They yell a bible… so more words to pronounce = longer casting time. xD
Hate to bump these difficult to develop endpoints, but I’m doing it so maybe some inspiration sparked meanwhile!
I was just scrolling API forums and thought “hey, how about I say hi”. So here it is: Hi!
Mkay. Sounds interesting. Though I’m genuinely surprised they went to such lengths with a class that already has more skills than average.
Well, they’re reducing skills if anything. We get a variable skill instead of 10 “free” skills. Situational skills make up the best experiences… I’m still hoping they add more “procs” tied to damage to our beloved class.
Yaaaas this gonna be so cool, and hopefully, for once, we get better balance patches afterwards.
Yeah sorry that you have to deal with the ping issues
As others have said, all you can really do is try to anticipate where the orbs are going to be and put yourself 300ms ahead in time, since the server position is going to be 300ms behind.
I usually do this and it alleviates the damage. But anticipating concurrent mechanics can be really hard. :P
They can’t even develop real content on timely manner, let alone develop an offline mode.
@Lawton, wow that’s an interesting fact. It’s nice to know they keep improving the game systems behind the scenes.
Any chance you want to extend the Super Adventure festival to cover the gap a bit better?
Seems like a reasonable request.
Thank you kindly, MO. Here’s hoping we see more of Kasmeer! She’s been away for a while.
@atheria, I’ve read some loose reports about that. It seems it’s NCSoft servers freaking out some days.
Did the OP even bother too check the actual WvW section of the forums?
This was posted a couple days ago. Someone asked for more communication and they got it. It isn’t much, but it is something. WvW team is currently working on Scoring Improvements Phase 2, which was determined in the last priority poll. This involves adding rewards to Skirmishes and improving the Skirmish UI.
It’s only taken over five months…
And they failed to address any of the current issues.
And now the thread has been consigned to the dustbin that is the wvw forums.
Exactly. I don’t get why so many white knights try to fake proper communication, it’s beyond unbelievable.
The toxicity is a great valid point. We don’t want this. Reducing towers defenses though would decrease the value of holding points, and that’s counter-intuitive for a mode that’s not solely based on fighting (PvP is there for that).
I really think that one MAJOR issue with WvW is the concept behind world. You pick a server and automatically you’re set to that server for WvW matchmaking. We shouldn’t have linked PvE/WvW worlds. The idea behind world shouldn’t exist for PvE, only WvW, and you should at least rank up a few levels on Edge of the Mists before being able to choose a server, much like you need rank 20 on PvP before joining ranked.
Right now, there’s such a silence from WvW team. Over the past year there has been ideas, suggestions, feedbacks, a lot of random stuff thrown out by the players in the hope WvW could be refined into something they love, and potentially bring new players. (this is a reddit post I made yesterday)
WvW is a big beast, and there’s no simple solution for practically everything because it’s massive, it’s a big scale mode and arguably much harder to balance than PvP or PvE. However, once things are properly in place you will gather a lot of players at once and that will hopefully help the company revenues? WvW-exclusive things?
Aside from all the pros and cons, I just feel… like WvW shouldn’t die. It has much bigger potential than PvE and PvP combined, and see I’m not an avid WvW player but truth has to be said.
Ben, from the fractals team, is a great example of communication. We need more development devs speaking to us. Ben reads through some posts every now and then, at least once a week, and talk to us, and he doesn’t do empty promises but he chats with us occasionally while he’s not too busy, and while he may end up not doing anything based on our feedback (because devs know better what to do with the game anyways) he at least make us feel heard. Ben is a single person in the whole company that does make the community feel at least heard, and he doesn’t have to but he does read and reply at least once in a week.
WvW has been so much abandoned, and I just… I don’t want it to die. Please, do something, anything. This may sound like an emotional post, and perhaps it is from a certain extent, I just don’t know what else can be done. I’m not good with graphics and charts stuff, but I do some strawpolls sometimes to see what picks player attention, though it doesn’t feel as accurate as I’d hope.
(edited by Valento.9852)
That’s vague. Examples…?
Thieves that turn invisible and stay invisible, warp around map, engage and disengage fights at will and are able to kill you in split-second.
I know it adds up to the problems, but I expected something to do with the map per se, not class balance. I have a feeling ANet is ok with thieves as they are now, though.
(edited by Valento.9852)
If you have to buy or grind for this new agony zone, I don’t think many people will play in it
No, the mechanics are free. You don’t have to grind. It just works as such.
No thanks. We have more than enough frustrating mechanics and designs as is.
That’s vague. Examples…?
Hi there, I just had an idea that could provide some variety to WvW. It’s known from a long time WvW players don’t like much PvE inside WvW, but there’s a big crowd who dislike zergs everywhere aswell.
Since players already have WvW zergs now, I think an alternate addition to WvW wouldn’t hurt those who aren’t interested.
The idea is: borrow Fractal agony and create special skirmishing areas around WvW.
These areas with high concentration of instabilities cause agony to people inside and have a stacking effect like Fractal 100 CM. In practice, players will only be able to stack so many before the self-afflicted agony start stacking up and dealing serious damage, therefore preventing the creation of a zerg.
It’s meant to be medium-sized fights on SELECT AREAS, and it’s meant to actively make a difference much like every other point on WvW. Maybe these areas could be attached to a keep/tower and have effects related to it, like decreasing agony damage from those holding the point but only by a small percent to retain the purpose for the area.
There are certain aspects of PvE that could be refactored to WvW to make sense and create more variety. I mean, adding too much PvE like NPCs is bad, but some effects would add more spice to the old formula that may not be as attractive to potential new WvW players.
(edited by Valento.9852)
Think you’re pushing a bit too much with Obsidian Flesh. It’s justified for focus because of mid range nature and not much survivability as a weapon alone. Staff on the other hand has mass cc and heals. Removing Obsidian Flesh will just make the weapon pointless for the most part.
I understand having to drop it, but having to pick it up fast? You don’t have room to check out your surroundings, pretty pathetic.
That’s why people recommend clearing the route first, so you don’t have to worry about foes. That way, you can easily take time to drop & pick up the fish as you ‘land’ and right before you move again. (Slow & steady, if tedious.)
I know that. But the fish pops due to two factors: a) dropped on the ground for a little while, b) held for a little while. You must be dropping and grabbing it very fast, and it can be quite frustrating when you’re 80% of the way. IMO it shouldn’t be like this, but w/e… will have someone do it for me.
T4 legendary collections and new legendaries
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Valento.9852
Aside from bugged events, I pretty much enjoy event collection oriented legendaries… these matts/gold sink solely are boring af.
I understand having to drop it, but having to pick it up fast? You don’t have room to check out your surroundings, pretty pathetic.
Pure RNG, buddy. Someone in reddit spent $150.00 no luck, someone spent $100.00 and got it. I heard some spent 11 keys, while I spent 40 to get it.
Hey, Lawton. I’d like to know if there’s any progress regarding this issue. I know there’s plenty of more important stuff going on, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
You ALL have to consider: The Dreamer not always had these annoying sounds, they were added. So it did really annoy players who originally had The Dreamer, and it’s just unfair you can’t shut down the annoying sounds it now does.
They could have an icon over the player’s head with a similarly-styled shield, or maybe something like Resistance?
Unfortunately for bugged events there are only two options: a) wait for a new build and enter the map, hopefully it will work, b) get a large amount of people to fill an overflow, so it opens a new one with a brand-new event.
I’ve been there, it sucks.
Hey, does anyone have a full list of skills with id, name, and profession (even if it’s blank)? I need to map a lot of skills for my project but I can only wonder their ids…
PS.: A fiddle would be awesome. :P
Cough cough. (10 months ago)
Eh… Lawton, was the outage caused by someone request thousands of times?
The only option for minstrel is to acquire ascended items using fractal currency, or raid currency, as they offer the ability to freely choose the armor prefix. Crafting is just out of questions, even exotic, because the price is stupid.
Example: Cleansing Pulse. This skill is triggered by trait Cleansing Synergy, and if you look up this trait data it points to, as the wiki calls, “trait skill” id = 29712. If you look up this skill, it shows nothing.
This is also a type of skill which should be whitelisted because it’s not harmful in any sense as you can effectively see it in-game. It’s just not directly activated.
Great tool! Metabattle most likely will swap tooltip creation to GW2Armory as it’s proven quite solid and well designed.
I’m going by the wiki and the skill ids return nothing. Are they working? Honestly they should because, well, such skills are activated by the player…
The thing is, Icebow is better utility than “Aftershock!” in addition to better dps.
Depends on context, and for open world which doesn’t demand extra DPS it is not.
It’s only normal the game would expand on options, I find these kinds of topic a bit silly tbh.
And frankly: using conjures in open world is as silly as can be.
Uh? “Aftershock!”/GoS/SoF is my setup, and replacing Aftershock with other things for the purpose of damage is out of my build for OPEN WORLD, because I don’t need any more damage (and nearly any ele shouldn’t need either). Overloads per se melts down crowds of mobs, and when I run into a champion I’ll keep on my regular rotation because differently from raids, open world champions never pose such difficulty to justify bringing more DPS instead of utility.