Showing Posts For Umei.7052:


in Looking for...

Posted by: Umei.7052


Je suis en train de chercher pour une guilde francophone pour pratiquer mon terrible francais. Est-ce qu’il y a les guildes francophones en GW2 qui me prendrait? x_D

Bunny serial killer statue reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


As punishment, Anet will add 1000 of these to his home instance.

hahahahha reminds me of zelda when you kill too many chickens xDDD

Bunny serial killer statue reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


False, I killed more. Leveled to 80 on nothing but bunnies.

The way it should be >:Db

Bunny serial killer statue reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


i know right? he is adorable all da time!

Bunny serial killer statue reward

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


My boyfriend loves Guild Wars 2. He loves to play wvw, complete as many jps as he can get his hands on, and max out as many crafting skills and characters as possible. But above all, he loves to slaughter helpless bunnies throughout the magical land of Tyria… He has put an end to the lives of countless of these creatures just for sheer pleasure. My brain cannot even fathom the number anymore. This vast amount of rabbits killed takes painstaking dedication and a bloodthirst larger than the lion statue in Lion’s Arch. That is why today I am beseeching you to bestow upon him a “#1 Bunny Serial Killer of Tyria” bunny statue in his home instance or backpack. I’m sure he would treasure it greatly for the rest of his days in Tyria.

Unbreakable Bell

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Could we maybe have another area specifically for playing the bells with no delay and multiple buttons could be pressed? Just like the winter choir bell place was (minus the festivity feel since the event is over of course)? I would love for me an some friends to be able to go into an instance specifically to mess around and play bells and be able to spam buttons. That being said, maybe it could be like an instance for you and party memebers only this time around so others aren’t annoyed by our psycho playing…

Dolls Riding Griffons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Can we please in the doll tonic state ride griffons (pet or not)? This would be so fun and random!

1/28 Dungeon update: Your thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Umei.7052


“Polished dungeons and removed the ability to use waypoints while any player is in combat.”

This is stupid and needs to go. What irritates me most is that the dungeons are already glitchy enough as it is, Now I’m seeing people dead and stuck in combat. The entire party is dead on AC exp P2 and yet we are all stuck in combat for more than 10 min. Not to mention, dungeon Story NPC’s tend to initiate combat and take forever to die. No matter how I look at this decision, Its bad.
There simply is no logical need to remove that ability.

Spend time fixing the current dungeon issues before you add or create new ones please.

I am all for making it harder or impossible to glitch a boss though. I hate getting in a party that just wants to stand on a cliff and dps just cuz they can. That method sometimes takes just as much effort to get into postion as it would to just kill the boss properly.

Yeah I really don’t like this change either, and that stuck in combat glitch happened to me already multiple times… Also me and my guild were thinking about what would happen if someone accidentally rolls off a cliff into lava or something? How is this supposed to encourage ppl to res you? Are they all supposed to go drown in the lava with you to encourage teamwork? I can already hear people saying “well maybe you shouldn’t do something as stupid as roll into lava” True, but I thought this game was supposed to encourage teamwork. If I can imagine some people on the forums saying something like this, then I can imagine even more clearly how disgruntled some players might get when someone pulls a mistake like that in a dungeon group, especially if the other 4 can’t pick up the dps loss (like in a pug group with some lower levels or something where it would be a little harder for some of the lower level players to pick up the slack). Then think about just if someone dies from a mob or a boss fight or some normal dungeon death in combat. Think about how people would be looking down on other players and how this might start more ‘elitist’ arguments in dungeons out of fear of having to do something allll over again after waiting for everyone to die. This is Guild Wars2. This is not an aggressively competitive mmo. In WvW you can’t even see an opponent’s name so that fights and griefing won’t happen. If Guild Wars2 is this concerned about everyone getting along then this waypoint thing needs to go; it will only cause fights in dungeon groups. There will always be people that get frustrated with others easier than most, but this I think might add a whole other level of frustration that every player will feel in dungeons, easier or not. I don’t think this is how the dungeons should be made challenging; to me at the very least, this just makes it annoying.

Account Wide Dyes via Gem Store Purchase

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Free or not, this would be such a nice feature to have. (It would of course be nicer free, but GW2 is a F2P game; so to me it’s understandable if they would put a gem tag on it if it were to be a one time unlock kind of item. Wouldn’t want to pay more than 300gems for it though…)

Dueling and checking out other players armor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


dueling -yea
inspections -nay

This forum makes me wonder what would happen if a masochist (who wants some good old verbal abuse) would waltz into this forum and says ‘elite’… =w= fun thoughts

Social things to do in town

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Ngl I’d LOVE some more of those musical instrument things (and of course some more emotes and dances xD). Only possible problem that I’ve seen ppl saying would happen would be that ppl would start spamming random notes everywhere. Only thing I can think of would be to have a mute button for ppl playing the instruments so it blocks w/e noise they making er sumthing… but again would loooooooove moar muscial instruments/ more social fun items/emotes/dances etc!

Guild Grouping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


I would really appreciate this too. Maybe just make different sized party groups for guilds availible if that is possible (like there would be a tab and it gives the option for lets say 10man party, 15man, 20man, and 25man). In WvW I could see how this might be a problem though because if lets say 500 people could only be in one wvw map at one time and if they allowed like a guild group of 25 to go in… if only 20 guilds did that then it would be full. I do not know the numbers or anything I’m just saying in WvW this might be a problem, but it would still be nice xD. (But in pve it should be fine thanks to overflow shards right?) My guild members like to go pve sometimes to level alts and it’s always more than 5 people who want to go… So I know my guildmates and I would both love this =w=

Help with Guild Roster & Managing Guilds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Im also a guild leader for a 500 man guild, its insanely hard to clean our inactive members of a guild this size without the basic tools pretty much every other game has.

Even worse we are limited to 2 mails a minute, when I need to contact all of my 12 officers it takes ages. to sort of basic meetings and other content.

A officer only MOTD would be useful too. and maybe a more complicated bank tools such as people can only take out 3 items a day etc.

Really love the separate officer MOTD idea, and wholeheartedly agreed about the bank tool revamp.

Please implement cosmetic outfit - will pay!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


<3 this! always LF new armor sets and can never get rid of the old ones…

Please - Direct Trading Between Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Why not just make an anonymous, put-my-item-up-and-check-it-later type trading system like the tp is set up to avoid spamming then? This one would just be with an item traded with another item though no money involved. To avoid people taking advantage by trading items that would be selling very high on the tp (like lets say one person sees that item1 is selling relatively high… that person decides to swap like 1000 of his item2 for item1 so he/she can sell item1 on the tp for more than he/she would make on item2) why not just limit the amount of one item people can sell within one time period? I’m not sure what this would do to the economy though and that would be a concern. Eh this is a reaaaaalllllllly rough idea (and i’m sure there are loopholes), but i’d rather see this than direct trading… at first I was surprised there was no direct trading in gw2, but there is no trade spam, which is pretty nice. If a secure way to trade items existed i’d be happy but so far I don’t feel an intense need for one. But that’s just me. To each his own :o.

I need some advice...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


You can preview a ton of in-game weapons in the heart of the mists as well (it’s helpful for deciding which sword you want), and then look up equivalents online or something(if you have transmutation stones). =w= If you want an inexpensive sword try out dungeon weapons out they cost nothing but running a dungeon repeatedly, and you can preview them from the vendors in LA. (Like TheDaiBish said it’s in the south of LA. If you leave heart of the mists and go to LA, just look on your map, and the merchants are going to be just up and left of you in the same section of the city). Also if you know a maxed weaponsmith the weapons they can make are really cool looking,… but the exotic 80 greatsword takes a lot of mats xD. Gl finding your dream sword! xD

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Umei.7052


1 Largos (I wouldn’t want the breathing mask on though xD but they are so cooooool)
2 Tengu
3 Elonian Undead

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


“-Ranking System needs tweaking- In the current state the ranking system is very restricted. You cannot allow members to invite players without kicking them also. FIX: Split “Admin Lower Ranks” Into “Promote/Demote” and “Invite Members”.”
“-MotD- “Edit” erases everything, it needs to do exactly what it says, Edit the message. Also Guild setting turning on/off if the message displays when a Character logs on/off”

“Guild Bank Change allow for guild leaders to customize the Stacks withdrawn per rank for the guild bank option.”
“Guild Permissions Extend Permissions in guild bank. -Deposit Items – Withdraw X Items -Deposit Gold -Withdraw X Gold. "

I’ve also found these things verrrry annoying (particularly the guild bank no withdrawl limit- just because I want to let members have access to items doesn’t mean I necessarily want them taking everyones saved up guild money!). These need to be fixed.

“-Influence Tracker- I would like to see some sort of Account based influence tracking, While I can see this causing problems because Guilds could create Influence Quotas. I would like to see that so I can identify members who are pumping out influence and reward them.”

YESSSS! Possibly to avoid making this a drama problem make it so that only the guild leader and ranks the guild leader allow can see this information. I would LOVE to be able to reward members who make ginfl rain and make them feel like what they are doing counts!

“-Guild Calender- Allows for organization of events / buffs for guild. Exactly what normal calendars do :P”
“Guild Repair Contract an option in “economy” for the guild to pay X amount (determined by Guild leader , customizable per rank ) for guild repairs.”

Would love to see these; they worked so well in WoW.

Guild Armor creator

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


This is a great idea! Especially since guildies have to pay what like 1-2g for a piece of armor? Makes it worth the price and makes different guild armors more distinguishable from each other!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


If trade for each server (and the spam it brings) is what’s concerning all of you then what about a BLTC for trading items with items only (no money)? I’m not a fan of the spam either, but actually being able to securely (I mean securely as in once you and this other person agree on the items you don’t have to rely on trusting them via mail or w/e) trade one item for another would be very nice. For instance let’s say multiple people have item X they want to trade, they can select whatever item they want to receive and then put it up. Once someone with the item that they want comes by, who also wants their item X they just click and ‘buy’ it by exchanging their items via BLTC or some trading equivalent. Easy, no spam, and no worry. …Thinking about this though maybe the only concern would be how it affects gold’s worth in the game but eh I’m no economist xD

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Umei.7052


I really love the idea behind the class. I love the abilities, the tools and the style. I also played mesmer in pvp to rank 35, so I know the class pretty well.

Now in PVE? This class is horrible. I have to force myself to go on, because I read with level 40 it is getting better, but honestly I don’t see it (level 33 atm). No matter what specc, no matter whitch weapons, leveling is a pain.

Please change something. Give us better traits, fix broken ones, replace useless ones.

Just do something.

Just keep trying. Playing a mes is like riding a bike – the more you do it the better you’ll get at it. I also had that struggle at the beginning of my mesmer (with trying to figure out how to really kill/damage enemies in pve), but one level everything clicks, and all of a sudden by end game you can DESTROY \(owo)/ anything. Not to mention with all the clones you practically poop out, you can also send out enough distractions to run away from enemies constantly (if you don’t feel like fighting/map completing). Best advice I can give, even though cliché, is just go to an easy place, take whatever weapons you like/ are comfortable with, play around with them, and then build your traits around that. It’s a slow process but with patience and determination, (trust me) it’s well worth it. =w=
(I play mesmer in both pve and pvp and it’s hard for me to want to play any other class for either now)

Good Luck!

Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


LOVE these → “Separate the Admin lower ranks permissions” “Last Online Column” “Notification when members log on” “Show the Message of the Day at logon”
ingame calenders worked awesomely well in WOW for organizing guild events”

multiple whisper colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


Oh also I forgot to include this in my original post… If it’s possible also we should be able to choose the color with hex or one of those color slider things.

multiple whisper colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


I know this re is pretty late but…. Exactly!! Even with 2 or 3 people messaging you it can get kinda crazy if they are messaging you very quickly . (And daw kittehs with keyboards =w= <3)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


OH MA GAWD I NEED DECO FOR MA GW2 HOUSE! (sorry but only caps were suitable for my ridiculously strong desire for GW2 housing deco :o)

but yea love all these ideas, and there def could be some time spent in endgame on decorating or enhancing a house. I know I would waste time on it!

Server Forums.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


hmm well sanctum of rall is pretty laid back and not too talkative and lacks drama :_( everyone is helpful ( but its like 50/50 response thing though, sometimes ppl respond to questions about quests an when they do they helpful an nice and other times there are just crickets ) but if thats what u like its perfect – and server forums are a really good idea :o

multiple whisper colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umei.7052


I know this is a realllllly small thing, but I think it would be really nice to have the option to have a different whisper color set to different people. It could be permanent (like this person’s whisper will always be color x) or just in order of whoever whispers you (like 1st person’s color is color x, 2nd color y, and so on). It’d be great if we could set the colors ourselves as well. I dunno the same color just starts to blend and when 3+ people are whispering me at once it all blends (especially when you ask if anyone needs a group and 5 people whisper all at once _). In every mmo the same whisper color always makes me wish this multi color system existed. I know this probably won’t change anything but worth a try i guess? xD

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Umei.7052


Ummm… ppls they did say to “not expect it until past midnight GMT” <(from their twitter feed posted at 5:02 am Oct 22 (today), and i think midnight GMT was an hour and a half-ish ago. :o

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Umei.7052


“i knew that selling timepieces to the colonies would lead to this…”

xD bwaaahahahhahaa

Halloween Event: Question!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Umei.7052


I have also wondered about this question. I had thought of what Tutch said (“Anet wants GW2 to deliver all it’s content indepent of level I guess you don’t need to have a certain level to participate.”), and I hope it will be like this cause I loooove events xD! Anyone know what they did for GW about level requirements?