Showing Posts For Zish.9817:

What stats to aim for?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zish.9817


I’m sure there are lots of these threads, but please bear with me.

My ranger is currently around 55.

I had a Thief at 80 for a short while that I deleted. I realized that you can’t go all-out power/crit and that you’ll need some defensive stats.

So what should I aim for in terms of offensive and defensive stats? What kind of gear to get?

I’m looking to mainly use a longbow, with axe/torch or axe secondary.


A "Friend" admits to botting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zish.9817


I recently recruited 5 people to the game, and I’m enjoying playing with them all.

One of them is a friend of a friend, and he admitted to me the other night that he was botting in order to just gain levels.

I’ve never used any such programs myself, but I tend to turn a blind eye to anyone who does and isn’t someone I know. However, I do have a huge problem when someone resorts to botting in a brand new MMO they’ve never played before. He says he is doing it because leveling is slow, and he just wants 80 so he can pvp.

I tried explaining that all PvP scenarios will boost you up to 80, but he didn’t grasp that. I ended up reporting him for admitting to botting, and I’m wondering if he’ll receive a permanent ban or if he’ll get some kind of warning. I don’t want this guy to be out of $60, but I do want him to be taught some kind of lesson.

Did I do the right thing here? Or should I just have continued to ignored it?

Name Changing? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zish.9817


I was wondering, does ANet do name changes?

I currently have a level 80 with a name I’d rather have on a new character, so I was wondering if there was a way to rename my 80 and be able to make a new character with the name, instead of heaving to delete my 80.

If you wanted to get someone into the game..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zish.9817


What video would you show them?

Who has passive movement speed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zish.9817


Turns out that Ranger, Elementalist, and Necromancer all have a 25% speed boost signet.

Thanks all.

Who has passive movement speed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zish.9817


I know that Thieves have a signet that gives them +25% passive movement speed, but are there any other classes that get a passive speed boost?

Personal Story Quests Are Way Too Easy

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


You’re in the minority here, OP.

A lot of story quests are far too difficult. It’s a known fact due to bugs and bad balancing. They are actively working on it.

Level 70-71 congruity problem after Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


It’s a known issue.

On my story, apparently I chose all the correct paths and ended up getting the orb with Apatia, so all of the banter outside of those quests relating to them weren’t out of the blue.

And for you:
The Orb: Anyone killed around it cannot be raised, AKA turned into Risen.
Apatia: Fought off an army of Krait while you got the orb, and then was kidnapped.

Also, these quests are where you meet with the Largos woman, I forget her name.

Name my Norn!

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Bertha Icebreak.

Something absolutely amazing! Gj on this A net! I think...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I agree as well, that was quite an amazing moment.

I enjoyed the use of “Fear Not This Night”.

Sylvari Storyline, bug or intended issue.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


That silly Trahearne. He is intended to remember you, he must have been in one too many battles as of late. Things have been a little crazy in Tyria with the dragons awakening and all.

We’ve got a bug in for that and will get it all sorted out. Players who haven’t met Trahearne should get that sort of reaction, but those who know him get differenet treatment. Thanks for pointing this out to us!

So, is the dialog for the Pale Tree supposed to be altered as well? What about Tegweyn and Carys?

At the very least, I’m glad that this was simply an oversight and not something that was intentionally ignored.

Personal Story required for map completion?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Well as I said, it’s most likely intended.

I mean, one single POI out of all of them that you need a level 80 story quest to get to.

Exploration involves seeing everything the game has to offer. I think they wanted you to explore your personal story as a part of that quest as well.

Sure, sometimes they can be 5 zones away, but it’s worth it in the end.

Unidentified Dye drops and You!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zish.9817


Either I’ve been incredibly unlucky, or Unidentified Dyes only seem to majorly drop in low level areas.

I can go back to my starter zone, mess around for an hour, and have probably 3-5 dye drops.

During my trip from 30 to 80, I ran into maybe one to two drops every 10 levels. The drop rate was vastly greater before that.

So, I suggest making dye drops equal on all levels, and on all mobs.

Do not add LFG Dungeon Finders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zish.9817


I also completely disagree with the OP.

This game needs a Dungeon Finder if dungeons are to be a prominent part of the game.

End Story Loot. (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Creatures always drop loot relating to their level. It’s how you get crafting materials.

How do you turn off story mode?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Sorry, I’m afraid that doesn’t go away until you defeat the big bad.

Dying Characters

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I believe this is more related to gameplay mechanics than the storyline.

How much do the personal stories differ?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


So practically the story missions (with some choices, of course) for 60-80 is same for everyone, regardless of race, class or choices made in the character creation?

Yes, that is correct. No choice you made matters after you are finished with your Order storyline.

Assault on Moledavia (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


You hold down the fire button to adjust it’s range. The longer you hold it down, the further it will go. Pressing it once will fire it at it’s closest range.

Mightier than a Sword Story Mission

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Ah, that is good to know. Glad there was a way for you to stay in Norn Land.

I really don’t remember any Skritt there, though..

How much do the personal stories differ?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Each race starts at the end of a branch, and eventually converge into a single line that every character follows.

At 30, your racial story ends.
At 60, your Order story ends.
At 80, you end your story.

Mightier than a Sword Story Mission

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I’m pretty sure there are no Hylek, Skritt, or Ogres in Norn Land.

So, you’re kinda out of luck. You will just have to travel a bit.

Personal Story required for map completion?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Ah, yes, that would be rather annoying if you haven’t been doing your personal story.

I think they put it there, and blocked it off, specifically so that in order to get 100%, you had to do your personal story.

There’s nothing even special behind that door.

Aside from that, why not do the personal story quests? They reward an amazing amount of experience, have unique armor and trinkets, and also it can just be fun sometimes.

The Problems I have with the Sylvari Story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


“She also mentions that she gave Caladbolg to a young Sylvari previously. Yeah, hi, that was me.”


Actually, the Pale Tree gave Caladbolg to a First Born Sylvari (not you or me). I forgot his name. This firstborn Sylvari guy had a human apprentice, and together they went to defeat an evil undead magus or something like that. The human apprentice didn’t want to die so he took Cadalbolg from the Sylvari guy and ran away. The evil magus thing appears and easily kills the Sylvari guy because his weapon was stolen by the human. Your job was to get Caladbolg back from that human so the Pale tree could give it to Trahearne. It was never meant to be given to you. That’s why when the Pale Tree says she had given it to another sylvari, she was actually referring to the guy who died trying to kill the evil magus thing.

She specifically mentions a young sylvari, and recently. All Sylvari characters were given Caladbolg to use in an important story mission.

So, by that, I gathered she meant me. I don’t think I’m wrong on that.

[Spoilers] The shortcomings of personal story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Please discuss your issues with the Sylvari storyline here

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817



They turned into Risen and you eventually killed them again.

Just kidding.

But no, seriously, that’s probably what happened.

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


and is there *ever a reason to go back to our personal instance post Claw Island?

Certainly not the Sylvari instance. That place is it’s own (I really can’t say dam?) jumping puzzle.

Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


So in the end, your background, choices friends and order are…meaningless?

That’s a big letdown…

Yes, completely. Aside from armor and weapon styles you can pick up from your chosen Order.

You Don't Remember Me?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


You must have missed the part where Trahearne actually didn’t know you, nor did the Pale Tree.

A discussion is here

You should be able to retrieve special starting item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zish.9817


Turn off Dynamic Scaling in personal stories

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I’m not entirely sure what you’re saying.

If you’re complaining about the difficulty, there is a thread where you can point out a specific quest which you’ve had trouble with.

Yes, most people agree that a lot of the story quests pre-Orr are overtuned, but they are still doable.

Favourite personal story mission?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I loved the part where I went back to the Pale Tree for guidance and she had no clue who I was.

This whole needing to unlock the final story mission thing

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


It’s actually Trahearne’s story.

And no, it is not even the slightest deal that the last quest out of around 60 requires some actual effort and communication with others on your part.

Mismatching character and story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


To answer your questions related to the voice:
Yes, your character will have the same voice all the way to the big bad at 80.
And yes, other players may see your character speaking for the group if you do a story mode dungeon.

Also, Charr have an entire legion dedicated to stealth and thievery.

Requesting an Option to get "Starter Gear" back.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Heh, I saved my hood that I got on my thief, figuring it might be unique.

I also did the same thing with the DK starter gear in WoW, figuring it may be useful if they add an appearance system some day, and when they did they had all that gear being sold on a merchant.

Point being, it could go two ways. They could let you get it again, or they could keep it special for those that kept the items.

Personally, I prefer the latter, but the former wouldn’t affect me in any way.

Personal Story: Why is it about me?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Maybe a spoiler for you so,
To answer your title: It’s not; your story at all. It's Trahearne's.

Wanted: Replay Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zish.9817


I agree that it would be nice if we were able to replay through our stories.

It would be even better if they fixed the Sylvari story along with that, though.

Durmand Priory, The Vigil and the Order of Whispers - Whats the difference?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Each of the three orders have a light, medium, and heavy armor set. They also all have weapons. Each set and weapon is different.

Other than that, your choice as to which order you join only affects your story for about 30 levels.

The Problems I have with the Sylvari Story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Can this even be fixed now…?

Unless they get the VA’s back together and create dialog specifically for Sylvari, then no. We’ll have to deal with the discrepancies.

Honestly the biggest slap in the face was completing Trahearne’s Wyld Hunt for him.

Sylvari personal story - the twins

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I never saw any hints genocide from him. Maybe it really was subtle, because I completely missed it.

What I did see was a very headstrong young warrior who just wanted to take everything he needed by punching through whatever stood in his way. But he was still caring, to a point.

Enemy respawns in Personal Story areas need to be removed.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I agree, respawns in Story instances should just be cut all together. It would be a good first step to curbing the overtuning.

Mismatching character and story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Ok so up till lvl 30, I will be doing a northern arctic barbarian themed story?
Then after 30, no more barbarian stuff and it doesnt matter that im an out of place Norn mesmer?

This is correct.

Mismatching character and story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Every starting story starts at the end of a branch, and as you progress, you move further up the branch, and they begin to merge.

At 30, you pick one of three orders, and your racial story ends.
At 60ish, your order no longer matters, and everyone is on the same path, with some minor choices for events here and there.

This whole needing to unlock the final story mission thing

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I personally don’t see any real reason to complain. You can solo every quest up to the very last, which is quite generous of them as it is. I also believe they should have made Story Mode dungeons a requirement along the way, but that is just my opinion.

It’s the big bad. It should require the help of friends to pull it off. Not fake ones, either.

Difficulty vs. level while doing our personal stories

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Most of the quests between level 15 and Claw Island were way overtuned for me, as a Thief, going the Order of Whispers route.

I’m not terrible at gaming, or my class, they difficulty overall was just a bit too much to expect from one person.

Of course, I was able to complete them all, but more than once I had to resort to zerging from the entrance to complete them.

I don’t have any specific examples other than the Whispers quest to help the Skritt, where you need to kill about 20 Destroyers and their Queen. I was at level for the quest when I first tried it, and no matter how I tried to approach it, I failed. Eventually I came back about 5 levels later, and still had a lot of problems getting mobbed by the mobs, but I was able to pull it off, even though I still died twice.

Why does it turn into Trahearne's personal story? (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I feel like it would have all been redeemed if he had to kill himself after defeating the big eye.

That would have been a great ending.

To quote a wise man: A great sacrifice, and a perfect victory.

The Largos??

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


Okay … I was checking out some info on other sites and apparently, if you chose Order of Whispers, you ended up skipping sections of story. So we’d have no idea who Apatia is or anything about the largos. ANET needs to look in to this and hopefully correct the progression of the personal story. Thanks for your reply Zish.

Actually, I was in the Order of Whispers, so I don’t think that is the connection.

The Largos??

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I see a lot of people not knowing who Apatia is, and now apparently the Largos as well.

I suppose the stars aligned when I chose what to do in my storylines, since I never noticed any discrepancies (Other than being Sylvari..). Both the Largos and Apatia are involved in one or two story quests, and they are referenced outside of them. So, if you chose a different route, you would have no idea who they are, which is very odd.

ANet seems to have dropped the ball slightly when it came to wrapping up the story after around 60.

The Death of a Hero and Friend [Spoilers]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


You kind of gave everything away with the title, you know.

As for the Master, I’m happy I was immediately able to pick out the correct person the first time I met them.

Needs to be mentioned a little earlier: Tybalt's hand [spoilers]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zish.9817


I agree, they needed to be a bit more blunt in letting us know this.

The only time we find out for sure is two seconds before his demise.