Showing Posts For Vegetation.6419:
I guess they… Overlooked the border… hehehehehehe
I’m sorry
Wow I just found out this thread existed (thanks dev tracker!)
Anyway, this may wish be near impossible to fulfill, but here we go:
I’ve always wanted that “Dragon Emblem Shirt” that Anet gave away before launch, but I’ve never been able to get my hands on it. I’m not even sure if it still exists or if you can even gift it, but this is my wish!
after putting some more consideration into it there is one thing OP have missed in his analysis.
technically speaking if his changes were approved and introduced we could se a surge of players – like revenants for example following zergs doing literally nothing but running behind them with proper setup and maybe somewhat trying to protect themselves in harsher encounters – maybe.
the input of such player to the blob would be at best arguable but he could efficiently farming WvW while putting much less effort into it than pretty much every damage dealer from said blob. effectively leeching off their effort. Because you know properly distributed boons are vital to a blob, but if blob is supposed to win against other blob proper damaeg output will be needed too.
which may support the argument of why tagging is needed even in WvW.
and frankly I can’t really think of any solution to allow to help those proper boon-givers to benefit more without it being exploitable by some specific builds.
This player is already putting some minimal effort by following the zerg, why would he just stand there and do nothing in fights? That seems counter productive, since you want your zerg to win.
Also +1 for an updated tagging system
It increases every week, and I think this is the final week so 120 games min shouldn’t increase anymore.
I’ve always wondered why Tybalt was so special and not Forgal and Sieran?
Since Forgal and Sieran died aswell at the same chapter as Tybalt did.
They’re doing the exact same thing as they were our Order mentors…Anyway, since Demmi was in the Order of Whispers and since Tybalt was saving her along with the ‘commander’, I guess she liked him more than us,
Because Tybalt sold good apples
the queen, the queen and Anise are great mesmers, and probably the same person
Story was good and all, but I didn’t like how my character was bootlicking the queen. I mean, I agree with the White Mantle and the separatists (in real life I mean). At the same time, I do understand that storywise you can’t really make the player chose sides, but I don’t like playing a diehard loyalist. Maybe I would have liked being more neutral? I don’t know really.
Think it’s to remind the player that everything is falling apart, and nobody think of you as THE hero anymore.
Braham doesn’t listen to you.
Rox simply follows Braham.
Taimi is in her little bunker and couldn’t care less about what happens outside.
Logan, well he’s Logan.
Rytlock, sure he’s in the guild, but never to be seen around.
So the guild is mainly the player character entering damage control i’d say.
I’m not sure if it’s the right one, but I think it’s the one next to the docks, on the sand (where the lake once was) not far from the destroyed ship with the vista
What does this cat eat? I’m guessing bloodstone? Couldn’t give her the unstable bloodstones from the mini elementals next door because I died when they exploded and the shards disapeared.
So, from the discussion, I take it the patch isn’t out yet? Am I wrong?
I just got back from work, hoping for an update, didn’t get one, but no matter because I’m going to take a nap, maybe one hour, and when I wake up I will try again… so yeah, you have one hour Anet, one hour.
I’m going to work, was hoping for an update, didn’t get one, but no matter because i’m going to work
You guys hit the nail on the head: A power failure has a reverberating effect on things. It takes some time to power everything up after a outage, and the time lost in inaccessibility to the servers and the build can roll out to cause delays longer than the simple period of the outage. By that, I mean, if the power goes out for 10 minutes, recovery takes longer than that 10 minutes.
The team is continuing to work on this and thanks for your patience. (And your chocolate
but what’s the specific status?
“The team is continuing to work on this” is the specific status.
Reminds me of prior gw2’s release: “When it’s ready”
Sad part is that you would be in top 100 in NA…
as one of 2 ppl with the 3rd place title …
Technically, you’re one of six people with the 3rd place title.
Let’s be honest, #1 and #2 will never use that title, I mean God of PvP is so awesome i’d never use another title
Meh, Divinity’s Reach is gonna be destroyed tomorrow anyway
People duo capping home. Why? Happens even in gold and plat sometimes
I have to agree that is it unfair for a full solo team to fight against one or two duo queues in the ennemy team. I’ve had it happen way too many times to me and it’s frustrating. One duo queue isn’t that bad, but when there are 2, your chances of winning are waaaay lower than 50-50
This is more about bad people than bad matchmaking. In plat and higher the trash talk is unbearable too.
I recently made it out of gold and into platinum and instantly noticed a drastic change in the map/team chat attitude. There’s a load of trash talk in the chat and it really makes it annoying to play pvp with those people. Sure I can report them, but it makes me unwilling to play more than 1 or 2 consecutive matches.
Everytime the score is not in our favor, someone in the team will call everyone stupid and trash. What’s up with these guys??
Never understood the hype about Tengu. I mean, why is it everyone love this race more than any other and rule out the possibility of having another race other than the Tengu?
I agree with the separatists!
I would gladly bash some charr heads for Ascalon!
Happy Holidays!
I kinda hate it when you’re stomping a theif or a mesmer and they keep teleporting away. Thought they could only do it once because of a cooldown but sometimes it seems like the other guys keeps teleporting and trolling me
Maybe you need to adapt your build instead of asking for a nerf? I mean, yeah conditions are a pain in the kitten sometimes, but that’s not because they are op, probably just because you have no condi removal and running a zerker build
Let’s get back to basics. AP stands for Achievement Points.
So what you’re saying is, that is it unfair to give achievement points to someone who finishes the season in the top 250 players, and actually worked hard to be at the top, because you cannot?
How fair is that?
kitten , this thread was almost off the first page of the forums.
I merely saw it because someone recently posted in it
Let’s get back to basics. AP stands for Achievement Points.
So what you’re saying is, that is it unfair to give achievement points to someone who finishes the season in the top 250 players, and actually worked hard to be at the top, because you cannot?
How fair is that?
And let’s not talk about the shield…
I love the fact that you think that if you get outbid by 1c, it means it’s a bot. Also, even TP bots can’t bid on all the possible items in there, as it’s probably a predefined list of items they’re using.
Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice
in Living World
Posted by: Vegetation.6419
“Not the sharpest icicles on the roof, are they?”
Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice
in Living World
Posted by: Vegetation.6419
First mission is bugged. Dragon got stuck and would not proceed (ooze part). I’ve heard of this happening during the rescue the vigil section too.
Same for me, last ooze generator and Aurene won’t attack it.
working again, no steps taken
Back down
down for me too
Me too, restarted a b unch of times and ran as administrator, no luck
Same happening to me right now… Really annoying
Why elite spec reqs DON'T need to be changed
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vegetation.6419
I don’t understand why most of you guys feel like you deserve to get your elite spec right away? I feel rewarded for going out in the game and finally unlock those traits and I believe that making them easier to get would ruin the experience.
Yes I understand that for your alts it’s a tedious task. I understand that you may not like the other content like wvw or pvp and don’t want to have to go there in order to get you specializations. But it doesn’t mean that it should be easier to get because YOU do not like having to work your way to it.
Not sure if you’re wondering where to use the serial key or if you can create a revenant?
For the first one go to
As for the second, you can’t create a revenant until the expansion is released. You can only create Beta character revenants as of right now.
Hi, I bought the standard edition for HoT and I was wondering if i could upgrade it to ultimate without having to buy another full copy of the expansion? If so, how do I do it?
It’s because they can spam emotes and fill your chatbox.
They can just block you by right clicking your character’s face, then from the blocked list they add you friend and then proceed to talk crap.
I would like to add that the new forum specialist should not be a known whiteknight nor a known whiner because in either case no improvements will be made. In one hand, there is no problem or improvements to be made to wvw and on the other hand everything is bad and the game os running to its doom. Please pick someone in between. Thank you.
I agree with new harder content for the non casual players. We need more of this kind of thing in gw2 since almost everything is very easy and can be overcome with berzerker gear and people stacking. We need to have harder content with unique mechanics that involves learning to give some kind of long term goal to players who are getting bored of facerolling through most of the current “hardcore” content. I’d say put a very specific loot table for this content, such as skins and new exotic/ascended gear. I do not say that we should instantly grant players with this loot upon completion, but more like a possible drop on boss kill or bonus chest and make it so we can only get it through this content.
We need more unique “prestige” stuff that makes players aspire to something greater. For example, the Obsidian Armor in gw1 showed that a player went through the FoW content and made me want to learn the content so I could end up with this end game elite armor.
New music instruments! For example, I’d like to see the violin introduced!
Will we be able to access the free LS content even if we haven’t unlocked the previous stages?
Any guild/group of people are organizing gold tier Boss Blitz runs? I tried to do so with a few people but we always failed because of other people not listening. So I was wondering if some people would fill up a pavilion instance and rush gold in an organized way.
Some things that I’d like to see in the fractals are parts of Guild Wars lore and history. I am assuming that the fractals are used to place players in some kind of short story that shows you a random event that occurred in Guild Wars or in lore. I think it could help people who are unfamiliar with the first game’s lore to understand why some things in GW2 are happening. Here’s a list of some scenarios that I think would be great to see:
- The fight against the Lich at the end of Guild Wars : Prophecies. First of all, the mechanic of having to kill the Lich who respawns many times and teleport across the field is amazing. Putting a small party near lava and adding some knockback to the Lich would make it harder and pretty cool. Also, this could be an opportunity to make Prince Rurik appear and give some lore about him. This could be added as a boss fight, which I think suits it better than a full fractal.
- The assault Gandara the Moon Fortress, from GW : Nightfall. Nothing better than storming the castle and trying to kill its leader! I think this could be somewhat similar to the ascalonian fractal.
- The fall of Rin. This could lead to the construction of the Black Citadel. I think that we could have a WvW like fractal, where you are defending a keep/castle against hordes of ennemies while having catapults (or flame cannons in this case) destroying the walls, and ultimately fail to win.
These are a few of my ideas for fractals. I really hope we get some new fractals with GW1 story in it.
I’m not sure if it could help, but I’ve had a similar issue once. I could not see my friend’s character. So I checked my options and noticed that I had selected the lowest number of characters displayed on my screen. You could check your options out just to make sure it’s not part of your problem
Hi, what does upvote (+1) on the forums do? I can’t see any comment which has any upvotes and whenever I click the +1 I can’t seem to see any difference.