“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Its most ridiculous when you have a Warrior lord rushing because they can literally tank the lord and 2 other players simultaneously long enough to secure a kill.
So you are saying a 2v1 (2 players vs 1 enemy warrior) AND you had Lord and his soldiers helping you and you couldn’t kill the warrior before he killed lord?
I think that says more about the 2 players on your team than it does about the warrior or Lord.
or shall we chalk this post up as another one of those super exaggerations?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
For the more laid back pvp groups like ours with diverse skill levels, the problem started a couple of leagues ago, when we could no longer play with a full group of our guild-mates and buddies because if we did, we would have forced ruby/diamond players down their throats, which killed the incentive for players of different skill levels to group up together.
so let me get this straight you want team q which most people consider to be the top tier competitive scene and yet you want to play with a group of guildies of various skill levels (lets say Emerald to diamond) and then you complain about facing really hard teams full of Ruby/Diamond. oooookkkkkkk
That’s what unranked is for. Unranked is for casual teams so you can play with your Bronze guildie and Platinum guildie in the same team for “fun”. If you want to play ranked in team Q (if anet ever brings it back) word of advice don’t q with wide ranging skill levels of players because you will be farmed.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
as far as I know reporting has never worked. I think the report function was put in the game as joke by one of the devs….Just do as advised above. Add to block list and q dodge
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
MOAR DATA: ~3% of matches have substitutes which could* cause the original problem in this thread. We are testing fixes now.
Everybody loves more data~!!!
TY Evan
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
According to the page, it can take from 46-138 matches to accurately determine skill level from 2 team/8 player matches. GW2 does it in 10 :p
No, GW2 takes the first 10 to give you an initial rating, it continues to refine that rating in all subsequent matches.
I think Moonsinn was being facetious.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I believe they will eventually implement 2 queues, solo and 5 man team q but they felt they couldn’t do both right now. So they asked the community and the polls showed people preferred the solo/duo system if they had to CHOOSE between that and mixed queue.
The fact that people are complaining about how much advantage even a duo has over a full solo team just goes to show how ridiculous S1-S4 were with their Premade teams farming pug teams.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Its been like that forever (well since rousing resilience was released) and as mentioned above it has been brought up on the forums multiple times. ANET either intends this functionality or doesn’t care to fix.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Bloodstone Fen reward is great for getting the blood rubies which you need If you want HoT stat trinkets.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
if your complaint is a 20K condi burst from a full tank with max damage (ie dire/trailblazer), then yes I agree with you.
But I’m guessing we are talking power damage given the single hit stuff. Here’s the thing – in order to do that kind of insane damages, all classes with one super OP exception (warrior with defense tree, adrenal health and healing signet) have to go full glass cannon. When facing similar builds its either kill or be killed quick and they often make themselves very voulnerable to condition damage by taking this route (except previously mentioned warrior), which is the very point of balance between the two types.
The burst class in question (example Thief) doesn’t care if he has to spec full glass. If he can kill you in the opening burst he doesn’t need defense. He can just walk away because you are dead. And if he didn’t kill you he can disengage with ease and come back when his cooldowns are back.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
well obviously im going for it cause i want the skin, the glider (i have no other gliders) and well… the prestiege /sense of accomplishment.
Whats the difference between male and females weaing the backpack?
it looks the same. What I meant is it looks too “girly” on my male chartacters . Doesn’t go well with my armor.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Good luck. I did my last piece of Win 10 matches per profession this season. Im just too lazy right now to get all the T6 mats for the wings. Its the crappiest piece of armor you can get in terms of absolute stats. So im not super excited about spending all that gold/time for the T6 mats.
Plus I don’t like the way they look on male characters . The characters I play the most are male. They look good on my female characters which unfortunately I don’t play as a much.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
From previous seasons the MM will boost your effective MMR for each member in the party so if you are duo with 3 solos and enemy team is all solo their real average MMR will be higher than your teams real average MMR because the MM believes (rightly so that teams are more effective)
Also stacking classes also increases your effective MMR for match making purposes. So never Q as double DH or War or whatever. You can always switch after you enter map.
This may have changed in Season 5 but I recall reading that this is how it worked in prev seasons.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
AFAIK you cannot even change stats in mystic forge. (pvp armor)
This is true and I really hope Anet will fix that. I just bought a full set of light armor from the PvP vendor with the intention to change the stats to Viper in the Mystic Forge for my necro/reaper, only to find out the MF recipe doesn’t work on this set…
I feel kinda screwed now and I really hope Anet will fix this.
isn’t Viper one of the stats you can choose for the Armor? Why do you need the mystic forge or did you choose the wrong stats?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Burn DH? hahahahaha
im waiting for the next weird “OP Build”
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Warriors are usually double melee so very susceptible to kiting. Kite during stances and burst them when stances over.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
No because some people actually use team chat to communicate . If you hate it that much you do realize there are options to turn off map/team/say/whisper….
That way you can be the “mute” and “deaf” teammate that is running to save lord because you hear “you lord is under attack” while not being able to hear your team mate saying “Lord is safe, stay mid”
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
“Your socks carry the unmistakable odor of plebism.”
hahaha love this one….. ^
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
100 games should be the absolute minimum.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
GS needs its cooldowns reduced. Its just not competitive enough.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Thanks for the info everyone! I kind of figured as much but wanted to check. I just HATE crafting ascended armor…
Oh, and I asked a GM about changing the stats on a pair of PvP ascended boots I got and via a trouble ticket, asked me to delete the ones I had and they would send me a new version. Pretty amazing service there! Apparently, there is a bug in the PvP armor that makes it so you can’t change the stats.
Nice! In over 2 years of playing ive NEVER EVER not even once received a reply from support after putting in a ticket via in game support.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Why do i never get a reply from Cust Service?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Spartacus.3192
Ive opened plenty of support tickets in game and have never NOT ONCE every received a reply.
I opened another one a couple days ago and yup not a reply not even an acknowledgement.
What do I need to do to get a response?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I play GW2 on my MacBook AIR (2014) . Works fine although I have to use pretty much lowest settings.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Thief is always OP when on enemy team and always a complete liability when on my team.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
you cannot get anymore ascended armor from pvp this season (1200 ascended shards = 5 armor pieces)
You def cant change any ascended armor from heavy to med or light or vice versa. AFAIK you cannot even change stats in mystic forge. (pvp armor)
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
dh is op in pvp since they made points the exact radius as traps. No they wont address this since pve is superior? lol Anet busted a nut to have esports in gw2 but it’s dead because they have no idea what they are doing. mechanics its a great game, but game play both wvw/pvp is complete kitten. ya kittenc you anet. lol #kitten
I am pretty sure that DH traps, just like ranger traps, have a smaller radius than the average capture point in PvP.
Nope DH traps are same size as MOST of the capture point. (legacy mid is a well known exception)
And LOL at DH being described by OP as a non self sustaining class. hahaha
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
im sad about rev too…now I just use it in open world and casual fractals because I just loooove the damage.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
www.gw2power.com is your friend. You can adjust the might stacks and see your effective power
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I have over 90 matches played and I usually only play weekends and we still have a month to go. So anyone who wants to be in the Top 250 should be required to play 100 games over the course of the season to be eligible. That is extremely easy to do for any non super casual player.
Even using very conservative stats of 4 matches per hour, that’s 25 hours over 2 months. That’s just over 3 hours per WEEK. If you only played weekends that easily doable.
Come on ANET fix this already.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I have over 90 matches played and I usually only play weekends and we still have a month to go. So anyone who wants to be in the Top 250 should be required to play 100 games over the course of the season to be eligible. That is extremely easy to do for any non super casual player.
Even using very conservative stats of 4 matches per hour, that’s 25 hours over 2 months. That’s just over 3 hours per WEEK. If you only played weekends that easily doable.
Come on ANET fix this already.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
(edited by Spartacus.3192)
Rock is overpowered, please nerf Rock. Paper is fine.
Yours, scissors.
yup that’s why I have this as my signature
Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
lol at people who say you have to land a hit first to put condi on people and so are appropriately punished. Id gladly take 300hp or whatever inconsequential amount of damage to land my torment and confusion stacks that will do thousands of damage in the next 3 seconds.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
okay first off OP, the top rank belongs to druid hands down. I can tell you aren’t incredibly proficient with the class at all. there isn’t one class that can counter dodge druid, which is my unique build and personally what I view as the meta build for druids. super high dmg warrior? no problem, just evade everything. condi shredder theif? cool just dodge and cleanse everything. condi mesmer with moa? cool just dodge and cleanse. high dmg thief? cool just dodge and heal everything.
Insane heals, high pet dmg, some of the highest possible mobility, second most stealth in the game….need I say more? lmao. the only weakness this build has is 1v4 combat or 1v3 vs good players.
Very important message here guys, plz pay attention.
Yeah, but what’s a Dodge Druid? Is that like a Chevy Guardian?
I gotta say I laughed out loud to this one.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Henry, you play necro. You want classes that give necros hard time to get nerfed.
Henry, necros heavily hardcounter scrappers. By your logic, necros are OP. Let’s nerf necros – any suggestions?
Since I play Scrapper sometimes and don’t play Necro I whole heartedly agree with this suggestion. :P haha
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Shield is still alive in PvP, dead in PvE and www.
LOL Shield is the best off hand weapon for WvW roaming.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
It used to be that you were looking over your shoulder for when the Rev burst would 100-0 you in 2 sec. Now I’m like meh, when the Rev hits me i’ll know its there and will have time to choose one of the many blocks/invulns/whatever that almost every class has. Then turn around and kill it.
It was nerfed too hard IMO. And yes I used to play rev but in even proportion with DH/Scrapper/Warrior.
There’s a reason why you hardly see Revs in matches anymore. Its the lowest represented class that I have personally seen in my matches this season.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
ANET needs to come up with a way to nerf people’s ability to create posts just because they go powned by someone in pvp.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
The above 2 posts nailed it. In a premade you can run all kinds of specs because you can compensate for a builds weakness with other classes. Rev weakness to condi was mitigated by an ele. Necro was protected by an Engi as rez bot.
In solo q you have to use an all rounder type of build because except for your duo partner (if you duo) you cannot depend on being lucky with the MM.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
HOT powercreep, the insane visual effects spam and the horrid continuous point of view changes when watching ESL on twitch made me stop after my very first time viewing.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Once you embrace the fact that (in the scrub tiers that i am) you will get AFK’ers rage quitters, salty talkers and PVE farmers in literally every other match, you will learn to just go with the flow, farm the pips for ascended gear and don’t give a rat’s rear end about rating.
i think many many months ago i said ANET should literally increase the CDs of every skill by 10%, reduce the duration of all applied conditions and buffs by 10%, reduce the damage of all weapon skills by 10% and every healing skill by 10%. Then go from there.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I agree fix this pls.
esp if your teammates are the silent type that don’t say in team chat that lord is safe. Whenever im defending lord i always type “lord safe” when we kill the attackers because this announcement is so freaking annoying that it keeps continuing.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Pathetic. Whatever it was worth having that backpiece is gone now. Its worth absolutely nothing. Rename the achievement next time you pull this kitten.
LOL it only had some semblance of prestige in Season 1 and 2 where you actually had to get legendary rank to get the wings that early and even then with smurfing etc it was kinda bogus. By Season 3 anyone of average skill who had the time to grind games got the wings. By Season 4 even below average skill players who could just grind a lot of matches and get occasional win streaks got the wings. So no it was actually worth nothing quite some time ago.
Its only value is the skin itself not any “pvp skill prestige” (oh and you can change stats and put infusions in it)
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
People complain about DH stacking…
lol i know right….. ive come across many triple Druid or Mesmer teams. Also lost count of the double Thief teams (always double thieves on my team while enemy has 2 or 3 DH. OFC none of the thieves will switch. Which would be fine if they could decap but either they are pve players or WvW players used to just running around in stealth and don’t realize this is conquest)
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Cool. So no new achievements needed, Just finish what is there even if it takes another season.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
the set is way too easy to get as it is. I hate fractals so its cost me a lot of gold to make my Ascended gear. Now im able to get it so easy in pvp. If it was repeatable I honestly think you would have people spamming games and AFK’ing even more than they currently do.
Can you imagine…. (example) .“oh I wanna watch this movie for the next 2 hours. I’ll spam games in the meant time and AFK while getting 3 pips per match for the next 2 hours. And since i don’t care about PvP and rating it will be free gear for all my toons.”
bonus since reporting players has been proven not to mean a thing (never heard of anyone getting punished for AFKing even after multiple reports) it will be cancerous as heck.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
because the salt overload would be epic.
everyone would be oh I lost because MM put this guy or that guy on my team.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
When I first saw Drazeh on his stream running Mace in a full power build with Berserker amulet I was wondering why he is not using axe instead. But it makes sense of course, you need the extra block and CC that mace brings if you run Berserker amulet. And on top of that, Skull Grinder is the better primal burst, even in a power build. It just has so much utility while being as easy to land as Decapitate (unlike Skull Crack where you needed to worry about timing and positioning).
For team fights in mid I would still run Axe but for 1v1s Mace is clearly better.
Ive been running GS/Mace/Shield on power warrior build with Marauder amulet this season. I like it a lot. Berserker amulet has more dps but IMO the loss of survivability is not worth it for me. But then again im average skill level at best. I would think top level players would be just fine with berserker amulet.
With 2 blocks, 2 EPs, 2 sources of resistance, all that CC and the mobility of GS you don’t really need the extra life of Marauder. If you keep in mind that you can always leave/reset a fight and don’t make that decision too late you can hardly be killed even with Berserker.
I take marauder because when facing boon heavy enemies I drop brawlers recovery for Destruction of the empowered. So I get a lot of extra damage and the extra vitality from marauder helps me soak up the condis that I don’t cleanse as much anymore. I love fighting Druids or Revs with Destruction of the Empowered. Soooooo much extra damage modifiers. If I was a better player I would take zerk amulet but im average at best.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Just ignore the OP. One quick glance at the post history tells it all.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
class stacking needs to be addressed and that means in general and not just warriors. Ive come across more stacked DH teams….in the whole of Season 5 ive yet to see a match that had 3 or more warriors on the same team. Where as its very very common to see 3 or more DH on the same team.
Im sure ANET has all the stats on this somewhere. I’d rather face stacked warriors than stacked DH with their point control/denial.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "