“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I have a couple of questions about sigil of absorption. It removes a boon on interrupt and i know the order of boon removal.
My questions are say my target only has one boon and its 5 stacks of might with 10 sec duration.
1. Do i steal the full 5 stacks for 10 sec?
2. Do i steal just 1 stack for a preset number of seconds?
3. Does my personal boon duration have any impact on the duration of the boon i steal?
4. Is it something completely different than above?
Thanks for any replies.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
might makes right will only be used until POF comes out then every war will most likely be spellbreaker but it destroys mesmers/ele/druids. Maybe some will still run core war with strength line but they will be minority. So why even bother talking about a trait only a small number of warriors will take after Sep 22?
Besides Might Makes Right is only really strong when used in WvW with the appropriate food. In PvP its meh.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I reforged my pvp armor because I choose the wrong stats now you are telling me that it will be upgradeable to legendary but only if you didn’t reforge?
That is truly kittenty.
If it makes you feel any better, I’ve reforged probably 1.5 sets of ardent glorious into standard ascended armor. I cried a little as I was making the recipes for the PvP versions.
Unfortunately, when you mystic forge an item, you’re getting a completely new item. The system doesn’t know that the new ascended piece used to be something else.
Im Depressed as heck because i did the same, however can i ask a question?
The system may not know what the item was before however ANET will know exactly how many ascended shards an account made and how much they spent. Then they can do an inventory check on the account and see that items are missing. Why cant the items be replaced in exchange for taking the ascended items the player said he/she reforged?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
If you have reforged either the PvP or WvW ascended armor you will need to earn a new piece of PvP or WvW ascended armor.
Reforged ascended armor will not work.
What do you mean by reforged? Do you mean if the stats were changed via Mystic Forge? I picked marauder from the drop down for my armor so is that ok?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
The BOON HATE is real!!! lol gonna be fun fighting Ele, Druids, Mesmers
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Meh i gave up a long time ago hoping ANET will have good balance which is why i now have 6 classes with HOT elites unlocked and can play any of them in WvW/PVE depending on what is OP and what is fun.
in PvP its even easier since you dont need to be level 80.
People will jump on whatever is OP , The ones who dont will QQ on forums and ANET will eventually nerf that class hard. In doing that they will make another class OP and the bandwagoners will move to that. The cycle starts again.
However ive noticed ANET’s balance cycle is so slow you may as well hop onto the OP Class because it will be months before it gets nerfed enough to become underpowered.
I recently made a new Mesmer toon in anticipation. Looks like it may get some use. LOL.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
havent seen in detail but for me a thief that can killshot from 1200 range or more sounds really scary
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Remember when ANET said the HOT elite specs would just be a new way to play the class and not OP…..yeah i remember.
PoF specs will be crazy OP where anyone who is on the fence about buying it will realize they can’t compete in pvp or wvw without the new specs, will be instakicked from raids and will either quit the game or more likely buy the expansion.
Master plan in action.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Logged onto my power GS Mace/Shield war last night in small group roaming (joined a zerg occasionally to follow) and was wrecking people and not dying while wearing mostly marauder gear.
I dont see warrior weak in wvw at all.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
It is totally fine. Just playing with new elite spec should be exciting enough.
Given how they completely failed to update and support stronghold, I don’t think it is a good idea to invest in that much resource for new PvP content anymore.
Why ? The biggest part of this game envolves PvP , WvW and the PvP community make this game , this makes no sense..
There are WAAAAYYYYY more PVE dedicated players than pvp/wvw players . This game is primarily a PVE game with attached pvp/wvw modes.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
trust me Spartacus you do not want wvw builds in pvp.
No, you trust me, I’d much rather have the wvw build system in pvp than the current straight jacket that is the amulet system. Anyway im not arguing for the wvw system to be placed in pvp, im arguing that the amulet system should NOT be transferred to WvW.
As others have posted on here, this is a terrible idea and anyone who is a serious pvp/wvw player will tell you the same thing.
Totally understand your valid points, but lets just test it for now, all i’m reading is mostly shock to the system, lets rock this joint.
We dont need to test we know exactly how bad the amulet system is in PVP. It doesnt take imagination to realize how bad it will be in WvW.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Unblockables are necessary in current meta. In the past you only have few well timed aegis or single block skills. Now a lot of classes have duration blocks which render perfect timing obsolete.
Right that’s what I meant by the DH meta 1-2 seasons back, where the block spam became insane and we all got unblockable buffs to compensate.
It ties in with OP’s point about a tendency towards un-counterable spam lately
What makes me shake my head is ANET’s argument for Guardians low base HP was that they had a lot of blocks etc. Then every other class got access to a ton of unblockble attacks.
Back to the original topic. I agree that something needs to be done especially on condi burst ability. Secondly the amount of passive safety nets like passive stun breaks or invulns is crazy.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
trust me Spartacus you do not want wvw builds in pvp.
No, you trust me, I’d much rather have the wvw build system in pvp than the current straight jacket that is the amulet system. Anyway im not arguing for the wvw system to be placed in pvp, im arguing that the amulet system should NOT be transferred to WvW.
As others have posted on here, this is a terrible idea and anyone who is a serious pvp/wvw player will tell you the same thing.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Sweet bean buns are great. Always buy them when the new year festival is on because the price drops a lot. Very expensive right now.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Single stat amulet setup in pvp is the most brain dead thing in the game and ANET cant even balance that. Ive asked in the pvp forum multiple times for them to give us 3 areas where we can select stats.
1. Weapons
2. Armor
3. Trinkets/Accessories
This way we can have a more diverse set of stats than the current low IQ amulet system.
eg (just an example)
1. Weapons – Zerker
2. Armor – Marauder
3. Trinkets – Cavalier
But i still think the current system in WvW makes for more interesting possibilities and honestly why would anyone want to make it simpler? Come on guys how dumb are these players if they only want to make one amulet choice?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Simple answer. You’re playing warrior. Thats why. ANET hit it so hard with the nerf bat.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Does anyone else find the new added projectile effect for Bolt ruin Flaming Flurry? Instead of shooting fireballs, you now shoot mini-Bolts, which looks, in my opinion, much worse than the original animation.
Please fix (ideally by making Flaming Flurry no longer a projectile).
Why would flaming flurry not be a projectile? You are shooting flaming balls towards your target. (in this case mini bolts)
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Make it like PvP, you can keep your look.
NO WAY…..the stupid amulet system in PVP that treats players like low IQ kids is what makes PvP so boring and stale.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
im on Blackgate and i absolutely admit that a decent roamer can 1v3 the tail of a zerg but lets be fair killing zerglings that are built/specced for zergs is very easy for a good roamer. My main issue is (at least when im on BG) that i come across 5 man roamer gank squads and the number of solo roamers that can 1v5 a gank squad without being a stealth class are extremely rare if not near impossible.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Well….I can honestly say I cannot agree with this. Even when I solo roam, I still get kills by chopping off the tail of a zerg and beat them 1 a time. Its about picking and choosing when to strike. I understand what you were getting at, however this section could be reworded because as it stand, its not 100% true
By your sig i see you play thief? Thieves, mesmers and druids are probably the best classes for solo play now because they can escape bad situations extremely easily. Thats 3 out of 9 classes. The rest have to group up if they dont want to get frustrated.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Power builds are at a Lower efficacy let’s take a look at everything that reduces effectiveness of both and what both need to maximize damage in a Pvp environment.
To utilize max damageReduced by:
Frost Aura
Invulnerability Condis will tick through but any preapplied Power damage won’t)
Pseudo Invulns i.e. Signet of Stone, and Endure pain
Class Specific Effects i.e. Bulwark Gyro/Great Dwarf
Damage Reduction foods
Damage Reduction Traits
Damage Reduction RunesNow
Condi Damage
Lesser extent duration/expertise (less needed in Pvp environments due to Condi Spam ability and cleanses exist)What it’s reduced by
Runes/Sigils that Cleanse
Traits that cleanse
Food that reduces Condi duration
Runes that reduce Condi durationThe main issues with Condis in a Pvp environment are the amount of applicability even if cleansed while not havin enough other ways to mitigate the damage since they will be reapplied almost instantly.
But it’s ok in people’s minds that power damage can all but be completely negated by a lot of passive effects/healing but Woe is everyone of Condi is given the same treatment.
And there is no Single stat combo that provides all the defensive and offensive stats to maximize damage output as well as defensive yet Condi is afforded this opportunity.
You neglect to mention that DOT conditions tend to do less damage in the first place and only start ticking hard after multiple attacks so your comparison incomplete. As example if I take my p/p thief i can invest 5 ini and get two of it back and easily hit a squishie for 10 k and more in spite of those mitigation measures off unload. This will all happen in just around a second.
If I went onto a condition thief (the maligned DB spammer as example) and used ITS primary means of applying damage, that same #3 I would have to spam through at least 3 cycles of DB at 12 ini to get damage that will approach the Unload damage only if it not ever cleansed.
The IMMEDIATE nature of the damage of power over condition has to be factored in as does what any single given attack can do when comparing them on a one for one basis. The reason why it much more important that a condition build have higher armor is that they need more time to ramp up their conditions . They generally need to use more iterations of a given attack to get to that point. It becomes very hard to have that time if up against a build that can put out 10k damage in one single attack.
If there more individual ways to mitigate power damage it just as likely because raw power damage is that much more deadly. Again this not to suggest there indvidual skills in condition builds that need looking at, it merly pointing out this does not reflect an issue with conditions overall anymore then a given skill in a power build needing to be tweaked downwards relfected an issue with POWER overall.
Except in wvw its extremely easy to get hit by 5+ condi in a couple seconds where the bleeds can be 10+ stacks. Very very very few classes have the ability to remove more than 2 condi at a time. Any skills that remove more are usually on a 30 sec + cooldown. With HOT creep those 5 condi will be reapplied within another few seconds certainly less than 10 seconds later. Now you are left with your short cd cleanses that are almost certainly limited to removing 1 maybe 2 condis.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
PvP slowly died ever since the trait merge patch which removed most of the fun from the game and just made it mindless spam. OFC this spam was ok for the first few months, but ever since then the population has crashed.
100% agree the June 2015 patch was IMO the beginning of the real decline in PvP. It got worse in Oct 2015 with HOT power creep. It accelerated further with the start of Seasons.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
All i can say is after ANET nerfed Arc Divider and Shield Bash cast times on my beloved power war i decided to try condi war.
Made some exotic (not ascended) dire armor with ascended trailblazer trinkets from bitterfrost and i am now facerolling like never before. Over 3.4k armor, around 27k hp , and puking condis on people. GG anet, GG.
How ANET allows someone like me to gear a character with this much toughness and hp and still do insane condi damage is beyond me.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
The only “solo” roamers i come across are thieves, mesmers and the occasional druid, and that’s because they can generally escape unfavorable situations with ease.
I very very rarely see necros, ele, guardians, revenants, engineers or warriors solo.
So 3 out of 9 classes make the bulk of solo roamers in my albeit small sample experience.
Roaming is now defined by 5 man gank squads. I now roam in a small group because i dont want to waste my time running solo halway across the map just to get ganked by a 5 man squad. (i dont play mesmer, druid or thief)
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
After the butchering that shield received recently, dagger in offhand doesn’t have to try too hard to be a decent alternative.
I still can’t picture a mainhand dagger for warrior.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
As Necromancer i just never die in open world, as Guardian i die a lot: one mistake and i am downed, while as Necro i can make plenty of them. Warrior is much safer option if you want to play a heavy armored profession.
So if you are a lazy player as i am, than stay away from Guardian and Elementalist for open world:)
Really? I find if specced right a guardian/Dh is literally a walking juggernaut in open world pve. When i’m feeling especially lazy that’s when i bring out my DH because its literally an AFK class to play even in HOT zones.
When i want super active game play i bring out my power rev. That class kills so fast but you need to be on your toes.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
seasons were bad since start
this game stopped to be fun in spvp some moths before hot when ppl stopped to play cos they like pvp but started to play cos pve reward, achievement , mini lama and stuff.
^ This. The most fun i had in pvp was before HOT when it seemed people (myself included) did pvp for the fun of trying to kill other players. When the only rewards were track progress it didnt feel like anyone was match manipulating.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
So basically ANET just sent a huge message to cheaters. “go ahead and cheat boys and girls, the worse thing that can happen is a temp ban for the season.”
yeah yeah they might do something else but it should be done NOW not later. They already know the accounts that cheated. What are they waiting for?
Anyway i dunno why i bother i havent played ranked (just unranked for me ) since season 5 ended. I guess im hoping ranked pvp can be fixed somehow. I used to love pvp.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Dragon hunter is probably my favorite for solo HOT open world content….literally unkillable.
what gear do you use on your dh? I’m with full zerk and with having only 12h health I die quite often :/
im pretty much full ascended marauder….i need the extra health from marauder and honestly i feel the trade off of less dps is worth it.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
As Buran said i once made a GS , Sword, Shield Dire condi DH with permeating wrath and it was a bulldozer and melted everything.
However for a long time ive been running Scepter/Shield, Sw/Focus full marauder using Altruistic healing, dodge heals, aegis heals and shouts. For open world settings it did more damage and was still unkillable even when solo. Was even stronger when allies around so you could get heals from all the boon output.
The scepter was used for the perma symbols which helped with the AH procs. Also useful when you need to fight at range. The amount of protection, blocks etc is insance with focus/shield.
in recent weeks ive been using my WvW setup in open world which is full marauder with durability runes and GS, Sw/Shield. The burst damage is really good and very tanky still. Mobility is totally fine with GS leap, sword 2 , Wings of Resolve and Judges Intervention. If you really want you can make a PVE GS with sigil of Speed on it for basically perma swiftness if you keep killing things. I usually have 3 min of swiftness on me.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
(edited by Spartacus.3192)
Dragon hunter is probably my favorite for solo HOT open world content….literally unkillable.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I can hear the cash registers ringing from all the way over here.
ANETs money machine working as intended for 4+Years
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
i figured that out on the second day when i realized im too low a rank and i would have to play full time job hours to get the max tickets. So i just play like i normally do and whatever tickets i get is fine.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
i still roam. Not solo. Usually 2-5 person team. I do sometimes go bigger groups but very rarely above 10. My favorite is 2-5 team.
Solo IMO has been dead for a very long time.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Hi all you Scrapper PVP’ers. Im looking for advice for a “slightly” more dps hammer scrapper build for pvp. Ive been playing the Mender Amulet/Water rune version but would like to tweak it for a bit more dps. I used to play the Paladin amulet/Hoelbrak rune version but im looking for something in between that people have tried and feel works well for solo queue (low to mid tier play).
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
lol no the tier protection we had in the past was terrible.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Anet should take measures to mute toxic players that ruin the fun for others with their nasty words and miserable attitudes, and unsportsmanship-like behavior. Mute them for a day for first offense, then a week, then a month, etc.
They should be muted in all game modes, from typing into any chat completely. Put a little icon near their name so people know they have been muted by anet.
Make them walk behind a NPC thats ringing a bell chanting “Shame….Shame…..Shame….”
Sorry its Game of Thrones season.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
yay nerf warriors and dragonhunters some more !!! smh.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Will never happen because carebears. McKenna chimed in on this same topic a while ago Anet is completely against players choosing who they play with, and having their own activities with the full functionality of a Commander tag if they don’t want to show their tag on map.
Like others have mentioned in this thread, we don’t think this would be a healthy feature for WvW. Many players will not participate in WvW if they don’t see a commander tag, and we try to avoid adding features that can be used to exclude players.
best answer…..so guys stop asking because its been asked and flatly refused by ANET with clear explanation as to why.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
meh people must have some really thin skin to be bothered by this. I actually like it because i can review stats in peace. Many times in the past ive won or lost a match and want to review stats but the enemy player wants to keep fighting me. If i ignore him he actually believes he beat me in the 1v1. lol
Match is over! Anything done after that is irrelevant.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Much more frequent balancing and NO, destroying a class one patch and making another class OP is not the way to do it. Tweaking numbers, cooldowns, damage etc should be done incrementally in steps.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
cause in wvw there are no bases to take (aoe taking) and aoe’s are easy to dodge especially our small symbols.
^ This.
Conquest forces people to fight on or around a point so a symbolic guard with those big symbols does really well. WvW is open field and no one is forcing the enemy to stand around your perma symbols.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Lol now you have burn on block guards that hurt as much if not harder than retal if you dont watch yourself.
yes but before you could give your entire party retaliation and blow up eles.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
We used to pvp for NOTHING. Remember Glory? You were pvp-ing because you liked the gameplay. That’s all.
We used to roam wvw for NOTHING. Before reward tracks, you’d roam wvw for the excitement + challenge of small fights. It was just fun.
I think people in this game are a little too hung up on rewards. Play because you enjoy it?
I think with WvW being the least rewarding game mode i think its safe to say most WvW’ers can be classified as playing for “fun”. More so than PVE and since seasons, PVP players.
It just sux that they are now making it harder to get rewards thereby cementing the game mode as definitely the least rewarding in terms of gear/gold etc.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Or put such an insane timer only for people having the “invulnerable” buff one gets at spawn. That would make sense and be fine.
Then people will just AFK in towers/keeps
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
oh the fun it used be way back when retaliation actually used to hurt people.
Down yourself with 1 single barrage on a zerg style.
Made people think twice about AOE spamming a zerg though.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
sigh,….after i abandoned PVP in season 6, wvw roaming was my last bit of enjoyment in this game. Now they made rewards even harder in what is the lowest rewarding gamemode of GW2. slow clap
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
oh well the only game mode that i was actually still playing….(im a solo/small scale roamer, hate zerging)
and now they made the rewards worse in a game mode that already has the lowest reward per hour spent. GG Anet.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "