dialogue with a freaking anvil. It really should just be done immediately upon interacting with it.
The armor is repaired.
Thanks, anvil… I did not know that. ’:\
This is actually a really good idea.
Dang. Those “better not miss a day” sales are as cool as they are frustrating. I liked it better when the sale items stacked, lol. Well I hope it comes back around soon enough. I’ll be ready this time.
Wasn’t it around for the March sale?
Yup! Got one
Nuts. Well I’ll keep my eye out for the next time around.
I can’t seem to find when the last time this skin was made available, but I hope it’ll be back in the gem store soon. I’d like to see how it looks with the new ranger aa animation.
It would also be really cool if weapon dyes ever became a thing for certain weapons like this one.
After reading through 6 pages of text, I fail to see why this had to be turned into a prestige item so rare and expensive as to be pretty much unobtainable.
Going by the logic of the game’s UI itself, this should be a checkbox, like other armour slots have, pure and simple.
Imagine having to pay 2300g for the ability to hide your guardian’s gloves , for example, then having to pay the same for your mesmer’s shoulder piece, only to find that it’s so rare, there isn’t even a single piece for sale.
This should be about having the ability to hide your foot slot armour piece, not turn it into an actual piece, with all the impracticalities that this brings.
…and then adding a drop rate this low.
It actually feels mean spirited in a way.
Not cool Anet, not cool.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Way not cool.
The biggest problem about all this is… would Anet even be willing to change it at this point? And that’s what bothers me the most, because honestly it really should’ve just been a check box from the get go. This ultra rare RNG drop and making them an actual boot skin just doesn’t make any sense at all.
The dual pistol set needs a hell of a lot of more work than that, but fixing unload to give 8 seconds of might would at least be nice…